charmlash · 14 days
🌸 The Reasons Why You Suddenly Get Lash Extension Allergy and How to Combat It
🚨 Sudden allergy to lash extensions? It can happen even if you’ve had them before! Often caused by sensitivity to cyanoacrylate in the glue. 😟 Combat it by using hypoallergenic adhesives, and always do a patch test first! 🧴
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yashaayu99 · 2 months
Cooling Face Pack for Sensitive Skin: Cool and soothe the skin!
In the previous video, we learned how to identify sensitive skin. Now, in this video, we will learn how to make and use a Cooling Face Pack specially made for sensitive skin.
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suramed-health-center · 4 months
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🤧Allergy testing can be performed on children six (6) months of age and older. With many options available, allergy tests have come a long way. Learn more: https://suramedhealthcenter.com/allergy-tests/
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What to expect from allergy testing: Common allergy tests
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"What to expect from allergy testing" Disclaimer: None of the information provided in these posts should be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before trying recommendations or if you have concern Some posts may contain affiliate or third-party links. Note: This is the first of two posts on what to expect from allergy testing. The original draft got rather long, so I decided to split it up so as not to inundate you, gentle readers. (This is what happens when I listen to television show soundtracks while writing.) I was never “tested” for allergies as a child. Most of my diagnoses in the 1970s and 1980s came more from guessing games made by a family doctor. Though, in his defense, allergy testing had been around for only roughly 100 years when I came into this world.
A little history
While allergic disorders appeared in Egyptian hieroglyphics for over 2000 years, the term “allergy” didn’t come into being until Von Pirquet coined the term around the beginning of the 20th century. The first known “test” for allergies occurred in 1869, when Dr. Charles Blakely used pollen on a wound to document the reaction and results. But it wasn’t until the 1950s, after scientists discovered mast cells and how they helped cause immune responses to allergens. The concept of the body releasing histamines in response to allergic reactions was discovered in 1963. Hmm…that’s less than 20 years before I was born. Maybe I should cut my old doctor some slack. Mind you, those discoveries and tests were for environmental allergies. On the food allergy side, Carl Prausnitz and Heinz Küstner developed the Prausnitz-Küstner test in the 1921. This was the basis for the modern under-the-skin allergy testing we have today. Testing has continued to improve over the years, and now we have several different types of allergy tests.
Common allergy tests
Trigger warning: We’re going to be talking about needles very soon, so please proceed with that in mind. If you need to stop reading, that’s okay. Tune in for a future post instead (because, unfortunately, the next post will talk about needles, too). Skin and blood tests are more effective than the elimination diet at determining which common food allergies you have. Several of these tests take around 15 minutes after administration to receive results, while one of them can take 2-3 days to show results. Let’s take a look at these tests. Scratch test Also known as a “prick test” or “percutaneous test,” the scratch test involves pricking or scratching the skin and exposing it to a small drop of an allergen. This test can check for up to 50 different substances at once. There are versions for both food and environmental allergies, though most immunologists recommend not testing both types of allergies on the same day to prevent overloading the body’s immune system. I went through both versions of this test. They weren’t fun, and I’m glad I did, because it finally answered questions I had been asking for years. However, one of my back prick tests caused enough of a reaction that the doctor gave me two different antihistamines and prescribed me an Epi-pen. I believe that was for the environmental allergy test, though, and it isn’t an experience I would wish on anyone else. Intradermal test The intradermal test is administered in the arm, instead of the back; doctors use this test when scratch tests are inconclusive. While immunologists commonly use this test to check for penicillin and insect venom reactions, my immunologist used it to confirm my milk and wheat allergies. This one was even less fun than the previous one, and it was also worth it. Patch test While the scratch and intradermal tests check for internal allergic reactions (despite the fact that they show up on the skin, hives are considered an internal allergy), patch tests check for contact dermatitis, which is a skin inflammation reaction to allergens. Normally this is used to detect delayed allergic reactions and can be great for determining what causes your special brand of eczema. There are about 20-30 substances that can cause contact dermatitis, and, while most of them are environmental, some substances like food preservatives and certain foods (like wheat) can also be culprits. Blood (IgE) test Blood (IgE) tests happen in a lab instead of the doctor’s office. Your doctor sends your blood sample to the lab, where technicians add allergens to the blood and record the immunoglobulin levels that develop. There are two types of Blood (IgE) tests: a total IgE test measures the IgE antibodies for all allergens, while a specific IgE test looks for the immunoglobulin response for one specific allergen. Skin tests are more reliable than blood tests, but not everyone qualify for the skin tests, especially if they are taking antihistamines or have rashes or hives, which will affect the tests. In those cases, a blood test is necessary. Oral challenge test If skin and blood tests don’t product conclusive results, immunologists sometimes resort to the oral challenge test. Here they give the patient 4-6 doses of an allergen and wait about 15 minutes between each dose. The patient has an allergy if a reaction occurs and doesn't if they take the full dosage and have no reaction. Doctors perform oral challenge tests in three different ways: - Double-blind – neither you nor your doctor know which dose is an allergen or placebo - Single-blind – your doctor knows which dose is which - Open-food – both of you know what you’re taking Real talk time: This test requires medical supervision. Do not ever try to do this on your own or anywhere outside of a doctor’s office. That’s all for today. Tune in next week for how to prepare, what to expect during, and how to incorporate the results from testing. If you have an allergy testing story to tell, go ahead and share it in the comments if you’re comfortable doing so. Everyone reacts differently, and I to hear your story. Be safe. Eat safe. And savor life! Want to receive posts in your email? Subscribe below. Read the full article
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alfredsonger · 1 year
STOP using rosemary oil on your BEARD #rosemaryoil #beard #beardstyle #malegrooming #rosemary
While rosemary oil is often touted for its potential benefits, it's important to exercise caution when using it on your beard. Some individuals may experience skin sensitivity or irritation when applying rosemary oil directly to facial hair and skin. It's essential to do a patch test and consult with a dermatologist before incorporating rosemary oil into your beard grooming routine. Prioritize your skin's health and comfort in your quest for the perfect beard style.
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oldtownsanclemente · 1 year
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You won't be disappointed when you go to Coat of Bronze! ☀️You will see the difference 👀
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hongchicken · 2 years
How to make a homemade body scrub for smooth and soft skin
Do you want smooth and soft skin without spending too much money? Well, body scrubs are the perfect solution! Body scrubs can be made at home using natural ingredients, and they can help to exfoliate, moisturize, and stimulate circulation in the skin. In this blog post, we’ll look at what body scrubs are, how to make them, and the benefits they can bring.
What is a Body Scrub?
A body scrub is a type of exfoliation treatment used to remove dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin. The process involves using a scrubbing agent, such as sugar, salt, or coffee, to rub away the dead skin cells. Body scrubs can be made from natural ingredients or from prepared products that are available in stores.
Benefits of Body Scrubs
Using body scrubs can have many benefits for your skin, including:
Exfoliating: By removing dead skin cells and other impurities, body scrubs can help to exfoliate the skin, leaving it feeling smoother and softer.
Moisturizing: Some body scrubs contain oils, which can help to moisturize and nourish the skin.
Stimulating circulation: Massaging the skin with a body scrub can help to stimulate circulation and give the skin a healthy glow.
Relaxation: Body scrubs can also be a great way to relax and pamper yourself!
How to Make a Homemade Body Scrub
Making your own body scrub at home is easy and cost-effective. Plus, you can customize it to your preference, so you can make sure that it contains ingredients that are suitable for your skin type. Here’s how to make a homemade body scrub:
Choose your scrubbing agent: You can use a variety of ingredients as your scrubbing agent, such as sugar, salt, coffee grounds, oatmeal, or even crushed nuts. Choose an ingredient that is suitable for your skin type.
Choose your base: For your base, you can use oil, such as coconut, olive, or almond oil. You can also use yogurt or even honey.
Add essential oils: Essential oils can help to make your body scrub smell great, and they can also have many benefits for your skin. Lavender oil is great for calming and soothing the skin, while tea tree oil can help to reduce inflammation.
Combine ingredients: Once you have chosen your scrubbing agent, base, and essential oils, it’s time to combine them. Start by mixing your scrubbing agent and base together until you get a paste-like consistency. Then, add your essential oils and mix everything together.
Use your body scrub: To use your body scrub, wet your skin and apply the scrub in a circular motion. Massage it into your skin for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
Tips for Using a Body Scrub
Always do a patch test before using a body scrub to make sure that you don’t have a reaction to any of the ingredients.
Don’t use a body scrub more than once or twice a week, as it can be too harsh for some skin types.
Don’t scrub too hard or for too long, as this can irritate your skin.
After using a body scrub, always follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
Body scrubs are an easy and cost-effective way to exfoliate, moisturize, and stimulate circulation in the skin. Plus, they are easy to make at home using natural ingredients. Just remember to do a patch test before using any body scrub, and don’t scrub too hard or for too long. With these tips, you’ll be sure to have smooth and soft skin in no time!
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Skin Patch Testing for New Beauty Products
Did you purchase a new skincare product but are uncertain about its safety for your skin? If you have skin problems or if your skin is sensitive, consider consulting your dermatologist. They can assess whether the product is suitable for you. Additionally, performing a skin patch test is advisable if you are unsure about the product's compatibility.
If you're committed to caring for your skin, explore natural or organic beauty products. These alternatives are safer as they are crafted from natural ingredients. Investing in healthier skin can begin with a switch to organic soap. These natural soaps, formulated with gentle ingredients, not only avoid causing negative effects on your body but are also environmentally friendly. In Singapore, explore the diverse selection of organic soaps available.
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hairatin01 · 1 month
Omarm het zilver: Begrijpen waarom je baard grijs wordt en hoe je hem kunt verven
Een opvallende grijze baard kan een gedistingeerd accent aan je uiterlijk geven en wijsheid en ervaring uitstralen. De weg naar deze verandering kan echter met gemengde gevoelens verlopen. Als je begrijpt waarom je baard grijs wordt en hoe je baard effectief grijs kunt verven, kun je deze natuurlijke overgang in goede banen leiden en zelfs vieren. Dit artikel onderzoekt de redenen achter het grijs worden van baarden en geeft praktische tips voor wie zijn grijze baard wil onderhouden of verbeteren.
De wetenschap achter het grijs worden van je baard
Naarmate mannen ouder worden, is het te verwachten dat hun baard wordt grijs. Dit proces is voornamelijk te wijten aan de geleidelijke afname van de melanineproductie, het pigment dat verantwoordelijk is voor de haarkleur. Melanine wordt geproduceerd door cellen die melanocyten worden genoemd en naarmate deze cellen ouder worden, neemt hun efficiëntie af, wat leidt tot grijs of wit haar. Genetica speelt ook een belangrijke rol; als je ouders of grootouders vroeg grijs werden, kan jij dat ook worden. Stress, keuzes in levensstijl en bepaalde medische aandoeningen kunnen dit proces versnellen, maar het is vooral een natuurlijk onderdeel van het ouder worden.
Het grijze omarmen: de voordelen van een natuurlijk grijzende baard
Een natuurlijk grijzende baard kan een krachtig statement van volwassenheid en zelfvertrouwen zijn. Een grijze baard kan gelaatstrekken op een unieke en geraffineerde manier accentueren. Veel mannen vinden dat een grijze baard karakter toevoegt en hen onderscheidt van de massa. Als je deze natuurlijke verandering omarmt, kost het minder tijd en geld om je baard te kleuren en te onderhouden. Bovendien kunnen grijze baarden op verschillende manieren gestyled worden om hun aantrekkingskracht te vergroten, van verzorgde korte coupes tot langere, ruigere looks.
Je baard grijs verven: een moderne trend
Voor degenen die de voorkeur geven aan een uniforme look of willen experimenteren met hun uiterlijk, kan het een spannende optie zijn om te leren je baard grijs verven. Bij het grijs verven van een baard worden speciaal samengestelde producten gebruikt die zorgen voor een consistente en natuurlijk ogende kleur. Deze trend is niet alleen populair geworden onder mensen die grijze plekken willen verdoezelen, maar ook onder jongere mensen die de gedistingeerde grijze look willen dragen.
De juiste producten kiezen om je baard grijs te verven
Het kiezen van de juiste producten is cruciaal als je besluit je baard grijs te verven. Hoogwaardige baardverven zijn ontworpen om zacht te zijn voor gezichtshaar en huid, waardoor het risico op irritatie minimaal is. Deze producten worden meestal geleverd met gedetailleerde instructies voor een gelijkmatige toepassing en langdurige resultaten. Als je een kleurstof kiest, kijk dan naar de kleur die het beste bij je natuurlijke haarkleur past om een naadloze look te krijgen. Het is ook essentieel om een patchtest uit te voeren voordat je het product aanbrengt om te controleren of er bijwerkingen zijn.
Of je nu de natuurlijke elegantie van een grijzende baard omarmt of ervoor kiest om je baard grijs te verven, inzicht in het proces en de beschikbare opties kunnen je verzorgingsroutine verbeteren. Ga voor meer informatie en professionele producten om je baard te onderhouden naar hairatin.nl, waar deskundig advies en hoogwaardige oplossingen op je wachten. Het omarmen van zilver kan een gedurfd stijlstatement zijn dat diepte en karakter toevoegt aan je look. Met de juiste aanpak kan een grijze baard een opvallend kenmerk worden dat zelfvertrouwen en verfijning uitstraalt.
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dermcare · 1 month
Sensitive Skin? Here's How to Care for It
Caring for sensitive skin can be challenging, as it often reacts to common skincare ingredients, environmental factors, and even stress. However, with the right approach, you can keep your sensitive skin calm, healthy, and glowing. Here’s how to care for it.
Choose Gentle Cleansers: Opt for a mild, fragrance-free cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural oils. Avoid harsh ingredients like sulfates, which can irritate sensitive skin.
Moisturize Regularly: Hydration is key to maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Use a gentle, hypoallergenic moisturizer that contains soothing ingredients like aloe vera or oatmeal. Apply it right after cleansing to lock in moisture.
Patch Test New Products: Before introducing any new skincare products, always do a patch test. Apply a small amount to a discreet area and wait 24-48 hours to check for any adverse reactions.
Avoid Harsh Exfoliants: Sensitive skin can be easily damaged by abrasive exfoliants. Instead, use a gentle exfoliating product with enzymes or lactic acid to remove dead skin cells without causing irritation.
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Protect Against Sun Exposure: Sun protection is crucial, especially for sensitive skin. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and ensure it's formulated for sensitive skin to avoid reactions.
Stay Away from Fragrances: Fragrances in skincare products can be a major trigger for sensitive skin. Always opt for fragrance-free options to reduce the risk of irritation.
By following these tips, you can create a skincare routine that soothes and protects your sensitive skin, helping it to stay healthy and balanced.
Tags: #SensitiveSkin #SkincareTips #FragranceFree #GentleCleansing #Moisturize #SunProtection #Hypoallergenic #PatchTest #HealthySkin #SensitiveSkinCar
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johnservicee · 8 months
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Hauttests sind in der heutigen Zeit von entscheidender Bedeutung, um die Gesundheit unserer Haut zu überwachen und potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Arten von Hauttests erkunden und herausfinden, welche gibts für Sie am relevantesten sein könnten.
Hautgesundheit und ihre Bedeutung:
Die Haut ist das größte Organ des menschlichen Körpers und erfüllt eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, darunter den Schutz vor äußeren Einflüssen, die Regulierung der Körpertemperatur und die Ausscheidung von Abfallstoffen. Damit die Haut ihre Funktionen optimal erfüllen kann, ist es wichtig, sie regelmäßig zu überprüfen und zu pflegen.
Hauttests als präventive Maßnahme:
Prävention ist der Schlüssel zu einer gesunden Haut. Hauttests spielen hier eine entscheidende Rolle, indem sie helfen, potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen, bevor sie sich zu ernsthaften Erkrankungen entwickeln. Die Vielfalt der verfügbaren Hauttests ermöglicht es, verschiedene Aspekte der Hautgesundheit zu überprüfen.
Arten von Hauttests:
Allergietests: Allergien können eine Vielzahl von Hautproblemen verursachen. Hauttests zur Identifizierung von Allergenen sind weit verbreitet. Durch das Auftragen von kleinen Mengen potenziell allergener Substanzen auf die Haut und das Beobachten von Reaktionen kann der Arzt feststellen, welche Allergene für Hautirritationen verantwortlich sein könnten.
Patchtests: Patchtests werden verwendet, um Kontaktallergien zu diagnostizieren. Kleine Mengen potenziell allergener Substanzen werden auf Pflaster aufgebracht und auf die Haut geklebt. Nach einigen Tagen wird der Arzt die Haut unter den Pflastern untersuchen, um festzustellen, ob eine allergische Reaktion aufgetreten ist.
Hautkrebsvorsorge: Regelmäßige Hautkrebsvorsorge ist entscheidend, um bösartige Hautveränderungen frühzeitig zu erkennen. Dermatologen führen Hauttests durch, um verdächtige Muttermale oder Hautläsionen zu überprüfen und gegebenenfalls weiterführende Untersuchungen einzuleiten.
Feuchtigkeitsmessungen: Die Messung des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts der Haut ist wichtig, um Hauttrockenheit und damit verbundene Probleme zu verhindern. Elektronische Geräte können den Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Haut genau messen und Empfehlungen für die Pflege geben.
Talgproduktionstests: Die Überproduktion von Talg kann zu Akne und anderen Hautproblemen führen. Spezielle Tests können die Talgproduktion messen und helfen, geeignete Hautpflegeprodukte auszuwählen.
Welche Hauttests gibts für Sie?
Die Auswahl des richtigen Hauttests hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, einschließlich Ihrer individuellen Bedürfnisse, Hauttypen und eventuell vorhandener Hautprobleme. Ein Besuch bei einem Dermatologen kann Klarheit darüber schaffen, welche Tests für Sie am relevantesten sind.
Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass Hauttests nicht nur bei bestehenden Hautproblemen durchgeführt werden sollten. Regelmäßige Tests können auch präventiv dazu beitragen, potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Die Gesundheit unserer Haut ist von zentraler Bedeutung für unser allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Hauttests sind ein unverzichtbares Instrument, um die Hautgesundheit zu überwachen und mögliche Probleme frühzeitig zu identifizieren. Egal, ob es sich um Allergien, Hautkrebsvorsorge oder die Messung des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts handelt - die Vielfalt der verfügbaren Hauttests bietet Lösungen für eine breite Palette von Bedürfnissen. Lassen Sie sich von einem Dermatologen beraten, um die für Sie geeigneten Hauttests zu entdecken und Ihre Hautgesundheit zu fördern.
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daonlykritta · 2 years
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Y'all ever had a #patchtest done?? Day 2 has me itching (of course)...can't even take a shower til Friday 😫 I wanna rub my back up against a wall so bad lol #dermatology https://www.instagram.com/p/CidhAx9px7T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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forinaaesthetics · 4 years
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It’s been super fabulous to see so many beautiful new faces via video this week 💁🏻‍♀️🤩 Its nearly almost making me feel like I’m back at work!🙌😁😍🥳 New batch of patch test kits all prepared and full of love and on their wait to their new owners 💌📮📬This will ensure you are completely treatment ready for when we finally reopen! ✨🧚‍♀️✨ . #consultation #patchtest #video #zoom #whatsapp #workingfromhome #doingwhatican #limited #but #not #useless #makingthebestofit #usingtimewisely #feelinglikework #stayinghome #multitasking #beingcreative #takingitdaybyday #enjoyingeverymoment #beingpositive #forinaaesthetics (at Forina Aesthetics Microblading & Semi Permanent Make Up) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCo3cFTHNOs/?igshid=1677swtt0nmfb
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msieurjeremy · 5 years
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Quand visiblement tu as fait une réaction allergique à un produit #intime ... Mais que pourtant tu n'a testé que des marques haut de gamme dans les lovestores ... Bref ! Quand je vous précise que ce n' est pas le prix ni l emballage qui font la qualité et la transparence ... Merci à l' #allergologue qui me rend très sexy durant 2 jours avec mes #sparadra #pansement #patch #patchtest sur le dos 😅 Je suspecte soit un allergie au #chrome dans mes cockrings soit à un lubrifiant ... Mais lequel ? Affaire a suivre ! PS : La bûche et les boules Noël vont bien ! 🎄 (à Lyon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DVXyTojji/?igshid=1ej8k6fi2xim7
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skbeautybar-blog · 5 years
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The new must have brows this year! The Dermace Brow ID is what you need! Smoking deep colour, long lasting results, amazing defintion! In salon from 29th May book your skin test now! #hennabrowsartist #hennabrows #dermace #browid #vegan #natural #browdefinition #musthavetrearments #worthing #bookstagram #booknow #patchtest #definedbrows #longlasting #smokingbrows #temporyfix www.skbeautybar.co.uk (at S.H.E hair & beauty salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmFODRnOhi/?igshid=8oajvyu50a0q
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vijayc85 · 5 years
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NEW CLIENT NEW ROOT MATCH! So a patch test prior to colouring for this new client. Then in depth consultation then lets get those roots sorted! What we did a root touch up to hide those odd greys. Wanting to keep her colour on the ends! Team that up with a cheeky little trim by @estee_rawlings and job done. An look at that blend! 😍😍😍#patchtest #patchtestparty #wellacolor #labelm #eimi #roottouchups (at LMI & Co Hair Design Sittingbourne) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwt4aeCpFqh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b1l4j8zw74im
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