europahoynews · 6 days
¿Qué está pasando con el mundo (y el futuro) en la ONU?
A medida que avanza la semana del 22 al 30 de septiembre, esto es lo que necesita saber: Cumbre del Futuro: ¿Qué pasaría si el mundo cumpliera sus promesas? ¿Cómo sería el mundo si los líderes cumplieran sus promesas de implementar objetivos acordados internacionalmente hacia el desarrollo sostenible? El futuro parece bueno: no habrá hambre, no habrá pobreza, no habrá contaminación, aire y agua…
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polyslife · 2 years
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2 • Junio • 2022
Hubo tanto frío que mamá decidió hacer chocolate caliente y seré franca, extrañaba sus chocolates calientes, lo rico es que hizo mucho asíque mañana también tendremos ♡
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chepib3 · 9 days
dick n bruce during the spyral arc
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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marnorourastar · 2 months
HI !! I know I've said it a million times already but I love your art so much you're genuinely so talented 😭, I still feel so lucky you drew smth for me :)) and it gives me more inspiration for my art 🙏🙏 My obsession with adult Orel and Moral Orel came back once I came across you WOOHOOOHDJDJERRN And I was wondering, and I don't know if you already have but, if you would share more of your headcanons about him, his family, the immoral orel au, ANYTHING !!!1! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR HCS !!! I'm very invested... (y también pensé que nunca conocería a alguien que estuviera tan loco por él como yo, así que me siento mejor por eso) We've been blessed with everything you make and I get so happy every time you post :DDD and you're genuinely a very kind person so I hope you have a great rest of your day 🙏🙏❤❤ (and sorry for this long ass paragraph ask HRJHRHRBBR)
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OREL HC????? Okay, first I'll say the hc I have (all silly, nothing serious?) and then I get cheesy...uh
Right, first let's start with uhhhh a silly headcanon I have is that when he was younger he wanted to be like Reverend Putty...for his great service to God and all that uh. Then when he grew up he'd want to study to be a doctor...it's a good profession for him (I know I explained this in a post a few months ago), he likes to help people, and he'd definitely give his patients loads of attention without being as negligent as the doctor in Moralton lmao. (I should do a whole post about this as I actually have a lot to say about his career path)
I'm a firm believer that at some point he continued to smoke weed...maybe in his teens?? He'd know it was wrong, but it helped him to zone out, so it was fun, plus he'd definitely hang out with people who smoked too, and Orel is...very easily influenced.
Definitely in school he'd be smart, but also REALLY DISTRACTED...and goofy, I'm pretty sure hardly any girls would be interested in him. (Maybe he also became a bit weird), he's bad at picking up hints and reading people's body language... so everyone would have to be REALLY direct if they wanted to talk to him about anything. (Aahh he'd probably have to move outta Moralton to study for a serious doctor career...then he'd have to adapt to new people...bad boys)
He'd probably only start officially dating Christina when they were both legal...and she had the freedom to leave her house whenever she wanted!!! Happy ending.
...I didn't say anything, but if Orel is a masochist and Christina's an 'alternative' version of him then uh, I don't want to think about what would have happened in her chapter...
In his teens he'd really enjoy grunge and soft rock...uhgg I dunno, I just feel it. (Even though he's not that into music)
He's a goofy..nice...overprotective.....VERY overprotective dad, and that'd cause problems with his kids when they hit their teens...stupid (I love him) Orel..aahg, I mean, aahhh I also think he'd do loads of things that embarrass his kids!! But without realising lmao, he'd be like...trying to talk like them? That 'teen language' as he calls it haha.
IN HIS TEENS A LOT HAPPENED - UGH, not just between him and his parents...I mean also with his 'friends', even if he stopped being (just a bit) innocent, loads of people would definitely manipulate him into doing anything.
I don't think Clay and Bloberta ever divorced lmao, feel like they just stayed together and miserable...just like in that pic Orel has in his living room (Plus, I love that pic, it proves Orel doesn't hide his parents, he loves them despite everything and he'd definitely tell his kids to love them...wwgggh)
You know what I'm pretty sure about? Doughy and Orel got into a fight and came to blows in their teens, what caused it? Probably Doughy, in loads of episodes he looked like he was betraying his best mate for attention and affection from an adult...(but ugh, don't judge, it's written so well and we know why he did all that, even though that doesn't mean it was right, yeah, plus...there's no guarantee he changed after that, if we think about it Doughy had NO ONE, to teach him right from wrong), at some point he'd do a 'silly betrayal', to Orel...that'd make him SO ANGRY (cos it's not the first time) that mixed with a strong IMPULSE LMAO, he'd punch him, then he'd punch him back...and well, it'd all end with forgiveness and Doughy learning something.
And that's just a part of what I have cos I wrote a lot lmao...
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buckaroosboogara · 9 months
Me encanta ver a los Libertarios en Twitter llorando porque "Recien ahora despues de 4 años salen a cacerolear." o "El DNU de Fernandez tambien fue anticonstitucional."
My Dear. My queen. Como te explico que estabamos en una PANDEMIA MUNDIAL de un virus que se contagiaba por aire que fue mutando para poder sobrevivir en nuestros cuerpos (Matandonos en el proceso) y que te ibas a morir en Marzo de 2020 por la primera cepa si no se hacia eso? Como te explico que la division republicana de poderes que se basa en la división, control y equilibrio entre los 3 poderes y sirve para hacer cumplir la democracia (la eleccion del pueblo) y que pasar por encima de eso con un decreto de necesidad y urgencia (Que se supone es para ayudar a aliviar la Necesidad y la Urgencia) es pasar por encima de la democracia, por lo tanto eso si es anti democratico? Como te explico que lo que esta pidiendo la gente es que el DNU pase por el congreso (aka el poder legislativo) para que los representantes del pueblo vean si le conviene al pueblo y de ahi cumplir todos los procesos democraticos?
Bestie, my love. Please.
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snailgam · 8 months
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mimiteru · 7 months
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Pt 1 / Pt 2
This comic is gonna be so fucking long pls bear with me Dx
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r-truth · 10 months
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saltsaal · 3 months
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"Ok, ok. ¿Qué pasó? :)"
Inés una valeriana! Con la filtración del Martes y con el adelanto de hoy no voy a soportar.
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europahoynews · 3 months
Primera persona: Pasando del miedo a la esperanza después de la guerra contra las drogas en Filipinas
Según los informes, miles de personas en todo el país del sudeste asiático murieron durante la llamada guerra contra las drogas promovida por la última administración filipina. Pero ahora se está adoptando desde el nivel local un enfoque más compasivo y menos punitivo. Michael John Maestro muestra ilustraciones de prevención del abuso de drogas realizadas por estudiantes locales. Noticias de la…
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pasandoelmomento · 2 months
Fluyo más presencial que virtual
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televisionenjoyer · 2 months
killing myself in front of the united states of america to change the trajectory of its life forever
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latinotiktok · 5 months
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belanova · 8 months
Corrígeme si puso algun terminó mal!
Edit: Puro romance se refiere al Amor... Me olvidé de la palabra 😶
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isaiaslzm-blog · 3 months
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