#pep pep Merrick
Naps are great because it's like time travel, but you wake up not knowing where the heck you are and where you've been. You're just there now.
For context, I had a power nap in the truck, and now we're somewhere.
And no, Keegs wasn't driving (thank god)
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packagecfgirlyevil · 8 months
closed starter // @mutatedangels merrick & jody.
the first day of kindergarten.
it was an important moment, and one she had vaguely had a twinge about jody seeing - helping lucas pick out his favorite outfit to impress the other kids with, stealing grapes as she packed them into his lunch, giving their son a pep talk.
things were....better, now, she supposed. he knew, and he had stayed in touch. luke still didn't know who jody was, but she'd even let them meet for the first time after jody's last season was over and he came home to visit - it had taken months for her to trust them to meet, but she wasn't prepared for the this is your father conversation. not yet.
still, as she made sure his bag was double packed for the next morning, she was surprised to hear a knock at the door - the hour was late, lucas fast asleep in his room with the soft sounds of his radio playing quietly to help lull him into dreamland, and she was nervous enough about the next day without the added responsibility of inviting anyone over. she presumed it was her mother - three streets away but not far enough some days, probably coming to check in on her and make sure that she was handling her sons first real day of school as best she could.
instead, jody was there - her brow furrowed in confusion, because she was 99% sure he was supposed to have a game the next night in denver, but she didn't slam the door shut as quickly as she might have even a few months ago. "what are you doing here?' she asked instead, curious instead of accusatory, her head tilted to the side. "isn't your coach going to kill you for skipping like, what, the third game of the season?"
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fancoloredglasses · 9 months
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (No, not the series), Conclusion
[All images are owned by 20th Century Fox Disney and Mutant Enemy Productions. Please don't sue, bite, or stake me]
High school cheerleader Buffy [Summers] meets a man named Merrick who tells her she's the Slayer, a girl chosen to fight vampires (in particular a vampire named Lothos who, along with his Chief Minion Amilyn, intend to raise an army of vampires and...take over Los Angeles, I guess?)
Along the way she meets a dropout named Pike (whose buddy Benny was drafted by Amilyn) who joins her crusade.
The trio encounter Lothos, who kills Merrick then leaves for some reason.
Now, on with our story!
The next day, Buffy tries to explain to her friends what’s going on…
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…but they’re as air-headed as she was at the beginning of the film.
That night, Pike catches up with Buffy, who has pretty much given up and is trying to return to the empty-headed life she knew, but Pike isn’t having any of it.
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Not much of a pep talk, I know. And as a result, it doesn’t work. Unfortunately, Benny is nearby and heard. Benny then tells Amilyn, who tells Lothos.
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(that dance being the Senior Dance, in case you hadn’t guessed)
Amilyn wants to just kill Buffy, but Lothos is all about the production.
Meanwhile, Pike is gearing up for war (not that he’ll last long without the Slayer backing him up, but kudos for not running!) and Buffy is picking out a dress for the Dance.
At the dance, Buffy finds out the hard way that Jeffrey has dumped her for one of her (former) cliq. Fortunately...
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...Pike crashes the dance and has her back.
And then…
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You knew it was coming!
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Then Principal Murray puts his foot down.
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I’m sure that’ll make them stand down.
Buffy has Pike watch over the students inside while she deals with Lothos outside. Pike gives Buffy his jacket (and most of his stakes) for good luck.
Fortunately, the Vampires went to the Mook School of Combat and rush Buffy one at a time. She gets out of the parking lot, but Amilyn tells his thralls that he’ll deal with her.
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Amilyn gets a few good licks in before chasing Buffy to the boiler room, where Lothos is waiting.
(Quick note about the next scene (sorry for the spoiler): The director told Reubens “Just die” What happens next is the best death scene of a minion EVER!
(Thanks to ShaveyaHead)
…and he continues dying all the way through the end of the credits!)
Lothos then entrances Buffy again, preparing to turn her.
Meanwhile, Pike and Benny have a reunion where Benny offers Pike immortality…
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…and is “shocked” when Pike says “HELL NO!”
This kills the power in the gym.
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This breaks Lothos’s hold over Buffy for some reason.
Buffy holds up a cross against Lothos, but he just grabs it…
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…making it burst into flame, so Buffy pulls out her hair spray.
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This allows her to escape.
Meanwhile in the gym…
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…Principal Murray makes good on his threat as Buffy returns.
(This is the final difference between film and series, as Buffy’s transcript in the pilot episode says she burned down the gym)
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…with Lothos not far behind. Now it's time for the Boss Fight!
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Lothos gets the upper hand until…
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Pike distracts Lothos long enough for…
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With Lothos defeated, the students pile out of the gym as the police arrive (well it is L.A. You expect them to arrive in a timely fashion?), while Buffy and Pike share a last dance, followed by a ride into the sunrise as the credits roll (and Amilyn continues dying in the boiler room)
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
The unraveling of Mr. Trump.
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December 29, 2022
When Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to prosecute him, Donald Trump responded with a barrage of unhinged rants and over-the-top attacks. There then followed the House January 6 Committee referring him to the Justice Department on four (count 'em) federal felonies and the state of New York preparing to dismantle his corrupt business empire. Add in the ongoing investigations of his criminal behavior in Georgia and New York, plus the defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll, and it's no wonder Trump is completely coming apart at the seams.
According to The Washington Post, ever since his announcement he was running again for president was met with a reaction that was, to be generous, lackluster, he has been "increasingly isolated" in his Mar-a-Lago hidey-hole. The Post went on to report that Trump is surrounded by just a couple of "sycophants," one of whom regularly phones around to ask his allies to call Trump to "boost his spirits with positive affirmations."
But the occasional pep talk from a pal can only go so far in alleviating Trump's psychological deterioration. Which is why his downward mental spiral was on full display over the weekend in a series of splenetic tantrums posted on his failing Twitter knock-off, Truth Social. Mostly, he continued to display his unceasing fury that the 2020 election was "rigged" and "stolen" from him. But he also has other manias. Here he is on Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disable Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump, and, of course, The Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special "Prosecutor" who, together with his wife and family, HATES "Trump" more than any other person on earth. LOVE TO ALL!
He followed this message of goodwill toward men with an outburst of demented harangues on Christmas Day about how criminals are pouring in on the southern border, how great everything was when he was president (but "today, we are a nation in decline, a failing nation!") and how awful the House select committee is.
Like some mad King Lear raging on a wind-blown heath, Trump now spends much of his non-golfing time crafting these psychotic ravings. Which prompted Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe to suggest that if Trump were to be indicted, his lawyers should have him "plead insanity." Sounds like good advice.
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makumaa · 4 years
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Just a random idea came to my mind and I LOVED doing this! I CHALLENGE EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE to do the same thing to their characters! This is actually an efficient way to get to know your characters and maybe give others some idea of them as well? Idk but I’m doing another character batch someday, this was fun
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Laiken (A Mer-May prompt) part 2
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True to his word Barnabus woke me before the guests started to arrive. While the nap was restful, I could’ve gone for a few more hours easily. “Come on, Sparrow, you need to get ready.” Ugh, I don’t want to be paraded around right now. “There’s a dress and some shoes in your closet that I bought you to wear for tonight. I’ll see you when you come downstairs.” I acknowledged him with a grunt and I rubbed at my eyes willing the tiredness away.
After a few more minutes of procrastinating I finally got out of bed and padded over to the closet to see what dress waited for me. It was in one of those garment bags but it was easy enough to get out of it. Plaid? That was my first thought after seeing the fabric but it wasn’t some normal plaid. I’d never seen these colors used in plaids back home.
I finished pulling the dress out of the bag and laid it on my bed to get a good look at it. Beautiful. I started seeing colors I hadn’t before. Thin lines of teal and charcoal worked through the whole garment. I pet the fabric before going back to retrieve the shoes.
Just a simple black wedge to match with the deep colors in the dress. The laid back nature of the shoes and dress told me the dinner was going to be lax, that I didn’t have much to worry about in the way of impressing people.
*knock knock*
2 sharp raps pulled me out of my thoughts. “Guests are starting to arrive, Muffin.” She huffed “You almost ready?” I didn’t respond choosing to instead get my body into the shower. It was either this or deal with my mothers 20 minute lecture on timeliness. I wasn’t in the mood for the latter.
10 minutes later I walked out of the shower feeling awake and ready to deal with whatever was going to be thrown at me. It might’ve also been because I spent the whole 10 minutes muttering to myself about how I was worth it and I needed to show the world how amazing I am. Another of Dr. Z’s tools to get me through anything and I’m ridiculously thankful for it now. Back when I learned it though, not so much.
I slid on my panties and latched my bra before turning around to grab the dress. Catching sight of myself in the mirror I cringed a bit before standing tall in remembrance of everything I’ve been through. My body isn’t tight nor unblemished. It’s littered with scars and stretch marks that tell a story all on their own.
Tearing my attention from the mirror I settled back into the task at hand. ‘Let’s get dressed and meet all the people that came to see you, Laik. They’re your family, no need to be afraid.’ I gave myself a bit of a silent pep talk before padding over to the bed where the dress still lay. Again, I found new details about the plaid that made it seem even more unique, more beautiful.
The dress fit like a dream accentuating my shape by highlighting my best assets and downplaying what I deemed my problem areas. Before, I’d never buy something like this for myself out of fear that I wouldn’t do it justice. But, looking at myself in this moment I’d love to have ten dresses just like it.
Still high on the feelings of giddiness I made my way out of the room and down the stairs. Chit chat could be heard as I approached what I was sure would be the kitchen but stopped the moment I walked through the door.
All eyes were on me and my heart was pounding behind my ribs. They’re staring. Why are they staring? Do I have something on my face? Did I put the dress on wrong? Do I look like someone’s stay puffed marshmallow girl?
All of those thoughts melted away when I heard his voice. “Forget what I just said. I accept.” His voice was like soft suede. It slid against my skin and wrapped around me making me want to sigh in contentment.
I searched the room for the source of that voice and was rewarded with the sight of a ridiculously gorgeous man standing next to Barnabus. I studied him starting at his boots up to his mismatched eyes that seemed to be boring into my own. I found myself unable to look away as he stood there all vast and commanding like that.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, Muffin?” I jumped, not ready for her to sneak up on me like that. She chuckled before grasping my hand and guiding me toward a group of women that she favored “I see you’ve noticed Taine.” She whispered as we approached the group of waiting women “He’s a catch and a good man if you’re wanting to know.” I didn’t miss the lilt in her voice as she spoke to me.
We came to a stop in front of the women we’d aimed for. I stood there awkwardly twisting the fabric of my dress in my hands. No one spoke for a moment until my mother introduced me. “This is my Laiken.” Her pride surged through her words. “Laiken, these are your aunts: Dina, Dedra and Darcy. They’ve been waiting on pins and needles for the chance to know you.”
I looked at their faces noticing how much they all looked alike. I could pick out bits and pieces of my face in theirs and that just made my heart soar. I don’t look like my father so drawing the similarities between us usually stopped at our brown eyes and cocoa colored skin. Seeing these women though told me what I could expect as I got older and I must say, the future is looking bright if this is any clue as to what I’d look like.
My phone buzzed in my pocket drawing my attention. Pulling it out I noticed the photo flashing across the screen. A bear. I forgot to call him and now I’m about to hear about how I worried him to death. I let it go to voicemail with a reminder to call him after dinner but no sooner did the vibrations stop did it start again. I guess I have to deal with this now.
“Hi Daddy, sorry I didn’t call you earlier.” The sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line told me all I needed to know. I quickly excused myself and made my way onto the deck to take the call in a more private place. Here we go.
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There are for more pressing issues at hand but for some reason Barnabus requested me to be at his daughters homecoming. I finished up my work on the boats before heading home to get dressed for the shindig. All I know about her is that she’s his little sparrow, he’d do anything for her and apparently she could likely be the first Chieftess our clan has ever had.
Big shoes to fill after someone like Barnabus. I don’t envy her. Being the first anything is wrought with hardship and without the others knowing her she will face her own fair share of persecution.
Just a meet and greet right? So not much thought needed to go into this outfit. I went with a nice fitted grey t-shirt and some jeans considering it sounded pretty lax to begin with. Showered, groomed and dressed I made my way over to the cottage letting myself in like I always do.
The environment was a little tense as Danae waited at the base of the stairs staring up them like she was waiting for someone to ascend them. “Everything ok?” She smiled nodding her head at the same time before turning her gaze back up the stairway. I made my way over to Barnabus leaving his mate alone to do whatever she was doing.
“She’s waiting for, Sparrow.” Barnabus spoke “Guests are here and she hasn’t made an appearance yet, makes Danae nervous.” His gaze shifted from me to his mate “Come now, Love. Sparrow will make her way down momentarily. No need to wait there and scare her.” She huffed before leaving her perch and making her way to waiting guests.
It seemed like most of the people in attendance were actual family members leaving me befuddled as to why I was invited at all. “Barnabus, why am I here? This is a family affair.” He huffed out a breath but didn’t answer me “Come on.” He stroked his chin before his soulful eyes found mine. He’s about to ask me to do something. Shit.
“Laiken is a strong, beautiful woman that needs a man to compliment that.” Are you fucking kidding me? “I trust you above anyone else to be that man for her. I want you to court my daughter.”
His smile punctuated the conversation like it was just some small thing. Courting leads to dating and dating leads to mating. Mating is for life. This isn’t a small thing, it’s huge and I don’t want the responsibility. “No” my word came out just the way I wanted to. Strong and steadfast leaving no room for error or miscommunication “I’m not interested. Try Denton or Merrick, they’re good men.” His face fell but I couldn’t let that sway me.
He didn’t bring it up again. Instead we spoke of plans to fortify our borders and put more thought into how to go about monitoring the other selkies that found work here. It wasn’t unlawful for them to do so but it was discouraged outside of the ferries shuttling people back and forth from the mainland.
The room grew quiet and I soon understood why. In the doorway stood the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. “My sparrow” Barnabus whispered affectionately.
This was his Sparrow? There’s no way I would pass her on to anyone else. “Forget what I just said, Barnabus. I accept.” If the clap on my back was any indication of his feelings I’d say I just made the Chieftain a very happy Selkie. “We will hammer out the details soon.” With that I went about looking over the woman that would soon be mine.
I watched her eyes traverse my body slowly from bottom to top before her eyes locked with mine. Gone was the breath in my lungs as a smile tore across her features lighting her whole face up. Yeah, that’s all mine. Laying claim right here, right now before any of the other males even get a chance to.
She jumped when Danae whispered in her ear making the cutest squeak at the same time. I stood there waiting for more of her attention but she was whisked away to start mingling with the people that came here to see her. I kept a strict eye on her movements as she flitted person to person.
Turning my back but for a moment I’d lost her. One second she was talking to the Leery sisters and the next it seemed like she disappeared. “She’s outside on the phone.” Barnabus soothed my already frazzled nerves easily “Give her some time before heading that way. You know, I felt the same way when I met her mother. Fate is crazy like that hmmm?” He moved away from me leaving me with my thoughts. Yeah, fate was crazy alright but for now I’m following her headfirst when it comes to Laiken.
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victimhood · 4 years
Has anyone ever imagined an Old Guard soccer AU? Unfortunately it might sound a bit sports anime-ish, but what about...
Andy as the football manager—first woman to lead a top tier football team
Quynh as the sharpest sports journalist around, known for fearlessly asking the Hard Questions
Nile as an ex-footballer who won the World Cup with the US women’s team but had to retire early due to injury, and now she’s trying to make a career as a football commentator.
Andy’s team—the club is nicknamed the Old Guard but I don’t know where in Europe to place them...they could be anywhere. Edit: after giving it some thought they should be vaguely Inter Milan-like. Blue and black + Italian club + cosmopolitan city were my key points for appearance.
Number 10 Booker as the playmaker. Booker has a cerebral style, and he can make passes to start plays that people can’t even imagine. Andy and Booker frequently have personality clashes but throughout our story, we have Andy cementing her place in the pantheon of Great Football Managers and Booker is one of her best protégés.
Number 6 Joe and number 2 Nicky both play center back on the defense line, and they’re like...freaking buses. Parked in front of the goal. Together they have led the team to record clean sheets, although they are sometimes Controversial for the cards they’ve racked up...on balance, while Joe gets a lot of yellows, Nicky is the one that has the WORST sort of straight reds. Nicky might have stomped on a player’s calf once...putting the guy out of play for six months, just bc the dude pulled Joe down. Joe is extremely reliable for headers from corner kicks, and has a surprisingly high goal count. Nicky can occasionally play as a wing back, and has scored long-range goals with amazing accuracy.
Number 7 Lykon is the star striker of the team, although his form can be a little off/on. When he’s off...yeah...everyone’s just counting on those clean sheets...but when Lykon is ON, oh my gosh the most beautiful bends ever on those kicks, pure artistry. Lykon’s top 10 goals compilation on YouTube have like 2828737 people jizzing in the comments.
Copley is a rival manager, and Andy’s predecessor for the current team. Copley was the one who “discovered” Booker and bought him for an extremely overinflated price so there is a lot of tension between Booker’s original loyalty to Copley, the fans resentment of Booker for being overpriced, Andy needing to assert her position as manager etc. Copley has a stellar track record and after having won the Champions League, was persuaded to move on to another team for a new challenge. Maybe he’s like a Pep Guardiola, and Andy is a bit of a Juergen Klopp.
Merrick is a billionaire who buys a football team like it’s a toy. He bought over some mid-tier team and pumped in a lot of money, and bought Copley over to his side.
Number 33 Keane is an aggressive defensive midfielder. He might have been headbutted by Joe once, for calling Joe some homophobic slurs. He was also put out of action for six months...by #2 diGenova of the Old Guard...yeah he was that guy.
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nutmegnautilus · 4 years
Hiya. Normally I only do this through anon but dang it I’m feeling bold (or just extremely tired!) today! I really like your blog! Your Jam, MH art and dang it just your art in general! But seriously though, I can just sit and fangirl over all that Jam for DAYS!!! Sorry hope that isn’t weird!!!!! 😅😅😅 anyhow! What I mean is I live your blog, and I think you’re really awesome! I’ve probably anon stuff like this before haha 😅... just too chicken to say it in uh... person? Blog? Ask? Anyhoo, your blog is awesome and I adore your art! Sorry I’ll stop rambling now. Thanks for giving us such cute art, it is so cute and it gives me more pep to try and drawing humans myself! Thanks for listening to a random non anons rant this time 😃 -Jay Merrick the Pegasus blog owner or “Trouble”
Aw hey, thank you so much!! That’s very kind of you 🥺 💕 
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monster-bait · 4 years
Goblin and divination for Merrick? 💕💕
Goblin: What makes you happy?
Merrick is, for the most part, pretty easy to please. Damned near everything about his girlfriend makes him happy, even though he’s still occasionally worried about the perception of an interspecies relationship (which is part of the reason why he was so willing to stay in Cambric Creek.) He is passionate about his work, and derives an enormous amount of satisfaction from winning small victories that will benefit the animals he studies—like convincing Callum, the centaur farmer in our Sweet Berries story, to install the butterfly bump crops, to benefit the area’s local pollinators (which of course then helps the farm!) I don’t want to say that being right makes him happy...but it does. He IS a know-it-all, after all!
Divination: What do you think about yourself?
Merrick doesn’t suffer from self-doubt too often. He has faith in his intellect and tends to think he’s the smartest person in the room, even though he’s far too polite ever voice that (not that his social anxiety would let him!) He gives himself pep talks before social situations and is usually able to hold himself together pretty well—it’s only in the early interactions with his human that we see him stammering and anxious. When it comes to his work, he has all the confidence in the world because, again, know-it-all.
I can’t wait to show you guys what Merrick has been up to during the Cambric Creek community quarantine! Thanks for the ask! 💖💖💖
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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42nd Street is a 1980 stage musical with a book by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble, lyrics by Al Dubin and Johnny Mercer, and music by Harry Warren.  Based on the 1932 novel by Bradford Ropes and the subsequent 1933 Hollywood film adaptation, the backstage musical focuses on the efforts of dictatorial director Julian Marsh to mount a successful stage production of a musical extravaganza at the height of the Great Depression.
The 1980 Broadway production won the Tony Awards for Best Musical and Best Choreography and it became a long-running hit. The show was also produced in London in 1984 (winning the Olivier Award for Best Musical) and its 2001 Broadway revival won the Tony Award for Best Revival.
On opening night of the Broadway production, producer David Merrick stopped the rapturous curtain call to announce the death of Gower Champion, its choreographer, thereby assuring headlines in the next day’s papers. 
It is also known for the line “You're going out a youngster, but you've got to come back a star!” although it is often mis-quoted. 
In addition to songs from the 1933 film 42nd Street, it includes songs that Dubin and Warren wrote for many other films at around the same time. It also includes "There's a Sunny Side to Every Situation", written by Warren and Johnny Mercer for Hard to Get. A 2017 revival added the song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", written by Warren and Dubin for Moulin Rouge.
Naughty, bawdy, gawdy, sporty, Forty-Second Street!
Atlantic City’s relationship with 42nd Street is a complex one. By 1980, Atlantic City was a casino town, and no longer a try-out center for new plays and musicals headed to Broadway. However, the musical is set in 1933, at the tail end of what was Atlantic City’s heyday of theatrical production. The plot also mentions that the musical within the musical - Pretty Lady - was intended to tryout in Atlantic City, before being diverted to Philadelphia. Additionally, Pretty Lady itself is set in Atlantic City.  
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Here’s an excerpt from the screenplay of 42nd Street:
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Interestingly, in 1931, the film’s star Ruby Keeler was in out-of-town tryouts for The Gang’s All Here, a musical (like Pretty Lady) set in Atlantic City, but trying out in Philadelphia. Ruby, possibly sensing the musical didn’t have legs, left the cast abruptly to go to Hollywood, where she began filming 42nd Street, her screen debut!  The rest is history! 
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Also, the 1997 stage musical Steel Pier takes place in Atlantic City in 1933, the same year the film was released and the stage musical takes place.  
In 42nd Street, driven director Marsh gives his cast a pep talk: 
JULIAN: All right, everybody gather round and listen to me. This is April 2, 1933 and today we start work on a new show. You're gonna rehearse four weeks and try out in Atlantic City. You're gonna work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. You're gonna dance till your feet fall off and you're aren't able to stand up, but five weeks from now, Pretty Lady's gonna be the best damn show this town's ever seen. You're on your way to glory, and 32 bucks a week. So, anybody who doesn't think he can take it better quit right now.
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When rehearsing a scene from “Pretty Lady”, Marsh lays the scene: 
JULIAN: It is a summer afternoon in Atlantic City. The sun sparkles brightly on a section of the Boardwalk as we discover Rodney and Madeleine. Madeleine speaks.
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Then, during a break in rehearsals for Pretty Lady, the bomb drops: Atlantic City is out - Philly is in! 
MAC: Julian, I just got a call from Atlantic City, they've canceled our booking. But, everything's all right. We picked up a week at the Arch Street Theater in Philadelphia. JULIAN: But all our shows have opened in Atlantic City. MAC: Maybe Philly'll change your luck.
A note about the Arch Street Theatre. This was an actual Philadelphia venue that opened in 1828. From 1909 to 1932, the Arch presented both vaudeville and Yiddish theatre. It was was demolished in 1936. 
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For reasons of her own, star Dorothy Brock at first objects to the last minute switch: 
DOROTHY: I'm sorry but I don't wanna go to Philadelphia. Atlantic City is my lucky town. All my hit shows have opened there. My contract says I must play out of town in Atlantic City.
Although Pretty Lady never played Atlantic City, the stage musical of 42nd Street eventually did. Not just once, but three times!  
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In 2005, Trump Plaza Theatre presented the show as part of their Broadway on the Boardwalk series, which previously featured Singin' in the Rain, Footloose, Jekyll & Hyde and was followed by Cabaret. These were intermission-less 90-minute versions of the musicals, designed to get patrons back on the casino floor as soon as possible. 
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The show was even advertised on the casino players card as well as baseball caps. The Trump Plaza closed in 2014 and was imploded in 2021. 
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In 2008, the musical was presented at the Tropicana Showroom. A year later, Tropicana produced Fame, the Musical, dubbed “mind-bogglingly bad” by the Philadelphia Inquirer. The Trop recently marked its 40th year in Atlantic City.
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The third production was staged in 2011 at Resorts Superstar Theatre. Due to casino-mandated trims, the classic song “I Only Have Eyes For You” was omitted.  
These shortened “Streets” were staged during the shoulder season in Atlantic City in order to lure patrons into the casinos who weren’t there just for Atlantic City’s famous beaches. Although critical success was varied, financial success was certain. Surely casino owners were singing, “We’re in the money!” 
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Roberts’ rebuke of Trump rings hollow, given justices’ conduct
Chief Justice John Roberts’ public rebuke of President Donald Trump caught many by surprise, not the least of which was Trump himself. In his signature style, Trump immediately fired back with a series of tweets rejecting Roberts’ claim that there are no “Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” just federal judges trying “their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.”  
Although I am highly sympathetic with the chief justice in responding to Trump, this is a case where Roberts would have been better to start with his own house in combating the politicalization of the courts. Moreover, despite accounts to the contrary, this is not the first time that Roberts has taken such a public position against a sitting president.
First and foremost, Trump long has been out of line in his unrelenting attacks on judges and the courts, including his favorite foil, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. He has a deeply troubling habit of attacking the motivations of judges who rule against him, including decisions such as the recent (and correct) ruling by District Court Judge Jon Tigar blocking his effort to unilaterally bar certain asylum claims in contradiction to federal law. He attacked one judge over his Mexican heritage, denounced another as a “so-called judge,” and treated any countervailing rulings as part of a campaign by “Obama judges.”
Roberts kept his silence for two years but reached a tipping point with Trump’s attacks on Judge Tigar. As the most senior figure in the judiciary, he understandably felt a need to speak on behalf of our federal judiciary.
Roberts’ public statement is rare, and there is a good reason for that. Justices need to speak through their opinions alone, not engage in public tit-for-tats with critics, in the interest of maintaining the integrity of their institution. Trump is not the first to attack the courts for perceived bias — or to pledge to change the courts through new nominees with more favorable views of the law. Yet, Trump is a politician, and Roberts is a jurist; a politician is valued by such public commentary, while a jurist is valued by its avoidance.
Ironically, Roberts played into Trump’s obvious strategy in creating the appearance of a fight between the courts and the president.
Given Trump’s irresponsible criticisms of individual judges, Roberts can be excused for taking this controversial step. However, his response would have had greater credibility if he showed the same principle in policing his own court. As I have repeatedly argued in columns, justices increasingly are making highly inappropriate, ideological statements in public without nary a growl from Roberts.
For example, in 2010, Justice Samuel Alito was shown at a State of the Union address, shaking his head and mouthing “Not true,” in response to President Barack Obama’s criticism of the Citizens United ruling on corporate campaign finance limits. Obama was out of line in his portrayal of the ruling — but he’s a politician. Some of us immediately denounced Alito’s conduct in breaking a longstanding tradition of justices remaining silent and neutral at such addresses. It was a serious violation of both protocol and principle. I wrote at the time that it was incumbent on Roberts, as head of the Supreme Court, to repudiate Alito’s conduct.
Instead, Roberts gave a public speech with a not-so-veiled criticism of Obama allowing the address to “denigrate to a political pep rally.” It was an early example of how Roberts’ own version of the “Rules of Order” seem to excuse the conduct of his colleagues while excoriating the conduct of others.  
In reality, criticism of the judiciary by a politician — even a president — is far less harmful than political activities or commentary by members of the judiciary. Moreover, this is a problem not of the courts in general but of the Supreme Court. Lower court judges are closely monitored and disciplined for any violations of these rules dealing with political commentary or associations. However, the Supreme Court long has maintained that the rules of ethics do not apply to them and that they must be their own judges. The result is predictable and disheartening.
We have seen a rising number of these controversies over members of the court. While Roberts cannot remove or suspend a justice, he can use this position to reaffirm a bright-line rule of conduct — the same that applies to lower-court judges. Instead, his silence has reaffirmed a sense of utter impunity for members of the Supreme Court. Justice Alito has been criticized for attending political fundraisers, a red line that federal judges shouldn’t cross. Alito’s response to this objection on one occasion was, simply, “It’s not important.”
Roberts repeatedly has faced such questions over public commentary and has done nothing. For example, I was highly critical of the late Justice Antonin Scalia for his regular and inappropriate public speeches on contemporary issues as well as matters before the court. These speeches were often given to conservative groups.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been criticized for her continued political comments in speeches to liberal and academic groups. Ginsburg is something of recidivist in abandoning the longstanding avoidance of political discussions in public — and liberals have lionized her for it, with the affectionate title of “The Notorious RBG.” Ginsburg has persisted, despite clear violations of judicial canons of ethics.
This year, she has continued unabated, seemingly unnoticed by Roberts. As in a 2017 speech, Ginsburg again held forth on the election and the unfair, sexist treatment of Hillary Clinton. She previously criticized Donald Trump and opposed his candidacy for the presidency; in addition to labeling him a “faker” and calling for him to turn over his tax returns, she criticized Republicans in Congress for impeding President Obama in his final year in office. She seemed to endorse the confirmation of Judge Merrick Garland for the high court.  
The response from Roberts? Utter silence.
Had Roberts shown vigilance in policing his own court, his criticism of President Trump would have had far greater ethical weight. Instead, while publicly criticizing both Obama and Trump for politicizing court decisions, Roberts looked the other way as his colleagues repeatedly ventured into political controversies.
As a result, Roberts’ otherwise principled objections to Trump’s remarks would seem to fulfill H.L. Mencken’s view that “a judge is a law student who grades his own papers.”
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can follow him on [email protected] Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can follow him on Twitter@JonathanTurley.
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