#patho answers
chalkrub · 9 months
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strange fellas
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writingjourney · 7 months
Really, just remember to be kind and supportive. It's so much more important than notes, numbers, reach or whatever. Fandom spaces can be very toxic and the mechanisms of social media don't help, but first and foremost they are a community of people. Support and kindness will always transcend anything ♡
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poorlittleyaoyao · 10 months
oh my gosh and what if JIANG CHENG was the one who found A-Yuan in the tree so A-Yuan grew up in Lotus Pier as an adopted Jiang and alongside Jin Ling, so eventually we not only have Jin Ling processing that he doesn’t hate the two guys who killed his father, but also have A-Yuan processing that his childhood friend’s family annihilated his? and also now Jiang Cheng has TWO children.
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meirimerens · 1 month
so we all agree Khan went away to study at university after The Events- any thoughts on what he studied? (:
MANY THOUGHTS and many thoughts that hinge on the fact that i don't know how [school] made its curricula... i know for a fact he studied greek & latin (what we call in my country Lettres Classiques), as well as philosophy, but i don't know in which wider context. i think he's really interested in Mathematics & political sciences alike... so in my mind he's Lettres Classiques + Philosophy For Sure and then. who knows. i think regardless of if he has classes for [x] subject he does very much also read & learn in his own time.
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captainswan618 · 1 year
(if you have an idea of how you'd pronounce it, but you're not confident, just go with your gut!)
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soma-shitposts · 3 months
Hello!!!!!!!! Hope you're having a nice day!!!! I'm insane about your SOMA au, it's so nice to see an au where Simon is spared from The Horrors
Your au has so much potential and I think that's really neat, was anyone there when Simon woke up? Imagine how scary it must be if you're a pathos employee just chilling and then one of the dive suits gains sentience and starts freaking out, I'd hate to be the one to explain to him that he's not human and he's 100 years in the future
You said in one of your posts that he becomes the poster guy for robot rights, what did he do to become that popular? I'm genuinely curious about what some guy at the bottom of the ocean can do to become a major figure in what sounds like a civil rights movement
*emerges from the salt marsh covered in conference presentation abstracts and barnacles* oml I haven’t thought deeply about my beloved Paranoid Android of Pathos II AU in too long… I’m so glad that goofy little concept has been fun for you too!
1. Was anyone there when Simon woke up?
Kind of? In my head the diving suit+scanner was an abandoned pet project of Catherine’s that was quite literally shoved in a closet somewhere when other projects began to take priority. (The world isn’t ending; research is just Like That sometimes.) The closet happened to have a structure gel leak which contaminated the suit and bam! Simon is Very Confused and concerned about suddenly being in a closet. Catherine is in her office at the time, so hyper focused on her work she doesn’t really hear him come out of the closet and when he asks where he is/what’s going on she kind of assumes he’s a technician that got lost until she turns around and promptly Nopes Out. Explaining to him that he’s not human and 100 years in the future is Ross’ job (AI psychologist - that’s kind of in his job title, right?)
2. Why does Simon have international acclaim for pioneering android rights?
I’m not gonna lie that was a joke based entirely on the crack premise of him getting arrested for stealing from the on-station Panera Bread restaurant (which is entirely my own ridiculous invention for silliness purposes). I guess the reason why the world would care is because like…you arrested a robot. Does the robot’s ‘creator’ get prosecuted or does the robot? I imagine the case was dropped because it was so absurd and had never happened before but it technically set the precedent that a) AI scans are independent of their physical ‘creators’ and b) are entitled to basic rights insofar as the legal system and its proceedings.
A bit of a stretch to call it a civil rights movement since Simon is the only scan that’s ‘awake’ although I’m sure the Carthage Industries Ethics Committee is having a hell of a time figuring out if they need to stop using such scans/should they try to make more androids like Simon for profit/etc. Bad day to be in the corporate offices.
…although I reiterate that factoid was born from the joke premise of Simon stealing from Panera. A restaurant on Pathos II. At the bottom of the ocean. Because Carthage Industries has taste. So this is all a goofy crack scenario anyway lol
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pasdetrois · 1 year
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on the bachelor and resurrection
Thinking about how the concept of resurrection is touched upon in Daniil’s routes, and how the Marble Nest makes something of a mockery of it, casting him into the role of both resurrectionist and the resurrected. The man with an affinity for the living trapped in a cycle of communing with the dead..
+ the reminders that neither remaining nor returning shall constitute anything akin to a victory for him—just a trick mirror and, if you'll forgive the pun, a dead end
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(p.s. the original marble nest line is a bit clearer in this connection, where the word for Sunday can also mean resurrection)
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twyrineslut · 5 months
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pathologic 2 ending dichotomy moodboard
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
Ok, that last ask got me wondering, what scale of time are you thinking in? (Like, decades? Centuries? Millennia?) I’m not asking for specific numbers or anything, I totally get not wanting to make that concrete, I’m just curious, ‘cause like, when I hear “immortal character,” I immediately assume they’ve got at least a century or two under their belt, and at “old immortal character” I go at least a few thousand, but most of the named characters seem to be in a scale of decades, something comparable to our lifetime, and the universe has been around for a long time, and players have been spawning for basically that whole time right? That would make most of our characters actually pretty young in the grand scheme of things. I know my timescale assumptions might be a little skewed, but it still makes me wonder, is it just coincidence that so many of the players we’ve met have human-comparable ages (because once their adult it doesn’t really matter except in how much time they’ve had to do stuff)? Are more players spawning now than earlier in the universes history, resulting in more technically younger players? Overall I’m just curious what timescale you’re generally working on with this au
the spawning frequency hasn’t changed or anything, the reason our featured/named characters tend to be in the younger gen is just bc a lot of their backstories aren’t really conducive to being older? like hels tek, they haven’t been around hundreds of years so atlas can’t be THAT old. new helington has always existed as a city, even if under different names, but only came under alisker’s management in the last few decades, so alisker couldn’t be that much older either. ya know? that’s just how things worked out.
so uhhhhhhm let’s say patho and dbubs are in early thousands? maybe?? so thinking on a time scale of millennia but like, not TOO many.
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daily-ethoslab · 2 years
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Here they are! :)
Also because this is TECHNICALLY not etho here
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Plus a bonus logo that I recolored so they all match :)
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mag200 · 6 months
Nothing but respect for my uncool troops 🫡🫡🫡🫡 (in reference to your post about the club meme)
im doing my part!!!
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avcnturine · 1 month
does aventurine's personality reflect more of his innate traits or the environment he's been exposed to? how have these factors played a role in shaping his character?
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〈   from  ∶    𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐈𝐂 / 🇦​🇨​🇨​🇪​🇵​🇹​🇮​🇳​🇬​  〉
this is a tough question to answer i think because we don't really get much sense of what is aventurine's " innate personality ". we don't know what he was like as an infant or toddler to try and make an argument ; the earliest we see him, he's already likely around age 7 or 8, which is more than enough time for beliefs and behavior to be shaped by his surroundings.
i think one of the things we do see is that a lot of his worldview is shaped by the tenets he was taught growing up :
— aventurine himself tells us that before his parents ( mother, specifically, since his father died before he was born ) passed, they taught him that " friends are the weapons of the avgin people " — an " us vs. them " worldview that condones and encourages the necessary leveraging of people in the out-group to ensure one's own survival.
even though, frankly, i think his flashback scenes give us too much of a watered-down view of the avgins ( in a very black and white ' jrpg ' kind of way to make the player feel sympathetic for aventurine ), i don't think aventurine is lying about where he picked up this worldview thanks to other texts giving us hints that the avgins do appear to value deception, cleverness, and theft. their prayer to gaiathra triclops makes this apparent, as well as the avgins' worship of gaiathra triclops herself being as, among others, a deity of trickery.
it's clear that despite how far behind him aventurine has left his former life on sigonia, and the various other environments that've impacted him since ( his enslavement, the ipc, becoming a stoneheart ), he still roots a lot of his core beliefs in that early formative culture taught by his family and his tribe. but that doesn't mean all of his present personality is shaped by it.
— the other thing i do want to talk about in terms of how aventurine shapes himself is the self-fashioning he does ; and in particular, the way he fashions himself after identities and events that should be heavily traumatic. did you ever notice that so much of aventurine's current persona comes directly from his former slavemaster that he himself brutally killed in order to end his own imprisonment?
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from his character teaser, we see that said former master wore a thumb, middle finger, and pinky ring, and a wristwatch, on his left hand.
aventurine wears middle finger and pinky rings, and a ( fancier ) wristwatch on his right hand in an almost perfect mirror.
indifferent male: sorry, but that won't do. don't forget your place, slave. you're not qualified to be at the table. indifferent male: you're just a chip, a life thrown away in someone else's hands. either you come back with more chips for your master, or... you never come back. indifferent male: it's all or nothing. don't embarrass me, my lucky hound.
using gambling metaphors and terminology, referring to people or knowledge as chips to be leveraged, and even his signature motto also all were part of his former master's vernacular. i don't think it's a coincidence that this language was used identically by the first individual who shaped and defined his sense of self-worth outside of the tiny pond that was sigonia.
for the first time, aventurine saw what he was worth in the scope of the whole ocean — and we see this continue to bind him mentally even after he's physically free ( he continues to seek the remaining thirty tanbas of his purchase cost from jade, to the point that he set up an entire enterprise to deceive the ipc in order to get in front of her to ask for just that ), and long past that as well, as i'd argue that he still struggles to wash out the sense of that stain.
taking up his former master's outward flaunting of wealth was a conscious decision — it was a way for aventurine not only to demonstrate that he could match and surpass the person who'd been above him, but also for him to compartmentalize and exert control over a situation in which he had none and was subject to others' whims. the only other option is to continue living in the shadow of that time. but possessing those trademarks of his master allows him to do just the opposite: he reclaims a situation in which he had no agency and turns it into something that belongs to him. i would argue this is a form of ptsd.
taking up his former master's way of talking was less conscious, and instead more an indication of just how deeply the man's treatment of him, as well as the culture and mindset of his slave holdings ( since he does mention being a prolific slave buyer who pimps out his possessions to rake in money rather than using the slaves himself, so i'm assuming he had numerous at any time ), embedded a certain view of self, view of others, and view of the world in aventurine subconsciously. this is more indication of how deep of a psychic impact that period of time had on him.
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pathosfell · 2 months
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long Your heart's been aching But you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
oh my god
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meirimerens · 2 months
hii meirimerens !! ^_^
∞ please ?
hiii my friend. You get Agnes Obel - The Curse
sorry. the curse be upon you
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kasugas · 2 months
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Not a day goes by where I dont think abt this interview w the members of Blur.
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disney-is-mylife · 1 year
Speaking of trashy sequels and series, Mulan 2 did the characters completely dirty! But the scene with Mulan losing Shang after their argument was sad, they both loved each other very much and Mushu was being an asshole to break up the relationship. I feel like Mulan 2 had the potential to be a great sequel to the first movie, but I don't know what the writers were thinking when doing this movie.
Mulan 2 is 1000% trash, and I'll NEVER forgive it for making me CRY at Shang's "death." Mulan's grief was fucking palpable wtf 😭😭😭 I'm convinced that the film was written around that scene's existence, hence why that scene is WAY TOO GOOD for the film, cuz the rest of it is dogshit lol
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