#party yatch
jj-lynn21 · 2 years
warnings 18+, smut, angsty, fun,
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 The whole week had been hazy and hot. Temperatures reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Bill and his love had been working overtime at their jobs. Their first day of three-day weekend started out with pure slothiness.  
Bill woke first. After slipping on some cloths, he quietly snuck out of the bedroom to make some morning coffee. He sipped on some before returning with her cup. He put it right under her nose to rouse her with the aroma. She blinked a few times before open her eyes to his smile and the mug of life. She snugged close to him as she finished her hot brew.  
He leaned down to kiss her slow and deep as his hand put the coffee cup on the stand. It had been a few weeks since they had been so intimate, so they took the morning very slowly. Love and exstacy rolled over their bodies as they satisfied what they were missing.  
After their morning romp they headed to the kitchen for more coffee and food. She wore his big burnt orange sweater with grey sweatpants and pink and white pock-a-dot fuzzy slippers. Thier house was an ice box contrasting to the heat outside. With Bill’s Nordic blood he still lounged in a white t-shirt, navy sweatpants, and bare feet. He bumped her and she giggled as she stirred up pancake mix. Bill made eggs bacon and sausages.
“Blueberries, or chocolate chips in these?” She asked.  
“Both.” Bill replied. “How about I chop up some pecan also?” He had been on a strict diet for shooting but now that it was all over, he was ready to splurge. “Lots of syrup.”
She laughed. “Okay, sounds perfect.” She sprinkled the chocolate chip morsels and the blueberries in the pancake batter. “Do you have a pan over there ready for these?”
“All buttered up.” He put some batter in a pan making a perfect circle. After a few moments he flipped them. Then dissed up the eggs and sausage.
She made the table up while he finished cooking the huge feast. She freshened up their coffee but also poured them some orange juice. She put out some grapes and strawberries, honey, and syrup. He setup all the cooked food. They ate most everything they made.
They lounged on the couch watching movies and eating snacks the rest of the day. Her in his lap feeling safe, loved, and warm. If you would have asked either of them, it was the perfect way spend the day after weeks without a break from work. She fell asleep there right in his arms, so he carried her up to bed. He slid in beside her with a book he was looking forward to reading but drifted off with his glasses on soon after he started. When his love woke in the night, she took his glasses off him before sliding out of bed to get a glass of water.  
They eat a little lighter the next day. Mimosas and fruit by the pool. Bill looks over at her body glistening in the sunshine. They are both sun kissed.  
“I think we should do something fun today.” He suggests.
“Like what?” She questioned. “I have fun just hanging here with you.”
“Yeah, this is great.” He finishes off his drink. “We have not seen our friends and family in a few weeks.”
“That is true.” She ponders. “What do you suggest? If you plan something, you know I will follow.” She finished her drink and held it up to him. “Refill?”
Bill grabs her glass. “I will bring you a bottled water. You need to stay hydrated in this heat.”
“I can swim to cool off from the heat.” She whined.
He laughed. “You can do that if you want, but I will also bring you some water.”
She jumped in the cool water as he walked inside. He called his siblings, friends, cousins, and her friends. He had a plan. He called the docks next for the biggest party boat available. One friend was a DJ, so boat had to have electrical hookup for equipment. Next, he called a caterer.  
As she stepped out of the pool Bill was there with her robe and a smile. “Get on one of your prettiest summer dresses with the new bathing suit I bought you for swim parties underneath. I rented a party boat and invited everyone we know.”
Her jaw dropped. “Really?”
“Yep, it's time to have a fun time before another shoot Starts in about a week. I will have to start prepping as soon as they send me the script.”
“Let’s not think about future work obligations.” She smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “It is time for good times with family and friends. Do we need a picnic or beverages?”
“I have it all covered, babe.” He slapped her bottom. “Just go get ready for fun.”
They pulled into the docks at the same time as Valter who had a car loud of friends. There were fist pumps and hugs of greeting as they all walked towards the music being played on the party yacht.  
The yacht was three levels. On the highest level a d DJ was set up playing the hottest summer tunes. A small buffet of wings, herring, salad, and mixed fruit in a watermelon was also setup on the top deck. A cooler with beers, wine and a variety of other drinks were near the table. There was also a slide right into the water off the top deck.  
There was plenty of room on the middle level on the bow and stern of the yacht for dancing and mingling. Bill just wanted to talk to everyone as the yacht pulled away from the dock. He was a social butterfly when in the mood. His girl on the other hand just talked to a small group of friends. Too much of a crowd made her anxious.  
Bill comes over and snakes a hand around her waist as he says hello to her friends. He was always watching her from afar and realized her discomfort in the crowd. “Excuse us.” He grins “Its slide time.”  
She throw her dress off to a chair, Then she pretends to fight him flailing her legs and arms as he carried her to the stairs for the slid. She climbed the stairs hesitantly. Bill was right behind her eager for the splash in the refreshing ocean water.
She turned to him as they got to the top of the slide. “You are going with me, right?”
Bill chuckled. “Okay.”
She sat with her legs together holding the sides until they were both ready. Bill sat with his legs around hers and his arms around her. “You can let go of the sides now baby girl. I got you.’
“When I am ready.” She looked down what seemed to be a huge slope.  
He grabbed her hands pulling them up in the air. They slid quickly. She screamed and he laughed as they plunged into the chilly water. She clung to him when they appeared from under the water. Bill treading water to keep both afloat. Others swam around them after sliding.
“You jerk.” She laughed as she pushed his head under the water.  
He popped back up. “You loved it.”
“Not the point.” She started swimming back to the boat.
“So, we are going to do it again?” He swam by her side.
“Of course.” She beat him to the ladder to get back on the yacht by one stroke when she pushed off him for leverage.  
They played on the slide laughing and splashing each other in the water until they were about too tired to swim to the ladder. They decided to take a break. Hunger was heavy in their stomachs. They stood near the buffet.  
“You didn’t get any herring on your plate.” He offered her a bite. “Try it. It tastes great.”  
She wrinkles her nose. “I’m not so sure.”
“Come on.” He pouts his lip. His emerald gaze looking at her pleading.
She rolls her eyes and takes the bite he offers. It was salty on her tongue. A flaky fish she had never tried before. She swallowed. “Mm good.”
“Hey, Bill.” A group of guys waved for him to come over. They were holding a box of cigars.
“Are you good, Babe?” He scarfed the rest of the food on his plate waiting for her to excuse him.
She laughed. “Go play with the boys. I’m fine.”
Bill hugged and kissed her gentle before going to hang with his boys. She sat down on a bench with her plate to nibble. Two girls with long blond pony tales looked over at her. She would have thought they were twins with their matching bodycon dress, but one had blue eyes and the other brown. Plus, one had a little bit of chestnut brown roots showing. She was obviously trying too hard to be like her friend.  
“Hi, I am Misty, and this is Kristy.” The girls smiled as if they were taught to do so no matter what. “We saw you talking to Bill. He does not talk to every girl. What is your secret?”
She giggles. “I don’t have a secret. We have been dating for months.”
“No sir.” The girls say in unison shaking their heads no.  
“How?” Misty thought aloud. “What is your profession that YOU (she emphasized the word like it was ugly) got a Skarsgard.”
“Nothing special.” she frowned
“We are models.” Misty smirked.
Kristy also smirked. “We were invited by Valter who we met at a club last night. Well, his bodyguard invited us.”
Misty glared at Kristy.
“What?” Kristy said. “It still counts he wanted us here.”
Bill’s girl tried not to laugh at them. “That is a good job. I bet you run into actors all the time.”
“What about you?” Misty seethed. “What is this nothing special job that got you so close to a Skarsgard?”
“I just work in a cloths story.” She laughed uncomfortably. “I was working when Bill came in for a new shirt when he dumped coffee on his dress shirt on the way to an interview. He bought five shirts that day. I helped him find what he needed quickly. He came back every day asking for me to help finding outfits. Then eventually he asked when my break was so we could grab a coffee.”
“What a cute story.” Misty rolled her eyes to Kristy. “Don’t get to use to him. Skarsgards are notorious Flirts. You think you have one and then they are off to the next shop girl or whatever. He probably has his eye on another girl right now.”  
Misty and Kristy grin evilly as the girl tries to scan the crowd for Bill. There is another girl that has joined their boys club. She is talking to Bill and giggling. Could he fall for that? Is he really going to move on so quickly? She thinks deep down it was crazy to think someone as beautiful as him could really love her.  
“Excuse me.” She politely gets up. Her eyes burn with tears as she grabs a bottle of whatever was on ice. She has the feeling to flee. But where do you go on a yacht full of people? She found her way down to the cabin below deck. It was cozy with a large couch, two tables, and a few chairs. There was a small restroom where she went to splash some water on her face. Luckily, she had good water-proof mascara that did not run down her face like her tears. She sat on the couch taking big swigs of the wine.
Bill, meanwhile, started glancing around for her. He had been checking up on her from afar. But he did not see her anywhere. The last he saw she was laughing with two air heads that followed his little brother Valter. He walked around the deck causally looking for her. Then he decided to look below decks. There she was. Huddle on the couch. She looked up to him with red eyes.
He locked the door and rushed to her putting his cigar down on the nearby table before holding her. “Did the crowd get to you sweetheart?”
She shook her head “no” as it was buried in his chest.
He lifted her head to look at him. “Tell me what’s wrong.” his voice more commanding.  
“Are you looking for new girl?” she could barely look in his eyes. Part of her did not really want to know. She wanted the bliss of thinking her loved only her.  
He was shocked by the question. “Why would you say that?”
“Are you?” She slid to the floor.
He got down the floor to hold her again. “No, I’m not here for anyone but you.” He kissed her deep to drive home the point. “I don’t want anyone at this party but you.” He kissed her again as she clung around him,
She kissed him back. Need arising in both quickly. Bill slid his wet swim trunks off. Then slid her bottoms off. When she took her top off, he just stared a moment. Then he laid her back on the floor. The carpet was fluffy to comfort her position.
“You are so beautiful.” He kissed her neck as he readied himself. “Never let anyone tell you how I feel for you. Or make you feel I might not care.” He eased his manhood inside her tightness.
She took a deep breath wrapping her legs around his waist. “I’ll try. I just don’t think I deserve you sometimes.” She gasped as got fully sheathed.
“It is me who got lucky to find a girl like you.” He breathed “who takes all of me so well.” 
He was huge in all sorts of ways. It made her feel safe and loved in this moment of passion unbridled. As they were reaching for their height of pleasure someone tried the door. Then they knocked.  
“Hey, I have to use the bathroom.” Valter screamed as he pounded on the door again.  
“Go piss in the water.” Bill groaned out.
“Fuck, Bill is that you?” Valters seethed. “I have to take a shit, unlock the door.”
“No.” He grinned a little as he was performing. His girl whined. “Shhh I got you all the way babe.”  
“Come on man.” Valter screamed.
“Go...in... the... lake.” His words emphasized with each thrust.  
“Fuck you man.” Valter retorted. “Your gross.”
The passion in the room climaxed into blissed after glow. Bill rolled on to his back and pulled her close in an embrace. He kissed her cheek before getting up. He got his shorts on and sat on the couch. As he reached for his cigar, he looked to his girl recuperating. “When you are ready, we can catch the sunset.”  
She got up and got her swimwear back on. With a smile on her face, she took his hand. “Let's go enjoy the sunset.”
Valter was still at the door when Bill opened it. She blushed as she passed. But Bill got in his face. “The Barbie twins are not to follow you to another one of my parties.”  
“No, problem just let me through.” He lightly pushed Bill out of the way so he could get to the restroom.
The couple made it above deck just has the sun was dipping into the horizon.She found her dress to slide on over her swimwear. The embraced as they watched the sunset. The colors were a beautiful yellow, orange and read. It was a perfect view for a mostly amazing day as the yacht headed back to the shore.
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estellaestella · 12 days
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Wild animal spotted at the Venice Film Festival. September 2022.
once in a blue moon he will dress like a woman who's hosting a party on the yatch she got in her second divorce but he makes it werk
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theviolenttomboy · 9 months
Found this interesting segment off of an Anime News Network post about Nintendo:
This past week, there was a lot of news about Nintendo and their corporate policies; their new employee rate is clocked in at an astounding 98.8%, which isn't just high for the industry. That's an unprecedented high for Japan in general. There was also the development that the upcoming Super Mario Wonder wasn't developed with a deadline in mind—developers were allowed to iterate on ideas and metaphorically throw stuff at the walls to see what stuck. The result is, well, Super Mario Wonder. And let's not forget, this year's The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was also delayed by a whole year in the name of polishing the base game—the result is absolute programming witchcraft, courtesy of how well the ridiculously-intricate Fuse mechanic works on a Nintendo Switch (while "bigger" open-world games can't even keep their physics in line). Also worth pointing out is that Nintendo was willing to start from scratch with Metroid Prime 4 because they didn't like how the game was coming along in development. Nintendo is the result of a studio actually giving a rip about what they put out and making sure the people they hire are well-cared-for while they do it, not just in the office but also in their personal lives—while Japan doesn't formally recognize same-sex marriage, Nintendo extends the same benefits to developers in same-sex partnerships as they do to heterosexual ones. (For the record, Nintendo isn't perfect, and I look forward to Nintendo of America cleaning up their act with regards to their contractors.) Smarter people than myself have also pointed out that, unlike many American studios, Nintendo rarely—if ever—sees the kinds of mass layoffs that the likes of Activision-Blizzard see. The people working on Super Mario Wonder likely include many veteran staff who have worked at Nintendo long enough to get a grip on how a Mario game should "feel," and in turn are allowed to offer advice to younger, newer developers who know they don't have to worry about their job security. Compare this to the likes of EA, who so callously lay off key staff, including some of their most celebrated writers. While the peanut gallery explains how "underpowered" the Switch is, Nintendo has quietly written the book on sustainable production. (It's a real shame that there isn't much they can do about GAME FREAK.) I've seen some folks claim that Nintendo can only do all of these because of how much money they have. And this is valid... to a point. I can see Supergiant Games (creators of Hades and Bastion), Coldwood Interactive (creators of Unravel) or rose-engine games (creators of Signalis) not being able to just dump a ton of work to start all over again on a current project, or just delay a game for an entire year because they wanted to make sure all their "T"s were crossed. But if we're talking the usual American stand-bys—Gearbox Studios, BioWare, NetherRealm Studio, Infinity Ward—then you can miss me with that load of bullcrap. As always, the late Satoru Iwata taking a 50% pay cut during Nintendo's lean years is a big, fat black eye to the rest of the gaming industry that loves to report their record-breaking profits before dropping the axe on whole chunks of their workforce. And it's a tremendous indictment to the likes of Bobby Kotick and other overpaid executives who sit atop these gaming studios.
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"Barrow should get to be a househusband for Guy" "Barrow should get to be some rich socialitd in America" "Barrow should work in cinema as agent/actor"
So am i the only one who thinks Barrow as a gangster would be neat?
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scarletwinterxx · 8 months
got me confused, got me satisfied - jaehyun imagine
hellooooo. currently on my jaehyun brain rot era😶😶‍🌫️ this is the bit different from what i usually write... hope you like it😅
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
: a bit suggestive, fluff, whipped jaehyun
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"What do you give a man who has everything?"
"For Jaehyun? Damn girl, i don't know. What about a good dicking down" Joy says nonchanlantly like you're not having brunch at the moment.
"Sounds tempting" you mumble
"Your presence is a present enough, if he don't want that then I know a list of guys ready to take his place"
You chuckle at your friends words, "I like him though, I like his face, I like his hugs, I like that he likes me"
"You like all of him, it's not so bad too that his secret dream is to be a sugardaddy. Specifically yours"
"That doesn't make me a sugarbaby... does it?" you look over at her
"Girl, you are the definition of a sugarbaby, the lavish dates, the expensive gifts, out of town trips on his private yatch? what would you call that then?" Joy asks back
That got you quiet. Thinking about what you would call your relationship with Jaehyun.
You don't like being confused, it frustrates you. He frustrates you but there's no other man you would run to but him. No man can make you think like him. Here you are slowly losing your mind over finding a simple gift for him.
Smirking as an idea pop in your mind, "I think I got it" you mumble. Getting your bag to go the the mall and get what you need
"Where are you going?!" Joy shouts
"I'm going to make a man cry tonight, see you at the party" you shout back as you walk across the street, Joy just chuckles after you. Whatever it was you had planned, Jaehyun is definitely in for a surprise.
A few swipes of your card, and a couple of hours getting ready you finally make your way to the party. It was already packed by the time you got there, some faces you recognize but more you've never met before. Probably just here to have a good time.
You easily spot Joy amongst the crowd, happily belting out the song with a very drunk looking Jungwoo.
"You're hereeeee" she squeals when she spots you, pulling you by the arm and making you do a quick spin. Your little black dress and the cute matching black ribbon on your hair,
"You look hot babe! Is this Jaehyun's gift tonight?" she teases you, pulling playfully on the ribbon. She's not far off if you're being honest. Shrugging at her question teasingly, you excuse yourself to find the man of the hour.
He wasn't on the dance floor, in the main room or outside. You do find Yuta while you trying to find Jaehyun.
"Here for the birthday boy?" he asks, a beer in hand
"Yep, have you seen him?"
"He's been sulking all night, Joy and Jungwoo kept saying you weren't coming cause you were out on a date" he laughs
"They're evil, it's his birthday" you joke, laughing along with him.
"Go find your boyfriend before he finds you here, don't forget to use protection this house isn't baby proofed!" he shouts, earning a few glances but you pay no attention to them. Making your way back inside the house, you finally see the familiar tuff of dark hair, fair skin and those arms you loved having wrapped around you.
Confidently making your way over to him, he's still looking at the other side of the room where the door was. Like he was waiting for someone to walk through at any moment,
"Waiting for someone?" you ask, catching his attention
He turns his head so fast, you let out a giggle. At that moment Jaehyun didn't care if he looked like he cared too much. He didn't care if his friends were teasing him all night saying shit like you went out on a date and found someone better.
Who the fuck is better. He thought to himself earlier.
This arrangement he has with you is definitely a confusing one, but for you he'd ignore all the warning signs. Heck you could've been the biggest red flag and he'd still happily chase after you like a mad bull.
It's not like you're leading him on, he knows you like him. And he likes you. The two of you like the way you are right now, not exactly boyfriend and girlfriend but you do all the things that comes with being in a relationship. From the cute nicknames, to him driving you anywhere and everywhere, even having weekly movie nights in his room or yours (depends if all the guys are home). No man knows your body the way he does. And if he's completely honest, he would like to keep it that way.
In a way the two of you are lowkey, but nothing about the way you scream his name some nights says lowkey AT ALL.
You catch the way his face lights up, fighting the smile instead showing you a smirk. But you know him enough, he's happy you're here. You're happy you're here.
His eyes rakes over your body, head to toe. He tucks a few loose strands of hair behind your ear, "You look cute" he tells you, noting your wearing that damn ribbon he loves seeing on you. It makes you look innocent but he knows you well enough.
"Happy birthday" you tell him, throwing your arms around his neck to intertwine them. Dragging your nose along his jaw, kissing the shell of his ear knowing exactly what it'll do to him.
You smile when you pull back and see his ears turning red. A rather unimpressed look on his face, you want nothing but to kiss him but you hold back. For now.
"Thought you weren't going to make it" He tries to act nonchalant but his body was on autopilot. His arms are already around your waist, pulling you so close leaving no space between your bodies. If it was up to him, there's still too many places he's not close enough.
For example he wanted to just bury his face on your neck and mark you up for the world to see, let them wonder just who did that to you. He wanted to have your legs wrapped around him, like vice grips every time he pleases you.
"And you look like you're thinking about something else" you tease him, "I got you something" you add
"Told you, you didn't have to get me anything" he mumbles but you just shake your head at him
"Shhh, just this once let me buy you something. Tomorrow you can go back to living your dream of being my sugardaddy"
"Call me that again, I'm carrying you out of this kitchen and go upstairs" he tells you, leaning closer to you until your lips were centimeters away.
"Okay, daddy" you smirk, feeling his arms tighten around you before he lets you go. Confusion written across your face before you see him crouching down, feeling his hands behind your knees he throws you over his shoulder as gently as he could. One hand on your legs holding you while the other hand rest right were your dress stops.
"Hey! You guys! Come back here, we're doing shots" you hear Jungwoo scream but Jaehyun paid him no mind. It's like he's a man on a mission. Mission to ruin you.
He walks down the familiar hallway until he reaches the last door, punching in the code before walking inside. He doesn't let you down, again gently throwing you on his bed.
You laugh, like literally laugh out loud. Jaehyun watches you carefully, waiting for you to say something. He knows you know exactly how to rile him up.
"Now that I got you here, time for your present" you tell him, standing up to get a small paper bag on his table. You probably put it there before finding him downstairs earlier.
"Was this your masterplan?" he asks you
"Kinda, I have a few more lines to use but either way they will all end up with us locked here in your room" you giggle, how can you sound so angelic yet so devilish he will never understand.
"Here, even if you don't like it just pretend you do. For me" you tell him jokingly, taking the bag from you he opens it up to see a box. Inside it was a simple chain necklace. Anything from you is a prized possession to him.
That mug you made him on your second date? his favorite to have his coffee in the morning.
That tshirt you bought him because it had peaches all over it? his favorite shirt to wear at home.
That candle you bought for him to use in his room? still sitting on his bedside table, lighting it whenever you're over or when he misses you.
"Your style right?"
"You saw me looking at this when we went to the mall, was that why you told me not to buy it?" he asks, taking it out of the box to put it on. You watch happily as he finishes putting it on.
And god damn you were right, he looked good wearing it.
If taking gifts makes you this happy maybe, just maybe, he'll let you shop for him more. But in this relationship, he likes spending more on you. From dinners to quick coffee runs to shopping sprees, he's always the one to swipe his black card. He's so damn hot while doing it, you thought.
"Just imagined that hanging over my face, I had to buy it" He chuckles at your reasoning. You saying that so casually as if it was a very normal scenario.
"Is this a gift for me or for you?" he raises a brow at you, he does love the gift. He loves it even more now knowing why you bought it. He already know how this night will end up, making mental note to make that imagination of yours into reality.
"Well that's first part of your gift, close your eyes"
You wait for him to do so, guiding him to sit on his bed. He hears some rustling, tempted to take a peak but he knows you'll scold him.
After a few moment he feels your hands holding his arms, guiding him to stand again. "Keep them closed until I tell you to open okay, I'm serious Jae"
He chuckles when he hears the nickname, it always sounds so cute when it comes from you.
"Okay now open" you tell him.
And when he did, his jaw nearly dropped on the floor. Cute is not the word to describe you right now. Divine, heavenly maybe because he's about to take all his time to worship you.
He should've known there was a reason you wore that damn ribbon. He loved seeing you with it, he knows you know he loves it.
And now here you are, on his bed with nothing but that black silk ribbon in your hair. He will never look at it the same again, he might just end up with a boner everytime he sees you with it.
"You don't like your gift?" tilting your head to the side, hooking your foot around his leg to pull him closer.
"Goddamit, woman. Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" he breathes out, leaning down so he's face to face with you. Your arms automatically going around him, he can feel you warmth against him.
Is it because he's still all dressed up that why the room just got hotter or because the girl of his dream and reality is lying naked underneath him?
The latter. Definitely the latter.
"Satisfied with your second gift?" you ask him, leaving a trail of kisses from him jaw down his neck then back up until your noses were touching.
"If you wanted this damn necklace hanging over you that much, all you had to do was ask" he teases you, you can feel his hand on your body. It feels like he's leaving a trail of fire with the way your body is burning.
"This is a bad idea, now every time I see you with that necklace I'm afraid I'm going to jump you" he chuckles, finally leaning further down to capture your lips with his. Getting lost in each others kisses, at first you tried to fight for some control but Jaehyun is never one to back down. Not when it comes to you.
That got you giving up, like you always do, letting him explore all there is to explore. It wasn't new to you or him, but his kisses still felt like a man chasing after air.
When the two of you broke apart, you can see already how swollen his lips are. And the two of you haven't even started yet.
"You know what's a worse idea? that ribbon. Now everytime I see you wearing that, this is exactly where you'll end up"
You chuckle, pulling him down for another heated kiss, "Then plan succeeded"
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krakgkaglstosk · 9 months
Seventeen TBR
Last updated: 05.09.24
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[Seventeen Rec List]
I do NOT tag my recs/order them in any particular way so BE AWARE of NSFW
Authors are no longer tagged bc there's too many 😭😭
Ah! Love by @/thepixelelf
Kissing them Mid-Argument by @/babyleostuff
I Love You, Again by @/jnginlov
Eat. Play. Love by @/husbandhoshi
Confusion Contusion by @/seungkwansphd
In This Life by @/trblsvt
Pure Math 171 by @/gyuswhore
Fifteen to Forever by @/gyuswhore
Read All About It by @/deedeekpop
Sweater by @/vanillacheol
Take Trouble, Make it Double by @/sluttywoozi
Sapiosexual by @/smileysuh
Can't You See Me? by @/toruro
Ode to You by @/lovelyhan
Lucky Girl by @/horangare
Anything but by @/yoongiseesawmp3
Love Cafe by @/chocosvt
Take Trouble, Make it Double by @/sluttywoozi
I Think We Married in Vegas by @/ressonancee
First Time Trying Sex Toys by @/sunnylovespickles
Dry Humping by @/undermoonlightst
Parties, Yatchs, and Wishful Thinking by @/ithinkilikeit-reactions
Hot or Cold by @/jjuniehao
Honeyboy by @/chocosvt
Puppy Love by @/smileysuh
Lilac Lace by @/starlightxsvt
His Smile by @/angelwonie
Local Lover Boy by @/cheolism
Spoiled by @/wonusite
Confidently Lost by @/gfcheol
Stay at Home Husband Mingyu by @/celestiababie
We Don't Usually Hold Hands by @/gyukult
Kim Mingyu's Unhelpful Guide to Losing Your Virginity by @/shuaflix
Multitasking by @/himbocoups
Evening Glow by @/cheolhub
Cliche But That's Okay by @/twogyuu
The Other Woman by @/idyllic-ghost
Hits Different (...Cause it's You) by @/gyuswhore
Never a Goodbye by @/ssentimentals
Greed by @/cheolism
Over and Under by @/sluttywoozi
Horanghae by @/rubywonu
The Biggest Fanboy by @/hoshifighting
Isohel by @/toruro
505 by @/lovelyhan
The Royal Gambit by @/idyllic-ghost
Devil by the Window by @/toruro
Sleepy by @/ikigaisvt
Heart & Seoul by @/milfgyuu
Game Over by @/lovelyhan
Scrawled in the Sand by @/toruro
Horror Game by @/myung-heee
[959] by @/twogyuu
Melting Point by @/lovelyhan
Sir, Please by @gyuwoncheol
Bitchless by @/milfgyuu
Over and Under by @/sluttywoozi
Love Shot by @/blue-jisungs
Still Mad by @/slytherinshua
Like a Melody by @/sluttywoozi
Somewhere In the Middle by @/sluttywoozi
Falling for You by @/onlymingyus
Sleepy Bunny by @/slytherinshua
Not Really Magic by @/twogyuu
Renege by @/twogyuu
SVT as your bf: Hao edition by @/fairyhaos
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
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Welcome to my page loves♡
About me- Miely, 20, she/her
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Angst fic rec 1 , rec 2, rec3
My Y/Ns
feedbacks, requests here♡
⚡️: Angst, 🌸 : Fluff, 🔥: Smut, r : Requested
• Baby Honey [⚡️🌸🔥]
in which Y/N is oblivious and Harry is in love with his best friend
(Friends to lovers or youtuber!au)
• Humphrey High [⚡️🔥🌸]
in which Harry and Y/N hate each other, but things change when there is a possible attempt of murder...
(Academic rivals to lovers or prince!harry)
• Stages of grief [⚡️🔥🌸]
in which Y/N's life crumbles after her husband of 5 years cheats on her
(Cheating!Harry × Actress!reader)
• Little Freak [🔥🌸⚡️]
in which Autumn likes her twin brother's best friend, and maybe he likes her too...
(Brother's best friend!Harry × Oc!reader)
• Viridescent [⚡️🔥🌸]
in which Anna and Harry are forced to get married for generational money...
(Enemies to lovers)
• Royalty [⚡️🔥🌸]
in which crown is at war, and to have the North at their side, Rhaenyra decides to promise marriage between her eldest daughter and younger brother of Cregan Stark, Harry...
(Stark!Harry × Targaryen!Reader)(hotd au)
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• Only Angel [🔥🌸⚡️]
in which Y/N is the rockstar Harry's hot girlfriend...
(90s rockstar!harry)
• Smoke [🔥🌸⚡️]
in which Harry is your dad's best friend and his boss...
(Dbf! Gangleader! Harry × Plussize reader)
• Lone [🔥🌸⚡️]
in which Y/N's new roommate is werid...
(Werewolf!Harry × Florist!reader)
• Ceo!Harry [🔥🌸⚡️]
(Ceo!Harry × Assistant!reader)
• Demon!Harry [🔥🌸⚡️]
in which demon bounded to your house who won't let you leave...
(Demon!Harry × Reader)
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• Breakup sex [🌸🔥], ig (r)
breakup sex but not what you think...
• Bachelorette party [🌸]
in which you and Harry meet at your friend's Bachelorette party sleepover...
• Strike [⚡️], pt 2 [⚡️]
in which Harry has a work wife...
• Second [⚡️]
in which you always stayed being second...
• Better Than Revenge [🔥⚡️]
in which after your boyfriend cheats on you with your best friend, you want revenge, and luckily, he has a very hot brother...
• Nightmare [⚡️🌸]
in which Harry cheated on you...
• Yearbook [🌸]
in which Harry promised to take you to his first award show as his date...
• He looks up grinning like a devil [🔥]
in which your parents think their sweet catholic girl is in the city working as an assistant to big ceo but is she really?
• Oreos and Pickles [⚡️]
in which you spent 2 years with Harry and a grocery store trip makes you realize it was all secondary...
• Prince Charming [🦇⚡️🌸]
in which cooking for your date is always a nice gesture...
• Cameras [🔥⚡️]
She looks like a star but only on camera...
• Milk Carton [🌸]
in which Harry opens milk cartons....
• Familiarity [⚡️🌸], Part 2
in which you and Harry have a strange relationship...
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Fake Ig-
• Love Story (Male!y/n)
• Deleted story (r)
• Daddy [⚡️🌸🔥]
• You're losing me [⚡️] pt 2 [⚡️🌸]
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• in which Y/N and Harry are in secret relationship and her friend won't stop flirting with him [⚡️🌸](r)
• in which Y/N gets mad seeing the yatch pictures [⚡️🌸](r)
• in which you listen to cherry with Harry for the first time [⚡️🌸](r)
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Like, comment and reblog if you like what you read or Dan Schneider will be under your bed tonight♡
I don't consent for my work to be reposted, translated, etc!! Every character mentioned and used as faceclaim is fictional and I'm not enforcing any idea or sexuality.
Love you, stay hydrated♡
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Tgg detailss!
Did anyone watched jlb and Kayvion Lewis live??? If you haven't, let me tell you few things that she said about tgg. (Idk if there were more things said, but the live is still there so you can watch it)
There will be plenty of riddles in tgg unlike in tig.
When she was mentioning the masquerade ball, she also said the words helicopter and yatch party. I don't think she mentioned it randomly, I think some events may happen in those places.
She said one of the character in tgg was pretty good holding a sword!!!! And when everyone asked why SHE was good, SHE said her mother was a writter and that she needs a lot of help blocking out fight scenes. As you can see, this is a female character then it is either Odette or Lyra... The way in which Jlb said it made it seems like the character was rather serious.
She mentioned grumpy vs sunshine when talking about gigi.
She mentioned that gigi is paired with people that is crankier, grumpy and determined not to like her. However, she said gigi is good at making people like her against their will.
I would have to see the live again to know if there is more
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serialunaliver · 2 months
what DO you do if you get bored at a ""yatch party""??
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
yacht date night with kylian? maybe it’s readers first time on a yacht because she’s still getting used to her new lifestyle dating him
Hii thank you for requesting this I hope you like it ❤️
kylian mbappe x reader
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You and Kylian started dating only a few months ago and he always treated you as a queen. His queen. He always got you flowers, cute outfits to wear on your dates, jewelleries, he always brought you to expensive restaurants or parties and as much you liked it you still weren’t use to this lifestyle. You were born in an average family, where you lived with your parents checks but you could never afford an expensive lifestyle. You never had expensive bags or shoes, you never stayed on a holiday more than three days and you definitely didn’t have a personal yatch. You were just normal. Kylian, on the other hand, lived a pretty privileged life, starting early his career with football he came rich and famous at an early age so it was normal for him to live this life.
Tonight would have been the first time he would have take you out on his yatch for date night and you were kinda nervous. It would have been just the two of you, plus a personal chef, his maid, his security and his driver who would have taken you to his yatch, plus the one who would be driving his yatch.
When you both arrived you saw the dimension of his yatch and you were left speechless.
“Do you like it?” he asked you helping out of the car and going on his yatch
“Absolutely…it’s huge!”
“I know…it’s my little jewel” he said proudly
“Little ah?” you laughed and he showed you around.
That was probably the most luxurious place you’ve ever seen. He took you outside where there was this table just waiting for you.
“This is for you mon amour, I hope you like it” he said
“I love it, thank you so much” you told him and you both sat down waiting for the chef to bring you your dinner
“What do you really think about the yatch?” he asked you feeling a little bit insecure
“I love it! I just hope we don’t sink like the titanic” you joked and he bursted our laughing. That’s what he loved about you. You just being yourself. Not faking anything, you loved his presence and he knew it, you always made him feel safe and loved and he would always be forever grateful to you for that.
After one hour you ate and you were currently watching the stars in the sky, wrapped on the couch with a blanket around your body.
“I have something for you” Kylian said and got a box from his jeans
“Kyky?” you worried he was going to propose, not that you wouldn’t mind it but you started dating a few months ago and you didn’t want to rush things
“It’s not what you think I swear” he joked a bit and you opened the box, revealing a diamond heart shaped ring “it’s a promise ring” he explained “it’s a promise ring, as I promise you to always stay by your side, to always support you and cheer for you, care for you…as I promise that one day this ring will be an engagement ring” he said and you swore you started crying but then you noticed the red box in which the ring was in, it was a Cartier ring that probably costed more than what you make in 3 years.
“I love it Kyky…I swear I do but I can’t accept it” you said and you saw his face sadden a little
“Why not?” he asked you worried
“It’s too much…I feel like I would never be able to give you all the things you’re giving to me and I wish I could…this ring probably costed more than my parents house” you laughed a bit “I just…I don’t want to let you think I’m taking advantage of you…”
“Babe of course not! You don’t have to give me anything back…except your love, that’s all I ask for, you and me…this is just a little present that I wanted you to have and I want you to have and to keep it for the rest of your life…this is the promise of our love” he told you and now you were really crying. What have you done in your life to deserve someone as caring and loving as Kylian?
“Okay” you said and he smiled, grabbing your hand and placing the ring on it
“It suits you very well” he smirked at you and kissed you.
That night you fell asleep in each other’s arms, watching the stars shining in the sky.
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ju-vondy · 19 days
Jason's social media, a crack headcanon/theory.
So, for those who haven't played EP 04 yet this post might contain SPOILERS.
Girlies, first of all I hope you're all doing well 😊❤️🤌🏻 Second: I think the profile of Jason which Thomas revealed during the episode was the "professional" one.
It's a profile Jason use only to show his "businessman" side. But secretly he has another account where he post his other side.
A smut kinky fuck boy side he wants to show Candy desperately. This profile in particular is closed/private and he only follows (and let to be followed by) those who are close to him or some random hot woman he want to take to his bed.
So, in his personal account he'll post pictures of parties in Yatches... A night in a random club with expensive drinks and money on the table... His friends, his travels... His secret talents, his body, his one-night-stand lovers.
Something like that:
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He wants to show what he's capable of offering: the luxury, fun, status, pleasure, power... As if it was the only thing that would keep people close to him.
He doesn't post stories very often because he is ways busy, a stupid workaholic. Jason is not a low profile, though. But he's not a regular poster as well. I think it's kind of mid-term.
But that changes when his interest in Candy starts to increase, I bet.
I mean, once Candy follows him back in his personal account he'll kinda be like: "I have to prove that b**** I am worth it".
He also doesn't answer people's message that much, but that also changes when it comes to Candy. I think it's a reasonable plot since we don't work with him so communicating through social media would be the efficient way to keep in touch.
I also have this crack theory that Jason has some type of hack or app which shows who visited your profile. Even if Candy erases the like she "missclick" he'll be able to see it.
So when Jason enters his professional profile @Jason-goldreamz and sees that the kitten is peeking around he immediately engraves her user on his mind and opens his personal account @Mr.Mendal to follow her.
And Candy goes like... "Mr.Mendal??! What the..."
I laughed a lot imagining this and did a possible dialogue we could have as a consequence of Candy's actions in the EP 4.
(Please remember that I'll follow my Candy's personality and she rather die than admit she was stalking him LOL)
Hope you enjoy!
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My mind of an cliche fanficwriter couldn't help but imagine Candy opening her chat with Thomas right after that so this dialogue happen:
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That's all for today 😊❤️🥰🤌🏻
Thank you for reading!
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standingstart · 10 months
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I legit thought this was satire until I opened the note and saw OP was serious and not just mocking the anti maxxers. Like can you be anymore daft?
"He doesn't care while Seb can name every WDC in order" ok and? Max can name them until like 1978, which is better than everyone on the grid beside Seb. Or did you conveniently forget that? Was Lewis even doing that game? And Kimi purposely messed up his own championship year to stop playing. So what's your point bestie?
"He looks bored while Lewis cried recieving Senna's helmet" Wow different people show emotions differently what a concept. It's almost like Max wasn't molded from infancy into a machine. And also, emotions doesn't mean tears necessarily. Watch how his eyes sparkle when he's proud of his team and how he hugs his friends or how he embraces Horner like his life depends on it at every race. That's also emotion fyi.
"He says well done while Pierre broke his voice for p3" again, ok and? Was Lewis breaking his voice everytime he won a race from 2014 to 2021? Don't think so. He expected it. As he should have back then. Because he was the best. And it's fine.
"He talks about returning to his cat while Jenson wants to party" Explain the relevance here. BREAKING NEWS: Local Man Wants to Relax Instead of Doing Coke on a Yatch. Where is the World Going? lmao. lol. touch grass xx
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not-goldy · 8 months
Goldy, Jimin looked so adorable during Tae's fan meet. I miss him so much (and his tight skinny jeans). Also Tae posting a love song to his IG talking about taking a Dive and falling head over feet for someone, right after his night with Jimin. Uh oh, Jk sir, you better step your game up. Not posting for Jimin's bday, when Tae turned his whole entire fan meet into a gushing over Jimin party, complete with serenading him for his bday and singing their soulmate song. I'm just teasing. I'm not gonna give Jk too hard of a time, cause the man is busy exhausted and we know he loves his Jimin and Jimin pouting over Jk being busy, tells me everything. It's hitting him too. I have missed Vmin soulmating tho, so the fan meet was a highlight for me and seeing Jimin is a win no matter what.
I miss Jikook more tho. I just hope Jikook get all that tension out of their system beforehand, before they do that live together, if they do, because if not, we are all doomed. I mean, Jk's bed live seducing Jimin half naked to come over, with the chemistry and tension popping off, was insane and Jimin wasn't even in the same room with Jk. So I don't know if I'm actually ready for them to be in one frame live together. lol
Bless your vmin heart they cute
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Its nice of Jimin to show up and out for his friends. I keep saying he's the standard female gaze in kpop. A man who cares, is respectful, emotionally intelligent, in touch with his feelings and knows how to communicate them well is every woman's ideal.
Hobi and Tae are in for second place for me.
I love vmin, God knows I do....
May be it's PTSD but whenever Jimin inserts himself in Tae fan spaces I hold my breath and shit my pants
They'd be hugging and shit and I'll just be quivering
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If I worked security for Jimin I'd check every fans phone and social media for hate comments and vitriol against Jimin before letting them in.
If you as much as liked a hate comment bout Jimin I'll fly you through the window.
And good you not coming for Kook cos I was gonna be quick to remind you Jungkook equally went through this phase where he was alone and lonely because Jimin was super busy too
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Instead of feeling sorry for this man we all made fun of him hanging out with Tae snoring on lives and giving off my man busy and I ain't vibes.
I'll jump anyone who complains bout him being busy. His career is as valid as Jimins.
I mean how else is he going to pay for the yatch ride and Tokyo trips he takes Jimin on????
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He's gonna wanna pay a lil extra for the rooms with glass door baths too🙃
Yall better act like professional shippers pls 😤
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
Okay, indulge me. A S/O who’s into fear and dangerous situations with the Papas, all except older Nihil.
S/O who’s into fear and dangerous situations...
Hope this is what you were after :D - Nyx
He's very chilled about it. He is happy to just sit back and watch you as he is getting a little too old to join in. He'll brew a pot of tea and just wave enjoy seeing you so happy/scared.
But if it's something he can join in on he will.
You told him you were going to do a skydive and he agreed to join you.
You both went with an instructur. You jumped out one after the other so you could hold hands on the freefall.
He's also more than happy to watch scary horror movies with you.
He also set up a scary halloween trail in the garden one year.
He asked you to try it out and when you came out looking terrified he knew his work was done.
He then gave you a tight cuddle.
Very wild parties... like properly wild.
He doesn't normally take his S/O to them, he would normally just take them to the slightly less wild ones.
He is more than happy to take this into the bedroom. Fear and danger mixed with a lot of pleasure.
He can give you whatever you need or like.
He makes sure it’s always safe, that he will stop whatever he is doing if you use the safe word. But to you it will feel like he hasn’t.
He'll pay for whatever dangerous situation you want...
You wanna go and learn to ride a motorbike go for it. He'll pay for the best lessons and buy you the fastest bike.
But he also wants to make sure you are safe. Especially with say a motorbike, they are properly dangerous and he buys you the best safety gear and mainly arranges for you to ride it on a track.
He joins in whenever he can, in a very flamboyant way.
One time he chartered a private yatch for you both to have a holiday together.
You went out on jet skis together, jumped off the highest part of the boat and went scuba diving.
Terzo is also very careful about your safety. More behind the scenes however, he makes sure his Ghouls check everything over and that they are there incase something goes wrong.
Terzo also likes to jump out on you a lot and then he bursts into a fit of giggles.
If you complain at all he'll just shrug and say "I thought you liked being scared cara?"
Then he'll pull you close to him "or is it because I am so good looking you can't contain your shock at being so lucky to have me hmm?" He'll brush his lips against yours and smile. "That's what it is I know amore, I can't quite get over it myself..."
He's constantly trying to make sure you are safe. He'll double check all the knots and ropes when you go climbing.
He'll then spend the entire climb asking if you are okay, checking on everything.
A rat is hiding in his pocket and peaks out at the long drop below, they make little sqeaking noises.
Copia himself then looks down and similiar noises start escpaing him.
You have to talk the poor man through it all.
He still comes with you on things as he wants to be able to look after you.
He worries a lot.
He did try to take his tricycle mountain biking... it went interestingly.
Young Nihil
He often gets people confronting him for stealing their partners. He will calmly point out that those people he slept with are not anyone's property... It tends to escalate pretty quickly into a fight.
Nihil is a bit useless when it comes to actually throwing fists so it looks kinda funny.
But then whole bar then nromally erupts into chaos. Which brings the biggest smile to Nihil's face. He'll have his Ghoul's deal with the person who attacked him in the first place, before pouring you both a shot of Tequilla. You then lean back against the bar and enjoy the view together.
That might not be the danger you were looking for... but still there it is!
He also has a really fun side, whatever daft thing you want to do he's up for it. He normally takes it one step further...
He'll party, drink, take whatever and do whatever. In his own way he will try and make sure you are okay. He means well, he wants to keep you safe he just isn't always the best at that.
I can guess you two would probably end up in the hospital at some point, but it would be one hell of a story that put you two there.
Written by Nyx
@ivyanddaisies @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @dio-niisio @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back
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interestellarprincess · 10 months
Right Where You Left Me
Pairing: Lance Stroll x fem!reader
Summary: after a long time she found courage to tell him the truth.
Warnings: Angst and heartbreaking, poorly written english (not my first language and my first time writing in it), a sad swiftie's drabble.
A/n: hello, thank you for being here reading this :)
This is my first ever drabble/one shot/ everything that involves writing, i hope you like it :)
Also, i got this idea while listening to mother and venting about the song's story.
Y/n and Lance were best friends since middle school. They grow  up together. She watched him get into racing and he watched her get into photography. They were inseparable, until the day she told him about her feelings.
They were at their home country for the summer break. It was already night and they were partying at one of Lance's friend's yatch. Everybody was a bit drunk and maybe high already, and that was why Y/n thought that it would be the perfect time to confess to her best friend that she was in love with him.
Y/n was at the balcony looking at the water when he approached her. "There you are! Let's go, dance with me" he said already taking her hand.
They were dancing through a electronic music and, right when the sound was about to burst, she found the courage. "I need to tell you something" y/n said almost screaming due to the very loud ambient.
"Just say it" he screamed back and kept dancing.
She pulled him closer and tried to say next to his ear "I think I like you" that's it, she confessed (at least that was what she thought).
"I like you too y/n, you're my best friend" he said and kept dancing. She went crazy, he didn't get it.
And that was when y/n put a hand on his arm to make him stop his movements and pay attention to her. "Lance, it was not in this way... " She stopped to think about what she was about to say "what I meant was that I like you in a romantic way."
And that was the moment. The first time that time stopped.
After the confession, y/n watched Lance stop after listening to her words and then watched him go back in the dancing as nothing had happened. And, to be honest, that was what she was also wishing for.
A week later, after the party and after this same week of Lance kinda avoiding y/n, they decided to meet in a café. He was the one who called her "we need to talk" he said. So she got dressed and went to meet him.
She got into the place and immediately saw him at a table in the corner, near a big glass window and with her coffee already waiting for her. She got into the corner seat across him and smiled. He, on the other side barely did it.
"Did something happened?" y/n asked already worried, because she knew that her friend wasn't like this.
"Nothing happened." He said and she was still confused. Then, y/n decide to touch the big elefant between them "Look Lance, about what I said at the party..." When she was about to finish, he interrupted her "I met someone, y/n".
And that was the second time that time stopped, and the only thing she could hear was the sound of the mug glass shattering over the white towel of the table next to hers.
After a few seconds that looked like an eternity to her, y/n finally found the courage to say something "Oh, I'm happy for you" and then while he was holding a confused look on his face, she was smiling while feeling her heart break the same way the mug did. He stared into her for an amount of seconds until she looked at him.
"Well, I also have something to say to you. I'm going home." She said already leaving the table, but he hold her wrist in a despair attempt of not letting her go. But it was too late. "Wait, why?" He asked, and she could feel the confusion in his voice.
"I've got to go back to work early." She looked at his hand holding her (unfortunately not in the way she'd dreamed about since she was a teenager). "Do you need company?" He asked hoping for her to say yes, but she didn't. "I don't think it's a good idea now" she said taking his hand of her wrist "Bye, Lance. Enjoy the rest of the break." She gave him a weak smile.
And then she left. Y/n left her home country to go back to London. Truth is that she was still in her break at work, and she wasn't prepared to get over what happened so easily.
Actually, little did she know, that she was about to stay at that moment in the café with him for weeks.
A/n: We finally have a part 2!
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isthenandocute · 7 months
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Boss sponsoring Aston is literally the best thing to ever happen to the Nando fucker community. Every single race weekend, Boss somehow manages to kill mw further. Like the Media day outfits...okay fine, thank you for one-shotting me. TUXEDO PICTURE???? UNDONE TIE TUXEDO PICTURE???????? This picture felt like a nuclear bomb was dropped onto my house, I started suffocating and choking and barking. Boss. I'm going to need you to post more. How can they only post one????? Splay him out over the car, yeah, that's right, I see it in the background. Mob Boss Fernando, James Bond Fernando, Charity Gala Dilf Fernando, the amount of ideas this photo awakened in us is truly horrific
HE NEEDS TO DO A STRIP TEASE FOR ME RIGHT NOW!!!! He is giving so much middle aged divorced man at a yatch party rizz that i might just expire on the spot 😳 This weekend has just been me getting thrown into one wall to the next wall by old man looking so chewable and lickable and edible that it is making me physically sick. Just god i thought black was a good colour on him but WHITE?!?!!! with that undone black bowtie?!?!! I want to eat concrete and also eat his *GUNSHOTS*
Verdict: Hot (locking him up in my basement for nefarious reasons)
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