aweelou-sketches · 10 months
I do my best to take care of you | Coriolanus Snow x F!Reader
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Warning content: anger issues! stress! between life and death path! angst! blood mentions! Angst!triggering! Friends to lovers to enemies to... Who knows? — pain!wounds! stress edgy ticks! Complicated love story!
Words: 7.4k
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x F!reader
Synopsis: [District 12] Your father, a studious philosophical man, taught you since you were a child to survive anything, taught you to not believe in anyone, even though you just wanted to read, draw and help your mother to bake and cook, yet there you are, learning not to die. Until Snow appeared into your life, the reaping day and the fortunate news that Coriolanus Snow being your mentor, would you either impress him or make him a fool? You're about to go against what you urged to protect, your morals.
Notes: after this drabble, I changed and added a ton of stuff, I'm almost dying 'n I hope you all enjoy my suffering, besides, I would let my morals off and let him get on top of me.
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Your name? [Name] Amleth, living in northern extreme side far from the District 12, you grew up alongside your younger sister among your parents, your mother? A good baker salesman door by door, offering great food for a cheap price so you and your family didn't need to pass any day without food or at least, clean clothes, appearance mattered for your mother, while for your father, he needed you to survive and achieve anything if he wasn't there.
You never understood the real reason why, since you were just a little gal, your father did what he did. I am going to tell you, everything what he had done to you, if it was cruel to a scared wee child? You've could say so, but all of this, would eventually help you.
Your dear father taught you how to read 'n write, how to sparkle a fire with kindling, to hunt, even math, oh dear God, you hated, you cried because it couldn't just get into your mind, but you solved some problems he gave you, you always solved them, even in a day where he throws you into a lake, a day you never forgot because you didn't learned how to swim, however, as you almost died that day, he helped you(well, he threw you there, and he couldn't lose you, so of course he got you out of the lake) though the next day, you went to the same lake again, but at least he taught you how to swim, or at least not to die. Father taught you to survive in the woods, but guess what? Yeah, he left you there, you were twelve years old, you felt cold, anger against your dad, hungry and fear, however you found your way home, followed the stars and to deal with the hungry? You killed your first reindeer, but you cried the whole night and even apologised for the animal life:"Sorry...But I needed to eat something, your sacrifice will keep me alive, thank you.." and you broiled the organs from the animals that you would need that night. And when you arrived at home? You cried and shouted towards your father, but he didn't fired back, yet, he was even able to taught you a lesson (well, your mother almost killed your father when she discovered what he did, who leaves their firstborn girl alone of 12 years old in the woods for five days? He said you were at some friend's house, though your mother needed to have suspected, since you didn't had any friends).
Your dad said:" My dear lov, If you thing that tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of..-He paused to sniff and smile at you.–However, I think, you already saw and even did..Can you give me an answer for what I just said think, my dear."
And it clicked, yet you weren't proud, you felt worse and wanted to cry, curl like a little baby in a corner and cry, but even if you wanted to cry by,now, you faced your father with your eyes burning(cuz you held you tears):"I'm my moment of weakness by fear and...hungry, I took an animal life, his sacrifice kept me alive...It just shows what men are able to commit to anyone, just be alive in later hours.."-then you sniffed trying not to cry, the animal's eyes, so pure and beautifully looking at you, lacerating its body in change of food, you were silently crying.
After that experiences and others lessons that you father made you get through, at least with the animals you apologised. You became a fine hunter of big and small animals, after you father passed away from the flu, just because you couldn't even afford a dammit medicine, life took him away from you and your family, so after you father you took care of all his past burdens, you even trained your sister to hunt if you were able to do so, and in exchange, when you dad was alive, he taught your sister too, she gave you tricks and taught you to difference different plants, flowers and about the colours of venomous animals like spiders, scorpions and snakes.
Since your father were gone, you read all of his diaries and notes on his books, your mother still selling tasty cakes, muffins and even bread, most of them you couldn't even eat, because even a small portion of what she baked, she needed to sell, and now sometimes she mends some clothes, from male to female, to gain extra coins. You had a dream, to become a writer and go to an university, however within this reality, you couldn't dream, so yeah, you kept and saved all of your father's teachings, because...
You would need them, like, right now. At the reaping day.
You were at the last row, hidden by the shadows when you heard your name being chosen by the governor from your district, you looked up at the cameras and at the distance from yourself to where the governor was standing with a goody stupid smile. It wasn't right, how woyldnit be possible? You didn't even communicate with those people from "your district", they weren't supposed to know your name, yet here you are, with slowly steps following thine path towards the wooden stage. You heard whimpers and whispers among the folks, due to your surname, they knew your mother, but they have thought that it was her, not her daughter.
When you wen up those stars passing near the peacekeepers, you say a ginger girl smiling, "this bloody cow."-you thought, last week you saved her ass up, when this bloodly bastard were doing nasty things with the Biddle boy from a lonely wolf, you,killed a hungry animal to save this bastard? Shouldn't you had let the poor animal, that just wanted a good snack, eat alive this witch alongside her stupid boyfriend, should you? Yeah...In this day you said your name when the dumbass Mayfair asked your name, well, ta-dah, this is what you win after saving someone's else ass.
You cursed and fired a bad word, in which, you received a slap across your face from the president, Mayfair's dad, making you stumble, the peacekeepers took the man away from you, while you were processing everything around your surroundings, you lowly laughed, unbelievable, when you stood up and looked at the cam, you controlled your breathing, you were angry, you wanted to strangle the redhead girl, what had you done wrong? When you tried to get down and fly towards her throat, two peacekeepers were needed to hold you up and stop you from killing her, while you were being dragged you screamed that you needed to see your family for one last time, but they didn't granted you this.
The only two things that you were thinking was, 1-your family and 2-your father lessons, you were a tribute now, a turmoil of confused feelings within you and well, the inlu company you would have by now was the boy, from your, supposed, Disctric.
The Reaping Day
During the Academy's mentorship selection
All the students is their bright red uniforms were watching as Casca Highbottom selected their tributes to their selected mentors. Sejanus wasn't in a good mood after Marcus being chosen as his tribute, yet his father, cruel man did this purposeful, however this wasn't a concern for Coriolanus Snow, each time Casca Highbottom passed over the districts tributes, near the 7-8 tribute, Coryo was almost losing hope, anxiety eating him alive.
Coryo mind thinking in any possibilities he could achieve with each tribute that wasn't his, until the 12 district appeared on screen, the male tribute wasn't his, but the girl, that Casca Highbottom put him in. Coryo scowl face with grimace to your face, everyone watching as you were dragged by two peacekeepers away from the daughter of the president, you were a savage. How was he supposed to make you win the Prize Plinth for him and the games? He thought for a sec he was doomed, yet, he doesn't accept failures, Snow needs to lands on top.
So Coriolanus comes to meet you at the train station with a white flower in his hands.
He passes through the others tributes, that were carrying hatred faces here and there, with reason, anyway, he then stops at the wagon that was supposed to be yours and Jesse, the boy from your district.There you are, Coryo looks at you while Jesse tried to help your way out of the wagon, but you declined, you jumped out off the wagon, yet you almost stumbled when your feet hits the floor, Coryo instincts almost touched you to help you stay still, but Jesse was faster.
You thanked him, and then you look up to your other side, trying to tidy your hair unsuccessfully, the tall blond lad caught your attention, you averted his gaze, damn, he is handsome, but unfortunately he was one of them, capitol future leaders, you figured out looking for mere seconds the pin in his clothes.
"Welcome to the Capitol."-he says with a handsome smile, you hesitate to take the flower, the flower wasn't venomous, so no need to attack him, right? Right.
"Mhmm...It seems like you shouldn't be here"-He gives another smile, you father told you, smiles from handsome boys are signal of danger, yet by now, you would ignore his voice inside your mind.
"Well, I shouldn't be here, but I'm your mentor"-he says, and you continue:"And what does my mentor besides bringing a flower to me?" –he quickly answers you:"I do my best to take care of you."
It didn't convinced you, but you took the flower from his hand, anyway, when you all hear a thud on the floor, it was a signal that it was time to go:"I wish you good luck, handsome boy".-As you might die anyway, why not risk saying those bold stuff? it wouldn't hurt anyone.
So the peacekeepers calmly dragged you and Jesse to an another vehicle, and yet fascinated by you, not trying to kill him or even stare weird at him, he finds a way to be in the same vehicle as you, and the others tributes.
Under your breath muttered:"Stupid decision", you can't believe that you mentor was so well committed to you, there's something off, and you will go on with it.
Until the others tribute were eager to kill him in front of you, so you quickly got up to spare the boy far from your mentor, even after Coriolanus mentioned that each one of them received a mentor, they still wanted to get rid of yours:"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid to say that I can't let you kill my mentor, I think I'll need mine, and I'm sorry (not sorry) that yours aren't so committed to show up and well, make a stupid decision to come here and see if I am "safe", so.."-before you could finished it, something happened outside there and Coriolanus quickly held your body, and you lead by uour instincts hold onto him body, when the door were open and all of the other tributes fell, eventually both of you also fell, after hitting a tough surface you and Coriolanus meet the grass, you on top of him.
Quickly you got up and even helped him, you adjust your vision and it was unbelievable, a zoo? Really? You stared now at your mentor, who was lost just like you, but not in the later seconds, the TV was recording right now, he needed to sort things out quickly, so he holds your hands into his, you would shrugg him off you, but under his breath, almost like a serpent he said:"Act up, we're gonna need it from now on, please, listen me carefully."
Everything worked well, too good for you, it felt somehow odd, but for Snow, it was great, he still believes that you might not win the game, if you played it clean, you would need him to set things up for you.
So meeting again at the capital zoo, he brought you food, in which you shared back with him, you even played with his face and criticism against the Capitol about not feeding him well, in which, begrudgingly he lowly giggles, oh God, you can't fall for the way he looks with his lips, "don't be a fool, you're going to be thrown in the arena, to kill or be killed."
The day to discuss strategies, where Coriolanus in a safe distance from you tried to reason, you finally spoke, facing and holding his eyes:—"You need to believe that I have a chance, if you don't believe in me, neither me nor you will have high expectations and hope to keep alive,well, at least me, you, I don't know, but I'm sure you need me to have something, it's all over your face, so go on, tell me what you need, what I'm suppose to do in the arena, I want to live as well as everyone here, you might just win a damn prize, but by your eyes, it seems you need it the same amount as I need my life."
You read him well, in lesser days than most of his classmates, you made Coriolanus think twice before answering you, then he answered you with honesty, what he needed and for what reason, you sympathised with him, so things wouldn't go wrong ,right? WRONG.
When both entered the arena to discuss, you two were right near the center, while the others mentors alongside their tributes were, until you guys were bombed, everything was blurry when you started to run with the others to the exit, but...Coriolanus wasn't by your side, shit, you could just go on and save your skin from the horror of the game, but you were a human being as long as you could remember, so you ran back, you saw Coriolanus, he was hurt and you guys exchanged looks, you came back for him when you could've just let him die there, but you didn't, and with your very being, you were able to get the wreckage from him, he was astonished, he was going to take your hand so both of you could get up and run, but the peacekeepers took you away from him, this was the last time he saw you before he blackout and when he wake up, he was in the Hospital wing with Tigris by his side.
Coriolanus when was aware of his surrounding he got out of the bed, he asked for you, if you were well, if you was hurt, Tigris tried to keep him in bed, but he didn't wanted to be there, because of him you might be hurt o, only God knows...Until you appeared on the screen, in where Coriolanus stopped in his tracks, as well as Tigris and Sejanus and others nurses. You were in the showcase, in front of the microphone, with an awkward smile, you hesitate to approach, but the broadcast man encouraged you, so you step closer and greetings the people that are watching you.
"Hello, Hi, I guess everybody knows my name after the reaping day, I'm not a performer, but I'd like to sing a song that my mom used to sing for me when she put me to sleep."—Yeah, you sang without a guitar, no strings, but only your vocal chords, in which you bewitched everyone, Coriolanus blinked, you're making him feel disgusting emotions, yet, he wasn't fighting against em.—"Don't you dare look out your window — Darlin', everything's on fire. The war outside our door keeps ragin' on... Hold on to this lullaby, even when the music's gone, gone..Just close your eyes..The sun is going down ...You'll be alright...No one can hurt you now, come morning light... you and I'll be safe and sound [...] Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."-your voice, you sounded like an angel, like your voice could touch people's hearts, indeed, yours touched Coriolanus Snow's one.
Oh dear, you with out your knowledge made Coriolanus Snow make a bold decision, he would do everything to keep you alive in the games, even though you told him to trust you and say that you could do it even without his help, he'd follow his own agenda, do as he thinks its better, Snow wants you to live, and now, its not only for the Plinth Prize, it means something more.
At the night, in your beautiful cage among the others, you heard something, you just wanted to sleep, but a voice keep calling out your name:—"[name] Amleth, Amleth."-you quickly got up and put your head near the bars, in the middle of it, Coriolanus face was near yours, too much near, you wanted to keep distance, yet you couldn't, you needed to hear him well. Caught off guard he asked if you were okay, if you were hurt by the bombs, also you asked the same things about him.
"I don't have much time, but here, take this, its going to help you, it was from my mother, but what is inside of it, it's extremely dangerous, juat a bare sniff and you're dead."-he explains about it and also gives you advices about the tunnel under the arena, you could only sustain his eyes, after he explained everything, both of you being so near each other, tension grows between you two, Coriolanus were changing glances between your eyes and your lips, too much for you disregard, so well, you didn't thought twice, you stole a kiss from him and, oh geez, he leans in, until both of you distance yourselves.
"Tell me, is it real? Tell me"-his face near you, you could feel his rose mouth breathe."if it is real, everything might change for me and you."
What was you supposed to say? Yeah, of course Im going to fall over a Capitol's boy, for my mentor, this is going to keep me alive, right? Holy moly, you wanted to say this, but what about your father teachings and your values, you weren't supposed to believe in people from the Capitol, it's wrong...Though who knoes the aftermath, why not risk it all?
So you answered him in a hurry, staring at him, he was even more handsome at the night's sky.
"Yeah, yes, this is real, you're the first bloody lad I kissed, I don't waste my time in things that means nothing to me so...Yeah, this is real, this is real for you?"
Coriolanus put his hands on top of yours:"This is real and I'll do anything, just believe in me."
"But Coriolanus, I'll ask you something, I don't want to take people's lives."-Snow stiffened looking at you, you weren't being serious, were you? Good, he might be the killer if you don't want it, he'd be for you [and eventually for Sejanus, since well, *spoiler* went to see and care for Marcus].
After the shared kiss — The 10th the Hunger Games starts
The signal was shot and everyone started to run like crazy animal, Snow was watching you in his seats, his blue eyes just had to pierce the television screen when he saw that instead of running straight to the tunnels you went to the center, where everyone went and started killing each other, you didn't want to kill anyone, however that didn't mean you wouldn't try to protect yourself from others and you would show not only the audience, but Snow that you could still, give him a performance, a show.
However, Coral almost hits you with a trident, which you quickly dodge and your parallel vision sees Jesse, you run to him and take his hand and drag him running towards the tunnels, after all, he was from your district, wasn't he?
On the other side of the screen, Snow clutched at his desk, his eyes burning, grimacing anxious for YOUR life, wishing you had listened to him in the first instance and run to the tunnels before getting weapons or saving Jesse, when he thought it couldn't be worse, it just got worsen, at the tunnels from both sides you two were about to get killed, until you quickly entered inside the down door, you quickly got Jesse hands, when one of the districts tried to follow you two, she got killed, so as far it seems, you were safe, for now. Coriolanus were finally able to breathe accordingly, he stayed up and didn't went to his home, Casca Highbottom provoked him, yet he stayed stil, before going home, he was there just to see if you wouldn't die if he returned, he knows you asked him to believe in you, but...There's no but, he doesn't believe fully in you, he doesn't know if without his help you would manage to keep yourself alive, from now on, he hopes you follow what he planned for you to get through this game alive,that well, in parts he helped to plan it.
The night was turbulent: Bobbin was killed, the cameras were frozen for an hour, and Coriolanus Snow received a serious injury to his back as well as a new title on his account, a killer, when he was forced to save Sejanus against his own will. , which until now, is causing more problems than solving them, this made Coriolanus angry, assigned as a babysitter.
The next day, back at his seat, you were still in that area with Jesse, until he noticed that something was wrong eith the boy, no no no, he urged you to go away, retreat or just kill him, but you weren't a killer, damn, you didn't wanted to kill. You tried to reason with Jesse, howevwr you noticed the bat bite, you couldn't let him be near you anymore, if he bite or hurt you, straight in your flesh, you'd be gone too, so out of mercy...You took the bow and arrow that you were able to bring, you killed Jesse in the tunnels, you sent the arrow in his chest, he fell and you felt awful, this was the first human you killed, you wanted to thrown up, but you weren't able to do so, because Coral and her former alliances started to run towards you, chasing you, yet, yu ran like a thunderbolt, no water and no food, what the hell is you mentor doing? Geez, you're alone.
When you were at a good distance from them you shot some arrows, you killed the boy,from the same district as Lamina, there's Coral and another three alive, and others that didint appeared yet, so you shot again, breathing calmly.
One...Two...they're s near you...Three. The arrow killed in the chest a girl, you started to ran again, you couldn't hide, not now, damn it, Coral and the other boy put you in a corner, no way to run out, but fight, the arrow wouldn't help you now, but thanks God you caught two daggers from the wreckage at the center before, Coral scowled face threatened you, Coriolanus that was watching you looked at the screen in front of him and selected multiples drones that would carry waters, since you received a lot of donations, since the day you sang, a lot of people had linked to your cause.
His knuckles were white, his eyes couldn't get off your face, to your figure, until the drones arrived and made all of thise around you,be startled while you ran, when you wete at some distance, out of you,boldness, your arms even tired, due to Coral having hurted you, you manage to throw at her a mini knife that was hidden in your leg, the knife didn't hunted Coral, yet, the knife made a good contact in Coral cheeks, however this just infuriated her.
"Oh shit"-and then you started to run like a mad deer, for your luck or misfortune, Ripper appeared, bullocks, you're doomed, you didn't want to face him, he was the strongest among everyone, due to his tall figure and strength.
"Kill her, she killed the girl from your district!"-Coral screamed at him, you frozen, nah, you,wouldn't let her accuse you in that way with lies.
"Your filthy liar, I didn't! I just protected meself from your allies, and the ginger girl wasn't by,your side, you killed her! She killed her Ripper, not me! Damn, why would I kill someone that was sick?"
Ripper was angry but instead of trying to cut your head, he forgot about it and went after his colleague body, what was he doing? You wouldn't be there to see, because you started running again, since Coral was at your back with another boy, until the boy and her started to argue and well, she killed him too, but when she tried to go towards you, Ripper ripped the flag, shit, something bad would happen, and Coriolanus, his mind raced against the minutes, he knew that Dr.Gaul was going to do something, and this, peharps involved the mutant snakes, Coryo was ready to cheat for you, and he did it, you wouldn't survive the snakes, you might survive Coral, but not the snakes.
Coriolanus knew that something like that would happen, at the first day that Clemsy lied and Gaul showed them her new pets, Snow knew, so fast forward, the handkerchief he used to clean your face and clean your tears, the tears of weakness on front of him, there was your smell, the snakes wouldn't kill you and you would win as well as him, he thought, somehow, after the game your worlds could meet again.
After his cheating move, the serpents killed the rest of the tributes, poor Wovey, you cried when you saw the purest soul part her ways in a cruel way, you feared snakes, you noticed they're mutates, you thought you would be killed too, but no, the snakes curled as if they were hugging them, as if you were their loved one, you knew, that it wasn't lucky, it was Snow, how he managed to do it? You thought again, he cheated, but cheated to keep you alive, it was unfair to others, but here you stand, alive, now when the adrenaline washed her way from you, you cried of pain while snakes, even not biting, but curling around you, in your hips, arms and legs, the places where Coral scratched in your flesh, open wounds that you finally allowed to feel, it felt terrible, you didn't cried your lungs out, but your tears silently, one by one until a lot appeared in your cheeks, turmoil running crazy in your mind, the fear of snakes and them pressing their nasty body around you, it was breaking you, tearing you down. You didn't felt like a victorious person, you took lives, you're hurt, you're afraid and couldn't tell it to anyone, Coriolanus on the other hand, his burning eyes piercing the screen, his knuckles white after he let them go back to normal, he, under his academic clothes, he was sweating out of nervousness, the game has ended, why didn't they take her out of there yet? She's afraid, she's...Is she crying?
Seeing you tearing up, even in,silent, Coriolanus demanded to them to take you out of the arena, the games has ended, he was about to lose it, sinxe everyone was in numb silence, they needed a survivor, they need someone to be a victorious, so he used it against Gaul, using his cunning into his favours, he didnt cared about the Plinth Prize, he needed you to be safe, he have said to you when he welcomed you, he'd take care of you, because he's a good mentor and because...He put you into his cold heart, which only had placr for his dearly mother, his family and now you, would he allow himself to fall for someone? Wouldn't love make him a fool of his own principles?
His colleagues begin to chants, demand that they should take you out of the arena, others commemorate your winning, others wanting to sing again the same song or a new one. While Coryo just wanted to be the first one to congratulate you, however the next day, everything happened so fast, you were sent back home with an amount of money, you weren't able to contact Coriolanus nor did he, he was punished, sent to become a peacekeeper, because Casca Highbottom discovered about his cheating methods, his mother item (that was filled with venom, that you,didn't used, because you used the bow and the arrows, which made him feel proud yet, judge you for being a rascal, and then...The damn handkerchief that saved your life, he wasn't sorry for it, he faced Highbottom terms, unhappy indeed, but he wanted to see it, it was unfair to him that you two couldn't see each other, after all he had done, to keep you alive inside the arena.
Coriolanus Snow wouldn't lie, you surprised him not only once time, but more than twice, he thought you were a savage, a rascal during the time he was sorted to be your mentor, there you surprised him, a bad impression, peharps, but your defiance made others feel jealous of Snow for having you as his tribute, second time: when you gave the cookie to him even though you needed it more than him, but he was just stubborn and selfish, so accepted, third: was when you choose to save him rather than running away, fourth: when you opened your beautiful mouth, with those fancy lips that he longed to kiss after the game, to sing, to sing a comfort song, a lullaby, if most children had a mother or father to sing good lullabies, he'd bet most people wouldn't be monsters, fifth: when you shot the arrow and when you made the whole audience laugh, when you complained about needing your glasses, that you missed them back at your house, you was able to do a good damn it shot without your glasses? How would you be like then, with them? Sixth: when you denied that you didn't killed that girl with breath issues, that you wouldn't kill people with disadvantages, honour? Dumb think, he thought to himself when you said that, yet, he fancied you even more, you weren't corrupted, not as most of em were. Seventh: When you were obviously hit, when you fell sometimes and managed to run, he is not blind, his icy blue eyes, every damn time, when you,were hurted and in pain, if he could, he'd demand to stop the game and sent you straight to the hospital, even if you being one of the districts, you stood up, fighting against your own pain, but the most important detail, the one that caught him off guard is the eighth reason: your lips, when your were pressed against his, how could your damn lips taste so well, and be just like a plumped velvety? For brief seconds, he thought he was in heaven, tasting the good things it offered him. He wanted it more, if only your lips tasted like it...He could even imagine the whole you, what it would do to him, he wanted as much power as he desired for his hands be touching behind your neck, holding you against his body, on the mattress, where he could just stay on top of you, possessing you, power over you, his wills on you.
He subordinated an office official to send him to the twelfth district, he was going to see you again, yet, he'd find a way to come back to the Capitol, not alone, but with you by his side, if you were loyal to your own words, so the kiss you both shared worth everything for him.
Part III:
The Peacekeeper
Sejanus was there with him, this moron, why would he be around him, Coriolanus didn't wanted problems, but well, Sejanus affirmed that everything would be different, that both of em could finally live, be free.
Yet their first day wete brutal, they needed to be still, a citizen, a rebel were sent to the hanging tree, while a woman screamed, Sejanus was ready to go towards her and try to help, but Coryo controlled him, he couldn't let him make a stupid decision.
Finally, he and his others colleagues had the rest of the day off from their shifts, Sejanus invited Coriolanus to a bar, where he accepted, his mind once again thought about you, but until now, you didn't showed up, he wasn't able to find you, not until after a good singer Lucy Baird left the stage, and the blonde girl called a very known name, yours, [name] Amleth, you were shy, just like in the last time he saw you singing, but the band starts to play their instruments and then you followed them, but before you started to sing, you said:" This is a song that I wrote after, well, after the games, hope you all enjoy"
And there you stand, beautifully, with a beautiful dress, your hair down with two braids that meets behind your head, and a rose, a white rose set behind your right ear, just like the time Coryo put the flower in that same place, your voice full of life as well your lips, with a soft red velvet juicy shades, you were using lipstick, Snow mind went feral, he wanted to smash his lips on your, see if your kisses would let his as red as yours. Yet, the song caught his attention, he stopped to drink what he was supposed to drink.
"Let us greet with a song of hope each day, though the moments be cloudy or fair — Let us trust in tomorrow always...[...] yee-hee!"-your smile full of life after finishing the song, until your face froze, you noticed him, finally, are you blind? Snow thought to himself, however due to the affairs of Mayfair and Lucy Gray ex, a fight happened out of nowhere, and to make his pace in your direction, Snow halted to your side quickly, as well as a man all drunk trying to touch yu in the middle of this mess, he wasn't even able to touch you, Coryo blow his strong closed fist into the man face, more than two times, you were caught off guard, the hell?! Nonetheless, Sejanus in a hurry stopped his friend, your lover taking him from over the man that face was dripping blood, they had to run away from the bar, and you by the band were dragged away from the place to safety after other peacekeepers in duty stomped the fight.
Coriolanus wasn't happy that Sejanus stopped him, it was his moment to meet you after the bar, after the game, his grumpy face was kind of adorable, yet not his death stare towards Sejanus, that noticed and shared an information.
"I'd like you to stop looking at me like that, you know, I never thought I'd be the one stopping you from a fight, but here we are."
Coriolanus scoffed, unbelievable.—"What is the information about, does it worth anything?"
"It's about the girl, the girl that seems to haunt your very being or just your icky lips, I'm not blind, I saw you at the bar."
His face fell and a warm sensation start to show up, his cheeks becoming pink.
"What...Tell me, what do you know, tell me'-Sejanus smiles, threatening not to tell him.
"A little bird told me, she would be far in the north of the district, after the lake you mind find a cabin that only she lives, her mother and sister moved to somewhere else, she stills at the house because of the memoir of her father, you might find her at the house or up the Hill near the lake, wish you good lucky"
Coryo thanks Sejanus for the information, thank God, he was eager to see your pretty face again, peharps, things could be different from now on, right? Right.
In the next day, he wears a simple white t-shirt, blueish trousers, his usual shoes whilr using his dog tag, he took the shift off today, he followed what Sejanus gave him of information, he was now in the Hill, it was when he heard a very known voice, humming some lullaby, instead being directed to someone, it was for yourself, your voice humming your father's lullaby.
If Coriolanus could immerse himself in your few songs, he would be addicted; your voice came as a complete package along your lips, so sweet, a a sinful temptation that seemed like a drug
You had your backwards turned to him, but a twig snapped when he makes a move forwards, you quickly became aware of your surroundings, startled; your grimace and frown were incredible, he thought, quite funny to see you like that, he bet you would be willing to scream at him for scaring you.
"Easy, easy, I am not a threat, well, I'm not on duty"-he giggly mocks you, [name] takes a step back, looking up and down, "Last night was real then, he is here in this district, but why?-you thought.
"If you keep looking at me like that this long, I think you might need a photo."
You scoffed at him, putting your hands around your hips, —"he's an unbelievably idiot, but a freaking gorgeous one"-you thought again. Should you just run towards Snow and hug him or just say that he was an idiot for coming to your district and not chose one of the 1 or 2 districts, because Highbottom told you, that because of you and Snow cheating schemes, he was about to be sent away without your knowledge to where, yet, besides all of this, you chose to just trust your guts.
You ran straight to him, quickly jumping over him, in which he quickly grabbed you, smilling and aomost out off air, the hug seemed just one of those hugs that both lovers that haven't been by each other side for a long time.
[GEEZ, I'M GOING TO BREAK THE TIME, BECAUSE IF I DETAIL everysingle thing that my mind wants, this story would take a year]
[Break of time]
Your head was laying on Coryo's legs, it was so comfortable, Snow was stroking your hair strands, caressing your pretty resting face, while he also watches your face while you rested with your eyes closed, "so life is just like that, when there's no worry"-he thinks. However the silence wasn't enough when he suddenly asked you what would you rather have, chose, betwen loyalty to trust or love.
You opened your eyes and then your gaze was upon him, he couldn't decipher what you were thinking and this makes him nervous, he usually previews what people wete thinking ,but not you, you were too good, well, he only knows and read you perfectly, when you want his lips smashed against yours, and it drives him mad, yet curious.
—Tough question this one, but, why not both of them? Why not loyalty in love, Why would I just choose one, when within one, you can have both.-He would explain to you, but you quickly continued.-I know, love, some people might say that love is treacherous, nonetheless, I don't think like that, in my head, within my mind, I believe that if you love someone, so dearly, you're giving your heart to someone else besides you, isn't already too much trust and loyalty, to give your heart for someone, you must trust this person, where you're willing to give what is the most precious thing for you, your whole heart, this is the things we do for love, isn't it enough? Love is not treacherous, but people are.-you shyly hold his hand and look deep into his blue eyes.–I meant it, I don't think you understood me, but I hope dat you do, because, Oh Jesus, I'm awful at this matters, but right now, right, I'm choosing love, the whole package, I'm giving my heart to you, so you can protect it, so you can believe that I'm not lying, I don't know the kind of love you've received and know, but this, this one that I'm offering over you, right now, is everything dat I have, and it's important to know your answer.
Snow was taken aback, again, you surprised him with your words, the way, so in love, so caring, this is too much, you keep making Coriolanus amazed by your acts, the words that you use, the face that you are right now glancing at him, was it love into your eyes?
If Coriolanus Snow knows what love is, it's because of you. Coryo have for the first time found what he can truly. He have found you, so he wouldn't hold back any longer.
Snow gazes locked with yours, and a tender silence enveloped the air, pregnant with unspoken emotions. Slowly, as if drawn by an unseen force, he leaned closer, feeling the warmth of each other's breath. In that fleeting moment before your lips met, the world stilled, and your hearts beating in harmony. When your lips finally touched, it was an explosion of fervent love—a soft, passionate exchange that spoke volumes without a single word. Both of you poured your souls into that kiss, a tender affirmation of your undying affection, sealing your bond in an embrace that whispered of a love that transcended time and space, yet mainly, Snow ideas, his misconceptions, his skeptical and analytical mind, right now he just wanted to pour more of himself on you, this kiss, dumb child, you took it as his answer.
His strong hand, passing behind your neck, touching part of the nape of your neck, pressing and caressing your hair as well as your neck, Coryo was making you lie down on that soft grass, under the tree, where the sunset was taking place. The weight of his body subtly making you surrender to his command, you didn't complained, you were too immersed already to make him stop, however when you both needed to catch breath, you quickly and sheepishly asked him:—"Then, what is your answer after what I have said? Mhmm?"
You brushed your lips, teasingly, when he tried to capture them, you'd simply turned your face away, Snow scoffs, he couldn't believe you were teasing him, but oh, you was, you would only let him kiss you again if he replied with honesty, and he knows, duh, this idiot handsome man knows really well what you wanted. Coryo left hand smoothed the strands of your hair away from your forehead, his piercing blue eyes stared into your eyes, he said in a low, deep tone, that gave you butterflies in ur stomach as you contained the smile at the corner of your lips. Before he gives you your answer, he brushed his nose on yours, muttering that you were persistent, if only you knew what he was capable of doing if people didn't give him what he wanted, oh darling.
"You want me to be honest, right..."-he hums near your ear.-"It was instinctive, the way you did me fell for you, it was effortless, we never had to force love, I wete drowning in it, the moment I saw you at the station and you wished me good luck, so now, only us two right here, right now, you have what I thought I was lacking, my will to love, the love I restrained and kept to myself, it's yours, you can take it, oh God, you can even break it if you promise me that you would mend it again, I'll have your heart, your love as well as you will have mine, so it means..-"you were ready to interrup him, but he stole a kiss and came back to finish what he was saying.–"I'm yours, but you're much more mine".
You could hear from afar your dad voices deep into your mind, saying that it was too dangerous for you, but what do you just did right now? You picked up your pure morals and put them aside, you freaking smashed your lips against his, well, when you tried to turn him over and you,take the top or dominant position, he was quickly to grab your hips, your body and keep you still, haha, dear, you aren't going to do what you want, he said too much, he will not regret, still, Snow likes to have power, and since you belongs to him now, not only as a tribute anymore, but real his, he will have power and control over you, above all, the time that he was supposed to take you, eat you, it was your first time and it made him feel great pleasure. The first thrusts, passionate, but after 30 seconds, the game changed and you couldn't brush this idea off your mind, but hus thrusts were harder to bear comparing the time you were at the Hunger games fighting for your life against the others tributes, it was strange, but for the sake of your mental health, you were thrilled up, your legs around his hips, his hard thrusts, you were a mess moaning his name as well as he was moaning, he restrained himself a lot, yet he couldn't hold his moans, it was good, it makes him feel prouder, so why he should keep it to himself, right? Right.
[BREAK OF TIME] a/notes: I know, I'm mad for doing it guys against you, sorry(not sorry at all hehe)
Your meetings becomes frequent, both of you end up making love in the dead of night in the hut that belongs to Amleth's family, your family, and that place has become a comfortable place for Coriolanus, it was like a home for him after he was off his duties, including being Sejanus's babysitter. At the night, you and Coryo, mainly you, would share your knowledge, you would tell him what your father taught you and then, he understood why you was so good with daggers and as archery, he pitied you when you told him your father left you alone into the woods and when he threw you into the lake, yet, he saw that your father as well as your mother have cared for you, it made him feel a tinge of jealousy, he loved his ladygrandma'am, yet, not having a paternal and motherly constant figure, yeah, he was kind jealous, yet, if possible, even more delighted by your stories. When was his time to share his past, when him and his cousin were hungry, eating awful stuff, he felt comfortable when his head would be on top of your legs, while you were comforting him and caressing his manly handsome face.
However, things were starting to seems odd, as if an eerie song around were giving you an alert. Sejanus started to act strange, Snow doesn't likef it, and then the moment of betrayal happens, with an inconsequential decision Snow makes, a horrible decision that resulted in the death of his friend, Coriolanus was a mess, he was destroyed, even saying that he only tolerated Sejanus, it was a lie, he kind cherished, deep down his friendship, yet, he was fed up with Plinth weird behaviour, here and there, he made a move, and this move costs Sejanus life.
Coriolanus reunited with his love, you consoles him, but you doesn't know anything about Plinth death, so you suggests that you two should run away from there, far away from the District 12, go as far away from the districts as possible, to live care free, no worries, a humble life, however, somehow you couldn't believe in it either, Snow wouldn't be happy, he wasn't made for this kind of lifestyle.
Although Snow feels guilty and regrets, for his friend's death, he was also due to the connection he had with Tigris, his grandmother and she were evicted from their old house in the capital, he needed to help them, they were his family, he had a duty and an opportunity given by the official, he couldn't miss it, though, he couldn't leave you too, he needed you, the way you know about politics, history, arts, your creative mind, you were a source of extra knowledge for him as well as, his only source of true love...
Despite of his agenda, he agreed to meet you behind the hanging tree, whereas you two were suppose to ran away together.
However, Coriolanus behavior seemed strange; you know that something was wrong, odd though. You heard really well that recording tape, you're not a fool — you wished you were one. While Sejanus was brought to his death stance. Then later, after the idea of running away with Snow, you made a move, an act of both selfish and mercifulness towards your love...
You leave him, you leave a letter for him, saying that you know what he have done, that it wasn't right, and even though it wasn't right, you still loved him and longed for his love.Nevertheless his family needed him, and it was okay; you're gonna leave his life without him asking you to do so, without giving him the chance to stop you and him trying to put on you; "some sense into your mind". Your morals were killing you inside, and it hurt as hell. You left him, you gave him a goodbye last kiss and even before he fell asleep, you sang him the same song your father's sang to you before going to somewhere better than this world, what a liar you were, safe and sound, mhm...
Next morn', when Coriolanus woke up and complained for not feeling your warm body by his side, in the eventually day that you two were supposed to ran away together, you weren't there, but your letter with your well-known handwriting.He went crazy about this, he tried to find you in the woods, hills, but without success. He returned and went back to his place among the others peacekeepers, soon leaving the 12nd district, he hated that place now than ever, he hated districts people, you lied to him, you promised and you have broken it, if only he could see you again...We don't know the odds, what would he do, what he was capable of doing so after seeing you, after you broke his heart, after you made him feel like a fool that fell in love.
He took the train, hoping for the job offered by the officer. However, he went straight to Dr. Gaul's hands, if only you'd knew about it...Where she made him her protégé, pupil, for the games design and all management, and well as his college being paid for by President Plinth since his believes that Sejanus and Snow were best friends...Guilt ate him alive, each day, but with deceit and ambition, he wore masks every day, making room for ambition and power in his core, his existence depending on it.
Still, the- mere-memory of your existence haunted and chased his thoughts when night fell, you were there, by his side, in his dreams, your laughter, your freaking stupid face, your awful lips that tasted like heaven itself, your letter and he waking up every morning looking around his surroundings, to make sure that none of this existed anymore...
He didn't have the power to go after you yet, but he tried to use what he had, his betrayed heart, betrays his own mind restrains, it longed for your homecoming, his other half, you broke his heart, the poor thing that still waited for your, that didnt allowed none other women, besides you, to be by Coriolanus side, Snow hated it. Besides guilt and anger for what he did to Sejanus, he replaced that and distilled the anger and resentment towards you.
After becoming the president of Panem at such a young age, 23, that was his last year looking for you. He expelled any mere thought about you(though his heart did not, it denies every day).
You opened a hole in his core, a hole so deep that he couldn't close it, no matter how many girls he could be with or date. His heart, even broken, only wanted one, one that haunted and destroyed him.
You two could have worked; you would have been the triumph of everything he could have accomplished. He would share everything with you, especially his successes. He didn't commit failures, yet the only failures he committed, you're the only one who knows and could use against him, but you never showed up all these years.
And that drove him mad, the mere thought that you were murdered or died, with nothing to send to him, to know if you were still around or that you cared for him.. Acceptance was difficult. However, he couldn't even support the thought of you having another love, oh dear, if he knew and found you that you were loving someone else, he'd kill the man, he would be willing to put his bare hands on the man that pursuit you, kill him, it was not an option, so to not go insane, he wouldn't even think about it, the thought of you be gone, it was better, though... Accept the facts of your fate and his, was, unbearable.
"It's the things we love most, that destroy us"
Part IV:
The Hunger Games continues
You were well alive, living a good life with your mother and younger sister, and well, with a five years old boy, Thomas Amleth, piercing blue eyes and the looks, that the resemblance was just alike the new president of Panem.
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
I just can't deny how enchanted I'm for Zoro 😭😭😭 and as a fake apology, I just sketch for my training
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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padawan!maul au
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
Some of my book project wip, this is one of my characters, he ain't the protagonist, but I intend to make my second leads important as well as my protagonists, since I guess I will try to figure out how to work with different point of views, when I start posting more dumps and arts of my book+the chapters that will be available on Wattpad, I will share the account soon as possible(because the genius didn't wrote 10 chapters yet, thus I am also translanting to English)
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
I look at myself in the mirror, and everything that I can say is that I should get better at painting.
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
I think after that drawing, my parents will kick me off 🙈🙈🙈
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
Just showing off my beautiful husbando
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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I did it yall... lucy carlyle as linnie chronicles posts
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
This is what I CALL a QUICK SKETCH
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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#paramountforlockwoodandco gained a lot of attention today, including likes from the Paramount UK Twitter. Very encouraging!
In the spirit of hopefulness and drive to continue, I made another version of my DEPRAC posters for us to circulate to support the cause! I will post on it on Twitter, and I encourage you all to be on there. It is the hellsite supreme, but it's the best place to get attention right now. Peace, love, and biscuits.
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
Netflix once again destroyed our dreams of a new season, but I'm glad at least I can read the others 5 books. It's a pity I won't see again these actors playing along together, but I hope we can see they again.
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Now I must read the books, someone pls kick Netflix arse and SAVE LOCKWOOD&CO
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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Yes it hurts, but you can all expect me to keep drawing and creating and retailing the extraordinary world and story of Lockwood & co. After all, Portland Row’s doors are always open 💙
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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Literally, some news that rlly wanted to show, I commissioned capybaras charms that I sketched and turns out it ended so goood, and those are simple cute samples
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
@netflix AGAIN CANCELLING MASTERPIECES? Honestly, I hope we, fans/Stan can do something, bother them so they can continue!
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Just because I was thinking of starting to sell lockwood&Co keychains, this Netflix mf-
@el 🫶:sign + share the main petition EVERYWHERE you possibly can to get other companies' attention! 🫶 sign this petition please
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
Lucy Carlyle in my chibi style!!! ♡
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HOPE TO BRING MORE (Lockwood and George)
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
As I promiseed, I still reading the books and then I feel the urge to bring more sketches that I did in my free time (nearly midnight as always)
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And what about Luce side eyes? Mhmmm...
(+ image reference )
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aweelou-sketches · 1 year
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Sketching something so I could be happee
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