#peppa's first sleepover
picturebookshelf · 6 months
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Peppa's First Sleepover (2012)
Story: Neville Astley -- Art: Unknown (eOne)
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Broken Promises Part 2 (H.S)
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Part 1
My Main Masterlist is here.
Harry Styles Masterlist is here.
Summary: For the first time since the two of you separated, Harry takes your shared daughter, Sofia, to his home for a sleepover. The distance leads him to wonder what life could have been like had the two of you stayed together.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
“Are y’sure you’ll be able to remember it?” You worriedly followed him out of the kitchen as he shouldered the overnight bag. Harry looked like a hot dilf with his tattoos peaking out of his rolled up sleeves, your daughter in his arm and a Peppa pig bag slung over the other. But you couldn’t focus on that right now. You couldn’t focus on him because then you would start thinking about him in your house. Him in your kitchen, baking while you watched him from the kitchen counter.
“Yes, (Y/N), ‘m sure.” For good measure, he rolled his eyes to let you know that he had indeed reached him limit with you.
Instead of making a goofy comment for the eye roll, you decided to ignore it. “Remember, she’s allergic to jellyfish.”
“’m not goin’ to make her eat jellyfish. Y’know I have other stuff at home. Besides, she got it from me so I don’t think there’ll be any kind of jellyfish interaction tonight.” 
Shaking your head in disapproval, you mentally went through the checklist again. Her favorite binkie, check. Her blue Disney bowl, check. Her fleece blanket, check. This was her first time staying away from you and you didn’t know how to cope with the situation. These were the things that you can control and you damn right would. What would you do without her? 
There has been a lingering realization in the pit of your stomach since yesterday that your life has currently been revolving around your almost two year old toddler. It’s not that you regretted it but it was a real problem when it came to these kinds of situations. Eh, its okay. You were a loner before your daughter was born as well. Instead of sulking around, you would go out and just treat yourself with a day at the spa and movies. It would be nice to not have a screaming toddler around the house so you could unwind a bit. Perhaps, it would be nice to co parent.
“Soph needs to listen t’one of your songs before going t’bed.”
“I can just perform a mini concert for her, y’know.” There he was, that cocky little bastard. His rockstar attitude always made an appearance after one of his world tours. Who wouldn’t be after experiencing that kind of fame?
“Yeah okay, Mr.Hot Shot.”
“Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Lemme say bye t’my daughter.”
Rolling his eyes again, you wondered if his eyes would ever just stay in that state from how often he does it. “Y’just did five minutes ago!”
“Oh hush.” 
Taking her in your arms, you quietly snuggled her into your chest and moved a little away from your ex husband. No need for him to see you like this: a sentimental knob. Sophia was in one of her moods today. Nothing was going according to your plan today. Sophia threw a hissy fit when you tried to change her clothes. Apparently, she hated the color yellow today. The best part of it all was that you had to rummage out clothes that garnered the little devil’s approval. Anne had warned you that Sophia would go through her terrible twos a little early just like Harry but you didn’t believe it until today. 
“Bye Soph. Be a good girl f’mommy and daddy will surely buy you an ice cream. Won’t y’daddy?”
It was a completely platonic question but Harry found himself reacting to it. He still remembered the times when you called upon him with that endearment and it was always enough to get him going. God, he was so easy for you. Good thing you weren’t looking at him or else this whole thing would have taken an awkward turn. Seeing you with his child was a mere dream for him from the past two years and was a cruel reminder of his mistakes. If only that very dream hadn’t transfigured into an ugly nightmare. 
“‘Of course. Daddy’ll buy y’anything, pet.”
Looking at you both, he let out a loud laugh because you were still the same girl he met all those years ago. Independent, smart, strong-headed. You always wanted your children to be well mannered and down to earth so you hated it when he promised things like these. Harry believed in your ideologies but he didn’t get to spend much time with Sophia. There was this idea in his mind that maybe he could make up for lost time through materialistic things. In his own way, this was him displaying affection but you didn’t approve of it. Your child was not going to be spoiled rotten at any cost.
“Y’can only buy her one thing.”
“But-“ One glare from you and he finds his argument dying at the tip of his tongue,  “Kay, I’ll only buy ‘er one stuffed toy.” Surrendering all possible protests, he took Sophia from you and made his way towards the door.
“Text me when you reach home.”
“Make sure to see if her car seat is properly buckled in.”
“You’re givin’ me a migraine, woman. Know how to take care of m’baby.”
“Okay.” You mutter, throwing your hands up. 
Okay, even though you were anything but that. 
After closing the door, you got to cleaning up the mess around the living room and kitchen because having a toddler meant a perpetually untidy house. About an hour passed by and you still hadn’t heard from your ex husband. 
Maybe they stopped for ice cream.
Maybe Sophia had one of her classic tantrums.
Maybe the car broke down.
Maybe they got into a car accident.
Before your imagination could run haywire, you picked up the phone and called him. “Why didn’t y’call me, Harry?” At this point, fury was coming out of your ears in metaphorical smoke because you regretted agreeing with him. Your daughter should be here with you where you can keep an eye on her and ensure her well being at all times.
“Calm down, darlin’. Ou’lovely daughter realised that y’weren’t coming home with us and she hasn’t stopped cryin’ ever since. I- I don’t know what t’do, (Y/N).”
“Relax, H. Put m’on speaker, please.”
“Thank y’, love”
It took several tries but Sophia finally came around to listening to you on the phone. It was taking all your willpower to refrain yourself from going there and just bringing her home. Harry had as much right to her as you did and you needed to be accepting, supportive. And it wasn’t healthy for your daughter to be this much attached to you. You both needed to socialise a bit more in your daily routine.
“Pick me?” It was clear that the phone was too close to her mouth because it was a little loud but you decided to ignore it.
“Mommy can’t come pick y’up today. You need to stay with daddy and I promise it’ll be fun. Daddy has these really cool toys in his house and y’ an play with all of them. You’ll meet me tomorrow, darling and then we can go to t’park.”
“No! No!” 
At this point you should’ve guessed her response but alas, you were too naive for this world. “Darling, why don’t you go check out your room and I’ll FaceTime you during dinner. I promise it’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, pet. Daddy made sure t’have all kinds of things in y’room. Let’s go!!”
Putting the phone off speaker, he spoke in a hushed baritone, “The tears ‘ave stopped so I think that’s m’cue.”
“Don’t disappoint me, Styles.”
“We aim t’please, ma’am. Will call y’after sometime.”
Trekking up the stairs behind her, he was mesmerized by the little angel that was slowly climbing with one hand on the railing. She was perfect and he sometimes found her unreal. He was thankful to you in so many ways but the dream was incomplete without you here. The fame, the wealth, the property didn’t mean anything if he didn’t have you to share it with. Harry would trade everything if that meant you coming back to him with his daughter. 
He dreamt about a time where you both would put her to sleep together while singing her lullabies. Sophia would clutch onto both your hands and instead of disturbing her, you would end up cuddling together on her bed. Harry wouldn’t have to travel around the world for his work so much and there won’t be any problems in your life. You all would have been very happy and satisfied with your life. But alas, it was just that; a dream. Your family was broken and instead of moping around, Harry had to figure out a way to work around it. However, he sometimes allowed himself the luxury to indulge in dreams similar to yours.
“Wh-What?” He was a little confused at her question until he saw what she was pointing at. 
They were in Sophia’s room and she was curiously looking at the pictures that he had hung on the wall opposite to the bed. Decorating this room was an emotional turmoil on its own. The moment he found out you were pregnant, the divorce had already went through and you weren’t even ready to be in the same room as him. Instead of focusing on the situation, he started working on the nursery. 
There used to be pictures of you and him throughout the house and he didn’t have the heart to take them down. They were the only memories of you that were left with him and he decided to make a picture wall in his unborn child’s nursery. You haven’t seen the nursery yet because Sophia has never stayed the night so there wasn’t a reason for you to come in there when you came to visit. Of course, you also actively avoided coming to the house because of the overwhelming memories it held.
“Yes, it’s mummy.” Picking her up, he sat on the love chair in the corner of the room and gazed lovingly at the pictures. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, pet.”
There was this particular picture from your maternity shoot where you both were holding on to your protruding stomach and smiling cheekily at the camera. Thankfully, you had invited him to the shoot because you didn’t want him to miss out on things. Harry had instantly cancelled all of his production meetings that day and he didn’t care if Jeff wasn’t happy about it.
I’m in my bed
And you’re not here
And there’s no one to blame 
But the drink in my wandering hands
Forget what I said, that’s not what I meant
Gently laying Sophia in her bed, he made sure that she was covered in her blanket and the pacifier was tucked tightly between her lips. Turning out the sound machine, he slowly left the room with a baby monitor. He took out a picture frame from his side drawer and curled in his bed with it. It was a picture from your wedding reception when you both had your first dance. You looked ethereal in the white lace wedding dress with a slight hair updo and all natural makeup. It was the luckiest day of his life because you were finally his. That’s why he still had the picture in his drawer and not in the nursery. This picture held a special place in his heart.
And I can’t take it back
I can’t unpack the baggage you left
What am I now? What am I now?
What if I’m someone I don’t want around?
Silent tears rolled down his eyes as he clutched the picture tightly to his chest. This picture once was a reminder of happy times but now it was a mere reminder of what he had lost. He had lost you. He had lost his family. He had lost everything. 
I’m falling again, I’m falling again,
I’m falling.
A/N: Hi lovies!! I finally posted part 2 for this series and I can’t wait for your thoughts and comments on this piece. A special ‘thank you’ to @peculiarpenman​ and @pettinesspersonified​ for helping me with the ideas and editing. I love you both!! Please send in general comments or things you want to talk about with me. I was serious about interacting with you guys more because it is truly a pleasure. I am open to suggestions and I’m here to chat. Love y’all!!
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smolfrenchfry · 3 years
Encanto headcanons!
•Mirabel has always loved crafting toys for Antonio. Peppa thought it was too excessive at times, but let her continue
•at one point, Antonio wanted Mirabel to teach him to sew. But once he stabbed his hand one too many times with a needle just trying to get thread through it, Mirabel talked him into learning how to paint instead
•Camilo sulked around a lot when everyone found out Antonio would be a boy, but once he was born, Camilo refused to put him down.
•Dolores still teases Camilo for crying the first time he held Antonio
•Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel were actually very close when Mirabel was young, before her gift ceremony. Knowing Mirabel got jealous of their bedrooms, the three of them would often have sleepovers in Mirabel's room, with Isabela filling it with her favourite flowers.
•it took Bruno a long time to get used to family routines, but eating together took him the longest. For his first week back in casita, Peppa and Julieta often caught him trying to sneak half prepared food into his room to eat alone.
•once everyone settled in the newly rebuilt casita, Camilo found Bruno to apologize to him in private. Which was really just a lot of stiff hugs and Camilo tearfully admitting to the awful ways he would describe Bruno to scare his cousins, and Bruno trying his best to calm the poor kid down.
•after this, the two of them were practically inseparable. Camilo had been labeled as scary being due to the nature of his gift, and he admired his tío for being able to shoulder those kind of judgements.
•Dolores took great pride in helping with Antonio's first school lessons. She loved seeing him grow, and used rhymes and songs to help him remember lesson details
•Peppa suffered from panic attacks from trying to suppress her emotions as a younger teen (around 13-15 age range), and the only person who could calm them and get through the intense weather she would create around herself was Bruno
•despite Abuela's pressure for another grandchild after Mirabel's failed gift ceremony, Félix almost refused to have Antonio with Peppa, because giving birth to Dolores and Camilo almost wiped the Encanto out completely in a tsunami.
•Julieta often worries that one day, someone from the Encanto will ask for her help to heal something that her cooking isn't strong enough to remedy.
•as often as she has tried, Julieta's cooking can't get the bags out from under Bruno's eyes. Abuela assures Bruno that the bags suit him and compliment his features, but really she just feels bad that Julieta can't fix them.
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draconicks · 4 years
Sam x Alan Headcannons
TW: None
(for @averyangrylesbian 👊💞)
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So, Alan and Sam were very intimidated by eachother, and it was obvious to the folks around them.
Alan put up an angry front because he was like, "Ah, shit. I'm in love with him." so, he acted like a dick every chance he got,,, for the first few days.
After that "phase" was over, he began to act mysteriously nice and playful around Sam, always wearing a rare, wolfish grin and standing right between Sam and Edgar, instead of being toe-to-to next to his brother.
When Sam would meet up with the Frog Brothers at the comic store, he would greet Alan with a bear hug and he never failed to make Alan freeze up.
This went on for some time, before Sammy then announced to them (after coming out to his family first) that he was gay.
Edgar 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 to act shocked, but he failed miserably. Sam just rolled his eyes in annoyance at him.
Alan, however, stared at him with a blank expression, but on the inside, police sirens were blaring and he was dancing.
So, needless to say, Alan was 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘺 happy.
Not much really happened between any of them after the coming out, besides the Frog Brothers becoming more protective and asking him about his type.
Sam would make eye contact with Alan before blushing and looking down, stating that he liked dark hair and pretty smiles.
Alan would bug his eyes out, his heart racing. "Yeah, well, I like blue eyes." he would reply, literally trying not to screech.
Edgar then just sort of leaves the two alone- he already knows what's about to happen and he doesn't wanna laugh at the wrong time.
Edgar has a bad problem of that :/
But, Sam and Alan just sort of stare at eachother for a little while, a thick, awkward silence between the two teens.
Sam then clears his throat and bobs his head slightly, "Is there something that you may wanna tell me? Or..." he asks him.
Alan's eyes water up and he looks around the store briefly, making sure that no one was staring at the two. There wasn't anyone around them, but it was still packed.
He sniffles, and nods his head fastly.
"I...really, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 like you, Sammy." He then fiddles with his thumbs, waiting for a response.
Sam then smiles at him and claps him on the shoulder before pulling him into a crushing hug, relief the only thing that the two are feeling (besides the happiness).
A few weeks later, right before summer ended, the two then made it official, but not without Edgar's and Michael's "blessings".
Michael scoffed and told Sam that he didn't care as long as he was careful as always, and Edgar was confused because he thought that the two had already made it official, but he still gave him his "blessings".
One night, out on the Boardwalk, Alan ran off from Sam's side, telling him he was gonna be right back, and that it wouldn't be long.
Sam pouted but still let him leave.
Alan raced down to the comic store, where Edgar was waiting outside with two Ring Pops, scowling, "You said I wouldn't have to stand out here for long >:(" And Alan promised him that he would make it up to him later, snatching the candy before running off back to Sam.
Sam gave him a worried expression on why he was so out of breath from running that short-distance, but Alan then thrusted a Ring Pop into his hand, "WillyoubemyRingPophusband,SamEmerson?" He rushed out.
Sam cocked his head to the side in confusion and Alan just crumbled, "Will you be my Ring Pop husband, Sam Emerson?" He wheezed out.
Sam's eyes widened and he started laughing, throwing his head back from the question. "Yes, I would love to be!"
Cue them wearing Ring Pops the entire night before Lucy had to come pick Sam up, and that was when they both had to part (but not before they hugged 🥺)
Oh God, Sam is a cuddler.
Alan had never really had that much affection before he met Sam, so when Sam asks him if he could hold him, Alan always looks scared.
But, Sam doesn't wait for an answer and instead just lazily drapes his arms around Alan's stomach, and Alan just very awkwardly pats his shoulder, not quite knowing what to do.
And when they want to have a sleepover, Sam makes Alan come over, because Alan and Edgar's house is not,,, okay-
And while staying there, Alan would restrain from calling Lucy "Mom", since he knew how Sam would react.
He actually becomes very close to Grandpa Emerson, who would sometimes even offer him some Oreos and a root beer, which he would take at every offer.
So, yeah :,) Grandpa Emerson and Alan are best buds.
But anyways, Sam and Alan lay on the floor of Sam's room, since his bed is constantly messy and he's too lazy to change it, and they lay their sleeping mats right next to eachother :,)
Sam doesn't get any sleep because Alan has his knees buried into his back and is snoring right into his ear (which he's sort of okay with, but also not?) so Sam then just wriggles a little ways from him and gives Alan his space.
But of course, he fucking scoots closer to him and puts his knees back exactly where they were LAMKSJDJJ
Sam's fine (not really) with it though
Alan often shoplifts luxurious chocolate for Sam and wraps it up in pink, arcade themed wrapping for him and then would drop it off on his doorstep.
Sam knows damn well that Alan doesn't pay for it, but he could care less because- chocolate is chocolate.
They both go on shoplifting sprees together, although they both have enough money to pay for it. They also will hit the grocery store and steal some random trinkets for Edgar :)
This continued for a little while before Lucy got a call from a goth store saying that her sons were caught stealing some jewelry and a Pink Floyd t-shirt.
After that, Lucy made them stay home, and not go out without Michael's supervision (which crushed both of them, because that was their alone time).
They both introduced eachother to new music!!
Alan only listens to 60's psychedelic rock or 80's hiphop/rap, while Sam listens to hard rock and any kind of synthpop (*cough* Blondie *cough*)
So, they would listen to some LL Cool J and Salt-N-Peppa, and then Motley Crue followed by Blondie, so it's like a rollercoaster inside Sam's house when Alan is over.
But, Edgar is glad that Sam introduced his brother to more music, because he only listens to the same 4 songs 24/7-
And when they get done listening to music, they sit next to eachother, holding hands, and talking about where they would go when they graduate :,)
They both made the same mutual decision to go to state uni, so they wouldn't be apart, and then time would tell the rest
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daringyounggrayson · 3 years
rants about random things that are bothering you & your fav memory !
some random things that are bothering me atm:
my honors thesis is due next friday, and I defend the friday after that. I am freaking out and just constantly screaming on the inside 🙃 
currently my sister and I are not allowed to watch tv bc my niece starts screaming and turns off the tv if we try to play anything that isn’t Peppa Pig (it’s actually kind of cute, but I also miss tv time ;-;)
all I want is to chill out and write fic, but there is no time to write fic. sometimes I sneak in fic-writing anyway, but the things I’m writing are not things that will be published anytime soon bc for some reason my brain is like “start an au. now write the sequels/shorts before you finish the first fic that actually explains what’s happening.”
my favorite memory:
probably the day my niece was born! I have a pretty good flashbulb memory of that day, and holding her for the first time was one of the best feelings in the world
sleepover asks
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davieslandon · 4 years
discord || text ☎ avery
Who: Landon and @amchopraofficial​ Mentioned: @monroephile​ @lorencourtier​ @aaronhart93​ Where: Throuple Pride Event Description: Landon sees Avroe getting it on and texts Avery about it. 
Big Bro I saw you Hehehehehehe Lil Sis jfdsgkdhfgkjdhf i saw you too you and tall boy close, i take it? 😜 Big Bro Idk really I want to be though hehe What about you? 😏 Lil Sis certainly seemed like it lmao fsgkjdfhgkjdfhg shush 😂 Big Bro NO SHUSH You had your own private booth 😂 Lil Sis DFJGKHFGJKHGJHG can't best friends hang out?? 😇 Big Bro Sureeeeeeeeeeee That’s not what I do with Aaron when I’m in a booth with him alone 😉 Lil Sis jfdgshgkjdfhggg we’re close Big Bro I could tell haha Lil Sis we're... you're not buying any of this, are you? Big Bro What do you think? NO Lil Sis ASDJKFHDKFJGDHFFD FINE! I'M IN LOVE WITH HER! I've been in love with her since the moment i met her and i'm really fucking scared of losing her Big Bro 😱😱😱 Seriously?? Wow From what I’ve seen I don’t think you would lose her if you told her Lil Sis she's... she's my best friend, Lan. Mars and Monroe are the most important people in my life and i'm just... i'm just constantly scared of losing the both of them when i look into my future, i see her. i see the rest of my life with her in it. i've been trying to tell her since New Years and i just god idk i don't know how to tell her some times, i think that she might love me back. but i'm scared that i might be seeing things that aren't there and i just... i can't lose her too Big Bro I don’t think she would have done what she did with you in that booth if she didn’t like you just a little I know it’s a risk and I know that having kids makes it harder But you don’t want to wait until it’s too late Lil Sis ... maybe you got me there i want to try to tell her soon but every time i have, something or someone always interrupts us mars has literally interrupted me 30 times and ellie interrupted me earlier when i almost told her i just... i want more with her. i'm already so happy with her and i just... i just want to spend the rest of my life being happy with her i love her, man. i love her and mars more than anything Big Bro Go to the booth again I’ll stand guard so no one interrupts you and you can tell her Fool proof plan! Awweee 🥺🥺 you’re going to make me emotional I’m so happy for you that you found someone like that Lil Sis flgshdkfhgsfgl landon... i am not going to tell her i love her for the first time with you standing there not that i don't appreciate it! but it'll kinda ruin the moment akjfghdfkg she makes me so happy Big Bro ....I’ll stay a little bit away? Lil Sis her and mars... this is the first time in years in which i felt like i deserve to be happy. that i deserve to be loved. that despite all of my stupid and bad mistakes in the past, i can be more than that and they're the ones who helped me believe that she's the one who helped me believe that luca and max... i was constantly thinking of ways as to why it'd never work with them and why i was bad for them, why it'd never last but with her? god... i still have so much i need to work on with myself, but i want to be able to do so and have her support i trust her more than anyone and i just... i love her, man. i love her i love her i love her and no skjfghfdkj but thank you cuz i do not promise us staying "family-friendly" for too long lmfaooooooo Big Bro You know what that means right? That what you feel for her is real Otherwise it wouldn’t be so different from how it was with Luca and max Ohhhhh I mean I’ve already seen things that I can’t unsee But yeah that makes sense I guess hahaha Lil Sis i love her, man. i just... need to find the right moment to tell her. preferably one in which mars is staying at max's and we're completely alone and end up without any distractions JSDFHKDJFGI CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THAT but absolutely no regrets 😏 but anyways sdfjgkhdkjsgh HAPPY PRIDE! Big Bro If you want me to take him at some point so you can have some alone time let me know 😏 Elle would love a sleepover Hehehehe I know the feeling HAPPY PRIDE!! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do 😘 Lil Sis sfhgkjdfghfkjd omg thank you 🥺 mars would love that, he misses his 'peppa' bahahaha considering your little show on the dance floor, i would expect so 😜 KASJFHKJGHFKG omg lmao we're going to be heading home soon. needed to get some drinks lmao Big Bro How many peppa pig episodes are they going to make me watch? 😭😱 Hahaha if there’s a round 2 I’ll promise you won’t have to see anything Awwee okay, I’ll see you sometimes soon I guess Lil Sis not sure but at this point, neither of them are gonna have our accents, bud 😭 fgjhfdjkghdfkj if there is a round 2, congrats ya big slut! 😂 lmao perfect. i'm sorry that we didn't get to really hang out tonight though i tried to spend time with other people early on... but i missed her too much, you know??? 🥺 Big Bro Noooooo Elle needs to have a Donny accent It’s a must I don’t know yet but I’ll try 😏😏 It’s fine, you had better things to do Literally Lil Sis lmaoooo i'm trying to get Mars to have a Londoner accent though who knows, considering it might be some mix of mine, Roe's, and Max's dfkjgdfjkg i'm rooting for you!! 😂 skjgdfhgkjfdhkgj shush most definitely a fun night, that's for sure Big Bro Yeah that’s probably not going to happen...we’re surrounded by too many Americans 🥺🥺 Thank you thank you I’ll try my very best Oh believe me I know Lil Sis sigh... i'd say 'damn Yanks', but my favourite person is American. so i can't fdgkjfhg slut it up, buddy boy! you deserve it lmao BY THE WAY... did i /really/ hear you and aaron singing "what makes you beautiful" at some point?? or was that a fever dream??? Big Bro Yeah don’t say that or we’ll have some very angry people running after us 😂 Ohhhh that might have happened yeah Aaron was trying to make me feel a little better I might have even pulled his pants down during his solo hahaha Lil Sis i'll most definitely say it to Aaron though bahahahaha fjhgjkfdhgkjd fucking awesome, i'm almost disappointed i missed that Big Bro Do it, I already had him running after me all over Throuple he won’t be able to keep up with you 😂 Lil Sis heh heh heh Big Bro I’m sure there’s a video of it running around somewhere you could see Lil Sis fjdghdjfg perfect!!! i'll show it to monroe, i'm sure it's great lmao Big Bro Hahaha that’s not embarrassing at all Lil Sis what are lil sis's for? 😇 Big Bro Good point Well I’ll let you go enjoy yourself some more Make me proud sis 😏 Lil Sis fghsjfdkghfkj shhhhh have fun slutting it up! make me proud bro 😏 Big Bro I will! Lil Sis wow, we truly are quite the duo lmao go team! Big Bro 😎😎
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okayprotag · 7 years
Stendy Friendship
I’m all for romantic Stendy but Stan and Wendy as BFFs is adorable:
Stan and Wendy accept they won’t work out romantically but harbour no hard feelings for each other because they talk it out
They develop a friendship and find they’re happier that way
They become total memes though
These two are like, friendship goals
“Hey Wendy can you pass me that salad” “No”
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom” “I’ll inform the authorities”
“Stan shut up I’m talking to Bebe” “GAY” “bite me, Marsh”
Wendy is the first person Stan comes out to and vice versa
They have a quality feelings jam and by the end of it their friendship has just gained 9000 levels
They both learn the bi song off by heart and will burst into it at any moment
“WENDY, SLEEPING POSITION NUMBER 136″ both proceed to lift the back of their shirts over their heads and start yelling the lyrics to ‘Boom, boom, boom, boom’ 
They have a movie night every month where Stan goes to Wendys to stay the night and they do shit like paint each other's nails and talk about their crushes
“Kyle did something really cute the other day” Wendy, lifting a cucumber slice from one eye and raising an eyebrow: “Oh worm?”
Wendy finds out about Stans crush on Kyle inevitably on one of these nights and in turn, she teases him about it relentlessly
“What do you like about him?” “Everything Wen” “Aww you gay shit”
In turn, Stan finds out about Wendy’s crush on Bebe and takes every opportunity to tease her as revenge
“You gotta tell her sometime, Wen” “I can’t! What if she reacts badly?” “Okay, how about you practice?” “What-” Stan picks up a pink shawl and drapes himself in it, careful not to ruin his manicure “Pretend I’m Bebe” “Ew, no”
They watch Titanic together and hold onto each other while they sob and eat tubs of vanilla ice-cream at incredible speeds
Everyone thinks they’re dating and they just snicker
“Hey Stan, Studley, Staniel, Stan the man, Stoosh”
They’re 100% the kids that just turn to each other and go ‘I’m gay’ whilst the other nods in agreement
Bebe: ties her hair up in a messy ponytail Wendy, turning to look Stan dead in the eyes: “My soul has left me”
Wendy plays football with Stan sometimes and she’s surprisingly good at it
Stan and Wendy, watching Peppa Pig: “Okay but Suzie Sheep and Zoe Zebra whos the Tweek and whos the Craig?”
They lived for vine when it was alive and had their sleepover night early to binge through the app together before it died
They have their own incredibly elaborate secret handshake that they do deadpan to impress everyone
Passing each other through the halls: “Sup homo” 
“Yes... Hello... Gwendolyn” “Die”
“Wen, when I marry Kyle, will you be my best man?” “Abso-fucking-lutely”
Stan sends Wendy obscure dog memes at 3 am that descend all laws of reality and Wendy just replies ‘waht the fukc’
Kyle: runs a hand through his hair, Stan, collapsing backwards on Wendy toppling them both over: “I am deceased”
They go shopping together a lot too cause why not
“Wendy does this T-shirt make me look fat” “Yes”
“Hey, you’d tell me if I was annoying or something, right Wen?” “I will fight you IRL, Stanley”
Just!! Stendy friendship would be too good
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shermanyu223 · 4 years
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Peppa Pig英文圖書大合輯 The Ultimate Collection (50本)
🐷🐷小朋友嘅大明星Peppa Pig圖書合輯
50個Pegga Pig 小故事,從賴床嘅小豬到上月球冒險,簡單嘅英文加上可愛嘅圖畫,每個故事都帶比你同小朋友無限樂趣
1.Peppa plays basketball
2.Ballet Lesson
3.The Fancy dress party
4.Horsey Twinkle Toes
5.Mr Fox's Shop
6.The Naughty Tortoise
7.Pedro's Pirate Treasure
8.The Rainbow
9.The Train Ride
10.The Wishing Well
11.The Toy Cupboard
12.A Trip to the Moon
13.Daddy Pig's Lost Keys
14.Daddy Pig's Office
15.Dentist Trip
16.Peppa Pig's family computer
17.Peppa's first glasses
18.Bicycle race
19.Fun at the Fair
20.George and the noisy Baby
21.George catches a Cold
22.George's first day at Playgroup
23.George's Balloon
24.George's new Dinosaur
25.Grampy Rabbit in Space
26.Cold Winter day
27.Miss Rabbit's Day off
28.Garden Games
29.Nature Trail
30.Daddy Pig's old Chair
31.Peppa goes Camping
32.Peppa goes Boating
33.Peppa goes on Holiday
34.Peppa goes Skiing
35.Peppa goes Swimming
36.Peppa's Circus
37.New Shoes
38.Peppa's New Neighbours
39.Peppa's Sandpit
40.Peppa plays Football
41.The story of Prince George
42.Peppa meets the Queen
43.Recycling Fun!
44.School Bus Trip
45.Peppa's first Sleepover
46.Sports Day
48.The Children's Fete
49.Tiny Creatures
50.Tooth Fairy
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no-body-knows-world · 4 years
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澳洲進口 Peppa Pig故事書套裝(50本/套) 售價: $240 截單: 11月13日13:00 到貨: 約1月尾 交收: 順豐到付 ⚠注意⚠ - 貨期只供參考,貨物會因運輸或環境因素影響而導致有所延期,介意者請勿下單 - 貨品數量於截單後與供應商作實,如入數後遇貨物缺貨或售罄,將全數退回 鐘意Peppa Pig嘅既小朋友千奇唔好錯過啦!🤗🤗 一套50本書激減低至$248!!💥💥圍起一本先$4.96!!💥💥抵到笑啦~🤩🤩 係香港買絕對唔止呢個價錢!!!😍 故事書包括了50個Peppa Pig日常生活精彩嘅故事,😉 每日5分鐘看看故事書提升小朋友英文讀、聽能力,🤗 故事生動,單詞、句子簡單易明,😊 可以邊睇邊讀自己喜愛嘅卡通人物, ☺️ 一來培養閱讀嘅良好習慣,二來為英文打好基礎。🤗 媽媽可以臨訓前講Peppa Pig故事,小朋友一定好鐘意!😉😝 規格:(約)21.4 x 14.9 x 1.9 cm 產品資料: 一套包括50本書: Peppa plays basketball Ballet Lesson The Fancy dress party Horsey Twinkle Toes Mr Fox's Shop The Naughty Tortoise Pedro's Pirate Treasure The Rainbow The Train Ride The Wishing Well The Toy Cupboard A Trip to the Moon Daddy Pig's Lost Keys Daddy Pig's Office Dentist Trip Peppa Pig's family computer Peppa's first glasses Bicycle race Fun at the Fair George and the noisy Baby George catches a Cold George's first day at Playgroup George's Balloon George's new Dinosaur Grampy Rabbit in Space Cold Winter day Miss Rabbit's Day off Garden Games Nature Trail Daddy Pig's old Chair Peppa goes Camping Peppa goes Boating Peppa goes on Holiday Peppa goes Skiing Peppa goes Swimming Peppa's Circus New Shoes Peppa's New Neighbours Peppa's Sandpit Peppa plays Football The story of Prince George Peppa meets the Queen Recycling Fun! School Bus Trip Peppa's first Sleepover Sports Day Stars The Children's Fete Tiny Creatures Tooth Fairy Ja https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZegEyHcW6/?igshid=q8cr029h5e9e
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muddyclownshoes · 7 years
HAVE YOU EVER: Kissed a stranger?Drank hard liquor?Had sex w/ a friend? Broken someone’s heart? Turned someone down?Cried when someone died?Fallen for a friend?DO YOU BELIEVE IN: Yourself? Miracles?Love at first sight? Heaven?Kiss on the first date?How would you label yourself? Someone You Pray Everyday For?Did you sing today? Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most for?If you could go back in time, how far would you go?Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For?
HAVE YOU EVER: 💛Kissed a stranger? yes but they're no longer strangers like we're friends now heh 💛Drank hard liquor? yes ofc my favorite memory of drinking hard liquor is this summer with Kenzie when she had a sleepover n we snorted antidepressants in a grave yard and tried this awful beer and chugged a mix of alcohol and got fucked up and did sparklers n jammed out on my balcony n had pizza wow I love her sm what an adventure 💛Had sex w/ a friend? I have 💛Broken someone’s heart? Sadly yeah :•( 💛Turned someone down? Yeah a few people :•( mostly boys because I'm a huge lesbian 💛Cried when someone died? David Bowie 💛Fallen for a friend? Last year yeah but we don't talk anymore DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 💛Yourself? I believe that I'm the worst 💛Miracles? Yes 💛Love at first sight? Yeah I'm a romantic lil bub 💛Heaven? Yes of course that's my home 💛Kiss on the first date? If it's a good date yes 💛How would you label yourself? Stupid 💛Someone You Pray Everyday For? I don't pray anymore 💛Did you sing today? I sang for my nephew the peppa pig theme song 💛Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most for? angel 💛If you could go back in time, how far would you go? Before Harry styles was famous so I could have befriended him n stayed close as he rose to fame n still be his best friend today n me n my gf n him n louis could double date 💛Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For? For everything to be equal in the world
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vianinja · 5 years
Peppa Pig – Peppa’s First Sleepover
Peppa Pig is going to her very first sleepover at Zoe Zebra’s house. The most important thing about a sleepover is that you must not sleep!
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With music, a midnight feast and a scary story, can Peppa and her friends stay awake? Read more in this delightful Peppa Pig storybook.
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Mental Advancement Via Kid's play doh peppa pig toys
Shopping for kids is tough but enjoyable pursuits you can do with your loved ones. If there is a Festival or vacation emerging, this can be a special gift that a great many teenagers are waiting around for, specially. A birthday or Christmas time will be a reason to splurge on peppa pig toys for youngsters. But it's no joke to obtain the most up-to-date goods and most tasty for youngsters right now.
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You've most likely currently forgotten with the older era of today as well as the youngster has never enjoyed with one particular, the teepee could this be "private hideaway" could be performed inside and outdoors. In the initially 10 years, as soon as the peppa pig toy is too high-priced, teepees and carpets and rugs curtain residence changed by children in tents. Making use of curtain pole or tying the leads to your window and also the entrance, and so the kids make their own small hang up-out position them exactly where they are able to even eat a goody or require a Rest.
It's considerably more multi-colored and entertaining, though present day made as lean shop United states Native indian Wilderness To the west. Young children will definitely take advantage of the teepees, specifically during Sleepovers.
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Packages for kids
Amongst the goods for the kids living extended is plastic-type cutlery packages that come in gorgeous colours and enjoyable. This stuff is not merely to serve beverages and meals with regard to their young children but in addition intended to teach children aboutshades and styles, and physical objects colored on them. This is kids friendly meal generally made from ingredients that are safe.
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College materials
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There are thousands of play doh & peppa pig toy for children on the internet, but also in an election that can make your encounter a lot more intriquing, notable and exclusive acquire.
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tresasandoval · 5 years
Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig Coloring Book Page for Kids
Watch on YouTube here: Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig Coloring Book Page for Kids via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYcH9AM1r2kpNH7VIM6pHSg Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig Coloring Book Page for Kids posted first on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYcH9AM1r2kpNH7VIM6pHSg
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karenhiggins · 5 years
Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig...
Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig Coloring Book Page for Kids - https://youtu.be/IC6G7_oz-fQ
Coloring Peppa Pig Sleepover with George Pig and Mummy Pig... published first on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYcH9AM1r2kpNH7VIM6pHSg
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kacydeneen · 6 years
'Momo Challenge': If It's Not Real, Why Is It So Scary?
You've probably seen the terrifying nightmare fuel: a woman's face elongated into a beak, with bug eyes and stringy black hair.
You might have seen it shared on Facebook with a warning from parents or local police, accompanied by the scary story that some kids have been sent the image with a challenge to take drugs, hurt or even kill themselves. And you've seen coverage of those police warnings on NBC10 and other local news stations.
But is the Momo Challenge real? And is it something you need to be concerned about?
Under all the hype, it's hard to find any proof that the "challenge" is more than an urban legend. But that image has gotten plenty of attention, and it has frightened some kids.
In the latest round of coverage, some parents claimed on social media that Momo messages were being inserted into children's videos on YouTube, including Peppa Pig and Fortnight videos.
This led Kim Kardashian West to take to her Instagram story Tuesday with a plea asking YouTube to help. "Parents please be aware and very cautious of what your child watches on YouTube and KIDS YOUTUBE," she said.
Kardashian West's Instagram has more than 129 million followers. It didn't take long for YouTube to issue a response. The company said they had seen no evidence of the challenge on its site.
YouTube also noted that anything that encourages self-harm violates the platform's policies and "would be removed immediately."
The Atlantic and fact-checking website Snopes have both looked into the Momo challenge. They found no evidence that Momo pops up in Peppa Pig and found no evidence the Momo challenge has led anyone to harm themselves or to kill themselves.
Despite reports of suicides, the Today show reported that so far, no law enforcement officials have reported any injuries or deaths related to the so-called challenge. 
But here's where things get complicated, especially for parents. Just as scary urban legends have spread at sleepovers long before the internet began (Bloody Mary, anyone?), the "Momo" image is something that many kids have heard about -- and may have seen.
NBC10 spoke to a young New Jersey boy who was sent the photo by a classmate. The Cape May Police Department had enough concerned parents reaching out that they posted a Facebook message to parents warning, "This 'game' is believed to be a way for people to hack accounts and is psychologically manipulative towards kids and teens."
Local police in Gloucester, Massachusetts posted a similar warning Tuesday. A mom in Lowell told the local NBC station that her 10-year-old had seen the image.
"I said, 'Evan, do you know who this is?'" the mom said. "And he said, 'Don’t show me. Don’t show me.' He knew exactly who it was. He had seen it before."
Just this week, Today interviewed a mom who said her three-year-old knew that Momo was the "scary lady" with "big eyes, long black hair and a white face."
The Momo image is actually a cropped photo of a sculpture created by the artist Keisuke Aisawa for Japanese special-effects company Link Factory, the Atlantic reported. It's called "Mother Bird" and was displayed at a Tokyo gallery that specializes in horror art in 2016.
Someone snapped photos for Instagram, a Reddit called "Creepy" picked them up -- and Momo was born, ready to alarm parents and get shared around by teens.
Even if Momo is more viral than vicious, the picture can be scary.
Meghan Walls, a pediatric psychologist, told NBC10 that parents should take preemptive action and gently ask their younger children if they know about the image.
"Say something like, 'There's some scary things that pop up on phones and tablets, and if you ever see something like that, come get me,'" Walls said.
Photo Credit: NBC10 This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. 'Momo Challenge': If It's Not Real, Why Is It So Scary? published first on Miami News
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qdesjardin · 7 years
So much spirals through Curtis’s mind in that vast unconsciousness. His friends. The warmth of summer. The jokes he’d crack with his brothers (and sister) at home. Clare. The molotov fires he ran away from.
Lillian. (How could you have betrayed me. You betrayed my feelings!)
Why is it so hard to pull away from her? He still remembers her tenderness, her liveliness and how she was together with him, he cannot just switch it off and forget it like it’s nothing. She was his first love..
He wakes up at a hospital bed. A nurse adjusts his blankets, and his friends are there too, awaiting him. “You crazy motherfucker," his friend Ivan goes, "what’d you get yourself into, eh?”
CJ is in a daze, his brain still sorting out the events of last night. But a strange lull, a comfort takes him. He accepts a cup of water from Ivan (how considerate), and tries gazing out the window – the orange-hued lighting suggests a hazy evening.
CJ then breaks down into tears, as feelings emerge, unrecessed. Ivan pats his back, and when CJ closes his eyes – he finds himself not in the hospital bed anymore, but rather in red bedsheets, silken and soft, enveloping him.
He's in bed.. with her. With Lillian. She is smiling, her eyes complacent, radiating calm – you see it and you think of nothing else except soaking in this moment.
"Why are you crying?" she asks.
A beat.
"Because I thought I'd never.. find you happy with me again." CJ reaches out and embraces her; two nude forms, radiating and sharing warmth. The kiss just tastes like that almost-forgotten sweetness, spreading through his body.
"Silly dear, don't fret yourself so."
She brushes his hair aside, and runs a finger down his brow, delicately capturing a tear. "You are.. the most charming.. wonderously handsome boy I've met. You know, I've always liked you.. even before that graduation ball. I loved it when you slid down the hill backwards, when you danced your heart out in the hallway."
He lets out a trembling breath because her words are an antidote to the night's torture, that he could not recall exactly, but could still feel its gut-punch. "Who am I to you, Lillian?"
"You are Curtis. A person who I'll cherish always in my heart."
Some part of him knows it's just a dream; please let it last.
"Please hold me," she goes, and as he hugs her she burrows her head in his chest.
He feels her silky hair, smelling of mint and bergamont.. why does her body feel like plasticine now? He opens his eyes – she is deteriorating, dry skin flaking off en masse, her hair falling out. Where there used to be a lively sweetness in her eyes, it's sullen and filled with disgust, contempt.. an unpleasant coldness.
"No," he goes. "Oh no no.."
As so, he hears the loud cheering of a raving crowd. "Let's give it up for Lillian and the Tei Shi Moguls~!"
It turns out the bed was on a stage. He gets up from the red bedsheets, bloodstained, and the curtains are pulling back, splitting away the darkness, revealing everyone – bathed in a hellish orange.
A spotlight turns on. It shines on Lillian, a few feet away – in her rocker outfit, the rest of her band a vague blur. She has her microphone, her red lipstick, and she thanks everyone for their support, before the drummer goes: "One, two-- one two three four--"
The bass and guitar kick in, and it's a very throbbing tune, almost deafening. Curtis finds a stack of cardboard sheets and uses that to hide his privates – he sees Cesar, the guitarist, madly jeering with his guitar, intimidating and ghoulish looking with the white makeup. The thought kicks in, why doesn't he just put a stop to it all? There must be a mixer, or a power switch nearby..
CJ, more mad now than fearful, glances at where the lead guitarist's power cable is plugged in – it leads to a giant electrical socket on the wall, aha. He runs over, notices how so much cables are plugged in, and rips them all out, one by one.
Sparks surge out the holes from where he unplugged them.
"Stop! What the hell are you doing!?" His heart is rushing, sure, and the band's music trembles off to a halt. But he wants to rip everything out-- all the hurt, all the pain and nonsense. The socket itself catches fire, and when CJ looks back, the crowd is all gone, and the band seems to have combusted into ash.
There's a calm quiet.. and her, slumped down on her knees. Daylight seems to burn through the ceiling, you could see the blue sky and clouds, and CJ feels there might be reconciliation yet. He approaches her.
"You messed everything up," she goes, as if defeated. "Just please, go away--"
"No," he says, taking a stand. "I'm not going to leave you just because."
The gym seems to collapse, as if its structure were like a vampire getting eviscerated by the light. Pieces of the ceiling crumble and slam across the ground. Curtis knows he doesn't have much time left. Why do things always have to be pressed short, just when it's getting good?
"I came all this way, scoured the places we've been to, because I know you're Lillian. You're not just anyone I could find from the street – I've.. this is my first time I've ever loved anyone in my life. Without you.. it would've just been any other summer for me."
Remnants of the Lillian he once knew – a gleam in her eyes. A ray of light shines on her face, and he sees that she's in tears as well.
"I know I'm not the perfect guy," CJ goes. "I get clingy, cause it hurts when you're not there for me in return. When nothing's whole or real anymore, it's some of the worst feelings to have. I can't help having fallen in love with you, and I only want another chance.. just to be happy, with you."
Something has reached through to Lillian. She gazes up, "Oh, Curtis.. I'm so sorry..!" She rushes forth to embrace CJ.
Suddenly, a huge fracture splits through the ground around them, and it's like the entire gym is blowing away, like leaves in a wind, eventually leaving only the sky, as seen from the window of a plane. Heavy orange, white and purple-hazed clouds scudding over a bright red sky. It could be anywhere in the world.
Curtis – he sits by the window seat, hopeful of what lies ahead, and he finds Lillian beside him, restful and sleeping with an airline blanket covering her. Her arm wrapped around his. They're flying home together. The only thought in his head is where they'd go after, once they've landed.
The rest of his dream is a faint blur. He smells nectar, and then wakes up in a dreary hospital room. His arm is hooked up to an IV. The nurse tells him that he was lucky to have an ambulance sent for; a concerned rocker thought he'd overdosed on drugs.
CJ doesn't have his phone. But there's a TV where it's broadcasting Peppa Pig dubbed in French, before one of the neighbouring patients gets bored enough to yell for the channel to be changed. On the news, there's a reported bomb threat that has the international airport on lockdown, and Curtis thinks – man, lucky me, I don't have to be waiting forever in that crowd! He catches a glimpse of Lillian and her family amidst in the lineups.
But what is he going to do? His housing license, his travel visa is going to expire..
He gets on his phone and opens up about what's happening with his pals. (Well, not the part where he tried to win the girl back.)
"Dude, it's impossible to travel by plane back to America.. the only way out is to take the ferries, and that's far-out by the west coast," his friend Ivan goes (he's from Canada).
"How can we get there?"
"We'll have to rent a minivan, and get a 2-week extension on our visas while we're at it. It's going to be a hella roadtrip!"
Dmitriy is chuckling, because he already is taking the subway back to Russia – no struggles there.
CJ is energised by that prospect – he can't wait to get out of France, whose romantic lustre has faded. It'll be one more time that he could have fun with his friends..
After a medical checkup, CJ heads back to his housing, gathers up his luggage, and takes a taxi ride over to his friend Ivan's apartment, where his other American buddies are chilling. They have kegs of beer, and they're hovering around the tablet-table where Ivan is planning out their awesome road trip to Calais – it's close to the UK, and the ferry will make a stop by Bexhill before arriving in New York two days later.
A sleepover. Ivan (high as fuck) and CJ share the same room, while the other buds are out in the TV room by the couch.
Ivan asks if CJ is trembling over what's to come tomorrow – he feels as if it's just like when embarking on as an exchange student for the first time, a year ago.
"I'm not.. I'm just glad to have spent this time with you fellas," CJ goes. "You made my year."
"About Lillian.." Ivan goes. "I'm sorry what happened between you and her. I think she's not that stable to begin with.. I remember her screaming her guts out at some girl over a betrayal."
"Really?" It's just interesting to know sides of people that they'd never tell you about upfront.
"There's plenty of women out there – and especially for a guy like you, I'm sure.. once you cultivate enough confidence, have your own style, your own flair; see, with the chicks today, they're looking for a real assertive man. Not some suck-up nice guy who can't get it up in bed cause he's drunk too much soy milk."
CJ and Ivan have a good laugh together.
It is tomorrow. Ivan haggles over the price of a rental van with the dealer – it's supposed to be 120 euros cheaper, while CJ sits outside with the others, bumming a good smoke as the wind blows leaves through. This is the last he'll see of Paris, he thinks.
When Ivan's like "We're all set!", they squeeze their bags into the back and proceed to drive through the morning traffic.
It's a hum-drum coasting through the roads, with Ivan's rap songs blaring out – classics like Tupac and Eazy-E that CJ has grown up with. It looks to be a very good way of kicking off the drive. Some drivers nod their heads in approval to the music, hearing it.
They arrive by a checkpoint. The officers stop their minivan for a random frisk and evaluation of their luggage – make sure they're not transporting illegal goods or on a wanted list.
"We're good guys!" one of CJ's friends [Josh] say.
A truck pulls up behind them. The frisking continues, with Martinez asked about his stash of risque comics (it makes him blush). The truck's engine stops, and a guy – roughly built; cold, steely eyes – pops out the driver's door. He's very upset over the delay (moreso with the unexpected frisking procedures). He yells torrents of French words at the officers, mixed with Arabic profanities.
Ivan gets ticked off at the guy's tone. "Hey, what THE FUCK is your problem dude? Just wait your turn, dickwad!"
There's a deathlike rattle in the air, as the guy seems to struggle for a moment with a spellbinding decision. His nostrils flare and the officers are taken aback by how fast he pulls out a bottle and splashes its contents over Ivan and the officer beside him.
It is battery acid.
Ivan yelps – he clutches his face in sheer pain.
Curtis is frozen with shock. The other officers pull out their pistols, but don't manage it in time as the guy has pulled out a knife and stabs them with the efficiency of Emperor Palpatine against the Master Jedi.
A pistol clatters near Martinez. He has the bright idea of just shooting the guy while he's unaware, so he fires at his head and blows off his ear, fooling him into thinking he's downed the guy.
Ivan's screaming, so Martinez attends him – his face is swollen yellow and green, and his eyes are totally bloodshot.
The guy recovers, and swiftly lunges at Martinez, who still has the pistol and shoots at the guy through his fingers (leaving just his forefinger and thumb). The guy is unfazed. He has his knife and plunges it several times through Martinez. For Curtis, it's like having his soul shredded.
"CJ – run!!" Josh yells, and the both of them flee the scene together.
They hastily run through abandoned alleyways, while hearing the distant approaching sirens of police reinforcement. Still hearing the guy's gutteral sounds pursuing their footsteps, they don't bother simply waiting for the police to show up and save the day.
Instead, they emerge out into a crowded square, where CJ pants, recovering his breath – he hasn't run so much since the gym marathons at school, then Josh points out a cafe to go hide. The scent of coffee relaxes them.
An unoccupied table.
Curtis takes the relief of having a seat – he pulls down the window drapes. He feels a weird ache in his chest. He'll never be with Ivan or Martinez ever again. Josh offers him a tissue, and when a waitress comes by, CJ is too distraught, so Josh says to get him a glass of water. They're recovering themselves and don't notice the nervous gait with which the waitress carries herself.
"I swear to God, that fucker's going to pay," CJ goes, crumpling his tissue in his fingers. "How can someone just.. kill people, like they're obstacles in the way?"
Josh explains it's no different than when you're playing against other players online, the struggle to win. Except this happens in real life, and the way you win is smiting down whoever you call the bad guys. Here, the lines are blurred – it's strange and just awkward to label real people as evil, and you're traumatized when you see in person someone committing horrible deeds. Because you're naturally hardwired as a social animal to care and be receptive, and when you don't have that environment anymore, you're lost, disoriented in anomie.
Muslims have been displacing French people in their own country for years, being pressured to accept that this wave of immigration, multiculturalism, call it what you will – is the norm, and you can either just accept it, turn a blind eye to the horrible things that occur, or face the increasingly uphill struggle of shouting "No, this is not right!"
The country they naively thought was the romantic dream is but a pale remnant. They were lucky enough that the high school as well as their residences were situated far from the Muslim zones.
Luckily they still have their wallets, but what are they going to do? They're both out of a home and uncomfortably stuck in a foreign land – all their stuff is in the luggage they left in the van.
"We've got to get our luggage," Josh says. "Co'mon--" Then he stops. Curtis glances at Josh's paralysis, then looks at where Josh's gaze is lying at, and he sees that many of the cafe's occupants are Muslims. Rugged-looking, boisterously talking, yet with the aura of being always on a knife's edge. No women whatsoever.
They've been talking out loud about what's happening, in the presence of these people (who barely conceal their aside glances).
"Curtis?" Josh goes, with a doe-eyed feel to his face. "Let's get outta here--"
A bunch of Muslim men have surrounded them.
This is it, Curtis thinks, this is how it ends. My life is over because I've happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. His anxiety palpitates.
"American tourists?" they ask.
Josh and CJ look at each other, and Josh is nodding "yeah yeah." So CJ tells them, "Yeah, we are."
The leader of their group mutters something, then one of them rummages through a bag (Curtis gulping) before pulling out a crudely made stick figure, with sewed-on buttons for eyes. "Our souvenir for youse. Twenty Euros."
CJ stares at the thing in disbelief. "Wha-- no thanks!"
"Twenty euros. You buy now."
Josh tries to stand up, but the leader just pats down hard on his shoulder. It's not a negotiation.
So Josh rummages through his wallet, finds he only has 17 euros, and CJ has 3. Without hesitation, one of the Muslims yank their wallets, pull the bills and coins out and thrusts the stick figure onto the table. But it's not over yet.
"You think we are scum?" the leader goes, more gruff. "You think we terrorize, we treat everyone horribly?"
"No, hey, we don't think that," CJ goes, nervously.
"You do. Don't you lie or try to flatter, we were hearing you talking. You think we bullshit?"
"You're an ordinary French citizen.." CJ goes. "Just like everyone else, yeah, you're nice, and we really appreciate your uhh.. figurine. We were just talking about how the times were changing in France, with the diverse demographics.."
"You FUCK WITH US?" The leader shoves CJ back, clattering him onto the floor with the chair, while the rest of the Arabian men cheer.
Josh is frightened, but seeing his friend Curtis shoved takes the cake. He elbows the leader in the eye. "Hey shitter, NO ONE does that to one of my friends!"
The men stop cheering, and decide to shove and slap Josh around in a circle. He struggles, but gets bruises and his shirt torn and rammed onto the table, which topples over with his weight and overturns – leaving him shivering while curled-up.
Then they unzip their pants – they are on the verge of collectively peeing on CJ and Josh..
The owner of the cafe pops out from upstairs, with the waitress pointing out the troublesome scene. He has a shotgun, cocked and locked, aimed at the offending clients. "The next blow stricken will not be from your fists, but out my barrel! Get out!"
For the first time, you see the men wary and startled. "We were just joking.." The leader gets up, rubbing his bruised eyelid, and places the $20 euros on a table as if to compensate for the trouble – the owner cocks his shotgun and aims more tightly.
The Muslim clients seem to leave peacefully, with one of them still sipping their cappuchino from a cup. When the cafe owner loses tension in his aim-- he angrily throws the cup hard in the owner's face, splashing the lukewarm coffee all over.
The owner shoots the gun by reflex, exploding one of the men's torsos in a dazzle of smoke, torn fabric and ejected blood, while loose pellets end up injuring another.
The Muslim men are enraged by what the owner did to one of their brothers. They will strike upon the owner with great vengeance and furious anger, such as it is with anyone who dares attempt to poison and destroy who they call their kin.
When the owner wipes the coffee from his eyes, he realises what's done. They're advancing on him, so many of them, toppling aside the tables in the way, and panicking, the owner cocks his shotgun, backing off – a spent shell clatters on the floor. They're on the owner by the time he's ready to fire again, and pummel him, his gun discharging and blowing off his own toes.
Josh and CJ helplessly watch the owner, screaming in pain as he slides back down against a wall.
The Muslims go behind the counter - one of them grabbing, fondling and kissing the poor, stunned waitress ("C'mere bitch, let me show you de wey.") They loot the cash register, the tips, anything they find of value, then finding the wine bottles, they uncork them and splash the wine over every surface.
CJ is able to recover himself, but doesn't move yet lest he attract their attention.
With the last wine bottle, they uncork it, stuff a fabric in it, and set the fabric on fire with a lighter. A molotov cocktail.
"May Allah spare you an ounce of mercy, my friend," they go, before tossing the thing directly onto the slouched owner.
The bottle splashes, and the owner is aglow in flames maddening. He is flailing, screeching, the flames cascading from his body to all the surfaces, and the Muslim men are laughing, with the waitress's muffled cries of horror. "Now we're done with you! Allah ackbar!"
They rush out the door, and CJ gets up, the rising smoke stinging his eyes. He hurries to get Josh standing, as the flames rapidly spread over the floor – rushing over where they were lying a few seconds ago.
They hobble outside into the square, coughing, soot over them. Onlookers have their phones and glasses recording the spectacle; distant sirens converge, and someone rushes over to help Josh and CJ away from the burning cafe, falling apart and crumbling into bits.
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