marv-el-spot · 1 year
i can't believe there was a chance for a show to have a worst finale than How I Met Your Mother and I'm so sad it had to be Ted Lasso.
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alexbkrieger13 · 7 months
Lol do they think woso players will stop being gay when it's becoming more professional? That is a ridiculous take. They might feel ashamed to show it and date in secret that's the max you will get. And it would be such a step back. I'm actually disgusted.
yea like wtf. 1 of the best things that woman's football is how comfortable people are for the most partbeing who the air why would we want to go back to when players were often struggling with accepting their sexuality because they didn't think they'd be accepted by their teams
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getmemymedicareblog · 2 years
Understanding the Differences Between Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B
It is important to understand the #differences #between #PartA and #PartB to make informed decisions about your healthcare coverage. Some individuals may only need Part A if they have other insurance that covers outpatient care, while others may benefit from enrolling in both parts to ensure comprehensive coverage.
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kimta22 · 2 years
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justmcqs · 2 years
When a pattern is made in three parts, the __ is known as a drag.
When a pattern is made in three parts, the __ is known as a drag.
A. bottom partB. middle partC. top part
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hcamac · 3 years
Aya: Bronze Award Part B - Film Review
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What are you reviewing: 
I will be reviewing the latest movie that came out a few weeks ago called Fast and Furious directed by Justin Lin. I watched the film at home because we were in lockdown.
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What did you like best and why?
To be honest I liked basically everything about the movie and all the action bits were my favourite part because they made me really excited to find out what would happen next. My favourite bit was where the main character was in a tower, and he pulled some bars down and the building collapsed. I got scared because I thought he had died but he hadn't. I liked how the actors stayed in character, and there was a lot of tension. 
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What art-forms are involved: 
There was obviously lots of acting and good makeup effects to make everything look real. Lastly there were lots of cameras that were used because they needed to capture every angle of the actress where they were acting.
What do you think they could've done better: 
1: The ending could have been much better because all the characters just sat down and were celebrating that they had survived and it was boring. 
2: The movie could have been a bit longer
3: They could have made the beginning more clear, because the main character had a brother and I didn’t understand that the brother was against him.
Would you recommend it to others:
Yea definitely. And only because I know my friends love action movies and all the tension there is so this would be the perfect movie for them and I know they would love it just as much I did.
What have other people said about it: 
I've heard that this movie is a very interesting one and it's great for people who love action movies. However, on IMDB which is a movie database, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5433138/  it has been rated 5.5/10 which means it isn’t so popular!
Here is a discussion I had with my tutor about the film:
Image Credit:  
Description: Español: The Fast and the Furious 4 Author: Nottedeluce
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hcafilm21 · 3 years
Edie - Unit 1 Part B - Arts Challenge Review
Did you achieve your arts challenge?
I think that I did achieve my arts challenge. I was able to not only learn more about cameras and their functions but I think I have also been able to improve shots that I take.
Did you have to change your action plan or your challenge in anyway? if so what changed and why?
I don't think that I did have to change much anything about my action plan or my arts challenge however one thing that did affect how well I progressed was time. because we had only a certain amount of time each day it meant that not everyone would get the same amount of time trying out different roles meaning that the timetable would have to be rearranged sometimes.
What went well? Why?
I think that trying out different shot types went very well for me because I found it easier to learn about cameras and how to take good shots through experience as I feel it can be more engaging and interesting. therefore I think this allowed me to learn quickly how to take better shots that are more technically complicated easier.
What was more challenging? why?
I think that trying to remember what each button did and how they worked was more challenging to me as I found it more complicated and more confusing. However I think that I understood it more as I was able to use the cameras more.
What's have you learned from doing your arts challenge?
I have learned a lot more about cameras and different shot types. I have also learned how to take different shot types which I think I can use in the future either in a job or just when I take photos of my own. I think I have also gained experience about how film set work and the different jobs that go into making films and how they have to work together to create a film.
How have your art form skills developed?
I think that not only has my knowledge of cameras and shot types developed but also my experience of taking them. I think that I am a lot better now at operating cameras than I was before taking this course.
What would you do differently another time?
I don't think that I would do much differently however I might try to take more notes on the different functions of the features on the cameras and maybe try to get some more experience in taking different shots.
What do you think about the feedback you received from others:
Chloe - (tutor) ‘You have significantly developed your skills and knowledge of using professional cameras, and have improved your understanding of filmmaking techniques and shot types.  Jack and I have been really impressed with how quickly you picked up the manual settings and operation of the sony camera, particularly within such a high pressured and time restricted environment on set. You successfully practised and delivered some complex shots using techniques like rack focus and handheld tracking. We felt you had a really natural ability for camerawork. You should keep on improving on these skills. Well done"
I really enjoyed learning about cameras and how to work them during this course as it helped to give more experience with cameras and what it was like to work on a set. this feedback helped me to see what I did well during the course and what I can improve for the future to improve my camerawork skills. 
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j0turner · 3 years
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#nofilter #sky #partb (at North Maleny) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSOj4IzhCCG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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summerbarnard · 4 years
Assignment 3 Part B: Postmortem- Week 14
From the playtesting I received lots of data, information, and critiques about the game from both observing the playtesters as well as from verbal and written feedback by the playtesters. From this information I will redesign the game by improving existing mechanics (that playtesters found enjoyable), changing existing mechanics (that playtesters found frustrating), and adding new mechanics.
Player Movement
Playtesters also mentioned how they disliked how slow the character seemed to move and how sometimes movement felt a little off or awkward. I plan on increasing the players base move speed as well as maybe adding in a way for the player to run. By increasing the base move speed it will make the player feel more inclined to explore the levels since it would be quicker to move around compared to before. I will also play around with how high the player can jump so that the player moves more fluidly.  
I plan to improve the hitboxes of several objects in the game. Most importantly, I need to make sure my platforms have a better hitbox so that the player isn’t floating mid-air and so that the player isn’t awkwardly running into objects that have a platform behaviour. My melee attacks are also suffering because the hitboxes for the attack are too close to the player. 
Melee Combat
One of the biggest issues or dislikes mentioned by playtesters was the melee combat. Playtesters didn't hate it but felt that it could be improved. I plan on doing this by increasing the melee attacks range so that players can attack slimes without having the slimes be right on top of them. I will also improve the ‘pushback’ on the attack as currently the enemies are sometimes not pushed back after being attacked or not pushed very far back.
Level Design
The level design needs to be improved since some areas are too similar to each other and left playtesters confused as to where they are. I will make each level have a distinct look and feel to it so that players know that they have moved to a knew level. The areas within the level will also be different so that players don’t get confused.
I need to relook at my puzzles since while some playtesters liked them most got confused or didn’t know how to approach them. I plan on making my hints more obvious (the notes) and add more substance to the puzzles so players can draw conclusions more easily; such as for my ‘break’ puzzle I will show the player the spikes that will be dropped so that they come to the conclusion that they are looking for the other end of the sliver chain.
Breakable Objects
I will make the state changes of breakable objects more obvious. Currently the objects only slightly shake and that can be missed by some players. Thus, I will make the objects shake more and have them appear more broken as they get hit, so that players can see that something has changed even if they are to leave and comeback.
Hidden Areas
I need to improve how I use the hidden areas. I shouldn’t have used a hidden area in Level 3 Fire as players weren’t expecting it and there was nothing to make it see suspect. If I am to use a hidden area that the player MUST discover then I need to have some sort of hint or indication that the player should be trying to get into this area. Such as in Level 2 Puzzle where the silver chain ran down and behind a bush and players came to a logical conclusion that maybe I should try following the chain. I could also use the hidden areas as bonus areas that hides collectables or secrets.
Cameras (Switching between areas)
I need to improve how the cameras switch between areas as currently it can glitch out or not change cameras until the player is way off screen and that can disorientate payers.
Stamina Bar
The stamina bar needs to be changed since currently it mostly just frustrates players since they have to wait to continue attacking and is an easy component to overlook in general. I plan to keep the stamina bar by change it’s purpose. It will either be a stamina bar for running, meaning that the player can only sprint (run) when the stamina bar isn’t depleted. Or I was thinking of using it as a charge bar that once fully charged allows the player to unleash an ultimate attack.
Default Controls
I plan on changing the default controls for the player. This is because the current default controls are found to be awkward to use and move between. I would keep the left mouse button as the attack button and have the player switch between attack types using the number keys, such as having ‘1′ be melee and ‘2′ be range. I would also get rid of Enter being the interaction key. I would have all key bindings be on the left side of the keyboard or at least close to WASD. This will make it easier for players to switch between keys. I will also get rid of having to hold any button and instead use a toggle function. Mainly due to the fact that playtesters more often than not just pressed the interaction button instead of holding it (even though they knew to do that). The attack button will also operate by clicking the button instead of holding it as that was more natural for all playtesters.
Item Counter
I also plan to change the item counter be either having it permanently displayed, placed within an inventory system, or removed all together. This was mainly due to playtesters not liking that they had to keep holding in Z to see the item counter and felt that it disrupted the game’s flow. If I have it permanently displayed it will solve that problem but then be useless or mislead players in levels where there are no puzzle items. I could incorporate it into an inventory system where it shows all the puzzle items collected in a level. Though that may make the game too easy and lose some of the challenge that comes with not knowing how many items you’ll need. Finally, I could remove the item counter and setup a proper inventory system that shows players what items they have collected and so forth.
I would change the current music from the background music either the menu’s background music or the boss’s fight music (or both). This is mainly due to the fact that the music is very intense and isn’t suited for ordinary background music. I would then implement different background music for each level; with the village having a more peaceful tone while the further into the forest the player gets the more ominous, mysterious, or dark the music will become.
I plan to add in an inventory so that players can see everything that they have collected, such as notes, objects, puzzle items etc, as well as a detailed map of the current level as well as previous levels. By adding an inventory it will allow players to have a single place where they can view all the information they currently know or can access. I can also add more components to it in later prototypes such as a system management or view controls.
I will also add in a map that the player can view and will only show what they have discovered. They will have a mini map that can be viewed by pressing a key and shows a basic layout of the current level and any important items discovered. There will also be a more detailed map of the level that the player can view. The more detailed map will point out NPC’s, random items, shops, or anything of that nature that may be in future updates. By implementing a map it will encourage players to fully explore the level without the risk of getting disorientated or lost.
Rebind Keys
I also plan on eventually adding in a way for players to rebind the keys as they see fit. This will allow players to control how their controls are setup or change them so its more comfortable for themselves. It was also a feature suggested/wanted by multiple playtesters and mentioned by other team members as a good feature to add.
Animations and Particle Effects
I will be adding in more animations to characters (such as a climbing animation for the player character) and particle effects (such as for fire on the player when they get set on fire by red slimes). This will make the game more visually appealing as well as allow players to better see and understand what is happening on screen.
Enemy Variety
I plan to add in more variety to the enemies, either by adding in different types of enemies (so there aren’t just slimes) or adding in different ways for the enemies to attack or a mixture of both. By adding in different types of enemies it will make the game more interesting to players and add a new element for players to encounter and overcome. If I add in different attacks to enemies then players will have to employ different strategies for killing enemies. For instance, I can make slimes freeze the player so they can’t move, I can have slimes that move weirdly (such as sprinting or jumping), or attacking at a range. Though a mixture of both will probably prove to be the most effective method.
Player Weapons and Attacks
I also plan to add in new weapons for the player to use that can be used to provide the play another way to attack enemies. New weapons will include a bow for long range attacks, a spear for mid range attacks, and the shield will be utilised for blocking attacks and maybe stunning enemies. This was something wanted by most playtesters as only being able to attack with a single basic melee attack got repetitive and boring. By adding in new weapons (thus new ways to attack) it will allow players to find a strategy or weapon that best suits their play style.
Pause Menu
I will also add in a pause menu that stops the game and allows the player to either resume playing, look at the system options, or return to the menu. A pause menu is needed since it allows players to stop playing without risk of dying. There is also no reason not to implement a pause menu as it’s a single player game with no multiplayer intended. 
Run Ability (Player)
I also want to add in a way for the player to run. This is mainly because the game focuses on exploration and players get easily frustrated when they have to explore large spaces but don’t feel like they are moving fast enough. Or they get sick of running around while moving so slow so they just give up and stop playing. I would make a key (such as Shift) that the player can toggle to run until they exhaust themselves.
Sound Effects (SFX)
I will also be adding in sound effects in the game since that was very much wanted by playtesters. It also immerses players into the game and will make the game more enjoyable and fun for the play. A few SFX to add will be for the player jumping, swinging their sword, their sword hitting different objects, player getting hurt, slime getting hurt, and maybe some background noises.
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songquota · 7 years
And suddenly I become a part of your past I'm becoming the part that don't last I'm losing you and it's effortless Without a sound, we lose sight of the ground
A Day To Remember - Over My Head (Cable Car)
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rickygadvisor · 5 years
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Confused about Medicare? Let us help you navigate through the Medicare maze... The Annual Enrollment Period has started and you now have the opportunity to evaluate, compare, and change Medicare policies. As typical human being behavior, we tend to "stick" with what we know. Not knowing what other carriers are offering is like being offered a BMW, but staying with your Toyota just because you don't want to "change" It baffles me how many Medicare Members are "just fine" with their current carriers and 92% of them DON'T know all the benefits their policies include. It's my duty and obligation to make you understand your current coverage and make recommendations, including staying with your current carrier. This is not about sales, this has everything to do with YOU!! Give us a call, we will help! Ricky Gonzalez Agency Sales Director The Assurance Group #AEP #medicare #broker #benefits #choices #vision #dental #hearung #silversneakers #PartA #PartB #Medical #Hospital #AnnualEnrollmentPeriod #Timetogeteducated #OEP #Advisors #Lauderhill #Lauderhill #ftlauderdale #Miami #Miramar #Hollywod #pembrokepines (at Walmart Supercenter Davie) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hqCxwAUGI/?igshid=bb9pp5urv2r3
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hcafilm19 · 5 years
Rio - Silver Award - Unit 1  Part B - Reflection 4
Reflection 4
Date: 19.08.19
Event: Youth Film Academy
To further my knowledge and experience I joined the young film academy residential course, that my mum found through her friends. At young film academy residential, I did the cinematography and camera operations for our film ‘Like an Olive Tree’ which was 5 minutes long. This developed my skills through the  course through using various pieces of equipment such as lights like blondies and redheads, tracks and the c400 camera I used on set. I found some shots challenging, for example the bridge scene because it was raining. 
I got round these with help from my fellow crew members. I had to slightly adjust my plans to get round certain challenges, this being due to the  time and space that we had to work with.
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Link to behind the scenes film of the project:
Link to final film:
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many-but-one · 2 years
Hi, (i am a bit confused as to how to address you… should I address you as system? Parts? Anything else? )
I am a singlet (as your probably figured out). I have a question about DID/OSDD. Please feel free to not answer if it is crossing your boundaries.
How the system know when the host identity is fronting, and when the foster(s) is/are? Also, please correct me if i’m wrong, but can more than one part co-front? Like PartB is fronting and so is PartD (hypothetically).
I apologise if my wording was wrong and/or I crossed any boundaries!
Hello! You can call us the enigma system. Or you can just say Jules. I am the host and the main alter that runs this blog. We have other fronters, but they usually leave answering of asks for me unless someone specifically asks for an alter. Even then, generally I will answer regardless.
I appreciate your sensitivity to my boundaries, that is great! I am glad that you are asking these questions respectfully, as these are totally normal questions for a singlet to have. I will answer to the best of my ability.
The big question of "Who's fronting right now?" is a really common one we get when around friends that are aware of us. The reality is that DID is far more fluid and confusing than a simple "alter A is fronting currently" or "the host is fronting right now." It can get confusing because some systems experience switches completely differently than others. I will attempt to explain the difference between "possession style" switches (not to be confused by demonic possession, they are NOT the same) and "non-possession style" switches. Possession style switches, from my understanding, generally means two alters will fully switch out. So if I am fronting and James decides to front, he will switch out and be in front. He will fully be in control of the body. I can be nearby, I can even see out too, but he will have full control.
Non-possessive style switches are more like "becoming" an alter, from what I understand. It's a little less obvious and can be much more fluid than a possession style switch. Taking on qualities of an alter or intense passive influence are more common amongst DID/OSDD systems. This fully depends on the system and what was necessary for them growing up.
Our system does both. This is not always the case in every system. Possession style switches are usually easier to understand who is in front. Whoever is in front is usually completely aware they are front. The person who was fronting will usually then be aware they are not fronting. If I'm not fronting or co-fronting, I usually experience amnesia and blackouts during possession style switches. That's just me as a host, but it can affect other alters as well. i.e. if Foster fronts and Brett isn't near the front, he won't know whatever Foster did. But if I'm co-conscious, I might not be in control, but I am aware of what he is doing. This usually presents as watching someone else control the body while you can feel like you are in the backseat or along for the ride. You will hear yourself talk and not have control over what you're saying. If they're not masking as the host (me), I will hear my voice pitch change most likely, especially with masculine alters like James or Foster.
To answer the second part of your question: yes, co-fronting or two alters fronting is entirely possible and is actually encouraged in therapy. Co-consciousness between alters is desired so that less amnesia occurs. Co-fronting can be quite complicated. I'm going to use the car analogy. Co-fronting can be one alter driving, AKA controlling the body. Then another alter can be in the passenger side. Completely aware of everything, and if needed, can reach over and yank the wheel. It's very easy for these alters to switch spots at any time.
Co-consciousness can also be two alters squished into the driver's side, both trying to control the body. In this case one alter might be controlling the body while the other one is talking. In goofier moments, an alter might have complete control except in one (1) limb. Or an alter might quickly interject something they want to say out loud. It's funny and also quite annoying!
Co-consciousness can also happen amongst more than two alters. In a normal example, with one alter in the driver's seat, one in the passenger's seat, and one or more in the backseat. This is pretty common for our system. Usually it's me driving, Foster or James in the passenger's seat, and Brett and Alice in the backseat when they're not busy doing internal stuff. Backseat alters can have varying degrees of view of the outside world. Sometimes it can be blurry or confusing. They might understand we are at home watching TV, but not be aware of what show we are watching. Or they might not be able to see well, but can hear. So if my fiance says something Alice likes or quotes a funny Vine, Brett or Alice can hear that and will generally flip spots with whoever is in the passenger's side to be able to have more awareness of what is being said to them or about them.
In a much more chaotic version of this, which generally results in extreme headaches and dissociation, you can have two (or more🙃) alters sharing the driver's seat, one or more in the passenger's seat, and like six crammed into the backseat. Lots of voices, confusion, and intensity. This usually happens if there's an external trigger and rapid switching can occur, which is hell and not awesome.
As for how you know who is fronting, it can vary. Stronger, clearer switches like possession style switches are easier to tell who's fronting. But when there's co-consciousness or a "becoming" of an alter rather than a full switch, this can cause a lot of blurriness and identity confusion. Sometimes you can feel like two people at once. Or nobody at all. Or you can really not know who you are. Generally if two or more alters are blurred together, we default to "host" voice, which can make it harder to discern who it is until we become unblended. We've literally had someone ask "who is fronting right now?" To which we, dissociated and dazed, said: "I have no idea who I am right now, but hello."
Hope I answered your questions? Feel free to add anything or ask further questions! I am not a professional, but I've been diagnosed for a bit over a year now, see a DID specialist, and know a fair amount about the disorder.
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alwayssparklycolor · 5 years
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Medicare Part B payments based on clinicians 2019 performance
Eligible clinicians will now only be able to earn overall payment adjustments of 2 percent of their Medicare Part B payments based on their 2019 performance. They would qualify for 7 percent payment adjustments if CMS implemented MACRA as originally intended. To know more click here: https://goo.gl/5Xx2d3 #Healthcare #Medicare #PartB #Reimbursement #Physician #MedicalBilling #MedicalCoding #PracticeManagement #MedicalBillingCompany #MedicalBillingServices #MedicalBillersandCoders #RCM
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empthylee · 4 years
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Confession  PartB   (back to Part A) A bit of dark story. This short comic drawn 3 years ago and I haven't post it out. Since I didn't understand the map of Firelink Shrine when I drew it.
P7- Miss Undead "Young clerics have lot of humanities, right?"
Petrus "How dare you two collude to harm me?"
Patches "You can't blame me Because she has given me more benefits"
Petrus "You're doing this because you sympathize with her, right? Don't waste your time! She's a useless noble daughter and doesn't have any value to live!" (If I use Force...)
(Why I can't use it?)
Miss Undead "So?"
P8- Patches "Are you looking for this piece of cloth?"
Miss Undead"Fatso cleric, now you come and write to her as I wish"
Patches "Since there is no pen, so you write with your bleeding fingers"
Petrus "O-Okay"
Miss Undead "Listen carefully to me"
P9- "To M'lady, As a cleric, I sold my soul to the abyss. Not only I greedy for life and death, but I have joined with criminals to murder M'lady, Vince and Nico, for the sake of humanities.
Maybe you will forgive me, but I don't deserve it. So I decided to bear my own sins, and goodbye forever.
Even if I die on the roadside, I deserve it. Please take care, M'lady."
Miss Undead "You've had a hard time, so have a long sleep"
P10- Patches "You are so cruel, boss"
Miss Undead "The rest will be taken care of by you"
Patches "O-of course! I'll take all equipments on him! Thank you for your patronage!"
------- P12- Rhea "God...Why? All the people close to me have left me"
Griggs "Excuse me, have you seen Miss Undead?" "Uh...Since she's been talking about visiting you lately, I thought you would know her whereabouts."
Rhea "Sorry, I don't know"
P13- Rhea "I'm glad she comes to me so often. But yesterday I said something too much to her." "It's obvious that I am not willing to face the reality, but I was angry with her."
"Maybe she won't come to see me anymore"
Griggs "That's not true, you see"
Miss Undead "Miss Rhea,can I still listen to your miracles?"
P14- "Of course you can! I'd be happy to tell you miracles"
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ir7770 · 4 years
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My 100 sims(partB)
Thanks for all CC creators!
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