#patience young grasshopper
saltydoesstuff · 11 months
I beg of thee-
Will we see the kings….?
I must cuddle a royal….
And steal some crowns and kisses
Pff, still waiting for perms of @/sweeterrat! I want to make sure all parties are alright with me making the kings into bots (also gotta build up courage to ask @/F1orcide to use their art for pfps if it does get approved iweukjnd)
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rosicheeks · 2 years
What is your Snapchat? And how much is the tip? I want to control your lush and make you cum please ❤️
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furymint · 1 year
gave myself a headache thinking abt drgs
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1introvertedsage · 2 months
Some days, it’s nice to have a guide ushering you through life. Walking by your side.
Other days, it’s like ssshhh hold on…. Let me try something.
On those other days, and the day(s) after, I’m shown… where I went wrong.
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judgegerm · 1 year
slutty könig is on hold because i . got a job :)
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hoedameron · 1 year
seriously considering dl this shitty quality trrent just so i can make gifs bc i have the perfect caption
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instruth · 4 months
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O! Fair land of glory loveliest song of morn
Smiling parks red roses set among thorns
Eager are the pigtailed gals busy to pick
Gallant swains fall in line pretty quick
Gay day begins with a warm cheerful visit
Butterflies flapping, floating in their flit
Love songs from the robins for me and all
Joy of my youth ever pleasing as I recall
Blooms linger when seasons cause delay
Young hearts learn patience wait and stay
Innocence and ease enrich my simple life
Nature overrides all my hardship and strife
Simpletons endear fine humble happiness
My daily loitering brings surplus gladness
Pausing to admire the great glory of dawn
Watching the deer with her little fawn
Grazing on tapestry green by the slope
While bees and grasshoppers shyly elope
I dream of the maiden I secretly love
Like cooing doves wooing in their cove
Crossing a quiet brook to watch her charm
Yonder fence, the cultivated rainbow farm
I bless the approaching brilliance of day
When all around me freely lend a play
Contentment fills my soul cheers my heart
A pastime frolicking joyfully never to part
Simple pleasures in sweet succession come
Dancing pairs sweet memories to beds at home
Peaceful dreams follow when the day is done
Alas! These lovely charms are past and gone
just a memory
time has changed our inheritance
to a faraway land
for a greener pasture
I wish to return to write and tell my story
©Johnny JP Lee
04 June 2024
A Gogyoshi-Bun Poem
Photos: J. P. Lee
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thatbigbisexual29 · 1 year
Master Knows Best (Hell's Paradise)
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BOY OH BOY I A ACCIDENTALLY GOT ON THE TRAIN TO WRITER'S BLOCK TOWN WHOOPSIE DAISY! Yeah... sorry guys, these two fic I'm working on are gonna take longer than I thought. So, here's a Hell's Paradise fic to make up for it! I fell in love with these two and I wrote this not too long ago. And I still might post that OC fic I talked about but idk yet. Anyways, enjoy for now, and thanks for your patience :)
How could Shion best describe his new apprentice? If he was trying to be nice, he would say that Tenza was a promising young boy with a good life ahead of him. If he were to be honest… Shion would describe him as a lazy, disinterested, rapscallion who only wanted to do whatever he pleased. But he wasn’t going to give up on him. Shion didn’t want to bury another student…
Before the swordsman had time to fall into more depressing thoughts, he sensed movement from behind him. Shion sat outside the dojo to feel the warm sun on his face, the dojo doors open behind him, when he felt mischief seep into the calm air. He smirked. He could hear Tenza doing his damndest to quietly sneak up behind him. After getting in that one hit, he felt awful cocky towards his master. Shion could hear each one of his student’s movements. He was not the stealthiest of people, yet he still dared. As mentioned before, Tenza was cocky.
Shion, feeling a bit mischievous himself, decided to play it up a bit. He took in a deep breath of air and let out a content sigh, even uncrossing his arm and leaning against the wood planks behind him. He could hear the cocky smirk form on Tenza’s lips as he inched closer and closer. Shion couldn’t hold back his own smile, the playful energy getting to him. He heard Tenza whisper to himself “1… 2… 3!” The blond man suddenly leapt forward, arms outstretched in an effort to tackle his master to the ground.
And at that moment, Shion softly exclaimed, “Ooh, a grasshopper.” and bent down to ‘pick up’ said grasshopper. In reality, there was no grasshopper. Shion heard his student fly out of the dojo with a surprised cry and loud grunt as he face planted into the dirt.
Shion burst out a loud laugh, holding his stomach and doubling over as Tenza gave him a look of betrayal, which made the sword master laugh even harder. Tenza couldn’t even fight down the smile that grew on his own face or the laughter bubbling from his lips. Tenza sat up and laughed with his teacher for a solid minute, even wiping away tears of mirth because of how hysterical he got.
“Y-Youhu old fart! Why did you do that??” Tenza accused, pointing at the blind swordsman. Shion chortled and snorted, only making Tenza want to laugh more. He had never seen the older man this cracked up before. It was kinda weird, but in a fun way. Shion giggled to himself then responded, “Because you were trying to get the jump on me! You thought I wasn’t going to hear you? Or trick you, for that matter?” The swordsman approached and offered his arm to the young man, smiling like he’s never smiled before. Tenza took it… and quickly pulled Shion to the floor. Shion, not expecting this, grunted and fell next to his student in the dirt. Being young and swift, Tenza pushed Shion onto his back and sat on his hips, holding down his shoulders.
“Hah! Gotcha now, old man! This is how we do it in the slums!” he celebrated, smiling at the shock on Shion’s face. Shion laughed again and smiled.
“Ah, you have much to learn, Tenza. For instance, if you want to subdue an enemy, you must go for their wrists. Or else, they can do… this!” In a swift motion, Shion flexed his fingers into claws and dug into Tenza’s sides. The young man shrieked and curled into his side in an attempt to avoid his master’s hands. The blind man turned the tables on Tenza and switched their positions. Now, Shion was holding Tenza to the ground as he sat above him, wiggling and digging his fingers into the young man’s sides. Tenza jerked back and forth as a happy laugh left his smiling lips, shaking his head and making his blond hair thrash about. He let out high pitched giggles which fought for Shion’s favorite sound, right next to Eizen’s squawk of surprise when you pinch his lower back. Tenza’s laugh is as silly as he is. It sounds goofy, childish, and perfect for a kid his age. It really suited him.
“Youhuhuhu fart! Stahahahahap ihihihihit! Get ohohohohoff! Ohohohold mahahahahahahahan enohohohohough!” Tenza fussed, grabbing fistfuls of Shion’s sleeves. Shion smiled at his student, drinking in his happy attitude. He hasn’t been playful like this with anyone for a very long time. He called these times ‘breaths of fresh air’ since they come so rarely, but they are welcomed all the same. Shion, ignoring Tenza’s pleas, crawled his fingers up and into his ribs which made the boy’s laughter grow stronger. Tenza arched his back and proceeded to flop like a fish. His giggles turned into hysterical cackles, which was another new favorite sound Shion discovered. Shion laughed at his actions.
“And I thought I caught my student, not a fish! And what a wiggly fish this is! I don’t think I’ve met a fish this wiggly! I wonder if he’ll keep wiggling if I keep tickling him?” Shion pondered aloud, flustering his hysterical student.
“SEHEHEHEHEHENSEI!!” Tenza screamed. As much as he enjoyed this little moment, he was absolutely losing his mind. He had to retaliate or he would die! (Not really, he’s just overdramatic) Using that previously mentioned swiftness, used the same trick Shion used on him. He clawed his fingers and jabbed them into Shion’s sides. It was unexpected, much like Shion’s own bark of laughter. The blind man wrapped his arms around his stomach and pressed his elbows on Tenza’s fingers. Tenza, on the other hand, looked like he just won the lottery.
“Master, you’re?-”
“Tenza, don’t you dare. I’ll send you back out on the streets faster than you can say- eeEEYAAHHAHA!” Shion cried out as Tenza pushed him back, sending him to the ground and digging his hands into the hardened flesh. Now, Tenza was not the most experienced tickler. He only had momentary tickle fights with some of the older kids in his hometown, but only knew the feeling once or twice. But, he was experienced in clawing through dirt, which is kinda like tickling if you put pressure on the skin right. So, that’s what he did. He gently dug and clawed into Shion’s sides and belly and it made the poor swordsman toss his head back and cackle like a crazy man.
“Tehehehehenza!! Wahahahahahait! C-Cease this behahahahahahahaviour!” Shion tried to grab Tenza’s hands, but the young man was too quick. He bounced his fingers around his torso, poking and pinching to no end. Shion would be proud if he wasn’t the one getting tickled.
“Hell no, old man! I should get my revenge after you almost killed me! Now take that! And that and that!” Tenza smiled and laughed, enjoying himself as he tickled his master to tears. This feeling that rose in his chest… What was that? It was giddiness, excitement, happiness, and it overwhelmed him.
“T-Tehehenza! Be-Behihihihihind you! Staahahahahahahahap!” Shion spoke with more umph now, as if somewhat panicked.
“What, so you can trick me and tickle me again? No way, old man! Receive your just dessert!” Tenza smirked, digging right into a sweet giggle spot on his master’s ribs.
“I can assure you,” a wild Eizen appeared behind them, “your master is not trying to trick you.” Tenza squeaked in surprise and practically lept off his master, sitting on his knees and in a bowing position. “S-Sensei Eizen! I’m sorry we were just… just…” Tenza attempted to explain himself, but as he did, a heat started to overtake his face. Shion, now recovering, stood up with a slight smile on his face, not feeling Eizen’s harsh glare.
As the two adults spoke to each other, Tenza felt hot shame wash over his body, chasing away that warm, nice feeling from a few seconds ago. He knew Eizen could see his red-faced embarrassment, and maybe that’s why he stopped arguing.
“Just don’t let me see it again. Understood?” Eizen sighed. Tenza stood and agreed with Shion. As the two watched the man walk away, Tenza felt a poke to his arm. He turned to see Shion with a finger to his lips in a ‘hush’ motion. The blind man proceeded to sneak behind the red head and pinch his lower back, earning a hilarious squawk from the man. Shion and Tenza both burst out laughing. Shion grabbed Tenza’s arm and ran, Eizen hot on their trail.
That feeling Tenza felt earlier was back, and he finally understood what that feeling was. Tenza felt home. 
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sonicsquid3000 · 4 months
You are learning quickly my friend, if you make a second blog gimme, imma need to follow :3
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Patience young grasshopper. I'm still building it but it won't be long till its complete
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naffeclipse · 2 years
eclipse has fours this and that. when do I get 4 arms
When you're ready. Patience, young grasshopper.
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breaniebree · 1 year
whispers into the void... if sirius doesn't get the justice of an epilogue... 😭
Hi, Anon,
Patience young grasshopper...
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she-karev · 5 months
Love your stories, just curious who's your next story about or character wise?
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I just got started on your one shot request of Lucas Adams being sick and his family looking after him in usual Whump style. I have a little bit of jet lag plus I have finals this week so I’m either studying or sleeping😂. Hopefully I can finish and post by this weekend. Patience young grasshopper.
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icanyon-lyimagine · 2 years
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Patience young grasshopper 🌵
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word-wytch · 1 year
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I’m excited you’re excited!! It’s gonna be a lil bit of a wait bc I got sidetracked with a oneshot that is turning into a bigger project than I anticipated. BUT it features Ren Faire!Eddie + roleplay + breeding kink if you’re into that. I’ve kinda been working on that and ch.12 simultaneously so idk which I’ll have done first. Good things are coming though! Eventually. Patience young grasshopper 😌💕
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instruth · 1 year
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Fair land of glory, sweet song of the morn
Smiling parks red roses set among thorns
Eager are the pigtailed gals busy to pick
Gallant swains fall in line ready quick
Gay day begins with a warm cheerful visit
Butterflies flapping, floating in their flit
Love songs of robins on trees short or tall
Joy of my youth ever pleasing as I recall
Blooms linger when seasons cause delay
Young hearts are patience, wait and stay
Innocence and ease enrich my simple life
Nature overriding all hardship and strife
Simple folks endear fine humble happiness
Daily loitering brings surpassing gladness
Pausing to admire the glory of dawn
Watching the deer with her little fawn
Grazing on tapestry green along the slope
While bees and grasshoppers shyly elope
I dream of the maiden I secretly love
Like cooing doves wooing in their cove
Crossing a quiet brook to watch her charms
Yonder fence lies her planted rainbowed farm
I bless the approaching brilliance of day
When all around me freely lend a play
Contentment fills my soul, cheers my heart
A pastime frolicking, joyfully never to part
Humble joy in sweet succession comes
Dancing pairs to beds, dreaming domes
Peaceful pleasure rests when day is done
Alas! Such charms are long past and gone
©Johnny J P Lee
10 October 2023
A Gogyoshiren Poem (30)
(This poem, original title - The Old Hometown, was read live on Sunday, 8 October 2017 on The Dear John Sunday Live Show by Irish Poet & Presenter, John Kavanagh, in England)
Photos: J. P. Lee
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kailoraurelius · 7 days
Sigh ok ill wait
Guess ill read aiaoy for the billionth time then
Patience, young grasshopper!
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