#paseton x archie
hrhrg · 2 years
Paseton and Archie falls in love in a “we blurred the lines between companionship and romantic love so much that I don’t know what we are anymore (but one day you were gone and it destroyed me, please don’t leave me again)” kinda way btw
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weirdsht · 2 months
Out of My Mind (Out of Their Minds pt. 2) - Paseton/Male! Reader
notes: legit spent 5 mins breaking down while writing this because idfk how to spell aquarium T-T.
tags: male reader, mermaid reader, paseton/reader but they are not official, 430-431 canon divergence, cussing
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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Navigation Masterlist Out of Their Minds (pt. 1)
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You watched the chaos going on outside your house from the comfort of your tank. 
Okay, it’s Paseton’s house but it’s not like it matters much.
It’s almost been a year since you started living with the Whale Tribe. At first, everyone was apprehensive about the Whale Prince bringing you home. However, soon enough they considered you as part of their own.
They seem to have a misunderstanding that you and Paseton are dating though. Not that you knew about it.
“What’s wrong? You scared little bitch? Hmmm?“
You hear Archie taunt White Star and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I wish I asked for some snacks…”
Chaos continued on the battlefield. The tank on the rooftop gave you full access to everything happening while simultaneously displaying you.
“So I just have to act like I don’t want to give this piece of paper since it’s from my mom? But it’s not really from her and this is just some bullshit document?”
“Exactly, just taunt them for a bit before giving it up.”
“But what if they want to take me with them?”
You asked Paseton as you clutch the fake document in your chest.
“They wouldn’t be able to get you out of our house even if they wanted to. I promise.”
Paseton reassures you. His confident gaze makes you have courage too.
“So that’s where you’ve been. I’ve been worried sick you know?”
White Star lied to your face casually. You couldn’t help but stick your middle finger at him.
“You’re not that great of a liar you fucker!”
…Maybe you’ve been hanging too much with Archie these days.
The masked man let out a dry laugh before his eyes landed on the document you were holding. How could it not? It’s under-water but it looks perfectly fine. That could only mean that it’s important.
“I see you’ve decided to betray your kind and join hands with the Whale Tribe. Say now my nephew, what’s that paper in your hands?”
“Nephew my ass! I told you stupid idiots that I’m not that desperate for a family to consider you as one.”
You dived down the tank and White Star leisurely followed you by going down the stairs. Yes, Paseton has essentially built an entire saltwater aquarium that has access to every part of his house. He said that this way you’ll be able to go anywhere you want in the house even while staying in the tank.
“Give that document to me and then we’ll go home together. How does that sound?”
Is this guy dumb or what? Just how many times do you have to say that you don’t want to be part of his cult before he gets it in that thick skull of his?
“This is my home you dipshit! And there’s no way I’m giving you this. Mom said this is important enough that it will unite the mermaids and the whales—”
You covered your mouth as if you’d accidentally spilt a big secret. White Star smiled, your “slip-up” just confirmed his suspicion that the document in your hand is connected to the one in Paseton’s pocket.
“That must be the bargaining chip you used so you could hide in here.”
‘Err not really… Wow, young master Cale was right, walk a few steps with this bastard and he’ll run a mile.’
The deposed mermaid prince accidentally showed astonishment in his face. Luckily, White Star interpreted it as his guess being the correct one.
“Give that to me, a child does not need such important things.”
“I’m in my 20s, I’m not a kid. Did losing every battle with Cale Henituse make you dumb or something?”
You swam back up to the rooftop where Paseton deliberately left an opening so White Star could snatch the document in your hands. Placing two hands on the edge of the tank, you hoist yourself up. Making it look like you’re trying to escape.
“Archie! Help me over here!”
The killer whale on the glacier looked at you and stood up to go help you. Just in time, you could see Sayeru snatch the document in Paseton’s pocket.
“It’s time for the missing prince to go home and fulfil his duties, no?”
“Ow! Let go of my hair! Go grab your own!”
White Star not only snatched the document in your hands, he also dared to grab you by the hair. It looks like he fully intends to drag you back home.
“That power is not here.”
“Power? What power are you talking about you bastard?”
You continue to struggle in White Star’s hold as he opens the document with one hand. Just when will Archie get here?
“...This is real. This looks like a real ancient text.”
The lunatic kept speaking to himself.
Sayeru, who heard that said lunatic, ordered the black mages to start casting the teleportation circle.
Okay, now you’re panicking a little. If Archie takes his sweet time getting to here you’ll be a goner.
“Hey! Give that back to me and let me go! Hwy are you even listening to me!?”
You frantically shout but White Star doesn’t say anything and just continues dragging you towards one of the teleportation circles.
“Oh no you don’t!”
“Took you long enough you stupid whale!”
“Is that how you speak to your saviour!?”
Archie snarled at you but you didn’t back down.
“Savior my ass! You sliced my beautiful hair!”
“That could’ve been one of your fins you brat!”
You two argued as you escaped from White Star.
“Are we not taking the mermaid with us?”
“We can get him another time. This takes priority.”
Sayeru and White Star chatted as the teleportation circle did its thing and allowed them to escape the land of the Whale Tribe. 
“My hair! Do you know just how hard I take care of it!?”
“It’ll grow back you crybaby!”
You and Archie are still arguing even as you arrive at where Paseton and the Whale King are.
“Are they always like this?”
Cale asked Witira after seeing your dynamic with the killer whale.
“I didn’t expect them to get along so well, my brother seems to have a headache though since the mermaid prince has been cursing more nowadays.”
Well, you and Archie really seemed to bond in your own ways so Cale lets the topic go. Instead, he focused his attention towards Witira and the approaching Clopeh.
“Are you okay?”
Paseton grabbed you from Archie so he could carry you in his arms. As soon as you were in his arms you rested your head against his chest. The movement was instinctual from how many times he has carried you.
No wonder why people mistake you two as a couple. Shickler personally thinks it’s just a matter of time before Paseton goes to him to say that his going to marry you.
“I was scared he was going to bring me back to that crazy place…”
You mumbled against the Whale Prince’s chest. The earlier spite you had now gone.
“I promised you remember? I told you that I won't let anyone take you away.“
Paseton stroked your badly trimmed hair. His gesture brings you comfort, you still feel a bit shaken up from earlier but being in Paseton's arms reminds you that everything is okay now.
If you asked your past self if they could imagine you feeling safe in the Whale Tribe Prince’s arm he’d probably look at you as if you’re insane.
And perhaps you are. But you wouldn’t want to change. 
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veivie · 2 years
Ok- hear me out! #Alcale au, with a little Bud x Cale- why? Cause I say so-. Demon! Alver, student! Cale. Warning! It will contai a little nsfw-
So one day, Cale and his friends, Bud, Toonka, Archie, Rosalyn, Whitira, Paseton, Choi han and Clopeh celebrated Halloween.
They all agree to celebrate Halloween by watching a movie together at Bud's house.
Too bored to watch- Archie, Bud and Toonka suggest they play the oija board- you know, the seer board- yes, that shit.
At first the others refused but as the three troublemakers kept on whining they all finally agreed. Cale just looked at the people in front of him dryly- how could he be friends with these idiots-?
Bud took out his Oija board and placed it in the middle. They turned off the light and only used the candle as a light source, they simultaneously touched the board without knowing that they were opening the gates of hell-
The game started - at first everything went normally, until Toonka with his impudent mouth even challenged the 'ghost' they called-
The candles they had lit suddenly went out, they all heard the sound of things falling and some shattering sounds.
Just then Toonka suddenly shouted. Hurriedly, Bud immediately turned on the light and saw Toonka who was rolling on the floor said that something was scratching his back!
Cale sighed, he knew he should have chosen to just sleep at home-
Archie immediately took off Toonka's clothes and sure enough, they saw the claw marks on Toonka's wide back which were dripping with blood-
They all panicked- but Cale suddenly felt someone caress his cheek- Cale didn't know what it was, but he chose to remain silent. Cale thought it was just his hallucination.
Cale's friends were blaming each other, Cale and Choi han just stared at them. Cale finally chose to stop all this nonsense.
"I think it's a good time to go home?" Bud looked at Cale in horror, immediately the blue-haired man held Cale's hand tightly.
“Are you crazy?! Glenn is going home to his parents! I'm alone here- I don't want anything bad to happen to me- Cale~” Bud hugged Cale's waist, Cale frowned and tried to get out of Bud's arms- but sadly Cale couldn't do it -
"Let me go, Bud Illis"
“No! Cale! You can't leave me here alone after seeing what happened!” Cale sighed.
"Okay, okay. I'm going to stay, now let me go."
"No!" Cale finally just resigned himself to letting Bud hug him.
Cale looked at his other friends.
"You guys go home. I'll accompany this idiot."
"Hey!" Cale ignored that.
Cale's friends looked at each other before simultaneously shaking their heads.
"Nope. If you're going to stay here, then we're all going to stay." The others nodded, Cale sighed again- he was still questioning how he got attached to these people-?
"Alright. Before that, Toonka. Treat your wound." Toonka nodded, with the help of Rosalyn and Whitira, Toonka's wound had been successfully healed.
They finally decided to sleep pretending that whatever happened before had never happened-
Rosalyn and Whitira slept in the same room.
Toonka, Paseton and Clopeh sleep in the same room (although Clopeh whines to sleep with Cale- which of course he refuses.)
Choi han is with Archie.
And Cale shared a room together with Bud. Why? Because that bastard refused to let Cale go, so he couldn't help but have to sleep together with this coward.
Then, here's when the shit goes down-
They all experience disturbances from unseen beings-
Rosalyn and Whitira could hear someone walking in the living room.
Paseton and Clopeh heard the sound of someone constantly going up and down the stairs.
Choi Han and Archie heard the sound of the door and the water faucet suddenly opening and turning on.
And Cale- he felt someone stroke his back, he felt someone play with his long hair, he also felt someone occasionally squeeze his ass and chest-
Bud and Toonka? The two bastards had fallen into a deep sleep like the dead.
Cale was positive-maybe it was Bud- but, no matter how bastard Bud was, that man would never touch someone without permission. Cale could even hear Bud's snoring, didn't that mean Bud was asleep?
Cale chose to ignore all of those things. But as if knowing that Cale had woken up, the 'someone' was getting more and more intense in 'harassing' Cale.
Cale could feel the hand picking and pinching his nipple, he could also feel something long that was on the cleavage of his ass.
Cale's face started to heat up, his breathing started to get heavy. Cale placed his hand on his lips trying hard to hold back the sigh that had been on the tip of his tongue.
Cale gasped as he felt a cold tongue lick his neck- for god's sake, this was scarier than catching Ron wiping his dagger-
Cale started to hear whispering voices, but Cale didn't know what language it was- Cale swore, he had never heard that vocabulary in his entire life!
"Eungh!" Something grabbed Cale's dick!
The hand started rubbing his dick, Cale was trying his best to hold back his moan, but as if knowing that Cale was holding himself back, the hand rubbed itself even faster with Cale's dick.
Imagine- Cale being fucked in front of sleeping Bud- damn- that so sexy.... Ekhem- anyways-
Cale was very close to his climax when suddenly the hand stopped because Bud woke up from his sleep-
Bud awoke from his slumber and sat up straight away, gasping for breath- Bud had just had a very terrible dream-
Without knowing Cale's body was so sensitive- Bud immediately hugged Cale. Cale bit his lip hard, he was trying to calm himself down. Cale heard Bud mutter.
"Are you awake?" Cale was just humming.
"Can you hug me?" Cale sighed, he then turned around and hugged Bud.
Bud buried his face at the junction between Cale's neck and shoulders, Bud inhaled Cale's soothing scent before finally going back to sleep- Cale was finally able to sleep, because there were no longer the hands that presumptuously moved around his body.
The next day they all wake up, but no one tells them anything that happened or what they were with last night. They just thought that night was just an unlucky day for them.
But sadly it didn't end there...
Cale always heard whispers in his bedroom, even Ron occasionally looked around Cale's room as if he knew that something was wrong in Cale's room.
One week passed, they got a transfer student in their class. It's actually quite strange, because it's unusual for a new student to transfer in the middle of the semester- well- maybe he's a rich man?
The man's name was Alver Crossman - quite an unfamiliar name. Oh who is Cale kidding? All his friends have strange names.
Alver immediately became the center of everyone's attention, how could he not? He's tall, don't forget his blonde hair that almost rivals the sunlight, Alver is also very handsome.
Alver also has very high social skills, in just 3 days he was able to enter and match the dynamics of Cale and his friends.
But when Alver opened his mouth Cale knew he had heard that voice but where? Cale just kept all of that to himself, maybe it was just his feelings right?
The disturbances of the invisible creatures that Cale was experiencing were increasing, but fortunately it wasn't as extreme as when he was at Bud's house.
Ah speaking of Bud, that bastard said several times that there was someone in his house- Glenn used to have a different side to Bud now having the same side as the blue haired guy, Glenn said there was indeed something wrong in their apartment-
Bud and Glenn told them all - strangely Alver said that he knew something about the 'invisible creature', Alver said that his aunt used to experience the same strange phenomena as Bud and Glenn.
Based on Alver's direction, they did something. What was unexpected was that it worked- Bud and Glenn never had any more distractions, thanks to Alver- but Cale felt Alver was getting weirder-
Alver always finds time to be able to chat with him. When no one else is around them, Alver always tries to be close to him both physically and just 'friendship'. Cale didn't understand-
But as time went on, Cale started to accept Alver by his side, yep- They're dating- (Clopeh was crying in toilet for 2 hours straight-)
No, they're weren't fuck yet- calm your horknee meter down-
But then- something really weird happened-
Many people who suddenly disappeared - and most of the people who disappeared were those who were devout worshipers - fear began to settle in the hearts of everyone in the city.
Every day one to three people disappear. As a good principal, Eruhaben decided to close school for a few weeks.
Because of that- Bud felt a boredom that almost killed him-
Bud finally asked his friends to come to his house. Everyone agrees.
As night fell- Cale never came.
Everyone panicked - they were afraid Ron would kill them -
A massive search was carried out, but Cale was never found.
Alver Crossman the heir to the supreme inlay of hell was furious.
How dare the lowly demons touch what his- Alver wanted to tear their bodies apart.
Alver tracked down Cale, Alver's tracking magic showed Cale was in an abandoned building.
Alver entered the building, and the thing inside made Alver's blood boil-
There, Cale was being swarmed by the lowly demons-
One demon was kissing his neck while the other was trying to kiss and take off Cale's clothes.
Alver, the heir to the throne of hell all this time had been holding himself back from touching Cale without the redhead's approval. And now, these lowly creatures dare to lay their dirty fingers on something so precious to Alver-?
Alver is furious! Big black wings shot out from Alver's back, 2 horns appeared on his forehead, Alver's claws extended in an instant the blonde man cut off the head of the demon that was trying to undress Cale.
One by one, Alver beheaded the filthy demons with his hands- How dare them?! How dare them?!
Alver was about to again crush the demons' bodies into dust when a hand wrapped around his waist.
"Enough Alver- I'm fine now. Calm down-"
Alver turned around, he then hugged Cale very tightly. He could smell the disgusting smell of the demons clinging to Cale's body.
Alver could also see the red marks around Cale's neck- Alver was furious!
Alver lifted Cale's body in his arms, Cale reflexively wrapped his legs around Alver's waist.
There- in a place still covered in blood. Alver kissed Cale, Alver removed all traces of the damn demons stuck to Cale's body.
Alver moved his hand, instantly the two people were no longer in the shabby warehouse filled with blood.
They were now in a luxurious room that Cale couldn't identify.
Alver gently laid Cale's body down on his soft bed.
Cale was still slightly trying to control his breathing after the kiss they shared together.
Cale looked into Alver's blue eyes.
"So you're not human?" Alver who was taking off his clothes chuckled.
"That's right. Are you mad?" Cale shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.
"Human or not, you are the one I fell in love with. I don't care about anything anymore."
Alver chuckled a little, ah- looks like he fell in love with Cale again.
Alver who had finished taking off his clothes was now on top of Cale, Alver gently caressed Cale's cheek.
"Then, Do I have your permission?" Cale wrapped his arms around Alver's neck and pulled the blonde hair towards him.
"Why are you asking such an obvious question?" They both smiled and immediately pressed their lips together.
Yup- that night Alver claimed Cale as his.
Who cares if later someone opposes his decision? Alver would become the king of hell in the near future, he will kill anyone who dared to question his Cale.
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hrhrg · 2 years
Archie proposes to Paseton with this btw
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hrhrg · 2 years
What if Paseton dies midway into tcf (in a fight w/ WS or whatever) and Archie starts going insane
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hrhrg · 2 years
give me fluff prompts and maybe ill write something for archton
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hrhrg · 2 years
after years of starving ive finally decided to bake my own bread
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hrhrg · 2 years
New Archie/Paseton fic everyone! Come get ur bread! It’s not sad this time i promise.
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