#past rulers
wackysach · 23 days
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⋆✴︎˚。⋆ 𝕿𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝕽𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓻
𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂. ⋆˙⟡
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the director choosing to turn the cannon towards the city is horrifying enough on its own but the fact that it turns that way in the first place adds a whole other layer to it. she was ready to decimate half the kingdom in order to kill one person, she was anticipating doing that. you only have a cannon that turns inward if you expect you're going to use it. like jesus christ
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tinapaysmp · 10 months
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I lied, I did not went back to work. I was in ao3.
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cactuscely · 8 days
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I’m on team Future; no we’re not winning
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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standard government propaganda posters for the latest alliances
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kkglinka · 2 years
Heh, so, I come from a fandom where character names have major significance, which means I promptly checked for that with Warrior Nun. I already knew a lot of catholic lore due to reasons, which meant I could guess certain character arcs, but boy howdy am I glad I checked some hunches.
Ava Silva, given the show's setting, would be Eve (rather than one of the convergent latin or germanic origins, with different meanings). Eve is the english translation of 'chavah', which is more description than name proper. Which in turn (very) roughly translates from hebrew as "giver/protector of life". This role of the mother remains unchanged by expulsion from Eden.
Notice how the halo always gives out quickly if used for violence, aggression or the taking of life, but ramps up like a champ if protecting and/or healing, even if it appeared to have gone empty moments earlier? While it is controlled through mental state, especially the one triggered by meditative thought, it clearly prioritizes the preservation of life. Eg; when Suzanne fell into despair and probably felt like dying over the prior Mother Superion's death, the halo made a quick exit.
Shotgun Mary: Mary Magdalene, the apostle of apostles, was the closest to Jesus (the halo-bearer) and witnessed his death. Eventually gets conflated with Mary of Bethany, and subsequently slandered every which way. Since the show's character seems to have a criminal background, she's likely meant to be both of them.
Lilith: From jewish mythology and folklore. The first woman, created to be equal to man, and rejecting subservience. Lots of story variations for her. Might've hooked up with the archangel Samael, after which she could not return to the garden of eden because that angel was kind of a demon, and subsequently becomes the mother of all demons. So show Lilith was first in line of halo succession, was robbed of that role by Ava, went to another realm, hooked up with a fallen archangel, but ultimately refused subservience to him.
Sister Beatrice: Saint Beatriz da Silva (*coughs pointedly*), a beautiful and accomplished illegitimate child of a nobleman, raised in a royal court, but wound up imprisoned in a tiny cell. (A proverbial closet, one might say). Went on to found a new order after she was freed. I don't think I even need to add to this one.
Sister Camila: Saint Camilla Battista, a vivacious young noblewoman fond of musical arts, who experienced numerous visions, and struggled with temptation. Show Camila is indeed slightly whimsical, musical, and enduring unwanted visions of an ex-archangels (and therefore arch-demon) and his pitiful idea of temptation.
Miguel: the Archangel Michael who appears at the moment of death, offering salvation. Yup, goes to the show's version of Eden, comes back super-powered, but his function is to mete out death. Pretty straight-forward.
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bitt3rcrawl · 1 month
ruler of everything but splatoon 3 grandfes
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luxrayz64 · 8 days
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i think he enjoyed the performances <3
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movie-plush-baby · 4 months
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realizing there’s not much LoveFlow content on Tumblr so I’m posting some of my older LoveFlow art because good lord are they adorable
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thepositivefella · 3 months
The Doctor being a grandpa in his first regeneration and still not having the child who'll be Susan's parent sixteen regenerations and 4.000 years later really brings me a new form of existencial terror about what it means to be gallifreyan.
What do you mean their society can just throw at you a child that you didn't even have yet and now it is your responsibility to raise them???
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palatinewolfsblog · 1 year
Random Thoughts on Ascension day.
In Germany also known as Father's Day. When fathers meet up with friends. Go on a hike with handcarts full of drinks and food, forget about their daily work and problems and have a good time. The actual meaning of the day - that Jesus returns to his father - moves into the background. No problem. After all: It's just another ancient story that defies Logic and - Gravity. Right? I see it differently. And start with an even older story of a powerful ruler from the Ancient Orient who staged his personal ascension. His name is Naram Sin of Akkad. Until today we see impressive statues of him in museums and a very special stele too. A giant with a helmet with horns that emphasize his superhuman strength. We see him climbing a stairway - up to the stars. His followers right behind him. Enemies fall or are trampled under his feet. What a scenery. This guy knew how to impress others. He knew a lot about - Progaganda. I have to think of some modern powerful people who are also making their way up - at the price of people being left behind or becoming victims. Elon Musk comes to mind with his dream of reaching the stars. A leader for whom other humans are only means to an end. And then i must think of this Carpenter King from Nazareth. Who wanted to help others. Women and children, outsiders, strangers, the many victims of the powerful few. He had a dream of a better world. He had a vision of peace and social justice. And he gave his life for it. Without fear of the powerful, who tried their very worst to crush and destroy him and his friends. Ascension Day is a reminder to me that this story went on and continues to this day. Ascension Day teaches us to look ahead and up. Take courage even when things get tough. To make this world a better place. Let's try. He show us the way and will help us to succeed. Ascension Day is an reminder: Dreams and Visions can come true. Change often begins with an individual who breaks new ground and inspires others. Helps them to focus on their dreams, goals and ideals and keep moving. Remember: The sky is the limit! ;)
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aeronbracken · 1 year
this canon insistance reminds me of 'king alistair was canon and the ONLY right choice' or 'alistair/cousland is canon because she can marry him' days.
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starsong13 · 8 days
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we what
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just played with the most goated team known to inkkind
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hollenka99 · 3 months
"So anyway I've gone down a rabbithole about Aegon III's bastards-"
"I think you mean Aegon IV."
"Well I think the Targaryens should have a list of names more diverse than their gene pool, which really isn't asking much, all things considered."
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photozoi · 9 months
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Two Kissmust Past Ghosties posing in front of shelves. One is not like the other.
(One is His Most IMPerial Majesty, Ruler of ALL the Things, Master of Disguise. One is not. Can you tell which one is which?)
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