claeysgroup · 2 days
The Elimination of the Medicare Drug Plan Donut Hole The Donut Hole & Inflation Reduction Act The Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress in 2022, will provide a definite benefit to some seniors beginning in 2025. This act will eliminate the Medicare prescription drug plan coverage gap, which is non-affectionately referred to as the donut hole. How the Donut Hole Works First, let us review what the coverage gap (donut hole) is and the way it has worked ever since Medicare drug plans were initiated January 1, 2006. The easiest way to explain it is to realize that every time someone with a Medicare prescription drug plan gets a medication filled through that drug plan, Medicare adds up the retail cost of that medication. Let’s suppose the retail cost of that medication is $600 but your hypothetical copay ...via Claeys Group Insurance Services - Tyler, TX Medicare Insurance Agency
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sparklerzii · 2 months
silly children what 🌈🌈
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
I get the impression that money was a bit tight on clouds on the horizon in general, what with the uneven time put into the lumity kiss vs the hexsquads fight outside blight manner w/ the infamous cha cha slide, plus background details going wonky (like baloony hunter), but my favourite semi-wonky frames are the closeups on Hunters face when he's talking with Luz about him being a grimwalker.
bc the proportions are just. So funny to me. Why is his nose so long. Why are his eyes in the middle of his face. When did his forehead get so big. What's happening. Did I die. Is this purgatory. I unironically love this bc it reminds me that this show was made by people who were trying their best. And sometimes their best looks the Bunter Vs hexsquad fight in thanks to them and other times it looks like this
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[ID: a screenshot of a close-up on Hunters face from clouds on the horizon. The placement and proportions of his face are slightly off. End ID]
(although in searching for this image I was informed that a different studio than normal animated clouds on the horizon. Which is probably at least part of the reason why there's so many bungled frames. Also probably why the cha cha slide got animated the way it did. God I love animation)
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I lowkey kinda love when someone gets super weird @ me about my platonic rainbowdust and platonic fallendust stuff bc it just fuels me to write them more. Especially bc people refusing to accept the idea of a close platonic bond that isn't Romantic or sexual is the enitre PLOT of my main fic for them LOL
Like people are genuinely mad im just making memes and hcs about Angel being friends with, hanging out with, and having a deep platonic bond with the girls. (Which is so funny bc i NEVER see hate throw at him being close to cherri? But as soon as its vaggie and charlie im being gross and weird,,,,got it.) it just reinforces the idea that if I actually ever post anything for "Hells Greatest Misunderstanding" the content will oneshot kill half of you LMFAO
Like this is a comedy of errors wherr Angel and the girls desperately try to prove to Hell that "no we are absolutely NOT FUCKING WE ARE PLATONIC" and accidentally put themselves in the most incriminating situations possible. Especially Charlie oh my god this girl cannot catch a break.
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tomaturtles · 2 years
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Lilly's short-lived Garin hater arc (it ends as soon as Melon and Garin's friendship does)
Bonus when they're already friends (at least the way Lilly sees it):
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fairycosmos · 2 years
honestly euphoria will never be degrassi
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realness-remade · 11 months
T_T i told my mother and she just laughed at me for "not using my legs enough" (Not even true???) man i dont even have an ID or a bank account or literally any sense of independence you haven't taken me to the doctor in like 5 years. Can you fucking man up and stop neglecting meeeeee
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healing-with-ai · 2 months
Garbage Poetry "Typewriter"
In the old shop, where dust accumulates, A treasure trove of typewriters waits. Keys sticking, sticking, before they hit the plug, A symphony of clicks, a writer's hug.
Make sure to inspect, before you buy, For some machines, parts are missing, oh me, oh my! A rock-hard bargain, or so it would seem, But beware, my friend, of the badly designed dream.
In this company of old, where rubber meets metal, I find myself, in a handful of typewriters to settle. Two or three, perhaps, to take home with glee, And sell, using yellow pages, a sight to see.
But now, I'm the buyer, in this buying old shop, Where machine moves, and all keys start to pop. Yet, some are rubbish, beyond repair, alas! But I'll take them home, and make them shine like glass.
For in the art of selling, lies a story untold, Of pld typewriters, and memories to hold. So let me cherish, these machines of old, And make them sing, with a story to be told.
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infinite killing voice excellent EXCEPT why tf they singing 2 whole minutes of a 2014 ost instead of even a snippet of last romeo + back 🤨
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
I have completely hit a wall in the 'Child of Psyche' series so I had to take drastic measures.
I deleted everything so I can start over with a clean slate.
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Just curious in the prison AU how did the character yk react when being arrested? I’ve seen a few videos and some people like yk resist arrest or like make it difficult for the cops to load them into the car and others just kinda let it happen? I’m just curious on how much of a struggle did the cops have when trying to arrest the proxy’s/pastas
I like to think the proxies got raided, so I'm going to take some inspo from my Insane Asylum AU
Maybe Toby left a piece of evidence that led the cops right to them. For this mission, the Proxies were staying in a motel. It was the middle of the night, Toby's watching lord knows what, Hoodie's looking at some photographs he took of the victims, and Masky's smoking outside. But, as Masky's smoking, he sees bunch of cop cars in the distance. He'd run inside and tell them that they gotta leave now.
However, they got caught. Hoodie would probably be the most willing. Hoodie's the most logical of the group and he knows damn well that he isn't going to get away unless they all have a plan. He'd have the most annoyed look on his face but he wouldn't do anything.
Toby almost gotta away. Toby's had so many run ins with the cops, starting back when he was a late teenager. He would've gotten away to if his tics didn't start to act up like crazy. He'd be screaming, maybe bite a cop or two, they wouldn't definitely put a muzzle on him because he'd been sent to jail before, as mentioned in Part 1.
Masky is similar to Hoodie where he's more so annoyed then anything. But, I can see him being extremely paranoid about what the Operator and Slenderman are going to react, not even Kate has gotten caught and she works alone. He'd curse out the cops, but during the car ride, he'd be mumbling to himself, and maybe even have a panic attack.
Now to everyone else!
Ben, Jeff, and EJ were also caught together. They were all hanging out in a cabin where Jeff killing the current residents. However, Jeff had left a piece of evidence at one of his old crime scenes that led the cops to them.
EJ was dissecting one of the people Jeff killed with Ben looming over him, smoking a blunt while asking him hundreds of questions. Jeff would come over and now all of them are looming over this dead guy's body, his stomach cut open with his kidneys ripped out.
I just wanna note that these guys were the hardest to find because they're not always together, EJ eats the evidence, Ben's killings rarely leave a mark on the real world, and Jeff is good at what he does.
When the door got kicked in, the cops stared at the three in horror.
Since Ben was high as hell, he'd start laughing while saying they were fucked. Might I add, if Ben wasn't high, the three of them deadass could've escaped no problem because the cabin had a TV.
Ben was caught first and he'd be laughing, yelling "Fuck the police" while spitting on the floor. The most unserious motherfucker.
EJ killed a good chunk of the cops, but then his hunger kicked in. He ended up eating a cop, but he was able to get knocked out because of it.
Jeff got carried away and got knocked out as well.
Liu's arrest was actually recorded on live TV.
After going on a minor killing spree in a city he was in, he was seen in the background of some guy's livestream.
Liu's identity was roughly unknown by the police, and they had a few sketches of what he might look like, and unfortunately for him, they had one that was really close.
When Liu realized he was being followed by a helicopter and a few police cars, he booked it. The entire chase was live, and in broad daylight too.
He ended up cornering himself after he ran into an abandoned building. When he realized he was caught, he just sat down and waited for the cops to catch up.
When the cops walked in, they saw him sitting on top of a crate, his head facing the floor as he spinned a knife in his hand, humming a lullaby to pass the time. Tbh with you, he let himself get caught. When Jeff found out, he was so fucking pissed off. When he saw him enter the inmates ward, he yelled and playfully hit him for 30 minutes straight, Liu couldn't care less tho.
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claeysgroup · 5 days
The Elimination of the Medicare Drug Plan Donut Hole The Donut Hole & Inflation Reduction Act The Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress in 2022, will provide a definite benefit to some seniors beginning in 2025. This act will eliminate the Medicare prescription drug plan coverage gap, which is non-affectionately referred to as the donut hole. How the Donut Hole Works First, let us review what the coverage gap (donut hole) is and the way it has worked ever since Medicare drug plans were initiated January 1, 2006. The easiest way to explain it is to realize that every time someone with a Medicare prescription drug plan gets a medication filled through that drug plan, Medicare adds up the retail cost of that medication. Let’s suppose the retail cost of that medication is $600 but your hypothetical copay ...via Claeys Group Insurance Services - Tyler, TX Medicare Insurance Agency
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pizzaback · 7 months
people on the various websites simply vastly overstate the influence that internet fandoms have on the state of the world. a drop in literacy in certain partd of the world is not caused by or correlated with bad fandom takes. jfc
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hyunj1nsbae · 24 days
“It’s first time writing smut” [proceeds to write one of the best smuts i’ve read in a while] 💀
girly i’m obsessed with your bully hyunjin fic. i loved part 1 when it came out and was waiting for the next part, i just read it and loved it sm! jealousy is one of my fav tropes and so is enemies to lovers/bully that catches feelings…and I love how it’s kind of slow burn and they don’t immediately fall in love with eachother/admit their feelings like some fics that move way too fast hehe (imo). im super excited for the next part!! ♥️
Omg thank you smm😭😭 i think ill make the bully partd into a series with slow burn so yeah be ready for the next couple of parts💕💕
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sonicasura · 1 year
Is Ratchet really tempted to eat the Sala-Sala Fruit? Like you said it be an amazing tool for performing transplants and providing spare partd but have an amazing healing factor too boot.
So, in case anyone ever lost or damaged their T-cog, it wouldn't be that big of a loss for Ratchet to give his own. Maybe he can even give his own voice box for Bumblebee to use?
But would Team Prime be comfortable of Ratchet putting himself through that? Becoming a go-to giving tree?
He's the most likely to eat the fruit although no one is gonna allow Ratchet to give out parts willy nilly. If the parts are offered for an emergency and there aren't any replacements then sure. Any ideas outside this parameter have to go through Optimus but also Corazón as he knows more about Devil Fruits.
It's gonna be a group decision whether Ratchet ends up with the Sala-Sala Fruit Model Axolotl. Basically a lot of trust is given, compromise and a promise to take better care of himself. He'll also need an assistant as no one wants Ratchet to do this himself.
Should the medic eat the fruit here's how I imagine things would go.
Animal 32ft, Hybrid 35.
Easiest way I can describe his animal form is basically an plated axolotl version of his ambulance. Tires attached to his limber legs, red slanted metal frills while his brows are longer and curve around his head like an incomplete halo. Car lights are on his cheeks so flashing someone with them is a viable option. Helm encompasses most of the upper face except for his slightly wider eyes. Tail long and burly so a slap from that will hurt.
Ratchet hybrid is closer to an actual hybrid than like a costume when it comes to most Zoans. Front arms are slightly longer, face is similar to said amphibian but less round and more narrow. His tail is slender alongside being easier to manipulation. Frills aren't as long in hybrid form and frame is slightly thicker.
Miko would immediately take pictures while bugging the shit out of Ratchet. There will be questions about how the medic is feeling in either form, most from Team Prime. Ratchet spent at least two days to get accustom to his animal form under Chopper's instructions.
The man WILL use his added weight from either form to make sure his patients get their treatment. *Looks at Optimus* Some days Ratchet just naps in animal form and sometimes the kids nap right next to him. Chopper trained him to use both forms in battle.
Post war, he lies about being a Multi Changer as no one wants any info revolving around Devil Fruits to be known. There only been a few cases where Ratchet donated parts to his patients. Said items being labeled 'From Anonymous Donor'.
Becomes more accustomed to fighting in either mode and switching on the fly. Always carries a container of special coating if he needs to enter water. Quite popular around Cybertron specifically medical bots and it's quite uncommon to find a figure based on his axolotl form.
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that-giorgione · 1 year
Since all the terrible partd of this month’s ES have been dealt with by people way more knoweledgable than me, i’ll just give my two cents on he story in general.
(Note: it’s one of my first exceptional stories so apologies if i am mistaken on some things)
It was pretty boring and frustrating, not in the fun way.
You already lose the moment you start the story, addressing your suspicions has no consequences, after all that happens you actually confront the priest and you just keep tumbling on because the story needs you tumbling on.
You tumble into the altar with no question. You never attemp to stop or neutralize the tomb colonist. Honestly it just felt like having a dumb and out of touch noble play in your place.
Pretty disappointed tbh
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