#payday 2 jiro
velathetanager · 2 years
Player AU Lore: Kay’s thoughts on the heisters
Houston: Loves him. He’s her vessel and... maybe not friends, but they certainly get along, and he can get her to use her “power” to do all sorts of things.
Chains: Thinks he’s alright. As long as he doesn’t treat Hous badly, she’ll leave him alone.
Wolf: Thinks he’s crazy. Is honestly scared of him and hopes for his kids’ sake that he doesn’t get to see them, but doesn’t outright hate him.
Hoxton: Hates him for being a dick to Houston. Houston doesn’t want the two to talk because of how vicious she would be to him. She would put him back in his prison outfit if Hous would let her.
Dallas: Do not get her started. She does not think highly of him because of how he lets Hoxton treat Houston (his brother), and Houston doesn’t let them talk much, either.
John Wick: Wants to mod a heist where a bunch of his enemies try to kill him because an escort mission for literal John Wick would be fun.
Clover: Is aware of Houston’s crush on her and keeps putting him in situations where the two interact hoping that he’ll confess. Thinks they’d be adorable together.
Dragan: Not much of an opinion. She does love his pager line, though.
Jacket: Thinks he’s creepy. Would very much like it if he stayed away from Houston, and to this end she’s working on a coding modification to him that makes him unable to get within 6 feet of him.
Bonnie: Thinks she’s cool. Would like to add stuff to the gambling room, but won’t push her luck for now. Most of the Gang is scared enough of her as it is.
Sokol: Thinks he’s funny. Mimics his accent a lot, and she’s worryingly good at it. Hous likes him, so he’s safe, and she sometimes gives him stuff.
Jiro: Doesn’t understand a word he says, but she does say the katana is cool.
Bodhi: Thinks he’s fun and is making a custom-heist so he can get his adrenaline fix.
Jimmy: He found out about her once, but she dropped a flour sack full of coke in front of him, and he got a bit too... invested in it, resulting in him forgetting. She sometimes feels bad for that.
Sydney: Thinks she’s a weirdo, but she doesn’t start anything with Houston, so she’s safe.
Rust: Dislikes him somewhat. One, he sold out his old group (so she doesn’t want him around Hous). Two, he keeps stealing Houston’s wrench. She’s got a surprise for him next time he touches said wrench.
Scarface: She doesn’t care for him, but she doesn’t hate him. Generally ambivalent. Sometimes she jokes that his name should go to Hoxton, though.
Sangres: She wishes he had more content/info about him.
Duke: She likes him and all, but she’d love to make a mod where the more times you use the Flask, the more distorted your vision gets (because drunk). She is aware that this would negatively impact him.
Joy: Finds a kindred spirit in her because of their shared computer knowledge and gaming hobby. If Kay didn’t control Hous, she’d control Joy.
Bain: She knows she makes him nervous, but she makes it clear that if she wanted to kill him, she has his model and all manner of painful deaths she could inflict on him.
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neomineom · 9 months
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I was @sanity-jester's Secret Santa in 2023! ^^; yeah I'm late this year too, sorry! Happy New Year!
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added some headcanon about that Jiro's little guy:
1. Jiro refuses to name it because he doesn't want to get attached to it, anyhow he's the one who takes care of the little animal.
2. the little guy gets named 'Turtle' after all, someone in the safehouse insists it's a tortoise but the only response about this is 'shut up Houston'
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bainofjustice · 2 months
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It is my mission to break the hearts of the Payday Fandom in the same sorts of ways that Arcane did for LOL fans.
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slavagotchiz · 1 year
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littleman3453 · 7 months
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doodle part 2 :3
my teacher said she wanted me to draw jiro so !!
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what-yadoking-likes · 9 months
The Payday gang need the slightest whisper of an excuse to throw a party these days. How could they not? They had more money than any of them could reasonably burn through in several lifetimes, let alone the one they actually had - so throwing lavish parties for themselves and their CrimeNet associates was a no-brainer.
The countdown to midnight began. Jiro, Joy and Gao Fong dutifully raised their glasses, more observers than real participants - their new year would come later according to the lunar cycle, and was always more enjoyable anyway. Wolf and Hoxton clung to each other, eyes carefully watching the seconds tick down so they could kiss at exactly midnight. Sokol, Duke, Jimmy and Bonnie had pint glasses filled with - something - that they planned to down as soon as the clock struck midnight, with a fierce bet between them on who would down their drink fastest (they had roped Aldstone into being the timekeeper for this dubious event).
Nobody expected it to be Vlad that caused the most chaos. As soon as the clock struck twelve - and a chorus of Happy New Year went up from the TV and the heisters who weren't lip-locked or drinking furiously - there was a fierce gasp and strain of Ukrainian swears from Vlad.
The contractor hurried across the Safehouse to where Locke was standing, sipping champagne from a delicate flute. He grabbed the mercenary's face in both hands, and pulled him down for a kiss. Locke mmmph'd and struggled and spluttered until Vlad ended it, pulling back with an exaggerated "MWAH!" that had the Safehouse falling into expectant, surprised silence.
Locke was beet red, blinking as if to check whether that had really happened. Vlad was smiling broadly, teeth on show as he slung an arm around Locke's shoulders.
"Happy New Year, everyone!"
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manekinoodle · 1 year
unexpected payday friendships to explore (2/?)
jiro and jimmy.
actually there's a lot of possible friendships for jiro i think work really well but we don't see a lot of him in anything unfortunately. so i picked jimmy for this one!
i like to think of jiro as someone who will calmly do the weirdest shit, or at least is happy to enable it. even with the weight of kento hanging above him, it doesn't mean he'd just be sad all the time you know. the payday gang is different to the yakuza in that (i think) everyone would genuinely support one another as relative equals. because everyone is valuable they need that camaraderie. jiro isn't immune to that.
jimmy and jiro are hanging out near each other in the safehouse which means something i think. maybe jiro has taken jimmy under his wing, making sure he's ok and hasn't fainted in the bathtub. but also telling him about weird and fun shit he can do and sitting back and watching the chaos.
jimmy is a smart dude, and probably has a hunger for knowledge of all kinds. jiro would be happy to teach him everything from taiko drumming to gunpla. i see dallas telling jiro off about jimmy doing something and jiro just sitting like -_- because yeah that is his fault and no he does not regret a thing.
jimmy also needs a few stable friends i think. just to keep himself sane and happy. jiro is a very good contender. jiro needs a chaotic influence to keep him from getting too stuck in his own thoughts. and i think jimmy works well for this.
also jimmy is one of the few people who can give jiro a run for his money in shogi.
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The Golden Tempest (925 words) by TheAncientDB Chapters: 1/? Fandom: PAYDAY (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: We got - Relationship, Jacket (Hotline Miami)/Sokol (Payday), Hoxton | James "Jim" Hoxworth/Wolf, Duke/Jimmy (Payday), Joy/Pearl (Payday), We got quite a few but I will add more if I come up with more
Characters: Bain (Payday), Joy (Payday), Pearl (Payday), Dallas (Payday), houston (payday), Houston | Hoxton, Hoxton | James "Jim" Hoxworth, Wolf (Payday), Sokol (Payday), Shade (Payday), Jimmy (Payday), Duke (Payday), Sangres (Payday), Jiro (Payday), Sydney | Kelli King (Payday), Chains (Payday), Hoxton (Payday), I think there are more but I can't think of any off the top of my head I'm sorry
Additional Tags: We really got a lot ships here, BUT NO RAUNCHY STUFF, Drunk Kissing, cause' their pirates you know, but like, NO SEX! ABSOLUTELY NOT!, Pirates, THEY ARE PIRATES EVERYONE
Summary: Ever wondered "Hey, what if the infamous Payday gang were period appropriate pirates?" WELL HERE YOU GO! This work will be pretty long, but I will update tags, the summary, and other things as I develop the story more and more! Also Bain is alive, I'm mixing Payday 2 and Payday 3 together, so Shade is there too!
YOU ASKED FOR IT! YOU GOT IT! PAYDAY PIRATES ARE HERE!! Halfway done with the 2nd chapter too! The first one is from the perspective of The World's United Navy, made specifically to hold the crew of The Bain of the Seas from getting the most precious treasures of all. Please enjoy!
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Minor payday 2 secret ending spoilers. So Jiro and Sangrés are so gay, right? Like what the fuck could possibly have been going through Sangrés' mind other than "I'm gonna fuck this yakuza dilf six ways to sunday" when he volunteered to accompany him on his super personal revenge mission against the Yakuza? And why did Jiro let him tag along if it was a super personal revenge mission? They 👏 are 👏 kissing 👏. Why does nobody talk about this? Did they get married in secret without the gang knowing and this is their honeymoon? Who proposed? I am screaming and crying Overkill, you can't just make a gayass plot point like that and just leave me in the dark.
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hoxooster · 2 years
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More memes, more captions! (I have a few extra kicking around that wouldn’t fit on this post. Once I make a few more, I’ll post those as well. :3)
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totallyseiso · 1 year
I love how Jiro in Payday 2 never learned to speak english. There's a mute in the team who can communicate with the crew better than Jiro.
I'm going to bring him into all of my solo heists while keeping the other 2 AI characters random, and headcanon that the reason he is in every heist is because no one can tell him not to go.
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So I finally entered the Payday 2 Secret Santa event this year and I got @Sanity_T_V on Twitter, who requested Jiro!
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e3khatena · 11 months
thank you for the answer about OTWD :) i have a better question though: why on earth was raid world war ii getting updates all the way to this september? i thought maybe they were training ppl on the diesel engine, but that makes no sense considering theyre on UE now.
This one's a lot simpler and doesn't need a read more: Raid WW2's newest updates are entirely self-funded and without any specific oversight from Starbreeze. It's pretty much LGL co-founder + Raid WW2 director Ilija Petrusic and a handful of community contributors working on new patches to bring the game in-line with LGL's original idea for the title and differentiate it from the game it very obviously is using the codebase of. In 2021, Ilija even uploaded a demo level that was built in Payday 2, demonstrating their initial concept of a semi-open world. These concepts were the reason for things like the dismemberment Jiro and Bodhi can do (as a small test of a wider dismemberment system seen in the footage) as well as Meltdown and Goat Simulator (large map traversed via vehicle).
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what-yadoking-likes · 10 months
Random MasterGuide AU, Part 6
[Link to Part 5 Here]
"Sir!" Kento acknowledged his superior with brisk efficiency.
Dallas wasn't heeding The Dentist's obvious triumph, and the hopelessness of the situation. As much as Bain silently willed the man to keep his goddamn mouth shut, the mastermind refused to do so.
"Jiro's been looking for you-"
"Bain and the Payday gang leader known as Dallas will be released shortly. You will be escorted onto a plane-"
"Your Dad Jiro, you know?"
Kento continued as there were no interruption at all, speaking clearly and unhurriedly.
"-where you will both be flown to your desired locations-"
"Dallas-" Bain hissed.
"-once we have secured the leverage we require." Kento's face remained perfectly stoic as he spoke, totally unaffected by Dallas' interjections and attempts to - what, exactly? Annoy Kento into beating them? Bain knew better than most not to piss off Kento, knew what lay behind that neutral visage. Kento was cruel in his precision, executing orders to hurt and maim without a moment's hesitation.
"As we know your secrets, so too have you learned some of ours." Dallas glanced at Bain.
"If you keep our secrets, we will keep yours." Kento raised a hand, placing it atop the camera.
"We will provide face coverings for Bain. Dallas shows his face. His body, too."
Bain blanched. He physically recoiled. He thought he heard a sharp intake of breath - and fought not to watch how The Dentist's grin grew bigger as Kento's words sunk in.
"What's wrong, Mr Steele?" The Dentist crowed, taking a step closer to the mastermind - Dallas immediately stepped away from him, finally level with Bain's side.
Kento continued. "We record Dallas cumming. The method doesn't matter - but his face remains visible at all times. This ensures your cooperation in keeping our secrets, and in turn we shall keep yours." His features sharpened, like a hawk spying its prey. "Failure to keep our secrets results in the footage being leaked, along with your name and last known location... Nathan."
Bain's eye shot to Dallas's face. Gone was the arrogant blustering of before, his talking back. Behind the bruising and blood the man had paled. All the insults he'd wanted to hurl at them had died - his stunned lips had flown wide apart.
"You're sick," he whispered. "You're a sick fucking bastard."
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manekinoodle · 2 years
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various payday doodles
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starr-finn · 1 year
Payday 2 high school AU!
I did not make this on my own, so thank you to everyone that started this, I just put this here so you guys can see what we have worked on together! I'm so happy to have made these with the amazing people in our discord server, I'm sorry I don't have your @s rn, let me know if you want me to update this with your blogs
ALSO! this does include OCs! anyone that doesn't sound familiar is most likely an OC
Payday 2 high school AU, Real names, ages and grades
Joy, Joy locke, 15, Sophomore, computer based clubs
Houston, Derek Steele, 15, Freshman, Technical club
Dallas, Nathan Steele, 18, Senior, student council
Bain, Brendan Leach, 19, Senior, computer based clubs
Jacket is just jacket, 17, Junior, cooking club, OR theater kid
Bodhi is probably just Bodhi, 17, Junior
Hoxton, 16, Sophomore, choirs club, Rich asf, transfer student
Wolf, 17, Junior, Technical club, transfer student
Sydney, 16, Sophomore, Art club
Sokol, 16, Sophomore, Hockey team
Atlas, Finnley Reese, 16, Sophomore, Art, music, and creative writing clubs
Lucky, Blaire white, 15, Freshman, she's on the soccer team
Hackerwhacker, Axel Edmund, 16, Sophomore, Computer based clubs
Kaia, Akia, 15, Freshman, Creative writing Winters,
Neville Winters, 18, Senior, also the student council president
Bulldozer, Erik Barker, 18, Senior
Cloaker, Zachary Leach, 18, Senior
Medic, Dalton Blackburn, 15, Sophmore, He volunteers in the nurses office
Shield, Fritz Adkins, 17, Junior
Sniper, Christian White, 17, junior
Taser, Maxwell Meyer, 15, sophomore
Barbie, 18, Senior on the dance team
Shady, 18, senior, football player Koko, 15, freshman, cheerleader
switch, Heather cook, 16, junior
cloud-nine, Jessica Powell, 18, senior
heat-x, Blake Burke, 17, junior
snow-x, Alaska Burke, 17, Junior
Rece, Ellie Jones, 18, senior
Olympia, Riley Jenkins, 16, sophomore
bun-bun, Alto Whitlocke, 16, freshman
Chi, 15, freshman Melanie Lullaby, 16, sophomore
Bon, Bonnie tompson, 15, sophomore
Cynthia, sophomore, 16, either badminton of volleyball
Jack, junior, 16, Plays Hockey
Jeremy, 17, junior
Charlie, junior, 17, likes chemistry
Rust, Tom bishop, 61, Workshop teacher and PE coach
Jiro, 52, History
Duke, August Lindenhurst, 50s, Art teacher
John wick, 40, English teacher
Dragan, 45, PE coach
Bonnie, 43, Math teacher
Mrs. Spindle, 68, Maria Alcantara,
Viktor, some kinda history, Mr. Simon
Severn Mcmillan, 27, Science, Mr. Mcmillan
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