lemaclinic · 2 months
Chirurgia grefă de gingie, cunoscută și sub denumirea de grefare a țesutului gingival sau chirurgie plastică parodontală, este o procedură dentară care are ca scop restabilirea și îmbunătățirea sănătății și aspectului țesutului gingival. Această intervenție chirurgicală este efectuată în mod obișnuit pentru a trata recesiunea gingiilor, o afecțiune în care țesutul gingiilor se îndepărtează de dinți, expunând rădăcinile. În acest articol, vom aprofunda în detaliile chirurgiei grefă de gingie, beneficiile acesteia și la ce să ne așteptăm în timpul și după procedură. Ce este Chirurgia cu Grefă de Gingie? Chirurgia cu grefă de gingie este un tratament dentar pentru recesiunea gingivală, o afecțiune care se poate întâlni și în cazul unui implant dentar, unde țesutul gingival se retrage de la dinți sau de la implantul dentar, expunând mai mult din dinte sau rădăcina acestuia. Procedura implică preluarea țesutului din altă parte a gurii, adesea din palatin, și transplantarea acestuia în zona unde gingiile sau zona înconjurătoare a implantului dentar s-au retras. Scopul principal al chirurgiei cu grefă gingivală este de a proteja dinții și implanturile dentare de efectele recesiunii gingivale, cum ar fi sensibilitatea, deteriorarea rădăcinii sau pierderea dintelui sau a implantului dentar, și de a îmbunătăți aspectul liniei gingivale. Această intervenție ajută la menținerea sănătății orale și la îmbunătățirea esteticii zâmbetului și a implanturilor dentare. Motive Comune Pentru Operația de Grefă de Gingie Operația de grefă de gingie este un tratament important pentru recesiunea gingivală, o condiție în care gingiile se retrag de la dinte, expunând mai mult din dinte sau rădăcina acestuia. Aceasta nu numai că previne deteriorarea suplimentară a dinților și a osului, dar și îmbunătățește aspectul estetic al zâmbetului. Recesiunea gingivală poate duce la sensibilitate crescută și riscul de carii la rădăcină, iar grefă de gingie ajută la protejarea și acoperirea zonelor expuse. În plus, această procedură este adesea necesară pentru a oferi un suport adecvat pentru implanturile dentare, asigurând astfel o bază sănătoasă pentru restaurările dentare. În general, operația de grefă de gingie joacă un rol crucial în menținerea sănătății orale și a integrității structurale a gurii. Tipuri de Grefei Gingivale Grefei gingivale, cunoscute și sub denumirea de grefe gingivale, sunt proceduri dentare folosite pentru a trata recesiunea gingiilor și problemele conexe. Există mai multe tipuri de grefe de gingie, fiecare potrivită pentru condiții specifice și nevoile pacientului. Principalele tipuri includ: Grefe de țesut conjunctiv: cel mai comun tip de grefă de gingie. Constă în îndepărtarea unei bucăți de țesut de la nivelul gurii și atașarea acesteia de zona afectată a gingiei pentru a acoperi rădăcinile expuse ale dinților. Grefe gingivale libere: similare cu grefele de țesut conjunctiv, dar în loc de țesut subepitelial, o cantitate mică de țesut este prelevată direct din palat și apoi atașată de zona gingiei. Această metodă este adesea folosită pentru persoanele cu gingii subțiri care au nevoie de țesut suplimentar pentru a mări gingiile. Grefe pediculate: în acest tip, grefa este prelevată din țesutul gingival din jurul sau în apropierea zonei afectate. Un lambou (pedicul) este parțial tăiat și mutat lateral pentru a acoperi rădăcina expusă. Această metodă este utilizată în general pentru pacienții care au suficient țesut gingival în apropierea dintelui. Alogrefe de matrice dermă acelulară: Aceasta implică utilizarea țesutului uman donat, prelucrat medical ca material de grefă, în loc de a lua țesut din palatul pacientului. Această metodă este adesea aleasă pentru comoditatea ei și pentru că evită necesitatea unui loc donor în gura pacientului. Grefe laterale: Acestea sunt utilizate atunci când există suficient țesut gingival disponibil în zonele adiacente. Țesutul este luat de pe partea laterală a zonei afectate și mutat sau rotit pentru a acoperi rădăcinile expuse.
Lambou poziționat coronarian: Aceasta nu este o grefă, ci mai degrabă o tehnică chirurgicală în care țesutul gingival existent este mutat în sus (sau coronal) pentru a acoperi rădăcinile expuse. Alegerea grefă de gingie depinde de starea dentară specifică a individului, de amploarea recesiunii gingivale și de sănătatea orală generală a pacientului. Un profesionist stomatologic poate oferi cea mai bună recomandare pe baza unei examinări amănunțite. Îngrijirea Ulterioară a Grefă de Gingie Grefă a gingiei este o soluție eficientă pentru recesiunea gingiilor și îmbunătățirea sănătății bucale. Succesul depinde de îngrijirea și recuperarea post-procedură. Acest articol prezintă pași și sfaturi pentru o recuperare reușită după grefa de gingie. Urmați instrucțiunile postoperatorii: După operația de grefă pe gingie, medicul parodontist sau medicul dentist vă va oferi instrucțiuni specifice postoperatorii. Aceste instrucțiuni sunt adaptate cazului dvs. și sunt esențiale pentru o recuperare cu succes. Este esențial să le urmărești cu sârguință. Mențineți o igienă orală bună: igiena orală adecvată este vitală în timpul perioadei de recuperare. Cu toate acestea, ar trebui să evitați periajul sau folosirea aței dentare pe zona tratată până când medicul dentist vă dă undă verde. Dieta moale în timpul vindecării: În primele zile după operația de grefă pe gingie, este recomandabil să rămâi la o dietă moale. Evitați alimentele tari, crocante sau condimentate care ar putea irita zona chirurgicală. Optează pentru smoothie-uri, iaurt, piure de cartofi și alte opțiuni moi, ușor de mestecat. Gestionați disconfortul: Unele disconfort și umflături sunt frecvente după operația de grefă a gingiei. Stomatologul dumneavoastră vă poate prescrie medicamente pentru durere pentru a gestiona durerea. Aplicarea unei pungi de gheață pe exteriorul feței pentru intervale scurte de timp poate ajuta, de asemenea, la reducerea umflăturilor. Odihnește-te și evitați activitățile solicitante: Odihna este esențială în primele zile de recuperare. Evitați activitățile obositoare și exercițiile fizice, deoarece acestea pot crește fluxul sanguin și pot perturba procesul de vindecare. Rămâneți hidratat: Este important să beți multă apă pentru a vă menține hidratat și pentru a ajuta Evitați fumatul și alcoolul: fumatul și alcoolul pot împiedica procesul de vindecare și pot afecta procesul de vindecare. Hidratarea adecvată susține sănătatea generală și poate contribui la o recuperare mai lină. crește riscul de complicații. Cel mai bine este să vă abțineți de la aceste obiceiuri în timpul perioadei de recuperare. Participați la programările de urmărire: asigurați-vă că participați la toate întâlnirile de urmărire programate cu medicul dentist sau parodontist. Aceste întâlniri sunt cruciale pentru monitorizarea progresului dumneavoastră și pentru a vă asigura că grefa se vindecă conform așteptărilor. Fiți răbdător: recuperarea chirurgicală a grefei gingivale necesită timp. Poate dura câteva săptămâni pentru ca țesutul grefat să se integreze complet și pentru ca dumneavoastră să experimentați beneficiile complete ale procedurii. Aveți răbdare și aveți încredere în proces. Mențineți controale dentare regulate: chiar și după ce v-ați recuperat complet, este important să continuați cu controale și curățări dentare regulate. Acest lucru va ajuta la prevenirea revenirii recesiunii gingivale și la menținerea sănătății orale îmbunătățite. În concluzie, operația de grefă a gingie poate aduce beneficii semnificative sănătății tale bucale, dar îngrijirea ulterioară adecvată este esențială pentru o recuperare reușită. Urmând instrucțiunile stomatologului, menținând o bună igienă orală și luând măsuri pentru a promova vindecarea, vă puteți asigura că procedura de grefă de gingie duce la un zâmbet mai sănătos și mai confortabil. Beneficiile Operației de Grefă de Gingie Grefă de gingie ajută la refacerea țesutului gingival, reducând riscul de recesiune ulterioară și boli ale gingiilor.
Reducerea sensibilității dinților și a disconfortului la consumul de alimente calde sau reci. grefă a gingiei pot îmbunătăți aspectul zâmbetului, creând o linie gingială mai tânără și mai echilibrată. În concluzie, operația de grefă este o procedură dentară valoroasă pentru restabilirea sănătății gingiilor, reducerea sensibilității și îmbunătățirea esteticii zâmbetului. Dacă vă confruntați cu recesiune sau sensibilitate a gingiilor, consultați un medic stomatolog pentru a determina dacă operația de grefă a gingiei este soluția potrivită pentru dvs. De ce să alegeți Clinica Lema Pentru Operația de Grefă de Gingie Fiabilitate și servicii VIP Când vine vorba de operația de grefă de gingie, alegerea clinicii dentare potrivite este esențială pentru o experiență de succes și confortabilă. Clinica Lema și-a câștigat o reputație pentru fiabilitate și excelență în furnizarea de servicii VIP pentru pacienții supuși procedurilor de grefă de gingie. Lema Clinica Dentara Turcia este cunoscută pentru angajamentul său neclintit față de îngrijirea și siguranța pacienților. Cu o echipă de parodontişti cu experienţă şi profesionişti din domeniul stomatologic, clinica oferă un nivel înalt de expertiză în efectuarea intervenţiilor chirurgicale de grefă pe gingie. Pacienții pot avea încredere în abilitățile și cunoștințele personalului clinicii pentru tratamente fiabile și eficiente. Lema Clinica Dentara Turcia utilizează tehnologia stomatologică de ultimă generație pentru a asigura precizie și confort în timpul operației de grefă pe gingie. Echipamentele și tehnicile avansate contribuie la reputația clinicii de a oferi rezultate de succes cu un disconfort minim. Lema Clinica Dentara Turcia și-a câștigat încrederea pacienților săi printr-o comunicare transparentă, practici etice și o abordare centrată pe pacient. Pacienții se pot baza pe clinică pentru sfaturi sincere și îngrijire de top. În concluzie, atunci când se ia în considerare operația de grefă de gingie, Lema Clinica Dentara Turcia se remarcă ca o alegere de încredere și de încredere. Cu o dedicare pentru excelență, tehnologie de ultimă oră, îngrijire personalizată și servicii VIP, clinica se asigură că pacienții primesc tratament de cea mai înaltă calitate, în timp ce se simt apreciați și confortabil pe tot parcursul procesului.
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to-ma-8750 · 1 year
melancholic animal stoicism
I don't want to be bound by certain senses
go catch freedom dancing
An empty body comes to seek
Someone's kind lies are quietly peeking at me
I usually only love simple things
Plug your ugly habits into your device
Tracing every day of fluttering and fluttering
melancholic animal stoicism
The blocked signpost has disappeared somewhere
Only the lost roads increase in number
So don't hate the same things
You and I are stragglers between similar people
It's been a long time since I wanted to know
Dancing everyday with the old and the new
Glittering and glittering during normal driving
melancholic animal stoicism
Crying after playing with each other
You are always by my side
So I pretended to be a stranger
encycle pediculation
Left behind at the end of being weighed
Rarely skewers extremely noisy people
Squeezing out only the courage that seems to disappear
Wrap sad things in gentle lies
We just met and understand each other
Better yet, warp to the end of the universe
I want to forget about the nagging tomorrow
melancholic animal stoicism
All the things that get in my way should disappear
Fill it with only the things you love
You and I are rising just by looking at the hands of the clock
But it's just a deep, dark place
What I know is not enough
Inside a beautiful box that was never supposed to arrive
If I casually stretch out my hand, I wonder if I can reach it
melancholic animal stoicism
Laughing while hugging each other
Even though I'm next to you, it's always like that
So pretend like you don't know me
unmetallic frustration
Parasite Two Carbie Carboo Pororokka
Parasite Two Carbie Carboo Pororokka
Amaryllis Housenkafurer Peeler Lilliput
Amaryllis Housenkafurer Peeler Lilliput
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scaredpigeons · 3 years
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Saved by the Sea
Masterlist /next chapter/
Chapter Synopsis: Captain Levi seems content with the bounty from the latest ship raid, if only slightly concerned at the lack of illegal goods on this particular boat. Suddenly his crew finds something more valuable than any treasure he’d come across buried at the bottom of a large, ornate chest— her. The Captain recognizes that this woman is no ordinary broken girl lifted from the trafficking rings and hopes to get to the bottom of why he is so drawn to her.
Warnings: mentions of past sexual assault, cursing, brief and vague mention of necrophilia, Levi is a little soft here. (Just imagine he hadn’t suffered the brutal death of everyone he loves, and has been healing since he left the underground— that’s this Levi.) huge age gap.(Levi is supposed to relatively canon age,(40ish👀) reader is depicted as around 20.) This series is going to contain explicit content, but I’m considering separating the smut from the main storyline so everyone can enjoy the story. :)
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Chapter1: little sea bird.
“Uh... Captain? You might wanna take a look at this.”
Said Captain rolled his eyes annoyedly. “What is it now, Arlert?”
He walked towards the group surrounding their latest bounty. The ship they’d just raided was a small provincial one, transporting a few nobles and their valuables.They weren’t good people. Levi did his best to know who exactly he was robbing.
This group was well known in the drug and trafficking rings, but what surprised him the most was that they had no product (drugs, or people) on the ship. Just the usual gold and jewels and frivolous expensive clothes shoved into large, ornate chests. The gold was all well and good, but Levi could care less about the rest, letting his crew dig through what remained.
He stepped towards the chest that his first mate claimed needed inspection. He was prepared for drugs, maybe weapons, or hell; he’s seen a few scandalous items stashed in the bottom of trunks.
What he was not prepared for was her.
Starved, beaten, hogtied and gagged, there wasn’t much she could do. The crew lifted her from the chest onto the deck, Armin gesturing for Hange to help cut the ties.
She lay limp and still, eyes closed. Armin cut the last tie around her feet and rolled her onto her back, Hange freeing her mouth from the gag.
Levi looked at her closely then, free from the constricting binds.
Her skin was marred and dirty, bruises healing at different levels, an obvious sign of prolonged abuse.
She looked as if she was once strong and lithe, but whatever she endured made her seem small and weak, as if one gust of wind would shatter her.
Armin shook her shoulder gently. “Miss?” He said. “Miss, are you well?”
A small groan escaped her, her eyes fluttered as her limbs twitched.
If Levi hadn’t been staring, he would have missed her next movements with a blink.
Eyes snapped open, gazing upon Armin with frenzied panic.
Her legs swung then, knocking His First’s out from under him, blonde head hitting the deck with an audible thunk.
As he was falling she unsheathed the dagger at his hip, throwing herself onto him, pinning him to the wood of the deck with the blade to his throat.
The sound of swords being drawn and guns being cocked simultaneously rang through the air, the whole crew jumping into action to protect the First Mate.
All eyes danced between the girl and the Captain, Crew awaiting orders to attack.
But Levi was amused, steely eyes sparkling as he watched this feral woman’s eyes dart around her, assessing her current threats.
He composed himself and stepped forward, and He could see the recognition in her eyes. She most definitely knew who was in charge here.
“I’ll not go through it again.” She snarled. “I don’t care how much you paid that filthy, pediculous bedswerver for me.”
The Captain quirked an eyebrow. “I’m not in the habit of paying for people, miss.”
Her eyes flickered around the ship again, weapons were still drawn in her direction, but the crew seemed to ease up with Levi’s lack of reaction.
Her face lit up with a sick sort of recognition. “Pirates.”
“An apty young thing, aren’t you?” Hange said sarcastically from beside Levi.
The girl seemed to draw back into herself, Pirates were known to be the worst of the worst. Filthy, reckless thieves with nothing to lose. Crews made up of Murderers, rapists and the like.
Levi was a thief, of course, Somewhat known for reckless, on the spot decisions. But filthy? He cringed at the thought. His crew were outcasts, yes, but the worst any had done was young Connie, who bludgeoned Sasha’s older cousin with a loose brick. The poor girl had been touched one too many times by the rat of a man, and Connie had enough.
His crew knew well enough what consent was too, he’d made an example out of one lad who thought Mikasa was little more than a beauty to be grabbed at. That night Levi let her beat the twit to a near mash, throwing him on the docks of the nearest coastal town the following sun up.
He’d made the rest of the crew watch.
Levi made sure the people on his ship were bad enough to cause a little trouble for others, but good enough to keep close to himself.
“Need not cower, lovely,” Jean, his Third and an avid charmer said. “We’re hardly Pirates.”
She seemed confused, eyes flitting between Jean and Levi, knife easing on poor Arlert’s throat; the boy more flustered to have a woman atop him than for the blade threatening his pale skin.
Levi supposed he ought to be polite.
“Captain Levi Ackerman, miss.” He said with a small and courtly bow.
“And the lad you’re straddling is my First Mate and Navigator, Armin Arlert,” he gestured to the blond, and the woman eased off him ever so slowly.
“I admire your couth, but aside from boring you to death with endless factoids, the man is hardly a threat to your safety.”
Levi smirked then, Armin standing and rubbing the back of his head, looking rather displeased with the jab his captain threw.
The woman stood to her full height, holding her chin high.
Levi let his eyes roam freely once again.
She was in long clothes, pale, dreary tones that did anything but compliment her skin tone. That would have to change.
Her hair was ratted and falling out of what looked to once be a rather childish style, a faded ribbon slipping out amongst the fly-aways.
But even with that, the bruises and the dark circles and fog clouding her eyes, she squared her shoulders and faced him.
He saw a resilience that had withstood the trials of many hells, he saw raw strength.
He always admired strength.
“Which one had you?”
Her gaze jumped from the books and trinkets adorning the shelves back to Levi, and he could see the sparkle of curiosity that lingered there.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Who was holding you captive?”
She frowned then, and Levi discovered he did not enjoy when she frowned.
“The greasy fat one,” She said. “Todd? Loggen.. lodgenson? I’m not sure.”
“Loganson.” Levi rapped his fingers in quick succession against the heavy wood of his desk. “I knew I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance.”
Her eyes widened slightly, but she caught herself, turning back to look around his quarters.
The Lady Paradis was built perfectly to Levi’s design. A massive ship, able to house nearly 50 people comfortably below deck, and 5 up top in the lavish quarters.
Levi’s own living space was larger than the rest, but most of the open-concept space was occupied by his office. Walls lined with shelves, filled with books from all around the world, trinkets and bobbles from different cultures, gifted by locals or friends or stolen from those undeserving of such delicate things.
A few miss-matched chairs were scattered here and there, his higher ups often convened here, strategizing or planning the next raid.
Tucked in an alcove on the far right was his bed, nothing to scream about but comfortable all the same.
The far left lead to the washing room, the luxury of hot water was often unheard of on ships. But Levi insisted. Cleanliness was of the utmost importance.
“How long?” He asked.
She pondered for a moment, likely deciding whether to tell the truth.
She sighed, “not sure, really.”
“What was the calendar year before you were taken?”
She told him, down to the day of the season.
“Gods above.” Levi pinches the space between his brows, trying to ease the ache the knowledge shot through his skull.
“That bad?” She let a sad chuckle fall through the air around her.
“Nearly 5 rotations!” He tried to keep his voice down. “You’re what, 20? You were a child!”
She seemed to shrink.
“Filth like Loganson deserve to have their lungs burn with sea water.” He growled.
She lowered her gaze, raw hands fiddling with a loose thread on her clothes.
“It was bad, but it could have been much worse,” she mumbled. “I’ve seen dollies starved and used until they break. They don’t even care when bones start snapping, and some just keep going even after her lights go out.”
Levi gawked at her, flustering her further.
“Tis’ true!” She exclaimed. “I’m in much fairer affairs than some dollies taken well after my start.”
“Are you a pigeon, girl? Or are you just roughed enough to be addled?”
“Pardon?” She met his eyes.
Steel bore into her as he leaned forward in his elaborate seat. “If you’re thinking you’re well off, just because you watched those poor girls become shark bait and you’re still kicking your green legs above water; you’re less of a brain than I thought.”
She scoffed. “I’ll have you not question my intelligence, you-“
“What happened to you is a crime against all that is good.” He cut her off. “You will not discredit your own sufferings just because someone else bit the cloth before you did.”
A pressure formed behind her eyes, a strange sort of feeling that left a foreign ache in her chest.
“You’ve survived this long because you’re stronger than the chains trying to bind you to the locker.” He smirked as her first tear fell. “You can’t discredit blatant strength when it sits right in front of you.”
She sniffled, trying to tuck the tears away. “You’re quite kind,” she said. “For a pirate.”
He scoffed sarcastically, before tilting his head with a cocky swagger. “Don’t go around telling that filth, girl. You’ll have people questioning my reputation.”
A foreign sound bubbled in her throat, and she covered her mouth to suppress the first giggle she’d had in years.
If he hadn’t been witness to the sound come from her mouth, he would have chained himself to his desk for fear of a siren calling for he and his crew. The laugh slipped through her fingertips like the twinkling of tiny bells, short— and sweeter than any pastry known to the tongue.
“I do think, if you’ll allow me,” Levi started, catching his breath and stealing his nerves. “I’d like to make it a goal to hear that sound more often.”
Her face warmed, but as she met his eye, he realized there must have been far too much heat there for a woman of her most recent circumstances— she ducked her head and picked at the loose threading on her clothes again.
“I apologize.” He said suddenly, causing her to gape up at him. “I’ll not keep you here if you wish to be free, and should you choose to stay, I’ll not have you thrown in any situation in which you are not comfortable to the fullest capability.”
The young woman’s face softened, and she smiled at the little crows feet along the side of the captains eyes, his warm gaze filled only with sincerity then.
“Those are mighty flowery words for a Sea Captain.” She said.
He smirked, letting the cocky roll of his shoulders slip. “We all come from somewhere, don’t we?”
“We do…” she sighed, meeting his eyes again. “Would you tell me of your somewhere?”
“Are you fit enough to tell me yours, miss?”
She scoffed a bit, letting herself relax more. The tense in her shoulders since she entered the room looked almost painful. “I suppose it’ll have to wait for some time then.”
“I suppose it shall.” Levi stood, walking to one of three chest of drawers in his quarters. He rummaged through it as he spoke again.
“Tell me, your somewhere,” he pulled a few things from the drawer, folding them across his arm. “Are you wishing to return to it?”
He saw her tense from the corner of his eye as he finished gathering the garments. He reached for the second drawer, pulling loose a few spare toiletries; soap and the like.
“I’m afraid my somewhere is not one to return to, Captain Levi.”
“Well then.” He stood within her space at a reasonable distance, and held the pile of things out for her to take. “Would you like to stay?”
“Stay?” She took the things gingerly, running her fingers across the smooth fabric. “As a pirate?”
“As a guest,” he moved back behind his desk, giving her room to breathe. “As whatever you’d choose, really. I’ve already told you I’ll not have you do anything you’re not comfortable, and I’m known to be a man of my word.”
Her eyes widened at the toiletries, seemingly forgetting her previous worries. “You have bathing water?” She squeaked.
“A luxury, I know.” He smirked, “would you like to know the best part?”
She nodded frantically, chasing after him a bit as he nodded towards the washing room, cracking the door open for her.
The claw-foot tub was a bit much, yes, but Levi would admit that a long soak after a hard day of sailing was better than all the gold he could carry.
The adjacent latrine and standing stall were also quite unheard of on ships, but Captain Levi made sure that there was at least one shower per three people on his ship.
“Go turn the knob closest to the tub, wait and see.”
She followed his instructions, waiting until the water started steaming, her face of shock and amazement was enough to bloat Levi’s ego a million times over.
“It runs hot!” She nearly yelled. “You have hot running water in your quarters!”
“Everyone on this ship has access to hot running water, little bird.” He moved to close the door.
“Wait!—“ she gripped his sleeve, dull nails scraping along the white cotton of it. Her eyes were fearful, glossy but bright.
“I’ll be right outside this door, sat in my chair there.” He spoke lowly. “No one will come in or out of this room, you have my word.”
Another tear slipped down her cheek, and Levi longed to wipe it free from her skin, but better senses trumped the pull of his heart.
“Thank you Captain.”
He patted her hand, moving out of the doorway for her to shut, a privacy she hadn’t had in years.
“Call me Levi.” He said, and softly shut the door.
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supernovafeather · 4 years
I was looking for some English vocabulary and let me tell you that the word "pediculous" sounds like a spell that Harry Potter would use to massage his feet.
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imperialminister · 5 years
Gives him a dog
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      “What’s this? Why is it wagging its tail like It’s happy to see me? Yes, give me that finicky, pediculous, unadorable thing. It will become a perfect battle hound. I’m never returning it.”
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ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by AnythingElse
Hey, Brock, it’s me. Bucky Barnes. Remember me? No? ‘Cause I sure as fuck remember you, you goddamned pediculous rakefire. I don’t know where the fuck you are, but I hope you are miserable.
OR The wrong number AU in which college student Bucky accidentally texts Captain America Steve.
Words: 6808, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Misunderstandings, Fluff
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Un pidocchio visto al microscopio, tenacemente aggrappato ai capelli. A volte la loro presenza non dà alcun sintomo: sei sicuro di non averceli in testa proprio in questo momento? Leggi l'articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2017/03/07/come-trovare-ed-eliminare-facilmente-i-pidocchi/ #pidocchi #capelli #MedicinaOnLine
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reportwire · 3 years
11 Classy Insults With Classical Greek and Latin Roots
11 Classy Insults With Classical Greek and Latin Roots
Do you ever go on such an epic internet rant you just feel you’ve run out of words with which to hammer your enemies? Do you want to up your game without resorting to the tired tropes of excretion and sexual metaphors? Next time, pull out these fancy insults and class up the joint while you twist the dagger. 1. Pediculous Lice-infested. From Latin pediculus (louse). 2.…
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wordsthatrhymewith · 5 years
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Words that rhyme with pediculate | Words rhyming with pediculate
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rjack2136 · 4 years
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Reposting @merriamwebster:⠀ ...⠀ "‘Pediculous’ is the #wordoftheday⠀ .⠀ #language #languagelearning #merriamwebster #dictionary" — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/34YpCq9
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alinladaru · 5 years
SpineGuard - Instrument de Ghidaj Pedicular
SpineGuard – Instrument de Ghidaj Pedicular
PediGuard Canulat – instrument de ghidaj monobloc in timp real
Proba Pedigurd Canulata este conceputa, in primul rand, pentru a ajuta chirurgii sa reduca expunerea la radiatii in timpul procedurilor miniminvazive. Aceasta proba poate fi folosita si pentru a accesa si pentru a perfora pedicule mici si inguste.
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Aceasta versiune a probei PediGuard include doua parti: un ac Jamshidi modificat,…
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Follow @PlasticSurgery ・ Willie Vicarage, the First Man to Receive Radical Reconstruction Via the "Tubed Pedicule" technique Willie Vicarage, who was suffering from facial wounds that he sustained in the Battle of Jutland in 1916, was one of the first men to receive facial reconstruction using plastic surgery. Antibiotics had not yet been invented, meaning it was very hard to graft tissue from one part of the body to another because infection often developed. But while treating Vicarage, Dr. Gillies invented the “tubed pedicle." This used a flap of skin from the chest or forehead and “swung” it into place over the face. The flap remained attached but was stitched into a tube. This kept the original blood supply intact and dramatically reduced the infection rate. 👉Follow @PlasticSurgery for more stories like this! ----------------------- #plasticsurgerypoll #plasticsurgerystats #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeons #boardcertified #boardcertifiedplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedsurgery #cosmeticsurgeon #boardcertifiedsurgeon #facialplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryinstagram #plasticsurgerypictures #plasticsurgeryvideos #asps #asaps #plasticsurgeryverified #verifiedplasticsurgeon
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Word of the Day: pediculous
Timberglen Toastmasters meets virtually online via Zoom every Saturday 1:50-3:30pm. Build your communication skills and confidence.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
Antiquated Insults from a twenty-something year old
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2D7DvpK
by AnythingElse
Hey, Brock, it’s me. Bucky Barnes. Remember me? No? ‘Cause I sure as fuck remember you, you goddamned pediculous rakefire. I don’t know where the fuck you are, but I hope you are miserable.
OR The wrong number AU in which college student Bucky accidentally texts Captain America Steve.
Words: 6808, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Misunderstandings, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2D7DvpK
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