#patrick senecal
heroslitteraires · 2 years
Un simple examen qui change tout…
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Patrick Senécal.
Résonances. 340 pages.
Éditions Alire.
Pour certaines personnes, passer une IRM s’avère une expérience angoissante. C’est ce que découvre Théodore Moisan, un écrivain de cinquante et un ans au succès modeste, pour qui ce simple examen médical se transforme, à son grand étonnement, en une épreuve terrifiante. Heureusement, le tout ne dure qu’une quarantaine de minutes et il se dit que cela n’a été qu’un mauvais moment à passer. Or, à la suite de l’examen, Théodore oublie certains trucs, comme son dîner avec sa fille Camille, ou le lancement littéraire de sa collègue Gerda, et même des événements de son passé… Et quelque chose cloche autour de lui : les gens agissent bizarrement, il assiste à une agression violente dans la ruelle si tranquille de son quartier, il croise un policier qui semble douter de son témoignage, sa femme elle-même, Julia, lui paraît différente, détachée… L’examen médical de Théodore a peut-être causé ses pertes de mémoire, mais comment peut-il avoir un impact sur les gens autour de lui? D’ailleurs, est-ce les gens qui ont changé… ou lui-même? Que s’est-il donc passé durant cette IRM?
Mon avis :
Encore un roman que Patrick Senécal réussi à me faire lire d’une traite. C’est littéralement un « page turner », difficile d’y sortir quand le roman est commencé. Je l’ai trouvé un peu différent des autres. Cependant, il y a de l’horreur et la psychologie des personnages est très intéressante. Le roman débute par un simple examen, une IRM, mais durant la lecture, Théodore, le personnage principal, sera devant des événements bizarres, parfois incompréhensibles. Durant la lecture, il y a des clins d’œil de d’autres romans de l’auteur, j’adore ces petits passages. Comme toujours, j’ai vraiment apprécié cette lecture avec une fin particulière.
Avez-vous réussi à lire ce roman?
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ladysstardust · 9 months
Know any fiction books set in Canada? I have at least once for every state in the US. But I don't know if I have any Canadian books. Thinking about one for every Providence.
An obvious one would be Anne of Green Gables for PEI
A friend keeps recommending me books from Patrick Senecal. They're horror novels set in Montreal. Theres this book i remember reading in highschool a mystery set in late 1800s in the north. If I find the title i'll let you know. My reading list tends to gear towards genre fiction. Can't really think of any explictly set in Canada.
This was an interesting ask to answer anon, I wish you luck on your list!
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mhraymond · 3 years
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Avec «Flots», Patrick Senécal replonge habilement ses fidèles lecteurs dans l’horreur et la cruauté, mais cette fois à travers les mots d’une fillette…
Florence, 8 ans, vit dans une famille dysfonctionnelle: son père est complotiste, paranoïaque et violent, sa mère est quelque peu alcoolique et obsédée par les films d’horreur. Pour raconter ce qui se passe à la maison, mais surtout pour comprendre ses émotions, elle écrit son journal intime. Dans les pages de ses petits cahiers fleuris sont consignées des atrocités sans nom. On sera à la fois dégoûté, inquiet, surpris et perplexe.
Évidemment, c’est une lecture difficile en temps de confinement, d’autant plus que l’histoire se passe au tout début de la pandémie... Mais si vous aimez le genre, vous serez assurément servis! Les fans vont certainement apprécier et ils seront les seuls à comprendre la (vraie) chute de l’intrigue…
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laequiem · 3 years
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Spooky season spooky season spooky season 😈🔪
Maudit que ça se lit bien un livre de Senécal. Tsé quand tu te tapes 200 pages en une journée... 🥴
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Patrick Sénécal shits 🖕
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flashbic · 5 years
Finding lots of cool books in french! Hell yeah horror short story collection written by women!!!
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niseamstories · 3 years
A pleasant day to you. I'm sure you are asked this question before, but what are the things (that you are aware of) that inspired you to write Enderal/Dreams of the Dying? Also, are there any books, especially but not exclusively in the field of philosophy and psychology, that you would recommend for someone that enjoys your writing (or it could just be your favorites)? Thank you very much. I wish you calm seas and fair winds in your book publication.
Probably too late to answer this, but here goes.
It’s hard for me to pinpoint what exactly inspired me to write either. For Enderal, I’d definitely say a lot of weltschmerz and frustration over how so many people think themselves immune to any sort of weakness or unvirtuous behavior when, in my opinion, we all should try and be extremely aware of our weaknesses and demons. For Dreams, a lot stems from my personal experience with mental health problems and even a dissociative experience I had as a teenager. As for your last question, I believe everybody should Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, though that’s probably not the kind of book you mean. Fiction-wise, I greatly enjoyed all books by Patrick Senecal (and there’s some overlap with the themes I usually cover), but they are French only at the moment. I’ll think some more - thank you for your question!
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deadlygoddess85 · 4 years
More about me!
Say this somewhere and I thought I’d tell you more about me! 
1. Name: Joanie
2. Nationality: French Canadian
3. Age: 35
4. Birthday: October 20th
5. Zodiac sign: Libra
6. Gender: Woman
7. Sexuality: I don’t define myself by any word describing sexuality. 
8. Your looks: Meh...it’s my look, I don’t care if you like it or not. 
9. What do you: I’m an assistant director of a company
10. What's your current job like? It’s ok, I guess. Very challenging! 
11. Your birth order: Youngest
12. How many siblings do you have? 1, but my brother is unfortunately deceased
13. Do you have good relations with your family? Yes
14. How many friends do you have? a few
15. Your relationship status: Married
16. What do you look for in a SO? Someone who will pull-up with my shit :p (and I found him soooo...)
17. Do you have a crush? yes
18. When did you have your first kiss? I was 17
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? Serious and meaningful...
20. What are your deal breakers? Douche who can’t respect their s/o, bad hygiene, someone who can’t get along with my family.  
21. How was your day? Meh...pretty quiet. 
22. Favourite food & drink: home cooked food, water, soda.
23. What position do you sleep in? on my left side most of the time.
24. What was your last dream about? Ateez :p
25. Your fears: The dark 
26. Your dreams: Right now? It would be for Covid to be done, so I could go visit my friends. 
27. Your goals: To be happy!!!
28. Any pets? A cat, Lilo!
29. What are your hobbies? Gaming, writing, DnD, baking, cooking, listening music.
30. Any cool places in your area? Yes! We have “Les Passerelles” but they are unfortunately closed right now because of Covid. We have the pier, the whole downtown area. 
31. What was your last awkward situation? I tried to quite a job I don’t really like, but the manager didn’t want me to leave....like, dude, let me go!
32. What is your last regret? It all involve my past...
33. Language/s you can speak: English, French and a bit of Spanish, Oh and I knew a few Korean words :P...
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? Kinda
35. Have any quirks? A LOT!!!
36. Your pet peeves: I’m stubborn..like A LOT!!!
37. Ideal vacation: Anywhere as long as i’m with goo people
38. Any scars? No
39. What does your last text message say? Ok thanks - From my dad
40. Last 5 things from your search history: Rage of Light / Eleine / Tumblr / YouTube / Spotify
41. What's your [device] background? Not sure I understand this question...
42. What do you daydream about? Everything...I’m an hopeless romantic and I daydream all the time. 
43. Describe your dream home: Doesn’t need to be big, but I’d have an amazing gaming room ;) 
44. What's your religion: I don’t have any religion. I believe in a power greater than man, life is mysterious. 
45. Your personality type: Funny, friendly, easy going. 
46. The most dangerous thing you've done: Staying with a violent alcoholic for 7 years
47. Are you happy with your current life? Mostly...
48. Some things you've tried in your life: ??? This is a very vague question, I’ve tried many things...what do you want to know specifically? 
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? Skinny jeans, shirts, combat boots. 
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, purple, red.
51. How would you describe your style? tomboy-ish
52. Are you happy with your current looks? Yes!
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? Getting a sexier body.
54. Any tattoos or piercings? 16 tattoos, 0 piercing 
55. Do you get complimented often? Not really.
56. Favourite aesthetic? Anything grungy, gothic type etc..
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Ugh...I don’t want to start on that!
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? Reason to believe - Arch enemy / All shall burn - Eleine / Middle of the night - Monsta X. 
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like: My oh my - Aqua
60. Favourite genre? Everything, really!!! 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? Ateez
62. Hated popular songs/artists? WAP - Cardi B
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5: That’s what’s working right now - Trent Tomlingson / We know the way - Opetaia Foa’i /  Try - Pink / Say you’ll be there - Spice Girls / PAPI - Isabela Merced.
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? I can sing!!! 
65. Do you like karaoke? Yes
66. Own any albums? Yes Ateez albums
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? Yes - NRJ 102.3
68. Favorite movie/series? Along with the gods: The two worlds. / Lucifer 
69. Favorite genre of movies/books/etc: I don’t have any favorite. 
70. Your fictional crush/es:  Park Sae-royi - Itaewon class
71. Which fictional character is you? Robin Schabowski - How I met your mother...(I think...)
72. Are you a shipper? Meh
73. Favorite greek god(dess)? Aphrodite
74. A legend from where you live that you like: The legend of “La Chasse Galerie”
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? Yes and idk
76. Can you share your other social media? NO
77. Favourite youtubers? Markiplier / Tingting ASMR /  Dancing Bacon
78. Favourite platform? Twitter / Youtube
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? Too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? Borderlands series - Skyrim - Fallout series - Sniper Elite 4 - Rainbow six series - Call of Duty Black Op - Minecraft - Red dead redemption - Assassin’s creed  series - Resident Evil 5 and 6 - etc....
81. Your favourite books: Alyss from Patrick Senecal / Queen of the Damned - Anne Rice
82. Do you play board/card games? Yes I LOVE to play with friends and family. 
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? No
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween and Christmas
85. Are you into dramas? YES!!!!
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? YES
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? I’d stop racism, bullying and open minds. 
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? HA! I don’t know, I want to believe that yes I could, but...I doubt.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? Depends of the power that would come with the being (cause it changes depending on the culture) But a vampire would be my first choice. 
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? Be in peace and being able to see the loved one I lost at least one more time. 
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?  I love my name I don’t want to change it. 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? No one! other people’s life can look fun and interesting from outside, but sometimes with can be very surprised. So, I want to keep my life. 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: NO! Never....
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true: I know all the lyrics of We will rock you - Queen / I’ve been threaten to death three times in my life / I had a car accident last year
95. Cold or hot? Neither...I like a perfect temperature 
96. Be a hero or be a villain? OH! Be a villain who turns to be a hero.
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? Both
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? Shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death? Immune
100. Hope you enjoyed this list, if you have any question, don’t be afraid to ask ;) 
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your-highnessmarvel · 6 years
Study break tag
Study Break! Tag!
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @loki-god-of-my-life
Relationship Status: single asf
Favorite Color: Dark green
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick
Three Favorite Foods: Spaghetti lmaaoooooo probably mashed potatoes and then Shishtaouk which is like fucking delicious
Last Song You Listened To: Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Last Movie You Watched: Braveheart PFFF HAHAHAHAAHHA
Top 3 TV Shows: Game of Thrones, Mind Hunter, and currently watching vampire diaries
Top 3 Favorite artist: ok so basically any 70s or 80s rock band???? Ed Sheeran and Tom Hiddleston even tho he’s not an artists but he is art sooooo
Top 3 Bands: fuckin hell this is hard for me... GunsnRoses, MGK, and ummmm fuck it let’s go with Of Mice and Men
Books You Are Currently Reading: It’s a french Quebec author called Patrick Senecal and I’m reading one of his newest masterpieces called “Il y aura des morts”
Tagging ten: @fluasch @papi-chulo-bucky @caplansteverogers @anaboo96 @hellomissmabel @sserpente @ironmanlover24 @one-loki-fanfic @spiritstouch @emegeek
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tagged by @wanderonawhisp
Name: Marie-Eve
Nickname: Mer (How I like to be called here) and Dae (Gaming nickname)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Time right now: 8:20 am
Average hours of sleep: since I started taking my meds, 8

Lucky number: 3

Last thing I googled: stifle

Favorite book: R.A Salvatore’s The Demonwars Saga. Various books by Elaine Cunningham’s. Paul Eluard’s  Capitale de la douleur. Patrick Senecal’s Le Vide, Brave New World... Do you really want me to go on? Like I read a lot and I love books =\ 
Favorite band/artist: Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Hanson, Muse, Hyosung... B) I love way too much music but those are definitely my favourites
Song stuck in my head: Thunder’s Sign
Last movie I watched: Interstellar. It’s been my favourite movie since I watched it the first time and I don’t get tired rewatching it.
Dream trip: Photography trip around Asian countries (Viet-name, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Korean, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia)

Currently wearing: grey & black striped tunic and black with pink stars boxers. Can’t be bothered to get dressed although I really should.
When did you created your blog: This month is this blog’s 3 years anniversary. 

What you post about: Hyosung, my personal life, funny shit, lots of TV shows I love and watch, social issues I have at heart and just whatever I feel like posting.
Do you have other blogs: I currently have a side blog where I’m writing a fanfiction with a friend. I’ve had blogs/websites since I was 13 years old.
When your blog reached its peak: Lol!! you’re a funny one,
Tags: @alittlebitridiculous @eyelinervstheworld @seirines @sisblaq 
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heroslitteraires · 5 years
Histoires sombres.
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Recueil de plusieurs auteurs.
Montréal noir. 194 pages.
Les 400 coups.
Une unité de lieu: Montréal... mais noir. Patrick Senécal raconte une course contre la montre, empreinte de vengeance et de culpabilité, dans les rues du centre-ville à l'heure de pointe. Marie-Claire Blais dévoile la destinée sombre de Xuan, par une nuit chaude et étouffante sur la rue Sainte-Catherine. François Barcelo dépeint une métropole enneigée, à travers une recherche macabre du lieu idéal pour se débarrasser d'un cadavre. André Truand imagine les tourments d'une jeune âme parcourant la ville d'est en ouest, en revenant sur le drame qui a mené à sa mort. Chrystine Brouillet plonge au cœur d'une enquête impliquant un chauffeur de taxi montréalais, un bébé abandonné et un junkie mort dans d'étranges circonstances. Gilles Pellerin fait chanter les vieilles pierres dans l'appartement lugubre d'un archéologue raté qui se venge sur un stagiaire de Pointe-à Callière. André Marois place trois personnages - un taxidermiste, un propriétaire de salon funéraire et un préposé à la morgue de Montréal - devant un grave dilemme impliquant un cadavre. Inquiétants, angoissants, parfois drôles, les auteurs nous transportent dans les rues les plus sombres de la ville. Et Montréal noir ne fait pas de quartier...
Mon avis:
J'ai adoré ce recueil de plusieurs écrivains! Certains m'étaient moins connus ou que je n'avais lu. Donc ainsi j'ai pu découvrir certains talents. Tous se passent dans la grande métropole, dans certaines histoires, on a l'impression de faire le tour de la ville en lisant leurs pages. J'ai été attiré par ce roman, par le fait qu'il se passe à Montréal et par deux auteurs que j'aime lire depuis des années, Patrick Senécal et Chrystine Brouillet. Par le fait même, j'ai découvert d'autres auteurs et j'ai autant aimé leur plume.
Connaissez-vous ce roman?
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mhraymond · 3 years
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J’ai lu le roman «Aliss» de Patrick Senécal à sa sortie en 2000. Cette version contemporaine (et, on va se le dire, assez hard) d’Alice au pays des merveilles m’avait beaucoup marquée 😱J’avais 20 ans à l’époque et je me retrouvais un peu dans le personnage principal qui se cherche, qui tente des expériences pour apprendre à mieux se connaître. J’étais donc très curieuse de découvrir la BD 20 ans plus tard! L’adaptation est réussie, les dessins sont très beaux et les personnages, tous plus sombres et inquiétants les uns que les autres, sont parfaitement dépeints. Ceci dit, nul besoin d’avoir lu le roman pour apprécier la BD. Attention par contre, âmes sensibles s’abstenir 😳 En effet, le livre n’est pas emballé avec un petit mot d’avertissement pour rien 😉 C’est TRÈS graphique. Les images que je m’étais inventées à l’époque n’allaient pas aussi loin il me semble 😂 Un plongeon dans le fantastique et le côté sombre de l’humain... 😈
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kmclaude · 7 years
Hey, I've seen that you get a lot of negative backlash for your art (shit along the lines of "kmclaude is evil uwu") but lemme tell you a story about Patrick Senecal. He's a really prolific and popular author here in Quebec and BOY are his novels fucked up. My personal favourite, for example, is an extremely gory and explicit parody of Alice in Wonderland (the title is Aliss if you wanna look it up) and people don't think he's a psychopath because of that. So yeah, keep writing and fuck haters!
Ah, I’ll have to check him out (though my french is very poor so I don’t think I’ll get to read Aliss)! Looks like he started publishing in the 90s -- a good time, it seems, to be plunging into the world with stuff that might make the Marquis de Sade blush. 
That said, you know, there’s a few differences between Senecal and I: he’s published published (with like a publisher and probably an agent or somebody to be like “here’s how to manage yourself PR-wise not like an idiot”) whereas I’m self published published (which isn’t a bad thing per se -- gives me a number of freedoms -- but there ain’t the clout); additionally, I am in fandom spaces and my works and my social media presence are readily available in English spaces while Senecal’s work and presence is in Francophone spaces which...language barrier’s gonna cut off a lot of the Pisscourse™ in an instant. And, not to make any assumptions of him because I do not know anything of his personal or sexual life besides that he’s married with kids, but I do know that I am openly queer -- I’m ace, I’m trans, and the cherry on top is I’m kink-positive if not outright kinky (can you be kinky without being sexual?) -- which, y’know, easy target.
That said, man, I dig the design of his book covers like Aliss, Les Sept Jours du talion, Sur le seuil, et 5150 like I’m a fan of the almost Japonesque name card and then painted illustrations (reminds me of what one of my clients, a boutique publisher, asks me to do for the books he puts out.) 
I wish my French was better so I could read his stuff.
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westernmanews · 5 years
HOLYOKE — Tom Senecal, president and CEO of PeoplesBank, announced four appointments: Amy Roberts to senior vice president and chief Human Resources officer, Steven Gardner to assistant vice president and East Longmeadow Banking Center manager, Jacquelyn Guzie to assistant vice president and regional manager for First Suffield Bank (a division of PeoplesBank), and Nicole Stevenson to West Springfield Banking Center manager.
Roberts oversees all human-resources and employee-engagement activities for 325 employees spread over 21 banking centers and three additional locations under development in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She leads a team that is responsible for talent recruitment and development, HR compliance, benefits, employee relations, compensation management, and HR-related associate communication. She has extensive experience in leadership development and coaching, change management, performance improvement, organizational learning and development, and employee engagement, as well as more than 20 years of experience serving in leadership positions in human resources.
“We were lucky to attract a person with Amy’s experience to our executive leadership team,” Senecal said. “With her previous experience at a large retail organization that has an employee base similar to ours, we know that Amy is the right person to build our team of associates to serve our current needs as well as future aspirations.”
Roberts holds a master’s degree in human resource development from American International College and a bachelor’s degree in communications from Bridgewater State University. She has also earned certificates in leadership development and succession planning, talent development and retention, and human capital management principles from the Human Capital Institute.
Roberts’ volunteer service includes serving as a board member for the Center for Human Development, the United Way of Hampshire County, Leadership Pioneer Valley, and the STCC Foundation, as well as serving as an advisory board member for Big Brothers Big Sisters and a Read Aloud volunteer for Link to Libraries.
In his new position, Gardner oversees and manages all aspects of a full-service banking center, including staffing, sales, lending, operations, business development, and community relations. He has 18 years of financial-services and banking experience.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from Westfield State University and an associate degree in retail management from Holyoke Community College. He serves as vice president of the East Longmeadow Rotary Club, is a member of the ERC5 and West of the River chambers of commerce, and is a volunteer for Revitalize CDC and Junior Achievement.
In her new position, Guzie is responsible for assisting in the growth of relationships for the Connecticut region. She has 20 years of banking experience.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an associate degree in business administration from the New England College of Business and Finance. She has served as treasurer of Suffield Chamber of Commerce and president of Suffield Rotary Club, is a member of the Asnuntuck Community College Foundation, and has volunteered for Suffield on the Green, the Suffield Business Showcase, and the Suffield Volunteer Ambulance Assoc.
In her new position, Stevenson oversees and manages all aspects of the West Springfield banking center, including staffing, sales, operations, business development, and community relations. She will also ensure that the banking center exceeds service and sales goals, provides excellent customer service, operates according to all bank policies and procedures, and serves as a leader within the community. She has 10 years of banking experience.
She holds an associate degree in business administration and management from Holyoke Community College. Her volunteer service includes serving as a committee member for the West Springfield St Patrick’s Day, Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade, and the Agawam St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. She also served as booth chair for Credit for Life Springfield and is a Big Sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampden County, second vice president of the Safe Deposit Group of Western Mass., financial group volunteer for Rays of Hope, and a volunteer for Rebuilding Together. She is a member of the finance group for JDRF, the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England, and the Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield.
The post PeoplesBank Announces Four Appointments appeared first on BusinessWest.
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niseamstories · 5 years
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I’ve been thinking about the kind of content I’d like to share here other than my novel and figured this would be a good way to start: Inspiration. There are so many terrific books, songs and movies out there that aren’t well known but have been incredible sources of inspiration. Maybe they can do the same for you. :) 
First up: Patrick Senecal. Senecal is a hugely popular writer in Quebec, but just there. Only a couple of his books have been translated into English, and unfortunately, the translations I found weren’t as good as the originals.
Still: Pick up one of his books (even the English ones are worth it) if you want to be blown away. He mostly writes Horror/Mystery but everything is very character-centric, and some of his works are exceptionally creative. Aliss, for example, is a re-envisioning of “Alice in Wonderland,” where a young woman from the French countryside ends up in an alternate-reality version of Montreal. 
Warning: He doesn’t shy away from risque subjects, so I guess some people might find his work offensive one way or another.
Did any of you read his work? If yes, how did you like it?
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