#park Minhyuk
moonrock · 6 months
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Rocky - Lucky Rocky MV
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eeunwoo · 7 months
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
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rocky struggling to keep up with posing trends on his way to music bank 😭
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filthy-mudeoki · 7 months
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“Please … love me …”
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“I do …love you…”
Strong girl Bong-soon (2017) (Park Bo young & Park Hyun sik)
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kookieminsuga · 6 months
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The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 3
Part 3 for you! This one is a little longer! Enjoy :)
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: Flirting, Mentions of past, Mentions of smut (if you squint), sex dream, biting, marking, bruising, poverty, immigration.
Amalias pov:
Big hands run over my body, starting from around my neck, down the side of my chest. I gasp as I feel the sensation of lips and cold metal on my navel, making it’s way down, lower and lower, ever so slowly.
I feel myself losing control as I beg for more, running my hands through fluffy raven black hair. All I can think of is the feeling of those plush lips on my skin. Not even the fact that I don’t know who’s lips they belong to. 
Then I feel it on my inner thigh, teeth sinking into my skin and bruising it. I yelp at the sensation, still confused about the situation but not caring one bit due to the overwhelming pleasure. 
Just as they start approaching where I want them the most, I suddenly jerk up, blinking the blur out of my eyes. A dream. That’s all it was. 
I sigh as I sit there, in my bed, covered in sweat. 
“It’s been too long Lia.” I say out loud to myself. 
After shaking myself awake, I finally get out of bed. My deadline is coming up and I didn’t get much work done yesterday because of that thug at the diner. Today is going to be different. I still feel bad for Minhyuk tho, getting attacked in his own place. Maybe I should bring him some breakfast to cheer him up. 
Finishing up my morning routine, I start cooking my breakfast, making sure to make extra for Min. I know how much he dislikes the food at his own diner, tends to find it too greasy for his liking. Home cooked meals are what he lives for.
I pack up the food once it’s done and start making my way out. It smells delicious, I hope this cheers him up at least a little. 
As I step out into the alleyway, I turn the corner and head down the street. I notice the owner of my favourite ramen shop outside setting up his signs for the day.
“Hi Mr. Park! How’s your morning so far?” I say stopping next to him.
“Oh Lia! Good morning! It’s going great so far, how about you?” He responds.
“Good! Same as usual.” I say with a laugh. 
Mr. Park has been kind to me since I arrived here. When I first got here, I didn’t have much money to my name so all I could eat for meals was food from the convenience store. I always stopped by the shop tho, the smell of the delicious ramen pulling me in. I would watch from the outside with my stomach grumbling, wishing for just one bowl. 
One day, I had been looking as usual when Mr. Park had been outside. I had no idea he was the owner at the time, he was just sitting at one of the tables. 
“It looks delicious, doesn’t it?” I had said as I noticed his eyes on me.
“Why don’t you go inside and try it for yourself? I heard it’s the best ramen in town!” He had said with a small laugh.
“I wish. Unfortunately, I just moved to the country and can’t really afford meals like this. One day I will tho!” I replied, while smiling back.
“Well, If you’d like, you can go inside and pick something you like. It’s on me.” He replied.
I stared at him in shock, wondering why some random man was suddenly offering me food. It had made me a little uncomfortable and I guess it had shown on my face because he immediately followed up by telling me he was the owner and had noticed me looking into the shop several times before. Although I tried to refuse, he said I didn’t have a choice so I graciously accepted. It was the most delicious bowl of ramen I had ever tasted. 
After that, Mr. Park had fed me a couple times a week. At first I thought there would be some kind of catch as I was not used to being treated with such kindness but turns out it was all out of the kindness of an old mans heart.
I spoke to him for a little bit before heading out again to the diner. 
“Minhyukshiiiii!”, I call out as I arrived. 
He turns to look at me, from the door as he switches the sign from “Closed” to “Open”.
“Good morning nuna.” He responds with a soft smile. 
“Good morning to you.” I say as we both walk past the door. 
I go to my usual booth and set down my bag. I unzip it and pull out the meal I prepared. 
“I have a surprise for you!” I say, with the packed up food in hand, spinning on my heel and presenting it to him with a wide smile. 
He looks down at it, then back up, and a smile spreads across his lips.
“You cooked for me?” He asks.
“I did! I hope you like it!” I say, pushing it towards him.
“Thank you, I will if it’s your cooking.” He says as he takes it. 
“You’re welcome! I thought you might need a little pick me up after what happened yesterday.” I say as I roll my eyes with the thoughts of that thug. 
As I'm thinking of that, for some reason, his face pops into my mind. Not the thug, but the other one. Jet black hair and two lip rings. 
“Nuna, are you ok? You look like a tomato, are you sick?” Minhyuk reaches out to touch my forehead. 
A tomato? Why am I blushing? Why did his face appear in my mind and make me think of…
No. I must be crazy. I can’t think of some stranger like that. Especially not some cocky gangster. If there’s one thing I despise, It’s cocky people. I mean, I have to admit, he’s very good looking but the cocky attitude is such a turn off. It really has been too long.
“No.. no I’m fine, it’s nothing.” I say as I take a step back towards my booth. 
He looks at me seeming unsure but then just shrugs his shoulders and sits in front of me. 
We enjoy our meal together, talking about everything and nothing. until the customers start showing up, he stands and attends to them. The rest of the staff arriving an hour later as per usual. 
Minhyuk likes working alone to open the restaurant. He wants things set a certain way and doesn't trust anybody to do it the way he likes so he always comes in an hour early to prepare on his own. I call him my rock or rocky sometimes because of his personality. I’m all over the place while he’s set and steady. I love our friendship. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.
The hours flew by as I sat there drawing on my tablet. Working on this series is demanding but very fun. The fans love it so even if it’s exhausting, I work hard for them. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing.
Jungkooks pov:
“Yeah, I’m headed there now.” I say to Yoongi on the phone.
“Ok, we’ll meet you in a couple hours. We have some things to take care of first.” He replies, knowing I know what “things” he means.
I hang up and get on my motorcycle. I start to head towards the diner for lunch. The fact that a member of the hummingbirds was on our turf is bad news. They all know we don’t step on each others land. Is he a rogue? Just doing it because he wants to? Is he a spy? Planted by Mr. Kim to keep an eye on me? Either way, I can’t just let this slide. My boys will take care of it. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. 
I pull up to the diner and park my bike. Pulling off my helmet, I shake my hair to get rid of the helmet head. I sit there for a minute thinking of yesterday. Stop it Jungkook. You’re here for food. That’s it.
I step off my bike and head for the door, opening it and walking inside. Minhyuk greets me, as usual and my eyes just scan the place. They then fall on the girl, sitting in the same booth, seemingly lost in her thoughts, staring at the tablet on the table.
I smile and walk towards her booth. I stand next to her, her eyes not moving from the tablet. I take a peak and see beautiful artwork. What looks like a webtoon in the making. A guy with black hair and a lip ring being drawn. A speech bubble saying “And what if I said I love you?” Coming from this character that was half drawn. 
I laughed at the small resemblance and her eyes then shot up at me as she hurried to cover the screen.
“Well, hello again.” I said looking her in the eyes.
She just stared at me.
“I have to say, you draw very beautifully.” I say, meaning every word. 
She continues to just stare. 
“Is there something on my face?” I ask, bringing a hand up to touch my cheek.
“No, I’m just wondering why you’re talking to me.” She replies in a cold tone.
I pause, a little taken aback by her response. Should I really be surprised at this point?
“Is there a reason why I can’t?” I respond, feeling my lips pull up in a smirk.
“Apart from the fact that you don’t know me?” She questions.
“I mean, we can change that.” I say as I step forward and sit in the booth across from her.
“Hmm, I’m ok thanks. As you can see, I’m a little busy.” She says looking down at her tablet then back up at me.
This is the first time I’ve been rejected. 
“Well, how about when you’re not busy?” I say.
“I’m always busy.” She replies firmly.
Wow, gotta accept rejection Jungkook.
This girl is definitely interesting. I put my hands up in mock surrender.
“If you say so-‘ I stand and look down at her. ‘Have a nice day, pretty girl.” I say as I walk away to sit at another booth.
No means no. Even for me. However, this girl makes me want to keep trying.
Minhyuks pov:
I look from Jungkook, to Lia as they speak. I have no doubt that she won’t be interested based on how cocky Jungkook is. Knowing him and how competitive he is tho, he won’t just stop. However I also know he respects women, so it’s not like I have to step in. I watch her deny him just as I thought she would, and him walking away. From here I can’t hear what’s being said, however I do notice her blush as he walks away. I don’t like it one bit but it’s none of my business. She can do what she wants. 
My eyes follow him, my old friend, to the booth he chooses on the other side of the restaurant. I notice a smile on his face that looks different from his usual cocky grins. He looks deep in thought. Lia nunas attitude is not something he’s used to. 
As I look at him, I notice his eyes on me. He waves me over to his table. 
“What will it be Mr. Jeon?” I say taking out my pen and pad of paper to take his order.
“The usual, but also, sit I want to talk to you. Also, stop with the Mr. Jeon. We’re friends.” He says.
“We were friends.” I reply, emphasizing the past tense.
Jungkook and I grew up together. Our parents were close friends and so we also were friends growing up. Not just friends but brothers. Until that day. I can never look at him the same way.
“Common Minhyuk, I still don’t understand why you hate me so much. Anyways, just take a seat please.” He asks.
I sigh feeling resigned and take a seat across from him. I look back at Lia and notice her lost in her world of drawing as usual. I smile then look back at the man in front of me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“That girl over there, you said she’s your friend right?” He says.
“I did.” I respond.
“Is she always that cold?” He replies. 
This irritates me for some reason. Lia? Cold? Never. She is the warmest person I have ever met. Only to people she deems worthy however.
“That depends on who you are to her.” I simply say.
“So, no?” He catches onto my words quickly.
I stare at him unmoving. 
“Why doesn’t she like me? Am I not her type?” He asks me, sneaking a peak at her from across the restaurant. 
Actually speaking physically, he very much was her type. However Lia was always more focused on personality than looks. She might have liked the guy he used to be but she definitely would not like this version of him.
“Why should I help you?” I respond feeling annoyed.
“Oh common Minhyuk, I’m just asking as an old friend. You said she’s new to the area right? She must not have many friends. You know I’m not a bad person.” He said looking down at his hands on the table.
He’s right. Although I can’t forgive him for that day, I know that he’s not a bad person. He just does what he has to do. I can hate him all I want but Jungkook has been through hell and back. There is a reason he’s changed. Deep inside, that guy I grew up with is probably still in there.
“For the sake of our old friendship I’ll just tell you one thing Jeon. She hates your type.” I say honestly. 
“Oh now it’s just Jeon? How about Hyung like the old days?” He says smiling.
I stare at him unresponsive and he laughs.
“What exactly is my type?” He says a cocky grin on his face.
“The cocky type. The type that thinks they’re a gift to this world. She despises those type of people. Also, she’s not easy. She has high standards and doesn’t let just anyone into her inner circle.” I rise from my seat as I finish my statement and start to walk away.
“Minhyuk.” He calls my name.
I turn and look at him.
“You really think I’m like that?” He says looking at me. I see an emotion I haven’t seen in him in a long time.
“Look in the mirror and ask yourself that question.” I say with a cold tone.
He looks down, a sad smile on his face. 
“One last thing. What’s her name?” He questions, looking up.
“You can ask her that yourself hyung.” I say as I turn and walk away.
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kpop-locks · 5 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ rocky ; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @awaregei
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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hwichanis · 6 months
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Rocky (Lucky Rocky) MV
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eliibang · 1 month
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19.04.2024 — it feels weird, you know ? i never thought i’d have to live something like this… it’s been a year since rocky left and binnie died and i still can’t believe it ? i still hope that this is just a dream and that they will come back again one day, out of nowhere… but they won’t, right ? i hope you know that arohas are proud of you, i am proud of you and i will support you no matter what. i love you so much my astro <3
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hwchaey · 6 months
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗋𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗒 : simple ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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nishihiroto · 1 year
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231 notes · View notes
moonrock · 8 months
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rocky's instagram story 231007
122 notes · View notes
eeunwoo · 6 months
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101 notes · View notes
awek-s-archived · 1 year
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kpop-bbg · 7 months
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kookieminsuga · 5 months
The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 4
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Part 4! Things are starting to look up!
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: potential triggers, signs of trauma, Jungkook is SMITTEN, mentions of past, motorcycle ride, voice raising, arguing.
Amalias pov:
The roaring sound of engines cut through my thoughts, effectively snapping me out of my hyper fixated state. I look out the window to my right and notice 6 guys on motorcycles pull up. As they take off their helmets one by one, I notice it’s the guys from yesterday. Jungkooks gang. I guess this is the end of my peaceful day. 
Well, it had been very peaceful apart from the moment he decided to come talk to me. I still don’t know what he wants with me. I wish he would just stay away. At least he’s not too pushy. Like him.
I shake my head, not letting those thoughts creep up on me. You’re safe Amalia. It’s all in the past now.
The doors to the diner fly open as one by one those guys start piling in. Starting with one handsome man, black, long hair, cat like eyes, resting bitch face. He looks around the restaurant for his “owner” I assume. His eyes land on me as I look at him and he snickers before walking towards the other side of the restaurant as he spots Jungkook. 
What was that? Anyways, it’s time for me to go. I start packing my tablet and research materials back into my bag. I finish my cup of tea that Min had brought me earlier and get up to let him know I’m leaving. 
The restaurant is pretty busy for dinner time so I just manage a wave as I step out and head towards my bus stop. The bus arrives not too long after that and I start my commute home. 
The route is pretty long. I start with one bus, then a train and another bus. It’s better than sitting at home by myself all day tho, so it’s worth it. I read a book with my headphones on as per usual. About 20 minutes later, I arrive at the train station. As I wait for my train, I hear an announcement being made so I move my headphones to the side to listen.
“Train towards blue lines are all cancelled for the day due to technical issues, sorry for the inconvenience.”
Oh, well hell. I start to think of other ways to get home. A taxi would cost way too much from here for my broke butt. It’s too far to walk as well. I wonder if there’s other buses that lead close enough. 
I start to walk towards the street, where all the buses are and scan the signs to see where they went. Ah, there is a bus that leads close to the other bus I have to take, however it only comes every hour. I look at the time and, of course, the last one left 6 minutes ago. I guess I’ll be waiting here for a while. 
I sit at the stop by the street and take my book out again, getting ready for this long hour. 
Jungkooks pov:
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave at my group before heading off on my bike. 
The breeze hits my body as I zigzag through the streets of Seoul. As I drive, there only one thing going through my mind. “She hates your type”. My type. What is my type? According to Minhyuk I have become self absorbed. It shows that he doesn’t know me like he used to. Although the boy he knew is now dead and gone, I still don’t really know the man I have become. All I know is the hatred I feel towards him.
I shake my head, attempting to shake off these negative thoughts and feelings, heading towards my usual patrol. 
As I pass by the train station, I notice something that makes me instantly turn my bike around. Is that..?
I make my way back to the bus stop where a girl is resting her head on the side of the bus stop, sat on the bench with a book in her lap. As I approach her, I notice that it is indeed her. The girl from the diner. Minhyuks friend.
I park my bike in front of the stop, there being barely any cars that pass at this time, and walk up to her sleeping form. I look at her for a minute and she doesn’t even flinch. I kneel down in front of her and look over her features. Long lashes, small but plump lips and a beauty mark right below her left eye. 
She really is nothing special.
Then, her eyes suddenly shoot open, dropping the book in her hand and letting out a scream. 
“Hey hey, it’s just me.” I say, still on one knee before her. 
I take my helmet off so she can see me more clearly.
She looks down at me and then at her surroundings as if analyzing the situation. 
“Wha- what time is it? Why is it dark? Why are you here?” She says as she pulls out her phone and checks the time.
“Oh no! I missed the last bus!” She gets up frantically looking around.
I take my time standing and take a guess as to what had happened.
“Well considering you left the diner quite a while ago, I’m guessing you fell asleep here waiting for your bus until now, did you not? As for why I’m here, I was just driving by when I noticed you and just had to come say hello.” I say with a smile.
“Way to state the obvious.” She says as she rolls her eyes and sits back down.
She appears to be thinking, and as she said she missed her last bus, I guess she doesn’t have a way home.
I roll my eyes right back at her before heading to my bike. I feel her eyes on the back of my head. I lift the seat, pull out my spare helmet and turn back to give it to her.
“Here, I’ll take you home.” I say.
“Why would I trust a stranger with my address?” She says crossing her arms and legs and looking down.
“Oh so you don’t trust me with your address but you trust everyone else enough to fall asleep at a public bus stop?” I say, raising my voice.
I could see her visibly flinch as I did. 
“Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? You don’t even know me!” She says, visibly upset.
I sigh and take a deep breath. Arguing with her will get us nowhere.
“Look, I’m sorry I raised my voice. I know you’re new to town, but this area is very unsafe. Especially for woman. So when I saw you sleeping here without a care in the world for your safety I..” I cut myself off.
“You what?” She asks, turning to look at me in the eyes for the first time. 
“I know you probably won’t believe me considering what Minhyuk has probably said about me, but I’m not a bad guy. I care about him a lot and you’re his friend. So no harm will come to you around me, ok?” I say truthfully, avoiding what I was going to say before.
She continues to sit there and stares at me. I see the gears shifting behind her scared eyes that she tried to pass off as anger.
“Fine then, you can stay here.” I say as I turn to place the helmet back in my bike. 
Then I feel a tug at my back. It takes me a moment, but I turn to see her looking at the floor with her hand grasping the hem of my leather jacket.
“I’m sorry. I just.. I..” She stuttered. I could tell she was trying to say something very difficult for her.
“Its ok, you don’t have to tell me.” I said gently.
She nods and I turn to hand her the helmet. She takes it and puts it on like she already knows how.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” I ask.
“I have. I can drive one too.” She says matter of factly.
My eyes grow wide as I stare at her in shock.
“What? Is it that shocking? Is it because I’m a woman?” She says crossing her arms and staring me down.
“No, I just… I didn’t expect it.” I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I quickly put on my helmet. Why does my face feel warm?
I get on my bike and look towards her. She still seems unsure, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
“Common, I don’t bite.” I say, reaching my hand out towards her.
She looks at my hand for a few seconds before reaching out and taking it in hers. 
My heart skips when our skin touches. What was that? Get a hold of yourself Jungkook.
She then comes closer and throws her leg over, taking a seat behind me. I feel her trying to push back and turn my head to see her grab a hold of the bars on the back.
I sigh in frustration.
“Just hold onto me please? It’s much safer that way.” I say revving my engine.
“Are you sure?” She says shyly.
This girl goes from shy to attitude to shy in an instant huh?
I smile, “Yes I’m sure.” I reach back and wrap her hands around my waist.
With her front pressed against my back, I head off in the direction of her home.
As we drive through the streets, I feel her looking around as if my hometown is all new to her. I hear her little gasps as we come into view of beautiful sceneries. I could feel her loosen and tighten her grip on me as we turn and speed up and slow down. It’s funny, I usually don’t like people riding behind me but I don’t mind it with her. She’s not purposely trying to grab a feel as she holds onto me, like the other girls I’ve taken for rides passing it off as just holding on for safety, no she’s different. She keeps her hands tied together across my stomach and doesn’t move them an inch. 
We approach her street and I come to a full stop. Strangely, I feel slightly upset at having arrived already. She gets off first and then I do the same, kicking the stand up to park. I turn to see she has already taken off her helmet and has the widest smile on her face.
Woah. What a beautiful smile.. 
What was I just thinking? Snap out of it! Luckily, my helmet was still on.
Her hair blows in the breeze as she looks at me.
“Thank you for the ride home. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a motorcycle, I forgot how great it feels. Oh and I’m sorry I was so rude.” She says while fiddling with her fingers.
I take my helmet off and give her a smile. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you don’t easily trust people. That intuition will keep you safe around these parts.” I say genuinely.
All of a sudden her eyebrows furrow as if she just thought of something.
“Wait.. I never gave you my address. How did you know where I live?” She says while taking a step back.
Oh right. She still doesn’t know I was there that night.
“Yeah about that, I mean, I didn’t want to just say I know where you live. Probably would have sounded creepy at the time.” 
“Well it’s sure creepy now, so can you answer my question?” She says with her hands on her hips. 
I guess the attitude is back.
I laugh at her ever changing personality, which for some reason, I find adorable.
“The truth is, these are the streets I usually patrol at this time a night. I don’t know what Minhyuk has told you, but my gang is not like the usual gang. We like to watch over our city and keep the innocents safe.” She just stands there looking at me as if urging me to continue. So I do.
“One night, I was patrolling as I usually do, when I crossed by this alley and saw a man following a girl. I was about to step in when suddenly, this girl turned and smacked the guy in the balls with her bag.” I laugh at that last part, still finding it funny.
I see her eyes light up in recognition. 
“Oh! You were there that night? I did find it odd that he didn’t try to follow me.” She pondered with her hand on her chin.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he won’t be following you again.” I smirk.
She stares me down. 
“What?” I ask.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” She says.
I look at her, my eyes then turning serious.
“I don’t kill people. Not unless I have to. It’s not my place to take lives.” I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. 
Although the question stings, I do understand why she would ask. I am the head of a gang after all. It’s true that I don’t like to kill people, but it would be a lie to say I never have. 
“Ok well, thanks again for the ride.’ She pauses,’ and for protecting me that night I guess.” She says, looking up at me.
She hands over the helmet.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at her smiling softly. 
“Have a good night.” She simply says as she starts walking down the alley towards her home.
“Hey!” I say before she reaches her door.
She turns and looks at me with a questioning raised eyebrow.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She looks at me for a moment before answering.
“It’s Amalia, but you can call me Lia. Consider that an honour.” With that, she turns and heads inside.
I can't help but laugh at her last comment.
Amalia.. that’s a different name. I like the sound of it.
I start walking down the street, beginning my patrol. Unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.
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meteorocky · 8 months
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rocky instagram story 231001
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