#peeta is not stalker
mega-aulover · 7 months
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Katniss Everdeen is Not a Stalker
Chapter 73 - A Corky Outtake
Last Chapter: Corky is up to his old tricks but this time he has a bit of help...
Rated M: Bullying, Violence, Weapons, Canon Typical Violence, Eventual Romance, Humor, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Death, Gun Violence, Peacekeepers, Rebellion, AU, War,
A/N: A big thank you to all of the people who read this story. I can't believe all I have left is to post the outtake next week. Thank you to my bestie and editing guru...@norbertsmom heart you!
Read Here AO3 & FFN
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zenkor123 · 7 days
Peeta's journal-the Den continued
October 4th 75 ADD
The machines he introduced included the Morphling cooker,Morphling grinder,Morphling garden Morphling fermenter, Morphling dryer and Oven. He showed me the basics of using all these machines. The next to Introduce himself was the Goosling, Michael Nuka. He began describing the fermentation machines in more detail. Fermented morphling becomes hard like a raddish. Once this occurs it can be ground up into powder and later into a fluid. The result is the Morphling used in the hospitals. It is even more powerful then the morphling that is used recreationally becuase the sugars and carbohydrates rise like yeast in bread. It also has more "ions" like lemons. It is alot of science and its interesting. Nuka has curly hair and is a chemist for the hospital. His last name rhymes with Nuke.
Mrs Stocksbridge is just as shy as her husband but shows a computer taken from the hospital, it she handles the records for our cell. The records are in Morse code. When a sale is made she instructs me to put the time,date, product sold and customer. This information is written on a chip, you slip the paper into the chip and it is put into the computer which converts it into Morse code. She tells me that this is how miners store data on their daily finds in the lower levels of 13, and that she and Arlo began design of these machines for the hospital and for morphling.
Samanthan Nuka, the leafling(a type of stick insect mutt) cleans the den, and keeps everything organized, she is also a librarian and likewise organizes the den like library. She also checks the safety of the morphling for usage. She told me my shoes were dirty and had me clean my shoes cleaned as I entered the den. Everyone just rolled their eyes like they were used to it at this point. She also praised the pure scent of morphling and said she would discuss the history of Morphling. She begins by its creation by the mutation by the capital of a district 13 mushroom. The capital hoarded the morphling but in act of rebellion that this district is proudly known several morphling user Stone Dollar spread the spores of dry morphling into the forest and morphling returned to 13 its rightful owner. The foresters illegally harvested it in the ancient andirondacks. It was legalized by Galerius Nero who led the war against the capital during the dark days. It's medical applications were realized by the rebels who built centers of morphling production in district 6 for distribution in the front lines. Following our defeat in this war morphling gave hope in the dark bunkers of 13. The president who succeeded Nero banned all capitalist enterprises and crushed the enterprises that produced morphling but coin another tyrant who isnt a builder like the Jr Nero legalized our work. Her legacy shall be decided in this war the preparations for which were started by her predecessor in the 50s. We keep a low profile and she encourages and buys our morphling though she isn't a heavy morphling like us. I think to myself if morphling can bring hope to the damned survivors of 13 can it bring hope to me? I will not merely be a rebelous criminal but I will also preserve an item created by rebellion. I wouldn't have been able to work without the morphling treatments prior to Coin's resource allocations. The next to speak is Galena's husband tells of the history of our cell the forester enterprises rebuilt slowly after the purges the victors cell started as a minor 2 person operation but young foresters wanted to rebuild this industry so it would be ready once the surface was rebuilt. This project recieved the consent of the new President of 13, the iron lady alma coin. First the Nukas, then the stones,then Helena Kennedy and her boyfriend, Arlo, and finally the Browns. They didn't begin recruiting until Johanna volunteered. The next to speak is Harold Nuka, the Squirrel hog, a gardener who thanks me for saving his life by warning 13 of the capital bombardment. Harold was not untouched by capital bombardment, he sustained injuries as a AA gun operator. He shows the garden we have in the den, the garden is filled with mushrooms of different colors. I ask if morphling makes a great die for paint. He and Velma answer yes and that the morphling bottles use morphling die. Harold opens a shaft that goes the hospital greenhouse. He informs me that all siphoning is done with the consent of the hospital and that the cell pays the hospital for its morphling, written on a yellow card. He says this becuase Helena forgot to mention this important information. So he takes me to the hospital greenhouse and the plants have so many different colors, the air feels so good. I feel myself get used to the sweet smell of morphling, I used to think it smelled like urine but seeing so much colors that it's associated with and my exposure to it makes me want to smell it all the time. Katniss begins feeling quesey at the thought of that smell but she lived in the seam and in 13 so she was used to all sorts of smells she has learned to ignore such smells like dead bodies, coal and metal. She can't imagine actually liking the smell of morphling. But Thom she recalls likes the smell of coal. Katniss when Peeta went smashing Jacker hives learned what Jacker venom smells like: like metal smoke, with a hint of goat cheese. This is what Peeta smelled like when he choked her. This was also the smell of the Jackers from the 1st games. Katniss misses the smell of Peeta though.
Katniss thinks to herself, so Johanna wasn't stealing anything, the hospital gave my morphling to her! When Katniss found out that Johanna was in the cartel, she resolved that if she was injured Jo would recieve none of her morphling.
Katniss rolls her eyes and indignantly thinks :" wow even the smartest in 13 treat a harmful drug like it's something precious. "
Prim she wants to talk to me I haven't seen her since the resource allocations of coin, she never left my side,and helped recover memores I otherwise would not have had. Prim was doomed in every reality either the capital kills her along with Mrs Everdeen,reaps her for the 3rd quarter quell. But she is more then the innocent lamb that she is portrayed as she is a warrior who survived the death of Mr everdeen, with her dignity intact. It was her sister that took the hit when she sold herself to cray. Though the fake romance that took place with Peeta and Katniss saved both our lives I did stuff to her sister afterwards rather then accept that it was a con. I also in accordance with my design as a mutt attacked her sister. Yet she is 12 perhaps she is innocent and does not know. But after all that Prim did for me I can't close her off. Her sister hates me so why does she want to meet with me? Is it charity from a 12 YEAR OLD! Yet she deserves respect, it isn't just about what she did for me, I've seen her in the hospital with many patients and she is brave and is mature for her age and is super smart. Does she want to find what she believes was the old Peeta. I won't go through what I did with Delly again never again! What happens with delly represents everything wrong with Peeta Mellark. Just as I was silent to myrna for false safety, begging her for food, I yearned for any tether to old Peeta and any human connection, and like all false realities Peeta constructed they were lies. I would rather be alone then suffer that again.That she did all this for a lie hurts. But I want to protect her as best as she can so the world does not take Prim's nobility away. I want friends who want to take to me for me not old peeta. Stand guard Peeta, Stand guard! Well howabout this: we see if she wants to be friends with the mutt that strangled her sister but who escaped the capitals evil will or if she merely pities me. I am going to tell her how Peeta died in the capital and exactly how I am trying to rebuild. I will also hint in a way appropriate to a 12 year old that things with Katniss were never what they were. Prim unlocks an openness from the respect I have for her almost like a little sister and I can't lie to her. But I am going to start light first to see if I should even go there. This nonsense of Prim being like my sister is all in my head. I was her patient she was determined becuase it was her first assignment and she thought it would help her sister
Katniss remembers how she found the den, Peeta despite working disappeared, my brain kept asking “Where’s Peeetaa!!!” I kept repeating to it “it’s not Peeta it’s a mutt” but then it kept saying “Wheeeres Peeta.” I kept repeating "there is no Peeta, snow took him from me! But it would not shut up! Before Coin’s resource allocations I knew where Peeta was at all times, I also received updates on his progress. When that stopped because as Coin said “Peeta does not have an intimate relationship with the Mockingjay.” My heart sank, it was like he was really gone, When I kissed the Pearl I had no idea where Peeta was. I sometimes watched Peeta in the hallways, afraid he would kill me, and the fear that Peeta would hunt me down was real. But then he no longer traveled the hallways. When he appeared at lunch it was like went from thin air then returned to the thin air. I stared at Peeta and saw him leaving, he opened a small hatch and crawled into it. I stared at the hatch but had to go to training. While I went to sleep first I saw Peeta stare at me and I sometimes heard a noise that could only belong to the mutt that Snow replaced Peeta with. I sometimes was in training but then I would hear the loud noise of Peeta in the pipes and I would be totally distracted, He was vanished I knew about Peeta’s whereabouts as much as any stranger but now I could find out what Peeta was doing in the pipes and perhaps get Coin to resume treatment of Peeta. I saw Peeta and Johanna enter the pipes the following day, So I found the hatch in the cafeteria skipped training and followed after them. I quietly watched Peeta and Johanna like I would an animal I was tracking in the forest. I lost track of them but was surprised by the scale of these tunnels. I sometimes followed Peeta around in the tunnels so I would be prepared if he tried to kill me in my sleep. I saw Peeta with Morphling and reported him to coin but coin laughed at me and told me to mind my own business. Johanna, and Peeta’s friends from the cartel sometimes gave me dirty looks followed by strange looks. Later I saw Peeta Johanna, and several residents of 13 enter a hatch and I slowly and carefully followed them. I saw a room that smelled like Morphling and Peeta was in that room it had Color and showed a waterfall and looked almost like a room in the capital. I found a hatch that went one way but overlooked the ceiling of the room. Now I could watch the Morphling cartel without being discovered. They gave me the same looks and Peeta gave me a vacant stare. Later one of the foresters as I overhead them call themselves called to see if I wanted any Morphling I ran away. Then I came back 5 minutes later. And that is how I discovered the Den.
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thehighgrounds · 2 years
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I just found this gem in my computer storage....
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rottentiger-art · 5 months
Peeta antis (yea, they exist) love to call him a stalker and stuff, but they forget they were BOTH looking at each other from afar and keeping track.
Let's not pretend they're not both co dependant and weird about the other thru the series, Peeta just fell first
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s0urw00lf · 6 months
finnick odair definitely sneaks sweet kisses w the reader when they’re at a ball in the capitol and they’re in a secret relationship
sneaky kisses
whoever requested this i love you <3
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summary: finnick cant keep his lips to himself
fic type: fluff
pairing: finnick odair x reader
word count: 710
warning: none that i know of
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Coriolanus Snow was not a man to be toyed with. And everyone in Panem knew this, so when y/n l/n and Finnick Odair started to become too close in public threats were thrown their way. However, neither of them had anything to lose other than each other. Both would die before letting the other go, but they listened rather than causing unnecessary havoc.
Tonight was Peeta and Katniss's engagement party and to say that the party was huge was an understatement. Y/n walked around the party shaking hands with familiar and unfamiliar faces, whoever came up to her. She didn’t like the big crowd and that every step she took she was bumping into someone. She started to get overwhelmed until a familiar pair of lips pressed themselves against hers, just as quickly as they appeared they were gone. She stood shocked before she shook it off and looked over to see the all too familiar blonde head of hair walking away. Y/n subtly smiled, looking around in hopes no one saw it.
The first time Finnick kissed her she wasn't even aware he was near, but the second she could feel his presence just a couple of feet behind her as she chatted away with Katniss. "Did you know you had a stalker?'' Katniss asked, eyes positioned on something behind her. Y/n smiled turning around and made eye contact with Finnick who was already smirking, dimples on full display. Y/n quickly turned back around blushing madly as she said "I don't have a stalker, I have a Finnick". As soon as her sentence ended, a kiss was pressed to her shoulder and a lingering touch on her hips, this time however finnick stayed and conversed.
"Having a nice night ladies?" He asked teasing, "Of course, it's so easy to concentrate with your eyes burning into the back of my head" Y/n replied voice laced with sarcasm. Katniss let a small smile linger on her face before it dropped when she took a look behind the two. "You've got eyes”' she said subtly. The couple visibly tensed, knowing what she meant not even having to turn around to see for themselves. Finnick was quick to shake hands with Katniss, subtly tapping y/ns hip as a goodbye, and made his way over to some people who were quick to grab his attention."it's not fair" y/n said frowning, "All we want is to be happy, but we're the walking sex symbols of Panem". Katniss put a comforting hand on her shoulder "You'll find it one day, I promise." She said. Y/n smiled before excusing herself to the bathroom.
She stared in the mirror dabbing her eyes so she wouldn't ruin the makeup her stylist had so carefully placed on her face. The door to the bathroom opened and she didn't think much of it until a pair of Finnick came into view and wrapped his arms around her waist, "don't cry love" he said kissing her neck. Y/n turned in his arms "How'd you know I was here?" She asked as he wiped a fleeting tear from her eye. "Katniss," he said softly. Y/n nodded, placing her head on his chest "It's not fair we have to hide our love from the world" she said, voice breaking. Finnick hummed in agreement. "But when the day comes the capitol is no longer standing, ill shout it from the tallest building, kiss you in front of every camera, hold your hand in public, and send a big fuck you over to snow." He said, lifting her chin to look at him so he could place the softest kisses on her lips and nose.
Finnick kept his promise though, when they escaped the games the second time, and Gale rescued y/n from the capitol. She fought alongside him, and when he knew Snow was watching, he pulled her close to him and captured her in the deepest kiss he could've without it being borderline sexual. When he pulled away he faced the camera and held up his middle finger, flipping off all of the capitol and most importantly, Snow.
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Dividers: @cafekitsune
An: I hope you enjoyed this, it’s pretty short idk if I want to re write it or not yet, I saw this request and got it done in an hour so be nice 🙈
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atelierlili · 6 months
In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs
Got asked to give some fanfic recommendations for In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs so here we are. Most of them (if not all of them) are gonna be fluffy and happy tbh because i can't take my pookies being hurt ):
A New Path (138k words) by Endlessnightlock
The day after aging out of the Reaping, Katniss crosses paths with Peeta. She thanks him for the bread and to her surprise, a tentative friendship begins.
One of my favourites. I love the direction the author took with this story. Always made me want more!
Go Slow, Peeta (20k words) by Oakfarmer
The era of the Hunger Games has come to an end. How Everlark slowly happened anyway.
This was the one that started it all for me. Short, simple and to the point! A classic in my opinion.
Nothing Owed for a Gift (10k words) by orphaned account
Lately, Merchants have taken to flirting with unwitting Seam folk as a joke, sometimes going so far as to ask them out on a date. I've even heard of a couple instances of a Merchant asking someone from the Seam to marry them, and then laughing hysterically when the poor recipient says 'yes'. So, when Peeta Mellark approaches me after the reaping, red with nerves and pushing his lips together as if he's trying very hard not to do something like laugh, I'm immediately wary. Peeta can't possibly be asking me to marry him for real. ... right?
Urgh. Literally one of my favourite one-shots.
Inevitability (44k words) by Xerxia
What if? What if Peeta and Prim hadn't been reaped?
Definitely not the fluffiest fics in the list, but Katniss absolutely SHINES here. And Peeta stays very true to his character as well. Absolutely worth the read.
It Takes A District (55k words) by MTK4FUN
Thinking her mother is dying, Katniss Everdeen marries Peeta Mellark to keep her sister out of the Community Home.
I love this fic. I don't know what it is, but there's something about it that makes it standout on its own.
Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker (241k words) by MegaAuLover
Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger?
This is the one. Easily one of the bestest AUs imo. Very long read- but I will be naming my first born after the squirrel. The Everlark relationship here is A+++.
( I know its weird to recommend incomplete fics, some these ones are legitimately my favourite fics and think are still worth the read.)
Cavedweller (79k words) by Jennajuicebox (last update: 2021-01-25)
Her mother once told her she was brave. A word Katniss wouldn't have chosen for herself. Brave implies that you run headlong into the scary unknown. Brave implies you face the things that want you dead. It dredges up thoughts of conquering armies and swords raised over head. Katniss isn't brave. As much as she would never admit it to herself she is scared out of her wits. She is staring into a gaping chasm, waiting for it to swallow her whole.
I love AUs that explore Katniss otherside of the family so much. As always, the Everlark development here is absolutely heartwarming and delicious. 10/10
On the Threshold ( 97k words) by ghtlovesthg (last update: 2020-06-26)
Nineteen and free from the Reapings forever, Katniss finds a token on her doorstep commemorating her passage over the threshold of adulthood. Discovering the identity of the sender will start Katniss on a road that leads toward life's other milestones.
This is exactly how I envisioned Everlark would get together had it not been for the Reapings. So so so so good. There is just enough here to be satisfied that the fic is unfinished ; w;
hope you find something you like! I always have more if you want more to sink your teeth into <3 Happy readings!
@heartforeyes @the-tiny-fangirl
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heavensbeehall · 1 month
One thing I have been thinking about is how well Peeta takes rejection. (I assume this is because he is used to being rejected by his abusive mom, dad who wanted girls and brothers who don't want to live in his sweet, new mansion for some reason.)
But Katniss is all, "I don't know if I like you." And he's just like, "oh okay." And there's literally six months where there is no story because he doesn't bother her, or stand outsider her window with a boom box or any "nice guy" movie stalker nonsense.
I guess I am just really bad at taking rejection (I don't like it when people don't laugh at my funny jokes!!). I think if I told someone on national TV that I loved them, I could easily come to resent them. And just be bitter and angry.
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peetapiepita · 3 months
Josh Hutcherson is the perfect Peeta not just for looks and acting skills, but more importantly, for who he is as a person.
Like, imagine if a guy who fucks around and does terrible things for attention/just to get more famous played Peeta. Peeta would be ruined for a lot of people.
I've seen people lose interest in certain characters because the actors are terrible people.
(A lot of ppl wanted Alex Pettyfer and he turned out to be a violent stalker who threatened Dianna Agron's life. Imagine if a terrible guy like that played Peeta. That would've been tragic. OMG.)
Josh protected Peeta's legacy just by existing as a humble, nice, and kind guy, who loves his gf and does adorable things for her. He is the closest real person you can find to Peeta and that's just a wonderful thought to have.
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katnissmellarkkk · 6 months
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Yall I did it!!! I actually finished the chapter! Okay so now I was thinking seriously of splitting this chapter in two parts but in the end, I couldn’t find a good, satisfying place to break them in half so… here’s a really long chapter! Hopefully you guys don’t mind 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Okay well anyways, God bless all of you and thank you so much for continuing to read my stuff, following my page here, giving me kudos and especially all the really nice, wonderful comments! Those are like instant serotonin to my brain 🤍.
Anyways hope you enjoy!
It doesn’t take long for Peeta to arrive home. After our call ended, with me tearfully proclaiming I need you, all I could manage to do was stare at the clock. Stare at it and count the minutes until my husband was here with me and not lingering in town, vulnerable and unaware of the most recent turn of events.
Not lingering in town, where Vulcan could find him and follow through with his threat to take Peeta’s life.
I almost choke as the possibility dawns on me. For some reason, in the hours since I awoke, the prospect of Vulcan the Stalker harming Peeta had yet to even cross my mind.
And my head wound throbs and my side aches something awful as the image fills my mind. The image of the person I love most in the world, lying in a pool of his own blood, slowly dying from a wound inflicted by a monster, who for some deranged reason chose me to be the object of his affection. My chest hurts at the very concept that Peeta could be gravely injured and I would be none the wiser. The mere idea quite literally takes my breath away.
The mere idea that what happened to me could happen to Peeta makes my eyes fill up, and I wonder if I begin to hyperventilate how much it’ll damage the stitches in my side. How much can I move before I damage the seams holding my hip together and keeping me from bleeding out all over the bed.
But — thankfully — I don’t have time to find out. Because before I can have a full meltdown, much like the one I already had upon waking up and finding myself stitched together like one of Prim’s old rag dolls, my husband’s stomp booms as he comes up the stairs, apparently taking them three at a time.
And I’ve never been so grateful for his gait. I’ve never been so grateful that he’s as loud as a bear on a wild chase.
I only wish we could be alone. I wish we could just have a moment to ourselves. But there’s still Enforcers in our hall, conferring quietly among themselves, with no end to their visit in sight. Actually, it’s not just the hall. There is still Enforcers everywhere on our property.
On our lawn, in our kitchen, on the porch, in the living room, the office, the backyard, down the road.
And especially in the spare room where I painted the floor scarlet with my blood. They’ve all been taking turns rotating in and out of that room for as long as I’ve been coherent.
One of the Enforcers — a younger male, who I haven’t had to personally speak to — attempts to stop Peeta as he rushes to get to me, his eyes dark and wild and intense.
“Sir, I’m sorry,” the young lawman says, his tone all business and detached. Like my near death experience is nothing but a bore to him. “This whole house is a crime scene. You can’t be in here-”
“She’s my wife,” Peeta simply states, as if that changes everything.
Because it does. To me and to him.
Because for as long as that handcrafted ring is on my finger, wherever I am, he belongs too. There’s nowhere I could be that Peeta wouldn’t follow. There’s nothing that could keep me away from him.
Read The Rest On AO3
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schmidtsbimbo · 8 months
masterlist !
olderbf!mike schmidt HCs
mike schmidt comforting you HCs
mike showing you his admiration and appreciation blurb (fluff)
peeta mellark general HCs
stalker!ethan HCs
jealous boy smut
billy loomis general HCs
billy loomis x bimbo readers HCs
stu macher general HCs
stu macher x bimbo reader HCs
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Active Authors Masterlist (3)
Part 1 / Part 2 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
ipsygrace :: ao3, ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Peeta's Games: The Hunger Games from Peeta's point of view. This follows the original work as closely as possible and much of the dialogue is taken from the original and owned entirely by Suzanne Collins. (@igsy-blog)
JHsgf82 :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: What's Mine Is Yours: Peeta's POV. Post-Mockingjay/Pre-Epilogue. A pregnant Katniss is feeling sick and scared. Peeta does his best to care for her while dealing with his own fears. Response to the Fluff Drabble Prompt: “This was my lap. Now apparently this is your lap.” (@jhsgf82)
JLaLa :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Two Wrongs: “Katniss, you’re my best friend and I love you but seriously-marry you?” A marriage for the unmarriageable. Modern Day AU, set in San Francisco. (@jlalafics)
katnissdoesnotfollowback :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Wrapped in Red: Katniss is trying to be a good friend to her recently divorced pal. She really is. But this holiday season, fate, her own feelings, and Peeta’s daughter have other plans. An advent style Everlark story. (@katnissdoesnotfollowback)
katnissmellarkkk AKA VanillaCottonCandy  :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Gravity: But he just stares at me for a long moment, his smile never wavering, then admits simply, "I'm just so happy that I threw you that bread." I feel my chest constrict, both moved by his words and exhausted from even standing inside this place again. And my eyes overflow then and all I can manage to say is, "so am I." / Katniss and Peeta, growing back together through a series of snapshots. Set Post Mockingjay. (@katnissmellarkkk)
LemonLuvGirl :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Both of Us: An alternate ending to Catching Fire in which both Peeta and Katniss are rescued from the arena during the Quarter Quell. Our lips collide with gentle urgency, two half conscious minds struggling in the murky waters between sleeping and waking, layered with a need for comfort and something more. We kiss until he pulls back, panting, angling his hips away from mine. I know what he’s trying to avoid. He doesn’t want to scare me. But the thought of his body reacting to me isn’t nearly as scary as the idea that we almost never got to have this. (@lemonluvgirl)
LilyMaid :: ao3, tumblr, ff.net
Popular Fic: The Awkward In-between: Days after winning the 74th Hunger Games Katniss recognized her life was changing, not just her home. She was already mourning for that old life, when things were difficult, yet so simple. With a tightening in her chest and a fear she didn't understand, she wondered what would be left. Cannon Divergent AU- pre Catching Fire (@wistfulweaverwoman)
loungemermaid :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: no grave could hold my body down (I'll crawl home to her): Finnick makes his way back to Annie, alive but in several pieces. He loses his right arm and leg to the lizard mutts in the sewer. While Thirteen can patch him up, he's going to have to go back, back to the Capitol, if he's ever going to get better. As it turns out, Peeta has to go too, has to try and pull his fractured brain back together. They help each other keep it together. Finnick is there to help when Peeta can't remember what's real and what's fake, and Peeta helps Finnick cope with limb loss (@loungemermaid)
MegaAuLover :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker: Canon AU- Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger? (@mega-aulover)
melissaeverdeen13 :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: give you my wild: a look into katniss and peeta's life as they grow back together after the war; their experiences with friendship, love, and parenthood. (@jenniferiawrence)
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browneyeddevil · 5 months
Question for the veteran fangirlies out there
Hi friends, i know I've been absent for a while and this is kinda a random post to pop back on, but I recently got a short burst of spare time for one of my favourite hobbies: reading fanfics by the wonderfully creative people within this community.
the question i pose: I landed on a fic called "happy endings" by an orphan account, a gifted work to amelia_day (@awhiskeyriver do you remember this person?!). I was wondering if anyone knows who wrote this fic and could let me know or link some of their other works here as i'm just obsessed with their writing style and was fully ready to dive down a rabbithole of their works before remembering that it was an orphan account 😭. it seems they were quite active in the fandom (y'all I went full stalker mode) until around 2021? from my own findings, I think it might have been silvercistern, but I can't be sure, and either way, I can't find any of their other works. does anyone know if they're still up? or if it even is silvercistern?
in short, help, please 🫠.
also if anyone else wants to also be stuck on a story for the next few days about masseuse!katniss and (lets be real) douchebag!peeta (he does a whole redemption arch) here's the link to the story happy endings.
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zenkor123 · 28 days
Depressed Peeta fics
Peeta's morphling addiction
The story of Livy Martin
Katniss Cracks
Peeta cracks
Peeta's mental breakdown
Peeta begs Boggs to take Katniss off the watch
Peeta’s journal
The Enigma of Katniss
Katniss's enigma: Mutt
Katniss’s enigma: Prostitute.
Peeta’s mental breakdown Katniss POV
Peeta after he figures out that Gale and Katniss aren’t lovers, that he never raped Katniss and Katniss isn’t a prostitute
Katniss's enigma: Friend
Peeta joins squad 451
The Black Market of District 13
I just want Katniss to leave me the fuck alone"
Hijacked Morphling addict Peeta's nightmares on his way back to the capital
concept draft for real or not real
Haymitch's earplugs goes online
Victors Cell Draft pt -1
Peeta warns Finnick
Peeta on the brink.
Your favorite color is orange
What the fuck are you talking about pt 1
Supreme Wartime Order 12
Stalker Katniss discovers the Den
Peeta wakes up
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mega-aulover · 8 months
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Katniss Everdeen Is Not a Stalker
Chapter 71
Chapter Summary: We get to meet up with Katniss and Peeta once more 3 years after the battle. And we get to discover what was on that paper Katniss saw Peeta holding so long ago
Rated M: Bullying, Violence, Weapons, Canon Typical Violence, Eventual Romance, Humor, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Death, Gun Violence, Peacekeepers, Rebellion, AU, War,
A/N: Big thank you to my beautiful and marvelous bestie and Beta @norbertsmom
Read Here AO3 & FFN
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hall0ween-twn · 1 year
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little miss strange hard thoughts corey tags moodboard fic rec 1k club
birthday bash halloween wonderland
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cheetah!mark bear!donghyuck fox!renjun cat!renjun samoyed!jeno kitty!jaemin necromancer!taeyong hyena!mark tentacle monster!yuta vampire!yuta yandere!jaehyun slasher!jaehyun hybrid!jeno gator!johnny black cat!jaehyun incubus!jaehyun orc!jeno bunny!doyoung ghostface!jisung vampire!renjun vampire!chenle vampwolf!jisung alpha!renjun alpha!jisung
kitten!irene cougar!seulgi puppy!wendy bunny!joy bear!yeri werewolf!wendy jorougumo!seulgi
kas!eddie incubus!eddie
coming soon...
coming soon...
eddie core steve core jeno core baekhyun core michael core peeta core renjun core mark core jisung core taeyong core chenle core
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Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game - 🍄🔪🧩
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Katniss tells us in the epilogue that she was nervous all through her pregnancy but I headcanon that right after the first toastbaby arrived, it was Peeta who had the first emotional breakdown over being a parent and Katniss had to be the one to talk him down while she’s holding their daughter.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Well if we’re going with not x rated, that’s probably satellite images and street views of cities, web camera viewing, to get a sense of the place I’m setting a story if I’ve never been there. #stalker mode
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Grammar/formatting/editing so poor that I can’t overcome it to enjoy the story. Examples would be walls of text, like the writer doesn’t use any paragraph breaks or their sentences and/or paragraphs are fifty miles long. Look I’m here to relax. I didn’t sign up for a Tolkeinsian dissertation. I can’t stand it when a fic is written in all lowercase or has large sections in all uppercase. My brain needs the difference to figure things out. And I can overlook mistakes. They happen, way more than we’d like, and we don’t have the kinds of editing teams that published writers do, but if a fic is an absolute mess of errors, I cannot. If a writer cannot take more than five seconds to edit, then I cannot bring myself to spend more than five seconds trying to decipher it.
Content that will make me nope out of a fic like nothing else? Untagged rape/assault/dubious consent or treating it like it’s romantic.
Thanks for the ask, love!
❤️ kdnfb
Truth or Dare Asks
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