#patalliro stage
ploppymeep · 2 years
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maraichnoai · 10 months
The Patalliro! discord server has been renovated!
Feel free to join if you’d like to chat with other Patalliro fans!!!
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bishonenspit · 18 days
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my favourite picture of maya mineo x
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cinemairon · 10 months
Love Sniper - Patalliro! Stage Play (2016)
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thedevilsrain · 8 months
is there a place you found the stage play for eroica online?
unfortunately no, i was only available to make gifs of it from public youtube videos. you could only watch it two ways: by paying to watch livestreams (which you could only do with a japanese credit card), or by buying the DVD, which will come out sometime in november.
though there are recordings of the livestreams out there, it's looked down upon to share pirated links for 2.D stages (the type of stage eroica and patalliro! are, don't ask me the details i just know the name gfhkdfj)
i recommend buying the DVD if you can, its 55USD/8.2k yen excluding shipping, so i personally can't, but it's one of the few ways fans outside of japan can support these stage plays, so it's nice
i hope this clears things up, sorry i can't do much :[
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
me at every single opportunity: Do you want to see something insane, a song called hot pants from vintage gays? 
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serialgirlposter · 1 year
Love when i look something up and find a fucked up wikipedia entry about it
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ladyyatexel · 3 days
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Patalliro Manga (and stageshow)is my new favorite thing and if you ruin this for me, I will come burn down your house.
Thinking in my sketchbook of how I want to try to draw these people. Several of these being older Patalliro, who I think should grow up to just be exactly the guy who plays him on stage, honestly. Not a surprise long hair beauty but short and a little strange looking, but carries himself like he's the cutest thing who has ever lived until you just find yourself agreeing with him. Older Patalliiro means I get to draw older Figaro. Obsessed with Figaro, which means I've been replaced by a changeling and you should deploy whatever you think best.
Also Maraich, who has never done anything wrong in his life and should be allowed to kill as many people as he wants and be worshiped like a prince.
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nih-nih · 5 months
How I get so deeply tangled with Bancoran and Maraich
Well this is gonna be a long post about my personal feelings toward Bancoran and Maraich's relationship. English is not my native language so pardon me for the mistake I make.
I first knew of them thank to a tweet that mentioned them as the founding fathers of Yaoi and Mpreg lol. I got interested so I looked for their information on gg and this was what I was introduced to:
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Back then I thought their relationship was some kind of quirky and it was there for comedic purpose only. I honestly had no hope for the relationship to actually be fun and serious. Like, a cheater seme and jealousy uke, totally not my cup of tea. Yet I went in anyways, just to see how it goes.
I started reading the first few chapters and actively looked out for Maraich, I though Jada was Maraich, Bjorn was Maraich, every bishounen with curly, light color hair was Maraich lol, the manga's style didn't help much either. I continued read the Eng scan and thought the manga was fun, but still, I was only there for Bancoran and Maraich's relationship, I didn't really care about Patalliro and other characters lol. My mistake.
Then gradually, the relationship that I thought was just for comedic purpose turns out to have a whole subplot that developed their complex characters and relationship! They did not just meet and fell in love for the sake of it, even though their meeting was a fated one and not a very good first impression but still! They properly went through enemies to friends, then through dating stage before living together, then the whole Foggy London Airport arc, vs Keen, Figaro arc! Throughout the stories, their relationship develops so much. And the tiny, little details here and there from the mangaka can actually help us readers imagine how they live together offscreen. Man, I didn't even know since when I got emotionally attached to them. They are not just there; I actually feel like they are living out their life!
Maraich went from someone who became an assassin just so he can survive to someone who is readily to die for Ban, follow him to even hell and afterlife. He started off kinda insecure in his relationship with ban, afraid that he might become a burden to Ban or being thrown away. When he got jealous in the first few volumes, you can see that the most he did was crying and throwing small things at Ban. After he knew that Ban would not abandon him, he became more confident in his beating lol. Now he won't even be afraid to throw Ban out of their home or beat him severely for cheating. I see that as a development lol.
And Bancoran? He remains a playboy but up to vol 17 he actually did try to stay faithful, though it ends up not as we hope. He sees playing with beautiful boys as entertainment just like cigar or drinking wine. If you look at the details, you would think his character is going nowhere. But look at the big picture, you can see how more and more he became homely (?), especially after Figaro was born. I cannot describe how I feel about his development, it is something you recognize when reading the manga. I just really love how possessive he is with his poker face, how he instantly recognizes a fake Maraich by smell (Maraich is always smelled flowery and fresh according to him lol), how despite the tattoo on Maraich's neck, he loves everything about him. You would think Maraich is the more jealousy in this relationship, but Ban is even more possessive and jealousy, he mostly expresses it though actions.
After the Eng scan, I read the RAW with my broken Japanese knowledge and boy, I was so invested and hungry for more that I went to pixiv to read the fanfics written by Japanese fans there (they are really good btw, Godly level even).
True that their relationship is toxic and problematic but that is for another post, another day. I just wanna guss about them now. I just love how they complete each other, how devoted Maraich to Bancoran and how despite being a playboy, to Bancoran, Maraich is special and his only companion.
I only hate how in the later stage of the manga, the mangaka uses the cheating-jealousy gag too much, it is honestly unnecessary.
I have a lot of things to say about them but I guess I should divide them into parts so it could be easier for me to write lol.
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mynqzo · 1 year
OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO HAVE HAZY GAY MEMORIES OF PATALLIRO. Have you seen the stage play (specifically hot pants)?
YESS i absolutely remember watching the stage play!! in fact i had it downloaded on my shitty computer back in the day after searching thru forums and forums for the eng translation when i was like 16 and i was just. obsessed methinks. hot pants was always ofc peak but there was this other song i dont remember the name of that was this romance song between bancoran and maraich that i was OBSESSED with but i cant find sobs!!!
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lazybearchungus · 2 years
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Finally got my hands on the Patalliro 2nd stage play: Stardust Project!!!! I’m so excited!!! 😁😆❤️🌹🥀🖤
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ploppymeep · 2 years
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ermmmm what the scallop
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wutaijiemei · 2 years
one of the funniest things about the patalliro stage plays to me is that it feels like there are 2 categories of actors between those who were like i am living inside a joke and ones who were dead serious about their performances like no matter what aoki tsunenori looked like he was questioning how he got there but making the best of it and doing very exaggerated performances of gay laser use as a consequence but sana hiroki was playing every moment of hot pants like he was really about to become a single bishounen father
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cuteteacakes · 2 years
So yeah anyone who is a fan of Patalliro should watch the stage play. It essentially goes over mmmmm maybe like 6 episodes in one play? Except little (and big) changes thrown in to make the play make sense. I love Bancoran’s actor, like his singing voice? Honey. Ambrosia to the ears omgggggg
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thedevilsrain · 4 months
does patalliro have pedophilia in it? i checked out the description and the manga seems interesting, but like that's a theme in it
the short answer is that no, because it doesn't involve anything involving like, prepubescent children. but it does have scenes of statutory rape and SA, especially with teenagers
my feelings on patalliro's portrayal of these r very mixed; despite its dramatic elements the series is first and foremost a comedy with no overarching plot, so these portrayals aren't intently discussed as much as they just happen
also keep in mind i haven't finished watching the anime + haven't gotten much far on the manga and havent watched the stages, so most of these was my girlfriend telling me stuff lol
i'll give a long answer under the cut, warning for spoilers and again the topics mentioned above
for starters, patalliro himself is 10. he makes a lot of sex gags overall, and theres a lot of eps/chapters with gags of him wanting to screw his cousins or ancestors. at the same time, patalliro is this little gremlin thing (there are many jokes about him not being human), so at least for me, there's always a degree of separation, and again. comedy series lol
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(the first pic is patalliro with his ancestor)
there's also bancoran. he's 27 and known for being in relationships with like teen (like 16-20) boys. his backstory isnt in the anime, but if you read the manga, its revealed his family made him turn to prostitution was a teenager
then there's maraich, he was picked up by an organization when he was a tween and. coerced. into a sexual relationship with count du larken while being trained to be an assassin
i think that's the most relevant stuff i can mention. again keep in mind this is a comedy series with no overarching plot, so at least with the weird incest chapters you can skip some of them
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nenastrology · 2 years
i expect a 5 paragraph essay on why u need the patalliro stage play links in my inbox before i can make my judgment
ok anon the verdict is here
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