vestaignis · 4 months
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Необычный и изящный июньский цветок - Василистник. . По фото растения видно, что оно при цветении напоминает нежные, пушистые облака, парящие над садом. Но не только за декоративные качества полюбилось растение садоводам, а еще и за неприхотливость, простоту в посадке и уходе, морозостойкость.
Василистник (Thalictrum) — представитель многолетнего травянистого растения, относящееся к семьи лютиковых. Семейство насчитывает близко двух ста пятидесяти видов. Множество из них из региона со средним климатом, где чаще всего можно встретить в тенистом, влажном месте. С точки зрения ботаники, это малоизученное семейство.
Листва Василистника всех сортов очень декоративная – только ради нее в цветнике обычно находится место хотя бы для одного представителя. Она немного похожа на листву водосбора, часто голубоватая, у некоторых сортов весной окрашена в темный пурпур. Самая красивая листва у сорта Василистника Thalictrum ichangense, которая напоминает пеструю листву цикламена. У цветка Василистника множества сортов нет лепестков – то, что считается цветком, на самом деле является большим и красочным чашелистником. Особенность практически всех сортов этого растения является яркая, длинная тычинка, благодаря которой соцветие выглядит в особенности пушистым. Цветок может быть бледно-лиловый, белый, желтый, оранжевый, розовый, пурпурный,фиолетовый с разным оттенком. Цвет некоторых сортов Василистника особенно подчеркивает цветная, темно-фиолетовая цветоножка. Если не беспокоить его, то это растение может расти на одном месте в течение многих десятилетий, постепенно разрастаясь в небольшие островки.
An unusual and elegant June flower is a Thalictrum. According to the photo of the plant, it can be seen that when blooming, it resembles delicate, fluffy clouds hovering over the garden. But gardeners fell in love with the plant not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its unpretentiousness, ease of planting and care, and frost resistance.
Thalictrum is a representative of a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the buttercup family. The family has about two hundred and fifty species. Many of them are from a region with an average climate, where they can most often be found in a shady, humid place. From the point of view of botany, this is a little-studied family.
The foliage of Thalictrum of all varieties is very decorative – only for its sake there is usually a place in the flower garden for at least one representative. It looks a bit like the foliage of the catchment area, often bluish, in some varieties it is colored dark purple in spring. The most beautiful foliage of the Thalictrum variety is Thalictrum ichangense, which resembles the variegated foliage of cyclamen. The Thalictrum flower of many varieties has no petals – what is considered a flower is actually a large and colorful sepal. A feature of almost all varieties of this plant is a bright, long stamen, thanks to which the inflorescence looks especially fluffy. The flower can be pale purple, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, purple with different shades. The color of some Thalictrum varieties is especially emphasized by the colored, dark purple pedicel. If not disturbed, this plant can grow in one place for many decades, gradually growing into small islands.
Источник://www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/,ukrflowers.info/vasilistnik-uxod-foto-peresadka .html, /dzen.ru/a/XpK-aSxfGnv0dM8y,//klau.club/7665-vasilistnik-delaveja.html,//orhide.ru/Vasilistnik-vidy-i-sorta-razvedenie-v/, //www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/, ://7dach.ru/Anastasia/vozdushnyy-vasilistnik-dobavte-legkuyu-dymku-v-cvetnik-247233.html,/sadovnikam.ru/429936a-vasilistnik-foto-vidyi-opisanie-razvedenie-i-osobennosti-uhoda, ://mycoweb.ru/GIF/catalog/plant_catalog.php?searchterms.
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starryficsfinishwen · 9 months
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“I can't keep accepting your favours like this. I...need to do something in return.”
“Oh! How about this: peel this orange for me, then.”
Curiosity and confusion is evident in Chrome's face as you hold out the fruit in question in front of him.
On one particularly hot afternoon at the Strike Hawk Lounge, you are lounging in Strike Hawk's lounge, still wearing your pajamas with a few small oranges in your lap, with sleepy eyes obviously drowsy from your long nap. You are found sitting in one of the four bean bags in the room, specifically, Chrome's seat. Although the captain had no problems with that—he'd never even find any problems with you anyway— Chrome finds it endearing enough that you were handing him something that doesn't even need to do.
“You don't like oranges?”
Chrome shakes his head, “No, I just...find it, quite odd. I thought you were going to ask for something hard to do, like carrying a sofa or a bed...”
“Are you kidding?” You wave your hand that held the orange, beckoning him, “Peeling oranges are hard enough! Come and sit, I have a trick to show you.”
“Is that the trick you wanted to show me?”
The hand-sized orange looks heavy, but had fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. You moved a little to have some space for Chrome to sit next to you. Smiling, you slip an identical orange in his unknowingly open hand.
“Could be!” Giggling, your fingers lightly graze the rind of the orange in his hand, “Look, peeling oranges are so time-consuming and messy at some point.”
Turquoise eyes trailed your every movement, intently studying what you were doing. Scratching the pedicel, or the top of the orange, you peeled off one part of your orange. Some juices poured out of the opening you've created, but you nonchalantly wiped it off by your arm
“You can get a lot of stains, too, if you're not careful. That's why it can be messy. Peeling the skin and the white parts off can be frustrating for me.”
Chrome understood, but as someone who had been eating orange by himself since he was young, he found it quite hard to comprehend your words. But seeing your focused eyes, he decided to keep on looking at you, nodding at your every word.
“It does seem like a lot of work.”
“Mm,” you nodded, a little grin on your lips when you've fully peeled the orange, “when I was younger, my mom would peel oranges for me, because I never liked doing it.”
He watches as you delicately pull off the white parts. Slowly, trying not to squish the orange. Carefully, trying not to spill. He watches and watches, in wonder, as the smile on your lips seems to grow brighter with your work, heat willingly growing in his chest.
“I realized,” you whispered, “that it must be love, then.”
Ah, love. The word that Chrome knew you were infatuated with, always looking for it in everything you do. It must have been interesting, for you, even when you were living in an apocalyptic world. You've had that conversation with Chrome, yet Chrome was still perplexed with your thought processes. But now, watching you underneath the lights, happily peeling away the orange, watching you smile— what was the feeling that was knocking in his chest?
“How so?” Chrome asked, leaning forward.
“Doing things willingly for someone without waiting for an exchange. You value that person a lot, so you would do anything for them, even the most mundane things.” You paused, looking at Chrome with a bright smile, “Isn't that the very value of love?”
Oh, Chrome understood you now. A little better, even.
His gaze sets in the orange in his hand, a little blush on his cheeks with the full realization of his feelings. “I see.”
“Here you go,” you proudly placed the orange in Chrome's free hand, cheekily grinning, “an orange for you.”
Oh. For once, realization hits Chrome harder than ever.
“Commandant,” Chrome said, the blush in his cheeks getting darker, “Are you insinuating something?”
You blinked at him before looking away. Amusement fills his eyes, eager to tease you as he sees your ears turn red.
“I-I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Commandant, why are you looking away from me, then?” Chrome pokes your cheeks, “Hm? Commandant?”
“J-just eat your orange, Chrome!”
Chrome's smile mirrored yours, “Let me peel one for you, Commandant.”
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jupiterswasphouse · 2 months
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[Image ID: The official artwork for the Hiveling, Hive Soldier, and Hive Knight, followed by a second image for the Hive Guardian, from Hollow Knight /End ID.]
Now this is one of my favorite bug games! I'm sure almost all of you are familiar with it, being the lore-heavy indie hit and highly prevalent, much deserved bugblr fan art fodder that Hollow Knight was. This is a very good one, and takes inspiration from many different species of terrestrial arthropods as well as other invertebrates and fungi. However, many of them are much, much different from their real world counterparts, in part due to their design style as well as the infection which has taken hold in Hallownest, which certainly calls into question how The Hive and its honey bee inhabitants fare.
First, as always, let's take a look at them visually! All the bees that you fight generally seem to share many of the same features. Black and yellow stripes, a generally darker upper half, and fuzzy bodies, as found in real honey bees (although you tend to be able to see more of the exoskeleton through the setae of a real bee), but they also are all missing the middle pair of legs (Which I've noticed is shockingly common in fictionalized depictions of bugs). Most of them also have somewhat accurate antennae that bend forward with an 'elbow' (the pedicel, which sits between the flagellum and scape, allowing greater movement control of the antennae) in the middle, the antennae not present in the Hiveling, and a pair of wings, as opposed to a real bee, which has two pairs, the wings not present in Hive Knight. Another thing I find notable about these guys is, they all have a fairly round body, fatter than the average honey bee, with no discernable waist nor separating point between the head and mesosoma.
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[Image Sources: Jupiter's Wasp House, ie Myself, and Wikimedia Commons, Tanner Smida | Image IDs: Two photos of different, black and yellow honey bees, one on a light-skinned human hand and the other on a wooden surface /End IDs.]
Another two things that these bees lack, which real bees have, are ocelli (the three simple eyes on top of their heads), and a pair of mandibles (and seemingly other typical mouthparts). It is, at the very least, shown that the Hive Soldiers and Hive Knight do have mouths, although they're more like mammalian mouths but with a sort of sharp, angular outer edge. Also, strangely, the Hive Knight is also shown to be capable of spitting out Hivelings, which raises a few questions.
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[Image IDs: Two in-game screenshots that show both the Hive Soldier and Hive Knight opening their mouths, the Hive Knight spitting out Hivelings rapidly /End IDs.]
The Hive Soldier specifically also has one big difference, as its metasoma splits apart into seven stingers. One in the middle, and six that spread out radially, seemingly partially retractable into the mesosoma. Whether or not the others have stingers is entirely unclear, as the Hivelings and Hive Guardians attack with their bodies, and Hive Knight (Already predisposed to lacking a stinger, being a male honey bee) attacks using some form of blade or lance.
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[Image ID: An attack sprite of the Hive Soldier /End IDs.]
There is one more bee in this kingdom, which you have already seen in a previous screenshot, that being the Hive Queen, Vespa. She looks very different from the rest of the bees, having a more realistically (although far from perfect) segmented body, which sort of resembles that of a paper wasp's body moreso than that of a honey bee queen, although she maintains the fuzz, specifically around her neck in a way that is reminiscent of a fur coat or a rabbit's dewlap. She also has a teardrop-shaped head, an extra pair of (presumably compound, although they could be simple) eyes, and a notable lack of wings.
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[Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service | Image ID: The artwork of Hive Queen Vespa as viewed as a spirit, followed by a honey bee queen, artificially marked with pink paint, surrounded by other honey bees /End IDs.]
When she appears as a spirit, she's not too much taller than the Hive Knight, however, her carcass lays just in the background of the room in which you fight her dear protector, who does not yet seem to realize she's gone. In this form, her final physical self, she had grown too large to leave the hive, easily 5 times her original size or more. Again, honey bees do not get this big in real life, but it is true that queens are generally larger than their "subjects" by way of their longer abdomen.
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[Image Source: Carolina Honeybees | Image IDs: An in-game screenshot of Hive Queen Vespa in the background of the room in which you fight the Hive Knight, followed by an illustration that shows the difference between a drone, queen, and worker honey bee /End IDs.]
Now, I've posted about this before, so I won't go on about it for too long, but I do have to call into question, out of curiosity, the naming of Vespa, given her name is not one that is entomologically associated with honey bees, but instead, their distantly eusocial relatives of the family Vespidae, genus Vespa, the hornets. Something tells me I have an idea as to why she was named this way, but we'll get to that later! It certainly doesn't make the species discrepancy any less confusing.
Finally, there is one more resident of The Hive, although this one is not a bee, but instead, a Hive-specific variation of an enemy that reoccurs all throughout the game. The Husk Hive shambles through the halls of The Hive, surrounded by and/or fused with a structure that is, itself, a miniature hive. The Hunter's Journal describes this enemy as follows: "Cowardly husk, its body colonised by hivelings | Did the hivelings build their nest around this sorry bug, or did the bug squeeze its body into their nest? Either way, they seem happy enough together."
The relationship between the Husk Hive and the Hivelings seems less parasitic and more symbiotic, as the Hivelings protect the Husk Hive and the Husk Hive flees from danger, attempting to remove the Hiveling's living space from locations which may prove to be dangerous.
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[Image ID: The artwork of the Husk Hive /End IDs.]
With all the residents of The Hive out of the way, let's discuss The Hive itself.
Now, of course, being part of Hallownest, The Hive resembles something that's less like an actual hive and more like a human community, or, perhaps more accurately, a town or village built of one continuous building, containing mostly wide open areas, but also including areas of rest, with tables and chairs, and a locale or two that resemble the shelved rooms of a library.
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[Image ID: An in-game screenshot of an area of The Hive which contains a table, chairs, lights, and shelves that contain tablets /End IDs.]
One thing you'll notice, passing through, however, is that the hexagonal structure that makes up The Hive, outside of the shelves pictured above, doesn't seem to resemble the cells of the prototypical honey bee hive. Not only are they elongated in a way that resembles the Rupees of The Legend Of Zelda series, they appear filled in and crystalline. Some of this unusual material glows, which appears to be what the lights of The Hive are filled with, as opposed to the lumaflies used in other areas of Hallownest.
It's possible that a lot of this is built of crystalized honey, as it is shown that the honey of The Hive can become very hard, very quickly. This is perhaps showcased best in the room, in which you find a bench encased inside of a large, already cracked glob of honey, hanging from the ceiling, which The Knight has to smash open as if it were made of glass. Several other objects in The Hive act the same way.
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[Image ID: An in-game screenshot of the bench room of The Hive, in which the bench hangs up /End IDs.]
One thing that's completely unclear, is how brood spawning occurs in The Hive, with seemingly no cells that contain eggs or larvae. Furthermore, it's unclear how long it has been since the queen died, so depending on the time past, it may be implied that it's not just Vespa who held sole responsibility over populating the hive.
Perhaps, as is the case with a few Hollow Knight characters species as they mature in this universe, they don't follow the same lifecycle as a real honey bee, emerging as something close to their final form and molting into later stages should the hive need Soldiers, Guardians, or Knights. It can also be inferred that, maybe, the cells in which the young live in their initial stages are themselves living creatures, such as the Husk Hives and the Hive Knight.
Finally, I find it interesting that The Hive is walled off the way it is, in a similar way to how the nest of a colony of hornets would be, as opposed to the open, tree-hanging slab nests of real world honey bees, seemingly with multiple entrances apart from the ones entered in the game, and also partially subterranean, as evidenced by one of the lower entrances of The Hive.
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[Image Sources: Wikimedia Commons, Michael Apel, and wildalongtheway | Image IDs: A photo of an empty paper European hornet, Vespa crabro, nest on the inner part of a human-built structure of some sort, another photo of an empty honey bee hive hanging from a tree branch, and two in-game screenshots showing the upper and lower entrances of The Hive /End IDs.]
With all that said, it's safe to say that Team Cherry really respects their bees, but doesn't mind making them too inaccurate in the name of cool lore! It also provides a lot to think about. I know I've gone on a bit long, though, so I'll get to the point and give these g-
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[Image ID: The artwork for the Mantis Youth /End IDs.]
Ok, this one's outside The Hive, and by its name, not even a wasp, but I wanted to give these guys a quick mention. I always found these guys confusing, but it wasn't until it was brought up in conversation by Rev that I truly thought to question what they had going on.
For one, Mantis Youth? Mantises rarely fly in the first place, but their young don't even have wings in the real world. On top of that, they have a stinger, being literally described in the Hunter's Journal as delivering "stinging attacks", a stinger being a modified reproductive organ only found in wasps (if you haven't gotten the memo by the rest of this post, bees and ants are included in that). Plus, they don't have the same almost scythe-shaped forelimbs as the adult mantises, as well as all stages of real mantises, do.
If anything, minus the specialized forelimbs, with that sort of neck, they moreso resemble Neuropteran mantidflies. But otherwise, I'd say they're the closest thing to non-bee wasps we have in Hollow Knight!
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[Image Source: Michigan Nature Guy | Image ID: A photo of a wasp mantidfly, Climaciella brunnea, on a green leaf /End ID.]
My only guess for why this happened, considering the mantises are unaffected by the infection, would be interspecies mating, but the mantises are, in lore, known to detest outsiders, as evidenced by the fact they completely disapproved of the love between the Traitor Lord's daughter and the Grey Mourner for the very reason of the Grey Mourner being an outsider.
But maybe this happened a long, long time ago, before they became their own long-standing and wholely independent tribe. I mean, having interspecies children with varied features isn't unheard of in Hallownest, the Pale King and Herrah The Beast had a child together, that being-
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[Image ID: The artwork for Hornet /End ID.]
Yeah, remember when I said earlier that the whole weird naming thing would come up again? This is it. The sibling of all the vessels, the half-Wyrm half-Spider, the gendered child (The White Lady's words, not mine), and the probably-still-canon-but-it's-unclear trainee of Vespa after she was thrown by the wayside by the Pale King in his neverending quest to win a Worst Father Ever Award.
Now does this explain why Vespa is called that? Honestly, not really? It's still confusing as to why they decided to name the bee hive queen after a very distant relative and our dear hopefully eventual Silksong protagonist after an insect genus that isn't on either side of her family. But one, certainly, at least, explains the other, as stated by a Team Cherry member here, Hornet and Vespa share a related name on purpose! So one of the two was named first, and they gave a related name to the other.
Now that THAT'S out of the way, though, it's safe to say I can't give either Hornet or Mantis Youth a proper rating due to the fact neither are true wasps, but I can absolutely give a rating to those this review was about in the first place, the bees of The Hive!
... Also please let there be actual non-bee wasps in Silksong.
Overall: 5.5/10
Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
Next week's wasp has not been chosen yet!
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ruthbancroftgarden · 6 months
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Aloe spicata
This Aloe is one of a group known as the "sessile-flowered aloes", which means that the individual flowers lack pedicels (flower stems), so that they are packed along the stalk. Plants in this group have short cup-like flowers facing sideways, each one with a dollop of dark nectar at its center. From the northeastern part of South Africa and neighboring Eswatini.
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cabinette · 6 months
an OC of mine called C :)
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she's a weaboo FREAK who runs a library. She wants to be swept off her feet by TRUE LOVE soooo so bad but she's so fucking lame and weird about it. Usually she's very reserved.... bitterest girl in town.... but if you ask her to infodump she WILL!
misc doodles + rambles below if ya don't wanna read through the doc lmao
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She's called C. Just C. Full name C Rodentia. nobody knows what it stands for but it's her name Because her horns' pedicels didn't develop properly she didn't gain all the musclyness that orcs usually get, but she DID get the endurance, constitution, and pain tolerance. This means that whenever she gets the explosive anime nosebleeds™️ she's perfectly fine afterwards, she's also immune to vampires because of this. Not that she cant be turned into one but you cant drain her of all her blood.... she has so much.....
she's a stalker. a creep. a weirdo. i cannot emphasise this enough she is a FREAK who follows her crush (a pretty butch elf called assenzia) around with ye olde binoculars
in terms of actual character she runs a library and makes it a point to include banned books from elven history and culture, since she hates how much information is censored in schools and the public. She's usually the serene quiet librarian who will help you pick out a book that will change your life forever but if you ask she WILL recommend you the nastiest, filthiest, dirtiest vampire novels you will have ever read. When she's infodumping about history and her gripes about the education system she will NOT STOP TO BREATHE until shes blue. Even moreso when talking about a beautiful beautiful girl she saw in the market one day. like a freak <33333
anyway my weird mousy halfelf librarian for you yall, i totally do recommend her doc because it's a lot easier to process teehee
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getvalentined · 1 month
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One more doodle of K'moh, although this one got out of hand to the point that I have it tagged as "finished work" over on PTRN.
Back when I was playing in this setting consistently, I had a lot of fun designing furniture and vehicles and clothing and the like for the body plans of different species, although it's been a long time. Spiders sleep like this because while they are fully articulated at the midsection and can absolutely lean over far enough to lay on their front, this is uncomfortable and can damage the pedicel over time, putting them at risk of segment splitting later in life. Better not to risk it.
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The Start Of An Unusual Friendship
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Fyodor Dostoevsky x gn!reader (Platonic)
WARNING: mentions of child labor, reader is illiterate, mentions of slapping and family abandonment, my goofy side took over.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part one of the Childhood friend au, I guess?
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Diaphanous and aureate stripes of sunlight refracts through the green foliage, dappling the thick mattress of moss and grasses, dancing along with the vermillion and mauve hues of delicate flower petals. Serene wind, which carries along the effervescent chirping of birds, harmonizes with mellow humming of a lullaby mothers sing to their child, as it embrace you in the soothing warmth of summer.
As your feet set their steps on the soft and muddy path of the forest, your mind can not help but wander to a rumor concerning a boy in your village.
The village, where you were born, is a poor one. Adults who are unable to find a job and try to drink their sorrow away, children who have to do labor from a young age to provide for their family. But there is one house which seems to be well-off, since the husband works in the city. 
The son of that family, who is weak since birth, instead of being thrown into the orphanage, or being dumped in the forest like other frail infants, is still loved by his parents and was taught how to read and write.
”That couple is so stupid. What’s the point in raising such a feeble child?” Your neighbor scrunched her face, clearly expressing her disdain. “All that money is better spent on themselves, or just making another kid who can bring food to the table.”
That’s adults’ remarks about him, a dissipation of money and time.
 “You mustn’t ever come near or even play with that kid. It’ll spoil you, all you need is to think about what to eat tomorrow, not looking at useless paper and sitting around all day.” 
That’s what your mother told you, a bad influence.
“He is super, super weird. Did you see him? He never moved at all, he looked like a dead person. People say if you see him moving, you need to run or he’ll turn you into a statue like him!!!”
That’s what your friends whisper to each other, a monster.
All of those warnings couldn’t stop you, not when your curiosity is piqued. Even if you’re turned into stone or something, it’ll certainly be worthwhile. And besides, someone who understands books must be very cool, because you’ve never really comprehended that jumbling mess.
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Where was his hideout again?. You try to recall your friends’ vague description, hands pushing away the green that is covering your vision.
Is it here?. You peek through the tall bushes, eyes scanning the area. 
Through the small gap between the leaves, your eyes went round, standing still as if you were actually petrified.
There he sits, ethereal and mesmerizing, mirroring that of an angel you once saw in an abandoned church, now a hangout place for kids in your village. Honeyed liquid sunlight dips his features in an almost apprational glow, a huge contrast to the stream of pure black pouring down around it. His slender fingers, which are brushing over the pages, despite having uneven nails, are clean and smooth, undoubtedly different from your dirty and calloused hands, a sign of manual labor for a long time. His long and delicate eyelashes cast shadow over the sea of hyacinth, which appears to be peering straight into your soul.
Wait a minute? Your little admiring session is suddenly halted. Is he … looking at me?!?!
The realization whacks you out of your stalled state, losing control of balance. Your hand attempts to grab a branch for stability, which is to no avail, as gravity sends you to a kiss with the ground.
You hiss from the previous intimate moment with mother earth, as you notice the soft pedicel clasped between your fingers. 
A carnation??? Confusion is written all over your face. So this is the reason why the branch felt like it came off on a whim. No wonder you fell. Who thought it would be a good idea to pluck a flower and put it on a tree branch??? I swear if I found that person I-
Ah, sh*t. Your eyes met those violet ones again, and immediately your anger shrunk. Putting that idiot who decided a carnation would add on to the bland tree aside, you have a bigger problem.
You didn’t get turned into stone, but how you should even react when you’re caught staring at someone, nobody told you he’d be this beautiful, not at all.
“H-Hi.” You shoot him an awkward smile, the corner of your mouth twitching.
No answers were heard from him, and those eyes are burning holes in your face.
He must think I’m a weird and creepy kid who likes stalking people and watching them from a dark corner!!! You cry and scream internally, but you still try to save the last piece of dignity you have left in front of him.
“Uh…”. Slowly getting up, you’re about to utter the most sincere, heartfelt apology in your life.
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady.” You hold the carnation in his direction, eyes closing shut from the embarrassment.
THAT was not an apology. 
Why did you say that, you dummy? You even used “lady”??? You slap your internal self.
It’s not my fault, that’s what I heard a guy apologized to his girlfriend the other day! They cried, justifying your actions.
Your eyebrows quirked in disbelief at you and your internal self’s stupidity, as you sign in defeat.
You open your eyes, ready to accept your fate of being called an abnormal kid. To your surprise, he appears to be unfazed, putting his attention on the book again.
Oh. You blinked. Is he nonchalant about everything? You threw away the humiliation you felt just seconds ago, replaced with curiosity. Now, you wonder if there is any way to break his composure, and how will you know if you don’t test it out?
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My name is Fyodor Dostoevsky, and I love reading in the woods since it gives me just the right amount of tranquility. 
Today, I was keeping with my usual routine when I sensed a pair of watching eyes behind the bushes. I stare back at them, but they seem to be so deep in thought they did not notice it.
Ah, they took note of my gaze.
Are they falling? Disheveled hair, dirty face, but no hints of injury so they must be fine. Are they seizing a flower in their hand? Anyways, I hope they’re spooked by my appearance and run away like other children. Then, I may continue reading, it’s getting to the climax of the story after all.
Why are they still here? They were stunned and baffled moments ago, now what are they doing??? Making weird faces, peeking at my book, tugging my hair, poking my face???Are they searching for a means to annoy me? What is the purpose of pursuing such reactions?
Well, I need some silence to read right now. If I keep up my cold and indifferent demeanor, they’ll eventually get bored and leave righ-
The popped up voice in his head intruded the train of thoughts, making Fyodor jump from the log he was sitting on, and almost dropped his book. Fyodor turned his head to you, face mimicking that one of a startled stray cat in your village when you sneaked up behind to hug it.
Haha, did I go too far? You contemplate, since he is kinda similar to that cat now, on full alert and on the verge of scratching your face out with its claws as soon as you move by an inch.
Retreating the hand that was on his back, you curl it into a fist and cough into it to gain his attention.
So what? What exactly were you planning to say? I wanted to take a look at the supposed “demon”??? He’ll definitely tear my facial skin off if I told him that. Your pupils dilate, thoughts rushing over your head, attempting to come up with a way to break this unnerving silence.
Your body acted on instinct, and before you could have given any second thoughts, tucked the carnation behind his ear. “You look even more gorgeous with this crimson flower.”
Fyodor’s eyes got even wider, and you know you’ve been done for.
Just why didn’t you toss the flower away and still have it all this time??? He can understand why I did that, right? 
Judging by his expressions, probably no.
I regret all my life decisions that led me to this, I wish I’d disappear right no-
“How did you do that?” The question dragged your mind, which had been considering extirpating yourself,  back to your body.
“Do what?” Your eyes narrowed at him.
“You know, the… “boo” thing.” Fyodor collected himself, closing the book after placing the marker ribbon.
“Oh, that.” You’re sweating a bucket now.
You were too fixated on provoking him, that you had forgotten to hide your secret, one you promised your mom you’d bring it to the grave.
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“Mom!!! Look at me, I can perform magic tricks!” You joyfully sprinted to your mom, enthusiastic to enlighten her with your new discovery.
“Dear, please go out and play with your friends elsewhere, I don’t have time for this.” Your mother clutched the bridge of her nose, clearly exhausted from the loading work at the railway.
“Please~, mother.” Your eyes twinkled. “I finished all the housework early, so can you? Just this timeeee~” Now you’re making the puppy dog eyes that she can’t resist.
A deep sigh escaped your mother, an indication of her giving in to your plea. “Fine, but make it quick.”
“You’re the best, mom!!!” You cheered at her, before carefully grabbing your mother’s hard hands between yours. “Now please pay attention.” 
Your mom was gradually drifting into sleep, but the unexpected voice in her head absolutely wiped out her drowsiness. She lowered herself, grabbing your shoulder firmly. “What did you do? Can you do it again?”
You were taken aback by your mother’s abrupt movements, but you still complied with her request.
“Are you okay,mom?”
She heard it, your voice, bright and clear, in her head. This is it, my worst nightmare, one that I dreamt of each night. Why? Why did God have to be so cruel to me? Your mother bit her lips.
Dumb-founded at your mother’s distress, you’re confused why she wasn’t happy as you were about this quirk of yours.
“You haven’t told anyone about this, have you?” She snapped her head at you, her grip so tight that you started to feel a little pain. 
“No… You’re the first one.” You tried to escape from her grasp, but your little struggle is no match for her grasp, failing repeatedly.
“Good, good…” Incoherent phrases flowing out of her mouth, leaving you more puzzled.
Ah, what am I thinking, they’re my child. Of course, they’re raised by me, they’re different from that bastard-
“Mom? You’re making me hurt.” Your face winced, finding the pain uncomfortable.
“Oh my, sorry, dear. Just promise me you won’t let anybody know about this, okay?” She quickly let go, a hand cupping your cheek.
“But why, mom? This may help us make mone-“
The heavy sound reverberates against the thin wall of the cold bedroom, with the moonlight outside being the only source of light and the witness of the whole ordeal. Then, bit by bit, it is switched by small whimpers and weakened sobs departing from your lips, tears rolling on your cheek, as if they are dazzling gems assembled from sorrow and agony, displayed under the watchful gaze of the moon.
Your mother frantically wiped glistening tears that threatened to damp the wooden floor. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” Her voice was shaky, as she brought you into a hug, hands lightly patting your back to calm you down. “It’s just-, because this is a curse, dear. People who are unique like you, once revealed their abilities to others, are considered and reported as monsters. Then, they’re taken to a place, far, far away from here, and they’ll never return. No matter how long you wait for them, they’ll never come back. So, be a good child, and promise me? For your mommy?.” 
You nuzzled into her neck, suspending your cry, soaking the patched and washed out fabric. 
“Yes, mom.”
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Taking notice of your hesitation and uneasiness, Fyodor shifts to the side, patting the area beside him, signaling for you to sit down.
“It’s fine, you don’t need to tell me if you want to. But why are you here?” You seem to be relieved by his words, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“I heard you can read!” You beamed at him.
As you drown Fyodor with bazillion questions, eyes sparkling with curiosity, he figured another presence wouldn’t be so bad afterall.
And that is the start of your unusual friendship.
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A/N: This is Fyodor when he discovered there's a voice in his head:
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cedar-glade · 1 year
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Sanguinaria canadensis
Eastern bloodroot is perhaps one of my favorite ephemerals to catch, they truly have an incredibly quick early cycle and almost immediately after a few days of steady visits from pollinators they start to senesce petals. What would be really cool to see is just the geophytic development of the foliage in the ground that wraps the bud. the leaf isn’t associated as a fusion of its petiole directly to the pedicel of the flower yet they develop in unison leaf clasping the bud and petiole and them in a below ground rosette sheathe. Geophyte developement is so cool in the fact that since it isn’t seen it feel like a cool mystery of how it all fits together.
The other cool thing about this ephemeral poppy is that it had many practical uses historically, the chemical burns from the sap were used to remove skin cancer at one point and it was even used in dye from both Native people and Appalachian people.
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tribbetherium · 2 years
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'The descendants of stonefruit trees have, over the millions of years, produced a wide array of unusual forms, such as the multi-seeded pebblefruits, the seagoing beachpeaches, and the hard-shelled disnuts, to name a few. But perhaps the strangest of them is the collection of species known to the northhounds as "Sunfallen's Claw", immediately distinctive due to the shape of its fruit--at first glance it seems the seed is growing outside the fruit. Yet appearances are decieving, as the "seed" is actually the fruit itself, hardened much like the disnuts and grown into a pointed and curved shape, while the false fruit is a swelling of the stem derived from the pedicel of the flower: the flower itself forms the hard drupe at the end of the stem.
These false fruits and drupes, both edible, are relished by the northhounds, particularly the boldmarks, brownhounds and woodwolves, who find common ground where these fruits are abundant for all to share, and play a significant role in their culture. A brownhound folktale tells of how a malevolent entity, Sun-Fallen, descended from the red sun ages ago and took on the shape of a great, fiery fold-paw, but was vanquished by the spirits of the storms who quenched its flame with rainwater and hung its talons on the trees where they became its fruit. As such, "Sunfallen's Claw" has since become the widespread common name for the fruit, even to the boldmarks, which cultivate it among their latrine gardens but to limited success, and the woodwolves, who have a taste for the fallen, fermented false fruits and the fungi with mild psychoactive properties that they sometimes harbor.'
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entryn17 · 2 years
call me gaster the way i'm the enlarged part of the abdomen behind the pedicel in hymenopterous insects
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drhoz · 5 months
#2184 - Tapinoma sp.
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From the Greek ταπείνωμα for 'low position', but I don't know why that applies to this species - for one thing many of the 74 species are arboreal, often living in myrmecophilous plants.
Generalists, as far as diet goes.
The Ghost Ant Tapinoma melanocephalum and the Odorous House Ant Tapinoma sessile are both house pests where they occur, but the later still hasn't made it to Austrslia as far as anyone knows, and the Ghost Ant is limited to the coastlines of Queensland and the Northern Territory. Tapinoma minutum, the Dwarf Pedicel Ant, is found in Sydney but has pale shins.
Mascot, Sydney, New South Wales
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suprlonr · 9 months
to eat grapefruit
to partake of its flesh
is to approach the forbidden with tact
for it cannot be peeled
or its rinds will leave spitefully,
citrus hairs behind
imbued with acrid bitterness
it must be cut in half
around the centre of the form
and not where the fruit
was attached to the pedicel
the curious might use fingers
and for the skeptic, a spoon will suffice
just the same, their tongues meets citric sweetness
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thebaronmunchausen · 1 year
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𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔 Tandang & R.Bustam. is presently known exclusively from five ultramafic sites in Palawan at elevations of up to 490 meters as a miniature sized, terrestrial, it is distinct from all known members of this genus in having a four-lobed labellum with two longer, upper lobes incurved over the two shorter lobes, a strongly cucullate dorsal sepal with a retuse apex, and a small, glandular protuberance at the front of the pedicel.
First documented by A. Robinson in 2007 and Described with 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐱𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 in 2020
Endemic to the Philippines. LUZON: ( Palawan island: Mantalingahan and Victoria Annepahan Mt. Range, Palawan
Photos by Dr. Alastair Robinson
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jupiterswasphouse · 14 days
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[Image IDs: A screenshot and a render of the wasps from Grounded /End IDs.]
Now this is a game I've been interested in for a while, one that has a rather large and lively cast of bugs throughout it, all viewed from an up close perspective (although one that is often detrimental to the player character)! This, of course, includes plenty of wasps, specifically for the purposes of this review, those directly referred to as Wasps, including the Drones and Queen. Now, some of you who have read these reviews before may be wondering "Ms. Jupiter, doesn't this game also have bees? You usually cover those too, if they're present!", and that is true! I will be covering the bees as well, however, I will be doing so at a later date, alongside the ants! Unfortunately I've neglected ants for some time now (despite also being, taxonomically speaking, wasps, as Formicidae evolved directly from Vespoidea), due to not knowing as much about this subset of species. I'm still learning, but excited to look into them more, so be sure to tune in later for the Grounded revisit!
For the time being, lets start this review the same way we always do, taking a look at their appearance. It's clear to me that the face of this wasp is based directly on the yellowjacket species Vespula germanica, with the distinctive trio of black spots on its clypeus (the broad front sclerite plate above the mandible). The mesosoma markings seem to support this theory, although the metasoma makes things a bit less clear. One could argue those markings do bear some resemblance to the spots on V. germanica as well, although they're far from the same.
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[Image Sources: Wikimedia Commons, Entomart, and Wikimedia Commons, no further source information provided | Image IDs: A photo of the face of a Vespula germanica yellowjacket, followed by a screenshot of a dead Wasp in Grounded, followed after that by another image of Vespula germanica, this one in front of a pure white background /End IDs.]
The legs should also have a black marking around the coxa, trochanter, and femur if this is the case. Speaking of the legs, they're mostly accurate, but there should be one more short tarsal segment than there is. The antennae are close as well, but should have more segmentation on the flagellum than they do here. Furthermore, the eyes aren't quite the right shape, and they should be black, rather than the oddly glowing red they are in this game. The presence of ocelli, ie simple eyes, is unclear. Lastly, it's missing some distinct yellowjacket fuzz! Overall, though, I feel like this is close enough to correct! Certainly much closer than last week's example, that's for sure.
Although, these are just the standard Wasps! There's also, for one, the Wasp Queen!
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[Image IDs: Two screenshots of the Wasp Queen from Grounded /End IDs.]
It's mostly the same exact story here, except for a few points. Notably, I can see the ocelli on top of the head more clearly on this model, and the initial leg segments have all the black markings they should now! The facial markings, though, while admittedly closer to a real Vespula germanica queen's markings than to a worker's, aren't quite right, with its asymmetrical and oddly placed spots. On top of that, the Queen, for whatever reason, has antennae with a yellow scape and pedicel but black flagellum, when the entire antenna should be black.
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[Image Source: NatureSpot, David Nichols | Image ID: A photo of a Vespula germanica yellowjacket, more than likely a queen, on the end of a green-leafed plant /End ID.]
Lastly, we have the Wasp Drones, and, realistically, these guys should look very similar to their sisters, just a bit smaller than the queen and bigger than the workers, and with longer antennae. But, strangely, these guys don't seem to have longer antennae at all, but do have different coloration, with red in place of black, as well as yellow tips on their flagella, on top of having this sort of odd bend in them as well. It honestly brings to mind the mental image of a yellowjacket mixed with an executioner wasp (Polistes carnifex).
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[Image Sources: iNaturalist, Eric van drn Berghe, and DeviantArt, Eldar Zakirov | Image IDs: A screenshot of a Wasp Drone from Grounded, followed by two photos, one of a Vespula germanica yellowjacket drone on a small branch, and the other of a Polistes carnifex paper wasp on a wooden board /End IDs.]
I think that's all that can really be said in regards to that, however, so let's now discuss their nesting behaviors, and honestly, it's a little bit strange. There appears to be one main nest, within which the Wasp Queen resides and can be summoned to fight, looking about like a standard yellowjacket nest (enclosed structure, vaguely teardrop shaped), oddly found inside of an old bin. But, there are also much smaller nests found throughout the yard, in a more paper wasp type configuration (open structure, umbrella shaped). This would be entirely normal, if they belonged to different species, of different subfamilies or at different stages of construction, but they don't, and, in fact, every small nest comes with only two Workers and one Drone, with no additional Queens to be found, seemingly all under one collective hive.
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[Image Sources: Ohio State University, Joe Boggs, and Flickr, Bob Peterson | Image IDs: A screenshot of the main nest in Grounded, followed by a render of a small nest. These are then further followed by photos of a nest of Baldfaced Hornets, which are actually a type of yellowjacket, and a nest of paper wasps, species Polistes major, subspecies major /End IDs.]
The interior of the main nest is also a little strange, but it's not too far off, appearing to have proper layers of cells on the inside. The nests themselves seem ok, though notably different from each other, but this nesting behavior is odd no matter how you slice it. I've heard of multiple queens/foundresses working together under one hive in some Vespidae/Polistinae species (Polistes fuscatus, Polistes dominula, Parachartergus colobopterus, and potentially others), but not one queen ruling over multiple nests simultaneously.
With regards to their behavior outside of nesting, they seem to be notably more aggressive than the real thing would be towards something as small as the player character (which they're not trying to hunt), at least comparatively to how I've observed wild Vespids to be. I've witnessed various different creatures pass by Vespid nests at relatively close distance with no issue. Speaking of their aggression, each variant of these wasps has its own offensive and defensive behaviors as well!
The standard worker Wasps have the sting and bite you would expect, yellowjackets being known for both while defending and hunting, but they also have... A venom shot projectile. It's odd just how common this is to see in video game wasps! It's an interesting attack, yes, but it's also a notably inaccurate thing, only being an ability found in a select few ants, as mentioned in certain reviews. I do have to mention that there is one alleged incident of an Asian giant hornet spraying venom into someone's eye, but given this appears to be an isolated incident with not a lot of research done regarding it, I'm more inclined to believe this was an instance of incidental venom discharge from an "angry" (defensive) wasp.
When it comes to the Wasp Drones, they have two abilities themselves. One of these is the aforementioned projectile, which is even more odd for them, as male wasps (the drones) do not have venom due to not possessing stingers. The other ability, however, is a scream that applies beneficial status effects to them and their wasps. The ability that they and their sisters have to create somewhat complex vocalizations is odd, as most noise-making wasps have simple stridulating chirps, and these species do not include yellowjackets! Side note, their loot table also includes Wasp Paper, which is something that drones would not typically be out collecting.
Finally, the Wasp Queen mostly has similar attacks, those being stings and projectiles, with a scream that summons worker Wasps and Wasp Drones (usually, in the real world, they'd be summoned to attack with pheromones or just with the fact an invader is in their nest at all). Although she does have a couple more things that can deal damage to the player, the first being landing on the player, and the second being POISON BOMBS, FOR SOME REASON. I don't think I need to tell you guys this, but yellowjackets and other wasps are not capable of producing noxious projectile explosives in the real world.
Now, for the first time in this series of reviews, we get to talk about attack weaknesses! and, strangely enough, these wasps are resistant against Chopping, Stabbing, Slashing, Explosive, and Spicy attacks, but are weak against Salt of all things? I can't speak for real world yellowjackets' ability to take proportionally small explosions and sharp weapons, but insects in general are known for having an extreme distaste for capsaicin. As for salt... I mean come on, they're not snails, it may be harmful if it got into an open wound but they still need salt to live, and are in fact often attracted to sources of salt.
In conclusion, they have quite a few features that are fairly accurate! But they made quite a few decisions that baffle me as someone who takes a loving interest in these creatures. Visually, their markings can be notably off but their body structure is almost entirely accurate, meanwhile their behaviors often quite odd. So, my rating for these wasps would have to be...
Overall: 6/10
Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
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ruthbancroftgarden · 1 year
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Aloe spicata
This Aloe species is native to northeastern South Africa, as well as neighboring Eswatini and Mozambique. It is one of a group of species with spicate inflorescences (which is to say that the flowers emerge directly from the stalk, rather than being held atop a pedicel). As can be seen in the lower photo, each flower holds a dollop of dark nectar in order to attract the birds that pollinate them.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Nunnally was looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair falling down on her back, a shy smile on her lips. She liked what she was seeing, more than she wanted to admit. Perhaps she was not only smart but pretty after all? She took a single rose out of the vase that was placed on a small table close to the mirror. She smelled it and laughed quietly, more to herself than to anyone else.
That was how Ruki found her when he entered her room. She smiled upon his entrance still holding a flower in her hands.
“Ruki…” – she said happily looking at him – “You will not believe what happened in school today.” – she smelled the flower again – “A boy asked me out! I don’t know him, he’s not from my class, but he came to me during the lunch period and told me I am beautiful and he’d like to take me out for a date…and gave me this rose...” – Nunnally’s eyes were glowing, sparks of happiness inside them – “Can you believe it Ruki? He said I am beautiful. No one had ever told me that!”
“You included…!” – she thought…
Looking at Ruki, Nunnally was not sure she did right telling him that. But it was not that she wanted to meet that boy at all.
“I of course declined.” – she stated calmly and truthfully – “But he said he’s not giving up. He said he would come tomorrow with another rose and will be coming every day until I say ‘yes’. It’s quite romantic, isn’t it? Or maybe even poetic… But also silly. Do you think he’ll try to steal a kiss from me? That would not be good, though. I would need to slap him, but causing commotion at school is not advisable.”
Nunnally thought for a moment but said nothing more. Although she thought it could be nice, if he tried to steal a kiss. But not succeed of course. She truly did not want him to succeed. His words made her vanity flourish but nothing more. He did make her feel beautiful. Probably for the first time in her life.  She neither needed or wanted anything more. She did not even want to see him again.
"I think I should not see him again. It would be wrong."
(in need for jealous/fluff Ruki)
“Ah, is that so…? He thinks you’re beautiful, then. How lovely for the two of you to get along so well,” sarcasm laced his voice like venom. “For someone who declined his confession, you sure look happy about it. I believe it’s time you wipe that smug expression off your face, Nunnally. It doesn’t suit you at all. People who profess their fondness over whims like physical attraction should just grow up already. A pretty face can only get you so far… and to amount to nothing more than ‘beautiful’ will harm more than benefit you in the end. In that sense, gifting you a rose is awfully fitting.”
Confiscating the flower without warning, Ruki glared at its intricately woven petals, curled into crimson pulchritude. Despite its prickly stem, the Vampire soon crushed the bloom in his bare hands, crumbling the once graceful flower into mere confetti as each piece descended to the floor in tatters when he released his fingers. It almost feigned the spectacle of blood seething from between his digits, delicate and slender. Letting the pedicel fall after its petals, he simply cackled at the sight of the ruined rose, torn and destroyed as he hoped her anticipation for this supposed suitor would also perish. 
“Indeed, it may appear beautiful at first glance, but it shall wither away in due course—just as any semblance of attraction he has towards you. If you find this vain gesture ‘romantic,’ then I highly suggest reconsidering your role in this manor. He did not send you here to play lovey-dovey with your classmates, nor did he advise you to let your guard down during your stay. Furthermore… I don’t appreciate how many openings you leave for others to take advantage of you. But since you wish to drown in your own hubris until it suffocates you, then allow me to hasten the job.”
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Two hands clawed into the seams of her shoulders until they unraveled, much like the rose on the floor, revealing the porcelain skin of her shoulders. Fangs bared, scowl exacerbated, Ruki dove for a vehement bite that pierced like a bloom’s thorns into the exquisite adipose. The petals of blood followed suit in small rivulets, adorning her flesh bright carmine as he fed. Several punctures came after, since the Vampire never lingered in one spot for too long, almost as if ensuring he wrote his name on one of his belongings with his teeth to deter other suitors from even stealing a glance at what belonged to him. First, her left shoulder, then the base of her jugular, and finally down her forearm. It was dizzying, it was enthralling, it was utterly glorious all at the same time when collecting her delectable nectar. An ambrosial ichor clouded his enraged thoughts as he withdrew, observing the red-stained canvas.
Visibly proud, at long last, he smirked. 
“You are, in fact, beautiful. Especially when you bleed for me, Nunnally… Red really is your color, you know. Those streaks of blood... Those gashes on you, inflicted by none other than your master. Bleed only for me,” he wiped his besmirched lips with the back of his hand. “Do you understand now…? You’re mine. Test my patience again and I shall love punishing you.”
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