twinflame413 · 1 year
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"Wanderer. I fell, asleep, please… Do excuse me."
He slowly unclenched his hands, like a butterfly freeing her wings from the cocoon and gripped the armrests, leaning towards his visitor, supposedly to take a better look at him. The chair creaked, echoing his movements. The bulge on his forehead was now apparent, the eye still visibly moving underneath the closed eyelids. Passionary's bizarre mannerisms threw Joey off, leaving him with the thought that he had encountered some covert life form. The passionary softly raised the edges of his lips, suggesting a smile, but his gaze remained pointed. His speech flowed leisurely, leaving you painfully exposed to the passage of time.
"My name is Reefert, and I have lived in these, lands, for as long as I can remember. Introduce yourself to me, stranger, and state the reason, for, your visit."
"I go by Joey, I'm a sailor, and I was sent to you to ask if you are interested in some leftover goods. There are three boxes...
Joey didn't even get to blink before the passionary gave his affirmative response, then dove into an unrelated question.
"Sure. We take everything… It shall not be wasted. Have you ever been, to, Tuavemari lands before, boy?"
Joey shook his head, "no".
"We have an interesting tradition here, which the locals call a "Chawtide". Something like, an annual competition, and an important asset, in, the life of the inhabitants of Tuave."
Reefert gestured at Joey in a suggesting manner.
"Young men living here are engaged in a test, for, strength, wit, and dexterity. Do you wish, to, participate?"
Joey pulled back his shoulders and adjusted his belt.
"Yeah! So what do I need to do?"
"Flying creatures reside here, ruzes, that terrorize the way of life, of, the people. Ruzes are truculent, unbridled, and intrusive. Local youths, having matured, go in search of their hollows in the tree trunks, and tear them down."
Reefert mimicked the motion of ripping something in half, then clutched his fists. Joey took notice of his sharp claws, just like his own. Just then, the fists opened to reveal his pink palms.
"Then, after a successful hunt, people rejoice and prance happily, for, the whole night. People love to celebrate."
Joey silently evaluated the task at hand.
"And what are they, these ruzes?", he inquired further.
"Their wingspan are that of a two-seated shallop. Their flight produces hum loud enough, to, rupture your hearing, and they usually prefer to attack first."
"Oh. And do they bite?"
"My dearest friend, you shall not be afraid, of, the bite, but afraid, of, the sting", Reefert shed light on why right then and there. "If they dive their stinger into you, then if you do not die, from, loss of blood, then poison shall destroy you, from, inside out."
Joey widened his eyes, contemplating his decision to participate in the Chawtide, then concluded, "I still have a lot of questions."
Reefert got up from his chair and approached his shelves, pulling out some kind of big rounded shell, which contained a collection of papyrus sheets inside, just like the ones he saw in the captured cargo the other day.
"I am aware, of, your concerns, Joey. It's never easy, to, develop into a mature being. However, if you can excuse me, I am encumbered with plethora, of, tasks this evening."
He glanced back over his shoulder, holding the shell close to heart, like some sort of treasure. Just this one gesture made Joey incredibly curious for the contents inside.
"At dawn, they will create a smokescreen that will mark the start, of, the event. You follow it to the beach, and I'll be expecting, to, see you at the competition. Do not disappoint me."
Joey got the hint that it was time for him to leave, and went down to the first floor. He looked around the place just once more before climbing the stairs, and got a feeling that he would return here someday.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled (“What she does she sallows”)
Be happen’d Turks, behind; grown out.     And meaning up afloating theme, as love is shalt feed the     from thee—cheer, and escaped;
and live an inverted strength, with     idle appears; mine from singlet run away, her look not     bear, as rightened by
the rode Silence unto the first,     figured by some skill, of every sweeping, here, love and would     I, when two. Marry they
feel? Sets disguised his spirit quite     than I. For the head of a time what they courselves at     the ev’ning Plato. A
high comfort me. In iustic     circumstance of lovely knew. Drive one to you. What she does she     sallows dim looking up
to perchance; no, no, lies delicious     as feather death my lovely Polly wrong. Are it keep     has prince amidst thy great
crime wheel, that is soul, and perfumed     black-eyed days. For if the break through I knows there on even     two life’s first is you and
whisper how you were true we are     on that was be carve once from the phant space made they light and     that bleeds of sort of my
life, forsworne that Ixion gape     of men another and suddenly give me the vallied     on the same descented!
And of a little Lilia     platterns me welcome, Babylon, Tyre, Carian stars, no     timidly towards the Wine of
myself whence of Death after with     lightest first heaven—such a pertinacious city, These     regions stifled. And tho’
the eye shine once, where reach increased     my coat; why cheerful and the soldiers, and we knows, meadow     passionary aim, state.
0 notes
mariacallous · 1 year
While embroiled in warfare in Ukraine, the Kremlin has increasingly felt the need to explain itself to younger Russians. Starting this fall, Russia’s college students will be required to take a state-approved course on the “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood.” The curriculum (packaged as a series of video-lectures) is a brainchild of Andrey Polosin, a close associate of Vladimir Putin’s Deputy Chief of Staff Sergey Kiriyenko. Meduza’s correspondent Andrey Pertsev, who has covered Russia’s new ideological curriculum as it emerged and came together, watched the online lectures and talked to the people who made the videos. Here’s a survey of the new Russian ideology as it’s going to be taught at Russia’s schools, from “passionaries” and “the Russian world” to Russia’s unofficial state symbols — the birch and the bear.
The ideological course, long expected to be imposed on Russia’s colleges and universities, will be delivered in the form of video-lectures. Many of them are already available online on the website of Znanie, an academic society that developed the new program in cooperation with Russia’s Ministry of Education. (The organization’s advisory board is chaired by Vladimir Putin’s Deputy Chief of Staff Sergey Kiriyenko.)
The general editor of the video series, Andrey Polosin, is himself a longtime Kiriyenko associate. Two production insiders have told Meduza that Polosin determined the overall content of the lectures, while a team of historians and political consultants wrote the scripts and selected the footage to go with them.
Ten of the lecture videos have already been uploaded, with dozens more to come this fall. Sources familiar with the production process have said that some of the lectures will be about “general concepts” like “the Russian world,” and others will get into the nitty-gritty of life in different Russian regions and other niche topics.
Each film is about 25 minutes long, and the editing is straightforward: against the backdrop of Russian landscapes and industrial footage, the voiceover tells the students what to expect on the exam.
A ‘passionary’ civilization-state
One of the lectures takes its title from a phrase often used by Vladimir Putin when talking about Russia’s history:
In 2012, Vladimir Putin described Russia as a special type of civilization-state. He drew attention to the simple truth that Russia didn’t come into existence in 1917 or 1991, and that it has a single and continuous thousand-year-long history.
The lecture goes on to say that Russia is a “guardian of the world’s equilibrium,” whose special role in history has been the subject of philosophical and scholarly thought for centuries. To back up this claim with an example, the lecture mentions Lev Gumilyov (son of the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova), whose theory of “passionaries” (as Gumilyov called entire ethnic groups driven by a sense of historic mission) seems to appeal to Vladimir Putin.
Despite the pseudo-scientific quality of Gumilyov’s claims, the lecture presents them as perfectly authoritative. The course video goes on to explain his theory that “every ethnic group is propelled by its life energy,” which determines its “passionary” potential:
If the passionary potential is above the norm, this results in a drive to make sacrifices for a higher purpose. In Gumilyov’s view, this kind of high level of passionary potential characterizes the Russian people. Hence Russia’s desire to expel Napoleon’s army not only from its own territory, but even from Europe. The Europeans saw the Russian soldiers as invaders, since they couldn’t understand that the Russians were motivated by self-sacrifice for the sake of the Europeans’ own freedom.
The video then explains that “every ethnic group has its own system of values and aspirations, impenetrable to outsiders.” The world is, meanwhile, “heterogeneous and fractured into a multitude of civilizations.” This multipolar world envisioned by the authors has a total of seven poles:
Orthodox Christian
Far Eastern
In this framework, the West “has always been hostile to Russia.” European culture, the video says, has long “reproduced Russophobic clichés” that presented Russia as a “huge, savage country where bears roam the streets” and natives “slurp their cabbage soup with bast shoes for spoons.” (In the backdrop of this discussion, Moscow City high-rises and St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace testify to the absurdity of such stereotypes.)
The lecture next poses a question: “If we are not Europeans, then who are we?” An answer is given without delay: Russia must be a civilization unto itself, one that evolved largely thanks to the “harsh winters” that determined “national character traits” like “willpower, persistence, and the tradition of Russian hospitality.” Rationality, on the other hand, didn’t find itself at home in these climes, where fickle weather could catch you off-guard, making riskiness an effective “decision-making technology.”
“What is an empire, and how do you govern it?” asks the next segment of this lecture, refining the question further: “What model of governance corresponds to our civilization-state?” Here’s a fragment of the discussion:
Russia is often called an empire. For some people, this word has a negative connotation, but opponents of empire define it somewhat erroneously. It’s important to understand that “empire” is not the same thing as “imperialism.” Empires can be different, too. Some people have always thought that Russia should look to other countries for a model of governance. This was attempted during the Boris Yeltsin presidency, but the attempt didn’t simply fail — it proved to be nearly fatal.
Footage of tanks on the streets of Moscow during the 1993 constitutional crisis flashes on the screen. The voiceover announces the inevitable conclusion: “It’s dangerous to take one’s cues from other countries. Russia is a particular type of integrationist empire. It’s in the nature of our country to improve and develop the territories it integrates.”
In love with ‘the Russian world’
The idea of “the Russian world” has a special place in the curriculum. “Throughout the ages,” begins the introduction to the topic,
no matter what was happening in our country, whatever the attitudes of other states, and however scattered our compatriots were around the world, they were always united by their Russian souls and their sincere love of the Motherland.
(Christ the Savior Cathedral appears on the screen, followed by shamans and pastoral views of the Russian countryside.)
“The Russian world,” the presentation goes on, “was formed over the thousand-year-long Russian history,” out of the consolidated “spiritual values, traditions, cultural mores, and moral norms.” (A traditional peasant log house illustrates this process.)
But “the Russian world” cannot be contained by state borders: it is “wider in its share of ethnic groups, territories, religions, political systems, and ideological leanings.”
“People fall in love with the Russian world,” the lecture continues,
because of the special traditions that come with its breadth of soul, power of spirit, and generosity. Visitors are greeted with bread and salt as a symbol of purity of intent. Hospitality is one of the traits of the Russian national character. Foreigners are not simply delighted by our culture — they adopt it as their own, becoming part of the Russian world.
The American-born actor Steven Seagal and the mixed martial artist Jeff Monson are named as notable examples of this transformation. Both of them became Russian citizens and visited the Donbas during the war. The lecture returns to the Donbas to justify the invasion of Ukraine with the old adage: “We had to defend the Russian world and the people who suffered from the Kyiv regime’s cruelty and genocide for eight years.”
The birch and the bear
A special course video is devoted to Russia’s struggle against fascism — an ideology, it explains, that sprung up “in the heart of the enlightened Europe” while being “completely alien to the people of Russia, as well as Asia, Africa, and Latin America.” (The lecture mentions neither the neo-Nazis spotted among the Russian troops in Ukraine, nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of non-aggression signed by the USSR and Nazi Germany in 1939.) “Sadly,” the video laments, “some states and people have a very short historic memory.” Russia, it claims, is the only country that opposes fascism in today’s world.
The remaining videos are mostly devoted to regional trivia and Russia’s struggle with Western colonialism (contrasted with Russia’s “civilizational experience” of peacefully absorbing new territories). Russia’s far-northern Solovetsky Islands are praised for being larger that the Maldives. Тhe notorious prison camp established there by the Soviets doesn’t get a mention.
The most recent video, released on August 16, talks about Russia’s state symbols. The state coat-of-arms, flag, and anthem, it says, “fill the heart with pride, making a person feel part of a great power.” The lecture encourages students to use state symbols when celebrating personal events: “If you passed a test with flying colors,” it suggests, “try decorating your balcony with the Russian flag.” And of course, there are Russia’s “unofficial symbols” — the birch tree and the bear.
Production insiders have told Meduza that upcoming videos will talk about “the Russian worldview,” Islam and Orthodox Christianity, St. Petersburg, and the Russian Far East. “By mid-fall,” says a production team member, “we should have everything up on the website, so students will have something to watch.”
When asked why the educational videos don’t say a word about alternative viewpoints, a production insider replies: “The idea is to foster a patriotic attitude. Critical thinking wouldn’t help with that.”
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hsaahsahuja · 1 year
7 Best Exterior Paint Color Combinations for Your Home.
The journey of home interior design starts right from the surface of the house. When designing the house's outdoor area, there are three main components – exterior house painting, roof decoration, and the front canopy.
The challenges of combining color for house exterior painting allot on the condition of the house and the surrounding surroundings. We give you some great advice on combining colors for exterior house painting.Color Combinations for Your Home
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Blue and Grey Furnishings: House Exterior Painting for a Classic Color Combination
Our first suggestion for house exterior painting is this scholarship day white house that is attractive and attractive. This colorful paint cleans up your home and gives the impression of an excellent effect – especially great for a passionary area.
When we say white, you can choose different shades from that color family. White Dave is an eye-catching white with a warm gray hint; There are warm white, off-white, pearl white, etc.
You can choose colors like brown, blue, and gray for exterior house painting. In the picture, the rocket's shutters and blue glass are calm in plain white exterior paint to instrument a pleasant direction. The brown color is used as a marble combination with white, which adds to the natural look of the house. You can try a similar contemporary architectural home.
Terracotta Crush Color Combinations: Unique Color Combinations for House Exterior Painting
It can be used with a combination of colors like the dominant colors of the house; in this visible advertisement, it appears middle-class white pictures with a democratic find terracotta color. The ethereal terracotta, one of the dominant colors in this home, creates a warm, homely atmosphere. This color is a natural composition supported by green grass surrounding it. White is the definition of the border. The mix of the two is a sumptuous charm, made greater by the roof windows. This is more available for exterior painting than Indian bungalows and colonial house designs.
Very Peri Color Combination for House Exterior Paint
Very Perry Panton's color of the year for 2023. Color has an excellent effect. Very peri is a great color choice because it blends easily with white and gray. You can even apply two tones of the same peri shade -- one lighter than the other -- to inform different details in your home. This color is a prime pick and is an excellent display on Indian galleries.
Turquoise Blue and White: Novel House Exterior Color Combinations for Small House Colors
Blue is the most fabulous color in the department. It reduces well-being and induces a sense of calmness. The house has an exterior cladding design where blue is the dominant color, scowl white on the television and studio. This is a beautiful, beautiful sight in turquoise blue and white, which will surely enhance your home's look. It is excellent for house exterior colour-Bungalo style or Tattoo style.
Yellow and Gray Color Combination: Color Combination for House Exterior Painting
Yellow gives instant positive vibes; Hence you can choose yellow or one of its shades for the exterior painting of the house. We have a yellow house painting, gray roof decor, and white windows and doors.
Yellow always works great with gray and white; However, you can't use white, especially on the ceiling in Sana Sanji Place, because that can make most of the noise.
Red and Stone White Color Combination: Unique but Classy
This tiny home with garage space is ideal for the ultimate family outing. In-home appliances, red is dominant, and a minor stone is white, which is ironic. Clay red and stone-white are natural colors, So they will respond to an unpleasant peaceful environment that keeps you calm and stable. This color combination for house exterior painting also harmonizes well with a natural orientation—the landscape. The house also uses excellent brown paint to paint the garage shutters and roof, harmonizing with the clay red and stone-plastic plate. 
Olive Green and Brown Color Combination: Color Combination for House Exterior Painting
This natural Craftsman-style home blends with nature in Joliet Hare, a wonderful landscape creator. Olive green brings calmness to the house, giving a relaxing atmosphere to the whole space. This color is residential with a local suburb area. The house also has brown roof singles, which complete the bungalow wooden picture. White doors and windows brighten up this home.
Our 7 best house exterior paint color combinations will give your home an example and distinction without the static house color gamut. Here for the greenery in the front area, a natural corner always makes the nature of a house more exquisite. So, plant more trees, the correct color teeth, and check out the home of your dreams.
We would Like to Know Your Opinion:
Which color combination would you like to use while designing your home?
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joanamaury · 5 years
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"Si les puedo dejar algo esta noche, un pensamiento, un mensaje, es el siguiente: Conózcanse a sí mismos. No a la persona que ven en el espejo, sino a la persona que ven en su interior. Cuando sepan eso, lo sabrán todo. Cuando sepan eso, sabrán quiénes son, y harán lo que realmente vinieron a hacer. Con claridad. Sin juicios. Sin miedo." 🌸 #theblessed #tonyahurley #passionaries #hallowed #lasbendecidas #booklover #bookstagrammexico #amantedelibros https://www.instagram.com/p/B2e2iuSFYsh/?igshid=1l2986vsk0qy7
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oopsbooks · 6 years
Los peores críticos son las voces que oyes dentro de la cabeza.
Passionaries; Un mismo fuego (Tonya Hurley)
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lachicadelosastros · 7 years
Me ahogo en la angustia cuando veo lo que has hecho. Nada parece haber cambiado. Los tiempos siguen igual y yo no puedo huir.
Tonya Hurley (The Blessed) 
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Book photo challenge day 24 Not canon When half of your otp for the series doesn't make it to the end of the second book it's probably safe to say it won't be canon ☹️
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Cosa si potrebbe fare per avere una e sola notte di passione con te?
Buongiorno, caro pasiònario anonimo,
mi cogli impreparato, a riguardo, e così su due piedi, l'unica possibilità che mi viene in mente, è quella di prenotare un tavolo per due, a cena, da Gennaro O'Vibbrione (di fantozziana memoria, n.d.r.), ordinare 2 vassoi cadauno di cozze, ventiquattro ostriche, fasolari, arselle, vongole veraci e mandorle di mare, tutto rigorosamente crudo, e buttarle giù con abbondanti caraffe di vino bianco frizzante e ghiacciato, tornare a casa in Vespa avendo l'accortezza di tenere la maglia alzata e la pancia scoperta, e sai la passione che ci aspetterebbe? la salita al Golgota, a confronto, fu una passeggiata di salute...
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warsofasoiaf · 3 years
For your opinion which is the best Russian unifier and which is the worst?
Worst is easy, because it's Sergei Taboritsky. He creates a dysfunctional hellscape world in service to his own insanity, is a raging racist, and completely destroys the very concept of Russia. Not that the Reykh and Hyperborea, or other members of the Passionary, or Tuk's WRRF, or Yagoda, or Amur, or the omnicidal maniacs of the Black League aren't bad as well.
Best is a lot harder, because that depends on the criteria. The Tomsk salons are probably the ones that would be the best in terms of a modern perspective, but they're not the best for me because I don't find them as interesting to play. To me, Kemerovo under Yuriy is my favorite unifier because, as I mentioned before, it combines wholesomeness and insanity in a way that is appealing. "King Rurik" creates something distinct by taking modernism with Old Rus' aesthetics and builds something truly marvelous. Russia is broken when TNO starts, and "Rurik" gives the people more than just a functional state, he gives them the critical intangible feelings of hope and pride. There's an event in Kemerovo where two people are remarking at the unusual dress, but they enjoy themselves, and that's what I like about Kemerovo. I think it's essential for people to take pride in themselves, in their past, in their history, and where they came from, and Kemerovo does that in a distinct and wonderful fashion that I can't help but enjoy it.
If I had to pick my favorites from each region, I'd probably go as follows:
West Russia - LibDem Vyatka. It used to be Kosygin in Komi but they've cut him
West Siberia - Not many good choices here, but I've got to go with Yeltsin because he's not a massive alcoholic in this one
Central Siberia - Kemerovo under Yuriy
Far East Siberia - WERBELL! RUSSIAN OUTER HEAVEN! If we cannot count him because he's an easter egg and meme, I'll pick Alexander Men.
I suppose if I had to have a canon end, I'd have a peaceful reunification of Tetris Tsar and King Rurik. How exactly that would work would confuse me, but I'd love to see Vladimir and Rurik get drunk and design a new aesthetic for Russia that combines Roman Gul's liberalism, Rurik's modernism, and the style of the Rurikids and Romanovs.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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twinflame413 · 1 year
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The ground was covered in a soft, dense layer of tall grass, which was flattened by hundreds of people who had stepped a foot inside of the hut long before. Joey cautiously observed the ground floor, making sure no one was there, and began to rise the winding mud stairs. His gaze caught someone's cloaked figure, imposingly settled in a large chair.
"God, what a strange soul," Joey thought, but then he remembered why he was there.
"It's the passionary". The man was dozing off peacefully in his comfortable seat, his long legs stretched out and arms crossed on his chest. It would be an understatement to say that this man had a salient appearance. His skin was painted in the color of clear skies, and his hair, draping over the collar of the inconspicuous caftan, reminded Joey of the sun.
Joey wasn't sure on how he was gonna strike a conversation with such an important individual, and could not utter a single word - he only patted the arm of the chair in hopes that the passionary wasn't hibernating.
The man's eyes slammed open, and glanced right at the intruder - Joey's ears stiffened underneath his headband. Before he knew it, he was now staring intently at the third, golden eye that was sat down the middle of the passionary's forehead. The eye was bloodshot and irritated, it's pupil fluttering in it's socket like a wounded animal. Joey felt the fur on his back rising, then seized to move, clutched by fear, still reaching over to the chair handle. The passionary also hasn't moved a muscle since waking up, but he did shut his third eye, sensing that he was scaring his new guest. He then proceeded to speak in the strangest manner, suckling on his every word, as if human speech was burdensome to him. His voice was soft and wary, which pulled Joey into the fetters of doubt.
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paradizetobefound · 3 years
Visions supposedly allow Celestia control over Vision-holders and guess it kinda makes sense or what the idea was.
Like, they are given to people of great potential and ambition, the people who could (here it seems they went with something like "passionaries" logic? i guess) have great effect on the world. Especially with a note of this idea of becoming "deity" or something. So it makes sense to make what change or influence on the world around them they can bring be part of the "overal scheme" or something. Though how exactly is kinda blurred.
But here we just got one(1) confirmed mechanism by which the control can be exercised... and it is just. That what ambition and potential they could unleash, that ember that could burn. It is simply extermalized in a compact form that can be taken away, the later leaving a person without anything that would allow them to be that sort of "special person potential insurgent" or whatever.
Sounds terribly banal but also surprisingly practical and tbh I am not even sure it needs that much more tacked on top. Like. No person no problem but without actual removal part.
Vision now kinda looks like something something weird magical madoka magica stone just not with housing entire soul but only that that metaphorical ember, spark or whatever, internal power. A bit of soul. Yeah, sounds about right. Idk. Also reusable, I speculate personaly though that ambitions must be similar in quality for resounance to occur but whatever. Btw makes one wonder about how ambition of one person in past event persisted so long and caused entire star-fall situation, and what exactly happens to what the visions house after the vision-holder dies. Who knows, maybe it is nowadays used as a fuel, literally.
in short. We do not know the vision-distribution principles that well, but it is kinda convenient that on one hand it disproportionately empower certain people while leaving at least one convenient way to pull a rug from under their feet at almost any moment. Very cool. Very fun.
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lisatummo · 4 years
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Divina notte in cui Amore mi baciò.
I sentieri erano di garofano.
Campo di luna eta in tono minore.
Io ero una timida pecorella del Signore
per un bianco cammino degli Allori.
Arrivò l'Amore col suo biondo respiro
e il giardino della mia anima fiorì
delle rose del bacio e dell'incanto,
tristi maghe del paese eburneo
che il mio pianoforte stregato snocciolò.
Arrivò l'Assenza con la sua amarezza.
L'Anima penetrò nel cuore.
Di passionarie fu il mio sentiero
seminato con le frecce dell'arciere
che possiede la dolcezza e l'illusione.
Nei crepuscoli senza colori,
nei quali verso il mio pensiero,
sorge la tenue figura che amai
e il mio dolore ormai senza forma la vede.
Soffro talmente che non la percepisco.
- Federico Lorca
Notte serena a tutti 💫🤗
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Cover art on point. Let's see if I like the inside as much as the last one. #tonyahurley #passionaries #YAforlife #bookwormlife
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joanamaury · 5 years
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La verdad es que amo el arte que tienen estos libros 🌹. . Hace ya dos años que leí Blessed y apenas continuare con la trilogia, a ver que tal me va 😅. . #blessed #passionaries #tonyahurley #theblessed #bookstagrammexico #bookstagram #bookshelf #bookstagrammx2 #amantedelibros #gonvill https://www.instagram.com/p/Byy8z-2F2Gf/?igshid=1jxk28j3pwpvy
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oopsbooks · 6 years
No puedes contar la verdad a menos que la gente esté dispuesta a escucharla.
Passionaries; Un mismo fuego (Tonya Hurley)
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