asknymphali-blog · 8 years
Tyrin@Paris: Oh my! I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that strapping young Gothitelle you just spoke to back there! I hope you don't think me rude but I was wondering what inspired your brother to seek out the fashion life? Or, or! Better yet, what inspires YOU? Name's Tyrin by the way, it's so nice to meet you!
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“With all the boutiques and salons, contests and fashion shows, oh, and the movie industry, aussi! It would be hard not to develop some kind of interest. And if you look good in clothes, might as well flaunt it, non?“You’d have to ask London about his personal experience, though. I’m only a consumer!”
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
So, Paris, how did you managed in everyday life before you got those prosthetic arms?
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Paris: In short, I didn't really manage... I only got by because my family was so supportive and helpful. I'm sure I could have eventually learned how to take care of myself, but just trying to learn was so difficult and stressful. I can't thank London enough for giving me arms- they make everything so much easier, and I'm so grateful!
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
Harry @ Paris: Oooh, that's a really nice sweater you got there! The blue suits you. Do you have a whole collection of them? That would be so great!! Or, do you have a certain fashion you like?
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“My brother is a fashion designer, so he makes a lot of outfits for me! “I love dressing up, it’s so fun, so having a lot of clothes is great!”
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
Raz@Paris: oh man oh man!! I like your shirt! did you get it somewhere special?
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“He usually makes fancier, more detailed clothes, but there’s nothing wrong with something simple now and then!”
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
[askpmdorks] Sparkplug: "Hey, you two! Wanna borrow my telescope? We have a beautiful view of the Milky Way tonight! Just name a constellation and I'll help you find it!"
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
atem@paris: you there, with the ribbons! i challenge you to a karaoke battle! loser has to make the winner one of those gooey chocolate sandwich things, keh heh heh. whaddya say?
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“I’ll make you a s’more as a consolation prize when I win!”
[feat. @askazoroark, @ask-thepoketrio, and @askskymin]
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
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Paris has been added to the ref page!
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askskymin-blog1 · 8 years
Paris@Odelia: it's so pretty here, isn't it? Have you ever been to a festival like this before? I think I heard there's karaoke, too! Are you going to sing? I'm tempted!
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Karryoakly sounds fun, but not fun without my friends! I smelled something really tasty, so I was gonna look for that...
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asknymphali-blog · 8 years
Min@London: Hey! Pretty quiet around here, huh? Seems kinda like you could use a change of scenery! SOooO! Why don't you swing by this party happening in a few days? It's gonna be a blast!
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“...And I know just who to invite!”
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[Paris and London are open for interactions at the Stargazing Event!]
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
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"Anyway... We actually just released our lanterns, before you came over. We were on our way to figure out our sleeping arrangements, as well," said London, his cocky smirk becoming significantly more pleasant and friendly as he turned toward Ava. While speaking, he used a ribbon to brush the glitter from his mane back into Prince's face.
Meanwhile, Paris rolled her eyes at her brother and his friend and stepped between them and Ava, grinning brightly at the ninetales. "How were the hotsprings? I heard they're very lovely, but water and I don't quite mix..." She chuckled sheepishly and gestured toward her mechanical limbs with a ribbon. "They're waterproof, mostly, but not in the sense that they should be around moisture for too long..." The female sylveon sighed longingly and glanced backward at London.
"The relaxation would have been lovely, though. I don't know how much I'll get to relax tonight if Donny keeps this up!"
(rp with askinnocentninetales and askprimadonnasylveon )
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
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"I wish for her happiness and for all her dreams to come true."
"I wish for the continued health and happiness of my family and those close to us."
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
"Oh my! Paris, I didn't know you were here!" Ava ran up to the sylveon with a bright smile, "How have you been? Are you enjoying yourself? Ah..." She looks back to see Prince trailing behind at a slower pace, "Sorry, Prince seems to be tired from running around the forest all day, hehe. We sort of came here together, but it was more of a surprise than anything." Ava glances at the taller sylveon at Paris' side, "Oh, you must be London! I'm Ava; I'm not sure we met properly before."
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London: So what have you two been up to, hmmm? Perhaps a little too much fun, by the looks of dear Prince, haha!
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
With a quickness in his step, Prince pounced at the back of the larger sylveon "London my friend! My my I didn't expect to see you!" He barked excitedly. From the corner of his eye though another silhouette caught his eye, "Oh! Pardon me, are you two here together? My name is Prince, and you, my dear?" He asked, extending a ribbon.
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Paris: It's so good to finally meet you! How are you?
London: Are you enjoying yourself? Not getting into too much trouble?
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
(FFF) "My my, aren't you two quite the pair?" Flara purred, wrapping one of her many tails around Paris' artificial limbs. "You know, dear, I could give you back your *real* limbs for just a *small* price."
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Paris: They're the only limbs I've ever had. And I wouldn't replace them for anything.
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asknymphali-archive · 10 years
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((Paris is open for questions!))
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