#patches naegi
le-agent-egg · 4 months
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og god oh fuck theres 6 of them
they are all smelly homosexuals (except Daiya he’s just smelly)
once more me and @sp11ked share custody of them
tags will have ships first and the names second
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
Why did autocorrect do that to me twice and how did I not notice 😭. Yes MIKAN
MIkan!!! If we're talking The Horrors please know she's ready to patch up hands AND throw hands
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catboymoments · 25 days
Do you have any byakuya headcanons??? I love him and I feel like your thoughts will be good (as always)
hes half french. wasian baby byakuya
hes bisexual with a preference for men and only realized he liked women after the events of drthh when he started spending more time with kyoko. I love naegirigami and I think they all kiss
I love that he has no issues with crossdressing canonly I think he would love drag in general
he and toko do patch up their relationship postcanon I think. theyre all friends because who wouldnt after a traumabond like that
he doesnt like kids but the one exception is his daughterniece (Sakura Naegi, makoto and kyokos daughter)
hes a bit of an alcoholic but only drinks wine
doesnt like swearing ("im not "effing" with you right now")
he and nagito knew each other as children (rich kids) but stopped talking after the Komaeda parents died and Nagito spent his days alone in the mansion with maids and caretakers, but if they HAD lived the Togamis and Komaedas would definitely try and put them together (my son likes boys which is unfortunate for the family lineage but we can still make a business deal here)
he regains contact with his surviving half siblings after the tragedy
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redsod-a · 3 months
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AU stuff? AU stuff! TONS OF INFO BELOW ^_^
Kyoko Kirigiri Born into the Kirigiri name-sake, Kyoko had a predestined life. Originally her home life was incredibly comfortable, although there was an underlying presure to excel in anything she involved herself in. Having a sick mother most of her childhood further pushed her even further to be successful. (even if that meant at the moment just getting good marks.) Once her mother passed away when she was thirteen, Jin tried the best he could to continue being a competent father with varying degrees of success. It wasn't even a full two years before Fuhito gained custody of her and the rest of her adolescence was spent intensifying her interest into forensic science. She's, of course, gotten really good at that. Working for her grandfather was both incredibly traumatizing and incredibly useful, shaping her into a mash-mash of both genuinely intelligent morals and a dry sense of communication.
Married at 30 for legal and expectational reasons. Is lucky to be married to Naegi who is pretty considerate of her boundaries.
Owns and can use a gun, but for personal reasons would never result to that.
OCD, GAD, probably has a multitude of quirks to keep herself grounded. ASD
Caffeine patches > coffee
Used to be kind of an alcoholic.
She has much more free will than she exercises, but she's afraid of living her life the way she really wants. Holds her grandfather up on a pedestal he doesn't really deserve.
Blames her father for how her life turned out and highly resents him. Truthfully he's always wanted the best for her and will never stop trying to be in her life.
Please fix your diet and sleep schedule, Kyoko.
Yes, her hands are still scarred. She's insecure. Mukuro Ikusaba "Mukuro Ikusaba" (birth name lost to the winds of time) was born into filth. She and her twin, "Junko Enoshina" (real name also lost to the winds of time) where the result of unhealthy affairs, which ultimately led to their early lives being from one foster home to another. Being the oldest (because she just declared herself as such one day), Mukuro felt an obligation to keep Junko safe. Honestly, her history is muddy, and she hardly can recall her life prior to fenrir. According to Junko, she was an entirely different person. Their situation was never ideal but Mukuro was always the kinder and more sociable of the two, making their lives just a bit brighter. Until Fenrir, of course. She doesn't detail anything that had happened to her, and chooses to keep her life during her time with the group to herself. While a little annoying to Junko, when Mukuro returned, she found that her new set of skills and loyalty could be useful in her own business ventures. Mukuro spent most of her life up until her return under constant pressure and threat of death, and be re-released into society (even under her sister's care) was incredibly distressing, and she finds it hard to cope with it all. Unemployed but Junko makes more than enough money.
Really questionable coping mechanisms.
Poor thing. Just really struggling.
BPD , C-PTSD , psychosis symptoms
Despite everything, she tries to keep herself relatively healthy.
Meeting Sayaka changed a lot for her positively.
Is surprisingly very gentle but doesn't know her own strength sometimes.
Very quiet unless she's really comfortable with who she's around.
While she is exceptional at combat and handling weaponry, she has specific triggers surrounding them. Sometimes it's comforting, other times its delusion inducing.
Gets mistaken for a guy sometimes. Doesnt rlly enjoy that.
No right boob for reasons unknown. Wasn't born that way. Won't share how that happened. Celestia Ludenberg Celestia grew up in the deep south of Louisiana and lived there until she was sixteen. During that time she knew and spoke both French and English (although she spoke French much better.) and had to hit a learning curve once she moved to Japan with her mother and two other siblings. She adopted her mother's surname once she turned 18, but as it turned out, 'Celestia Ludenberg' would be more what people knew her as. Gambling was her father's sport. He gambled throughout her youth and because of the nature of his games, these matches were held in her childhood home. Of which was never truly safe for her to begin with. (Mostly why her mother choose to move back in with her parents) Celestia retained and kept this knowledge until it became useful to her. Rather than earn money legitimately to support her mother, grandparents, and younger siblings, she became a very proficient gambler. 'Celestia Ludenberg' came around as a way to protect her family's identity but once her snowball of lies formed it became a permanent way to introduce herself. Her less than legal actions kept her on a spree of winning, losing, winning, winning some more, until eventually she had a name made for herself. Unfortunately, she began to familiarize herself with organized crime and decided it'd be best to distance herself from her family forever. A portion of whatever she wins she makes sure they receive, but she hasn't seen them herself since she was 23. She lives alone with her beloved cat Grand Bois, and despite her snake-like and confident façade, she's more than a little lonely.
Multi-lingual but has an accent regardless. Sounds really fucking stupid in Japanese. English is not her best language.
Is secretly very nerdy and adores different types of media. Her good friends happily encourage her.
Thinks Kyoko cheating on her husband with her in endlessly entertaining.
Cannot stand alcohol but she'll drink wine for appearances. HATES being drunk.
Fragmented sense of self. Fuck it well ball.
Loves baking and trying new things. Can't really cook at all though.
Fashion sense beyond belief. Thinks it pulls away from the rest of her so-called imperfections.
Might be bipolar honestly. Sayaka Maizono Sayaka counts herself as very lucky. Her home life as a child was great but not without it's challenges. Her father really wanted a son he could feel connected to, but Sayaka never felt that way. Mostly because she loved the idea of becoming a pop star. She wanted the sparkly grand life and wardrobe of the girls she saw on television. Infatuated with American aesthetics and fashion, Maizono was hardly like other boys at all. Much to the displeasure of her father, and confusion of her mother. Their warnings never stopped her for her pursuit of happiness. Nothing did until she achieved the goals she's always wanted through dreadfully long and exhausting work. Her parents came around to supporting her (if not a bit wearily). Sensing her potential, her label, granted everything she could ever want at the cost of basically her autotomy and identity. She was only barely 19 at the time, but was so desperate for everything she worked for up until then that she didn't look before she leapt. She was able to transition, given a place to live beyond what her old home ever was, and had everything about who she used to be basically wiped. As an idol, everything she had every wanted was in her hands, but at the cost of becoming a product.
Dated Ibuki (popular vkei artist) briefly. Would describe their relationship as transactional and 'doomed to fail'.
Behind the scenes, she is really just that nice.
She is so fucking sick of pink but its basically her brand.
Her managment is 50/50 on the awful to pretty okay scale.
Really can defend herself perfectly fine, but hired Mukuro as her personal body guard. A) for appearances B) She thinks watching her threatening people much bigger than her is more than a little attractive.
Loves a good party, and if it wasnt for her image, she'd so be down with the freaks and weirdos scene.
Knows that everyone sees her as totally innocent. Uses that to her advantage.
Only Mukuro knows she's a trans woman. Came out while drunk, Mukuro didn't care. Was way more focused on the fact Sayaka liked her.
Dog person.
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a-vessels-thoughts · 6 months
SHSL Disaster
It had started small. A broken item here, a trip there. Her interest hadn't been piqued at all-at first. Sure, her calculations couldn't predict stupid luck, but who cares that he ate dirt to dodge something worse? Not her.
Then, even though she watched it all happen, events that she still couldn't explain started happening. She watched him, she saw the car, the dog, and the flying arrow (of all things), so how did he end up in a tree?
Ryoko couldn't tell you.
She couldn't tell you.
Ryoko laughed, and laughed, and laughed until she cried and still didn't stop laughing. For once in her miserable life, she couldn't understand something. She truly, utterly, couldn't predict something.
She needed him. Ryoko needed Makoto Naegi. She decided to be his friend, since that would give her easy access to his Luck.
Thankfully, even if she had been a serial killer, Makoto would've tried to befriend her. Probably. It wouldn't be impossible... he really was that nice.
And so, she observed him, saw as unlikely, unpredictable events happened around him.
It was bliss. Heaven. It didn't matter what happened, so long as she remained entertained. And like a puppet on strings, he did as he was told. His Luck grew, her constant observations pushing it to its limit.
It was a game of adaption. His Luck versus her calculations. Ryoko predicted and predicted, and for three days, 2 months after their friendship, she thought she won.
She called every accident, every incident. She wasn't growing bored, though. No, even worse: she was disappointed. Watching him had been the most fun she had in so long, and yet even that couldn't remain exciting-
Then they "met" a vampire in the woods. Well. More like the vampire kicked their shit in and tried to eat Makoto. "Tried" and not "did." Because the forest caught on fire right after the monster sank its fangs into his neck. A tree fell on it, causing Makoto to roll away and the vampire to burst into flames and die instantly.
Ryoko looked at Makoto, blood pouring out from the two large wounds. Some flesh still clung on. The vampire was a messy eater, not like those anime ones who only left two dots. Yikes.
Lost in thought, she patched up his wounds (he made a habit of carrying a first aid kit on hand, especially after an explosion to the gut a week ago), smiling as she did so.
She hadn't won. His Luck evolved once more. Drool leaked out her mouth, her breathing erratic.
She loved this, she loved him.
So, so much.
Luck, too, is a Talent. A skill to be honed. Without realizing it, Makoto has been doing exactly that thanks to Ryoko.
Makoto: man what the hell was that dream right?
Also makoto, seeing red eyes and fangs in his reflection: oh okay imma go cry in a corner now thanks mirror bye mirror.
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jolliestlolli · 9 months
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SO uh... Remember that time I came up with all those Warrior Cat versions of the Danganronpa cast? Well guess who's been chronically addicted to playing Clangen for the last month.
I made these using a program called CatMaker which is based on Clangen, but unfortunately there doesn't yet exist a function to export the cats you make so you can play with them in the game. So this is the next best thing I could do
I'll give you a minute to try to guess who everyone is based on names and appearance if you want to, then come back and read under the cut
Alright you back? Ready? Ok then!
Leader: Luckstar (Makoto Naegi): Young long-haired brown tabby tom with green eyes
Deputy: Violetstripe (Kyoko Kirigiri): Sleek pale gray tabby she-cat with scarred paws and amber eyes
Medicine Cat: Ashflower (Hiroko Hagakure): White she-cat with gray patches and pale blue eyes Apprentice - Lightpaw (Komaru Naegi): Pale brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and a white underbelly
Goldenfang (Byakuya Togami): Pale ginger tom with blue eyes
Riverstream (Aoi Asahina): Sleek solid brown she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice: Flipperpaw (Yuta Asahina): Brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Wildclaw (Toko Fukawa): Bony gray battle-scarred she-cat
Grasstail (Yasuhiro Hagakure): Slender brown tabby tom with a long tail tipped with white Apprentice: Paintedpaw (Jataro Kemuri): Brown and white tabby tom
Bluesong (Sayaka Maizono): Blue-gray she-cat Apprentice: Spottedpaw (Kotoko Utsugi): Tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Flamestrike (Leon Kuwata): Ginger tabby tom with a shaggy pelt Apprentice: Runningpaw (Masaru Daimon): Dark ginger tom with blue eyes
Finchwing (Chihiro Fujisaki): Small pale ginger tom with amber eyes
Thunderclaw (Mondo Oowada): Large ginger tabby tom
Patchbelly (Hifumi Yamada): Plump black and white tom
Stormeye (Kiyotaka Ishimaru): Dark gray tabby tom with thick fur
Paleflower (Celestia Ludenburg): Slender black she-cat with white paws
Lightningheart (Sakura Ogami): Large muscular brown and white she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice: Rainpaw (Nagisa Shingetsu): Pale gray tom with blue eyes
Leader: Loststar (Ultimate Imposter): Large thick-pelted white tom
Deputy: Spikefur (Hajime Hinata): Brown tabby tom with green eyes and a roughed up pelt
Medicine Cat: Mousetail (Mikan Tsumiki): Skinny brown and white she-cat
Brightmeadow (Sonia Nevermind): Beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes
Sharpfang (Kazuichi Soda): Gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Owlclaw (Akane Owari): Muscular dark brown she-cat
Lionclaw (Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu): Small pale ginger tom with amber eyes
Volebelly (Teruteru Hanamura): Small brown tabby tom with a plump belly and unusually small eyes
Berrytongue (Mahiru Koizumi): Dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Silverheart (Peko Pekoyama): Lithe pale gray she-cat with amber eyes
Blinkheart (Ibuki Mioda): Calico she-cat 
Sunleaf (Hiyoko Saionji): Small pale ginger she-cat
Mudleap (Nekomaru Nidai): Large brown tabby tom
Nightstripe (Gundham Tanaka): Dark gray tabby tom with different colored eyes, one amber, the other blue
Hopeheart (Nagito Komaeda): Very skinny white tom with a long shaggy pelt
Rabbittail (Chiaki Nanami): White she-cat with amber eyes
Leader: Songstar (Kaede Akamatsu): Pale ginger tabby she-cat with a white belly
Deputy: Ravenpelt (Shuichi Saihara): Jet black tom with blue eyes
Medicine Cat: Sunnyflower (Angie Yonaga): Small white she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice: Poppytail (Himiko Yumeno): Small ginger she-cat with a short stubby tail
Foxclaw (Maki Harukawa): Tortoiseshell she-cat with a white belly and amber eyes
Fernpelt (Rantaro Amami): Long tailed pale ginger tom
Tinyclaw (Ryoma Hoshi): Unusually small gray tabby tom with short stubby legs and a battle scarred muzzle 
Silverspider (Kirumi Tojo): Slender silver tabby she-cat with pale green eyes
Squirrelleap (Tenko Chabashira): Brown tabby she-cat with long legs
Snaketail (Korekiyo Shingujji): Slender dark gray tom with amber eyes
Goldenberry (Miu Iruma): Pale ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Beetleheart (Gonta Gokuhara): Very large and muscular thick-pelted tabby tom
Sparrowfeather (Kokichi Oma): Small black and white tom
Moonflight (Kaito Momota): Thick pelted dark gray tabby tom
Sparkfoot (Kiibo): White tom with ears, paws, and tail tipped black
Bonus :)
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I'd tell you who these guys are, but yall are smart, I think you can figure it out yourself
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ultimatedemon · 10 months
Her Hope
Kyoko kirigiri tried to hide her emotions as she looked at the body of Makoto Naegi. On the outside she was aloof, deep down however she was very sad. She was shocked when she looked at his forbidden action.
Survive the fourth time limit with Kyoko kirigiri alive
That was his forbidden action? Why didn't he tell her? Did he not trust her enough?
Deep down, however, she knew why he didn't tell her. He didn't want her to do something reckless. She takes a few minutes to collect herself before starting the investigation. Asahina and Mitarai swore they heard a quiet "I'm sorry".
The Ultimate Detective watched as Hajime and class 77-B sailed away on a ship. Despite that she survived, she survived, she is saddened that Makoto Naegi The Ultimate lucky student. (Or The Ultimate Hope as she called him) is dead. But she remembered his words to her before she woke up.
"Don't give up on hope"
She then heard footsteps and turned back and was shocked by what she saw. She saw Makoto Naegi. The left side of his face is purple and he was struggling to stand.
"N-Naegi-kun?" She asked. Makoto Naegi is alive. Multiple emotions are running through her mind. Shock, disbelief and happiness because he is alive and guilt because he almost died because of her again. She couldn't take it anymore. She fell on her knees and covered her mouth with her gloved hands. Tears falling freely from her eyes.
"Hey, Hey." Makoto said as he helped her back on her feet. His voice is so beautiful and so real. He is real. She took a note of the patch on his left eye.
The Ultimate Detective wrapped her arms around Naegi, allowing more tears to fall as she began to quietly sob his shoulder.
"I told you, I'll never leave your side, kirigiri-san." The Ultimate Lucky student said with a smile.
"N-Never do that again." She replied with a shaky voice.
Makoto smiled. "I won't. I promise."
They held each other for what seemed like an eternity until Her eyes met his. She leaned in and her lips slowly touched his.
"I love you, naegi-kun" She said looking at him with a smile, cheeks red.
"I love you too, kirigiri-san." He said, smiling back.
She is his hope and He was hers.
(i hope you guys enjoyed it. Criticism is appreciated).
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plaindangan · 10 months
Chisa and Mr's Naegi dragged Kazuichi into an empty dorm room on the third day of NNN. They came prepared as well and had nothing but collars around there neck labeled Kaz's bitches and promised to let him do whatever he wants to them. He decided the first thing he would do is to fuck them from behind while they were stacked on top of one another. They also made sure to put a do not disturb sign on the wall
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
Kotone and Chisa needing their 'fix' and in the name of Hope they were going to achieve it!
Unlike most, these two MILFs wanted nothing to do with No Nut November (a trend both agreed was quite silly for such a younger crowd to participate it in). Now, what they desired most was to be fucked. Long and hard and needed someone to carry it out! And when Kotone recommended that cute mechanic of Chisa's?
Why, it was clear what had to be done. Luring him in with a text for 'help' at one of the dorms (which, really, he should have guessed something was up since neither lived there), they yanked him in. It was easy to get him to break. Race-car flag collars around their necks, Chisa massive boobs pressing against his back while Kotone clapped her thicc cheeks and thighs in front of him?
Yeah, Kazuichi had zero issues in losing the challenge. Especially, with the position both rushed to fulfill for the mechanic. At the moment, Kotone was stacked ontop of Chisa - both massive asses pointing directly at Kazuichi's massive, thick, twitching, 'wrench'~ One that wasted no time in plunging in: first in Kotone's doughy, squishy mounds for a bit (giving her some well deserved smack to her ass as she did so) and then in Chisa's incredibly bouncy bubble butt (and he couldn't resist squeezing her boobs while he fucked her, it was too tempting~)
If they wanted their fix, he'd be more than willing to patch them up...all night long~
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everlasting-elegy · 1 year
I can't believe this took an hour but its okay, Kirigiri's saving Naegi in the dumpster, trash scene with dumpster diving MC 💪💪 also I DONT KNKW WHY HIS LEGS ARE DETACHED 😭 I decided to take a nap for the rest of the day after being up for a few hours, and I woke up to your post 💪😋 and so I got to work 😈
also got another elevator on a whim (kazuha) guarantee go byebye
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- 🎎/Ko
AN HOUR Ko you don’t have to I feel bad taking up your time DDD: STILL I always feel so honoured when you make memes out of my works it honestly feels like the greatest form of flattery SKDJDKDJD
ALSO CONGRATS ON GETTING ANOTHER KAZUHA CONSTELLATION??? I haven’t played genshin ever since I got Baizhu and got obsessed with Honkai skdjskd I’ll probs start playing again next patch tho (leaks say a CERTAIN man is getting a skin 👀👀). I pulls Kazuha PURELY cause he’s meta and honestly he’s completely transformed my play style I never have a team without him ACK-
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drakor127 · 2 years
Y'know how I have a villain team called Team Nocturne? Well, they have a rival faction in the form of the Sky Gang: a gathering of people who they wronged who turned out to make pretty good friends themselves. While Team Nocturne are the villain team that you feel slightly bad loving the escapades of, the Sky Gang are the rainbows, fluff, sunshine, secret crippling depression and anxiety, and pep-talkers of the multiverse. They’re the deuteragonist team as opposed to the “villains” of the story. They also have “leaders,” but they were picked up a little less quickly than the Team Nocturne founders, instead coming together over the span of a much longer quest. These people are:
Zap (Skylanders) - Heart of the team and the person who pulled them all together, he witnessed Team Nocturne wreaking chaos on his world, and decided no one gets to treat his home like that and get away with it! Because of this and Vathek escaping prison, he's now collecting pals from all worlds to fight against evil, stop Louise, Vathek and their gang and do as much good as they can do! (While having sleepovers, and coping with life.)
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Seiko Kimura, Ruruka Ando and Sonosuke Izayoi (Danganronpa) - Between Vathek and the still-looming threat of Junko's will, these three joined with Zap when he tracked Louise and her Familiars to the world of Danganronpa and interfered with the Final Killing Game.
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Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long (RWBY): Before they could get the Staff of Creation, Sonosuke interrupted them on their path and directed them right back around to Vale with the news that Roman Torchwick was back in action. After an incident involving the Quartet and Team RWBY and ORNJ having to team up and actually kill the massive Grimm unleashed in the V3 endgame, they all headed out to Radiant Garden together to continue their mission.
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Ada (Lamb): the Eight Misfits found her while exploring worlds and they clicked immediately as pals. Then Team Nocturne, who was hiding out in a farm at the time, sparked a rise in anarchy through the town (Louise and Vathek view Zap and Seiko as the Valjean and Covette to their Javert, the Holmes and Watson to their Moriarty, the Yin to their Yang, the Cain to their Able, and wanted them to prove themselves), and Ada was advised by her dad to leave for her own safety, so she went traveling with them.
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Mine (Akame Ga Kill): The Sky Gang came to Night Raid's base for more information on Louise and Vathek. When Mine heard one of their targets was with them, she decided to get involved personally.
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Vice (Kamen Rider Revice): Post series. Ruruka made a trip to Japan to see if she could head off Vathek's latest scheme, and ran into Blue Bird along the way. After helping them protect Japan from a very near miss, the Sky Gang invited them to come travel with him. Only Vice (after being revived) accepted at first, the others wanting to clean things up on their homeworld.
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Emily, Kelsey, Lily, April and Chloe (Glitter Force) - Were dragged into this because Nargo planned to siphon the negativity in people's hearts to have Louise become the new Emperor Nogo (Emperor Nargo, if you will.)
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Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) - Post-Chapter 3 trial. Xehanort requested Makoto Naegi be used as a vessel, and Celestia went in his place so her friend didn’t have to (besides she was going to get executed). But the first chance she got, Celestia noped out of the Castle That Never Was…where Zap had just crash-landed. Celestia patched up Zap's ship (using what experience she had), and immediately became part of the crew. (Worth noting: in this AU, Celestia is basically a redemption story, trying to be a better person to make up for the shit she pulled.)
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The Penguins (Madagascar) - These guys joined mostly because Vathek planned to take their world and recruited Salvador.
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Donald Duck (KH) - He joined mostly because these guys are trying to stop Vathek and Organization XIII.
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Smart Cookies (Sesame Street) - Cookie can use his super eating and problem solving skills to help the Sky Gang, besides Team Nocturne recruited the Crumb.
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Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill) - Vathek went after her sister, she's mad. Besides, Team Nocturne recruited Nui.
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Chaos (Sonic) - Tikal was taken from him, he gonna fry some hides.
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Fei Wu (Miraculous Ladybug) - She was recruited mostly because Mei Shi saw potential.
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Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) - Joined to finally end the problems her mom caused.
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Vinnie Cannoli (Guns, Gore and Cannolis) - Joined mostly to have some fun.
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Furina (Genshin Impact) - She joined mostly because she ain't gonna stand idle while devil's wreaking havoc everywhere.
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Dr. Livesy (Soviet Treasure Island) - Joined because these people need a medic besides Seiko.
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Kinger, Gangle, Jax, Pomni, Zooble, Ragatha, Gummigoo, Caine and Bubble (Amazing Digital Circus) - Joined mostly because Caine thought it would be an adventure.
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le-agent-egg · 5 months
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hey do you guys wanna hear about some of mine + @sp11ked’s thh spawns i think you wanna hear about some of the spawns do you
(psst if anyone has ideas for names for the twins plEASE)
additional garbage under the cut
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misc doodles/planing stuff for these goobers
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Danganronpa Flowers Bloom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fm6J1kU
by Arosiris
I had a dream. I was on top of a hill in the middle of a park, staring down at the patch of grass below my feet. Before my eyes, I saw 3 roses sprouting while the sun and moon flew over me. When the sun and moon finally stopped, I saw three Roses. A white, blue, and black rose. The white rose made me feel confident for the future, as if it were someone I would trust with my life. The blue rose made me feel joy and compassion, as if it were my best friend.
When I finally looked at the black rose…
Why am I getting this bad feeling from it…
I feel worried… Scared… sadness… and betrayal…
But also brave…
Like it's something I have to change…
To fix…
 Killing game AU with all 16 students and Makoto will have a harem because there isn't enough on this site.
Words: 4626, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Maizono Sayaka, Ikusaba Mukuro, Fujisaki Chihiro, Otonashi Ryouko, Enoshima Junko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Oowada Mondo, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa), Celestia Ludenberg, Ogami Sakura, Asahina Aoi, Hagakure Yasuhiro
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Maizono Sayaka/Naegi Makoto, Ikusaba Mukuro/Naegi Makoto, Ikusaba Mukuro/Kirigiri Kyouko/Maizono Sayaka/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Harems, POV First Person, Naegi Makoto-centric, Hope vs. Despair, Polyamory, Romance, Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fm6J1kU
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Snice I am working on the rewrite and it might take a while until It's done, here is the rewrites' exacts in their profile(basically little notes or fun facts about them). I will not include the two new characters in this post.
Tw: for Bulling, child abuse, aboundment, assassins, starvation, Miscarriages and more that I can't exactly remember as It's almost 2 where I am at. You have been warned.
Aisuru Itami Fukawa
Extra: He has a habit of people-watching sometimes. He would just watch what they do and observe their habits. He also may accidentally scare people by saying things they didn’t think he knew about them, but found out by being observant. He never means to scare people though.  
Ash Harukawa
Extra: He, Vehol, and Shinpi used to be best friends as kids but after their parents went missing, he grew away from them. He fell for Shinpi after a few months of watching over her from afar. He joined the Assassin Company his mother was in to make enough money to live, and he gave some of his money to charity.  He flirts with Shinpi a lot during their fights, he likes seeing her flustered.
Azul Asahina
Extra: He tries his best to help Mokusei(Jupiter) to get closer to Kum(Cloud). He plays the piano while Shinpi plays the Violin. He and Muri are very close friends, sometimes people would mistake them for siblings. He was the one to confess to Mokusei back in Middle school.
Muri Hagakure
Extra: Don't try to use her, her kindness is a privilege, not a right. She has a crush on Cloud who also likes her back. She isn't the best at confessing her emotions as she wishes not to be a bother to anyone else. She hates her mother for the abuse she had to face at the woman's hands due to her gifts.
Buttercup Nevermind
Extra: Her name was originally Vincent but she changed it. She had gender reassignment surgery and her driver's licence states her gender as Female. She enjoys learning about history. She knows how to use a sword.
Vehol Yumeno(He/Them for the rewrite please)
Extra: He can only do Ice and Fire magic but is trying to expand their spells and types of magic. They often have to patch themselves up due to him trying to learn magic on their own. He thinks his father left him because he thought they wouldn't be able to use magic
Mokusei/Jupiter Togami Kirigiri Naegi
Extra: He was forced to take over the family company. He grew up with his grandfather but grew to hate him for what he did to his sister. He wants to get closer to her but doesn't know how to. He is dating Azul and has been since middle school
Kumo/Cloud Naegi Kirigiri Togami
Extra: After her parents' disappearance, she was kicked to the curb by her Grandfather, and she had to fend for herself. She often hunts to eat and still goes to school. She also made herself a makeshift home to live in. She and her twin Brother aren't close anymore and she doesn't know how to talk to him anymore. She was taken back in by her Grandfather as soon as she inherited the Family Business from her father
Tetsuko Soda
Extra: she gets bullied a lot. She makes Monomaids and Monosirs to help her out in the shop, as well as make some for the club and the Kuzuryu Clan. She sees Ryūki as her cousin. She messes with things a lot.
Shinpi Saihara
Extra: Her fear of blood came from the miscarriage her mother had. She was covered in what should have been her baby brother's blood while she tried to help her mom. Her left hand is the only part of her body that didn't heal from the abuse but she doesn't change to be right-handed. She is starved and prevented from sleeping to get better at painting against her will. She grew to love despair as it was the only sense of peace she got in the dark moments of her life.
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
Finally finished the bridge
From this point, I know pretty much exactly what I want to write (there are a few minor elements that might get patched up)
Fun fact
This is gonna be the first time Togami mentions Naegi and Kirigiri by name
I'll leave you wondering for now which names he's gonna use.
I realised this fact as I slowly approached this part of the chapter XD.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU DID IT!!! vibrating at the name thoughts bestie
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makowo · 4 years
Post or mid-dr3 you say? Now I'm imagining him starting to bloom during the despair video because of the stress. But anyway, like a month after Makoto heals them they wake up with these new features(if Makoto has any control over this it'd be something like gems embedded over/into their hearts cuz he's a sap, but whatever you think is cool). "Makoto, sweetheart, love of our lives, what the f u c k did you do?" On the bright side, they get enhanced senses and can now say his true name with ease
ok same tho 😳 perhaps he can go a little feral. as a treat :)
i would like to imagine that he has no control over it, but them having gems embedded at their chest and heart is 😳 smth i cant stop thinking abt now
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savedgames · 2 years
★ ~ « QUEST LOG » KOMARU DAY! :// @pseudomonarkaerenea
"Komaru!" It's a modest gift, but he wanted his little sister to know he hasn't forgotten such an important day despite how busy they've both been. Holding the carefully, brightly wrapped fabric bag with a ribbon keeping it tied shut--She would find a rabbit phonestrap with a few gem stones dangling from the cute mascot of a phone accessory. Makoto scratched his chin nervously after she took the present, offering a sheepish smile. "I hope you like it. Happy birthday."
A soft hum escapes her at the sound of her name, attention shifting from the manga she was reading to her brother. 「 What's up? 」 she asks as she sets the book down, grabbing another bite of her snack and popping it in her mouth in the moment before he offers the gift. She blinks for a moment before a smile lights up her expression, an excited squeal escaping as she takes it from him.
「 Of course you wouldn't forget the best sister's birthday~, 」 she teases, a laugh escaping as she carefully undoes the ribbon keeping the fabric shut — as much as she wants to just tear into it and find out what he got her!! She has to at least pretend to be patient. A sound of amazement escapes her at the sight of the phonestrap, which she immediately lifts to admire, turning it in the light to watch the way it refracts through the gems before looking more closely at the bunny charm. 「 Like it? Makoto, I love it! 」 she answers, darting from her seat to hug him tightly. 「 You're the best big brother, ever! 」
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