#peni griffin
weirdlookindog · 1 month
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"Curiosity killed the cat" is a familiar theme in folk tales. But will curiosity kill the wolf?
Janet Aulisio - illustration for Peni R. Griffin's 'The Wolf Man's Wife'
(Realms of Fantasy Vol.4 #1, 1997)
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st4rlex · 11 months
peni gives noir pop rocks and he starts coughing so hard he starts glitching
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5hrignold · 1 year
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i made two. to be inclusive
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jorbelol · 1 year
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hey guys i drew stewie is it good.. i tried really hard please say yes
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zander-stardust · 2 years
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You're welcome~
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catboycyrus · 9 months
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hymemena · 8 months
Trials in Tainted Space Transformative Items Magic Anons
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs. These are taken from the game Trials In Tainted Space. Inspired by this meme by @sunbun-memes.
CW: General NSFW, Heats, Ruts, Transformation
Amazona Iced Tea - Increases breast size, height, and/or muscle tone in female-identifying individuals.
Amber Seed - Grants the consumer avian attributes. If consumer is feline, the amber seed will change them into a griffin. If consumer is equine, the amber seed will turn them into a hippogriff. If consumer is a naga or similar snake-like being, the amber seed will change them into a quetzalcoatl.
Bovinium - A small bottle labeled "Bovinium" that contains a small, cow-shaped gummy candy. Grants the consumer cowgirl attributes. If consumer has a penis, their penis will shrink. If the consumer has breasts, their breasts will go and begin to lactate if not already lactating.
Breeder's Bliss - Induces heat or rut in the consumer.
Cackler - A chocolate bar filled with crisped rice. The front of the wrapper has the name spelled out in big, blocky letters. Grants the consumer hyena attributes.
Canine Popper - Grants the consumer canine attributes. If consumer does not already have a tail, the canine popper will cause one to grow. If consumer has a penis, it will become a knotted canine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will become a canine vagina.
Capraphorm - A small, disposable inhaler full of something called “Capraphorm.” It is blank white in appearance with a black silhouette of what appears to be a goat above the mouthpiece. Grants the consumer caprine attributes. If consumer does not have hooves, they will gain hooves. If consumer does not have horns, they will grow horns.
Catnip - Grants the consumer feline attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into a barbed feline penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will become a feline vagina. Accidental or intentional overdose will cause the consumer to become a cattaur.
Chocolac - Causes the consumer to lactate chocolate milk upon consumption.
Dicksprout - Causes user's penis to grow larger. In some cases, causes user to grow an additional penis.
Dose of Soak - Effective only on those who possess a vagina. Will dramatically enhance lubrication and sensitivity of the consumer's vagina.
Dumbfuck Pill - Causes the consumer to become a himbo or a bimbo, depending on gender identity.
Goblinola Snack Bar - A snack bar that is gaudily advertised on its plastic wrap as a tasty, healthy treat. Grants the consumer goblin attributes. Will cause taller folk to become as short as three feet six inches.
Horse Pill - Grants the consumer equine attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into an equine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will be transformed into an equine vagina. May cause the consumer to become a centaur.
Illumorpheme - Grants the user moth attributes. If user does not have wings or antennae, illumorpheme will cause them to manifest. Lemon
Loftcake - A lemon cake roll designed to dramatically increase the consumer's height to a maximum of 120 inches.
Lion-Os - Grants the user lion attributes. If user is female-aligned, can cause the growth of a second row of breasts.
Lip Tease - Allows the user to shrink or enlarge their lips, as well as change their lips' natural color.
Mousearella Cheese - A cheesy snack covered in a thin plastic wrapper with the image of a cartoon mouse nibbling on an oversized wedge of Swiss cheese. Grants the consumer mouse attributes. Will shrink taller individuals down to a maximum of 60 inches tall, and cause the growth of mouse ears and tail.
New Ewe - Grants the consumer sheep attributes. This includes a thick layer of fluffy wool, and the growth of ram horns in male-identifying consumers.
Ovilium - Causes the consumer to become pregnant with eggs.
Pandaneen Pill - Grants the consumer panda attributes.
Pussyblossom Pill - Causes the consumer to grow a vagina. Maxes out at three.
Shark Bites - This is a simple white pack containing three brown coloured jerky-esque bits. Grants the consumer shark attributes. Consumers will gain scales and shark markings, as well as gills.
Strawberry Shortcake - A strawberry cake roll that dramatically reduces the consumer's height to a minimum of 48 inches.
Swineapple - Grants the consumer swine attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into a swine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will be transformed into a swine vagina. Will also cause consumer to grow a corkscrew tail.
Tittyblossom - Grants user enlarged breasts. Has also been known to reduce muscle tone and increase femininity.
Virection - Causes the consumer's penis to grow larger, with a maximum size of thirty inches long. May also result in the consumer growing another penis, up to a maximum of ten.
Zil Ration - These are dried rations appear to be made from local fruits and plant nectars. Grants the consumer bee attributes. Often results in lactation of honey in female-identifying consumers, and honey cum in all consumers.
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kpforpresident · 4 months
first line fic game
tagged @dreamsaremywords, @sassymajesty, @dysco-lymonade
rules: don't reblog the first one, make a new post! look at the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
1. flowers in your hair : The door chimed, a cheery little note that pulled Lexa out from where she was intently reading, chin propped up in her palms.
2. Good Vibrations : Lexa is staring particularly hard at the one penis-shaped water stain in the damp ceiling, trying her absolute hardest not to eavesdrop on the couple that was standing a stone’s throw away, arguing hotly next to a hot pink, two-foot-long dildo that Lexa would hazard a guess at being at least as large around as her forearm.
3. Call Me By Your Name: The summer night Clarke met Lexa was hot and syrupy, with sunlight streaming in thick buttery ribbons through the dappled olive trees that dotted the Griffin’s family villa.
4. i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart): Eyes watering from the biting cold winds that whipped endlessly through the streets of New York, Lexa toed her shoes off as soon as she had crossed the warm threshold.
5. Can You Feel My Heart?: Slow, fat water drops trailed their way down damp cave walls, wending unsteady paths to join larger puddles quietly gathering in the uneven stone of the floor, shimmering with fading light as the last smudges of daylight scrape against the horizon.
6. deep in our bones the old songs are waking, sing them with voices of thunder and rain: The waves are towering, writhing monsters as they crash over the bow of the ship, the wooden helm creaking ominously as bitingly cold sea water gushes across the already saturated deck.
7. we were born sick, you heard them say it (take me to church): Clarke stepped into the confession booth, feeling the fancy cut glass tremble in her hand as she did so, pulling the worn cotton curtain to safely enclose her from the dark echoes of the silent, empty church pews.
8. if the silence takes you then i hope it takes me, too: Clarke shivers as the wind whips icily around her, pulling her thick black peacoat tighter to her frame as she hunches her shoulders for a brief respite from the chill.
9. House of the Rising Sun: The heat in the south isn’t like other places.
10. What the Ground Gave Us (The Maiden and the Selkie): “Lexa,” Clarke breathes, smiling into the soft skin in front of her as Lexa peppers small, loving kisses over her eyes, her nose, onto the apples of her cheeks.
tagging @butmakeitgayblog @100hearteyes @syngularitysyn a @mozz14 @talktomeinclexa & whoever wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me [boop], esp because i think most of my tumblr friends have done this!
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transfemininomenon · 5 months
gay griffin mcelroy be like. where's all the penis??
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tubapun · 3 months
Women don't like it when you scream "Bangarang" into their vagina
- Griffin Mcelroy
Broadening this to the mindset of 2024
Feel free to elaborate on your feelings in the tags.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
March 2024 Books
Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot by Janet and Isaac Asimov
This one was a lot of fun! I should track down the rest of the series.
The World's Greatest Detective by Caroline Carlson
I was very confused about what era this world was mimicking (are they Victorian? 1920s/30s?), but it was a fun story and I enjoyed the dynamic between the protagonists.
A Dig in Time by Peni R. Griffin
I remember liking this one, but it feels like I read it years ago and I can't remember everything. Time travel with a family emphasis.
The Promise by Monica Hughes
Like Sandwriter, which this is a sequel to, I initially wasn't so sure that I liked this one, and then it went in an unexpected direction that took the themes in a more complex place, and I appreciated that.
The Yellow Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
I generally like fairy tales well enough, but this one was rather a slog to get through, and I ended up skimming a lot of it. There were some familiar favorites, but a lot of the tales were of the variety that consist of an interesting set-up followed by a seemingly incoherent series of events, and I regret I don't have enough interest in folklore to get much out of that.
The Romance of a Shop by Amy Levy
Interesting from a historic perspective mostly, but I didn't connect much with the story.
The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn by Amber A. Logan (reread)
Reread so it would be fresh in my mind before the presentation. You already know how I feel about this one.
The Humming Room by Ellen Potter (reread)
Same as above. I have a post in drafts with some thoughts on this one that may eventually see daylight.
The Making of May by Gwyneth Rees (reread)
Already discussed this one.
A Bit of Earth by Karuna Riazi (reread)
Beautifully written and very readable and develops its themes well. Does fall into the trap of making the story about grief (Maria's late parents were frequently absent from her life, and she resents this, but she did have relationships with them in ways that her counterpart in the original book never did with her parents, so it's a completely different dynamic). I found this Colin to be somewhat underdeveloped, but I did appreciate the concept of his being fearful about failing to live up to family expectation, which is a reasonable translation of the original character's source of shame.
Charley by Joan G. Robinson
I don't remember much of this one. Didn't have any problems, just didn't have as much impact as other books by this author have for me.
Greenwild by Pari Thomson
A very derivative example of the Child Learns That They Are Magical And Special And Enters A Fantastical World Where They Must Take On The Villain sort of story. I wanted to enjoy it, but everything felt trite.
Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time Lords by Steve Tribe
This was a gift from my brother. I am a very casual DW fan and haven't really engaged with the show in quite a while (really should rewatch and catch up on new stuff but that's a pretty big time commitment right now). I think I would have got a lot more out of this if I were more than passingly familiar with Classic Who and all the lore in general.
Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu
I was interested in this one because it's a retelling of "The Yellow Wallpaper," and the concept of comparing the difficulties of getting difficult-to-trace chronic illnesses taken seriously and diagnosed in today's world to the mishandling of women's medical and psychological conditions in the late nineteenth century intrigued me. However, this book didn't really know what it wanted to be. The young protagonist's struggles with her mystery chronic illness took up most of the book, but there was also a plot about a literal ghost in the wallpaper of her new attic bedroom that needs to be defeated in the end, and neither of these things fitted well together. One or the other of them would have been fine, but the combination left me confused about the nature of this fictional world and the themes of the book in general.
Comics/Graphic Novels
Benevolent Sisters of Charity (Over the Garden Wall)
This is the only one of the OTGW comics that I wasn't able to buy before it went out of print, so I ILLed it and realized that it was for the better that I hadn't. The story was incoherent and pointless and the characters were OOC. The art was much better than the story deserved.
Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 3
I've read these as a webcomic already but wanted it in book form too. These are entertaining; you just have to go into it aware that this is The Fluffy World version of everybody and they are characterized accordingly.
The Flash by Grant Morrison & Mark Millar
Not on a level with Waid's work, of course, but the highlight of this one was the storyline in which Linda dies and Wally manages to bring her back (some good Bart content here) and a delightfully meta short story in which Mark Millar meets up with Wally to figure out what story about him to tell next...and Wally is given a co-writing credit in the end.
The Flash by Mark Waid Books Seven and Eight
An effective end to this run. Waid points out in his Afterword that he's still got another story on reserve, so...anytime he wants to give that to us, that would be great. I'll be waiting.
The Secret Garden on 81st Street: A Modern Retelling of the Secret Garden by Ivy Noelle Weir (reread)
You know how I feel about this one. (I whipped it out at the convention to show somebody who was talking to me about CEN in the present day through leaving one's child to technology that that concept was used in this retelling, and somebody nearby oohed about what a diverse retelling it was as I flipped through pages. Which is, you know, more important than effective storytelling. It should have done both! We could have had both!)
Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Omnibus Volume 5
I've read this in webcomic form already, but it's a pleasure to have a physical copy of the latest omnibus.
Sinister Sons #1-2 plus additional material establishing the backgrounds of Lor-Zod and Sinson
A sort of response to the series Super Sons (which featured Jon Kent at his proper age and Damian Wayne), by the same author. This is going to be about a teamup of Lor-Zod (son of General Zod, was Chris Kent in another continuity, has apparently been Zukoed in this incarnation) and Sinson (a young, apparently orphaned thief who believes that his father must be Sinestro, the Green Lantern's arch-nemesis). So far the boys haven't done much more than fight, but I'm interested to see where this is going. (#3 is in the mail now!)
Lor is a horrid little piece of work, but his parents' recent treatment of him puts him in a more sympathetic situation, and I am hoping he'll get a redemption arc that would move him closer to his original version. Sinson is no angel either, but he's just a child who really, really wants a family and is clinging to the only hope for one that he has--and if that means he's a supervillain's son, then he's ready to follow in those footsteps to gain acceptance.
(Also he drew a mustache on himself with a black marker to look more like his alleged father, and that's so ridiculous and kind of endearing.)
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freckliedan · 3 months
i just know if phil lester and griffin mcelroy made a videogame together it would slay so much fucking penis
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spookiesmausoleum · 9 months
𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐐𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Some out-of-context quotes from Jeremy himself, change pronouns as needed!
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"You little shit, it's not a tumor, okay? I'm gonna strange your parents!"
"No one should ever put cigarettes out on their penis...for any reason."
“Get!— There’s Blood in the box, there’s blood inside this box.”
"Yeah- I have- I am- I'm... I'm just thinkin of the explosion from, like, three weeks ago"
"Would you smoke a blunt with Peter Griffin?"
"I don't wanna turn on the light and fuck up my cones and rods"
"[Name]... I would rather... I would rather be naked on camera than play League Of Legends with you for an hour."
"Feed him to the lions."
"They saw me. Uh, having sex. Uh, with Death. In my bed"
"In fact, yeah, you're gonna get punished with a Stewie Griffin impression"
"See you motherfuckers are gonna think this is funny."
"Oh ya, ya, ya! No, no, no, no, no, the thing in the fridge is definitely not human meat..."
"I am The Rats... The Rats are NOTHING with out me"
"Everyone's gonna do the "small penis" curse to me."
"He's made out of the goo that I shoot out of my staff."
"But I don't- I don't- I- I- I refuse to believe that this is an un-pog moment right here"
""You cant count worth shit" I can piss my pants though"
"Underwear is stuck to my ass right now... and its gonna take a God- its gonna take a god damn crowbar to get it off"
"I'm not actually saying that I'm going to put somebody in a meat grinder, goddamnit. Whatever."
""You're built like a truck" I know, my ass is huge, I know"
""Would you ever have kids?"... No, I've shit my pants in the last year. I can't handle it. I wouldn't be able to do it."
"I don't- I like, don't know what that is but I kinda do. I don't know what that means. I don't know why I read that."
"I feel- Sometimes I feel like you guy's mother at dinner"
"Please, I'm wicked high, what are you doing?"
"Don't worry, I-I-I'll bring myself down a few PEGS, uh, when I do the catboy stream, right?"
"I'm about to sneeze again... I didn't even sneeze once today... Why did I say "again"?"
"gahd... Fuckin' fire ants everywhere... I'm gonna die from fire ants"
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reliaofdreams · 1 year
The Taylor Hebert – Ryoka Griffin Connection(tm)
Warning: Extreme Spoilers for Worm and The Wandering Inn (TWI)
Things these two have in common (Worm/TWI):
• Physically tall with long, dark hair and a tan and are often depicted with green eyes (Uncanon/Canon)
• Has telescoping weapon (Baton/Faeblade)
• Started running away from problems as a hobby, ended up running away from problems as a job (Supervillain/Courier)
• Bullied by a Mean Girl (Emma/Persua) at the start of their tale and MUCH later has an interlude where the bully comes to terms with how they weren’t nice way back when
• Have emotionally neglectful parents, in part because the father is a somewhat influential figure in politics (Dockworkers Union/Senate)
• Intelligent and would have gone to a good school (Arcadia High/Colombia Uni) if not for the inciting incident of the story
• Leaves a body part (Hair/Feet) exposed in their costume and it becomes Their Thing, though later on their friend (Dragon/Nama) of another species (AI/Brownie) make them a super-costume (Tinkertech Armor/Faeland Footbindings)
• Trains their weak extrasensory power (Bug control/Wind control) over the course of months and become (in)famous for a novel application (Eating eyeballs/Acrobatic Flip)
• The brooding superhero nickname every stranger calls them by (Skitter/batman) was chosen on a whim (Residual bugs-in-windpipe paranoia/Residual interdimensional-kidnapping paranoia)
• Risks their life to save a young girl (Dinah/Mrsha) with physical infirmities (Non-congenital crack addiction/Congenital muteness) from near-certain doom (Coil/Goblin Lord) through prophecy shenanigans, and the girl has one family member who is a warrior (Triumph/Prha) and another a politician (Mayor Christner/Chieftain Mrell)
• Hatches insane plot to get arrested based on the words of a precog (Dinah/Ivolethe), while there they get a silly nickname (Weaver/Windy Girl) and their boyfriend and company (Undersiders/Five Families minus Reinhardts) tries to save them not knowing of said plot
• Anti-cop due to perceived trauma before and during the early story but later join the feds (Protectorate/Five Families) and its awkward for their old anarchist pals (Undersiders/Wandering Inn) when they reunite
• Makes wrong move (Not swearing off villainy enough/Admitting to liking icecream) when first meeting with an uncharismatic addict cop (Armsmaster and Efficiency/Magnolia and Sugar) and proceeds to get chased by them for several arcs via half-misunderstanding and half-stubborn-protag-energy
• Gets weaker yet still evil clones (Echidna’s Battle Royale/Valeterisa’s Magical Funhouse)
• After doing a good deed (Overconsumption of dragon penis/Magical CPR to kid), gets sucked into a rocky relationship with a physically gifted male love interest (Brian/Tyrion) who is socially stunted by family drama (Abusive parents/Wife getting assassinated) and gets a sidegrade powerset (Power Copying Slow-mist/Youth-for-Levels Scheme) in an unfair fight against a girl (Bonesaw/Dioname) with a time-altered body
• Constantly dealing with the foolishness of their love interest’s younger immediate family member (Aisha/Sammial) with a superpower (Forget-me-Aura/You-better-not-forget-me-Aura) and crush on an equally scandalous young royal in slacks (Regent/Oesca)
• Finds self in lesbian situations every five minutes its completely coincidental we swear y’all (Kissing Rachel and half of her first meetings with female characters/Fierre and Ailendamus Knight Orgy)
• Loses fingers (Scion and Garotte/Goblin Lord) and gets fingers (Amy Dallon/Dead Things and Azemith)
• Single-minded obsession with saving the world from dimension-hopping, ghost- consuming, world-devouring, [Bracket-Obsessed], lonely-as-heck gestalt `deities` (Entities/The Six)
• Their last name (Hebert/Griffin) gets mistaken for something else (Slur-for-Jewish-People Found in Colony 15.3/The mythological creature or the dog breed or the adventuring team)
• Gets shot by a supernaturally spry older person (Contessa/Ferin) several times at the end of an internationally broadcast challenge (Kill the last god we know/Deliver cough drops) for the greater good which nobody expected them to try and then succeed at
• Best friends with a snarky supernatural exposition dump (Tattletale/Ivolethe) whose penchant for running their mouth off gets them in mortal trouble with a man (Jack Slash/Faerie King) who has control of The Plot
• Good friends with a short-haired young woman (Rachel/Erin) with a supernaturally unorthodox relationship to emotion (Pack mentality/Like fire, memory) and the gumption to fight her enemies tooth-and-nail the moment they threaten those she loves (Dogs and Taylor/Goblins and not-jerks)
• Work friends with a dragon (Dragon, based on Random-Access-Memory/Teriarch) on their plan to save the world, and almost killed another dragon (Lung/Eldavin, based on Recalling-Ageless-Memory) in a sneak attack because of how the dragon endangers kids’ lives (Undersiders/Earthers in Ailendamus War)
• Looks to the story of the Faerie Queen (Glastig Uaine/Titania) as a source of knowledge for The Plot but can’t speak Fae like the (Prop!/Idiot!) they are so the readers have to do all the deciphering themselves
• Brutally murders a being who would otherwise live forever (Aster/Fithea) then spends 0.5 seconds in penance themselves and an infinite number of seconds in penance via memes (Worm community/Rhissy)
• Disses great food (Hemmorhagia’s Chili/Popcorn with Yeast) for her own twisted, inconceivable purposes
• Seeks aid in great quest (To kill Slaughterhouse 9/To revive Erin) from a seemingly normal doctor who is actually a monster of a woman (Panacea/Healer of Tenbault) and botches the life-saving surgery (Victoria, intentionally turns into lesbian contempt of mankind/Erin, unintentionally turns into gay contempt of ant-kind)
• Less than stellar relationship with cellphones (Texting while driving kills mom/A keynote speaker in world’s first zoom meeting, then phone gets stolen by the 398th murderhobo with a hit out on her)
• Irreligious even before they took an oath against the gods
• Started a grass-roots campaign to promote height amongst the youth (“Drugs are great!”/Flying children into the air with only a bedsheet and wind)
Feel free to repost wherever lol
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forgetmenots0250 · 2 years
Casper crew + Finney x Tomboyish Nonbinary reader
For each character whose age differs from the other your age will change depending on the character, such as Griffin, Robin, or Vance Also thanks for requesting it was fun writing this
You knew who you wanted to be but there wasn’t really a label for you out there so decided to just not have one
Most couldn’t dissociate you from a boy or a girl and even if you dressed boyish, they couldn’t tell
You even gave vague answers to throw them off your trail
“Are you a boy or a girl?”
“Yes” finger guns away
”What’s in your between your legs?”
“Thighs” finger guns away
“What’s in your pants?”
“Sponge bob underwear” finger guns away
“Do you have a penis or a vagina!?”
“Neither” finger guns away
After a whole 3 months of pestering and people asking question that were to the point you actually had to get in a fight with a guy because he thought you were a pretty boy who couldn’t fight and you kindly told him, "I'm not a boy fuck face." (You made him eat shit for that)
People then just started to not care anymore which they put your gender aside and started to look at your talents 
Also, your attractiveness 
You liked music
It just spoke to you that no human emotions or people could ever say
Your violin was your baby and took classes when you were a child and it just stuck
Even though you can play other instruments like the piano and guitar 
You met Finney when you were invited to a baseball game with a friend 
Unfortunately your other friends weren’t there so it was just you and your friend, your friend group was small since some people you were just uncomfortable with
Most people must stared at you but didn’t really move to talk to you or anything just stared which kinda creeped you out
But unknowingly to you it was actually you were dubbed as “Untouchable” due to you beating up that one guy and threatening people who hurt your friends
Finney was the best and when he won the game you just had to tell him something
“Finney that was amazing! You did amazingly Finney!”
“O-oh thank you. I’m glad you’re here cheering me on” 
Finney was so fucking nervous
You were so attractive and so very making Finney’s heart beat like he ran a marathon and you high fived him, you even complimented him, the most attractive person in the school
You asked for him to sign a baseball because 
“I just want an original one so when your famous I can flaunt it to other fans”
You damn near killed our boy Finney
He gave you his baseball cap as a gift and now you wear it in school and he takes so much pride in being close to you
It even makes him a bit popular 
You met Robin while going to the movies and he recognized you as Pretty Face from school
Robin sits next to you and try to get a conversation rolling first talking about the movies and then related movies and then interests 
You happily spill about your interests since you don’t get that opportunity everyday but once you realize your ranting you try to apologize but then Robin is just sitting there listening intently smiling softly for a moment before he realizes you stopped talking and asked if you were okay
You were glad that you weren’t annoying him and asked him about his interests which he happily ranted about 
This atmosphere that you had around you made his heart light and made him not even pay attention to the movie and once it was done you asked if he wanted to hang out 
“I really had fun talking to you dude, can we hang out? Maybe bowling or skating?”
“Yeah I had fun talking to you too, skating sounds nice”
“Great! I’ll see you later, same time on Friday at the skating rink!” 
You ran to your sister’s car since she did drop you off and you were worried that if you took any longer get she would embarrass you in front of Robin
Robin was left standing there with your number in his hand and fluttering feeling in his chest 
All he could do was smile as the car drove away 
He was definitely calling you later and making up some bullshit excuse to talk about your favorite horror movie 
Just to hear your voice 
You met Bruce when he was at the bike shop 
He was given some money and was sent to get his own bike of his own so he was very indecisive about his choice
Your dad worked there and had been apart of the shop for years so almost everyone knew you as the kid who brought everyone coffee on weekends in the morning 
You were going to visit your dad for his break and found Bruce looking between two bikes 
One was a white one and a blue one, he was really torn between the two and was muttering to himself the pros and cons of both bikes 
“I say the white one it looks nice and it even has a basket”
Bruce jumped out of his skin as he heard a voice right behind him
“WHAT THE FUC- oh hi”
“Oh sorry for giving you a scare, my bad”
“Oh it’s fine, I get scared easily…”
“Really? I’m sorry, how can I make it up to you?”
Bruce asked for your number, as awkward as it was 
You two hung out at an arcade and had fun in the shooting games and after grabbed a smoothie and hung out just sitting at the park
You met Vance at grab n go when he was playing his pinball machine and the guy who bumped into the machine masses him up and ruined his score
Thankfully you deescalated the situation making a deal with Vance that you would buy him something to eat
You got him whatever he wanted, and you got him some fast food
You two got talking and found out that you two shard a love for music, he had an electric guitar that was gifted to him by his mother and you just had to ask for him to play
He was unexpectedly good and liked to listen to his music and even played with him with your own guitar
You loved his hair it was just long and pretty and fluffy, and for what? who gave him that right to look so angelic?
You invited him to your house often and had sleepovers and let him brush your hair and in exchange he let you braid his hair, and it was fucking fantastic
You being the person you are took every opportunity to hug Vance since why not?
You and Vance now hang out annually at grab n go where you just watch Vance play pinball and eat snacks
You and Vance sometimes go to the park and play with the neighborhood stray cats and oddly enough Vance is a cat magnet
Vance literally has 4 cats that just run up to him when they go to the park
You only have one that recognizes you right away and she is your baby
Vance teases you about having the most cats which you just throw your water bottle at him, it's an empty plastic bottle that you forget to refill everyday but just have on hand
Vance was really good at hiding his adoration for you and tried to subtly give hints, but they were so obscure that you couldn't tell what he was trying to say
You met Billy while he was on his paper route because you were taking some cheesecake to your auntie
He came up behind you making you almost lose control of the bike
“a-AAAH-! FUCK-!”
“Jesus- sorry I didn’t mean to scare you I just wanted to say hi, you okay?”
Y-yeah… I’m fine but what the hell.”
“My bad, how about I buy you a soda as an apology?”
“…Deal but you have to buy me soda for the next week!”
Billy sighed as he knew he was not getting out of this one
And so how your relationship started
Billy for the next week would buy you soda and would sit next to you in the morning once he was done with his paperboy work
He was always early to school almost an hour early and you came 15 minutes into his hour chatting away and him buying you your soda in the morning
You two would complain about teachers and Billy had tales and tales about his horrible PE teacher while you also had tales and tales of your guitar teacher who was just an ass but you still learned in that class surprisingly
Once it was raining and hadn’t brought your umbrella and you found Billy who was also standing under a hangover with no umbrella
He spotted you first
“Ah (Name)! You stuck in the rain too?”
“Yup, I’m guessing you don’t have one either?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I did!”
“Oh wow. I feel so loved here.”
You said that in the most monotone voice you could muster but even still you had a little smile on your face
“Whatever- wait I got an idea”
“What? You gonna hold your jacket above us as we walk?”
“Basically but not technically”
“Wait I was joking-”
“We’ll you got it right out his on!”
Billy hand you his jacket that was somewhat plastic fabric so the rain would roll off
You put on the jacket and Billy crouched down as if to give you a piggy back ride
“Get on!”
You held the jacket out to cover you and Billy and he started to blitz down the sidewalk
You both screamed until you guys got home
Griffin was a quiet child and you two met when he was getting bullied but you defended him and even though you got hurt you were able to send the bullies crying
”Are you okay?”
“Am I okay!? Are you okay!?”
“I’m fine, it’ll heal!”
“T-then let me help you bandage it up!”
Griffin took your hand and took you to his front porch and he went inside to get a first aid kit
He disinfected the wounds and put Babbage’s on them
“How do you know how to do this?”
“Well-… I’m really clumsy and have to bandage myself up most the time so I learned quickly! Hahaha…”
You didn’t believe it really but you didn’t want to push Griffin so you let it go and offered him to go to your hideout
Griffin perked up when he heard hideout
“Hideout? As in secret base!?”
Griffin was absolutely enamored by the idea of a secret base and you had one? Awesome!
You took Griffin into the woods where there was an abandoned bridge that was over a small river
But the bridge was covered in rugs and half on it was covered in wood that looked to be drilled and roped together (the wood planks could only go so far up)
“How in the world did you build this?”
“I didn’t but my pops did when I was bit younger, he build it because I wanted to go camping but was too scared of the woods to actually camp so he built this near town”
“It’s amazing!”
“I know right? Come in we can play game boys!”
“You have those!?”
“You bet I do!”
You had been Griffin’s hero and he adored you for it, you also defended him even if he didn’t need it
He always gave you a big hugs and insisted on holding hands to school
You and Griffin after school would go to the hideout to play games and hang out
During the summer you two would go down to the river to splash around and have fun in the cool water while in the summer heat
After once you had gotten somewhat dried you two would do to grab n go and get soda and even ice cream to enjoy your day even more
Griffin comes to your place more than you go to his place
In the winters you two hang by the heater and cuddle in blankets and you play the piano that’s your folks have for Griffin and he loves it
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catulhu333 · 2 years
Other curiosities about Pazuzu
Part 3 of my series of posts, this one though unrelated to Castlevania. (part one here, two here)
Pazuzu, while named the "Agony of Mankind", "Suffering of Mankind", and "Disease of Mankind", and had spells/prayers warding against him, or appeasing him, Pazuzu also had a somewhat positive aspect to him, as when invoked in spells, protected against other Lilu demons under his command. Including his hated rival the demon goddess Lamashtu:
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Depiction of Pazuzu fighting Lamashtu on a Protection plaque against her, Neo-Assyrian period, Louvre museum.
Lamashtu though was longer associated with Lilu and Lilitu demons, Lilitu being even one of her names (suggesting the singular Lilith of latter Abrahamic texts is partially derived from her).
Pazuzu had also some other curious traits, like possessing a scorpion tail...and having a serpent for a penis:
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Pazuzu also seems to have influenced the Aramaic incantation bowls magic and demonology (which in turn influenced the latter Christian and possibly Muslim demonology and magic). There the role of Pazuzu (who was invoked to protect against Lilu and Lilitu demons), is given to Asmodeus/Ashmedai, who also is presented as the king of Liliths, and also invoked to protect against them. From Pazuzu, Asmodeus seems to have also inherited avian feet, which has already on the incantation bowls, and are also present in latter depictions:
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Depiction of Asmodeus/Ashmedai from an Aramaic Incantation Bowl.
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Asmodeus as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition.
It also should be said all points out Pazuzu himself is an Assyrian continuation/adaptation of the older Sumerian/Akkadian demon god - Anzu.
Anzu (though his name should be probably read in Akkadian as "Zu", with "An" being a misreading of the cuneiform An/Dingir signifying divinity. Sumerian pronunciation of his name being Imdugud) is an entity from very early Mesopotamian mythology, presented first as lion headed bird, then as a lion-dragon (a kinda griffin like creature):
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depiction of Anzu from around 2500 BC.
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Ninurta fighting Anzu (depicted as a lion-dragon)
These traits are visible in Pazuzu, who also has a avian and leonine traits, if being more humanoid, but also seeming more demonic. Anzu's role in myth is interesting, as he is presented as an almost "Luciferian" figure - he was a servant of the higher gods, until he rebelled against the King of Gods Enlil, stole the Tablets of Destiny allowing for control over the universe. Gods feared confronting Anzu, until one god - Ninurta, Ningirsu or Marduk depending on version - finally challenged Anzu and defeated him, retrieving the tablets (with the version with Marduk, it's an alternate story to his fight with Tiamat, how and why he was crowned the king of gods).
Aside from similarities to the story of Satan (if more the post Biblical version, though one that has foundations in at least New Testament (specifically the Book of Revelation), as well Apocryphal Jewish texts like the Book of Enoch or Life of Adam and Eve), it also might have influenced the stories of the Greek Demon Monster Typhon, and the Egyptian god Set.
Like Typhon, Anzu is born to Earth (Ki) and the Abyss (Abzu) (Gaea and Tartatus for Typhon). Anzu was born, and resided at mountain Sarsar, some thinking it is the source of the Greek Tartarus. Both Typhon have also power over storm, wind and fire (though Anzu also had power over water, disease and pestilence). Via Sarsar (and the Sutean people living there), and the Anzu is also connected to Set, or at least his gradual demonization (including the fact Greeks themselves equated Set with Typhon) (both connections to Typhon and Set being kinda elaborated in this academic paper).
Depiction of Anzu and Pazuzu seemed to have also influenced the depictions of Angra Mainyu/Ahriman in Zoroastrianism, as well as possibly Pazuzu also influencing the depictions of Ahriman in Mithraism (and possibly latter Zoroastrianism).
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Ahura Mazda or a Persian King fighting Angra Mainyu/Ahriman or a monster symbolizing him. Note similarities to the scene of Ninurta fighting Anzu, and strong similarity to Anzu, while also having horns and scorpion tail associated with Pazuzu.
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Mysterious lion-headed figure of Mithraism. Some think it is Arimanus (Ahriman) also mentioned in Mithraic inscriptions. Note also presence of 4 wings, and being encircled by a serpent, calling back to Pazuzu's serpentine phallus.
Returning to Dungeons and Dragons, Pazuzu's lore was greatly expanded in 3rd and 4th editions.
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artwork of Pazuzu from 3rd edition, Fiendish Codex I - Hordes of the Abyss
In 3rd edition it was stated one of Pazuzu's names is Imdugug, though Anzu is a name of a demon species serving Pazuzu. Another of Pazuzu's names, was established to be also Typhon. But more importantly, Pazuzu was established as a member of the Lovecraftian Obyriths - demons older than gods and mortals, older than the current demon species, and who created the Tanar'ri (the main group of current demons, and first one after Obyriths). (Note that Pazuzu being a "proto-demon" was an idea by Gary Gygax himself, though up until 3rd edition only present in his Gord the Rogue novel series that latter parts weren't considered canonical to D&D lore.)
4th edition further expanded on that, depicting Obyriths as coming from an older multiverse, they destroyed and devoured. Pazuzu is described as the great manipulator who manipulated and corrupted the god Tharizdun into becoming what he is (a Lovecraftian monster endangering the whole existence), and by this caused also the corruption of the Elemental Chaos, formation of the Abyss and war between Gods and Primordials, and caused the existence of other fiends. Pazuzu also persuaded and corrupted the angel Asmodeus to fully fall, created the devils and the Nine Hells. Basically, he was more or less established as the Bigger Bad of D&D, at least during 4E, especially on Nerath. (Fun fact, Exandria is largely derived from Nerath if with elements of Oerth and other settings)
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Pazuzu and other Obyrith Lords - Ugudenk, Dagon, Obox-ob, and Pale Night
Indeed, Pazuzu plays a somewhat Nyarlathotep-like rol among Obyriths, being more similar to creatures from the current multiverse in many ways, and adopting a less horrific appearance, as well as being a great manipulator.
So due to this, I think it was even more fitting Pazuzu was originally chosen to be connected to Dracula, even source of his powers and vampirism, though as mentioned, latter his role became very ambiguous.
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