#patriarch thooraki
gia-batmm-crickle22 · 4 months
Thooraki: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Teen Thrass, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Young Thrawn, whispering: Because I have little hands. Teen Thrass: Because he has little hands.
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thrawns-backrest · 8 months
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for my lovely friend who requested some Thurfian
I had an old sketch that I polished and added some colors to, hope you enjoy. I know I usually draw him in blue but I decided to try and see how he looks in red. my headcanon is that he doesn't wear it often because red was Thooraki's signature color and Thurfian is a petty bitch
something something they called him patriarch of the blue sun because of it something or another
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hydr0phius · 8 months
Welcome back to more crack summaries and notes. Today it's Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, and I am absolutely distraught after reading it.
Linked: Chaos Rising and Greater Good
Starting out strong with this one aren't we, Mr. Zahn?
Samakro: please let this be a normal fucking side trip-
The Springhawk: *appears*
Jixtus: Not this mf again. Give me a damn BREAK-
Thrawn, over comms: If there are any Watith here, we have your prisoners.
Generalius Nakirre: I'm going to answer him.
Jixtus: Do NOT
Generalius Nakirre: If you're not going to tell me, I'll just ask him.
Jixtus: nO-
(word for word)
Generalius Nakirre: The Kilji path will prove superior
Thrawn, flatly: No. It will not.
Generalius Nakirre: Again, you dismiss our wisdom without even hearing it.
Thrawn: In my experience, superior wisdom can stand on its own merits. It does not require a warship to force acceptance.
Generalius Nakirre: You also bring a warship to this place.
Thrawn: But I do not claim to offer superior wisdom. Nor do I intend to impose my wisdom upon others.
(Thrawn, I love you dearly).
Jixtus, quietly in the background for the last five minutes of the comm call with Nakirre and Thrawn: Oh my fucking gods, DISENGAGE. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ANYTHING MORE ABOUT YOU-
Nakirre, internally during the comm call and Jixtus' warnings: WHY SHOULDN'T I FUCK HIM UP? HE'S ASKING FOR IT. IT WOULD BE SO EASY.
Thrawn: *blank stare on the bridge, facing Thalias*
Thalias: Look at him going into deep thought. *Turns back to Che'ri*
Thrawn, directly behind her now: So have you-
Thalias, jumping about a foot in the air: -STOP SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!
Thrawn: I wasn't????? Anyway, has Che'ri had anymore nightmares?
(He was sneaking but he doesn't know that lmao).
Lamiov: *sends Ba'kif a message about Thrawn*
Ba'kif: *Dropping absolutely everything and moving faster than his colleagues would if there was all out war because his Son is up to things*
^^^ All that was just in the prologue and I was nearly losing it lmao.
Thurfian: *makes a decision*
Thivik: *judgemental vibes*
Thrawn: *rattling off info about the paintings in the reception area of the Mitth crib on wherever it is that they were*
Thrass: How the fuck did you know all of that-
Lappincyk: Larawn. Has a nice ring to it.
Me thinking of that vine: Larawn James sjsjs
Lappincyk: Ok and what is Thrawn to you?
Thrass making a spur of the moment decision: He's my friend.
Thrawn, sitting down: :3
(That felt like a set up. Thooraki and Lamiov going "Thrawn needs someone who knows politics" and then shoving Thrass into his orbit).
Jixtus: I have information you'll want
Thistrian: let me consult with the Patriarch.
Thurfian: Tell them to feck off. We don't want anything to do with them.
Thistrian: o h
Ba'kif when he found out about the Magys: SORRY YOU WHAT- NO. WHAT POSSESSED YOU
Thrawn: :)
Samakro: I'll see this through. I'm in too deep.
Thivik what's on that datacard??? WHAT DID THRASS PUT TOGETHER-
All the Thrawn and Thrass interactions give me life.
Zistalmu: I got a divorce.
Thurfian: babe, please. :'(
Roscu: *blathering on & being all high and mighty while a fucking asteroid missile is lining her up*
Ziinda: Can you shut the fuck up?
Roscu: I- ok.
Thrawn: I'll see y'all later. Uingali and I are going on a trip for a bit.
Samakro: k, bye.
Samakro: Where are we???
Bridge crew: idk man??
Che'ri: I'm following him. He's in danger and we need to be there.
Samakro after a lot of talking with Thalias: Oh. ok.
Thrawn: Can you fire a charric?
Qilori: *nervous wreck* nO
Thrawn dragging him up out of his chair: You're about to learn.
Thrass, holding a chair & ready to use it: Yeah, that's right! Drop the knife!
The thief: *slowly puts the knife down, looking behind Thrass the whole time*
Thrawn standing menacingly behind Thrass ready to deck the thief like he did his accomplices: >:)
Thrass: Ok, Roscu, but if you did fire on us you'd be killing a Mitth Aristocra and his brother.
Thrawn: :0
Lappincyk: :D
Roscu: Damn, ok.
*after the Odo ceremony*
Thrawn: Are we actually brothers now?
Thrass: Yeah, if you want :3
Thrawn: :') ok
*cue secret sharing*
CEDF: *trying to keep the peace in the Ascendancy on Syndicure orders*
CDF and Family Fleets, with the indignant air of a 10 yr old Sephora girl: Oh my GODS, can you LEAVE? You have NO POWER here!!!!
CEDF: Ok, fuck you. *sorts out the fighting anyway then dips off to wherever they get sent to next*
Che'ri: I'm fine. I can cook my own food while you're gone, and Mid Captain Samakro can check in on me.
Samakro: *worried Dad being left with the kids for the first time noises*
Thalias: ok.
Che'ri: Niceeee
Samakro: *sweating bullets*
Thalias: You Borika?
Borika, fake accent on: You a cop?
Thalias: What-
Borika: *nice rancher lady*
Borika 0.5 seconds after Thalias mentions the Seekers program: *pulls a charric on Thalias once they're inside the house and drops the accent*
Thalias: Holy fu- HANg oN-
Fuck the Ascendancy too btw. The systems in place are shit. Those poor sky-walkers.
*Two families fighting*
Ar'alani having been sent to deal with it, angry admiral voice engaged: OI, STOP THAT
Ar'alani, fed up: Flicker all of them, then drag them away from each other
Wutroow: That's going to piss a lot of people off, Admiral.
Ar'alani: idgaf. They're being stupid and putting civilians in danger.
Wutroow: Then might I suggest dragging them back to different orbital levels? if they want at it again, they'll at least have to try.
Ar'alani: Excellent thinking. Let's do that.
Ja'fosk 20mins after they flickered everyone and are headed back to UAG: Ar'alani you need to stop hanging around with Thrawn so much.
Ar'alani: Ok but he's right.
Ar'alani: Y'all are just haters.
Ja'fosk: Just get back to UAG.
Ar'alani: Ok.
Ar'alani: *Firing on Dy'lothe's ship because he's ignoring her and possibly about to fuck up Thrawn's plan*
Dy'lothe: Acting on the Syndicure's orders-
Ar'alani: Oh, so illegal orders, then?
Dy'lothe: ...yeah
Ar'alani: ha.
Ba'kif: Here's Thrawn's latest plan. I'm giving you and anyone else you can convince permission to go and assist him.
Ar'alani on four hours of sleep: This is completely insane and could ruin our careers.
Ba'kif: So you'll do it, then?
Ar'alani: Of course!
Thalias: There's no bus to the spaceport-
Borika: I've got you, girlie. I'll drive you.
Samakro: Oh yes, you're Thrawn's big, strong protector.
Thalias: yes.
Samakro: :)
Samakro: So, here's Thrawn's plan.
Thalias: Fuckkkkk, that's insane.
Samakro: Yeah... anyway good luck with Thurfian. I'll wait here for you.
Che'ri: *possessed by the Magys*
Magys: You jest
Samakro: I do not >:)
Samakro: HELL NO-
Thalias: I pulled a charric on the Patriarch.
Samakro: WHAT-
Jixtus: And what question would that be?
Thrawn: The most critical one. Are you ready to surrender?
Everyone: oohhHhhoOhohoho, you've got some balls saying that, Senior Captain.
Can we appreciate how well Thrawn's plan went? They tore Jixtus UP.
Ja'fosk, pleased: How did Senior Captain Thrawn obtain such accurate information?
Samakro who was fully ready to admit that he fed Thalias false info because he thought she was a spy: o H, uH. Yeah he kinda just pulls things like that out of thin air, you know? I can't explain it.
Che'ri has now met both Kivu siblings AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I think she's going to figure it out if Thalias hasn't told her yet.
Everyone going into the chamber thinking Thrawn's going to get a promotion or something and then the Admiralty exiling him and stripping his honour chains sucker punched me in the gut. Thurfian's smugness did not help matters either. I could feel the anger from everyone in that scene.
Sorry the way the Aristocra had everyone lined up for serious consequences instead of the commendations etc they got in the end because Thrawn took all of the blame himself to keep them in positions where they'd be able to guide the Ascendancy's forces in his absence got to me oh my gods.
Ba'kif: We're telling you so that you don't kick up a fuss about the exile thing
Ar'alani: I would never!
(She would. She was going to)
Ba'kif: *explaining the Clone Wars*
Ar'alani: I'm not remembering all that. Happy for them, though. Or Sorry that happened.
(Not crack, just pain)
Ar'alani: Don't you dare leave before I say goodbye to you, Thrawn.
Thrawn: Of course not. That's not what friends do.
Timmy: *doesn't write their goodbye scene*
Me: *screaming*
Thrawn: It's only for six months. Perhaps a year.
Ar'alani: And then you come home?
Thrawn: Yes. It will be alright.
Me: It was not, in fact, alright. seventeen-ish years and then another nine missing out on Peridea is not 1, mate.
Ba'kif: it's a shame I'll never see you in admiral whites.
Thrawn: Nobody here is senseless enough to promote me to admiral lmao
Ba'kif: We have time for one final meal together, if you wish
Thrawn: If you don't mind, I'd like to eat alone. There's a bistro where Thrass and I used to meet. I'd like to spend my last evening on Csilla remembering him.
I'm not okay. Probably going to have new fics to write now. hhhhhhh. That was sad as hell at the end there.
Also these two trilogies just highlight how little Felony understands Thrawn, and I hope all of you understand after reading the books, how badly he massacred our boy in Ahsoka. It shouldn't be, "omg we got him in live action!" anymore. It should be, "who is that blue guy and why are we being given such shit quality shows and expected to like it when the characters that mean so much to us have been reduced to having less dimension than a cardboard cut out, and that a slug could move 1 kilometer at a faster pace than the supposed plot that's scarcely here?" Have some standards that aren't six feet under, please, everyone (this is not aimed at y'all who have seen this from the start <3).
Anyway! Onto the Imperial Era I go :D
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ascendancyzine · 3 months
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Week 1, Poll 1: Thooraki vs Ba’kif
The Father Figures Face Off!
Who will earn the title of the ultimate Chiss father figure? Ba'kif, the Supreme General of the CEDF, guiding the Ascendancy with tactical brilliance and unwavering resolve .... or Thooraki, the Patriarch of the Mitth, leading his family with wisdom and unwavering dedication? Both embody the essence of leadership and care, but only one can emerge victorious. Cast your vote and decide!
Thooraki art by @sisterventress and Ba'kif art by @emp-roar!
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
Vurawn wondered often what his life would have looked like if he had taken the Mitth's proposal to be a merit adoptive all those years ago. At odds with the foul faced Syndic who had come to collect him? Surrounded by different friends than the ones he had now? On course for a successful military career? Certainly not here.
The Kivu were considered an obscure family by the majority of the rest of the Acendancy. As a Lesser Family, they had developed their own customs and traditions. They were more expressive than other Families, they valued art, each Kivu having their own favored medium. They grew up dancing and singing, it was uncommon for a Kivu not to be proficient in some instrument. They were an anomaly. A cultural hub in the midst of Rentor.
But what unsettled the other Families the most about the Kivu was their method for choosing their new Patriarch. While other Families elected their Patriarch democratically or the dying Patriarch chose their successor themselves, the Kivu title was passed down through blood. From Patriarch to their eldest child.
Vurawn had entered the military as a young male and had made it quite far for his time spent there and his Family name. Junior Captain. But he had other duties, and when news of his Patriarch's death reached him, he had to return to Rentor. He left his military career behind him.
And he found himself here. In a world where he was mentored by Thooraki himself, a brotherhood with a young Mitth, blossoming friendship with a sweet Syndic, a rivalry with a Prime. Ten ruling families instead of nine. A golden cape displaying his Family's symbol. And a title:
Patriarch Kivu'raw'nuru.
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thrautistic · 1 year
What is “Thoorion”?
A little guide! Written by thrautistic!
Okay, so. You’re probably asking “How in the actual fuck did you come up with this ship?”
The answer is, I didn’t! My friend did, actually. @mitthurfian on Twitter! Check them out, they’re cool as fuck.
Marchion Ro, if you didn’t know, is the big bad of Star Wars: The High Republic. He is the “Eye of the Nihil” and leads the Nihil against the High Republic.
Thooraki, full name Mitth’oor’akiord, is the Mitth Patriarch, featured most prominently in the book “Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising”. He dies of old age in Greater Good.
Now. What the hell do these characters have to do with eachother?
This is all based on headcanons, and stories that me and mitthurfian came up with.
Below, a majority of things stated are headcanons. Be aware of that.
In this story and timeline, chiss live way longer than humans. They can live on for centuries and age slowly after reaching puberty.
Thooraki was alive during The High Republic era, as a Syndic Prime. A snobbish, arrogant young man. He sees everything as a political move.
Marchion and Thooraki meet sometime after the Great Hyperspace Disaster, but before the attack on Valo. Thooraki is on an Outer Rim planet for political purposes, but was unfortunately put in a tough situation.
The Nihil raid this planet, with Marchion leading the attack. Thooraki attempts to escape, but Ro takes interest in his ship. To him, it’s unique and he’d like to know more.
And so he goes to learn. He storms into the ship, and meets Thooraki.
Ro is smitten. After he kills all the servants on board and scaring the absolute shit out of Thooraki, he goes to him. He stares. But also mocks him.
He ends up zoning out, staring into the angry chiss’ eyes. He’s beautiful, a magnificent man. Marchion doesn’t even know what he feels, as he has never felt love before. He lets Thooraki live, after learning what he was. And then leaves the planet.
He is confused- he feels as though he’s under a curse- plagued by thoughts of fondness. He’s in love. But he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t know what a crush is. Asgar and Shalla never taught him these things.
So he seeks out Thooraki.
And that’s where we end this post. They are doomed toxic yaoi. Oh and they’re T4T.
We will be writing a fanfic of this story, that will likely be published on my ao3!
Thank you for reading!!!
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crystal-quill · 2 years
Chapter Eight
    Patriarch Thooraki was just about ready to kill a man for a decent cup of vikn. He had come all the way to Rentor to inspect some of the senior cadets for promising individuals to consider luring away to the Mitth. He had been awake for fourteen hours already due to his extremely early morning arrival and wasn't going to see a bed anytime soon. Currently, one of the administrators of Taharim Academy was walking him behind some of the outer buildings of the campus, gesturing to the massive backlot and explaining about future plans for the area and potential for expanded programmes. He really wished the other man would shut up and take him back to his transport, the Patriarch had overestimated his own stamina.
   The administrator was mid sentence when the two heard a scream, a girl telling someone to stop. The administrator didn't even finish the word he was on, simply dropped his clipboard and took off towards whatever cadet was in danger at full speed. Thooraki blinks, needing an extra second to process before his lips curl in an approving little smile at the total lack of hesitation. Perhaps the cadets weren't the only ones with potential? Knowing he was bloody useless for whatever emergency was happening, he follows along behind more slowly, giving the administrator time to resolve the situation without the Patriarch most likely just getting in the way. The scene he happens on surprises him enough to make him feel fully awake.
    A petite, long haired child that couldn't be any older than nine or ten that was for some reason wearing the first year remedial uniform was absolutely ripping apart three older cadets that looked to be in their final year of training. A freshman, the girl that had been screaming probably, was trying to separate the smaller boy with assistance from the administrator. The three older cadets were covered in scratches, bitemarks, bruises, what looked to be shockingly deep cuts, and various rips to their uniforms. Two of them were already backed off, sitting on the ground and sending furtive, petrified glances towards the current scuffle. One of them had a ripped bag with supplies scattered over the grass.
"Vurawn! Vurawn calm down, I'm fine, I'm alright! Vurawn, please, come here."
    The girl was trying with some success to restrain the child now that the administrator had physically placed himself between the boy and his targets, and Thooraki notes with increasing interest that herself and the older boys are all wearing Irizi family patches, and the the smaller boy is not affiliated with a Ruling or Greater Family. Also, despite his downright feral behaviour, the Patriarch does not fail to see that he avoids harming the girl and does eventually allow her to hold him close from behind. The low rumble of his still-developing vocal chords would sound utterly ridiculous if it weren't for the injuries on the other three combatants and the clear anxiety they now displayed towards him. The girl steps back, taking him with her, and he offers a small, final hiss as the tension drains from him. The girl hushes him, looking frazzled and upset and trying to pry something out of his hand. Looking closer, Thooraki raises an eyebrow when he notices the plastic protractor clenched tightly enough to draw blood. So that's where the cuts had come from. Resourceful.
    The Patriarch waits patiently while the rest of the drama unfolds. The girl, Irizi'ar'alani, her face and voice coloured with betrayal and hurt, claims the three boys and an accomplicethat had been waiting for her outside of her classes and set her up so they could harass her about being Vurawns' friend. The older cadets, however, claim that they had arranged to meet young Ziara out here to simply talk, as Family members do, and the boy, noe identified as Kivu'raw'nuru, had attacked them out of nowhere. The boy himself offers no defense, staying silent, hovering protectively to the right and slightly in front of Ziara for the entire conversation. She makes several small soothing gestures even as she demands with increasing heat that the older cadets be punished. Thooraki looks at the administrators face and knows that nothing will happen.
    Nevertheless, he is impressed. The unusually young cadet is clearly an intensely loyal boy with no small talent in combat, he didn't appear to have more than a few bruises on him. Thooraki notes several obvious signs of long term abuse, and is satisfied that if handled properly, young Vurawn would grow to be a fine young man indeed. An interesting case, and perhaps bearing further investigation. He considers for a few moments, and makes a decision, stepping forward to interrupt.
"I will be certain to discuss this personally with the Irizi." Thooraki puts some real scandalized venom into his voice, older cadets identify him and pale immediately, understanding that this would not end well for them. The Mitth Patriarch inclines his head to Ziara slightly. "You have excellent taste in friends, cadet."
   He continues for some minutes, thoroughly dressing down the senior cadets for their inexcusable behaviour and detailing precisely the consequences they could expect to recieve as members of a Ruling Family, adding some pointedly acerbic comments about his eye on their careers in future. Thooraki does not miss the curious, intense gaze of young Vurawn and the equally curious, but suspicious gaze of Ziara. Fair. The Mitth and Irizi weren't exactly friends. Still, Thooraki feels his lips curls in a small, secretive smile as all five cadets are bundled off to the infirmary. What absolutely fascinating potential, the both of them.
Irizi'ar'alani and Kivu'raw'nuru. He'd remember that.
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ashen-sky · 2 years
Fic concept for either an OC or a reader insert (warning: incredibly self indulgent and probably makes zero reasonable sense)
Imagine Thrawn with a human sibling (cousin of the Mitth family that, like Thrass, claimed Thrawn as their brother) that gets exiled with him and so the entire empire is like “who is this girl always with this strange blue man?” Eli never asks and when they one day say “my brother”, he nearly does a spit take.
Human sibling was raised on the vigilant and springhawk because their mother would regularly join Ar’alani or Thrawn as a consultant on missions. They’re mom wound up stranded in the chaos while pregnant and Patriarch thooraki was like “you’re nice, you want to join my family?” because I absolutely see him as the type to do that. (Strange lost person that clearly needs help but is about to be abandoned? You are now apart of my family) So the sibling is born a Mitth cousin for protection reasons, but when Thrawn gets exiled Thurfian is just like, and you’re going with him because collusion.
While it makes no sense, it’s arguably incredibly funny if the character is significantly young (I’m thinking maybe 6-8) and they get to the empire and the Emperor is like “join my military” “what about them” “we’ll put them in the academy” and somehow Thrawn manages to just drag them along with him. Everyone just assumes Thrawn has a child.
(the character ends up being a defender pilot)
This AU is complete crack.
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sisterventress · 3 years
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Mitth’oor’akiord 🖤🔅
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oenimo · 3 years
I wonder if Thrawn ever thought Eli was in a more respected position as Thrawn’s aide than he really was, specifically because of how important Patriarch senior aides are.
The patriarch senior aide might as well be the second most important person in a family, and extremely important to the Ascendancy just in general, and Thrawn’s personal experiences with Lamiov and Lappincyk would only have reinforced that.
Lamiov straight up told Thrass and Thrawn how the senior aides and patriarchs were the only ones who know what really happened with the first Starflash, and how the senior aides are those responsible for passing that knowledge along through new patriarchs. That is a massive, hugely important job, and it’s for the senior aides.
Who all knows that the Stybla still have a Starflash? The two highest ranking military officers in the Ascendancy, Thrawn, Thrass but he’s dead, the Stybla patriarch, and… that patriarch’s senior aide. Hell, in Memories IV Thrawn literally says “We’ve watched him anticipate your orders and information requests. Clearly he’s your closest confidant.” (God, to compare this quote to Eli and Thrawn’s relationship… *chef’s kiss*)
And though I don’t remember Thrawn ever meeting Thivik, we can see with him that that close personal relationship between Patriarch and Senior Aide isn’t a fluke of Lamiov and Lappincyk. Thivik was the person responsible for continuing on/passing on Thooraki’s work and goals. My memory is bad and scrambly but his relationship with Thooraki def seemed confidant-y.
Cultural differences man… reminds me of the whole “I’m going to tell General Skywalker I’m just a commander instead of a captain, downplaying my importance” and that shooting him in the foot because in the GAR’s ranks commander is higher than captain.
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doctorwenqing · 3 years
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okay SO obviously this is likely just a continuity error because zahn hadn’t thought this far ahead yet…
BUT let’s pretend it’s not. do we think they actually tell graduate sky-walkers their birth planets (or make them up 👀)? also lesser evil implied thalias trained on ool but doesn’t remember it, so could naparor just be the general facility for sky-walkers and they’re all told they trained there?
also side note, i’m assuming the patriarchs have at least some say in the trails. the patriarchs also all know about fading. why the hell would thooraki approve a test that involves remembering where you’ve been for someone who literally is unable to do so?
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 6 months
Happy #MarchrakiMonday !
Context: Thrawn was badly hurt during the extermination, especially after Alastor was defeated. Just as he was about to lose his soul… his parents will never allow it. Marchraki AU mix with this :3
Art here:
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
so i reached the last thrass chapter a few days ago and...it's still inconclusive, i'm probably going to go back and listen to every one of those chapters at once when i'm done with this novel.
but there's really something about his last moments. his last thoughts were of thrawn, were wishing warrior's fortune on his future. if he had known what was in store for thrawn...it's for the best that he didn't.
it fills me with some kind of melancholy, and every time i think about it i think, "wouldn't it be nice if that never happened? if i never died there, if i became the patriarch of the family when thooraki passed, if i had been able to protect thrawn and in turn, the ascendancy," so a) haha oh no "i" statements! and b) in this case...the wishful thinking feels just like wishful thinking. thrass died in the chaos with only one human woman as his companion to the beyond. no one ever found out what really happened to them. no one ever knew of the chiss syndic who gave his life to protect others.
and it's not glory or recognition that i'm mourning. it's that thrawn and my mother, the people closest to me, would never know what happened. did thrawn always hope i'd make my way back to him? it kills me. even more than i already died, lol.
anyways. still figuring it out. but referring to him in the third person is unhelpfully easy 😭
- ❤️ maybe mitth'ras'safis
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reythemandalor · 3 years
so i was dwelling on @draculard 's Thrawn fanfic 'Underground' and thinking about how Thrass plays into the story and I was listening to All You Wanna Do from Six the Musical and my brain started thinking and then
With Thooraki, it isn't easy His temper's short, and his mates are sleazy Except for this one syndic He's a really nice guy, just so sincere The Mitth life isn't what I planned But Thrass is there to lend a helping hand So sweet, makes sure that I'm okay And we hang out loads when the Patriarch's away
This guy finally Is what I want, the friend I need Just mates, no chemistry I get him and he gets me
And there's nothing more to it He just cares so much, he's devoted He says we have a connection
I thought this time was different Why did I think he'd be different? But it's never, ever different
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
A thought: Emperor Thrawn.
During Treason there is a scene where I believe it is Ar'alani is questioning Thrawn's loyalty and makes a comment about him taking over the Empire in Palpatine's stead.
Then in the Acendancy books, Patriarch Thooraki makes a comment about Thrawn being meant to lead something greater, maybe even the Acendancy.
This is all from memory so I'm probably wrong on the exact quotes, but it would scream worthy if Thrawn was the Emperor. I know logically, he would never because of his aversion to politics, but still...he would be so powerful.
I'm going to make a collage of all of the references that I can find.
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lilac-vode · 3 years
okay so since chapter 18 of chaos rising is still fresh on my mind, it and the LE excerpt have been kind of just cooking together like a big old crockpot full of ascendancy stuff. anyway, i have some thoughts that i would love to hear your thoughts on:
do you think thrass ever got to meet patriarch thooraki? thrass says the thing he likes about welcoming new adoptives is trying to see what the patriarch’s office or the patriarch himself see in each adoptee. it just makes me curious if they ever got to have a chat like he did with thalias!
i don’t think the spike things on thalias’s walk up the mountain were ever really explained beyond they might represent a family member, what do you think they are? i’m thinking maybe each spike is a patriarch or syndic in the family and then the spikes that surround them are people they brought into the family (either blood children or adoptees). and maybe each person gets to design their spike? when reading yesterday i tried to see if they mention anything about the 12th spike along the way or any other hint about the twelfth patriarch but there’s not really anything that’s given to us in that aspect 😅
oogh i would LOVE to see interactions between thrass and thooraki!! i feel like since they’re two of the only politically-minded mitth who really like thrawn, their conversations would be really good 🥺 they probably meet up to have coffee and discuss thrawn’s latest escapades. okay that’s wishful thinking but also i choose to believe it’s true. also i really hope thrass told thrawn some of the nice things that thooraki had to say about him because he deserves to know!!! thooraki was so sweet i miss him
and about the spikes! YESSS that sounds very likely, that’s what i was thinking as well with the surrounding spikes. i think it would be cool if each person gets to design their spike, or maybe if it’s carved with a design representing one of the things they did during their lifetime. i think the spikes are a really neat idea and it would be fun to take a more detailed walk through that path 🥺 additionally, it would be interesting to see if there were any cases where spikes were removed later lol. like “we no longer speak of this person” kind of thing. chiss are so dramatic i could see this happening easily
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