radarsteddybear · 2 months
hi, what mash quiz was it that you did? I think it's a character one I haven't done yet lmao
I’ve got it linked in the post if you click on the picture—or it’s right here.
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amrv-5 · 2 months
for the cuddle ask game... 4, 14, 16, 20, 26, 30 <- I limited myself to 6. feel free to combine any or discard any as you please xxxxx
HELLO HELEN and thank you for this prompt LOL super cute and I had a great time writing it!!! sorry this is so late but I HAVEN'T ABANDONED THESE PROMPTS I PROMISE!! anyway I picked 20. cuddles while reading to each other plus 30. pulling the other's arms tighter around themselves from this prompt list.
Hawkeye yawned. He tossed his book onto the nightstand and rolled over twice, coming to a stop on top of BJ. 
“Hi,” BJ said, raising his own book to better consider Hawkeye, who was looking at him intently. 
“Hi,” Hawkeye answered. He nosed into BJ’s chest. “What are you reading?”
BJ showed him the cover of his book. A thick science fiction collection Hawkeye had gifted him. More to Hawkeye’s tastes than his own, but he was enjoying himself anyway. 
Hawkeye continued to gaze at him. It was pointed, and expectant—BJ knew what he wanted. An occasional nighttime routine. Usually it was indulged when one or the other of them was struggling with sleep, but it was nice, too, for no reason at all. 
“The fact is, the Time Traveller was one of those men who are too clever to be believed: you never felt that you saw all round him,” BJ began, reading aloud, clear but soft, speaking from the chest instead of projecting.
Hawkeye rubbed his face against BJ’s sternum lazily, eyes shut in contentment. He had a terrific cowlick.
BJ grasped his arm with his free hand as he continued to read, anchoring him. Hawkeye was breathing softly against him, asleep or thoroughly relaxed, by the time he reached a page break. Moving might disturb Hawkeye, so BJ struggled to turn the page one-handed—managed to free his thumb, stretched to reach the opposite page, and dropped the book onto Hawkeye’s head. Hardcover and all.
“Oh, Hawk,” BJ said, already laughing—Hawkeye had made a funny, catlike sound of discontent, and the thunk of the book bouncing off of him had been even better. He clutched Hawkeye tight and tried to kiss the crown of his head and stop laughing so much all at once, trying to balance how terribly he felt with how comic the progression of events had been. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Did that hurt?” 
Hawkeye removed his head from BJ’s chest, looking at him through one slit eye. His indignation cracked into laughter almost immediately. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” BJ repeated, rubbing his back. His ribs hurt from laughing under Hawkeye’s full weight. 
“Some alarm.” Hawkeye slipped down to rest his head against BJ’s middle.
“What about my book?” BJ asked, when it seemed like Hawkeye was settling in for the night.
“That deadly weapon? It’s staying on the mattress where it can’t hurt anyone.”
“Sorry again.” BJ petted Hawkeye’s hair, feeling guilty and protective, even though it hadn’t been a hard hit, and Hawkeye would tell him if he’d really been hurt. 
Hawkeye patted his flank. “Just teasing, Beej,” he reassured him, looking up long enough to wink. “I’m hard-headed.” He paused, holding BJ’s gaze. And I’m bringing the encyclopedia to bed tomorrow. For self-defense.”
BJ squeezed him. “Which letters?”
“Oh,” Hawkeye said, nuzzling into him happily, “let me see. A for aerial, ambush, attack; B for betrayal, book, bombardment, bruise—”
“I get it,” BJ said, laughing, and kissed the rest of the alphabet away.
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captainhunnicutt · 11 days
Also how big do you think that DICK is? His penis??????
Big enough I may have a fleeting moment of regret. Not so big that I couldn't take it like a champ.
Thanks for asking the hard hitting questions.
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pomegranate · 1 month
of course YOU don't like Taylor Swift 🙄🙄🙄
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persianflaw · 8 months
prax lmao I love your Halloween edit hawkeye 😭💕
THANKS HELEN, i wanted him to be festive :-)
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notaboutheroes · 1 month
following you is such a fucking gamble cos I never know when I next will be ACCOSTED by a merlin post
lmao yeah I like to keep people on their toes. no mention of merthur for weeks and then BAM. inexplicably tender face touching be upon ye
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variousqueerthings · 11 months
According to reports, Rose is Donna Noble's daughter. It might be implied that Donna picked that name through some vague remembrance of Rose Tyler, one way or another. Which is very cute. I'm frankly very pleased she will be her own character! I think it's important to carve her own path
I do not remember if I answered this elsewhere. but yes, it's very cute that rose is donna's daughter (and I assume yeah, that there's a vague remembrance, after all the two did meet... gosh I keep considering going back to watch the first four seasons and crying forever)
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marley-manson · 2 months
tagged by @majorbaby to list 6 albums i've been listening to recently, ty <3
Okay, caveat - I haven't sought out new albums since like 2014, I tend to get my occasional new music in single song form these days. These are all albums on my mp3 player, which I listen to when I'm reading in the bath to set various moods to suit what I'm reading lol. Every other time I listen to music it's in playlist form.
Blackstar - David Bowie Emmerdale - The Cardigans Oops I Did It Again - Britney Spears Saltbreakers - Laura Veirs Telling Stories - Tracy Chapman All You Can Eat - KD Lang
tagging: @undecimber-of-joy @beansterpie @professormcguire @partlyironic @v-e-l-v-e-t-g-o-l-d-m-i-n-e @kissing-monsters @creepydai @hetakiba @ducksoup1933 @princesschubbles @pomegranate @actingcamplibrarian @nico-jero @nimuetheseawitch
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voxmilia · 1 month
i'm not even involved, i haven't watched any w.atcher content in years but I'm cheering on @partlyironic and @pomegranate fighting the good fight
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watchertvfans · 22 days
(OK I'm so sorry but I cannot for the live of me remember if I've already sent in a message and I can't search old messages for some reason so. If I already sent one in pretend I didn't and this is a do-over please?)
Hi to all at Watcher!
I just wanted to tell you how much Watcher has come to mean to me over these last few years. Every single piece of content you produce is not just beautifully made to an impeccably high standard not seen anywhere else on the Internet, but imbued with a sense of kindness and optimism that I feel must come from the immense amount of care and love that you all obviously pour into everything you create. It might sound silly, but I really do think people putting stuff like that out into the world is important.
Thank you for being brilliant, and for making me – and so many other people – laugh and smile even when those things felt otherwise difficult to do.
Love you,
Helen @partlyironic
pretty sure this is your first message and we'll make sure it's in the book! ღ
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partlyironic · 1 month
hello hi tumblr user partlyironic how is your saturday (or whatever day it is wherever on this earth you are) going? just wanted to say it was very refreshing after this entire god damn week of having to block every other user on my for you tab posting entitled and ignorant takes about the whole watcher matter to come across your post that entirely encapsulates my feelings on the matter. anyway hi thanks for giving me a +1 on faith in humanity
I hope you don't mind me publishing this but it was just so nice to get a positive message in my inbox from a stranger this past week that I wanted to celebrate it. Lmao.
This week has been ROUGH for me anyway due to, you know, general horrors, but really this Watcher thing was all just so... nasty wasn't it? I genuinely cannot believe, still days later, the takes that I have seen and am continuing to see. Shit is wild.
Anyway. There are others who were on the front lines way more than me - if you want any more Watcher blogs to follow I can message you some names.
Mwah. Thank you for this. I hope you're good.
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amrv-5 · 2 years
OK OK OK As a writer myself I know this is BAD to ask… but considering there are two major ways of reading the AoS epilogue (they are both actually dead and in an imagined/real afterlife vs BJ was ‘turned’ and they both run off into the sunset together)… in your heart of hearts… what do you feel happened? I ask only because yday when I expressed my EXTREME sadness you commented back something that would imply to me that the latter interpretation might be the ‘true’ one? I KNOW IT doesn’t WORK LIKE THIS BUT!!! I KNOW it’s MEANT TO BE OPEN TO INTERPRETATION I KNOW THIS!!! I do! But.
Ough again I am so sorry LOL. Okay I'll say in my mind when I initially wrote this, I was thinking of a sort of "medium" happy ending. Like, they're both too deep in at this point to just Go Home like nothing has changed. Hawkeye would be an active danger to his father / community, and, if BJ brought him home, would be the same to his wife and kid, hence "You found me in a war zone, BJ. There’s nothing you could pick up in a minefield you should take home to your family." He sees the path he's on and thinks, okay, well, this could be the last time I'm really "human." Maybe I can get this under control, maybe I can't, but I can't know, and it's the best thing to do to remove the risk entirely.
And so I envisioned that as a sort of dual Lot's wife / Orpheus moment for BJ. I wanted to sort of set up this idea of, okay, if he 'looks back,' so to speak, what's going to happen? Well, one idea is that Hawkeye kills him, now or later. Pillar of salt'd, and Sodom still burns. But then again, if BJ can do this, maybe Eurydice/Hawk is "saved" from the underworld (becoming monstrous), and lives on in memory, not as a shade. But he doesn't really account for a third option, which is, like, what if Orpheus looked back, saw Eurydice get yanked into the underworld, and just...followed? Like, okay, not ideal, but better to be together in hell than separate in life. And the thing about pillars of salt/ash is that they don't burn. They can just hang out in a flaming city no problem. Sure, some things are worse now: their options are really limited, for one, as it's pretty damned hard to go back to your old human life when you're just loose ash, and also it's hard to do a lot of other things when your city that you love more than anything, more than even God, maybe, is on fire all the time, but if you really love your city (and it turns out that you do) you're going to stay with it.
That's more or less how I saw this ending. It's the "happiest" ending possible under the circumstances. Though I will say I initially wrote it with the idea in mind that BJ's still fully human (in body.....) and Hawk's in some ambiguous, you-interpret-how-much-of-him-is-still-human state. But so far people seem to be reading it as they're both immortal, which, while not something that honestly ever entered my mind while writing, makes total sense, and is definitely not a bad reading at all.
Re: the afterlife thing... hmmmmmmg very very very interesting. I'll say that interpretation literally never came to mind at all LOL I was thinking of it as all very concrete, especially after Hawk's speech to Frank and later BJ about the Nothingness of death, but I'm intrigued! But then again what's an afterlife, really. This could be an afterlife of sorts. Especially given that one (or both, depending on your reading) of the guys did definitively die. It's an afterlife of some sort for Hawkeye, at least, and the rest is who knows what.
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captainhunnicutt · 11 days
What really small BJ moment is your favourite in the series?
"Gee Margaret, you're beautiful when you're vicious."
I also really really love when you can see BJ (Mike probably) trying not to let it show he's about to laugh. Head goes down with a smile. Hand goes up to his mouth. Eyebrows get raised.
Also, I love when he's laying on his cot and stacks his feet. He puts his heal on top of the toes of his other foot and his fucking clown feet become even more of a weapon. It's hot.
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pomegranate · 11 months
beejhawk obvs, 3, 5, 12
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
I headcanon Hawkeye as being a great cook and great lover of fine food, so he usually cooks, but he teaches BJ some recipes and BJ learns some meals on his own so he can take care of Hawkeye when he’s too worn down or manic to think about cooking. BJ does the dishes - I see him as the neater one overall in their relationship. Neither of them is banned from the kitchen, because the kitchen is where the love is stored 💓
5. Who does what chores?
This ties into the previous answer but BJ is the guy who cleans. He’s also more mechanically adept than Hawkeye so if something breaks, he’ll have more luck fixing it. TBH I’m struggling to see Hawkeye doing many (if any) chores. I think he would do the grocery shopping, if anything, and probably any gardening that needs to be done.
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
HAWKEYEEEEEE he canonically has sleep issues! I think he usually wakes up before BJ, who comes downstairs sometimes and sees Hawkeye already started on some kind of massive project in the kitchen or living room or office. He also would stay at work late and volunteer himself for any extra work, which means maybe sometimes he loses track of time and he gets home & BJ’s passed out on the couch (he tried to stay up and wait for him but couldn’t do it).
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for the lovely (and patient) @partlyironic
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billdecker · 1 year
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