#patch tool sea change
hottpinkpenguin · 1 month
Dragon's Fire - Ch. 1
Aemond Targaryen X Fem!Reader A/n: I'm in my writing-for-whatever-show-i'm-currently-watching era and I'm not apologizing. let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! WC: 2018 Warnings: graphic descriptions of wounds; non-canon
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You squatted next to the stream, exhaling into your cupped palms and rubbing your hands together to try and cajole some dexterity back into your fingers. The nights were getting colder, you noted as your breath turned to steam in the early morning air. What was it the Starks always said? Winter was coming. You shivered, whether for the cold or for the chill of foreboding that raced along your spine you weren’t entirely sure. 
You dug around in your satchel for the small hammer you used to break up the thin screen of ice that had formed along the surface of the stream. Having located it, you thwunked once, twice, three times until the tool cracked the ice. The gurgling water beneath was clear and unbelievably cold, the sensation digging bone-deep as you dipped your hands into the running water. You splashed a few handfuls across your face to invigorate you, shaking off the fog of sleep in the process. Gasping from the shock, you busied yourself with dunking your waterskin and filling the two buckets you used each day for cleaning and cooking. 
Your morning routine hadn’t changed in the four years since you’d come to Sea Dragon Point from King’s Landing. The hardships you’d endured in this cold, foreign land had at first burdened you to the point of almost breaking you. In your past life as an understudy with the dragonkeepers, you’d never had to concern yourself with such trivial tasks like fetching your own water. You had fled King’s Landing without thinking through the consequences of scratching a living out of the woods and the rocks and the soil. The only consequence that had been on your mind was your own execution, a threat that had spurred your flight from the capital city to this desolate, forgotten place. When you’d first come to Sea Dragon Point, you’d had a few supplies still from the larders and the pantries of King’s Landing. After you’d eaten through those, you’d found yourself on the brink of starvation and coming to terms with the fact that you knew nothing about how to survive on your own. Necessity had taken over after a few weeks, however, and you’d begun doing what needed to be done. And here you were, four years later, with little in the way of material possessions to show for your years of hard work, but immeasurably more capable and knowledgeable about life outside of the Red Keep than you’d ever dreamed possible.
After filling your buckets and the waterskin, you checked the fishing lines you’d set the night before. Of the five you had, only two had snared prey, and only one was worth keeping. You tossed the juvenile freshwater rock lobster back into the frigid stream, its shell too soft and its meat too sparse to make it worthwhile. The hefty river trout that your other trap had snared, however, would make for a fine meal, and maybe you’d have enough leftover to salt into strips of jerky. You spiked the fish quickly, not wanting it to suffer, before beginning to scale and gut it on the riverbank. The cold water would clean the fish nicely, you knew. 
You were so intent on your task that you almost missed the telltale snap of a twig behind you. Almost. Unsheathing the dragonglass dagger you kept tucked into your belt at all times, you turned quickly and rose from your crouch to full height with the blade extended in front of you in the direction of the noise. The sight before you stole the breath from your lungs. 
Leaned against a tree a few hundred yards from you was a ghost from your past. Glossy silver hair, pale skin, a sharp proud jawline, and a black patch over one eye. Aemond. 
The dagger in front of you dropped to the frostbitten ground as your hands flew to your mouth in shock. 
“Aemond!” Your mind was frozen somewhere between running to him and cursing his name, so you stayed unnaturally still, staring at him in disbelief. He chuckled at the note of terror? relief? adoration? in your voice, but immediately winced and doubled over. You hadn’t noticed before, but suddenly the details of the man before you came into focus. He was paler than usual - if such a thing were possible for a Targaryen - and he was grabbing at the bark of the tree for support, his other arm wrapped tightly against his gut as if holding himself together. Thick dollops of blood were dripping from his hand and forearm, and the single eye he still had was glassy with pain. 
Moments before he toppled forward, you rushed to him, closing the space between you two and catching him with your body. He was taller than the last time you’d seen him, and more solid. You grunted with the effort of keeping him upright as his legs turned to liquid underneath him. 
“You’re hurt,” you noted as if admonishing him. He chuckled again. 
“Ever the astute observer,” he quipped weakly. Unable to hold him standing any longer, you tried your best to twist his body until his spine was against the trunk of the pine tree that he’d been clinging to moments before, easing him down into a sitting position. There were a thousand questions rattling around your mind like bees - how did he find you? how long had he known where you were? what had happened to him? how did he get here? why had he come? who else knew you were here? - but you couldn’t get them to be silent long enough to grab at one and force it out of your mouth. For the second time, you felt yourself frozen to the spot, your chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline. 
A few moments passed before he managed to fix you with a piercing stare despite a blood loss-induced fog of delirium. “I had rather hoped you’d help me,” he rasped, motioning meaningfully to his bloodied arm with his eyes. You shook your head as if in a daze, your mouth opening without sound coming out. Why? How? Who? 
“Please, y/n,” he added effortfully after watching you gasp futilely for words. “I’m dying.” The intensity with which he met your gaze knocked something loose inside you. Your heart twisted inside your chest as you quickly looked at his wounds. The arm he was favoring had a large gash running down the length of his forearm, and he was bleeding freely from it. The edges of the wound were burned and jagged, like the flesh had been torn rather than cut. You recognized the wound instantly as a dragon’s claw mark. Having seen so many of those wounds yourself as a dragonkeeper, you’d never forget it. 
You reached for Aemond’s wounded arm, careful not to disturb the wound itself. He winced and bit down hard on his lip to stifle a groan of pain as he carefully extended his arm towards you. You moved aside the torn shreds of his leather bracer, still laced at the elbow, to get a closer look at the wound. The amount of blood he was losing suggested that the claw must have nicked an artery. He’d need stitches and cauterization, after cleaning the wound thoroughly. With any luck, Aemond might escape a deadly fever with the right herbs. You cursed your circumstances that you were here, hundreds of miles from the well-trained healers of the Red Keep, although Winterfell was only a hard day’s ride. You might be able to buy whatever Aemond needed in Winterfell, although you doubted you’d have access to the same level of supplies that you’d grown accustomed to in King’s Landing. 
“You’re not dying, Aemond,” you soothed, poking tenderly at the flesh of his arm to test the muscles beneath. At worst, you’d have to amputate his arm beneath the elbow. As it was his right hand - his dominant - it would be an adjustment and likely a blow to his ego, but men had lived with far more grievous injuries. You chuckled softly as the surge of panic his words had wrenched out of you began to ebb. 
“It’s not the arm,” he groaned. His voice sounded thick, as if he were talking through cotton. You looked up in confusion. His face had grown paler and there was a sickly, greenish cast to his skin that terrified you. He jutted his chin downward in the direction of his chest. Your eyes followed his gesture, raking over every inch of him, scouring him for signs of injury. 
When you finally saw it, your heart sank into your stomach like a stone in deep water. You hadn’t noticed it initially against the black of his armor. Running up the right side of his torso and cutting across the front of his torso from left hip to right armpit was an enormous, blackened swath of flesh and armor melted together. His skin was almost completely burned off, revealing muscle and sinew and fat underneath, much of that fused with the plates of his black and gold-threaded plackart where it had turned molten against his body. His flesh was twitching, nerves and damaged muscles spasming in pain. With each breath, you saw Aemond fight against a new wave of agony. 
Unable to look anymore, you turned your head away, hot tears spilling from the corners of your eyes. You knew what you’d seen: a death sentence. You fought to steady yourself and to bite down the wave of nausea that climbed up the break of your throat. When you turned back to him, he was staring into you with an intensity that terrified you. He hadn’t looked at you like that since the first night you’d…
You swallowed back the bile and the memories, unable to let yourself get distracted now, with his life in the balance. Now you understood why he’d come here, why he’d risked everything - his life, and yours - to get to you in this remote place. He knew your skill with healing, and he knew that you were familiar with this type of injury. As if confirming your thoughts, he nodded, the motion eliciting a new wince of pain. 
“Dragon fire.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement. You already knew the answer. He nodded again, his eye closing as he took a few shallow breaths. 
You took in the state of his injury once more. How you’d missed the acrid, sulfur-like stench of his burn initially was a mystery. It assaulted your nose now, threatening to bring up that wave of bile you’d barely managed to swallow down. You couldn’t see how far along Aemond’s back the burn extended, but you were grateful to see that his neck, arms, and legs look relatively unscathed, with the exception of that gruesome gash. 
“I need to get you back to my hut,” you stammered out, trying to swat away the small twinge of embarrassment at calling your home a hut, although it was arguably the most appropriate word you could come up with. If Aemond noticed, he didn’t show it, only nodded once and braced himself against the back of the tree. You carefully lifted his left arm up and threw it over your shoulders, bracing his body weight against yours as he rose precariously to his feet. You were careful not to touch him wherever he was burned, but it was near impossible with his entire torso wreathed in charred flesh. 
“Do what you have to,” he growled through gritted teeth. “I won’t stay conscious much longer.” You took his meaning: you had to get him where he needed to go as quickly as you could, pain be damned. Stealing your own nerves, you shimmied up right against him, taking more of his weight, and started off in the direction of your home. He roared in agony most of the way, fighting to keep his screams from breaking loose. Aemond barely made it inside and onto the single cot you slept on before his eye lolled shut and he slipped into unconsciousness…
read chapter 2 here
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triumphantbass · 2 months
Dawntrail Retrospective
Okay, it's been two weeks since Dawntrail launched, a bit over a week since I've cleared it and have had time to think things over, wanted to do a big dump of my thoughts, a non-scored review of it all.
Full spoilers after the break.
So, I want to give this all a nuanced look; I know this has been a polarizing expansion; I did very much enjoy my time while still having some qualms, and I'll try to highlight both sides of that here.
Overall, while it would be low in my expansion rankings, that's not to say it's bad. Just as I probably bump Heavensward up a bit in my rankings because it did so much with so little (in terms of budget, gameplay tools available, story to build on, cast, etc.), Dawntrail takes a hit because I know what they're capable of these days.
But a 10 year saga is a tough act to follow, and I know if this was my first FFXIV experience (it might be a lot of people's one day, if the 'second saga starting point' for new players they mentioned ever gets implemented), I'd be going 'oh wow'.
Anyways, before I pick things apart, I'd like to highlight what really worked for me.
Sphene was my problematic fave. I know Artificial Intelligence tropes can be overdone, but I have a fondness for them because when done right, an AI is clearly authored by someone. Just like a biography, even an autobiography, paints the subject in a certain way, an AI really reflects the creators' biases.
Just as the soul technology was shown as a mechanical version of the aetherial sea, Sphene really felt like a sort of digital primal for Alexandria, the people's desires latched on to her, sort of a vtuber Zodiark.
I loved the development that her compassionate personality (taken from the OG Sphene) was distinctly incompatible with her unsustainable primary directive, protecting and preserving Alexandria's way of life (the directive from the people)
And I appreciated that part of the thesis statement of her character is "a Garnet who never traveled with Zidane would become a tool of Alexandria, her kindness taken advantage of as a figurehead''. Which makes it nice when Wuk Lamat breaks through during The Interphos to appeal to her.
She can feel like a bit of a rehash of Hades and Metion, but I do enjoy the contrast of her valuing life too much to Metion not valuing it enough; it's important to know how to live in spite of despair, but it's also important to accept that even memory is not forever.
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Also while I'm here I have to say I absolutely respect the zone change of Living Memory from stunningly beautiful to hauntingly somber. I hope that change is not reverted in patches, as it's absolutely the starkest environment change in the game.
I like the idea of casting aside nostalgia to care for the living, and I thought this zone was a welcome surprise from the "Golden City" imagery a South and Central American expansion invokes.
(PS, massive Simulated Twilight Town vibes)
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And I thought Cachuia was well done in this zone; I was a bit antsy earlier with how they made her into just a drone, but I liked the resolution between her and Erenvelle
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But one thing I want to stress as I sing the praises of the last zone and change, is that neither half of this expansion works without the other, because unlike other split expansions (SB having the Gyr Albania and Yanxia halves, EW having Islabard then the Ancients), it felt clear in why it had both halves, and that was for the contrast of the same theme, Namely, the ideas of culture, tradition, and history, and how they affect the living.
When Wuk Lamat is giving her speech during her ceremony, she notes one of the societies taught her "they believe death is not the end, and we live on so long as we are remembered", which Sphene says almost verbatim of her people later, menacingly polite as that same belief is twisted.
There are some roots of this conflict in the first half too, with Koana's disinterest in culture and tradition, before realizing progress and culture weren't incompatible.
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While Alexandria instead takes it to a logical, Black Mirror extreme, discarding culture and history, literally forgetting anyone who passes (while assuring themselves anyone who is lost still lives on) and living purely in the present moment; death itself removed from the public circle.
I don't think the Alexandria half, the modern, present-focused society works without first setting up a region with a rich culture and history.
In the first few regions, you see how those who walked before led those who walked after, while in Heritage Found... you see a heritage lost. On both sides of the divider there are abandoned buildings; a sidequest in the graveyard has the keeper note that memorials have fallen out of favor due to regulators, Alexandria had a perfect record of history (data, people, all stored in the cloud), but didn't use it; specifically keeping it away to prevent painful memories from affecting the present. While Yok Tural had an imperfect history (a lot in legends, retold/inconsistent oral history), but that history distinctly affected their day to day; even the painful memories, the tragedies, all played a part in shaping the present.
Even though it could make the pacing clunky at times, I did like that Wuk Lamat's basic setup of "learn about these people and understand why they make the choices they do" extended to Solution Nine and even Living Memory.
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Garool Jaja was also a very good character, loved his performance, do kinda wish his solo duty where he confides the true nature of the contest was the very start of the expansion; I feel like it would have set the tone for this being the "The WoL is a mentor arc" better.
Also to wrap up the good side: every single dungeon and trial was ace. Dungeons finally hit a good level of difficulty for normal content, and were well designed and very pretty. Vanguard and Everkeep in particular were delights, as was the postgame dungeon Tender Valley.
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And on to my more mixed feelings.
Wuk Lamat- I don't hate her, but I don't like her that much either. I tried to keep an open mind for the full MSQ, but ultimately she's not a character I really vibed with; I do get the shonen protag/Naruto appeal, but it's really not for me. She's been described as 'Lyse 2.0', and while I admit I have similar feelings about Lyse, I do think Wuk Lamat has a more natural progression. Lyse started Stormblood feeling like a 20 something on a mission trip, while Wuk Lamat feels like a reasonable candidate who just needs a little encouragement.
I don't mind too much our WoL taking a mentor role and taking a backseat, while downplaying their powers; but what I struggled most with was fatigue. Wuk Lamat was always there, like the memes of "Talk to Wuk Lamat" say. Like Shadowbringers was the expansion where Graha was the main character, and a lot of the time he was away doing city stuff or being mysterious. Wuk Lamat would have benefited from more time to breathe, especially in the back half of the game. She should still be there in the back half for sure, for the expansion to work she needs to be a player in all this, but I'll admit I sighed when I got to Solution Nine thinking I'd explore by myself (probably bumping into her at one of the locations) but instead needed to escort her. As I noted earlier, I don't mind the Interphos interruption (though I did appreciate the chance for the WoL to be at full strength) because Wuk Lamat appealing to Sphene's humanity fit the expansion themes well.
Succession- I'm happy this didn't go into my worst fear: a retread of the Azim Steppe where we actively interfere in another nation's politics by being their champion; but it left a bit to be desired. Notably, while I knew the Scion Civil War was a bit of a misdirect, it felt kinda pointless? Like Thancred and Urianger are here helping an alumni from their university out as he applies for the same job, but they're totally chill with you. And honestly there are no stakes to him getting the job, he's the only other qualified candidate to the point where you hire him later yourself.
I didn't want any longstanding inter-scion conflict, but for a character as frequently duplicitous as Urianger and driven as Thancred it just felt like a waste.
Also, GJJ clearly told the WoL that the keystones didn't determine the victor; he would pick a successor that was worthy- I kinda wish they just stuck to that. Having the "good' rulers and "bad" rulers paired together for the cooking challenge felt like a bit of a cop-out, , plus needing to win back a stolen keystone, etc. just felt like missed opportunities.
Zarool Ja and Bakool Jaja - I get what they were going for in the end with each of these: ZJ being the "impossible son of an impossible son, the weight of expectations causing him to shun those around him, and that loneliness twisting him", BJJ being desperate to help his people, feeling the major survivors guilt of his own life costing so many others.
but neither of their narrative arcs are smooth, and in the first half, especially during the trial, they seem to be doing comically evil Wacky Races Dick Dastardly behavior with no regards for a continuous arc. BJJ releasing Valigarmanda was the icing on the cake for me. He could have done this in a reasonable way, weakening the seal in an attempt to sabotage the trial, then feeling guilt over what he did in desperation, but no he walked up to the gate keepers like 'no I'm evil, I'm gonna destroy that now' any hints of ZJ sympathy come like, during his trial and from the Wandering Minstrel, who even notes most will see him as a one dimensional tyrant
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I also think they could have distinguished both more from just being warmongers; in the same way that Wuk Lamat and Koana are somewhat aligned but have different visions, personally it would have made more sense to me if BJJ had a different brand of conservatism; putting a stronger emphasis on defense and isolationism rather than world conquest. It would fit his background better too, as someone who wanted to protect his homeland
My most negative thoughts are really just pacing. I would like to not have so many quests just running around talking to people, not learning much of note. I know there are only so many things you can do (stand in purple cloud and kill 3 enemies isn't great either), but at this point I'd honestly just take a shorter MSQ if it meant better story pacing.
I know the first half is meant to be like an abbreviated ARR, and I don't mind it being low stakes, just wish it had a bit more polish.
I will also say I felt a lot more limited in my dialog at times? Like I don't need every box to have "I'll kill your god if I have to, maybe even if I don't", but there felt like a lot of instances where you had two ways to say the same sentiment. I like it when the game lets you have opinions, even if the opinions are objectively bad (you can straight up tell Noah the Allagans were visionaries) A lot of that pacing was more actual story content than the quests though; the first three zones could feel like extended allied society quests (solid enough ones), which wasn't bad for a 'fresh start', but Shalooni is where things felt off. I liked the vibes but frankly the quests left barely any impressions at all.
(loved the trolley dig though)
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Overall, like I said, I enjoyed my time. While it may not be a favorite expansion, it sets a good baseline for another ten years, and I hope they can refine it in the patch series and beyond.
There's a lot more I could probably say, I realized I didn't have a chance to touch on Erenvelle (very glad he tagged along) and Krile; but I feel I'll have more thoughts on both of their plotlines after the patch series.
P.S. though I rolled my eyes at some of the running jokes I genuinely got a chuckle out of Wuk Evu always freaking out then snapping back to polite with "well I won't overthink it then" and similar. Felt very Chocobo Racing GP.
P.P.S. Wood-carved owl nouliths are the best idea. A+ weapon.
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ouroborosorder · 1 year
okay fuck it i posted about hypothetical arknights fighting game and immediately got massive brainworms about it so without further ado:
My Pitch For An Arknights Fighting Game Roster
Amiya - Obligatory standard Shoto with her sword and Arts. She has relatively mediocre projectiles, but her metered projectiles are extremely strong to reflect that her Arts take a lot out of her to use. Honest, but with a lot of mastery required to truly excel. 
Ch’en - Rushdown Shoto with some close-range projectiles with Chi Xiao - Unsheathe and maybe the inkbrush Arts she uses in her skin because let’s face it, they’ll never give her the water cannon. The Sol to Amiya's Ky, the Ken to her Ryu.
Kal’tsit - Puppet character with Mon3tr. Her close range buttons are competent, but flawed, but they’re just enough to give her absurd combo synergy with Mon3tr. Can trade her own meter to heal Mon3tr’s Obligatory Pet Balance Meter.
Talulah - Midrange projectile-focused character who uses powerful multihit projectiles to confirm into brutal melee combos. Can enter an Install state where she does self-damage as she catches on fire, but hits like a goddamned truck. She stays back, destroying you from afar, then closing in to make you regret being born when she has to.
Frostnova - Full on zoner, keep the opponent away, dominate the stage, and freeze them in place before they can ever think of approaching you. Has a kit made of long-ranged, disjointed full-screen normals like Hilda (UNIST), but in exchange, they’re all highly situational with massive blindspots, forcing you to play smart, predict your opponent, or they’ll close in and overpower you.
Patriot - Bigbody Grappler. Hits like a truck, but advances slowly. Changes the entire pace of the match simply by existing, and feels like an unstoppable force who you are never safe from until you’re sure he’s dead.
Skadi - Midrange melee-focused character. Simple and honest, she doesn’t need a lot of frills to absolutely kick your ass. Has very little mechanics, but is nonetheless intimidating partially because of that. Has an Install providing herself with a buff that looks like the Corrupting Heart buffs. Honestly only here because she consistently tops popularity charts by a huge margin.
Texas the Omertosa - Extremely fast rushdown, Chipp Zanuff-style. Is able to extend combos that would otherwise drop with her Sword Rain that works similar to Seth (UNIST)’s Orbs. Either she ends the fight before you have a chance to even start it, or she dies quickly as a result.
Nearl the Radiant Knight - Mixup heavy aggressive character, pushes against the opponent with unrelenting force until they break, feeling like an unstoppable force that rushes in, full speed ahead. Has tools to punish basically any sort of behavior, but all her options are extremely reactable. But when you’re up against someone who is capable of so much, it may not matter that much. I-No (Strive) and what little I remember of Roa (MBTL) is a bit of a touchstone here.
Ling - Trap-heavy setplay character with powerful full-screen combo potential. Extremely powerful, but has to get her summons set up first, and if she is able to get the opponent playing her game, she is almost unstoppable with her summons’ projectiles and powerful combo-extending sword swings.
The Endspeaker - A technical, setplay and stage-control heavy midrange zoner. Can spread Nethersea Brand by summoning Sea Terror minion that, when killed, drops a patch of Brand. You can then fire projectiles that leave Shells on the Brand. You can dive into the Brand to pop out of the ground with a bite, consuming the shell to grow stronger. After consuming two shells, you cap out, and your teleport changes to a low that teleports you to your opponent, acting as a starter to do brutal melee combos on counterhit. Focuses on feeling like they control the very environment, like an unstoppable force of nature that only grows stronger as you desperately try to stop it. Yes, this is only here because I had a strong-ass pitch for it.
Emperor feat. Penguin Logistics - Joke character, kinda. Emperor’s kit involves summoning the other PL members for his specials, which are all really solid to cover for the fact that his normals are shit on account of his stubby little penguin body. Exusiai focuses on ranged attacks, allowing some sort of zoning in specific directions. Croissant gives approach tools by shielding him as he walks or by golfing him with a hammer. Texas gives combo extenders with Sword rain or with long flurries of blows that keep the opponent locked there for a short time. Sora is entirely in your taunts because she's not much of a fighter like the others.
But what would a fighting game be without DLC that's planned from launch?
DLC Lineup 1
Gavial the Invincible - A relatively mobile grappler, focusing on long combos and hitgrabs similar to Bullet (Blazblue), Beowulf (Skullgirls) or Grappler (DNF Duel). Has the ability to heal herself with a special that requires her to stand still, encouraging an opponent to approach her when they otherwise would play defensive, because Gavial is the kind of person who you have to face head-on, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Specter the Unchained - Stance change, switching between Laurentina and Specter. Laurentina is a shield pressure monster, a mixup-heavy character with strong multihit overheads and lows like Bedman? (Strive) or Anji (Strive) (but good). Meanwhile Specter is a defensive neutral-heavy character with strong space control with her Arts, with high meter gain on her moves that Laurentina can easily capitalize on. Plays with the opponent like she is dancing, forcing them to keep up with her rhythm, confusing them with steps they can never understand, then asserting her own tempo if they try to take it back.
Mlynar - A highly defensive character who completely relies on counterhits for combo starters. But those combos, hoooly shit. Has parries and counters to play defensive, read the opponent’s options, and then strike when he is sure he can land a blow. He only draws his sword when he’s sure it will land.
Chongyue - A technical, rekka and cancel-focused close-range fighter similar to Jam (Xrd) and Enkidu (UNIST). Has a hard time getting in, but has massive reward when he does. Has the ability to use mid-range sandstorm-based strikes and Orbs like Aoko (MBTL), but has to focus to gain charges on his sandstorm specials like Jam (Xrd). Takes mastery, but when you learn his complicated kit, he’s an unstoppable force. Takes off his jacket in round 5, and yes, this is important.
Redblade - Install-focused character. Gains new Contracts as the match progresses similar to Susanoo (Blazblue), growing stronger with each Contract, until he gains 8 stacks, where he becomes the strongest character in the game. Maybe he straight up hijacks the music to play Operation Basepoint when he gets max Contract.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this National Geographic story:
In 2006, a hunter in Canada’s Northwest Territories shot a bear that had white fur with brown patches, long claws, and a grizzly-like hump. The strange-looking bear turned out to be a hybrid: a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly bear.
Over the following years, scientists identified a total of eight polar-grizzly hybrids, and found all the animals  were descendants of the same female polar bear. Sometimes called “grolars” when the father is a grizzly bear or a “pizzlies” when the father is a polar bear, these bears made headlines, and some researchers warned that the Arctic could become prime territory for hybrids due to climate change.
“We're interested in assessing the hybridization rate because we know that as the climate is warming in the Arctic, grizzly bears and polar bears are coming more and more into contact with one another,” says Ruth Rivkin, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Manitoba. Using genetic tools, Rivkin and her colleagues recently found that hybridization remains rare among polar bears—for now.
Bears aren’t the only Arctic species that have intermingled, and many of these hybrids are virtually indistinguishable by sight. That’s why genetic analyses have become incredibly important. Scientists are looking deep into animals’ DNA to identify and learn more about potential hybrids, often raising more questions than answers. 
Typically, animals don’t mate outside their species, due to a variety of barriers, including geography. But hybrids can arise when species or subspecies that would not normally overlap run into each other when searching for a mate. 
Beluga whales and narwhals split on the evolutionary tree around five million years ago, but sometimes the species cross paths in western Greenland’s Disko Bay. In the 1980s, a hunter collected an unusual skull that researchers later hypothesized belonged to a beluga-narwhal hybrid. 
“This was the early days of genetics, and getting DNA from a skull that had been sitting for three to five years outside just wasn’t really an option in the early part of the ‘90s,” says Mikkel Skovrind, a researcher at Lund University in Sweden who helped evaluate the skull with modern genetic techniques in 2019. The study confirmed the identity of the “narluga” hybrid and pegged its birth to the 1970s or earlier.
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As temperatures warm, grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis, female shown with a cub) may move further north, bringing them closer to polar bear territory. PHOTOGRAPH BY JOHN EASTCOTT AND YVA MOMATIUK, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION. Similarly, melting sea ice in the Arctic could drive polar bears (Ursus maritimus, female shown with cubs) further south in search of food. PHOTOGRAPH BY FLORIAN SCHULZ, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION
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brinefathomcaves · 2 months
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Aug 5: The Hellhound
The Hellhound is a rickety, barely-seaworthy looking ship, with an undead crew cursed to sail the Sunless Sea until they retrieve Barnabas Brimstone’s lost treasure. The crew physically can’t leave the ship, so they’re eager to welcome mortals to scour the ever-changing islands of the sea.
A. Armory: Weapons and armor hanging from walls. Two +1 scimitars, otherwise all mundane.
B. Hold: Barrels of fresh water, crates stuffed with trinkets and clothes from former passengers who never returned.
C. Cabins: Occupied by officers when no mortals are aboard, reserved for mortal use otherwise. Enchanted foot lockers under beds only open to a specific sea-cursed’s touch, contain only mundane personal belongings.
D. Galley: Long-disused. Three murlynd’s spoons hanging up for mortal passengers.
E. Storage: Holds rope, pitch, material to patch sails, mangonel stones etc.
F. Main Deck: Hatch down to lower deck, mangonel with 10 stones secured alongside it.
G. Mess: Long table with benches and chairs.
H. Captain’s Cabin: Bed, desk covered with maps and navigator’s tools. Enchanted footlocker under bed only opens to Jawali Ghiraa’s touch, contains mundane personal belongings.
I. Forecastle: Figurehead of a hellhound shoots flames at command word.
J. Quarterdeck: Carved demon faces on either side of ship shoot flames at command word.
[Non-key rambling under cut]
I chose to barely detail this ship (as opposed to the wrecked cult hold on level 2, which got standard room-by-room days) mostly because I want to have more of the month to detail the Sunless Sea itself. If/when I revise Brinefathom for actual use, I may divide this into sublocations normally.
I'll have more to say about the crew of the Hellhound tomorrow, at any rate.
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the-lost-kemetic · 2 years
Most common water sources and their uses
I’m sure we’ve all used water in our practice at some point. I won’t lie, I’d actually be a little surprised if I heard someone didn’t actually use water in their practice at all! It’s a very common tool, and it’s relatively easy to get your hands on it. For today’s post, I wanted to talk about the most common sources of water and what you can use with them!
Storm water
This is probably my favorite to work with, hence why it’s at the top of this list. Typically, you’ll gather this water by placing a bucket or other container outside during a storm. Lightning storms are typically the best, as they’re the most powerful.
You can use storm water for emotional strength, confidence, charging crystals, motivation, and power. I like using it in my baneful spells, as storm water is good for making spells even more powerful.
Lake water
Water gathered from lakes is good for cleansing and healing rituals. This is another one that's relatively easy to get your hands on, so long as you live near a clean lake! I especially use it for cleansing sprays: mixing ingredients with it to make it more powerful. Lake water can be used for protection and banishing, but there's other water I prefer for that.
Rain water
Like storm water, rain water is also really easy to collect! Just put out a bucket or contain outside when it's raining. Be careful to make sure that it's not storm water, as it's very easy to get those confused. My way of telling between them is that storm water is gathered when there's a thunder storm or very strong winds, while rain water is gathered during light or heavy rain.
Rain water—alongside river water—are my favorite waters to use when it comes to spells or rituals that require moving on or washing away things from the past. Rain water itself is pretty much multi-purpose, and I like using it for growth and rebirth.
Dew water
This is perfect for fertility and love spells, as well as magic that's a bit more delicate. If there's a spell you want to last for a long time, use dew water!
River water
This is the perfect water for spells and rituals where you want to release something you no longer have a need for. If there's something specifically you want to get rid of, use rain water! It's also really good for warding, or breaking through rough patches.
Snow water
Snow water is made by gathering snow in a jar and letting it melt naturally. It's good for spells and rituals that focus on purity, endings, and change. Snow water that I gather from freshly fallen snow is what I use for rituals that cleanse negative energies and send peace throughout my home.
I use snow water from blizzards for spells that have a lot of power. Snow storm/blizzard water have an energy that's equivalent to storm water.
Moon water
Moon water is made by charging water beneath the light of a moon, typically a full moon although any moon phase works. This is the water that I use for all of my scrying, as full moon water is extremely powerful. I also use moon water as a base for my anointing oils or purifying my space.
Sun water
Sun water is made by leaving a jar of water under the light of the sun. It's useful for charging tools and giving energy boosts to spells. I myself will use either dew or rain water in conjunction when I make my sun water. I feel as though dew and rain water have a lot of connection to the sun, which is why I do it.
I don't really use sun water in my practice, as the sun isn't something I use a lot.
Salt water
This is water gathered from the ocean and seas. I don't use it at all since I don't live next to either of them, but I hear it's good in cleansing, healing, and protection.
If anyone uses salt water, feel free to add!
Holy water
Typically, I make holy water by asking deities to bless either rain, river, lake, or snow water as those are the waters that are most pure in their original forms. After my deities bless the water, I cleanse a small bowl of salt and add a small amount of it into the water (I typically use sea salt for this). Holy water is useful for banishing, binding, dispelling, healing, and protection.
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lacependragon · 1 year
It's not secret that I've been working on building up a handful of new RWBY fics. Nor has it been a secret what they're about. But I thought it'd be fun to revel in the excitement a bit and gather up all the information to let you vote on what you're most excited for too!
This probably won't have any impact on what order I write things. But don't you wanna share excitement? So vote, ask a question, drop a message! But first, make sure you read all the information about each fic!
If you aren't interested, then please just don't vote. Thank you.
The Fics
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A Sea of Roses | RWBY Rated M. Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings.
Relationships: Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose, Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen/James Ironwood, Jaune Arc/Lie Ren/Pyrrha Nikos/Nora Valkyrie, Weiss Schnee/Neptune Vasilias/Sun Wukong, Mercury Black/Emerald Sustrai, Glynda Goodwitch/Taiyang Xiao Long
Characters: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, RWBY Ensemble
Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Rewrite, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Queernorm, Polyamory, Polyam Norm, Anti-Faunus Racism, Faunus/Human Relationships, Canon-Typical Violence, Dismemberment, Slow Burn, Extreme Slow Burn, Grey Morality, Characters Making Bad Decisions, Child Soldiers, Mild Sexual Content, Child Abuse, Happy Ending, Non-Binary Ruby Rose, Past Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long, Past Ozma/Salem
At fifteen, Ruby Rose is supposed to be two years away from Beacon Academy. But after ditching school in the middle of the day and fighting robbers (and putting three people in the hospital), Ruby finds themself expelled from Signal and on the way to Beacon, on the fast track to becoming a hunter. Leading a team which includes their sister, Yang, and new partners Weiss and Blake, Ruby seeks to have the best years at Beacon possible. But the world has other plans in store. Salem watches from a distance and builds her tools, seeking the relics and the maidens for her own ends. As she looms closer, Ruby and friends are swept into the mysterious and apocalyptic underworld of Remnant, where every battle is a tally in the war against Salem and every failure could lead to death. The war will be long. The losses will be high. But roses are resilient; their thorns can draw blood at the most unsuspecting of times. And Ruby Rose will not let the world fall without the fight of their life.
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Management of Our Time at Patch | RWBY Rated M. No Archive Warnings Apply.
Relationships: Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna/Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long, Jaune Arc/Lie Ren,Pyrrha Nikos/Nora Valkyrie, Qrow Branwen/James Ironwood, Oscar Pine/Whitley Schnee, Neptune Vasilias/Sun Wukong, Harriet Bree/May Marigold/Winter Schnee, Marrow Amin/Clover Ebi, Mercury Black/Hazel Rainart/Emerald Sustrai, Cinder Fall/Neopolitan
Characters: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Penny Polendina, Blake Belladonna, Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood, Weiss Schnee, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, RWBY Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magic, My Time at Portia Fusion, Management of a Novice Alchemist Fusion, Queernorm, Slice of Life, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Polyamory, Polyamorous Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long, Alchemy, Prosthesis, Slow Burn, Friendship, Monster Hunting, Friends to Lovers, Dungeon Crawling, Running a Business, Strangers to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Inventors, Non-Binary Ruby Rose, Happy Ending
To be a master alchemist, you must change lives. Several hundred years after an environmental apocalypse, the world of Remnant rebuilds. Ruby Rose, recent graduate of Vale’s alchemy college, is moving to the village of Patch with the rest of their family after Yang gets a job with the local rangers. There, Ruby wants to open an alchemy shop and work on their thesis in hopes of becoming a master alchemist. Ruby and Yang aren’t the only ones dealing with new phases in their lives. Their uncle struggles to find his footing and makes an enemy of the local engineer on day one. A broken soldier finds her way to the edges of the local forest. Mayor Ghira and his family help the recently widowed Willow and her children adjust to freedom after months indoors and years of abuse. And along the edges of their territory, ancient ruins and creeping monsters await the rangers who seek to expand Patch. For even in times of peace, danger lurks. Life is always changing in Patch. Perhaps amidst this town and its people, Ruby can find the inspiration for their thesis, and everyone can find a place to call home.
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When the Stars Go Out | RWBY Rated M. Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings.
Relationships: Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ilia Amitola/Weiss Schnee, Jaune Arc/Lie Ren/Pyrrha Nikos/Nora Valkyrie, Qrow Branwen/James Ironwood/Taiyang Xiao Long
Characters: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Little, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Penny Polendina, Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood, Taiyang Xiao Long, Glynda Goodwitch, RWBY Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Magic, Magic School, Witches, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Power of Friendship, Worldbuilding, Queernorm, Long, Non-Binary Ruby Rose, Half the Cast is Trans, Mystery, Drama, Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Animal Death, Grey Morality, Familiars, Wands, Happy Ending
In Remnant, when a witch comes of age at 15, they enroll in a six year witch school to learn the depths and wonders of magic. Ruby Rose is 13 when their magic matures and they receive a letter from Beacon Academy of Witchcraft. There’s no hope of hiding the early magic, but maybe they, their older sister, Yang, and their guardian, Little, can keep the rest of Ruby’s secrets hidden. Like their unnatural silver eyes, locked behind a glamour to look a plain grey. Or their natural intuition to magic, which is harder to hide. Yet, at Beacon, Ruby’s focus doesn’t stay on their own problems for long. Instead, Ruby finds themself following after Weiss Schnee, a fellow sproutling that Ruby suspects is in danger. When they discover how much danger Weiss is in, they vow to find a way to help her, no matter what. As Ruby, Yang, and their new friends slip deeper into the darkness of Remnant’s hex-filled underworld, they’ll learn that Weiss isn’t the only one in danger. Men, monsters, and malignant magic vie to see who can destroy the world first, but only if Ruby and their friends can’t find a way to stop them.
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joswriting · 6 months
Writer Q&A
Finally doing this, thank you for the tag @lexiklecksi!!
I tag: @wheres-all-the-tea-gone and @atmospheric and anyone who wants to do it
What motivates you to write?
An inherent desire to communicate and deal with certain feelings I have (usually bad ones). My big WIP On The End Of Everything is about characters that are very dissatisfied with their lives and with who they are but have no way of changing this, as well as an exaggeration of the apocalyptic feeling we get when we don't have our lives completely together (might that tell you something about me?). Both this story and my short story anthology WIP make political commentary in the stupidest way possible, like any scifi story should.
Every character has a trace of me and every trace of me is examined and judged in all sorts of situations. It's both a form of self-therapy and a way to unload nonsensical ideas and peculiar humour.
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I like my poems best of the stuff I've written in the past 3 years, and there's a rather long one with some body horror elements (CW), but here are two verses from that one:
you may climb to the valley but the descent is steep there the partyhouse is filled to the brim here lie the parents, not awake nor asleep tie them together for their bodies are thin down the sea over yonder and into the deep see them drown and wonder, why had they no skin? a fly on the water comes to pose a conundrum if your face were another would you feel any different? then all insects fall dead to beat of a drum the wet blows are approaching and becoming vociferant another face is growing over your own now, how fun the next mouth utters sweetly the cry of an infant
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I'm not sure but I used to think descriptions? Especially of rather gorey and disturbing scenes, that's what I used to think. I haven't done that sort of thing in a while though, I hope I get to do it again soon. Well, apart from poems, as you can see.
But I think desciptions in general, they are my way of bringing the humour.
What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
The fact we all stay curious about other people and their work! Plus everyone here is so earnestly in love with writing, it's nice.
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Those synonym and rhyme websites, translators, but in my case especially wiktionary.org
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I like the world building in On The End Of Everything's first universe the best, but it's a sort of mystery so I don't want to spoiler it. To give you an idea of the current vibe (after all the worldbuilding that is to be uncovered); it is a universe with no sun, one planet that is able to support human life due to geothermic activity and an ecosystem of bioluminescent critters, and a human population with names like Nestlé (my main girl of this universe, I love her).
What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
If you're stuck just write Anything else. Could be a completely unrelated story idea you have or you can try to write the scene from someone else's perspective or write what someone completely different is doing somewhere else in-universe right now. Just because it won't be part of the finished story doesn't mean its not valuable. And hey, depending on the tone of your writing or how exciting the scene is you could just put it in anyway. For example: i dont really know how to write my current scene so instead i just wrote about a random bioluminescent dog called Stephen Colbert and his take on the scene. My writing is silly.
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karama9 · 1 year
Fanfic Extract
So, for context... the people Hylians call 'Sea Folks' are refugees and their descendants. They have round ears, dark skin, and basically look like human black people. I posted a picture of Link a few days ago. I still need to finesse the timeline on that because I changed something else, but originally his grandparents were among the refugees and one of his parents was born on the way, the other in Hyrule. This may go back another generation for the final version.
Zelda's eyes widened when she looked in the seemingly small pouch. She'd been expecting the magical carrying tool to contain far more than its apparent size should allow, but the Hero had far, far more equipment and tools that she could have guessed, including… 
“Are those the Pegasus Boots?” she asked, shocked. “The ACTUAL Pegasus boots Sage Sahasrahla gave to the Hero of Legends?” 
Link turned to her, head slightly tilted in apparent puzzlement. "The red boots with wings on the ankles?” he asked. “That's them, yes." 
Zelda held back half a dozen questions (where did he find them, how were they still in such good conditions, did they actually have any practical use short of bashing your head in by dashing into solid walls, how could they possibly fit they fit the younger Hero of Legends, were the wings just decorative, did they have a force field of some sort that meant you didn’t get hurt when you hit something) and looked in the pouch again, trying to stay on task and to find some apples for her horse. This was not actually the time to satisfy her curiosity, not when her poor horse was still in shock from the instant travel. She found the apples, grabbed two, and frowned at the stack of bottles next to them. 
She closed the pouch and gave the apples to her horse while gently patting him and whispering reassurances. The horse calmed down somewhat, and she turned to Link again. 
Along with several impossible things, and along with the wide array of various more ordinary supplies such as a generous amount of potions he had already mentioned were leftovers from the ones he’d brought to Given after the attack, the Hero’s pouch held about a dozen bottled fairies.  
Fairies were used when people were afraid to die: they straight up brought you back from the dead. They didn't heal that well other than that, so for routine patching up, she'd have expected Link to stock up on potions instead – just like he in fact had. Considering how ridiculously competent he was, his feeling the need to carry that many fairies was... concerning.  
She schooled her voice to express nothing but mild curiosity. She didn't want to insult her partner, but she still wanted to address the issue - did he have some kind of phobia? Or was he extremely reckless and she just hadn’t happened to see that side of him yet? 
"Just out of sheer curiosity... why so many fairies?" she asked. 
Link jumped a bit and his cheeks reddened right through his dark complexion.  
"I... it’s a lot, I know," he stammered. 
"It does seem like a lot!” she said lightly, showing no concern at all. “Thus my curiosity.” 
Link scratched the back of his head. "I’ve had them for years. Ever since that time with the Master Sword.” He hesitated and swallowed. “It’s been years, but well... I promised my mom I'd keep carrying a bunch of them.” 
Zelda tilted her head. "That time with the Master Sword? What are you talking about?"  
Link's brow furrowed slightly. "When I first got the Master Sword and ran into those villagers?" 
Zelda frowned in puzzlement. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 
Link's eyebrows shot up. "The King didn't tell you," he guessed. He paused for a second, shifting gear and gathering his thoughts to explain. "It was when I first claimed the Master Sword." 
“When you were 11,” Zelda said, more to show she was paying attention and following so far than anything else. 
Link nodded. "When I came out of the Lost Woods with the sword, I ran into a group of people who thought I was some kind of fraud." 
"But anyone can carry fairies,” Zelda remarked. “They won't help you prove who you are." 
"Nothing does,” Link said flatly before clearing his throat and continuing. “Sorry, that was unnecessary. So they thought I was some kind of evil genius who had somehow managed to steal the Blade of Evil’s Bane. They called me a dangerous violent barbarian.. the usual for Sea Folks." 
Link looked down. He didn't like to think of the episode, for obvious reasons, but he'd gotten into the retelling willingly, best thing to do was to get it done with as soon as possible so they could be on their way again with the Princess’ justifiable curiosity satisfied. 
"They demanded I put the sword down, threatening to shoot me if I didn’t. They had me surrounded by about a dozen archers, so I put the sword on the ground next to me, all the while trying to explain that it was mine and that I hadn’t stolen it. They didn’t believe me. Gave a bunch of reasons why I couldn’t possibly be the real Hero, most of which boiled down to the fact I’m not a Hylian.” 
Link paused, gathering his thoughts again for the next part. Come to think of it, the Princess not knowing about the episode helped explain her... optimism when it came to some Hylians and Sea Folks in general or himself in particular. This would probably help her understand his ‘paranoia’ better. That didn’t make it any more fun to revisit. 
“They took the sword and... I kind of lost it,” he continued. “I panicked and I asked... ok, I demanded that they give it back. I wasn’t trying to threaten them, but the Great Deku Tree had just been telling me how important the Holy Blade was, and... I was not thinking straight. I didn't actually say anything threatening, I didn’t make any sudden or aggressive move -  I kept my arms up and wide like they told me to the whole time - but I WAS talking very fast and I probably sounded really upset because I was. I thought that if I couldn’t get the sword back, it meant I had failed and evil was definitely going to win. Anyway, the point is, I wasn’t trying to scare them, but turns out I did and some of them shot me." 
Zelda's eyes widened and the blood drained from her face. She supposed that in hindsight, she should have seen that coming partway through the story, but then how could she possibly have predicted that a group of adults would have shot a child? Link continued in a lower voice, as though embarrassed.  
"I had a fairy with me. When I regained consciousness, she was flying circles around me and I was hurting in a bunch of places. The people were gone and so was the Master Sword, but..." 
"The fairy activated on its own," Zelda interrupted, her voice thin and small. 
 Link nodded.  
 "Then they actually killed you. If you hadn't had a fairy..." 
Link nodded again and, eager to move on, resumed the story. "I saw a few of the people who confronted me just passing the top of a small hill that was between us and the nearest village. I didn’t want to fight them, there were too many of them and I figured it would just end with a lot of people being hurt.  I headed for the Castle instead of going after them, and I requested an audience. The King brought me back to the village, retrieved the sword for me and eventually ordered me to go and stayed behind. I could tell he was really angry, but I don’t know what he actually said or did to them." 
 "They MURDERED you," Zelda said. "And you had your arms up and wide, and your weapon was already in their hand! But you got upset and they got scared, so they shot you! Because they were SCARED. Of an unarmed ELEVEN YEAR OLD!" 
Link's eyes were fixed on a spot of ground between them. "After that, Mom and I figured I should always carry fairies. She set the minimum number to 12. I also started looking harder for defensive magic: spells, items, anything. That's how I found Nayru’s Love, and once I found that, I looked and found Din’s Fire and Farore’s Wind as well." 
 He looked up to find the Princess snarling, her fists clenched.  
Zelda was not as surprised to find out Link had gained the Great Fairy Spells as she would have been before seeing how many impossible things he had in his pouch, but it was still unexpected. The only thing was, nothing short of a complete shock would have derailed her thoughts from the reason behind the fairies. The Hero had been MURDERED. By HYLIANS. When he was a CHILD. No wonder he was so quick to believe the worst rumours about various towns! Even if a single accident... her train of thoughts suddenly skidded to a stop. HAD it been a single incident? 
 "Have you ever used any of these fairies since?" she asked through a clenched jaw.  
Link chewed on his lip. The answer wasn't going to make her any happier and he was starting to feel that the more indignant she was, the longer it would take to get on the move again, but he couldn’t very well lie to her. She was the paragon of wisdom, she probably wouldn’t delay what they needed to do no matter how angry she was. 
"Not often. The last one I used was right after the attack on Given, for a villager with bad injuries.” 
Drawing attention to his using fairies for other purposes than getting himself brought back to life did not work to end the conversation as he’d hoped. 
"Did your fairies ever need to revive YOU again?" she asked. 
 He nodded somewhat reluctantly. He’d be glad to reach the end of this conversation, and not just because he wanted to get moving.  
"What was the cause? Or causes? Lynels? A herd of moblins? Or accidents like a bad fall off a big tree?" 
Link didn’t meet her eyes. “No. I…” he trailed off, not sure how to explain he wasn’t accident prone and could handle any monster without sounding like he was bragging. 
“No, of course not,” she said. Her fists clenched tighter. She closed her eyes under a scowl and took a deep breath that didn’t seem to do her mood much good at all. “You can handle monsters,” she snarled. “It was people, wasn’t it? Just like that first time, it was people you chose not to fight back against because they’re PEOPLE. It’s well known My father has mentioned to me before that you never engage against people, no matter how they provoke you. I never dreamed that anyone would actually endanger you!” 
He shuffled his feet. "To be fair, it’s not that I’m trying but even I can tell that I AM way more intimidating now than when I was 11," he said. "And it only happened twice." 
“You only ever had people attack you twice?” Zelda asked.  
Link sighed. “I only needed fairies twice,” he admitted. “I have been attacked more often than that, but I usually just dodge or block and leave. Not every time was meant to be fatal either, sometimes someone just thinks throwing a rock at me is a great way to make a statement.” 
No words came to Zelda in answer. Her mind felt fuzzy, her thoughts weren't lining up, she felt like screaming. The Hero was assaulted regularly enough that he didn’t even think much of it anymore, and despite his skills, the attacks had been vicious enough to actually kill him three times so far. 
Link shuffled his feet again and rubbed his left elbow with his right hand. “Princess...” he started. 
She let out her own breath in a huff. “I know,” she interrupted. “Standing here simmering about it is getting us nowhere. I do need to write to my Father, however. I must find out how he handled your first murder and what he’s doing to prevent more of the same.” 
She walked to her bag and pulled out her stationary. Link, resigned that this was happening right this moment instead of whenever they next stopped for a break, pulled the bigger sword Maran had made for him from his pouch and started going through some forms with it. 
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updatecrazy · 19 days
No Mans Sky update 5.10 is available to download on PS4, PS5(Version 5.010), PC, and Xbox One players. According to the official No Mans Sky 5.10 patch notes, this update update introduces fishing, an Exo-Skiff for deep-sea exploration, new cooking recipes, automated fish traps, and the Aquarius Expedition. Apart from this, No Mans Sky version 5.10 also includes a long list of bug fixes and changes. NMS 5.010 Patch Notes (Version 5.010.000) - September 4, 2024 https://youtu.be/zu-OxnMETY0 Fishing System Relaxing Fishing Experience: Players can now fish in various aquatic environments, from shallow waters to deep oceans. Varied Catch Types: Discover a wide range of fish species, from common minnows to massive alien sea creatures. Rare Fish Hunting: Explore different planets and environments to catch rare and legendary species. Exo-Skiff Deployable Fishing Platform: A customizable boat that can float over rough seas. Cold Storage Inventory: Built-in storage for caught fish, especially useful in deep-sea environments. [caption id="attachment_131274" align="alignnone" width="934"] NMS 5.10[/caption] Exploration and Rare Catches Travel for Rare Fish: Complete your fishing log by exploring different water conditions and crafting specialized bait. Messages in Bottles: Discover messages from past travelers while waiting for your next catch. Automated Fish Traps Autonomous Fish Farming: Research blueprints for Automated Fish Traps, allowing passive fish collection while you explore. Aquarius Expedition (6 Weeks) Galaxy-Spanning Quest: Catch fish and gather stories to earn exclusive deep-sea customizations like an underwater jetpack and the Lost Angler’s Rig. New Cooking Recipes Aquatic-Based Dishes: Unlock new recipes using the fish you catch from lakes, seas, and oceans. Fishing Records Wonders Catalogue Update: Track the weight, history, and locations of all your catches. Deep-Sea Diving Suit Extreme Water Suit: Protective gear designed for deep-water exploration and extended fishing sessions. New Customization Rewards Aquarius Posters: Decorate your base with the Sea Chart, Bounty of the Sea, and Gone Fishin' posters. Tentacled Figurine: A sea creature-inspired cockpit decoration. Aquarius Flight Pack: A jetpack replacement for smooth underwater movement. 5.10 Patch Notes Players can now install a Fishing Rig in their Multi-Tool, enabling them to cast their line into any body of water and begin fishing. Purchase Fishing Rig blueprints aboard the Space Anomaly. Over 160 varieties of fish are available to catch. Finding each fish will require exploration of different planets, fishing at different times of day and during different weather conditions, and trawling across a wide range of depths. Your catch history, including weight records, is recorded in the new Fishing section of the Wonders catalogue. Craft specialist bait and apply it to your Fishing Rig to lure in specific fish. In addition, any edible item can be deployed as bait. Experiment with different cooked products to find the most effective bait for your fishing feeds. A large range of new seafood recipes have been added for the Nutrient Processor. Those who do not wish to consume or sell their catch may release their fish back into the water. Occasionally, inanimate objects may be retrieved from the water instead of fish. Such objects include procedurally generated messages in bottles and water-damaged technology upgrades. Automated Traps are available to research in the Space Anomaly. These self-sustaining units are an alternative to manual angling, and will attract fish as appropriate for the water conditions in which they are placed. The Exo-Skiff is a new piece of deployable technology, summoned from the Quick Menu after its interface is installed in the Exosuit. Research the appropriate blueprints aboard the Space Anomaly. The Exo-Skiff hovers just above the surface of the water and reacts to wave movement to create the perfect deep-sea fishing platform for those looking for deep-water fish.
The skiff comes with a dedicated Cold Storage inventory, allowing players to conveniently store their catches. The Exo-Skiff can be recoloured via its own internal customisation interface. Fishing is fully compatible with first and third person play, and has unique casting mechanics for VR players. New music tracks have been added to accompany the fishing experience. Expedition Fifteen, Aquarius, will begin shortly and run for approximately six weeks. Rewards include new posters, decals and titles; a deep-sea diving suit customisation set; the unique Lost Angler’s Rig fishing rod; and the exclusive Aquarius Flightpack. Water reflections are now enabled for PSVR2. PCVR now supports reflections on the water while running with reflections set to Ultra. Fixed an issue that could make it difficult to interact with some space station objects while in VR. Previously, a major free No Man's Sky update 4.40 added a relaxed mode, overhauled inventories, revamped UI, and improved missions. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues. NMS update 5.10 will fix a few of these issues. Download free No Mans Sky update 5.10 on Sony PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.
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hillslicensing-blog · 6 months
Shades of Rebellion: Exploring the Black Leather Biker Vest in Motorcycle History
New Post has been published on https://ashipwreckinthesand.com/shades-of-rebellion-exploring-the-black-leather-biker-vest-in-motorcycle-history/
Shades of Rebellion: Exploring the Black Leather Biker Vest in Motorcycle History
Fashion vs. Function: The Black Motorcycle Vest’s Appeal
The black motorcycle vest is a unique piece that blends fashion and utility. Its roots in the gritty, rebellious motorcycle subculture have changed over the decades, allowing it to rise to high fashion while keeping grounded in its practical roots. The intersection of utility and aesthetics explores the complexity of human identity, societal trends, and the eternal attraction to raw elegance.
The black motorcycle vest’s journey from safety gear to fashion statement is as convoluted and wild as the riders who popularized it drove. As practical clothing, it protected the rider from the weather and provided some safety. The vest’s lightweight, easy-to-move design and pockets for essentials won over motorbike enthusiasts.
The vest embodied the biker spirit of independence, rebellion, and nonconformity. Its black color embodied the biker lifestyle’s raw, edgy undercurrent and allowed for personal expression through patches, club emblems, and complex artwork, furthering its integration into motorcycle culture.
As the vest weaved its way across culture, the fashion industry, always seeking authenticity and edge, noticed it. Designers were inspired by the vest’s history and link with the fringes to include it in their creations. The transition was slow and controversial, but the black motorcycle vest was enticing. The high design transformed the garment into a fashionable rebellious symbol.
This change raises problems about fashion and purpose. The vest is still functional, but the fashion industry has given it new meanings. It rethinks utility, emphasizing that garments are identity and self-expression tools.
The black motorcycle vest is appealing because it conveys authenticity and toughness, which are sought-after qualities in fashion. Its toughness contrasts with fashion’s polished, fleeting character, providing a source of truth in a sea of abstraction. Customization of the vest lets wearers create unique, customized narratives, linking personal and public identity.
This mix of fashion and function has its drawbacks. Motorcycle and fashion purists regard the crossover as a diluted and inauthentic representation of their cultures. Motorcyclists may view the fashion industry’s vest appropriation as a superficial takeover of a deeply rooted symbol, removing its significance and context. Conversely, some fashion professionals believe functional things contradict high fashion’s artistry and inventiveness.
Despite these issues, motorcyclists and fashionistas love the black motorcycle vest. Its growth reflects society’s wider blurring of functional gear and fashion statements in apparel. This trend reflects a growing need for versatile, accurate, and personal expression in clothing, as people want clothes that reflect their identity and lifestyle.
The black motorcycle vest’s appeal lies not just in its visual appeal or functional merits but also in its ability to express individuality. Its attitude of rebellion and independence connects with a broad audience, transcending its tangible form to inspire self-expression. Whether worn by a seasoned biker, high-fashion model, or streetwear fan, the vest preserves its essence while gaining new connotations.
Thus, the black motorcycle vest’s fashion-function conversation is continuous. It pushes the traditional bounds of clothing, making us rethink their function. The vest’s journey shows how every thread and seam has stories, meanings, and possibilities.
The black motorcycle vest’s longevity illustrates a common desire for clothing beyond fashion and utility. The goal is to find goods that combine usefulness, identity, and style.
Maintaining your black motorcycle vest: ensuring its longevity
Owning a black motorcycle vest is more than just a fashion statement; it symbolizes freedom and rebellion that bikers have revered for years. As with any treasured item, proper care is essential to its longevity. Proper care keeps the vest looking good and honors its tradition and spirit.
Care for your black motorcycle vest starts with the material. Leather, a classic motorcycle vest material, needs special care to be supple and durable. Leather can dry out, fade, or crack from sun, wind, and rain, reducing its aesthetic and protective characteristics. Preventing this requires regular surface debris and dust removal with a gentle, wet cloth. A leather cleaner that is gentle but powerful against filth is best for deep cleaning.
Conditioning leather after cleaning is crucial. Leather conditioners keep the vest comfortable and crack-free by restoring moisture and flexibility. Apply excellent conditioner with a gentle cloth in circular motions to the fabric, then let it absorb and dry naturally. This method, recommended every several months or after extreme weather, keeps the leather hydrated and increases the life of your vest.
Synthetic black motorcycle vests demand different upkeep. Manufacturer-recommended washing is usually enough for synthetic textiles, which are more forgiving than leather. They might be damaged by heat and incorrect cleaning. High-temperature washing and drying can damage the material, so avoid these. Cold water and air drying are kinder and protect fabric integrity.
Beyond washing and conditioning, storing is crucial to vest shape and appearance. Hide your black motorcycle vest on a broad, padded hanger for wrinkle-free and natural shape. Avoid plastic covers, which trap moisture and cause mildew. The vest is best stored in a breathable garment bag or large closet to avoid dust.
Motorcycle vest hardware, such as zippers and snaps, also needs repair. Examine and clean these components regularly to avoid corrosion and guarantee smooth functioning. A silicone spray or lubricant helps keep zippers running smoothly, while a light soap solution and gentle brush can clean metal parts. These minor elements make your vest functional and attractive.
But what about unavoidable wear and tear? Even with careful care, your black motorcycle vest may have scratches, scuffs, or other wear. Instead of flaws, consider them badges of honor that convey a story of adventures and experiences. Consult a specialist for significant repairs, especially leather restoration. A qualified artisan may restore your vest to its previous grandeur while keeping its unique individuality.
A custom of personalizing your black motorcycle vest with patches, buttons, or artwork adds meaning and personality. While showing off your style, take care of these accessories. To reduce fraying, apply patches securely and pin without hurting the cloth. Check and maintain these decorations to keep them looking good and complimenting the vest.
In maintenance, regular examination is crucial. Regular checks for wear, loose threads, and fading can identify issues early. Fixing problems quickly saves time and money and preserves your vest’s beauty.
Last but not least, lifestyle considerations affect your black motorcycle vest. Road and weather will test your vest more if you bike often. To combat the elements, more frequent cleaning and conditioning may be needed. If you wear your vest more for fashion than utility, it may require less care, but pay attention to it.
In conclusion, caring for your black motorcycle vest is more than just a chore; it honors the road and the wearer. With careful care, your vest will last for years and tell the tale of your adventure on and off the bike. You honor the motorbike vest and its legacy by maintaining it.
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merlinjor01 · 11 months
Week 4- [3D Content Clean-up]
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This is the third lesson of the tankard creation, mainly focusing on cleaning up and colouring the final piece. Unfortunately, before-hand I had done some bevelling and additional dents and cuts to the tankard in my own time, but I had lost the progress due to some technical issues. So for this lesson, I had to catch up on a large portion of making the tankard more to the style of 'Sea of thieves'.
Luckily It had saved changes to some editing and bevelling I had done to the handle and there wasn't much I wanted to add further onto it, only the main tankard I had to focus on within this lesson along with cleaning up the mesh afterwards. Firstly, I wanted to add the wooden effect going around the cup in my references, I had done that by sharpening each edge of each face around the cup to play off this effect and having a nice and similar look after. To make the dents within the tankard I had just used the cut tool to make new lines within the mesh that I could manipulate and push in using the move tool, creating these dents. Besides the dents, I also created a small cut at the side, I did this by making a small laying down diamond shape within the mesh, selecting the edges of the diamond and pushing it in. This created a nice cut look within the tankard. The final detail I wanted to add was a small chip within the top of the tankard that is seen a lot within my references. For this I did a similar thing as the dents, by cutting new lines into the mesh, selecting them and just pulling them down. This isn't how we were shown how to do the cut, but I ended up liking the way It had looked despite doing this part incorrectly.
When I had finished all the detailing, the last step before colouring it and getting it ready to render was cleaning up the mesh. The cleaning up part is necessary for the mesh and unwrapping stage. So I had a go by looking around the mesh for any loose verts and connecting them to other lines. I had a few around the dents and chip within the tankard, but they cleaned up nicely and left no problems.
Lastly was adding colour to the tankard. To do this, I had went onto the Hypershade tool which enables to give the models colour and texture. Hypershade was very straightforward for me to use and I was able to colour my tankard nicely with no problems. To round it all up, I gave my tankard a little 'sandy' patch to make it more lively and interesting, ready for rendering.
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tomreview · 1 year
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miniaturemoonheart · 2 years
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Infusing Magick into the mundane of our everyday home lives with Timeless Housewitchery Icons
~ Brooms and Cauldrons
Why do witches have brooms and cauldrons? What is it really about? When you consider it, a broom is a transformative tool.
Brooms are literally used to create change in your environment simply by removing the stale unwanted debris from your space. While on an unseen level cleaning creates room for new, fresh energy to enter your space.
Combined with a little active imagination, just think of all the possibilities each sweep and swish of your broom brings!
Modern witches use brooms to remove stagnant or negative energy from their homes, businesses and ritual space. While cleaning physical dirt, psychic (energy) dirt can enter your space too creating imbalances in the atmosphere that may lead to tension amongst the occupants.
The next time you pick up a broom notice not only how the area feels fresher and brighter physically but use it as a means to visualise obstacles and limitations leaving your life, so that the space itself is imbued with positivity and love that restores balance and harmony.
Consider the emblematic cauldron that boldly stands beside the witch, simmering and bubbling with otherworldly hues…
Quite simply a cauldron is a cooking pot − back in the day it was over an open fire to provide sustenance for those who would ingest its contents. As a cooking pot the cauldron is also a transformative tool, it turns cold to hot, infuses flavour and scent and converts from one form to another.
As you know, you won’t get very far in the physical form without food… but what about the cauldron within you? Your soul self that animates the vibrating mass of stardust and molecules that you are.
Just like the magick lies within you to enhance your life. When you know how to interact with the world from this core of your being that is never separate from its original Source you can transform your experience of reality.
The cauldron is a symbol associated with someone wise to the workings of the universe. When you understand and adhere to the principles that govern the “cooking pot” of creation, beyond the confinement of the material realm and matter that appears to be real you are able to access infinite wisdom, abundant love and copious blessings at will.
Cultivate a veggie patch/grow your own herbs. If there is room start a communal garden where an entire block of neighbour’s can all contribute, tend and share the harvest. Keep it organic and GM free. Meditate there, commune with the plant divas and anchor your energy into the Earth’s grid.
Wood is chopped. Water is boiled. Brooms are swished.
Keep Your Home Blessed and Positive
A space clearing removes undesirable energy from property. Obstacles and energetic limitations are removed, balance and harmony are restored and the space feels lighter and more confident. Occupants have more energy and are more positive because the vibrations around them are raised.
There are 3 steps to keeping your house blessed and positive long-term without constantly performing house clearings
1. Purify
A clearing removes stagnant or negative energy from a space. After performing a house clearing, I highly recommend following up the procedure with a personal ritual ablution such as a sea salt scrub and bath/shower to release debris from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
2. Harmonise
A blessing provides yourself, your environment, your life and your work with the highest level of positive energy possible for optimal performance. Above, I give you some examples for how to boost the Goodness Quotient in your environment, like playing with colour, décor and creating Witch Bottles.
3. Preserve
Install a permanent energy filter in the entrance of your space. In this way anyone entering your space will be washed of discordant energy.
• Stand in line with the centre of the main doorway or archway of entry to your home/office/wherever you want one.
• Imagine a large, swirling sparkly vortex cone slowly rotating in this spot (kind of like where you would place a welcome mat in relation to the door). Then say something along the lines of:
“It is my intention to install this cleansing vortex in this space to purify the energy bodies of all who enter here in accordance with their Highest Good. Let those who pass through here stand in their Highest Truth.
May any discordant vibrations be removed from their aura and funnelled into the Earth for transmutation. Shower all who enter here with peace and love. I declare this vortex remain functional and set in place until otherwise instructed by me.
Should this cleansing vortex no longer serve our Highest Good, it will shut down and cease at once. And so it is.”
You can also grid your property by burying pieces of deliberately attuned red jasper, black tourmaline or smoky quartz in the four outermost corners of your yard.
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I used photoshop to create my fish gif. This is the gif of the key to my gif portal I made yesterday. I started off with a 64 by 64 grid and started with blue background as the sea. I didn't take screenshots from the beginning but I had lines out where the fish features are suppose to be in a lighter blue and a separate layer.
I then chose a similar orange/red as the base of the fish, then went round in a darker shade. I made sure to leave gaps for where the white patches are meant to be. For the tail I had used the pen tool and just added white where it was suppose to be. Then I used the eraser tool but changed it to brush so when I was erasing it would fade the colour instead of removing it all. I added eyes last.
For the gif I decided to draw bubbles coming from the mouth of the Koi Carp. I had three different layers with different movements.
This gif went a lot better than yesterday as I used the brush tool instead of the pen tool. The bruhs tool made my portal look very blurry, but by using the pen tool it wasn't blurry. Overall this looks so much better and it was quick and easy to do.
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gracekerlon · 2 years
Mineral water archeage map
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#Mineral water archeage map how to#
#Mineral water archeage map Patch#
* New encounters on the high seas give whole new reasons to sail out - see ABYSSAL ATTACK, GHOST SHIPS, and changes to FREEDICH ISLE and the KRAKEN! * Traveling the ocean has changed dramatically with new Ship Customization and physics! See SHIP REVAMP for the huge list of details.
#Mineral water archeage map Patch#
All rights reserved.The link for this patch is at bottom of post. Just select this last.Īll trademarks are properties of Square Enix Co Ltd. You can find several menu options categories, such as motors, fashion, books, game merchandise, etc. You can find quick links to games merchandise and women’s hooded additional items on eBay and other platforms. Where can I purchase the Hodded Muffler: Spriggan? Our site uses cookies to improve the performance of the server and browsers Chrome and Firefox. If you have some issue with your FFXIV purchase or give us feedback, contact the seller shipping center. Just use the box below!įinally, buy all the GIL you want using the following link to get this item and others in FFXIV. Thanks for visiting our web page, adventurer! All the comments about FFXIV Spriggan Cap you want to share with us are welcomed. If you want your character to look different, then go for it. The other option in FFXIV is purchasing one of the previously mentioned maps or directly an Unhidden Leather Map in the Market Board or by trading with players.įinal Fantasy 14 Spriggan Cap conclusionsįFXIV Spriggan Cap is not the most incredible item in the game, the most expensive or difficult to get, but it is a cute accessory, and that is something. The rewards you can get by finding a treasure via an FFXIV Timeworn Dragonskin Maps are the following: You can also obtain the leather map from the FFXIV Timeworn Dragonskin Maps, which are grade 8 maps found in level 60 mineral deposits, fishing holes, lush vegetation patches, mature trees, and rocky outcrops in FFXIV. In this case, we recommend that you reach level 55 before heading for these treasures due to the high-level monsters that guard the FFXIV treasure. The rewards that you can get when you dig up a treasure with these maps are the following: Unhidden Leather Maps are dropped from the Timeworn Archaeoskin Maps, which are 6-grade maps found in level 55 mineral deposits, fishing holes, lush vegetation patches, mature trees, and rocky outcrops. These were designed for a single player and were introduced in Patch 2.3. Unhidden Leather Maps are level 50 maps that are a more challenging version of the Timeworn Boarskin Maps. What are the FFXIV Unhidden Leather Maps? Besides, the price you must pay through the second choice may be a little high. To be honest, the first one is the most interesting. There are two ways to get The Spriggan Cap within the game, through treasure hunts (Unhidden Leather Maps) or via the Market Board.
#Mineral water archeage map how to#
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