#part 1/??
raytorotits · 2 years
if you listen very carefully to tim's bass on the album past lives by ls dunes you can actually come hands free
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pansherlock · 2 years
sooo i went to the sherlock holmes museum and...
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i bought this !!!! i'm super excited for no reason so i thought i'd share
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Sports Anime That’ll Make You Want to Watch Over And Over Again Cause You Don’t Do Real Sports & It’s Also Really Good
1. Big Windup
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Most guys can’t wait for baseball to start. But not Mihashi. For this kid, the crack of the bat is the sound of failure. Every summer he gets caught between wanting to stay on the mound and watching his pitches get blasted out of the park. But this year, Mihashi’s at a new school with teammates that don’t know how bad he used to be. Most importantly, he’s got Abe – a real superstar behind the plate. If Mihashi can learn to trust his new catcher, this could be the year he falls in love with the game all over again.
Genres: Sports
Where to watch: Season 1(Hulu) Season 2(Crunchyroll) 
Seasons: 2              Episodes: 27              Episode time: 24 minutes
2. Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun
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Aoyama kun is a hot, young soccer prodigy who plays midfielder for the National U-16 Soccer Team. But he’s also an extreme germaphobe! The TV anime adaptation of “Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama kun!” (Clean Freak!! Aoyama kun) portrays the friendships he forms and the challenges he overcomes in a “spotless” coming-of-age story!
Genres: Comedy, sports
Where to watch: https://www.crunchyroll.com/clean-freak-aoyama-kun
Seasons: 1                Episodes: 12                  Episode time: 24 minutes
3. Yuri!!! on ICE
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Yuri Katsuki carried the hope of all Japan on his shoulders in the Figure Skating Grand Prix, but suffered a crushing defeat in the finals. He returned to his hometown in Kyushu and hid away in his family's home, half wanting to continue skating and half wanting to retire. That was when the five-time consecutive world champion, Victor Nikiforov, suddenly showed up with his teammate, Yuri Plisetsky, a young skater starting to surpass his seniors. And so the two Yuris and the Russian champion Viktor set out to compete in a Grand Prix like none the world has ever seen! 
Genres: Sports, (also shounen ai for a fair warning to those who didn’t know)
Where to watch: https://www.crunchyroll.com/yuri-on-ice
Seasons: 1                Episodes: 12                     Episode time: 24 minutes
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darkandlightsides · 5 years
“Are you sure about this, Abby..?”
A run down car pulled into the front of an opening to a heavily forested area. It had almost been 3 in the morning, and the moon had still been out.  Climbing out of the car had been a girl who looked to be in her teens, round glasses over the bridge of her nose and brown curly locks covering her face.  The second one to open the door was the one that girl had referred to as Abby.  This rambunctious little girl had her hair tied up in a small ponytail.  She had gloves on her hands and a backpack over her shoulders.
“Positive!”  Abigail responded with a determined laugh, pulling her hoodie over her head
Abigail had always been an explorer. Her hobby was to go into secluded areas and document the weird findings she would discover.  She’s been doing this forever, and has filled quite a lot of her journal.   She lived in an area where there was always something abnormal going on. I guess who could say they lived in a pretty paranormal part of the world.  
“But it’s so late out... And we have classes tomorrow. You definitely owe me one for this...” “I told you I would owe you a favor after this! Just wait in the car, and i’ll be riiiiiiight back!” Her friend Jess had always been dragged into Abigail’s journal-ling. Even when she was never really into the sort of thing.  She tends to be the person who drives her places, and has sometimes gotten her out of trouble with the creatures she’s been nearly mauled by while trying to investigate them. 
And it’s not uncommon that she’d be dragged out at the ass crack of dawn to do this either. 
“It’s not like I can talk you out of this so... Okay.. But if you’re not back in 30 minutes i’m coming in after you... As... Always..” “That’s the spirit!”
This young adventurer then went into the woods,  a confident grin on her face and adrenaline rushing through her.  She always loved the thrill of the search.  But maybe something will find her instead this time around.
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writes-in-skies · 6 years
Who is Astoria Greengrass
Written as a companion for my story The Diary of Astoria Greengrass
A daughter
An heiress to one of the prominent Wizarding families under the Sacred 28
A daughter to Diplomat, Hyperion Greengrass and philanthropist Giselle Greengrass (nee Slughorn) 
A sister to Daphne Greengrass 
A spare
A little girl with wide green eyes of wonder and curiousity of the world that lies ahead beyond the walls of Greengrass Estate where she grew up in
A sickly little girl who spends her time indoors and only within the compounds of where she lives
A little girl with big imagination roaming around her house with house elves following her closely behind to look after her
A little girl who was kept busy day by day by learning to play musical instruments from violin to cello to piano, mastering all of them even before she held her own wand
A little girl who was told that she is only worth by what she brings to the table
A girl who despite all her efforts were still shadowed by her older sister
A girl who craves affection by her distant mother growing
A girl who is willing to do whatever it takes to make her father proud
A girl who grew up in a household where she felt she had to earn love but eventually learned to love unconditionally by herself
A girl who was excited to board the train to Hogwarts and left behind her sister as soon as she got the freedom she wanted all those years
A girl who nervously asks the hat to place her in Slytherin in fear of shaming her family
A girl who makes friends by sharing sweets she brings
A girl who learns to love the friends she made, not caring about what their background is
But...this girl had flaws too
Insecurity got the best of this girl when a boy her age captured her father’s attention that she does not like
Despite all of that, she learns to accept this boy as one of her friends
This girl who values friendship over anything else
This girl who turns to friendship as substitute over her imbalanced relationship with her family 
Astoria was also a girl who joined clubs in school with her friends as a way to spend time with them
A girl who joined Hogwarts Orchestra in her first year, accepted by her talents but never getting the recognition
Despite all that, she still turns up for every rehearsal
A girl who joined the Art Club to encourage her best friend to join as well despite the fact that she is no artist herself
A girl who was told by the teacher that her artistic talent was almost non-existent but persisted and continued to turn up for every club gathering
A girl who gets worried over her friend joining Quidditch in fear of them getting hurt
A girl who bullied by boys in her year but retaliates with her wit
A girl who seem to have the innocence of a doe but will bite when harmed
A girl who secretly enjoys the sport of Quidditch but is told to not show that side of herself because it is not “lady-like”
A girl who befriends the people who are nice and became the bridge to those in her year 
Stubborn was also something to describe little Astoria
Spoiled was something to describe her as well
But by the end of the day, she tries to be a good person because traits like those don’t disappear overnight
What else can be said about little Astoria Greengrass?
Perhaps that despite being cursed and the universe being unfair to her, she does not hide nor does she complain
All she wants is to live her life to the fullest 
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ehmuhree · 6 years
Young people
1. Know it's perfectly acceptable To knock a friend down with a jump And call others to do the same. It's a 20-person hug pile. Friendship is free. 2. Will break rules. Try new things. Take calculated risks. This freedom won't last so Danger is worthwhile. 3. Find themselves in the midst Of confusion and clarity. They question: Who am I to be? 4. Are children in quiet dreams and Past realities 5. Are us, basically.
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like-all-good-lions · 7 years
I’m –
Fuckin fight me ya punk, I’m not gonna answer all the questions all in one go because that’s long and obnoxious. I’ll take it in .. tens. Or something. And I won’t answer the fibonacci numbered ones I already did.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
Nah. Keeping it short and sweet in this family.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
Boy howdy
7. What does your last received text say?
“Damn tangents but most people i know don’t know why i’d be so shocked to find a practicing Freudian therapist”
9. Where was your last kiss at?
Old apartment in upstate NY
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
Last week! I saw her for Thanksgiving.
11. What do you drink in the morning?
Coffee. Dark roast, French-press, with almond milk creamer and artificial sweetener.
12. Where did you sleep last night?
In.. my bed??
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
Try five years and we might be getting somewhere. But I guess there’s comfort in knowing that I’ve not catastrophically fucked up in five months.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
We’ve both moved on, so it’d probably be fine.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
ask me things
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heartbodysoul · 8 years
Benefits of being a beatlemaniac: Seeing the disappointed/confused looks on your parent’s faces when you tell them you want nothing but Beatles merch for Christmas.
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sheerlucked · 9 years
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glorytoirk · 9 years
Bonnie opened the portal with little more than a click of the button, and as the interdimensional wormhole sparked into life so did a twinge of resentment in ZiM’s pak, that those disgusting humans had lied to him and kept him in this horrible universe just for the fun of it. Within moments the tracking chip was lodged in his pak, and he was allowed to step through the rift that had torn a hole in reality in front of him. 
The alien took a single step out of the wormhole, quickly realizing two things.
The first was that the Candy Scientist had forgotten to inform him that she didn’t know where the portal was going to spawn. His foot plummeted, quickly followed by the rest of him as he fell a good ten feet or so onto the concrete sidewalk below with an ugly smack. That was’t too much of a problem for him. He simply picked himself up and carried on, brushing off his tunic and checking to make sure his holodevice hadn’t jostled loose during the fall. He took stock, finding everything satisfactory.
The second thing that ZiM became immediately aware of, was the white-hot burning pain all over his body. It started slowly before he felt as if he were on fire, skin steaming as the rain soaked through his tunic and blistered his skin beneath the holodisguise. He let out a shrill screech, everything tensing for a moment before he darted, trying to find cover.
It rained the whole way back to his base, ZiM having to make a frantic game of finding cover. darting beneath awnings and other people’s umbrellas, and one particularly fat dog as he ran. Never had he been so happy to hear the saccrine, automated ‘Welcome home, son!” from the roboparents as he opened the door.
He pushed them aside, panting, his pak whirring in overdrive as it tried to cope with the unbearable pain in his entire body. 
He only afforded himself a moment of recovery before he marched to the side table pressed against the wall and kicked the front left leg. The entire piece came up immediately, the neat score in the flooring his platform for descent into his labs. He took his place atop the panel, facing the front door. Everything seemed eerily quiet, far too still without the TV on or G.I.R. trying to do a back flip off the couch. 
“Computer!” ZiM barked. Slowly, the lights in the base hummed back to life, and a low, digital yawn echoed through the house. 
“What do you want?”
ZiM frowned deeply, “Take me down to Storage Unit twelve in laboratory sector C. Quickly!” he demanded. The house heaved a sigh and the platform began to move, the walls of the elevator glowing as he descended. He tapped his foot impatiently, the lift going far too slow for his likes. “Faster, computer! I want to get this mission over with.” 
At the word ‘mission,’ the lift platform stopped dead, causing the alien occupant to stumble, antenna twitching back angrily. “I said ‘faster’ not ‘stop’!” he berated the computer, bringing his heel down on platform.
There was silence, and then the sound of shuffling papers echoing through the speakers as the computer looked for something in its files. 
“Yeah...” the voice started. “About that. I have new orders about our Mission.” 
“Orders?” ZiM asked, equal parts angry and disgusted, the tone heavy in his voice. “I am the only one who can give my base orders! Who dares give you orders who’s not ZiM???”
“The Empire. According the them, our new mission is to destroy the mission.” The lights on the walls of lift chute clunked red, one segment at a time. 
There was surprise, sure, but the presiding emotion was self-preservation, if self-preservation were an emotion. As the lights changed rapidly down the interior of the lift, ZIM was already positioning his mechanical aids at his back, the tips pointed out in front of him as they let out a blast hot enough to melt the completely-nondescript-but-totally-superior non-earthian materials that the base was made of. 
The panel fell away in a shower of sparks, allowing the little alien to quickly duck through the inner workings, his foot just leaving the platform as it plummeted out from beneath him, crashing below. 
Well, ZiM thought, peering over the edge of the hole he’s melted in the Base’s wiring.
This just got a lot more difficult.
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preordainedpiracy · 9 years
>The Trap
Honestly, what a drag. You're all the way here--almost across the shoreline of this continent. Here of all places? This is where she chooses to hide out after that fiasco? Oh? Really? The childhood hive? Quite frankly, the Marquise had abandoned that sweeps ago, taking all of the books and riches to secret locations still unknown to all but herself.
What an unfortunately place the greenblooded whore chose to die in, ah well. The doors hadn't been locked when she walked in, and the halls were lit. The place was in need of leaning and repairs, which of course was to be expected. There wasn't anything of any value left in these halls. Yet some memories just wouldn't leave at the very sight of them.
Torches lit, the smell of people not long gone. Lovely, so this was going to be a show. Well, really an attempt at a poorly-planned trap but none-the-less a ladytroll plays the stage no matter how the play is set.
If a stage was to be set properly, it would be in the grand parlour, past the entrance hall and located in the northern wing of this grand castle of a hive. It was the most logical and best place for these sorts of things to occur, but why go there first? Why not sneak around and discover what else might be there? It was expected for her to walk righ in, or maybe it wasn't.Who knows, who knows.Any unfortunate troll she might find outside that room was doomed to die a swift death by her blade at least. Small comfort to give or to get but it didn't matter, this was a mission.There was so much more to attend to.
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amanihoot · 10 years
Convos with Cameron
Me: [giving my opinion on something]
Cameron: That's stupid.
Me: You're stupid.
Cameron: No, you're stupid.
Me: Nyeh.
Cameron: Bleh.
Me: Nyeh!
Cameron: Bleh!
Me: ...
Cmeron: ..
Me: ....
Cameron: ...
Me: No, you're stupid.
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oocsakura · 10 years
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Trying to do a thing before i turn sakura back into a girl ;;
I actually sketch everything out first because i'm still getting used to tablet drawings again ;;
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askrossiel · 11 years
(meme) "Rossiel?" The Hobbit ventured softly. The elleth was sitting in her chair, as always, eyes dulled and distant. Her dark hair was matted to her head, and her clothes, hanging limply off her rail thin frame, bore the stains of many days. It pained Poppy deeply to see her friend in such a state, but since the death of Lossereth, Rossiel had slowly shut down and nothing seemed to reach her anymore. With a sigh, Poppy began wiping the dust from the minstrel's harp, hoping someday it would sou
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