#park minkyuk
allyreactions · 3 years
If you still dont stan Astro by now, I simply don’t trust you.
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20 Kisses
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Pairing: Rocky x Reader
Genre: Fluff — hinting at Smut 🤷🏻‍♀️
Word Count: 423
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The sight of his face upon waking up is a blessing—his dark mahogany hair was messily strewn across the pillow, his curls were sticking out in random places, his beautiful pale skin soaked up the morning sun pouring in from behind the bed, dark full lashes dusted the tops of his cheeks, and his plush pink lips were slightly parted as he floated around in his dream land: he was gorgeous, almost angelic while he slept. Your fingers ghosted over his jawline, a small groan came from his throat has he squeezed his eyes shut, “C’mon, Y/N… let me sleep in… it’s my birthday.”
“I have a lot planned for your birthday, it’s best we start early.” You cooed while he opened his eyes. There they were, his taffy tainted irises with gold flecks speckled through them, they were hypnotizing in the sunlight that turned them into something more intoxicating than liquor.
“I don’t wanna move.” He whined and you got up onto your knees, pulling the blankets from his body.
“C’mon, birthday boy!” Rocky groaned stretching a bit, his arms reaching up to leave your favorite spot on his body open, his stomach. You quickly took the opening he gave you to press a kiss to his belly, causing him to gasp.
“Y/N—” He looked down at you and you gazed into his eyes as you kissed over his belly button, his lungs drawing in a long breath while you straddled his waist, grabbing his hands. You pecked each finger, including his thumbs, before placing a kiss to the back of his hands; Rocky’s heart thrashed around as you lowered your body to his, your lips pressing a kiss to each shoulder, and then one to his neck, your gentle kiss conjuring goosebumps upon his skin. You pressed two last kisses to his flushed cheeks and then finally one to his lips, he was surprised by your sudden attack of kisses that he could barely kiss you back, “What was that for?”
“20 kisses for your 20th birthday.” Seeing the blush rise up to your cheeks, a smile took over.
“Can we make it like 40 kisses?” He rested his hands on the back of your thighs, squeezing them gently.
“Once you hit 40, sure, but today, you only get 20.” You rolled off of him and stood up off the bed, “If you join me in the shower, there might be more kisses waiting for you.” His eyes widened and he jumped off the bed, following you into the bathroom.
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lqrocky · 4 years
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I want his hoodie. 😤
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jisungmark · 5 years
Thanks for the soft rocky fluff! Can I have another one, like he is suddenly needy that dayvbut you arent around so he went to the practice room tobwear himself out. But when u came in, he simply pinned you down
he knew you were gonna be out with your family for a few hours so he had to keep it together. he was okay when you first left. just lounging around, watching movies, eating snacks, things that he normally does when you’re home as well. he even was a bit productive, washing the clothes and doing the dishes. he was perfectly fine until he came across your lingerie in the basket. it was his favorite set too. the lacy white one that had gold balls on the end. his mind danced back to the most recent fun you had in that and he couldn’t stop himself from getting hard. he contemplated if he should take a cold shower to make it go away. or if he should just relief himself. neither of those ideas were very appealing to him so he just went to the practice room,, he went over every dance he could think of. he hooked his phone up to the speaker and did a random play dance. he laughed to himself as he saw his funny he looked dancing to the girl group songs. his problem was finally gone and he could think straight again. he hadn’t realized you texted him saying you stopped by the house and noticed he wasn’t there. you assumed he was out practicing so that’s where you stopped next. you noticed the door wasn’t locked and you made your way inside. you watched your boyfriend with a fond smile as he stared intently at his reflection. he seemed like he was trying to perfect a dance. you shut the door behind you and made your way over to him. his eyes locked with yours in the mirror as he turned to face you. you saw the intense stare in his eyes. you wondered what you did or if he was struggling without you. you backed up to the couch and sat down with a raise of your eyebrow. he stopped his music and made his way back over to you. he told you how he came across your lingerie and how hard he was. he told you he had to come here and clear his mind. he gripped you by your shoulders and pinned you down on the soft cushions. you whimpered at the sudden action, panties growing damp at the realization of what was going on. you softly asked him if you could suck him off instead. you only wanted to please him since you were gone and he was suffering. he sat up on the couch as you slid down to your knees in front of him. you wasted no time taking him fully into your mouth. nose brushing against his lower belly in the process. you made quick work with your mouth. your tongue ran flatly along the underside of his length. you were a gagging mess and he loved every second of it. spit was dribbling down your chin and down onto his balls. his hand held a strong grip on your hair as he bucked into your wet cavern. you looked up at him with blown eyes. your lashes were wet with tears as your throat stung from his actions. you felt him twitch in your mouth as you brought your hand into play. you sucked on his tip as you stroked the rest of him quickly. he threw his head back against the couch and let out a deep moan. he was close, so close you could taste it. the taste of his precum hit your buds and that encouraged you to move even faster. his hips stuttered as he filled your mouth. he held your head in place as he rode out his high. some of his essence slipping past your lips. his hips were shaky as he relaxed his body a bit. you opened your mouth to show you swallowed it all. he tucked himself away and pulled you on his lap. his lips attacked yours as he whispered how it was your turn to cum,,
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wocjiho · 6 years
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soft boys
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bunnymaknaereacts · 5 years
Monsta X’s Reaction to Your Insecurities - Hyung Line
WARNING -This might be very triggering to you if you have/had a mental illness or suffer from anxiety/depression. Please read with caution.
Shownu (셔누) / Hyunwoo (현우) - “I’ll never be good enough.”
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You wanted to be so much happier for your boyfriend than you were as he stepped off of the stage. Monsta X had just won their fifth win for their new song, Alligator. They worked so hard. They deserved it. Hyunwoo deserved it. He was an amazing leader to his members. And strong. And attractive. All things you were not. The thought has been bothering you all week.
You didn’t think he noticed, but he did. He’d been quiet about it. He always is. But he saw everything. How you’d quickly put your phone away and smile whenever he came into the room. The rude comments about you that you didn’t want him to see. How he’d wake up in the morning to see you passed out on the couch, still in your workout clothes. How you stared at yourself, examining your face and body with a frown. How you started wearing more makeup. How you did pretty much everything you could for him and the members, even the things they should probably be doing for themselves. He saw it all. But he was waiting for you to come around. To trust him. To let him in. As much as he wanted to say something, he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. That was, until he saw you weren’t waiting for him backstage. Unable to fake a smile anymore you left before anyone could see. Hyunwoo eventually found you crying in the stairway leading to the parking garage.
“Hey. Honey, what’s wrong?” Hyunwoo asked as he pulled you into his broad chest, wrapping his arms around you. Unable to answer, you continued to sob. Minutes later when you finally calmed down enough to answer him, it came out muffled, so he pulled back enough to hear you properly.
“I said I’m not good enough for you. I’ll never be good enough. I don’t know why you stay with me.” You truly believed what you said.
“What makes you think you’re not good enough?”
“I’m not fit enough. Or pretty enough. Or famous enough. Monbebe hate me.” That last one hit him hard. Clearly he was going to have to have a chat with some people later about their manners.
“None of that is true. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. You’re perfect. If anything, I don’t deserve you.” You shook your head in disbelief. He was crazy. When you stayed silent and wouldn’t look at him he took your face in his hands, leaning down a bit to look into your eyes. “You do so much for me, for all of us. You always have. You try so hard but you never needed to. There was nothing wrong to begin with.” When a tear slowly rolled down your face he gently wiped it away with his thumb. “I would never lie to you, okay? So please try not to worry about others so much. Just be you. My girl.” You hugged him again, now crying for the complete opposite reason. It would take time to change your mind, but maybe you deserve him more than you thought.
Wonho (원호) / Hoseok (호석) - “Could I be any fatter?”
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It was Hoseok’s day off and you were sat at his favorite Ramen place. He was almost finished eating while you had barely touched your food. You envied him. He could eat whatever he wanted. He was healthy and active enough to not gain a pound. You on the other hand finally outgrew your favorite pair of jeans, after five years. Normally they fit you like a glove, but lately they’ve been a bit snug around the waist. When you tried them on a month ago you couldn’t even button them. ‘Could I be any fatter?’ you had thought. Since then you’ve cut down on a lot of things, having only a couple small meals a day. Maybe if you weren’t so fat you could fit into your clothes again. When Hoseok was done eating he smiled at you. When he saw your still full bowl he tilted his head to the side, looking like a cute bunny.
“Your bowl is nearly full. You okay?” You did you best to smile, not wanting to worry him.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You picked up your chopsticks and tried to eat some more. Not because you wanted to, but to make your boyfriend happy. So he wouldn’t suspect anything was actually wrong. That you were purposely doing this to yourself. It was easier said than done. Because of how little you’d been eating recently, trying to force yourself was making you sick. Hoseok was halfway through his second bowl of ramen when he noticed you still hadn’t made a dent in your first.
“If you don’t eat it, I will,” he teased. You wanted to laugh, but instead you just smiled, pushing your bowl towards him with a shrug.
“I’m not that hungry.” Hoseok frowned, seriously worried. He’d begun to notice lately how skinny you’ve gotten. How much thinner your face was. He notice your lack of energy. The growing rarity of your smile. It worried him. He’d been waiting for the right moment to bring it up. He knew you wouldn’t. He knew you didn’t want to bother him. But he wouldn’t watch you waste away.
“Look. I know that’s not true. You’ve hardly eaten anything the past few weeks. And there’s other things. You may not think I noticed but I have. And it’s scaring me.” His voice broke, making you feel like the worst person in the world. You know how emotional he is. It’s why you hid this from him. You didn’t want him to blame himself. You knew he would. “Baby, you are beautiful just the way you are. If you wanted to lose weight you should have told me. I would have helped you, the healthy way. Not like this.” Tears rolled down your cheeks. He was right. You should have told him sooner. Instead you hurt not only yourself, but the person you love most. He didn’t make you finish your lunch that day, but only if promised him you would build your appetite back up and train with him once you got healthy again. 
Minkyuk (민혁) - “Nobody actually likes me.”
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It was a day like any other. You got up. Went to work. Hung out with your boyfriend and his friends. Everyone was smiling and laughing. Making conversation just like they would with anyone else. But you couldn’t shake the pit in your gut. The one that said it was all fake. You had the same thoughs before dating Minhyuk. But he changed everything. Made you feel loved. Like everyone wasn’t out to get you. Like your presence wasn’t a complete and total bother. And it stayed that way for a while. But as time went on the invisible gremlin you had come to know started whispering in your ear again, filling your head with doubts until it felt like you were drowning in it. Today was especially bad. The thoughts wouldn’t stop and all you wanted was to get away. So while Minhyuk was busy listening to Jooheon talking about how Yoshi and Gucci kept him up yet again with their midnight antics, you slipped away. Nobody noticed, and if they did they’d probably just thought you’d gone to the bathroom. It wasn’t until twenty minutes later when Kihyun voiced that you had been gone for a while that they became worried. ‘Why would she just leave?’ they would ask, looking around before setting their eyes on Minhyuk. ‘Is she okay?’ ‘I don’t know,’ your boyfriend would reply sadly, excusing himself to go find out.
It was true that you had gone to the bathroom, just not back at the restaurant. When you got home you changed from your nicer casual clothes into your frumpiest of pjs. You stood in front of the mirror, looking at your reflection. Listening to the gremlin pick apart every little imperfection you had, and when he was done with your appearance he started on your personality. Everything he said was true. It was a good thing you left. Now all you wanted was to crawl into bed. Just as you sat down, the front door opened. You could hear Minhyuk calling you as he walked through your apartment. When he finally opened the door and saw you he let out a sigh of relief.
“There you are! I was worried about you,” he said as he sat next to you, pulling you to the side for a hug. “Everyone was.” At that you had to laugh. Well not actually laugh. But you know. A sarcastic snort. MInhyuk’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled away from you.
“What? Nobody actually likes me.” Minhyuk’s eyes filled with hurt. Was this why you left? Because you were feeling down on yourself?
“I like you…”
“Well, you shouldn’t. There’s nothing to like. I’m clingy and obnoxious. I’m always tripping over my own feet. I mess up all the time at work. It’s a wonder I haven’t been fired yet. And have you seen me? I am a damn sewer rat compared to you. My face is too small. I get carded everywhere because of it. Everyone always thinks I’m your little sister, not your girlfriend. I don’t look like a model. My ‘nice’ clothes aren’t even that nice. People probably think I’m just a gold digger anyway.”
“Okay stop.” Minhyuk interrupted you, unable to listen anymore. It shocked you. He was never loud and stern. Not with you. In the few years you’ve known him you’ve rarely seen him truly angry. Sure he gets irritated from time to time, but it doesn’t take him long to shake it off and smile again. “Listen. None of that is true. First, you are not a gold digger. You know that. I try to buy you things all the time. If it’s not a special occasion I’m back at the store the next day returning it because you won’t accept it. And it took over a year to even get to that point. Two, I’m also clingy and obnoxious. All of us are. You’ve been to our dance practices, our shows. You don’t get any worse than us. Hell, Jooheon throws a fit and gives you the silent treatment whenever you don’t text him back.” At that you finally chuckle. It’s cute as hell. Minhyuk does it tool. “You’re clumsy. So what? And listen, if you were doing that bad at your job don’t you think you would have been fired by now? And lastly, you are absolutely beautiful.” He leaned forward, setting his hands on either side of your face, staring into your eyes with the most loving expression. “Besides, I wouldn’t kiss my sister the way I kiss you.” You laughed a little harder than you probably should have, truly relaxing for the first time in weeks. Minhyuk kissed your forehead and pulled you to his side, your head nestling in the space between his jaw and his shoulder. “Promise me you’ll tell me the next time you start feeling this way. I’ll remind you every time.”
“I will. I love you, Minnie.”
“I love you too, bug.”
Kihyun (기현) - “All she wore was long sleeves.”
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You winced as you pushed your arms through your shirt. The sleeves were a tad snug, tugging on the fresh bandages. The pain was manageable though. Besides, the tighter sleeves would be less likely to ride up. Less likely to expose the emotional pain you were constantly in. You’ve been suffering from depression and anxiety for years now, long enough that you don’t even remember the bubbly person you apparently used to be. Your childhood was fairly normal, but once you became a teenager things started to go bad. You uncovered secrets and lies about the people closest to you. You were ripped away from the place you grew up. Your friends, your family. One thing after another until you lost your way, lost yourself. Until him. Yoo Kihyun. Probably the most beautiful and kind-hearted man you’ve ever met.
You met in an alley, of all places. It was late, having just finished a shift at the cafe you worked at. You were tired so you took a shortcut. After a while, you had dropped your phone. When you stood up and continued on your way, you bumped straight into him. He talked to you for a minute, making sure you were okay, before offering to walk you the rest of the way home. You had tried to refused but Kihyun was stubborn. He didn’t feel comfortable letting you go the sketchy way home in the middle of the night. It wasn’t until a few days later, when some of Kihyun’s saseangs started harassing you, that you figured out who he was. You had taken the same route home, only it was the middle of the day and you weren’t as close to home as you were last time. They insulted you, pushed you and pulled at your hair and clothes. Fortunately someone came as they were about to strike at you. His name was Hyunwoo. The girls ran as soon as he yelled that he was going to call the police. Afterwards, he brought you inside his apartment and tended to the cuts and scratches the girls caused. When you explained what happened, he sighed. Apparently he was friends with Kihyun. They were in a kpop group named Monsta X and the girls who attacked you were superfans who were stalking the boys, Kihyun in particular. So they must have seen you when you met him. Thankfully right after that, after boasting on social media about how they were going to teach you a lesson, they were blacklisted and never bothered you again. For a while, Kihyun kept in touch with you, making sure you were okay after everything that had happened. Making you promise to carry some form of protection and to never take that route home again. Eventually, though, the boys got busy with a comeback and contact fell off. But Kihyun never stopped thinking of you and as soon as promotions were over he contacted you again. A few months went by before he confessed and you’ve been together ever since.
Dating an idol is hard. You figured that from the start, but you knew too well now. Though you expected trouble from the company and the fans, what you never expected was trouble from the few people left who were close to you before all of this happened. Your friends grew jealous. They started using you for the smallest bit of attention. And your family? They were convinced it was just a faze, a fling. When you refused to break it off your father said, “When he uses you up and throws you out, don’t come crawling home. I’m changing the locks. You’re not welcome anymore.” You could never forget those words, or the way your mother just stood behind him with her head down. Not agreeing with him but not opposing him either. Since then Kihyun and the other boys are all you have.
Losing your family hit you hard. It was tough for a long time, but everyone stuck by you. They were patient, especially Kihyun. And after a while, you got better. You were happier. You had a new family and didn’t need the old one anymore. But every once in a while, dark thoughts still stuck into your head. Every once in a while you still have nightmares, not just about that night, but also about your life before you met Kihyun. Over the last couple of years it’s gotten worse. The boys’ comebacks were getting closer together. They were on tour more often and Kihyun couldn’t always take you with him.
A few months ago, not too long after Monsta X started their current tour, you finally broke. You weren’t allowed to go with them this time around. It was late and you woke up from yet another nightmare. Kihyun was on stage so you couldn’t call him. You just wanted it to stop. You grabbed the sharp scissors from the kitchen, the ones used for cutting meat, and sat in your bathtub, where the mess, should you make one, would have been easier to clean up. It terrified you. You had childhood friends who used to self harm, who attempted suicide right before your eyes. You swore to yourself you would never go this route. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t want to die. You just wanted some relief. It took a while to get the hang of it. Sometimes you cut barely left a mark on your skin and others you were worried you’d have to get stitched up. But you refused to go to the hospital. If you did, they would just call Kihyun, or Starship. Then what would you do?
When you were satisfied with your appearance you grabbed your keys and made your way to the airport. The boys were coming home today and you were excited to see Kihyun. There was going to be a long break before next comeback so you would all be able to properly relax. After the long drive and the managers helping you get around fans to get into the airport, it was almost time to collect the boys. The reunion was short and sweet, being that everyone was tired and hungry, but just having Kihyun’s hand in yours was enough.
A couple months passed. Kihyun started to notice you weren’t as cheerful or affectionate. The two of you weren’t intimate that often. Sex was once every few weeks. And when you hugged anyone now it was always from the front and around the waist. He noticed you ate less, didn’t really go on social media, and spent a lot of time to yourself. He tried talking to his hyungs about it. They had noticed little things here and there too, but they couldn’t think of any cause for your weird behaviour. One night he came home, intent on finally figuring out what was wrong. However when he entered your shared bedroom you were already fast asleep. You were laying on your side, facing him, hands tucked underneath your head. He would rather not wake you up but he felt like he wouldn’t be able to sleep if you two didn’t talk this out sooner rather than later. He lightly grabbed your forearm, slightly shaking you to get you to wake up. You sucked in a breath as if you were in pain, rolling onto your back and stretching, still not waking up. Kihyun sighed, about to leave and try again later when he got a glimpse of the bandages peeking out through your sleeves. This time careful not to wake you, he gently pulls your sleeves up to see bandages on both arms, stained with dried blood. He covered his mouth instantly and left the room to process what he just saw. Various thought ran through his mind as he sat on the couch and cried. How long has this been happening? Was it his fault? Once he calmed down enough he called Hyunwoo over for advice.
As you opened your eyes, you felt a wash of relief. You couldn’t remember your dream, but you were sure it was horrible. After a couple minutes of just lying there, staring at the ceiling, you noticed voices coming through the living room. Quietly as you could, you got up, opening the door to your bedroom just enough that you could see what was going on. Hyunwoo was standing in the middle of the room, hugging Kihyun, comforting him.
“I don’t know what to do, hyung. I’ve never been in this situation before. I had no idea it was this bad. The things she’s told me… I thought she would never… Why did she do this to herself? What did I do?”
Your heart sank as you slowly closed the door. He saw them. Looking down at your arms, you felt ashamed. He wasn’t supposed to see them. But he did, and now he’s hurting. And it’s all your fault. Soon enough Kihyun started to sob again, not knowing you were now awake. It broke you. You had to do something. You didn’t think you would benefit from it, but you couldn’t have Kihyun thinking this was his fault. You opened the door once again, this time stepping out and exposing yourself.
“Y/N?” Kihyun said, not bothering to wipe his tears. Seeing his face stopped you in your tracks. ‘What have I done?’ You thought.
(Let me know if you want a second part of this one. It’s too long already.)
Idk when Maknae line will be out. But it will eventually.
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kpopgurlz · 7 years
Types of dad's Monsta X edition
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You and wonho have a son and tho wonho is a sex symbol to the world when he gets home to you and his son he turns into a kid. He and your son run around the house playing and cracking jokes. And love seeing them together
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Shownu is the kind of father that brags non stop about his daughter. He shows everyone her pictures and he even tries to take her to work with him.
Y/n: for the last time shownu, she's yo young to go to work with you. And she has school anyway
He makes a pouty face and picks up your daughter
Shownu: you want to come with daddy to work don't you
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Hyungwon is the kind of dad that spoils his little girl rotten. You're constantly telling him not to buy her everything she ask for, but to no avail. They play dress up all the time and you've walked in on them playing in your make up several times.
You walk into the bath room and see hyungwon and your daughter playing in your make up again.
Y/n: seriously, that stuff is expensive
Daughter: daddy wanted to play mommy
You stare daggers into hyungwon
Hyungwon: ok ok you can play too mommy
You smile and sit down
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Lee jooheon
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Lee like the rest of monsta x dad's showers your son with gifts but only when he comes home from tour. Lee feels guilty for always being at work and he talks about leaving the group to stay with you guys but you won't let him give up his passion.
Lee: I should just quite the group I feel like I'm missing my son grow up
You walk over to Lee and sit in his lap to hug him
Y/n: now you know I would love to have you around more but you love what you do and we aren't going anywhere ok
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When you and minhyuk have your twins minkyuk is completely overwhelmed. He stresses out over everything and is always worried about their health.
Minkyuk: they need hats on or they'll get sick. And I don't think those jackets are thick enough... maybe we shouldn't go to the park, they might get sick or hurt.
Y/n: babe, inhale, exhale. They will be fine ok
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moonlitstories · 7 years
Astro CEOs AU Introduction
From Enemies to friends - Platonic relationships
Word count: 939
Lots of pictures. Mix of Bullet points and paragraphs. Honestly a mess lol. Made it into parts cuz it ended up longer than expected.
For my friend @astros-turf
ASTRO. A name made by the media to name the top six companies in Korea. These six companies’ CEOs would often meet after making some sort of comment against another or after publicly threatening to enter another’s market.
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Why “ASTRO”? Because each company takes up all of the major markets making them “the space of everything.” Honestly, they make publicity stunts so often that they have to have a meeting so often haha Their company’ headquarters were dispersed throughout Seoul: Jinwoo to the north; Myungjun to the south; Dongmin to the south-east; Moobin to the north-east; Sanha to the north-west; and Minhyuk to the south-west. In the middle of their “star” is where they held their weekly meetings. yes im trying to describe the astro logo.
Here are the six CEOs that make up ASTRO:
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Yoon Sanha and Park Minhyuk
Though both are very young, they have proved themselves to be able to run their companies.
Sanha’s father introduced him to Minhyuk and asked Minkyuk to give him advice on running the company
Became very good friends
Yoon Sanha
Inherited his father’s Furniture and Household items company.
With Minhyuk’s help, expanded the company’s power and grew larger in the field.
His first year as the CEO was a mess.
He constantly threatened to expand to the other markets
Made some bad calls in expenses
Pretty much made costs for that year increase exponentially.
Minhyuk helped him with his decision making and lowered costs in the following year
Is getting better at making his decisions.
The reason everyone started to make threats and make media stunts
Honestly makes most of the stunts
Low-key everyone thinks he just does it to annoy them and has nothing better
Park Minhyuk
Well liked by the previous CEO of the company and was appointed his apprentice
Board didn't think he would be fit to be CEO but proved them wrong
He increased sales and profit without increasing costs
Brought up the company’s stocks in his first year
Company has power over the music industry and sports supplies
He bought over major sports supply manufacturers and stores for his own enjoyment
Often shows a serious and cold look but his employees know he's really kind and soft hearted
Awkward meeting possible new partners so he sends them a gift basket ahead of time and makes sure Sanha is with him at the first meeting to lighten the mood
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Moon Bin and Lee Dongmin
Childhood friends
Their parents owned smaller companies and were very close
Inherited their companies from their parents and made them into the largest companies in their fields
Because of their personalities they are known to have the best collaboration when pitching ideas and strategies together.
Moon Bin
Has a very laid-back personality
His father thought he wouldn't be able to handle the company but was surprised to see his natural talent in business
Known to get along quite well with his employees
Very charismatic but in a different sense as Dongmin
Helped Dongmin open up to his employees
Number one company in the food industry (includes grocery stores, convenience stores, suppliers, and has contracts with most farmers. Has power over the most famous restaurants in Korea and well known food chains,)
Goes with the flow but is the third likely person to create a scandal
Lee Dongmin
Father started the company simply with clothing and Mother eventually expanded it to shoes and beauty product (mainly because they saw how beautiful their son was)
Dongmin grew up modeling for many of the products and clothes due to his looks
Was given a choice to either model or take over the company
He wanted to be seen for more than his looks so he decided to take over
A genius! and very articulate
Learns other languages easily and is currently fluent in four languages
Charismatic and a good business strategist
Was very awkward with his employees though and Bin helped him
Often helps Bin with foreign affairs
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Park Jinwoo and Kim Myungjun
Like Bin and Dongmin, they are childhood friends
They lived next to each other
Myungjun remembers taking care of baby Jinwoo
Inherited their companies from their parents but the companies were already at the top of their fields
Both did not want to take over the companies
Park Jinwoo
Wanted to be an vet but took the responsibility because he didn't want to disappoint his parents
Worried Myungjun would be disowned so he talked him into doing it
Constantly worried for his friend more than his own company
Known by his employees as smart and admirable but constantly worried
Known to be slow but is very quick when making business deals
Took his own advice to Myungjun and turned the Electronics company into dealing with Pet care products as well
Would buy all of the shelters and dog breeders but Myungjun talked him out of it
Kim Myungjun
Rebellious and a trouble maker when it came to taking over the company
Wanted to be an artist
Jinwoo talked him into agreeing to take over the Toy company
Often asks Jinwoo for help with... Pretty much everything
His employees and business partners love him though
Eventually got used to it and loves having the power (but still asks Jinwoo for help all the time)
After Jinwoo’s advice to collaborate his hobby with work, he bought all major art stores and art suppliers (I mean he has the money so~)
Second best at starting a stunt (even though Jinwoo is always telling him not to)
Now that introductions and backstories are over; shall we get to the present?
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jayparknetwork · 7 years
[TRANS] BTOB Peniel mentions how he likes in BTOB's recent interview with Ceci Magazine
Q: The four members of the vocal team promoted as BTOB Blue last year. Are there any plans for Minkyuk, Peniel and Ilhoon to promote seperately as the three member rapper line?
Peniel: I like Jay Park sunbaenim. He has brought a lot of foreign trends to Korea. There were also difficult times but he overcame it and is doing his own style. He is cool.
via @haminwu
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ao3feed-gtop · 7 years
Read it on the AO3: http://ift.tt/2oIzPlI
by Mermaid_Thief
[Kpop Boy Group Crime/Gang!AU]
When the city is full of gangs and crime families, what do you expect to happen?
Crime. Wars. Death. Traitors.
Pyo Jihoon is the cocky and young leader of The Bastards, a small gang of 3 that protect their part of the city from others. When he gets caught up and blames for a smuggling deal gone wrong between other groups, it's him and his close allies Minkyuk and Yu-Kwon who end up trying to clean up the mess and clear their names of the crime. But while they manage that, there's other troubles behind the gangs as they all face off for dominance in their districts causing a war of violence and traitors who are willing to break them apart for their own advantage. Will it all work out and peace can be restored? Or will it end with the city running red?
Words: 1399, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Kpop - Fandom, Block B, BIGBANG - Fandom, VIXX, bts
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Pyo Jihoon | P.O., Lee Taeil, Woo Jiho | Zico, Lee Minhyuk | B-Bomb, Park Kyung, Ahn Jaehyo, Kim Yukwon | U-Kwon, Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P., Dong Youngbae | Taeyang, Lee Seunghyun | Seungri, Kang Daesung, Cha Hakyeon | N, Jung Taekwoon | Leo, Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Kim Wonshik | Ravi, Lee Hongbin, Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Jeon Jeongguk | Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Song Minho | Mino, Shin Hyoseob | Crush, Kwon Hyuk | Dean, Block B Ensemble, BIGBANG Ensemble, VIXX Ensemble, BTS Ensemble
Relationships: Lee Taeil/Pyo Jihoon | P.O., Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P./Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Park Kyung/Woo Jiho | Zico, Kim Yukwon | U-Kwon/Lee Minhyuk | B-Bomb
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Criminals, Alternate Universe - Gangs, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Major character death - Freeform, Minor Character Death, Major Character Injury, minor character injury, Minor Injuries, Minor Original Character(s), Background Character(s), Violence, Drugs, Alcohol, Criminal Activities, Illegal Activities, Gang Violence, Gang Wars, Eventual Smut, Smut, Slow Burn, Character Death, BIGBANG rule most of the city, Block B is broken into 2 groups, They become one gang later, Middle Men, Smuggling, Torture, Explicit Language, Homophobia, Angst, lots of tattoos, Litterally a Gang!AU, other groups mentioned, Plot Buildup, Character Development, Eventual Romance, Romance, Secret Lovers, Also lots of Kpop references throughout, my tags are a mess, bigbang, Vixx - Freeform, bts - Freeform
Here's the link to read it on AO3 again: http://ift.tt/2oIzPlI
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jisungmark · 5 years
Thanks for writing for astro. Wtb soft bedroom sex with domestic rocky? Thanks
rocky is the softest baby,, i can see him as the type to want to spend a lot of time doing foreplay. whether it’s him slowly fingering you open, or licking around your wet heat. he isn’t the type to want to go straight to the sex. he wants to make you feel good for some time before he makes himself feel good. but when it does come down to business, he’s crawling on top of you. inch by inch easing his length into your fluttering hole. he connects your lips as he sits still to let you both adjust to the feeling. sex with him was usually soft all the time and you love every second of it. eventually he started to slowly rock his hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. he loved the feeling of your bodies pressed together. the soft flesh of your breast pressing against his own. the feeling of your stomach gliding across his. he always had a soft smile on his face as he watched you below him. you always felt so shy under his gaze. no matter how many times you two have had sex or how many times you stare at him, you always get butterflies,, his thrusts were shallow and powerful. they might not be fast, but they still had you panting for air. you wrapped your legs around his back as a way to make him stay deep inside of you. he whispered sweet praises or confessed his love quietly in your ear. granted nobody else was in the house or could hear you, but he felt the close proximity made it more meaningful. you brought one of your hands from his neck down to rub languid circles on your clit. he never sped up his thrusts, he just made them more powerful to send you over the edge. he was hitting that wonderfully made patch of nerves and you could scream at the sensation. but instead you just puckered your lips in a way to ask for a kiss since you currently couldn’t use your words. he connected your lips and he slid his tongue into your mouth. you whimpered when you hit your high. your body shook and your breathing got heavy. you breathed hard through your nose as you tried to keep your lips on his throughout your entire orgasm. his hips began to buck erratically and you knew he was close. he didn’t like the mess of cumming inside of you, so he liked to cum on your belly. he detached your lips and pulled out to stroke himself. he spilled on you and made sure not to get any on the bed. he shuddered when he brushed his thumb across his tip. he quickly got off the bed to get a towel to wipe you clean. he connected your lips again as a smile danced across his face,,
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