#percival trevelyan
the-rebel-archivist · 2 years
Send Me a Headcanon and I’ll Tell What OC I Associate It With - 8, 13, 17, 18?? 👀
8. I don't know if I can pick just one who could kill you with a pencil, I have a problem and too many dangerously skilled assassin OCs. Maybe this is the opposite of a problem. But the first one that comes to mind is Lyna Mahariel, you'd never see her coming. Probably no need for a pencil, she's got a comical amount of knives, but a pencil will do ;) Oh and of course there's the Shepards, both Sara and Andrew would make do with anything as a weapon (an infiltrator and an adept with a pencil is a very scary thing)
13. Frederick Amell, probably my smartest OC overall and all too happy to share the history of an object or place! He likes to teach and help :) On the opposite end, Aurelian Sidewinder knows a ton of random facts but he'll tell you them to be an annoying little shit and 'well ackshully' you
17. Raynda Lavellan and Teryn Hawke, either one is a handful and the two together are absolute menaces. Oh man the hijinks they'd get up to, stealing a penguin is just the start. Don't worry though, Raynda would take good care of their new flightless friend
18. Exaggerated facial expressions probably also has to go to Raynda, if she tries she can lie pretty well but for the most part her face is an open book and she makes some really pretty ridiculous expressions. Percy Trevelyan's a runner up but only because his "cat begging for the tiniest taste of your bagel" expression is the funniest thing to me and every time I see it in a screenshot I start laughing. He's a smart guy but in that moment? Head empty, no thoughts, mii theme
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videogame-ocs · 1 year
The gist of an important conversation between Anya, her brother Percy and Dorian after the Exalted Council in my canon Worldstate:
Percy: So how was it?
Dorian: It was lovely Amatus, if you ignore the politics, the invasion, the murder and the betrayal, it was almost like a second honeymoon. Except you weren’t actually there.
Anya: Wait, second honeymoon?
Percy: Oh yeah, Dorian and I got married a month or so ago.
Percy: Anya?
Anya: Oh come on! that’s not fair! How come you got a honeymoon when you got married and all I got was a near death experience and a lobed off arm?!
Dorian: I mean you still bagged the dashing Commander, in the middle of the exalted council and nobody noticed. That is no easy feat.
Anya: That’s the silver lining, I suppose. Well that and Cullen being my husband of course.
Anya: I would have told you but it was a split second decision and Cullen and I wanted to be sure of something in the future, I’m so sorr-
Anya: …oh no.
Percy: Where do you want your ashes scattered?
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camelliagwerm · 5 days
So if there's one thing about me, it's that I do not stop yapping at times, and I thought it was time to get down a lot of Arthur's lore with Veilguard approaching and he went through a bit of a revamp as a result of the recent playthroughs. This covers everything up to the Conclave.
CWs: reference to physical abuse and parent death.
Born on 12 Solis, 8:94 Blessed to Bann Godfrey and Lady Marina Trevelyan. Has a twin sister, Matilda (or ‘Tilly’, as Arthur calls her), who is – rather annoyingly – 5 minutes older than him, and a younger brother, Percival (b. 9:00 Dragon.)
His magic manifested as an emotional response to his mother Marina’s death – at her funeral. He was only six years old. In his grief and ashamed that magic had seemingly manifested out of nowhere in the core branch of the Trevelyan family, Bann Godfrey shut Arthur away for a week, refusing to see him.
Godfrey’s sister, Lucille, was the one who made the arrangements. A kind and vivacious woman, a social butterfly who never married despite plenty of suitors, she took Arthur to her own estate until the necessary arrangements for Arthur to be taken to the Ostwick Circle (originally, his father intended to send him to Kirkwall. Out of sight, out of mind.) Once his magic was considered under control enough and he was older, she also made the arrangement that he would be allowed to visit her, with her taking guardianship and responsibility for him outside of the Circle.  
Arthur was 15 when he was ‘chosen’ by a spirit of compassion. He’d vented his frustration to his mentor, Lydia, numerous times about how he felt no matter what, his capacity for healing magic didn’t feel enough to be able to help people, and he didn’t have the raw power for elemental magic, and fearing if he wasn’t able to do either well, he’d end up Tranquil. Later that night, Arthur unintentionally summoned a spirit to come to him while dreaming in the Fade. It had sensed his own fear and pain, as well as Arthur’s desire to focus more on restorative and defensive magics.
This new development changed Arthur’s trajectory. Immediately, he was removed from under Lydia’s tutelage and placed with the Circle’s only other – and ageing – spirit healer, Senior Enchanter Melvin, who had no apprentices. Gone were his lessons for elemental magic; everything was focused on creation and spirit magic – spells of healing and restoration, conjuring and dispelling barriers. There were also a lot of lessons involving mental discipline, for the calling of a spirit healer is not an easy one. Now more liable to possession, Arthur had to do a lot more mental exercises to focus his will and to master his fears. Within a year and a half of being chosen, Arthur was doing his Harrowing at the age of 16 – concerningly young, but he succeeded, where just 18 months ago, he may have been made Tranquil as he lacked the raw power to defend himself. He continued to shadow Melvin, accompanying him and the Templar chaperone onto trips to attend to ailing nobles, and even beginning treating them with Melvin’s guidance. 
At the age of 19, Arthur made the decision to become a Junior Enchanter, mostly teaching young apprentices the fundamentals of healing magic as well as reading, writing, maths. He enjoyed it. It was surprisingly calming, and he was good with kids.
When Arthur was 22, Senior Enchanter Melvin passed away, leaving Arthur as the only spirit healer in the Circle. He had to step away from teaching as he had to take on the entirety of Melvin’s responsibilities – tending the Circle infirmary and any noble-born patients. It was also at this age that he was assigned his own Templar chaperone, whose sole purpose was to accompany Arthur everywhere and keep watch for signs of possession — his name was Ser Simon Allaway, a third born son from a deeply devout Starkhavener family who had recently been transferred to Ostwick. 
A couple years older than Arthur, charming, kind, and not at all uneasy on the eyes, Simon had an idealism about him that Arthur appreciated, and he was even lenient — on the weekends that Arthur would spend at Aunt Lucille’s, Simon allowed his charge to move freely about the city, always five steps behind. Arthur would come to convince Simon to put aside their roles as mage and templar chaperone from time to time, the two men often end up drinking together in divey bars in the lower city quarters of Ostwick as Arthur tried to learn more about the man under the plate armour.  
That same year (9:16), Matilda married a recently graduated Chevalier she had met at the recent Grand Tourney, Ser Évariste d’Amboise, heir to a noblesse militaire family — leaving Ostwick for Val Royeaux. She and Arthur had remained as close as they could have done with him being in the Circle. Her last words to him before she left for Orlais was “there is nothing wrong with finding a little comfort.” 
Arthur, perhaps a little emboldened by alcohol and his sister’s encouragement, began a relationship with Simon. Winning a chess match against him, Arthur tipsily (and half-jokingly) asked for a kiss as his winner’s prize — and was surprised when Simon did, and things went even further. The next morning Simon, feeling guilty about what happened, wanted to go to the Chantry to request an immediate transfer back to Starkhaven as he felt he’d taken advantage of Arthur and that they had gone over the line in terms of familiarity. Arthur convinced him not to, saying “I’ve spent my entire life being careful and selfless. Is it wrong for me to want to be happy, even if it must be in secret?”
They managed to keep their relationship private for 21 years, with only Aunt Lucille (and Matilda) knowing the truth. There were ups and downs, a few close calls, but for the most part they made the best of their situation — until the 9:30s.  
Decades of regret was catching up with Bann Trevelyan and knowing he did not have long left, sought reconciliation with his mageborn son. Arthur is willing to hear him out – perhaps he is a little too forgiving, too much of a bleeding heart, but his mother was the same. Godfrey dies of heart complications, just three months later. Arthur was banned from visiting his father on his deathbed by his brother – the new Bann, who saw him as a stain on their lineage.
That same season, the chantry in Kirkwall exploded and the Grand Cleric died in the blast. The work of a spirit healer who had turned into abomination. In response, the Knight-Commander, supported by the Champion of Kirkwall, declared the Rite of Annulment. Only the Champion remained at the end, her hands stained with the blood of innocents and the heavy crown of the Viscount upon her brow. They called her – Rosalind Hawke – the Butcher of the Gallows in whispers.
Less than a week later, Arthur was brought to the Grand Cleric and the Knight-Commander of Ostwick. With Ostwick’s own First Enchanter having recently passed of old age and leaving no clear successor, they told him that he was to take the position — “with the previous First Enchanter naming no one, we are to make the decision with the Senior Enchanters’ approval. You are a Trevelyan — you have respect and a good reputation. You will do well.” Arthur, a little despondent and grieving for the loss of some of his colleagues in the Gallows, barely acknowledged the appointment with more than a strained, small smile and a quiet “the nobles don’t respect me, they tolerate me.” 
But a Trevelyan always does his duty, and he accepts.  Better he takes it, and hopes he can use his name to guarantee safe harbour for the most vulnerable of his people. In the chaos leading up to the Mage-Templar war, Arthur does his best to keep the Ostwick circle neutral, reassuring the Templars and Chantry in the Marcher state he had ‘everything under control’ (he did not. He developed an elfroot smoking habit just to relax, something he's embarrassed about but absolutely terrible at hiding.)
Being First Enchanter means personal sacrifices, and his relationship with Simon ends. Over the last few years, Simon became a different person. He became more distant and cold towards Arthur, the sex more desperate and hurried even at Lucille’s estate, his mind wanders, and sometimes he could be a little cruel and they started arguing. Simon even hit him once, something the Simon Arthur fell in love with would never have done. It broke Arthur’s heart, and he knew as the news from Kirkwall came in and his appointment as First Enchanter happened, he couldn’t keep the relationship going. It was becoming dangerous, and he called it off. The only reason why he did not request a replacement chaperone was because he had had the same one for 21 years and it would’ve looked suspicious if he’d requested a replacement after so long.  They merely tolerated each other’s company, combined with a few desperate fucks on a desk to release the tension, but that soon ended. In rare moments where he seemed more like the man he’d loved, Simon would promise to remain by Arthur’s side as long as he could.
9:40-9:41 Dragon: the Circles rebel, the College is dissolved. Arthur tries to keep the Ostwick Circle open for those who have nowhere to go – children, Tranquil – but funding runs dry eventually. Simon abandons him, to join the call for Templars despite his promise — and he won’t find out for another couple of years what happened to him. Arthur assumes the worst. 
With his lover gone, funding running dry and violence escalating, Arthur negotiates with the Montsimmard Circle’s First Enchanter, Vivienne, to get the children and Tranquil to Orlais, where the Montsimmard Circle still remained loyal and has the money and space to support them.  
Arthur himself has no choice but to join the rebels, keeping his distance from those more inclined to fight and doing his best to keep the apprentices out of the way. He argues with Fiona and the other First Enchanters who chose rebellion, and when the call for the Divine Conclave comes, he accompanies the Ostwick delegation in the hope his noble name would protect them and in the hope he could be a voice of reason. Perhaps, he might even find Simon.
At the Temple of Sacred Ashes, barely a few minutes before the Divine is meant to start the proceedings, Arthur notices one of his delegation is missing and he slips off to find them. Instead, he hears a call for help that sounds like the Divine. And what he interrupts is a ritual years in the planning.
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rustic-ghoul · 1 month
I have finally finished ‘The Sign of the Devil’ book along with the Frey & McGray book series…I have thoroughly enjoyed book series and will recommend it to anyone.
But anyway, I started my visual casting for this series but never finished so here we go (I am aware some of these visuals don’t match the entire book descriptions but I don’t care)…(I am also very aware of the cast crossover being heavy on the good omens cast 😁 I like what I like) …this is who I picture as these characters :
Inspector Ian Percival Frey
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Detective Adolphus Nine-Nails McGray
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Caroline Ardglass
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Amy ‘Pansy’ McGray
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Lady Anne Ardglass
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Uncle Maurice
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Superintendent Trevelyan
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Dr Clouston
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Fiscal Pratt
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tauristar · 6 years
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The Trevelyan siblings! A chaotic bunch, to say the least.
Top left: Percival. Top middle: Vance. Top right: Arabella. Bottom left: Miriam. Bottom right: Christopher.
Sadly, two of them have died since the events of the Conclave; one died at the Conclave while accompanying Vance (Percival), and the other was killed by a group of Templars while trying to flee Ostwick’s Circle (Arabella).
Out of all the Trevelyan siblings, Christopher arguably has the most “normal” life, having a wife and a child and still living in Ostwick. Percival was in the Free Marches army, Arabella was a mage and lived in the Circle, Miriam is worldly and travels Thedas so nobody knows where she is, and Vance is the Inquisitor.
So... Christopher would be right. His life is pretty normal for nobility.
Vance is the youngest of five siblings and a Templar-trained ass-kicking son of a bitch who doesn’t actually give two shits about the Chantry or the Templar Order, he’s just tired man. Give him a break. Let the rebel mages live in peace dammit. It’s thanks to his brother Percival that he’s so open-minded and free to talk about his personal life, and thanks to his (albeit limited) contact with Arabella that he cares so deeply about the rebel mages. He’ll hate the Templars and the Templar Order more when he learns that Arabella was killed wrongly by them.
Percival, being the second youngest and a part of the Free Marches army, spent a lot of time learning and immersing himself in other cultures. He saw a Dalish elf once and immediately wanted to learn everything he could about their ways. (Said Dalish elf happened to be Warden-Commander Rafael Mahariel.) He was most likely to accidentally offend someone without actually meaning to.
Arabella didn’t get much of the Trevelyan life before she was sent to the Ostwick Circle, but the parents pulled a lot of strings to keep in contact with her. While she despised being stuck in the Circle without being home and surrounded by her true family -- she hadn’t seen Vance since she was 12 and he was 9 -- she found a home in the other mages she had around her. She only wished that she got to see her baby brothers one more time.
Miriam, being the eldest daughter and the only one to retain the Trevelyan title between the two, has traveled almost everywhere. From Rivain to the Western Approach, Tevinter to Ferelden, she’s been there and done that. Maybe one day she’ll find someone to settle with. For now, she’ll talk to Vance and travel.
Then the oldest, Christopher, is probably the largest hope for the Trevelyan name if their father has anything to say about it. With an adoring wife and a son destined to follow in his footsteps, Chris helps his father run the estate back home in Ostwick while trying to keep in contact with the rest of the family. There is something to be said when it’s easier to keep in contact with Vance, the Inquisitor of all people, than it is to get in contact with Miriam...
(Chris has also refrained from telling Vance about Arabella’s fate.)
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wanderingnork · 4 years
Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by @lesetoilesfous. And tagging anyone who’s in the mood. :)
Name: Nork, or bluebeholder if you’re on AO3.
Fandoms: Current primary is Dragon Age (II and Inquisition), have written extensively for Dishonored, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and a wide scattering of others.
Most popular oneshot: Everything Important in a Suitcase, a Newt Scamander/Percival Graves story. Healing, romance, and traveling around the world together.
Most popular multichapter: The Protector, the story of how Corvo Attano accidentally kicked off a religious reformation in the world of Dishonored (and kissed a god in the process). Just passed 1,000 kudos. I don’t know how to handle this. o.o
Actual worst part of writing: Man, I love most aspects of writing, but there’s nothing that drives me up the wall faster than realizing after the fact that I forgot to include some important piece of character development. I have to go back and put it in, and then edit everything that came before to make sure it coheres with the rest of the story. Ugh.
How you choose your titles: by screaming. And then either making some joke or snagging a quote/line of poetry/whatever.
Do you outline: no. Never. Unless forced to. You can’t see me, but I’m glaring at “patron saints of blissful imperfection” right now, that fucker ended up growing an outline JUST to provide a solid framework for the stuff I’d already written and give me some idea of where to STOP.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
One: super want to write about the Architect, Urthemiel, Flemeth stealing the soul of Urthemiel, and some suspicions I have about all of that in relation to a certain flesh-warping ancient elven goddess. I don’t have the mental wherewithal to actually write it, especially because it’d probably grow some kind of terrifying Warden/Architect subplot and I’d have to deal with Solas again, but this time strictly as the Dread Wolf.
Two: I’d give my left arm for the inspiration to actually finish my Trevelyan/Iron Bull fic. Highly unlikely since I’d want to start again from the beginning and that’s a mess. It cracked 80,000 words last year and would probably be twice that long, and frankly...no. If I get to them, it’ll be much tighter and probably not go past 10,000 words.
Three: that bagginshield correspondence fic. In short, everyone survives the Battle of Five Armies, but after Erebor is mostly put back together, Bilbo decides to go back to the Shire. He and Thorin carry on a long-term relationship by letter. Honestly one of my favorite concepts I’ve ever come up with, but neither of them is capable of sticking to romance. Instead, it started growing messy subplots about things like “the rise of Sauron” and “Bilbo being steadily corrupted by the Ring.”
Four: Merrill as Inquisitor.
Five: y’all I want to write a horror story so badly but I can’t figure out what fandom to do it in
Callouts @ Me: no more ellipses. Make it stop. Also, maybe someday you could just not accidentally write a novel-length fic? Maybe???
Best writing traits: I’m good at picking apart characters and seeing what makes them tick, then writing narratives focused on that.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: Fuck ketchup. That shit is NASTY. Heinz tomato ketchup (specifically Heinz) should be a banned substance. Someone get the FDA on this. 
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vohalika · 5 years
Shameless Fanfic Self-Promotion
Critical Role Fanfiction (Literally all of this is Perc'ahlia. I have a brand.)
Current WiP Baby: Indefinitely Postponed A tale of two idiots who'd rather get naked than talk about their feelings. Until they do. My first attempt at writing smut. An exploration what happened after the numerous times Percy and Vex tastefully faded to black. Or the fireplace. 2/6 Chapters.
 He’s shaking as he’s closing the door, even though she is the one standing there without any clothes on. It’s almost enough to make her feel bad. Almost. If he hadn’t come here to talk, the least they could do is get      something     out of the way.
 “Are you alright, dear?” She asks, inching closer, head cocked in concern, and almost but not quite dropping the mocking tone to her voice.
 “Yes,” he answers, as quickly as his eyes dart up and down her naked form again. “Yes, quite.” Then he uncorks the bottle of what he’d referred to as Courage and takes a long swig.
 Vex raises her eyebrows at him and crosses her arms, careful to do it in a way that pushes up her tits for some totally accidental cleavage.
 “Do you honestly need to be drunk for this?” Now her tone swings back to sardonic and mocking. “I mean, by all means, do go on, this is only the second least flattering thing that happened to me in the bedroom. But once you accidentally call me by my brother’s name, I’ll have to throw you out.”
 Making him choke on it was indeed an excellent way to get Percy to put down the bottle, though it’s probably a shame about the undoubtedly fancy liquor he’s coughing up. She graciously steps closer and slaps his back to help with the process anyhow.
 “Great,” he manages to say between coughs, eyes transfixed on her collarbone for some reason. “Now that’s something for me to      worry     about.”
Rating: E
The Sad Baby: Grief Vex working through the loss of her brother, one conversation in an empty temple at a time. The saddest kind of writing I am capable of. Very personal. For an okay day. 4/4 Chapters.
“Hello… Brother,” she said into the clam and dusty silence of the former Anders family crypt, and immediately felt silly. “Sorry for not visiting sooner. I mean, I should take better care of my property at the very least.” She managed a nervous laugh. Never had Vex felt more out of place. Not even at the fancy private school she had attended in Syngorn. Or the first meetings of the chamber of Whitestone, during which people had still implicitly been giving her shit for sleeping her way to the top.
“I’m going to bring a broom next time,” she then promised the silence. “To sweep up a little. I mean, I technically have a broom, but not on me right now. Percy took it in for… Adjustments.” She cleared her throat awkwardly. “Sooo… How have you been? Besides, you know, dead?” She gave the silence some time to answer. It didn’t respond. “That’s what I thought. Well, I have been… Busy. I don’t know if you know, but like, just after you died, Grog did probably the most stupid thing he’ll ever do in his life and got his soul trapped in like a gem in a sword in the most horrible plane of existence,” she started babbling. Babbling was good, it fought down the tears rising up, again. “And yes, it was certifiably worse than the hells, at least you could talk there. Anyway…”
Rating: T, but the language gets naughty sometimes because, well, Vex.
The Happy Baby: On Meddling, Mistresses, and Matrimony Set between the one year break, about how Percy and vex got betrothed. Almost canon compliant. Oneshot.
“Would you be hypothetically amenable to the general concept of marriage?”
That gave both of them enough of a pause for him to regret all of his life choices, and for her to sit up and look at him skeptically.
“Percival…” She then said slowly and carefully. “Did… Did you just propose to me?”
“No!” He was quick to answer again, his voice a little higher than usual. “I mean… Not really?” He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. “I was just… Trying to find out whether, you know… That was an option? To propose to you eventually? Unless, of course, you think that matrimony is a silly and outdated concept that we just shouldn’t bother with… And why would we, I mean, really…”
“Okay, slow down there for a second,” she interrupted his ramblings. “So you proposed to propose to me?”
“Ugh.” He winced. “Forget I said anything.”
Rating: T for implied sexytimes. Also Percy and Vex are naked for about half of the fic.
The Weekly Shorties: Oneshots I wrote after each new episode every week between episodes 72 and 76. Not a single one is canon compliant, but they're cute.
A Time And A Place
Princess Stabbity
Rating: G or T for language.
Dragon Age Fanfiction
Of Flowers and Happiness, the Elusive Nature of which A kink meme prompt about Cole giving every Inquisition member a flower crown. Whether they want him to or not.
Rating: G
Of Very Dramatic Occurrences Also a kink meme prompt. Cullen tells the Inquisitor how he got that scar on his lip. Feat. Arenya Trevelyan whose story I will totally eventually write out and publish any day now kinda sorta maybe.
Rating: G, even though it is also essentially pillow talk.
Naruto Fanfiction
Threats My forever and always life's work, or rather the much improved English reboot thereof, that I haven't updated in 3 years but will get back to any moment now since the goddamn story hasn't left me alone since 2006. 21/??? Chapters.
Rating: M
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elgara-vallas-dalen · 5 years
Fictober 2019, Day 1, “It will be fun, trust me.”
Fandom - Dragon Age: Inquisition (Female Mage Trevelyan Inquisitor)
Warnings - None
I’ll be using Fictober to dabble around a little with my Evelyn Trevelyan from my fic “Demons of Our Pasts” and just explore some vague ideas that will never make their way into the story, mostly because they take place after its end. If you’re interested in more, you can find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17092892/chapters/40196210
Prompt: “It will be fun, trust me.”
“It will be fun, trust me.”
Dorian and Evelyn exchange a long, skeptical glance while the man before them tried his best to charm them with a broad smile. Not that it would have made anything about his claim more convincing.
“You realize that you’re talking about our family, right, Max?” Evelyn tilted her head and arched a brow at her brother. “You know, the people I decided not to talk to anymore?”
Max scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, Eve. You know Josephine will kill us if none of us shows up. And if you don’t go, I have to be there alone and maintain a conversation with cousin Percival.” He shuddered. “Please. It’s just one night.”
“No.” His sister crossed her arms before her chest. “Not in a thousand years.”
“Andraste’s ass, Eve, just do me the favor.” Max groaned and his gaze flicked to Dorian. “We could all show up, just the three of us.”
“Oh, no, keep me out of this.” Dorian laughed and took a step away from the siblings, hands raised in a defensive manner. “I made the mistake letting you use me as a buffer against your family once, I’m not doing that again.”
Max shrugged. “Hey, you were the one telling us that it’s technically your family as well.”
“Yes, but we all know that each of us is busy enough avoiding the family they have and don’t need another one on top of that.”
“Oh, Andraste’s–”
“Enough.” Evelyn rolled her eyes and groaned to interrupt their banter. “Max, I’m not coming with you to attend a family gathering. I’m still not talking to our father for a reason and I won’t undermine my message by showing up at his house. If you want to, I’ll go and try to talk Josephine out of it so that you don’t have to go as well but that’s all I’ll be doing.”
“Seriously, Eve, that’s …”
“No.” She shook her head once again. “And I won’t change my mind about that.”
A soft curse left her brother’s lips and her grimaced. “Think about it. Please. Mother would love to see you. And the girls.”
Evelyn froze for a moment, pressing her lips to a thin line. Her answer was quick, sharp and final. “Then she should come here instead.” A bitter expression spread over her face, and she looked at her brother. “But she won’t do that, will she? Because she doesn’t do anything if father doesn’t allow it.”
Max clicked his tongue. “Eve.”
“No”, she said once more and whirled around to leave. “She cannot just abandon me, allow our father try to humiliate me with every word he speaks because he still cannot bear the thought that I’m not under his control anymore, and expect me to forgive her just because she wants to see my daughters.” She gritted her teeth. “Tell her that’s the line. If she wants to, she can cross it.”
One last angry glance over her shoulder. “But I won’t.”
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the-rebel-archivist · 2 years
9, 10, 26 for the OC ask list?
9. Oh that's easily Raynda with her big eyes, baby face, and training in assassination. She's warm hearted, sweet, and compassionate but takes no prisoners when it comes to threats against her. She's got a lot of regrets but they usually have to do with not taking her shot when she had the chance rather than the opposite. Freddy kind of fits too but his threshold for killing in cold blood is much higher, you have to be a direct threat to his family.
10. Too many of my OCs look they will murder you but are sweethearts and this is the opposite of a problem. Top contenders are Lyna, Noelle, and Esper. In order of most to least murdery looking it would go Esper, Lyna, Noelle, but in order of least softhearted to most it's Noelle, Esper, Lyna. I have no idea how to figure out the one with the perfect ratio of don't want to meet in a dark alley to will hover over you if you're hurt but they're all there
26. Percy. Percy puts up such a facade of never seeming to care that he's at the bottom of his class in the Circle or that his family has disowned him but it all bothers him deeply. It's something he thinks about frequently as Inquisitor, why he's still looking for his father's approval. To a lesser degree Kai also acts like he doesn't care when he does, he distances himself from Ortega in order to run away from the voice in his head that knows he'd crack like an egg if he spent any time with her again. Look, he's doing so well on his own in his fancy one percenter apartment. Definitely.
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videogame-ocs · 6 months
My DA Canon Worldstate family trees #3- The Trevelyan family tree (Ostwick branch)
Part 3 of my Dragon Age protagonists family tree series, this time it’s the last of the canon protagonists families (until Dreadwolf arrives), the Inquisitor herself, Anya Trevelyan.
This isn’t the last of the family trees, oh no, I’ve got a few non canon protagonists to do, especially since in my Worldstate they all still exist.
Anyway I really enjoyed doing the Trevelyan family tree because whilst I miss the origins set up in DAO, DAI offers the most freedom out of the three games in terms of imagining your protagonist’s family. More information is under the cut.
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I actually made most of my Inquisitor’s family this time in the game because I was making my second l non canon Trevelyan play through, Bertrand Trevelyan, Anya’s oldest brother, and thought sod it, I’ll make the rest of The Trevelyan’s before I make him.
Anya is the youngest of 7. There are 15 years between Bertrand and Anya.
Percival (Percy) and Bertrand Trevelyan are two of my non canon Inquisitors BUT I headcanon those two brothers actively join the Inquisition in my canon play through at various points in the game, showing support for their little sister in her role as Inquisitor.
Frederick Trevelyan was married before he married Sophia, but his wife died of a sickness two years into the marriage.
The Trevelyan siblings are half Orlesian, but they’ve never been to Orlais because their mother refuses to take them as she doesn’t get on with her mother and sister, in fact she pretty much denounces her Orlesian heritage.
The Du Beaufort family added the Du to Beaufort to make their surname sound even more Orlesian.
Sophia Trevelyan actually changed her name from Sophie to Sophia when she ran away from Orlais and married Bann Frederick Trevelyan.
Geneviéve Du Beaufort, the Trevelyan’s cousin, actually looks eerily similar to my non-canon Lavellan Inquisitor, Thalia. There is a reason for this, a family secret that her mother and grandmother are determined to keep from everyone. Geneviéve is elf blooded. Her father is Thalia’s father, Thalia is Geneviéve’s half sister.
Geneviéve actually also jumps ship from Orlais to Ferelden and Skyhold some time in the years between Corypheus’ defeat and the Exalted Council because she has been biding her time for years to escape her entitled her mother and grandmother. She goes by Trevelyan after that, (after asking permission from her aunt’s family of course)
I head canon that the romances in the non canon playthroughs still happen in my Worldstate, mainly because Dorian and Iron Bull didn’t get together in my canon play through so I head canon that Percy and Dorian met on the journey to Skyhold, and grew close, marrying in secret sometime before the Exalted Council and because Bertrand will be romancing Cassandra when I get round to it, Bertrand met Cassandra when he joined after Orlais.
Anya and Cullen of course, being my canon romance, get married in the exalted council.
I do have a fic in the planning about whether or not they manage to get away with the whole spontaneous marriage thing with Anya’s family but it may be a while before I write it.
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camelliagwerm · 1 month
25 For the Dragon Age asks?
Oh thank you. | DRAGON AGE ASKS
25. What is/was their relationship with their family like?
I'm not sure any of them have an objectively good relationship with their family. This got a little long so under the cut it goes.
Considering Magni committed fratricide and didn't even hide it, and supported Bhelen only because he wanted an Aeducan to remain on the throne, I wouldn't consider it to be a good one. Though, since Bhelen canonically won't give up on Paragon Aeducan thanks to some ambient banter during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, I guess they must have at least made up at some point and the Ferelden-Orzammar alliance must have held. He's also an absent father from all five of his children's lives, for varying reasons — Valda (his daughter with a warrior caste woman that he had an affair with prior to Origins) because she is a mostly unacknowledged bastard; Magni the Younger & Gorim the Younger (his sons with Mardy) due to duties elsewhere; Kieran because they and Morrigan are separated; and Astyth, their daughter with Anora, for her safety as at that point (9:44/45) the Reaver madness has likely begun to set in. In short, Magni has currently disappeared and no one quite knows where they are as of Veilguard (I'm hoping we'll get at least some hint of the Warden's presence, even if we don't see them directly.)
For Rosalind, by the end of DA2, the only family she had left was Sebastian, who she had only recently married, Gamlen (who she doesn't talk to much) and Charade (again, she doesn't talk to much.) And obviously, Malcolm died before DA2 began, Carver died in Lothering, Bethany in the Deep Roads and then Leandra at Quentin's hands. And her relationship with Leandra and Carver were strained. She was forced to be the provider too young and it made her resent her mother, especially when she was told she had 'Leandra's look'. She felt like she was constantly competing with Carver when she didn't want to, and she was so overprotective of Bethany that it strained their relationship too and it got Bethany killed. Hell, Rosalind originally took the Templar specialisation so she could protect Bethany without Beth ever needing to go to the Circle. Losing every one of them and then nearly Sebastian too turned her mad with grief, and she was only beginning to heal around 9:40, when Sebastian left the Chantry and she resgined from being Viscountess. But those old wounds reopened when Varric got in contact with her about Corypheus, and she felt like she owed it to everyone to leave behind her husband and their infant twins to go to the Inquisition. She didn't come back. Her relationships with her family were distant or smothering, no in between.
Arthur has a mixed relationship with his family. On one hand, he cannot abide his brother Percival, his mother Marina died when he was six and has been estranged from his father, Godfrey, ever since his magic flared up for the first time (when he was told Mama wouldn't be waking up again.) But he also had a loving, maternal figure in his aunt Lucille, who took guardianship of him and made all the necessary arrangements for him for being taken to the Circle and the benefits that were afforded to him as a Trevelyan, despite his status as a mage. And he was close with his sister Matilda (Tilly), prior to her marriage to an Orlesian chevalier; he and Tilly reconnect during the Inquisition years as Tilly lives in Val Royeaux with her children (husband was killed during the civil war.) Ultimately, to a lot of his wider family, his name was more likely to close doors than open them due to being a mage, until he became the Inquisitor and all of a sudden, they were clamouring to be a concerned, loving relative of his. He shut them out, and only remains in contact with Tilly and Lucille, even after Trespasser. And besides, he also gets a large, extended family in the form of the Chargers after he and the Bull tie the knot.
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Retribution: Chapter 4
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution
A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger
Words: 1,956
Evelyn felt extremely bad for what was happening to the family. It didn’t really affect her, but despite her intentions she really was feeling a connection with the family. She had expected it with Holli, and tolerated it with Stephen, but apart from Amanda she bore no ill-will towards any of them. The parents didn’t like her, but they still allowed Evelyn to stay in the cottage on the estate and didn’t bother her or interfere with Holli’s training. She sat in her kitchen, absent-mindedly flipping a knife and staring at the fire in the hearth, deep in thought. Amanda had said the Ostwick Circle of Magi had fallen… The word she had used was “fallen”. That was the exact same way it had been described in Kirkwall when their Circle of Magi had collapsed.
A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughtful trance and she shook her head hard. “Door’s open” she called. She continued to flip the knife as an elven servant came into the room. “What’s up?” she said casually, still flipping the knife. It was clear the servant was intimidated by it.
“His lordship requests your presence. I am to take you to him.” He said timidly.
She tossed the knife high into the air without looking and still caught it skillfully. The servant jumped. With a roguish smile, Evelyn stabbed the knife into the table as she stood up and brushed her blouse off. “Lead the way.”
The servant lead Evelyn into the estate, past where Holli had taken her that night to see all the portraits. He stopped in a hallway and nodded towards two large doors at the end. “His lordship will waiting for you just inside.” He said shortly. With a nod, Evelyn continued to the doors and threw them open.
“Alright Stephen, what’s…” she began but then she stopped dead in her tracks. Stephen was indeed in the room, but so were around twenty others. All eyes were on her, most of them with condescending looks of judgement on their faces. It was immediately clear that she stood in front of the heads of the Trevelyan family. Flustered, Evelyn quickly straightened up and bowed to them, not entirely sure what to do. “My lords and ladies…” she said quickly.
“You will speak when spoken to, elf!” barked one man standing in the corner.
“Calm down, Percival” said another voice. A bearded man wearing Templar armor stepped forward. “My niece summoned her to speak, let the elf speak.”
Evelyn was extremely confused, but at that moment, Holli emerged from the crowd and put her hand on Evelyn’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Uncle Markus.” She said as she led Evelyn to the middle of the room. Most of the people Evelyn didn’t recognize, a few noble faces she had seen in passing in the Market at some point but never knew were related. She did see Stephen and Amanda sitting on a couch nearby, as well as a woman who looked so much like an older version of Holli that Evelyn immediately knew she must be her mother. “Ev,” said Holli as she turned to her. “You have heard about the Ostwick Circle, yes?”
“I did, yeah.” Said Evelyn, uncomfortable.
“Ev, we were wondering… we called you here hoping you might shed some light on the situation.”
Evelyn was more confused than ever now. “What can I tell you? I wasn’t there.”
“But my niece tells us you know of when the Kirkwall Circle of Magi fell.” Said Markus.
Evelyn looked around the room. “You want my story? I’m just an elf, I’m no Templar… surly you must have…”
Amanda stood up. “We are asking you because you were there. You bore witness to it.”
Evelyn looked around again, then cleared her throat. “I was there, yes. I lived in Kirkwall for several years. I wasn’t there when the fighting began but I was there when it ended.”
“Tell us,” said Markus “This attack on the Ostwick Circle was performed by a group of unknown yet highly skilled persons. Is this what you remember in Kirkwall?”
“No.” replied Evelyn. “The Kirkwall Circle fell due to the actions of one man, not a group.”
“And what was your involvement?” asked Amanda, a hint of suspicion in her voice.
Evelyn shrugged. “I was neighbors with one of The Champion of Kirkwall’s associates. When the fighting began, I was there in the Gallows fighting to defend the…” She stopped short, realizing she was in a room full of Templars and Templar supporters. She cleared her throat. “I was trying to defend innocents from the fighting. The entire city was in chaos, there were many average workers who got caught in the crossfire.” Several of the nobles began whispering to one another. Evelyn cleared her throat. “If you’re thinking the Ostwick Circle and the Kirkwall circle are connected, I sincerely doubt it.” Evelyn continued. “From what I’ve heard on the streets, all the other circles that have fallen since Kirkwall have collapsed from the inside, not the outside.”
“She’s right about that.” Said Markus.
“Can we trust her?” asked Amanda, turning to Markus. “She’s an elf, she’s admitted she was associated with a companion of the Champion, a known mage supporter. She’s held her tongue back from admitting she fought against the Templars.”
The murmuring grew louder at Amanda’s words. Evelyn began to feel nervous. At that moment, a weak voice came from behind her. “That’s quite enough, Amanda.” The room went deathly silent as everyone turned to look at the back of the room. There, sitting in a chair was a sickly looking old man. He attempted to stand on his own, but his knees gave out and he fell back into his character. Stephen leapt up and took his hand, helping him stand. Even Amanda bowed her head.
“Father, I’m sorry…” Amanda began, but her father held up one hand as he walked with Stephen’s assistance towards her. Realization dawned on Evelyn, she had never seen Lord Jonathan Trevelyan in person before. He looked different from his portrait, much older, much frailer.
“This discussion on the elf’s involvements is not why I summoned us here.” He said.
“We are here to discuss what happened at the Ostwick circle, and what happened to my eldest daughter.” Everyone in the room remained silent. Evelyn was impressed that even in this weakened state, the man still carried an aura of power and authority. He turned to Evelyn slowly. “Thank you for your insight my dear. From the sound of it, what happened in Kirkwall and what transpired last night are not connected. You may be dismissed.”
Evelyn bowed awkwardly again. “Thank you, my lord.”
Holli nodded. “If I may be excused, I wish to escort Miss Lavellan back to her cottage. There is a matter I wish to discuss with her.”
“Very well, my daughter.” Said Jonathan as Stephen helped him back into his chair.
Holli had remained silent the entire walk back to the cottage, making Evelyn feel a little off-put by it. Holli was normally very talkative, but despite what she had told her father, she seemed to have nothing to discuss. Once back in the cottage’s kitchen, Evelyn finally broke the silence. “Want anything to drink? Water? Tea?” Holli shook her head glumly. “No? How about something a little stronger?” Holli nodded. “I think I’ll join you there,” Evelyn laughed as crossed over to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “It’s been one shit day for us all.”
“That is has.” Said Holli finally.
“Oh, she speaks!” said Evelyn as she handed her a glass.
“I speak, I’m just… not sure how to say what I want.” Replied Holli.
Evelyn sat down across from Holli as she uncorked the bottle, pouring a generous amount in each glass. “Then just say what you can. The rest will sort itself out as you talk.”
Holli raised her glass and took a large sip. She shuddered and coughed as the liquor burned her throat. “Everything has just happened all at once,” she began. “First my father’s illness gets worse, then I find out I’m going to be his heir after all, and now this… Ev, I know you’ve never met Alyssa but she’s nothing like the rest of us. She’s not a fighter, she’s so gentle… I’m scared.”
“I’m sorry… I wish I knew what to say.” Said Evelyn.
“You don’t need to say anything.” Sighed Holli. “I’m sure this isn’t easy for you either. I am sorry I put you through all that, but my uncles were arguing about what happened in Kirkwall and I mentioned that you lived there when it happened…”
“It’s alright.” Evelyn reassured her.
“I just want to take my mind off of all this for a bit.” Sighed Holli.
Evelyn sat in silence for a moment, pondering the day’s events and staring at the whiskey glass in her hand. “Do you need to go back to your family right away?”
“Probably” said Holli, helping herself to another drink. “I don’t wish to… I want to just run away from it all.”
Evelyn stood up and drank the entire glass in one big gulp. “Then let’s run.” She said, wiping her lips.
“What, right now?” snorted Holli.
“Yeah, right now! Go get your horse and we’ll go riding away – far away from your troubles and your woes. Besides, a good nature ride is good for the mind, clears your head.”
“You’re serious…” Holli laughed.
“I may not know much about nobility and protocol, but I know how people work.” Evelyn said, “I know a place, a real quiet place in the woods that will make even the most anxious idiot feel calm.”
Holli stood up, took a deep breath and chugged the remainder of her glass as well. After a short coughing fit, she looked at Evelyn, eyes watering from the whiskey but full of excitement. “Let’s run away.” She said.
Evelyn smiled. “Go get your horse!” _______________________________________________________________________
Stephen walked down the hallway, lost in thought but somewhat numb inside. As he turned to enter another hallway, he noticed Amanda standing at the far end with her husband and son. As he watched, Amanda took her husband’s hands and kissed him before kneeling down and kissing her son. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but it was clear to him she was saying goodbye. After another moment, they both departed, leaving Amanda standing alone by a window. She leaned against the windowsill, her head bowed. Stephen slowly approached.
“Amanda…” he said gently.
She looked up at the window, seeing his reflection in the glass. “Stephen.” She said quietly. “How are you holding up?”
“I don’t know.” He said.
“Nor I.” she sighed as she turned to face him. “Uncle Markus is leading a team of Templars to go after the bastards that attacked the Circle. I was supposed to remain behind but I convinced him to include me.”
“That’s good.” Stephen nodded.
“I swear to you, little brother,” said Amanda as she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. “I will find Alyssa. We will bring her home safe.” Stephen nodded again, words failing him. After a moment Amanda cleared her throat. “I leave tonight. Have you seen Holli? She disappeared after that knife-ear left.”
“I have not.” Said Stephen. “I assume she’s down in the cottage. You might be able to find her there.”
“No matter,” Amanda shook her head as she began walking away. “If you see her, let her know I’ll find Alyssa.”
Stephen nodded, then turned back to the window. Down beyond the garden he saw two horses riding away towards the woods.
previous chapter - next chapter
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innocentfighter · 6 years
IFs basic list of OCs (Incomplete)
Feel free to ask about my kids! No, really, please ask.
World of Warcraft
Sithon (Sitty) Mellowsong
Shanja Ainsworth
Giyndeas (Gilly) Farishadow
Ailetara (Allie) Wintermist
Saellia (Sae) Fairshadow
Catradrah (Cat) Sutton
Velatvia (Vela) Goldenfury
Hanea (Hana) Rosesworn
Delrick Hallewell
Iyra Farsky
Nolorn Mosstruth
Erel Spiritstar
Wendel Sutton
Fluer Sutton
Taven Sutton
Star Wars
Achehlaa Zin
Banded (Sifi Universe)
Dragon Age (note some don’t exist in the same verse) (indents are kids)
Alessandra Cousland-Therin
Kara Hawke
Hazel Trevelyan
Arthur Trevelyan
Annabelle Trevelyan
Oscar Hawke
Caiden Hawke
Veronica Hawke
Return (Arthurian verse)
Arthur Penn
Dreamers  (Modern)
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sketchyelvenasss · 7 years
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New babe Percival Trevelyan, goes by Percy. Courageous and quick witted. Doesn’t really know what to say to make someone feel better tho.
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adavalenkova · 7 years
The Muse’s Profile - Carter (Supernatural OC)
Supernatural (main)
From Dusk Till Dawn
Atomic Blonde
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Name: Ada Carter-Trevelyan
(Formal English: Lady Ada Trevelyan)
(Formal Russian: Ada Erastovna Valenkova)
Goes by: Dr Carter
Title: Baroness Trevelyan, a minor aristocrat owning a small estate in Porthzennor, Cornwall, encompassing a stately home and a lighthouse. Other assets on the land, including a farm and a tin mine, were sold off in the 1890s to cover the family’s debts. The family acquired the double barrelled surname, Carter-Trevelyan, around this time, after marrying into a wealthy merchant family to avoid losing the estate entirely.
Born: August 1st 1924, in a lighthouse near St Ives, Cornwall
Species: human/zombie
Age at time of story: 92
Apparent age: 43
Parents: Marian Elizabeth Carter-Trevelyan, Erast Nikolaievich Valenkov
Other notable family: Lord Arthur Percival Carter-Trevelyan, grandfather, Irene and Varya Stepanova, cousins
Romantic interests: Ketch, though “romantic” is debatable
Sexual interests: Ketch
Friendships: none, though she develops some degree of platonic affection for Dean
Allies: Dean, though somewhat shakily. Ketch, even moreso.
Enemies: Alastair, somewhat, though she generally takes a neutral stance on demons; the Thule Society
Hair: black, generally kept long but with an undercut to disguise the bald patches resulting from radiation poisoning
Eyes: grey
Complexion: pale, freckles
Markings: several scars covering most of her back and chest, with scar tissue replacing her left nipple, white scar tissue on her left upper arm, frequent bruises and puncture marks on her inner elbows that have variable rates of healing, left ring finger is slightly crooked following a broken knuckle
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130lb
Build: toned, but almost sickly thin due to the effects of radiation sickness, small chest and narrow hips that give her an almost “boyish” shape
Attire: casual, typically jeans/tank tops/combat boots, favors black
Drives: black Jeep Renegade, later a black Chevrolet Colorado
Music: Celtic/folk, classical, swing, hard rock, also very fond of Vera Lynn
Food: can taste very little due to nerve damage, only able to taste hot food such as chillis or curry
Drink (soft): coffee, but has to be strong and black for her to taste it, able to taste tea with a preference for Yorkshire Gold
Drink (alcoholic): Stolichnaya vodka, sometimes Glenfiddich Scotch
Colors: black, navy, hunter green
Hobbies (rarely practiced anymore): playing piano, boxing, fencing, hunting, horse riding, Cossack dancing (from her father), old time dancing (from her mother)
Hobbies (still practiced): shooting, open water swimming, reading
Likes: living in America, the seaside, and anything that makes her nostalgic for her childhood
Dislikes: sex, though she does like the power play of it; hypocritically, posh or upper class elites; taking orders; socialising; any of the organisations she used to work for, such as MI6, the BMoL, or the CIA; basically, anything that reminds her of the parts of her past she’s ashamed of
Former profession: lighthouse keeper, spy (WWII and Cold War), medical student
Current profession: demon doctor, alchemist
Practical skills: traditional boxing, horse riding and hunting (learned from her father), fencing, hand-to-hand combat, ranged weapons, sharpshooting, combat medicine, Western medicine (specialising in cardiology), Middle German and English alchemy, medicinal alchemy, torture
Language skills: fluent in English, Russian and German, conversational in Dutch and French, knows a small amount of Cornish
Preferred weapons: fists, knuckle dusters, handguns in combat. For torture, she’s master of the scalpel.
Special abilities: above average strength as a result of the formula, accelerated healing, immunity to almost all diseases
Traits: cynical, threatening and sarcastic with a dry sense of humor, she can be arrogant and frequently overestimates her own abilities, with terrible consequences. She projects an image of being cold and uncaring, but on occasion her inner feelings of compassion and affection inadvertently show through. Once established, those feelings are often intense and set in stone.
Qualities: assertive, confident, loyal, perceptive, smart, resilient, unprejudiced, principled, fair
Flaws: abrasive, complacent, jealous, vindictive, wrathful, selfish, cruel, manipulative, often fails to meet her own moral standards
Strengths: her intellect, physical strength and skills, excellent poker face, strategic ability, and good judgment of character
Weaknesses: arrogance, complacency, reluctance to admit her own vulnerabilities, easily manipulated once those vulnerabilities are found, emotional dishonesty, sometimes cowardice
Morality: she believes torture is justified in the case of a) punishing terrible people, or b) serving the greater good, though it isn’t clear how much she truly subscribes to this belief at heart. As of the 21st century, she chooses to harvest blood from demons so as to avoid torturing humans unless absolutely necessary. Her personal philosophy is that the worst of humanity is worse than any monster, and includes herself in that as having the capacity to do terrible things.
Fears: her own past
Triggers: corkscrews, the specific phrase “Was ist dein name?”
Religious views: none
Political affiliation: after benefitting greatly from Nye Bevan’s NHS following the war but suffering under a communist regime while undercover in the USSR, she leans cautiously left, though politics has little direct effect on her anymore
Alignment: true neutral, leaning good/evil or lawful/chaotic at different times in her life
Sexual orientation: asexual, but with a Machiavellian attitude towards sex where she views it as a game for power rather than a pursuit for pleasure
Her father was a Russian Cossack who fled to England following the revolution, being wanted by the Bolsheviks for trying (and failing) to defend the life of a Russian aristocrat. The aristocrat in question (having married into the Russian aristocracy) was the niece of an English Baron and retired naval captain who owned land in Cornwall, who agreed to take in Erast and permitted him to live in the lighthouse on his land as a gesture of gratitude after hearing his story.
The Baron’s daughter, politically active suffragette Marian Carter-Trevelyan, eventually fell in love with Erast and the pair married in July 1923, with Ada arriving a year later.
Baron Trevelyan was also active in the House of Lords, a keen alchemist, and member of the Men of Letters, who taught Ada much of what she knows about alchemy and the supernatural growing up. During the war, he sat on the government’s secret occult war council and recommended his granddaughter for a role spying on the Nazis - a private education had ensured her fluency in German and several other vital skills. Ada trained with the WAAF and underwent special training between 1939 and 1941 before airdropping into Frankfurt, along with an American agent, Roland Jefferson, at age 17.
Ada worked as a spy for the Allies during WWII to sabotage the Nazis’ occult program, where the Thule tried to develop a formula that would render their soldiers immortal based on an alchemical recipe from the 1500s.
Ada’s cover was blown in 1944 following a Russian telegram sent with a compromised encryption (suspected sabotage). She was imprisoned and tortured for several months, before escaping with the help of the Dutch resistance shortly before VE Day. The medieval text containing the alchemical recipe was brought back to England and placed in the custody of the Men of Letters.
During her absence, Baron Trevelyan was killed during the Blitz in 1942 when a bomb landed on the Men of Letters’ HQ. Her parents, after traveling to London to retrieve the body, were also caught in a bombing raid and killed less than a week later. Ada returned to England to find almost her entire family dead, the exceptions being her housekeeper, Mrs Hogarth, and the family cat, Grigory.
For a time after the war, Ada attended medical school before being asked to return to work for MI6 against the Russians. Part of this work involved torturing enemy agents, where she used her advanced knowledge of human anatomy to devastating effect.
Later, during the Cold War while undercover in Siberia, Ada suffered acute radiation poisoning from close proximity to a nuclear test site. She was, at this time, 43. While dying she used the Nazis’ formula combined with her blood to preserve her own life, albeit it in a “zombie-like” state - this was the first successful implementation of the formula, which sustains her to this day.
The active ingredient in the formula - the blood of someone in excruciating pain - she now supplies by performing surgery and medical enhancement procedures on demons in exchange for a fee, benefiting both parties. (For example, medical or alchemical enhancements granting demons certain abilities, powers, or immunities, requiring a painful procedure that allows Ada (now going by only the name ‘Carter’) to harvest the blood. Carter doesn’t disclose this, but rather charges for her services.)
After hearing about her in passing from Crowley, Dean approached her to help deal with his health issues that arose after being stabbed by Metatron and from the Mark of Cain.
Later, Dean reached out to Carter again to help find Kelly Kline and deliver her nephilim child. Instead, Arthur Ketch got to her first and prevented this, though the two struck up an unusual alliance in the process.
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wanderbardsocs · 5 years
Exerpt - Dorian and Fawkes
Fawkes woke to Dorian gently arranging his hair. “I do so love the orange,” he said brightly. “Your alabaster skin, the surprising spray of green in those otherwise topaz eyes, your constellations of freckles. We're very like a demon and a saint you and I, cavorting shamelessly around Skyhold.”
Fawkes grinned. “Dark and light. But which is which?  You look like the demon –“
Dorian guffawed.
“- a beautiful dark skinned desire demon with that twisted mustache and impishly beautiful eyes.” 
“Oh – that’s alright then,” Dorian winked.
“But I think inside we're reversed. Your heart Dorian, is the one of the brightest lights I've ever seen.”
Dorian made a surprised face, then kissed him. He pulled away abruptly. “What does all that imply about your heart then?”
Fawkes shrugged. 
“Black as night?  Is that what you think of yourself?”
Fawkes shrugged again, and unexpectedly felt his lip quiver. 
“What's this, my love?”  Dorian cupped Fawkes’ face, and Fawkes crumpled. He started to sob as Dorian gathered him up in his arms. 
“There now,” he whispered. “Shhhhhh.” 
Fawkes buried his face in Dorian’s chest as he cried. Dorian rocked him gently back and forth, stroking his hair.
“I’m sorry,” Fawkes mumbled after a time. “I’m being ridiculous.” He snuggled closer.
“Now, now,” Dorian murmured, a smile in his voice. “None of that. The only thing you should apologize for is getting me all wet. Might as well have walked a mile in the rain!”
Fawkes punched his arm but giggled.
“Careful! Snot! Perhaps a rag?” Dorian recovered one from the nightstand and lazily shoved it open-hand into Fawkes’s face.
“Hey!” Fawkes protested, laughing, grabbing the rag from him.
“Wont be using THAT for anything else, alas.”
“We don’t use them anyway,” Fawkes quipped then blew his nose, wiped his eyes.
“Touche,” Dorian replied, grinning wickedly at him. “It’s so sssssexy, what you’re doing.”
“Oh stop,” Fawkes replied, a bit sullenly. “I’m embarrassed enough as it is.”
“Please don’t be,” Dorian replied, his tone serious. Fawkes looked up at the change. Dorian was gazing at him with a look of such tenderness that Fawkes became self conscious. He looked down at the bed. Played with the sheets. Sniffed.
“I love you,” he said.
Dorian’s fingers traced his ear. “I love you too.” They moved to his chin, lifted it gently, and Dorian kissed him softly.
“Now then,” Dorian said, his tone becoming formal. “Fawkes Niccolo Percival Trevelyan … the Third?”
“Ha ha no.”
“Sure there aren’t five names?”
“Only after we get married.”
“Oh, you are positively EVIL.”
Fawkes grinned broadly.
Dorian cleared his throat. “NOW then, my cunning little fox, shall we commence with our therapy session?  I am of course reasonably skilled in this role…”
Fawkes groaned playfully. “Oh if we must.”
“We must,” Dorian confirmed. “We will be thorough but efficient. No stone shall be left undisturbed! When we have finished your smile will emanate like a beacon from your untroubled soul! And in culmination,” his voice dropped to a sinister whisper, “I will touch your naughty bits again.”
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