invicta-carnelia · 4 years
Small warning about a serious transphobe in the community.
Her primary blog is @rainpath5466 (the link may not work as she has me blocked) and she also runs the blugs @helpbraixen​ , @ittakesavillagepmd​ , @askpmdorks​ , and @asklepidoptera​. I think she may have a few more but I can’t remember them.
I’ll be explaining further and providing screenshots under the cut.
CW: transphobia and homophobia (obviously)
Rain and I were good friends for 3 years. I started seeing signs of homophobia a year ago but foolishly tried to ignore them thinking she would come around eventually. I was wrong. She is in fact so homophobic that she refused to watch a show i recommended to her, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts purely because it contained a gay character.
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In June this year I began experimenting with she/her pronouns (and am now identifying as trans). When I made the announcement in a discord server I was in with her she messaged me explaining that she was against my decision to try she/her pronouns and refused to use them with me. She insisted she knew what was best for me because of her religion.
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After this conversation she unfriended me and left every server I shared with her, even dropping out of a tabletop game we were in together.
A month later I was still holding onto some sort of feeble twisted hope that she could turn around on her transphobia and sent her an ask on tumblr. She responded with this.
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Saying that she wouldn’t ‘enable’ me as if being trans is comparable to being an alcoholic or drug user, once again claimed to know what was best for me, and then hopped on her soap box.
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Finally yesterday she essentially outed herself in public by stating her support for Lupisvulpes. For those who don’t know Lupisvulpes is a rather large twitter user who was recently exposed for their transphobia.
I only go into so much detail to prove without a doubt her beliefs.
Don’t interact with her. I would recommend just blocking her and unfollowing. She uses the same username on every website she’s on so it’s easy to avoid her in the other places she uses.
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nikkiandgrayson · 4 years
dan nikki whered you get ur sneaks, they fly
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How do you bake a cake?
Man, bringing out the hard ones already, huh? Well here’s a list of foolproof steps:
1. Wait for rain. Cakes cannot be baked unless it is raining (this is why fewer cakes are found in desert regions).
2. Dig in the mud until you find a golden frog with purple spots that emanates a soft glow from its stomach.
3. Tell it to give you the ingredients. It will try and distract you with tempting offers of other things you desire. Do not listen.
4. Wait until the rain has stopped for five months. The ingredients will not be ready until then (this is why fewer cakes are found in rainy regions).
5. Go to the spot where you found the frog before the sun rises and dig up the ingredients.
6. Place them separately in the sun to bake for the rest of the day
7. Congratulation, you have cake.
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tanglecolors · 5 years
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[@ittakesavillagepmd] Ducky@Absol: "So what names did you, um, actually give them? Also, pardon me, what's your name?"
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Absol: Whatever makes them happy I guess.. My name though, is Deirdre 
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 years
Normal game, but everyone uses a dice set with different pictures of Todd Howard on them for the sides. When you roll, make your case for your interpretation of how Todd wants the game to go based on the picture.
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[@ittakesavillage] Mal grins at Sterling and Tanner. "You two look like a real rescue team, bringing this person back to safety!"
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“…ohhhh, but we’re probably gonna get in trouble for this –”
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“Oh - crap, I forgot about the dumb rules! M-maybe he’ll let it slide because they’re injured…?”
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daily-hexnut-blog · 6 years
Hello Meltan! What's one thing you could do forever and never get bored of?
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Learning new things is always fun, especially with such a big world we live in.
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crankycorviknight · 5 years
Music word association meme: Task
A little on the nose but- this song’s a bop
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askev-253686 · 6 years
Hey uh, I just wanted to say that I really should have checked out this blog sooner? Because wow, the setting is great, the art is stunning, and the writing is so good. There's a lot of characters but they're distinct and I can really get a sense for where everyone's allegiances are and it's just, so good. ALSO I LOVE CIPHERS AND HIDDEN STUFF! I've only ever found them in the ooc and legends meme posts tho, are there more in the ic posts? It's hard to tell. Thanks! Your blog's an inspiration!
aa thank you!! it’s always a joy to hear that people like our blog
as for the ciphers, i think right now they’re only in ooc posts. there’s also some hidden pages on the blog. i wouldn’t have mentioned these but they’re quite difficult to find even if you know they’re there, haha (although technically i guess you’d only need to find one and then you’d easily be able to guess the rest). 
azu is the one that does all the hidden stuff and ciphers so i’d have to ask them if i’m forgetting any (quick azu edit: looked like some of our prologue posts have them!)
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For the end of the year fic questions, 12 and 25?
rain :D thank u so much for the ask!!!
12. favorite character to write about this year
i have actually written… an unusually large amount of different characters this year!! including unposted wips, i wrote a lot more than i have before (in terms of word count) AND got into a couple new fandoms, so
fave character i have to say is lotor. i’ve only posted one complete fic with a focus on him this year (but the greatest of these), but that one fic was huge for me in terms of figuring out who he is, at least in my head, and what i really really want to explore about him in the future.
not enough ppl talk about how he’s 10,000 years old. he lived the entire length of rift!zarkon’s empire. (we should really talk more about that.)
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
idk if there’s one i can recommend that everyone read bc… not everyone who’s reading this are in the same fandoms or into the same things as me ahgdfdj.
if you’re into mcu thor & loki, you should read bargaining by proantagonist. it’s a fandom classic from what i understand but also an oldie, so if you haven’t heard of it well :) it’s a fantastic piece of work about loki, culpability, and self-destruction, with neato unreliable narration worked into the whole thing. and it makes me emo. i cry every time i read it.
if you’re into lotura, you should read finding home by tsvaling, a human business vld lotura au. it’s in progress but currently has a fantastic word count of almost 50k, so there’s plenty of tasty childhood friends to enemies to frienemies to lovers setup to enjoy. it’s also well-written as heck and contains very fun dynamics with the rest of the main show cast so! please read it!
if you’re into original fantasy novels, you should read the broken earth trilogy by n.k. jemisin. it’s a fantastically created series (by a black woman!) about the consequences of oppression, exploitation, and a really cool magic system on an earth-like planet thousands and thousands of years after the apocalypse has come and gone—and then come again, and again, and again. if second-person pov gives you a headache, then maybe don’t read this series as much of it is in second person, but pov is used very creatively in this series and is prob one of my fave technical things about it.
(send me fanfic end of the year asks!)
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nightly-noivern · 6 years
☕️: Traditional blogs should be better respected and promoted more. I really only follow yours and it's a shame.
yeah there’s only like... er, 5? Maybe? In the community
And a lot of them don’t get as much attention as they should 
heck even quality drawings I do on main don’t really get as much attention as equally good or even worse digital art 
that sucks
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👪 + Asher?
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Asher and his parents! Two very lovely and fluffy ladies! He was a cute little baby, very smol and round.
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19. “Your hand’s shaking.” I dunno what kinda characters you like to write for so take your pick!
Sorry for the late response and thank you so much for asking!!! I’m still obsessed with Markiplier, so I’ll write a lil something about a few of his characters :D
“Mr. Warfstache, your hand’s shaking.”
“Hm? …Oh. So it is, old boy. Withdrawals, and all that. You understand.”
“Dark insisted I stop drinking for a while. ‘Clear my mind’ and all that crap… Heh. As if that would help anything. I didn’t used to drink so much you know.  Used to have a mind as clear as a tack and sharp as a whistle.”
“I… I think it’s ‘clear as a whistle’ and ‘sharp as a tack.’”
“Bah! It’s all meaningless anyways. He just doesn’t understand.”
“Umm… understand what, Mr. Warfstache?”
“… You haven’t woken up yet, have you boy. You will, someday. You’ll look around and realize the world doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t spin the way you think it does. You’ll forget what you’ve done yesterday because maybe, juuust maybe, there wasn’t a yesterday at all. And if you think too much about what you’ve done, what’s been written out for you… it’s a bit too much to handle without some… medication. Everyone finds some way to cope with reality. I suppose this is mine.”
“Mr. Warfstache… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course not! Like I said, you still haven’t woken up. In any case, when you do, let me know if you need a drink.”
“But I thought… you just said that Mr. Darkiplier said…”
“Oh bully to all that. It all doesn’t matter. Now if you’ll excuse me… I think I need a drink.”
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deductionfreak · 6 years
Way back when I was a preteen my mom sent me and my sisters off to a summer camp in Canada and gave all of us a whistle in case we got lost in the forests or smt.
Turns out it saved my big sister’s life along w the lives of a bunch of kids w her when they ran into a fucking bear - blowing the whistle scared it off.
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shrewmama · 5 years
For any of em, whoever's got the most interesting answer, how about 💰? If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth?
Sasha probably has the most interesting answer lol. He would buy a remote plot of land (a huuuge one) and send out letters to all the Wayfounder temples, asking if they wanted to live communally on this land together. For the ones that wanted to he’d probably pay their travel expenses for them to get there. Then he’d build a temple and large housing areas and fortify the frick outta them with hired archers and walls and crap. For the others he’d probably make huge donations and hire armed guards.Then he’d find ways to invest the money in those temples, and charity while trying to find ways to invest the money in other places that would increase capital. So he could do all these things even more.
Sasha has the brain cell basically at all times. These other fools would probably spend it all on things that are useful but wouldn’t be thinking nearly as well as he is about finances or efficiency or anything like that.
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