#passport id
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mudwerks · 11 months
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Cats that sailed on ships until the mid-20th century to catch rodents had passports signed with their paw prints
looks like a killer
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petermorwood · 5 days
non-UK here why does the seniors' oyster card need a passport for issue???? bonkers concept to me to need a passport just so you can have a train card.
I'm also non-UK for 38 years now, and even then where I lived was Northern Ireland which is - as the EONI info link shows - Not The Same as everywhere else.
So I can only guess it has something to do with proving residence entitlement for issue of a 60+ free-travel Oyster Card; the website suggests other docs can be used besides a passport, that's just the most convenient one since so many details have to be confirmed to get one.
Can any current UK resident confirm this?
(I don't know why getting an 18+ Oyster Card doesn't involve similar checks to make it an equally official ID.)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Hey, I have a question. First of all, you don't have to answer, I get it if it's too personal, I'm only asking this based on your bio—but what does it mean for you to be Serbian(American)? I assume you were born in the US. Have you ever been to Serbia? Have you been taught the language, the customs at all? (I cannot emphasize enough, I really am curious because—for me—people in the US have such an interesting perspective on nationality, which is completely the opposite of the 'progressive' view in Europe. So you're not obligated to share and I don't mean to imply that you're less Serbian if you've never set foot in Serbia or something) also this is like a follow up question but are you/your family Orthodox Christians? (Also ignore pls if you don't want to disclose that)
You assume wrong, I was born in Serbia.
We are very culturally Serbian, but it's impossible to escape the American culture we grew up in. American culture will bleach you of your own roots if you do not cling to them.
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rist-ix · 2 months
I think it’s a hugeeee spoiler or not, but would Valtor tbhtbh marry bloom? Like, propose her, and do the whole thing, even just like they both together, and Darcy doing the ceremony. Or he don’t think that’s it’s necessary? Hope you doing good!
Gonna be honest, memes aside I don’t think marriage is necessarily the cornerstone in their relationship than it is in other fictional — or even real life — pairings.
Big part of that might be that Valtor, for one, lives outside of any official systems. There are villains that do crime but still kind of have a clear position in society (the Darkling is a General and coups his way to tsar-dom, most vampires in any vampire story do pretend to lead a somewhat normal life, villains with a royal title automatically has a rank that comes with a fitting one for their romantic partner etc.)
Valtor does not. His crimes are motivated by pettiness and his hunger for power, he builds up political figures to do his dirty work when it’s practical, but does not have any political ambitions for himself — he doesn’t wanna be king of the cosmos, he just wants to be the most powerful, and that everyone knows it. He's kind of a cryptid that way, because he appears, wrecks shit, and leaves as he pleases. The most official thing in his life was probably his imprisonment on omega, and marriage tends to very much be an official kind of thing in nature, even if it’s held in private and off the record. Official-ity IS kind of the purpose.
The only real power Valtor seems to believe in is, well, power. And they already do have a magical connection, which I think would be more important and meaningful to him than - what he considers to be - a social ritual.
Add to that that Bloom is a guardian fairy, very grounded in day-to-day life, and a princess, where marriage tends to have political implications, and I don’t think she herself would be very interested in putting a legally defined term on their relationship, unless we're talking about a redeemed Valtor maybe.
That being said!
I am not very set in this headcanon! I'm pretty sure pulling a marriage off in a fic would be MORE than doable, and really interesting on top. It's just not very intuitive for me, so I’m gonna stick to the plan and go with my gut. Doesn’t mean it’s not gonna happen in a future fic, or that it’s not a really cool concept.
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g0thsim · 2 years
187.24 / 390 (08/12/22)
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[full original post]
im a trans person trying to get all her pieces of identification updated so applying to / working jobs + going to school is easier. pls send accommodating workplace energy to me <3🏳️‍⚧️♿️ tysm for rbing
ⓘ this is turning into an urgent situation so if this gets to $250 i’ll take the hit for the rest because i am out of options at this point.
ko/fi other options [carrd]
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kaidabakugou · 4 months
the new girl at one of my favorite bakeries called me pretty this morning and it literally melted all my stress away 🥺
#kai.rambles#i was feeling sad bc my grandma is in the hospital and when i went to visit her they wouldn’t let me pass bc my license is expired#which okay ik that’s my fault but i took my passport with me just in case and the guy straight up told me that it wasn’t a valid form of id#and im like yeah tf it is ITS A PASSPORT and he said no#and while i was waiting for my mom to come down to the lobby an old lady came in and he turned her away for the same thing#and dudeee okay you turn me away fine fuck off but an old ladyyy??? at that age they don’t pay attention to that just let her pass#and then he argued with another woman bc she brought a flower arrangement and it had water so he couldn’t allow it HELLOOO??!?#so i had to leave and went to go get breakfast for my mom at least bc she stayed the night and i was supposed to stay the day#and when i came back to give her the food she told me that the nurse that was with my grandma asked what happened bc she wasn’t expecting#my mom to return and when my mom told her she immediately got so angry bc that same guy#didn’t allow her and a couple other nurses to bring in a cake for one of the residents#who’s birthday is today and they had a full on argument this morning#so it was all in all awful and now my mom has been there for more than 20 hours until later tonight when my aunt goes over :(#anyway this turned into a whole rant im sorry but im so mad bc i know for a FACT that a passport is a valid form of id#and he was just being a fkn dick#but the girl called me pretty and it took some stress off and she really liked my blush#and i liked hers so we had a little makeup 101 exchange and it was so nice at least 🥺#and i have a couple cute asks to answer that have made my day as well so i’ll get to those in a few 🥰
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rapidreptile · 4 months
more documentation bullshit. just have to say.. it's incredibly easy to get all the information you need to steal someone's identity if you know one or two things about them. but it's nearly impossible to prove to the government that you yourself exist even with all the supporting documentation the government could ever ask for.
what I'm saying is that identity protection priorities are not in the right places
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crimeronan · 4 months
just burst into tears in a post office and immediately the entire world opened up to me. easy criers must have the best lives what the fuck. i should stop taking my prozac Immediately.
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7amaspayrollmanager · 5 months
I have family in both the west bank and the "suburbs" of jerusalem bc the fucking apartheid wall quite literally split the village in half 😭😭😭😭
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cimicherrychanga · 7 months
passed the drug test btw they said im soooo good at drugs and crowned me best kitty
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tamagotchikgs · 9 days
i miss that brief period where i existed in the world o(-< when i was at youth connections every single day & then when i worked in the cafe && did aerial silks. for just a second it felt like i could exist like . the way i looked didnt matter i was a real person i was a moving person that Could Exist in situations. i was like a character it didnt matter that i was ugly. && now i just feel so stuck again. i feel like ive regressed fully back into what i was n all i can think about is how ugly i am n everything feels so impossible n terrifying n i dont know what to do
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trans-xianxian · 18 days
LICENSE SUCCESSFULLY ACQUIRED. both the lady I did the paperwork with and the woman taking my picture mentioned my hair being different in all my pics 😭
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tmae3114 · 3 hours
"too pale for the automated system" is objectively a pretty funny problem to have when trying to get your passport renewed tbh
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Dear god I did it again. I wrote another fucking fanfic. Gordon died lol
[Start ID:
Image of a HLVRAI fanfic summary, featuring dialogue back and forth between Benrey and Gordon. The link to the fanfic is a clickable link under the above image linked to the words "Dear god I did it again. I wrote another fucking fanfic. Gordon died" in the caption. (Trigger warning for angst and character death implication.) The image reads as follows:
“…What- you’re not making sense.”
“stopped… it stopped doing that so the suit saved you. had to defenstrate you.”
Gordon choked. “Fucking what??”
“had to defenstrate you.”
“Do you know what that means??”
“no- bro it had t-” Benrey inhaled sharply, shrinking into himself. “it had to electroshock you.”
Gordon’s voice died in his throat, any humor he could’ve found in the situation gone. “...What?”
“suit had to shock you.”
A horrible creeping feeling was crawling over Gordon’s skin, like his still numb tingling arms. “...Do you mean it had to defibrillate me?”
He knew the answer already. But seeing Benrey nod a yes still felt like a punch to the gut.
End ID.]
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