Hello! Just dropping in to tell you that I follow your goodreads and you are my go-to for new book recommendations. I also sometimes panic when I come across a book that seems super interesting but you haven't read it and I'm like, "BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IF IT'S GOOD OR NOT???" Anyway, I read Hart and Mercy (LOVED IT and hope there's a sequel someday) and The Ex Hex (enjoyable but lacking in some areas and also it's totally Emma & Killian). Now reading Kiss Curse! My point: BIG THANK
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hello, hi, yes, i love this. listen, i read—a lot. like summer 2020 happened and 1999!era laura rose from the depths of my soul and was like TIME TO READ EVERY BOOK WE POSSIBLY CAN IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SOME SEMBLANCE OF SANITY.
and now that i'm pretty much watching college basketball non-stop and spending most of my free time on team busses, i'm reading (somehow) even more??? (and reading occasionally trashy books, like, 20 feet away from a bunch of college kids. i know no fear or shame). but the basic gist of this very long intro is that:
agreed on the ex hex, but i am willing to overlook a lot of plot 'ish for some good banter and both books in that series have had top tier banter so far.
at this point, i will read...pretty much anything if there is kissing in it. my kindle unlimited algorithm doesn't know what to do with me.
(also: everyone please come tell me what you're reading. let's talk about books. and kissing in books. it's my favorite thing. aside from maybe my basketball team winning today. or the rangers winning tonight. top-3, at least.)
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Alone, Until I Get Home by: phthalo
Summary: In Boston, Henry Swan's six-year-old brother Ian finds a book titled "Once Upon a Time" hidden beneath the seat in their mom's old yellow bug. As soon as Henry touches it, he remembers.
Season 3 Canon Divergence-Emma finds out she's pregnant a few weeks after she and Henry leave Storybrooke with new memories and new lives. Nearly seven years later, another Dark Curse puts her family in danger, and Emma must return to Storybrooke to help them.
Who's powerful enough to cast the Dark Curse? And how the hell is she going to tell Hook they have a son together?
Chapters Completed: 55 of 55
Part 1 in a series
Ok I don’t know where to begin, my graphic wasn’t good enough for how I feel about this one. This was where I learned that I didn’t know I needed them to have a son nicknamed “Ian” but omg this kid!!! And this fic. One of my FAVORITE curse fics. I can’t even tell you how many times I read this one and the rest of the series!
Stacy’s Recommended Fics and Stuff
@teamhook @peglegsjones
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distant-rose · 5 years
Someone sent me this so I'm sending it to you because it was ridiculously fun: What would the Little Pirates' Pokemon be?
Not that I was expecting it but I THOUGHT about it okay? Like I had their teams picked out like a year ago? When I started playing PoGo for awhile. A lot of my decisions on their teams are based on animals that I relate to their core personalities and what they’re doing during their adventures. So, like I associate bears with Harrison and he spends a lot of his major character arc in Agrabah so his team is like bear and desert Pokemon per example. I don’t like region locking Pokemon so I didn’t put a lot of thought into that, just an FYI. However, please excuse the shittiness of these Pokemon trainer cards. The sprites are kinda awful.
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Okay, as started before, I associate Harrison a lot with bears, hence why he has an Ursaring, Pancham and Munchlax. I don’t see Harrison as much of a fighting trainer. He just likes them around for company, so he doesn’t really work to develop them. He sees them more as family/house Pokemon than battlers, hence why his team is a bit underdeveloped. He likes caring for them, not training them. With that being said, his first Pokemon was a Piplup which got a ton of fighting experience because his siblings demanded to battle, so it’s evolved and tough as nails, and now an Empoleon. That Empoleon is fierce has hell and should never be underestimated. It rarely loses battles because it’s so used to being fought by Beth’s Swampert and Wes’s Delphox. He picked up his Garbite and Darmanitan in Agrabah. The Darmanitan is a pain in the ass and constantly wants attention.
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I associate Wes a lot with dark Pokemon and foxes, hence why the majority of the Pokemon on here are dark category related. He has two fox Pokemon and they’re Delphox and Zorua. Zorua is his latest addition and was a present from Bobbi. The Delphox was his first Pokemon ever and they were pretty close until the Absol came along.  The Absol was discovered on an adventure between Wes and Gideon, and they both kinda nurtured it back from a terrible state so it’s horribly attached to both of them, with a preference for Wes. The Delphox and the Absol don’t get along well. However, the most pain in the ass Pokemon Wes has is his Crawdaunt, it refuses to stay in its ball and gets very crabby with Wes when he doesn’t train it or use it in battles as much as it wants to. The Greninja and Hydreigon he’s also had for a long time and are often well used in his pranks, especially the Hydreigon, because he needs to get the fuck away.
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Who is surprised that Beth has an all-water team? Nobody? Good. She’s a fucking pirate, of course she’s going to have a team that works well with her profession. Her first Pokemon was a Mudkip from her father which has since evolved into a Swampert. He is her most trusted and most powerful Pokemon alongside the Gyarados, which was a present from Henry. She’s been training him since he was a Magikarp. Wes used to make fun of it until it evolved. Though, the Gyarados is a bit of an idiot but he’s her idiot. The Vaporeon is the most spoiled thing there is and is more of a lap pet than a battle Pokemon. The same with the Totodile, which she loves to affectionally insult. She found him with a bucket on his head and took pity on him. The Sharkpedo and the Kingdra she found on her various high seas adventures and she often uses them as scouts when raiding ships.
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Ned’s team is such a mixed bag, but it’s a product of his living in and outside of Storybrooke and in the real world. The Blaziken was his first Pokemon and it’s the one he’s closest to. When he was a Torchic, he used to sleep in Ned’s bed and occasionally he still tries to get a cuddle in with Ned, but now he’s too big. The Granbull and the Eevee are from Storybrooke. The Granbull was originally a Snubbull given to him by David and the Eevee is a poor lost soul left in a box outside the police station, and Ned immediately got attached to. He refuses to have him evolve. The Bisharp and Golem were found in New Jersey during college. The Golem is surprisingly really affectionate and it sometimes weirds his girlfriend Hazel out when it begs for a cuddle. The Cubone was given to him as a joke by his baseball teams since Ned is a bone head, but they’re good friends and Ned totally taught the damn thing how to hit baseballs with its bone as a bat.
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Rose Gifts Her Friends for the Holiday Season (8/∞): @peglegsjones
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Ashley! You are a fantastic person and if there was anyone I would do a fanfiction crossover fic with, it would be you! Especially because your Ian and my Wes would make quite the double trouble team. (In fact, I was thinking of your loveable devil when I was making this aesthetic.) Although you rooting for the wrong sports team, you’re a pretty swell gal and I’ve really enjoyed the conversations we’ve had over the past several months!
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queen-mabs-revenge · 7 years
@peglegsjones replied to your post “I kind of want to get some wood from the shed and have a wee fire, but...”
Reminds me of my day: I'd like to maybe clean these paint brushes in the sink, but on the other hand, centipedes (crawling out of the drain). Fuck things that move too fast and have too many legs.
BLAARRRGHGHGHGH luckily I don’t have to deal with them here, but for some reason, my church growing up was like CENTIPEDE SINK LAND and I just got a PROUSTIAN SHUDDER run through me from that imagealfdkja;ldsjf
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Hello! First off, I just want to thank you for all your book recommendations; they're giving me both life and a very long list of what to read next!!! I have two questions and two recommendations. First, have you read Atlas Six? It popped up on amazon and I am very curious. Also, The Raven Cycle is good??? I've always wanted to read it but feared it would kinda suck. Ok, recommendations: The Empirium Trilogy is pretty badass, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone series! Both have unique concepts!
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Hey, thanks for saying nice things! Particularly about me shouting into the void while reading every single YA fantasy and ridiculous sports stories I can find. At some point, I became, like, a half-book blog and it's nice to know that me screaming about absurd plots is not falling on totally deaf ears.
To answer your first question: I have not, but I would very much like to read Atlas Six. It seems entirely in my wheelhouse of things I would enjoy. The only problem here is that I am an snob™ who does not want to get left hanging by books in unfinished series. So, it's absolutely on the list (which is now a literal list, seriously) but I need a promise of payoff to jump in.
Second question, and fair warning, this might get a bit long because The Raven Cycle was—well, let's say it's a weird series. I really enjoyed it, but this is one of those very "JUST BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS ARE TEENAGERS DOES NOT MAKE IT A YA" instances y'know? Like, everyone was very much in high school with some HIGH SCHOOL problems, but they were also way more concerned with the ancient Welsh king possibly buried in their small Virginia town. And, like, the end of the world. Things I enjoyed about The Raven Cycle include, but are not limited to:
The absolutely immaculate vibes — passably creepy, weirdly magical, it felt like middle-of-nowhere Virginia.
MARAUDERS FEELINGS. If someone told me that this was originally conceived as Marauders fic I would be, like, yeah that checks, actually
Just generally accepted magic. No one questioned it. It just was.
Speaking of magic, there was a crazy magical forest that was (occasionally) confusing to understand what was going on in, but was also like it's own character. So, that was fun.
Richard Gansey III, my beloved.
Different POVs. Sometimes that can be confusing and a little annoying, but these, I thought, added to the story.
Everything to do with Ronan Lynch. Of which there were a lot of things, some of which totally surprised me.
The prose was really pretty. Back on that whole magical kick.
It's entirely possible that I also felt like this wasn't a YA book because sometimes I was reading it and was like...wait, what is going on??? So, I like to imagine I'm not more easily confused than the average 16 year old. Because of that, it's important to know that, at times, it felt very plot-heavy too. There was a lot of stuff going on. I'm not sure that I'd ever read it again, but I really did enjoy it while I was reading it.
Both of those recommendations are on my ridiculously long Google spreadsheet of books to read! I've been wanting to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone forever, too, so that might move up the list.
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carpedzem · 3 years
tag game! thank you @peglegsjones :D
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the rules are:
write “hello”
write numbers 1-9
write the alphabet
write the sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
write a quote by your choice
tagging: @cleotheunicorn @kiuda @eveningev @foolishalex @404dream I hope you guys will have fun!
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distant-rose · 6 years
So I was thinking that Ian and Wes would probably keep some inter-dimensional door open between their two realities, and visit back and forth for a night of drinking. Things usually end in a brawl, probably because Ian and Wes started it between themselves, but when others try to intervene it immediately switches from Ian vs. Wes into Ian and Wes vs. everyone in the bar. Neither of their families are happy about any part of this arrangement. Anyway, hope things are going well with school! ❤️
I’m actually missed these fun scenarios. And oh my god, they would definitely brawl. (And Wes would probably start most of them because he has a talent and a knack for deliberately pushing people’s buttons.) I just can imagine on person trying to stop it and then punching one of them in the face, and then immediately the game just changes and the dude really wishes that he just had kept out of it in the first place. And they have a habit of frequenting the same place so the bartender is just like “when will you people ever learn to let those two just fight amongst themselves.”
Of course, you’re right. Neither family is happy. They send Harrison in to break it up. It ends well for no one. I just imagine the two of them trying to drunkly tackle and failing miserably and Harrison is just like “why me.” Beth makes Jackie popcorn and they both bond over the fact that their brothers are knuckleheads.
And thank you for the well wishes. I just finished three exams last week and I’m just exhausted. Naturally the new term is just starting. I don’t feel refreshed in the slightest and just want to lay down and take a nap. But alas, gotta get back into the groove. At least this term, I only have two exams and two papers.
Hope all is well with you, love.
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peglegsjones replied to your post: Me when I see Br*emund nonsense on my dashboard:
I was all for Jaime and Brienne until I saw Tormund’s precious crush, hahahahaha
Eh. I was not moved by it, but you’re more than welcome to ship it, my lovely. I’m just forever loyal to my darling ship of the golden lion and the sun bear. I will cry if they reunite in the finale. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if they ripped out my heart and put Brienne with Tormund though. I will be a little upset, but hey that’s what fanfiction is for. It wouldn’t be the first or the last time I ship something noncanon.
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Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank You @jemgirl86 ❤️ for tagging me !!! Sorry for the late response but here we go !!!
 Come A Little Bit Closer by Brandy
Always by Atlantic Starr
 Part of Your World by Jodi Benson
Too Much, Too Little, Too Late by Deniece Williams & Johnny Mathis
After The Love Has Gone by Earth, Wind & Fire
 I Need You by LeAnn Rimes
Never by MARIO
 Say my Name by Destiny's Child
 We Belong Together by Mariah Carey
As by Stevie Wonder
Nothing: Brandy
 Stranded by Jennifer Paige
Have You Ever by Brandy
Inside That I Cried by CeCe peniston
 Paradise by Coldplay
 Peaches & Cream by 112
 Every Little Step I Take by Bobby Brown
8 Million Stories by A Tribe Called Quest
8 Minutes Till Sunrise: Jill Scott & Common
I am tagging: @cobrafantasies @wenellyb @naiariddle @hookedonapirate @totheendoftheworldortime @tough-lass @hot-chocolates-world @optomisticgirl @samwilsonsb4be @hollyethecurious @logicheartsoul @peglegsjones @sheriffswan-blog @captainswanouat @hookier @margarethx @sassysambucky @deanandbaby @samwontshare @samsharonsource
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itsactuallycorrine · 3 years
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tagged by @crazyassmurdererwall to do the handwriting tag, thanks Alli!
the rules are:
write “hello”
write numbers 1-9
write the alphabet
write the sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
write a quote by your choice
No pressure tagging @bgonemydear @peacefulboo @ponyregrets @bufordtannen @peglegsjones @bethanyactually @dannypinot and anyone else who wants to do it
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the-darkdragonfly · 3 years
End of the year ask:
11, 12, 13, 21, 23, & 25
P.S you’re one of my favorite cs fanfic writers 😘
#dies from happiness
Thank you darling!! #11 - Fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year: I've only played in the CS playground this year. Three cheers for Hyperfocus!
#12 - favorite character to write about this year: I'm really liking Hook from my NLNY fic which I *technically* wrote this year, but it wont see daylight until January... Also, walls down, happily living in a cottage by the sea trying to make onion rings and cheese bread Emma was my fav!
#13 - favorite writing song/artist/album of this year - I have listened to copious amounts of Blue October, Harry Styles, Sleeping Wolf, Elton John and Kennedi this year. I cant write to music, but I do love listening and plotting and see what happens in my strange maze of brain...
#21 - most memorable comment/review - Oh that's a hard one, there have been so many amazingly kind comments and notes on my writing, especially The Ripple Effect this year that I dont think I can name one... ALTHOUGH! I always stop whatever I am doing to watch @kmomof4 flail - it makes my heart so so so so so so so so so happy ❤
#23 - fics you wanted to write but didn’t - OMG SO MANY!!! I have a PWP Captain Duckling that I have wanted to plot out for SO LONG! As well, my mutiny CS Tale which has half a first chapter and beautiful art... AND! I have a Captain Hook Neverland Origins Tales which is still quietly waiting it's turn... (and like, a million more...)
#25 - a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read- Well, that's just impossible. So here's my list: Overboard by @elizabeethan On this Night @elizabeethan Entwined Series @sailtoafarawayland The Wife @ineffablecolors Not one of those stories by @ineffablecolors Perilous Harbor @veryverynotgoodwrites She Came From The Water by @donteattheappleshook That name which is no part of thee by @gingerpolyglot Fallen & Wanting by @sailtoafarawayland In the company of demons by @hollyethecurious Lover of the Light by @donteattheappleshook Stone Hearts by @donteattheappleshook 🍒 Welcome to Storybrooke @kmomof4 Seal the deal by @hollyethecurious Never more than I can take @elizabeethan Sowing the seeds of trust by @jrob64 Marco's home for lost boys by @wefoundloveunderthelight Make a wish by @acrobat-elle I belong to you, you belong to me by @peglegsjones
and omg so many others, but my brain is shot I cant think anymore...
- Kay
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elizabeethan · 2 years
Ooh 19! but for things you’ve written (or canon if you want)
19. if you could be a part of any story, which story would you want to tag along in?
For my own stuff, part of me (the crazy part?) wants to be Emma’s therapist in Spaces Between Us because I put her through enough, but I’ll leave that up to Ingrid 🥰
I also am just obsessed with the entire universe that @peglegsjones created in Alone, Until I Get Home. I’m currently rereading the sequel from the start so I can get caught up on the most recent updates. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and watch her incredibly unique stories unfold.
Ask me a question!!
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I know you have more Very Important Things to worry about right now (hockey) but I want you to know that I've read both the Cruel Prince and Raven Boys because of you and omgggggggggggggg they're both so good and I'm on Blue Lily, Lily Blue right now and I need Blue and Gansey to kiss so bad! >:( Also, a recommendation for you: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. Anyway, that's it. Carry on with your playoffs and your team that actually made them.
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Listen, the Rangers are stressing me out. I am having fun, but I also feel like I might be dying every game? It's a very fine line to walk, honestly. Like, I was not cute yesterday post-loss. But! All that being said! I am so psyched to hear that you're reading and enjoying!
I love that!
Truth be told, I'm still not entirely sure I understood everything that happened in The Raven Cycle. But I liked it. It was weird and everyone was complex™ and I also wanted Blue and Gansey to make out. For pretty much the entire series. I've got big plans to read the Ronan sequel series once the Ronan sequel series is over because I am part of the problem and hate getting cliff-hanger'ed by series.
I also loved The Cruel Prince way, way, way more than I thought I was going to. Every time Jude wanted to stab someone I was like: yes, good. Do it. Destroy everything. I am PSYCHED for the new sequels coming out, too.
Anddddd I have A Deadly Education on my TBR! I read Uprooted by Naomi last summer, and I liked it a lot. Beauty and the Beast vibes—which means obviously I am contractually obligated to read it because of who I am as a person. So, that's another rec for you too if you haven't read that one.
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distant-rose · 6 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you (or not). Spread the positivity! ♡
Love you and you are absolutely wonderful.
the yankees, specifically aaron judge
making a trial judge laugh (it’s happened a few times and it’s like an angel getting its wings)
not being stressed
comments on fics
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Things I'm Typing Thursday - @courtorderedcake edition
Trying to motivate myself to write more.
From Hallow, chapter XXIII
Emma hadn’t left her room in days, only appearing for meals where she acted as a grateful guest. Taking a bite or two of food, a careful mask of diplomacy on her face, Killian watched her push around the rest before taking her leave.
“If you’ll excuse me, I still have not recovered from our trip here.” Bowing slightly, she turned before any of their company could offer anything. He recognized fleeing when he saw it. Leaving the table to follow her, he gave a nod to Ingrid, cloak rippling behind him.
Knocking on her door in the smooth polished stone rooms, Emma called out from the other side, voice shaking.
“I’m feeling ill, please -”
“Emma. Open the door.”
“I’m alright, I’m about to take a nap actually -”
“Open the door, please.” He heard her sigh, and the door unlocked. Up close he was surprised how well she had covered her distress. Her eyes were red rimmed, cheeks stained. With the door open a crack, she returned to her bed and laid down curled away from him.
From MTFB, chapter 6
Dr. Hopper's words might have been a pack of mosquitoes for how they buzzed around Emma's head and tried to bite her in the ass before she could process she had even been a snack.
"Give your happiness a chance."
Happiness? It wasn't exactly like she was used to having the feeling in her life, and if not for her found family of friends, she most likely would not have believed it actually existed. She tries though, because her baby deserves the best she can get, and Emma will be as damned as any Demon if she can't make that happen.
(The problem? It's HARD - frustratingly, annoyingly, and deliciously difficult.)
From Riptide Sequel... 🤫
Esper adores her father from the moment she can smile up at him with a gummy grin that mimics Killian’s own. Both twins take after him, both have dark, thick, hair that curls down Esper’s fair shoulders, they both babble with their hands animatedly moving or rocking on their feet, have the same crooked smile under their mother's gift of green eyes and scrunched noses. Esper is content to watch the stars, to listen to his deep voice rumbling over heartbeat and sea as she falls asleep. It's his name she yells when the nightmares come and a monster chases her. 
It's her Mum she calls for if it catches her, the violent bursts of her own screams as cerulean flames moved like ghosts in her palms. The feeling of making them is electric, terrifying truly - as terrifying as the original nightmare if not more. It's Mum who teaches her magic; to turn shadows into light filled bubbles or how to produce controlled flame that licks the tip of one finger lazily. 
The memory of Mum holding their hands to the open air watching as above swirls of rainbow magic light a starry sky is a favorite and fond moment of time. It's something Esper finds herself using to conjure greater magic, pushing herself further with every spell. Emma Swan may have been the greatest wielder of light magic on the seas, but Esper Jones is not to be outdone. Wielding and weaving chaos magic with elemental summoning in ways that no one has dared, she learns quickly. It's under her family's careful watch and with their connections that she learns from the best around the realms, visits to castles and trips across the world bringing more knowledge and experiences. 
It is with pride that her Mum tells her that she has caught the attention of the Apprentice’s Academy, the college of magical arts created by The Middlemist Sorcerer himself. Her father isn't elated. Her father is pensive, and refuses to sit while they discuss her leaving to train
From Lt. Duckling A/B/O fic (Unbeta'd)
The man with the hook hadn't broken a sweat during his mad scramble away from the castle, moving like a cat as he carried her in shadow to the docks and then onto a ship. Emma couldn't see him, her chin and cheek pressed firmly to her captors shoulder, nose against the back of his neck. He smelled wonderful, and she knew that it was another cruel trick of nature that her kind was attracted to their predators. It was frustratingly barbaric to know some sense of her agency was replaced by want, and she resolved to bury the feelings deep, instead contemplating her feelings on if she was to survive this. If she wanted to survive.
Her parents would do everything possible to ensure her return, knowing this was a death sentence, but they had no idea who had taken her or why. Especially a smuggler like this pirate, who probably docked somewhere secret to bring in their goods. If Emma had time, a day or two, her parents would probably find her if luck was on their side. If she had hours… That would be it. Instead of dread, she felt a numbness creep through her skin. This life she was living, it wasn't a life any longer. Maybe this was fate providing her relief.
He gave orders as she drifted in thought, the smell of salt air and lemon oil only enhancing the spice, leather, wood and soap that lingered on his collar. It was rare that Emma was nostalgic about Neal, but the press of someone against her was a comfort she had no qualms longing for. If she had a way to ask she would have begged her parents for a companion just for the platonic touches like this, the ease that it brought when Emma longed for her mate and wept over the broken bond. Just to be near another heartbeat, feeling shoulder blades and muscles under her breasts, the way it calmed an ache that this life had burdened her with -
“What is it? A doll?” Someone asked, jerking her from her wonderings.
“No. I don't know what she is, but it's not a doll. She's breathing, and seems to have awareness. I'm going to take her to the soothsayer and ask for more answers. For now she can stay in my quarters.” Her captor’s voice was a rumble she could feel against her chest, his hand undoing the carefully tied knots to take her off his back. Holding her gently, he curled her against his chest. Emma could see the buttons undone on his linen shirt, coarse hair overflowing. Her mouth went dry while her mind chastised her for absolute weakness.
“The captain needs a trifle to amuse himself with? How about a chance with the crew for the beauty?” A man hooted, and her captor lunged, as if forgetting he was holding her.
“If anyone touches her without consent, they will have spat on my quest for revenge and thus me. They will be rewarded in death.” His eyes burned like a cold flame, the man who had been so lewd quickly turning tail at the display of temper. Emma held on to the glimmer of hope that she might succumb to rest with her body unused by these unscrupulous men. To want was one thing, the reality was a grim and dark other. At least he would keep her In the promise of some safety.
In a way, she was glad for her body's woefully designed biological impulses, for this at least. Only the Alphas on board, like the captain, could shut off her mind with the waft of pheromones or commands of pleasurable actions. If the captain decided to act on any devious intentions while she was captive, she might be able to imagine herself finding him attractive in another time or place. This was neither, but she let herself take him in.
The light of dawn made him look like one of the sculptures she had often gazed at when passing temples, angels, gods and goddesses cut from stone with unmatched artistry. His jawline was covered in stubble and his eyes were blue, but in the light she could see the different colors of his hair, the scar against his cheek, and the grim determination that burned just behind the ice in his irises. Even smelling like rum and with red around his eyes from it or lack of sleep, he did not seem drunk or unkempt, just touched by wind's invisible hand. Emma blinked several times in the growing sun, letting him survey her carefully before he adjusted her in his grip again. Walking down a set of stairs, he opened a door and placed her on a bed before walking to a desk.
@elizabeethan @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @ohmightydevviepuu @donteattheappleshook @thesschesthair @thisonesatellite @carpedzem @teamhook @jrob64 @mariakov81 @theonceoverthinker @wyntereyez @cocohook38 @bubblegum1425 @stahlop @laschatzi @profdanglaisstuff @winterbaby89 @gingerchangeling @peglegsjones
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