#percy brings bianca back to life
tending-the-hearth · 5 months
i'm screaming into the void about how percy and bianca had so much potential to be the absolute best of friends, completely inseparable, they could have been like twins, knowing each other's thoughts, finishing each other's sentences, despite the fact that bianca would be away with the hunt most of the time. they would have tormented nico, poked and prodded him relentlessly about his crush on will, and he would have pretended to hate it but obviously love the teasing of two older siblings. the di angelos would have been welcomed into sally's home with open arms, they would have had specific blankets, mugs, and pillows that were reserved only for their visits. they could have been percy's family, a far cry from his relationship with thalia, they would have been his siblings.
but none of that ever got to happen because bianca felt guilty for leaving nico and wanted to give him something. because she wanted to make sure he knew she still loved him.
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Me because the Percy Jackson series is actually about the different cycles of abuse, which include abuse within romantic partners (Sally and Gabe), abuse between “family” (Percy and Gabe, Meg and Nero), abuse from people in positions of power (the gods over the demigods), and so on, oppression than ranges from having adhd in the public educational system to being forced to perform quests for your entire life for people who could not care less about your well-being, how camp is both somewhere safe but also the bittersweet taste of arriving there and realizing you can never escape, you can never be normal your life will never be the same. There’s no turning back. How Luke was right on theory but not on acts, how these kids got around the idea to never make it to 18, and how there was nothing they could do about that. How many of them sat in their cabins, counting down the days until their sibling/friend/partner came back, only for them to not come back at all. Was it ever their turn to leave someone waiting behind? Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Thalia, the whole deal with Nico, Bianca, Silena, and every single demigod. Children of Apollo were the camp healers, was it a choice? A moral obligation? In camp Jupiter there’s Jason, there’s Reyna, Piper’s story, Leo’s story, Leo lived on the street, the way Jason and Piper’s relationship was heteronormativity pushed by Hera because both of them were queer but she wanted a perfect couple. After being gone missing, people searched for Percy, but Jason? The devastation of Leo and Jason’s relationship, how Leo never knew his feelings for him were required, how both Leo and Piper thought they knew Jason but it was all fake memories, how Jason never fully got his memories back. Hazel’s story, Frank’s story, how Nico and Leo’s mutual dislike for each other comes from a place of understatement. How they both see themselves in each other and look away as one looks away from a mirror when they dislike their reflection. They are both so similar, almost the same. They both are also autistic, except Leo is always masking, and Nico never really learnt how to. Neurodivergence, adhd and dyslexia. Being a demigod is a metaphor for neurodiversity. Was Dionysus actual punishment looking over camp? Or was it spending years and years seeing demigods come and grow and die? Knowing there was nothing he could do about it? Knowing than if he was with the gods, he would be causing their deaths, instead of grieving them? Does Chiron feel hopeless? Memory, names, ghosts. Blades, swords, arrows, blood. So many blood, blood-stained hands. Monsters follow you before coming to camp, did they hurt you family? It was all your fault. They don’t want you to come back, you bring danger, you’re more dangerous than the monster, you are a monster yourself, after all the Minotaur was a demigod too. Leo killed his mother, Zeus killed Maria, Sally got taken to the underworld, Tristan was held hostage, Fredrick and his wife and sons got attacked by monsters, and who’s fault it was? You run away you keep on running but you’ll never outrun the danger because the danger is yourself, you are at fault, how do you run away now?
The odyssey, the iliad, the statues in museums, you look at them, do you see yourself? Do you see any resemble? Your nose kinda looks like theirs, the shape of their lips, the width of their hands, but that’s a lie you’re nothing like them, never will be, is that a tragedy? Do you want to be like them? Do you want to be a hero and die a heroic death? Or do you simply wish to visit your family on Christmas and live the life your little cousins will eventually live? Maybe you’ll never see the life they’ll live, maybe you’ll die before seeing it. There’s nothing to be done about that, you just have to accept it. Don’t you feel the rage, bubbling inside of you, making your hands shake? What can you do with it? Not much, remember last time, remember Luke, what did he accomplish? Nothing, blood, screams. You remember the war, you remember the city, maybe it was the first or the second time you set a foot on it, now every single time you do (if you do) in the future, it will be tainted. Look in that corner, that used to be destroyed. Look at that building, my friend died against that wall, that road was filled with blood. Was it ours? Theirs? Is there even a difference between us? Should there be? Why were you on your side? Why were they in theirs? Who was right? Who was wrong? You can go anywhere but home, maybe you’re not welcomed, maybe there’s no home to return, maybe it’s better for everyone if you don’t return. Nico keeps Bianca’s jacket, Leo taps iloveyou on Morse code. Piper was forced to be someone she wasn’t, she thought she was someone she was not, she was forced to think that. Who is she? Is she even who she thought she was? Jason still don’t remembers everything, and him? Who is he? Nico will never get his memories back, he wonders about his mom, did he have more family back then? Grandparents, aunts? Hazel is a walking curse. Silena and Clarisse as Patroklos and Achilles. Apollo seeing the brutal reality of demigods’ life on trials of apollo.
Your hand shakes, the sword you hold moves, you feel it’s weight, do you want to hold it? Do you have to?
The dead come back to haunt us, Nico sees Bianca everywhere, Leo still remembers his mother’s voice, Hazel came back from the dead, Frank holds his life on his pocket, Thalia lost a brother twice, Leo didn’t really die, Jason died instead, Percy wished to drown himself, half of camp still waits for their brother to come back, even if it has been months, even if it has been years. Luke’s mother still waits, was she crazy? The campers who thought to recognize their friend’s face for a second before remembering than it couldn’t possibly be them, were they crazy too? Who was crazier? Luke’s mother who did not remember, or the campers who did? The underworld has no mercy only justice, but the world has no justice only mercy. You might get mercy, but you never will get justice. Was it fair anything than happened to them? You might be spared in a war or in a battle out of mercy, out of pity, out of recognition, but that didn’t stop you from having to fight in it, that didn’t stop you from having to wield the sword. Spare all the people you want, turn a blind eye to whatever you want, mercy? sure, but you were still holding the sword, you were still supposed to fight, you still weren’t in charge of your life. How was that justice? How was that fair? Names had power, even their names had more power than your life, even the letters making up their names were more powerful than your fists, could you ever win? Could you ever win when their names were so powerful they could not be pronounced but your life was so worthless they didn’t even care to learn yours? To learn the names of the ones than died because of them. You can’t say the name of you sister’s killer, but you’re still expected to burn an offering to them each night at dinner.
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modawg · 7 days
it low-key pisses me off that nico can’t get over this like hero complex pedestal he has percy on like even after his crush is over and done with he’s still over here “maybe bob didn’t call y’all bc he thought you wouldn’t answer” or whatever tf like boy be so fr we talking abt the boy who’s fatal flaw is literally loyalty?? the boy who literally took on the great prophecy once he found out someone might die so YOUR dumbass wouldn’t be the one to do so??
why is every mistake that percy makes suddenly inexcusable
i get it the lack of trust prolly comes from the trauma of losing bianca but he didn’t even promise that he’d actually bring her back he said he would TRY and he DID bro was 14 and on a quest he wasn’t even supposed to be on why not be pissed at artemis or the hunters who actually put bianca on the fucking mission or thalia who was also on the mission or annabeth who caused the whole mission to begin with
like i genuinely just never understood that like i understand nico is a kid and there are reasons to look up to percy yes but bro has known him for going on 3-4 years when are we gonna realise he is infact also a kid who is also in a shitty situation with also shitty odds who has also lost people and just wants to live his life
it’s even better bc i believe nicos fatal flaw is holding grudges ? it’s so good i hate it like please just be friends i beg you
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
okay a few solangelo things i’m curious your take on,
what kind of gift givers do you think will and nico are to each other?
are either of them music nerds? making playlists? gifting playlists? what music do u think they like?
what is their favorite fruit?
do you think either of them keep up with pop culture? are they fans of anything? celebrity crushes? like do you think will would think timothee chalamet is cute bc he lowkey has nico’s vibes and is such a buzzer name for celeb crushes? lolll
and then, do you think nico shamelessly takes will’s sweaters and shirts to wear or secretly swipes them?
ty! love ur blog so much xx
what kind of gift givers do you think will and nico are to each other?
i think nico spoils will fucking rotten.
his dad is the god of wealth he is holding NOTHING back. aside from that, he grew up wealthy and spent so so long in the lotus casino. i think he has a rly bad handle on money lol.
however he's such a mysterious guy that i think it doesn't occur to will that nico is actively spending money on him??
like will makes an offhand comment about how he would marry the person who would bring him the mystical rocket launching boba fett. and nico is like word okay and the next day there is a rocket launching boba fett on will's pillow and he's like BRO???? OH MY GOD?????
but he just figures that nico knew someone who had it!! he knows nico is big on figurines & collectibles and has a lot of connections, so he thinks nico just called in a favour.
in reality nico did all those things and also spent like two hundred k lol
basically, nico doesn't even think about it. if he hears a friend express a want that he has to means to acquire...its not even an active choice to him?? he's like well why wouldn't i buy this for them.
and i think this means a whole lot to will!!
he's spent his life in his mom's tour van or a bunk bed. he grew up in two wars. he was responsible for an entire infirmary at 13. he's a nerd and he likes nerdy things but like...collecting takes time. and money he doesn't have, because money isn't really a focus in camp and its not like he's paid lol
so of course there are things that he likes but...imagine being will. imagine having a budget for the INFIRMARY YOU RUN and thinking, like...well the camp has only so much money. i know exactly what these medical supplies cost. i refuse to steal. why would i ever be so selfish to ask for money to be spent on me and the things i like?
and then there's nico, who doesn't need him to ask. who WANTS to give him things he wants, not just what he needs or what he wants for others. what WILL wants. nico will get him.
will on the other hand....he gives away his time like it's free.
he does things for people. constantly. like austin complains about not having anywhere quiet to practice and will builds him a soundproof practice room. you know?
now when nico, who has had no one spend their time on him since bianca....
like his father did not have time for him. even when he lived in the underworld, he was put to work. or else he was bored. it's not like he and hades HUNG OUT, you know?
and of course he had no friends to spend their time on him. even in his first time at camp half blood -- for the first time, bianca didnt have time for him. she chose the hunters for ETERNITY, she said i am done choosing you now. and nico drove percy insane, who certainly didn't have time for him between saving the world. the entire time we saw him in TTC he was being pushed away.
by the time he had hazel, HE was the one pushing himself away before anyone else could. he filled his time so he wasn't waiting for anyone else. besides, through no fault of hers, he and hazel CAN'T give each other as much of their time as they would like!! they live on opposite sides of the country!!
but will.....
gods will. will SEEKS HIM OUT. the first thing will says to him is i have carved out, in my busy healer schedule, three days of time for YOU. not only have i carved out these three days, but in that brief moment of time where i was running around camp, i was thinking about you. you were a PRIORITY and i'm upset that you did not come spend your time with me.
like.....oh my god. can you imagine that? being nico? hearing someone you barely know, at this point, talk about how much time he wants to spend with you? and then as you get closer, he spends SO MUCH time with you!! he makes you a priority!
will walks nico to breakfast and watches him in sword practice and takes out his schedule when nico is making his to make sure they line up. he plans dates and they're FUN and he is so careful to make them enjoyable for nico, too, so much so that he forgets his nerves.
the biggest gifts they give to each other is noticing, i think. i see you, i see what you need and wont ask for, and i care enough to give it to you anyway.
are either of them music nerds? making playlists? gifting playlists? what music do u think they like?
he may not have many musical talents himself but music was naomi solace's whole world. you bet your ass it's everything for him, too.
he is teased for his love of country, and he does love country (everybody loves country if you hate country you are lying to yourself, i know you sing along to before he cheats with your whole chest), but he has a VAST music taste.
he is a britney spears stan. i will not be convinced otherwise.
nico, on the other hand, is not nearly as ignorant about music as people pretend he is. y'all he was in a casino/arcade until like 2006!!!!! do you think it was silent in there!!!!! do you think he is not the absolute king of just dance and DDR!!!
however he was, like, 10. so i think he's familiar with a lot of songs but in the way you were when you were a kid, you know?? like i could sing paparazzi w my whole chest beginning to end flawlessly at eight years old, but i would not have been able to recognise lady gaga by name or sight.
i think he and will make somewhat of a game out of it. the first time they hang out, nico is NERVOUS beforehand. like for hours. will said they were going to have a chill day bc he has time off, but what are they supposed to DO?? before they were actively doing stuff together. will was teaching nico first aid basics, or nico was helping him around the infirmary; they were helping rebuild camp together. sure, they were talking, but they had something to focus on if things got awkward or conversation faded naturally.
that is VERY DIFFERENT from just hanging out in person. is nico supposed to have conversation starters prepared? how much silence is rude? is will going to finally decide he's boring? or weird? will is such a hyper person!!! how is nico supposed to entertain him!!
so he calls his mom 💀
and his mom is like baby....you are a disaster are you aware. and hes like thanks MOM i know i need HELP OKAY
and naomi is like well you got on with my backstage crew just fine. and hes like well yeah we just talked about music that was easy.
and he's like wait nico has spent a lot of time in the underworld...he might not be very up to date!! this'll be awesome. so he stays up till like 3 on the big house computer carefully making nico several CDs worth of playlists.
he makes HOURS of music. way more than they could ever listen to in one day, but he gets carried away. he makes a playlist with his favourite country music, including his moms stuff obviously, with rock music he thinks nico in particular will like, pop punk stuff, regular pop, an entire CD dedicated to the icon herself kesha (whom he knows personally bc she sun backup vocals for his mom when she was a teenager), some musicals, and some iconic european music to top it off. he has a little bit of EVERYTHING.
most important, though, he makes a CD with the top 100 billboard songs from the years 1958 (when it started) to 1985. he doesnt have enough time to do it all the way to this year in one night but vows to work on it when he has time.
when he goes to nico's cabin, he comes with a stack of CDs as long as his arm and chiron's CD player. he's practically sparkling with excitement; when nico opens the door he is already halfway through a sentence lol.
for four straight hours, they just listen to song after song, will pausing after each one to ask what nico thinks. he recognises a lot of them, even though he didn't know their names, but even still he's pretty quiet at first. but as they go on it gets hard not to get caught up in wills excitement, and he dances like such a dork, anyway, is it his fault for laughing? and those four hours pass like MINUTES and suddenly its curfew and will has to go.
this becomes their tradition! will plays a song, nico reviews it. even as they learn how to hang out with each other in different ways, it becomes reflex -- when there's a song playing will looks at nico for a reaction. when they're with others, in public, whenever.
the first time nico makes will a playlist he cries.
the playlist is called sunshine.
will plays on his walkman until its worn right through.
what is their favorite fruit?
at first will thinks nico doesn't like fruit at all because he has to force this dumbass to eat fruit and vegetables. all he eats is like. cereal and sandwiches. it stresses will the fuck out.
he's out here plopping a bowl of fruit on nico's table like eat this whole thing or i'm gonna whoop your ass before scurvy does. (he is genuinely afraid nico is going to get scurvy, although its not a very effective anxiety because hes kind of deeply afraid of scurvy in general and is always trying to push people to eat oranges lol).
nico ALWAYS drags his feet about it. at one point will gets worried that nico just straight up doesn't like fruit and starts fretting about synthetizing supplements.
turns out nico is just, like...a little pretentious. about fruit particularly. in his defense, he has been all over the world. like he's had indian mangoes and algerian clementines okay it is VERY hard to settle for stuff grown in north america as nice as the demeter greenhouses are.
his favourite fruit ever is the lemon though. he had a lemon tree in his backyard when he was a kid that he doesn't remember, exactly, but he remembers how it tastes. will brings him a lemon once and almost as if his hands are working on their own, he cuts a slice, removes the peel and pith, puts it in a jar of sugar, and shakes to coat it, like his nonna would do secretly when he mama wasn't looking. its the best thing he's ever tasted.
will is a fruit fanatic, on the other hand. he steals strawberries every time he walks by the fields. the demeter cabin has to count their blueberries every night because he can and will eat them all when no one's looking.
his favourite, though, and he never ever gets it at camp, is prickly pear. in the summers before camp he would go to the desert with his mom and pick enough to make his stomach hurt -- he's never home when they're in season now, so sometimes when she's free shell drive up to new york just to bring him a box of them. she knows he's busy and cant leave camp in summers but she wants him to have that, at least.
do you think either of them keep up with pop culture? are they fans of anything? celebrity crushes? like do you think will would think timothee chalamet is cute bc he lowkey has nico’s vibes and is such a buzzer name for celeb crushes? lolll
i think all year-rounders are into pop culture just fine, but they're a few years behind. except for music -- will knows music. but things like movies and tv shows and memes, they either get updated from their summer-only friends or they stumble upon in naturally when it's not longer relevant lol.
nico, though, has an encyclopedic knowledge of old pop culture, because the lotus got new tech and games and movies before literally anyone else. he saw back to the future before it was in theatres and it changed his life. he quotes it all the time and no one has called him out on it then, but it is only a matter of time.
(he has seen star wars. he saw star wars before will was alive. but it is 100% funnier to pretend he doesn't know what a galaxy is and watch will's eye twitch when he asks him about luke skyrunner)
and then, do you think nico shamelessly takes will’s sweaters and shirts to wear or secretly swipes them?
yes absolutely. but he's super embarrassed about it at first so he genuinely STEALS them, not just borrows them.
it's a heist and everything. he shadow travels into the apollo cabin at like three in the morning and rifles through will's shelf. when he gets back he panics and shoves it under his mattress, where it lives in shame for four months. will just thinks it must have been an unfortunate victim of some poor sick child or bleeding demigod and writes it off.
after several months, during which nico thinks about the sweater ALL the time but cannot physically force himself to touch, nico finally gets brave enough to take it out from under his mattress. he just stares at it for a long ass time, wrinkling it in his clenched hands. it's just a hoodie, you know?? who cares.
nico cares. obviously.
eventually he gets so annoyed with himself that he just yanks it on expecting to be able to tell himself like SEE you dumbass it's just a piece of clothing it literally does not matter. except.
the hoodie still smells like will.
and that is.
he would rather dunk his head into the river of fire than admit it, but he melts. the hoodie is old as hell and worn and so so so so soft, gods, no wonder will wears it all the time. he never wants to take it off ever.
for weeks, whenever he's alone in the cabin, he wears the hoodie. it stops smelling like will pretty quickly but he doesn't mind, it's still the most comfortable thing ever. it becomes second nature to walk into his cabin, throw off his jacket, and tug the hoodie on, wearing it to bed.
on one night, and of course it's the hermes' cabin fault, everyone is rushing out of their cabin to see what the fresh fuck is sounding like twenty four fire alarms at once and also a nuclear explosion. nico, in his haste, does not take off the hoodie.
will, whipped, makes sure his siblings are okay and then turns immediately to find nico. he Sees The Hoodie. nico Sees Him See The Hoodie. nico tries to flee.
will has longer legs and also spots a teasing opportunity, so hera herself could not stop him.
will teases him to pieces but is also visibly pleased. the next morning nico finds another hoodie of will's hung over his desk chair.
he wears will's hoodies all the time.
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Maybe in Another Life |3|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Titans Curse Spoilers
Word Count: 2.5k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch.1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14
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You, Zoe, Percy, Thalia, Grover, Bianca, and the other head councilors were all seated around a table with Chiron and Dionysus. All of you were discussing the prophecy, what it meant, and more importantly who would go on the quest. Five people were meant to be going on the quest but since it was Zoe’s she got say in who should go on it. It was actually Percy who agreed that Zoe should be the one to decide and that the majority should be Hunters. Zoe would have preferred to have no campers, you agreed with her, but the prophecy indicated that it needed to include both Hunters and campers.
“Grover,” Zoe said, surprising the satyr. Zoe knew Grover would be helpful in tracking down where Artemis was.
“And Thalia,” Zoe said surprising the daughter of Zeus. Thalia hated Zoe but there was no way she’d turn down going on the quest when it meant she could save her friend.
“Phoebe,” Zoe said, flicking her eyes to you. You nodded, understanding Zoe’s thought processes. “She’s the best tracker we have.”
“And Bianca,” she finished.
You tensed up, your eyes snapping to Zoe. She didn’t pick you. You had nothing against Bianca, she was new and nice enough, but she had no experience, with a quest this dangerous you didn’t want someone inexperienced going with your sister. You clenched your jaw to keep yourself from speaking up. You knew your place; you questioned Zoe but never in front of a group like this. Zoe met your eyes with a glare, silently making sure you kept your mouth shut. At least she knew what your thoughts were, she wouldn’t be surprised when you confronted her after leaving the big house.
“Wait!” Percy didn’t keep his mouth shut. “What about me? I want to go too!”
“Oh,” Grover said, looking at his friend. “I’ll stay behind?” He looked at Chiron, you, and then Zoe.
“No.” Zoe smirked at the boy. “No boys allowed.” She flicked a glance at Grover, “He doesn’t count.” Grover frowned but didn’t say anything more.
You caught Clarisse’s mouth twitch up in a smile at Zoe’s words. The girl was the head councilor of the Ares cabin and had remained relatively silent for the most part, surprisingly. Ares kids were usually all about a fight and begging to go on quests but when they were talking about which campers would go on this quest she hadn’t volunteered. Clarisse agreed when the Stoll brothers said it sounded like two people were going to die based on the prophecy. A flicker of what you could only describe as surprise flashed across her face when Zoe chose Bianca to go on the quest. You would bet she had the same thoughts as you, bringing someone so new and untrained was crazy.
“But I need to be on this quest! I need to save Annabeth!” Percy tried to reason with Zoe. You knew it was no use, there was no way Zoe would budge on this, there was no way she’d ever let a boy come along on a quest.
“Not everyone wants you crashing their quest fish boy,” Clarisse snarked.
Percy flicked a glare at her but didn’t say anything, moving his attention right back to Zoe. You figured there was a story behind Clarisse’s words. The idea of Percy Jackson worming his way onto other’s quests didn’t surprise you. You didn’t think he desired attention and glory like a lot of demigods, if you were to guess his reasons were probably honorable, as if he felt he had to be the one to save the day, like it was his responsibility.
You stayed silent, dutifully at Zoe’s side as she and Percy continued to argue. It didn’t stop until Chiron stepped in, saying that it was Zoe’s decision. Not that Chiron could force her anyway, he had no say in what the Hunters did. As you, Zoe, and Bianca left the big house Thalia, Percy, and Grover stayed behind to continue talking with Chiron, while the other councilors dispersed back to their cabins as well.
Before the three of you left the big house though Zoe was approached by the Stoll brothers. You narrowed your eyes as they talked with Zoe. They said how Phoebe had been interested in a shirt at the camp gift shop and they wanted to give it to her as a gift. Zoe didn’t question it though, she just took the shirt with a roll of her eyes and pushed past them, shoving her way outside. You followed, looking back as the Stoll brothers silently giggled to themselves before running off when they caught your stare.
“Say goodbye to your brother,” Zoe said, coming to a stop not too far from the big house, looking back at Bianca. “Then make sure you’re packed; we leave at first light.” Bianca nodded and ran off in search of her brother. “Speak,” she said without turning to face you.
“Why am I not on this quest?” You asked calmly.
“Phoebe is the best tracker out of all of us. Even you know that,” Zoe said plainly.
“But what about Bianca?” You crossed your arms. You didn’t want it to sound childish, but that’s probably exactly how it looked, you weren’t chosen to go on a quest and now you were whining but that wasn’t the case, not really. “She’s new to this, not just being a Hunter.” You raised your arms gesturing around camp, “But all of this, to being a demigod. She’s barely had training.”
“She needs to learn eventually.”
“This quest is too important to be a training session.”
“Do you trust me?” You kept your mouth shut as you sucked in a breath. “Do you?” She asked again, it wasn’t like she didn’t know the answer.
“Without question.”
“And yet you question me,” she mumbled.
You gave her an unamused glare. The only one you trusted more than Zoe was Artemis and she knew that because it was the same for her. After Artemis, there was no one Zoe trusted more than you. The two of you had been together for so long, you knew each other better than you knew yourselves at times. However, unwavering trust didn’t mean not questioning things and just blindly following orders.
“You are needed here,” Zoe said.
“Bullshit,” you scoffed.
“Language,” Zoe snapped, glaring at you.
You couldn’t help but smile, shaking your head at Zoe, she was really stuck in the past at times. Since you were the oldest you went into town or interacted with mortals more than most. You were also better at adapting and not drawing attention to yourself. If a mission involved going somewhere public a group of pre-teen girls tended to draw attention, but being seventeen most people didn’t question your presence. Since you got to interact with the world a bit more you were able to keep with the times and not speak as if you were born a thousand years ago, even if you were. There was plenty you didn’t know about the human world, things you never cared to know, you didn’t need to know them, you just needed to be able to pass as a regular member of society occasionally.
“How can you say I’m needed here,” you got back to the subject at hand. “I’m needed with you. Our goddess is in danger, and I need to be by your side as we try and rescue her.”
“You heard the prophecy,” you whispered, glancing around to make sure no one else was around. “You know what it means.”
“We don’t know anything yet,” she brushed you off, but you saw the way her back straightened just a bit.
You gave her an unconvinced look. Even if prophecies could be misleading and weren’t always literal, you knew you both had your suspicions. You had both been demigods for so long, with Artemis for so long, you weren’t naive enough to not make an educated guess at certain lines of the prophecy.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” you admitted. You stared into Zoe’s eyes, silently begging her to change her mind. “Please, let me come with you, let me do what I’m meant for and protect you.”
Zoe’s gaze softened. It was rare for Zoe to not be a hundred percent serious and stoic, but she was capable of showing emotion, other than annoyance, most didn’t get to see that though. “You’re needed here,” she repeated kindly. “Without Artemis and with me going on this quest our sisters need someone to lead them.”
You knew what Zoe was trying to say but that didn’t stop you from trying to convince her. “We’re at camp, they’d be perfectly safe until our return.”
“You can’t guarantee that.”
“Then let me make sure it happens,” you pleaded. “Let me go on this quest, if a leader is needed here then it should be you not me. You know you’re better at this than me.”
“We both know I have to lead this quest, it’s my quest.”
You dropped your head in defeat. You knew there was no convincing Zoe to let you come and there was definitely no convincing her to stay behind. You felt Zoe rest a hand on your shoulder as she stepped closer to you. “I will not fail,” she said softly. You raised your head just enough to look her in the eye. “I will rescue our goddess, I swear it.”
“I know,” you said, giving her a sad smile. “Promise you’ll come home as well.” You knew she couldn’t do that; no demigod could promise that when they went on a quest, hell they couldn’t promise that if they just went for a walk, a demigod’s life had a habit of being short and tragic, happy endings being a rarity. “The Hunters need you. I need you.” A part of you hated to admit that, you weren’t one to get overly emotional but the dread you were feeling over this quest made you say it. It was true, you needed Zoe, she kept you from going off course, she kept you in line, you couldn’t imagine a life without her.
Zoe sighed and removed her hand from your shoulder. She didn’t say anything, just offering you a sad smile in return. Then she turned and left you there, heading back to the cabin to inform the rest of the Hunters about the quest and what the plan was. You knew the others wouldn’t be thrilled about staying at camp even longer knowing Artemis was missing and now that Zoe was leaving but none of them would question her like you did, they would just silently accept their orders to stay and wait for your goddesses return.
“Trouble in paradise?” a snarky voice came.
A smile appeared on your lips as you instantly recognized the voice already. You turned to see the daughter of Ares herself standing behind you, her arms crossed.
“Aww, you waited around just for me?” you gave it right back. Clarisse scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Zoe knows what she’s doing, and I trust her decision.”
“Yeah, that’s why you were begging her to go on the quest.”
“I wasn’t begging.” You tilted your head at the implication of her words. “Were you eavesdropping?”
Clarisse clenched her jaw, glaring at you. “No,” she said through gritted teeth. “Was just curious why your leader wouldn’t want her second who happens to be her best fighter at her side.”
“So, you admit I’m the best fighter,” you smirked, gesturing arrogantly at yourself.
Clarisse rolled her eyes again. “Of the Hunters maybe but definitely not at camp.”
“Yeah?” you stepped cockily towards her. “And who would be the best fighter in camp, you?” she gave a shrug and nod, but you could see the arrogance in her eyes, she definitely believed she was the best fighter in camp. You couldn’t help but scoff at the claim. “Is that why I kicked your ass in capture the flag?”
“That is not want happened.”
“Funny, I seem to remember you on your back, your own spear in my hands, pointed at your throat.”
Clarisse stepped forward as if she were ready to brawl with you right there. You couldn’t get rid of your smile, staring right back, seeing the fire in her eyes. Clarisse might have been right; she might have been the best fighter at camp, but she was no match for your centuries of experience.
You and Clarisse continued to stare into each other’s eyes, your competitive spirits mixing, adding to the tension in the air along with something you couldn’t place. You weren’t sure what it was about the daughter of Ares that drew you in, that made you want to mess with her. You two finally broke your stare down when someone cleared their throat.
Both of you quickly blinked, realizing how close the two of you had gotten as you each quickly stepped back. You turned to see Silena standing there, her eyes darting back and forth from you and Clarisse.
“You promised to hangout tonight,” Silena said to Clarisse, finally interrupting the awkward silence when it became clear neither you nor Clarisse would. Clarisse rolled her eyes but unlike every other time there was no annoyance behind it.
Your smile faltered as you watched as Clarisse allowed Silena to grab her arm and began to drag her back to the Aphrodite cabin or wherever they were going to hang out. “I expect a rematch,” Clarisse turned back as she continued to follow Silena.
You weren’t sure why your smile quickly appeared at the daughter of Ares’s words. “Can’t wait,” you said back with a smirk.
You did really want to fight the girl again. Capture the flag was fun and you had fun playing with her, but it was just that to you, a game. You wanted to really spar with her and see what she was actually capable of. Clarisse definitely had skills and you wanted to see just how good she was and see how well she could actually keep up with you. You knew she still wouldn’t win but it certainly would be fun beating her again.
You sighed and made for the journey back to the cabin. Zoe and them were leaving early and you might not have been going but you would be there to see them off. Until then you needed to help Zoe pack, making sure she had everything she would need for the quest. You also needed to make sure to talk to Bianca, the girl was young and inexperienced, and you wanted to give her as much advice and encouragement as you could before she left, you knew she was going to need it. The closer you got to the cabin the more the uneasiness and dread for this quest filled you, this quest wasn’t going to have a happy ending, you knew that, you were just afraid of what that would look like.
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The fact that Bianca di Angelo will only ever be remembered as Nico's sister, and how her character and her death was all created just to further Nico's character and arc, is just so tragic. Because the small fraction of life that we did see was her trying to escape all that. It was her trying to be more than just Nico's sister. Trying to be more than the person who takes care of Nico, trying to have her own life instead of being his caretaker, and then she immediately died. And we talk about her but only in the way she affected Nico. Even when Percy remembers her it's less about her and more about how Nico reacted when he told him that she was dead.
In life and in death Bianca tried desperately to stop her life from revolving around Nico. And then after her death for a long time everything Nico did revolved around Bianca. Morning her death, trying to exact revenge for her, trying to bring her back. Nico couldn't let go of Bianca.
On the other hand Bianca's most memorable decisions were all permanent attempts to solidify her independence. First joining the huntresses of Artemis and then choosing reincarnation. She loved her brother but she was forced to be essentially his mother when she was still a child. She wanted a chance of life without that responsibility. She wanted the chance to live for herself but she knew she would never get that and have Nico in her life at the same time.
Bianca di Angelo was her own person but she will never be remembered for that.
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the0racl30fd3lphi · 2 years
More than friends, less than lovers. x.t
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pairing: xavier thorpe x gn!reader
summary: the whole hyde ordeal has faded slowly in the background as life carried on, the student body ready to grasp onto some new drama. luckily for them, a love triangle is exactly what they needed to fuel the gossip.
warnings: fluff, angst, love triangle (kinda)
a/n: y'all this idea literally came to me at 4 in the morning so please bear with me (as i also wrote it at the ass crack of dawn) i am so obsessed with percy and xavier and wanted to write this desperately, he is all i can think about.
word count: 1,727
part 2 part 3
You hated this. This, stage, between what you were and what you could be. Xavier was your best friend. He always had been, truth be told. Yet as soon as he broke up with Bianca your relationship had a shift. Suddenly somethings had a deeper connotation, a hidden meaning. You didn’t hate it. In fact, this was exactly what you had been waiting for for years. Until She came along.
You didn’t hate Wednesday, unfortunately. She had done nothing to spark your anger. It wasn’t like she was purposely making Xavier adore her. It looked like she would rather be without it, being honest. But did it annoy the hell out of you that he was so enamored with her so quickly, when she did nothing to give the idea that she would reciprocate? And yet he seemed to not want to give up on her? While simultaneously leading you on, making you believe you might have a romantic future with him? And being oblivious to the pain it caused? It was the only thing you ever thought about.
Genuinely, you wondered how he could still be so obsessed with her to buy her a phone, after she wrongfully got him imprisoned. If that wasn’t a walking red flag you didn’t know what was.
You and Xavier had stayed close throughout this internal turmoil you went through. It hurt like a bitch, but you’d be damned if you lost him over a girl he liked. Suppressing your feelings wasn’t anything you were stranger to, there were other ways to get out your thoughts.
Something you did often, that you’d never tell him was how frequently you abused mimicking his ability. At first he had found it interesting and expressed he had no problem with you copying his habits. But if he knew what you used it for he’d probably be mad.
Each night, after leaving his dorm and sneaking back into yours, you drew a photo from that day. What he looked like when he smiled. How he laughed. Taking into extreme detail his face, scrunched, while watching a show together. Though you weren’t really watching the show so much as watching him.
You kept these drawings in a box, under your bed, all the way in the back. It was hidden enough to never be seen or touched by anyone. So you used the late Rowan’s telekinesis ability to bring it out and put it back. Was this a healthy coping mechanism? Oh not at all, seeing as some drawings that originated from the latest of nights and most intimate moments, would have made Wednesday blush. Of course it's all innocent, right up until you put it down on paper.
"Drawing lover boy again?" Your best friend Val, barked at you from across the room.
"Lover boy? That's a new one," you softly put the new drawing of him in the box, and back under your bed in the furthest corner. "Not such an accurate name this time, you're losing your touch my friend."
"Well you wish it was, so close enough in my book," She shrugs and jumps onto your bed.
"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades," you pull your laptop on your lap, and press play on your favorite show to watch together.
"You sound like your father," She gags and you playfully slap her arm before shushing her and cuddling into her side.
It was lunch the next day, you had a free period the class before so you were waiting for Xavier to show up at your usual bench in the quad. He was taking a little bit longer than normal so you started early on your homework.
"If it isn't Xavier's little girl," she paused. "friend."
"Bye Bianca," you waved and put the volume up on your phone.
“Where is he this time? With Wednesday maybe?" she crossed her arms and smiled maliciously. "It's already started!" She laughed.
You tried to mind your business, she only ever wants to cause problems and you know this. "What's started?" you kept your eyes on your work, putting the volume lower to hear her better.
“He's bored of you. Just like when he got bored of me and you two got closer? He's onto Wednesday now, and done with you." She raised her eyebrows and put on an innocent doe-eyed look. "Well, anyway, have a good lunch!"
She walked away and went back to her friends. You didn't want to believe it. Would Xavier really replace you with Wednesday? He couldn't, he wouldn't. Even when he was dating Bianca, sure you hung out less, but you were still in his life. She was just trying to get in your head right?
“Sorry I'm late, got a little held up in class," He put his stuff down next to him and grabbed some food from the lunch you packed for the two of you. Cooking had become a stress habit for you, so nightly you sneak into the kitchens and prepare something for the next day.
“What kept you?" You put your stuff in your bag and grabbed a snack from the pile.
"Class, I said that didn't I?" He talked through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah but, what kept you? The teacher? Extra work?” you tried to press while eating your half of the lunch.
“Uh, just some extra credit work, wanna bring my grade up you know?” His answer was strained, and his eyes looked anywhere but at yours. So you followed his gaze, to Wednesday.
“Yeah, for sure,” You mumbled and went back to eating. Even if you wanted to escape him for another hour, to try and calm the thoughts in your head, you couldn’t. You two had the same class next period and you always walked together.
The day felt strained, any conversation with Xavier fell off track and eventually died out too soon. It’d been too long since this pattern started. Ever since she came to Nevermore, things slowly got worse between you two. You weren’t as close as before and it killed you.
So like every night, afraid to break habit, you snuck out of Xavier’s dorm to hang out. Right before you were going to knock on the door you heard two hushed voices in the room.
“You can’t keep doing this Xavier, you’re hurting her.” a voice pressed him for answers, sounding upset.
“We’re fine, Ajax.” Xavier fought back, offended anyone would accuse him of doing anything to hurt you.
“How dense are you that everyone can see it, but you?” Ajax stressed the end of his sentence still trying to be quiet.
“See what!” Xavier was getting increasingly agitated.
Your grip on the handle faltered and it wiggled just loud enough for both boys to notice it. Suddenly the door was opening and you smiled sheepishly at Xavier, “Hi.”
“I’m gonna leave,” Ajax looked between the both of you and you moved out of the way for him to exit. He sent one last glance Xavier’s way before he closed the door and went back to his dorm.
“Sorry, did i interrupt anything?” You apologized, still feeling the tense air.
“No,” He ran a hand through his hair in the same manor that always drove you crazy. “Nothing important.”
And just as quick as your conversation, Xavier went to sketching as you made yourself comfortable in his bed with your book. How quickly he could make your heart speed up and then break it felt like a world record now.
It’s been two weeks now since you accidentally overheard Xavier’s conversation with Ajax that night. Things hadn’t changed between you two, and you can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or not yet. Val had been pushing you to just confront him about your feelings. She knew letting them simmer inside was doing no one any good.
So on a night similar to that one fateful evening, you mustered up the courage to finally ask him what you meant to each other.
“Hey Xavi,” you asked, leaning slightly to the side now as he turned around from the mural he was painting on his wall to look at you. “What do I mean to you?”
He seemed to freeze, face tinting slightly rosier, whether it was blush or anger you didn’t know yet.
“What do you mean?” He dipped his brush in the cup he used to clean them, going right back to his art. It made you study his face, his posture, before continuing your question.
“I mean, I know what you mean to me. I know what i feel for you,” you felt emboldened by seeing him try and play off his nervousness watching him tense and straighten his back. “But I don’t know what I am to you.”
He paused and blinked, it looked like he was going to say something but he made no move to speak. After two minuets he finally opened his mouth, “Where is this coming from? You’re my best friend, you’re.. I..” He trailed off.
“But it’s more than that. More than friends,” he flushed pink, taking in a large gulp. “But less than lovers.” His grip turned white on the brush as he slumped slightly. Still he made no move to speak, so you turned away and went to collect your things. Nothing was said between you two as you packed up what you brought and slung your bag over your shoulder.
As you slipped out the door and into the shadows, mimicking a poltergeist you had once seen and turning yourself almost completely invisible. No one could even hear you breath and you floated through the halls back your dorm.
And in the faint night hair, before you left the wing his dorm was in, you could’ve sworn you heard him call your name and try to get your attention. But it was futile as you just sped up and got back to your dorm quicker.
Val said nothing as you slumped into your bed, rolling your stuff off the side and curling up with a blanket in your arms. She must’ve been able to infer what happened, and she climbed in next to you to hold you as you silently wept. Not even a shake ran through you as the tears fell. No one could hear the sound of your heart shattering that night.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Thinking about Luke getting a hold of Nico and convincing him that they can get revenge on Percy together and that Kronos can bring Bianca back for him. Imagine his thrill when he pieces together that Nico is a child of Hades - perfect for reviving Kronos, perfect for a host.
Thinking about Percy dreaming of Nico and seeing him laughing next to Luke. He still looks sad, but he's not as soaked in misery as he used to be. He has a goal, he has a plan. Percy is terrified. He doesn't yet know that Luke knows who Nico is.
Thinking about the group stumbling into Nico in the Labyrinth. Percy begs Nico to come with them, to leave Luke behind. Nico spits out that Luke isn't scared of him. Luke is helping him. No matter how Percy tries to insist Luke isn't really planning on helping him bring back Bianca, that he just wants to use Nico, Nico is defiant.
And then the Titan army arrives. And Luke places a strong hand on Nico's shoulder. They're surrounded. Luke is teasing Percy that Nico is going to be the child of the prophecy. He tells Nico it's time to complete their revenge. Annabeth and Grover are panicking, screaming, begging. Percy's heart plunges into his stomach. Nico looks hesitant but approaches him anyway. His sword is too big for him.
He looks so small.
He looks so young.
And Percy is suddenly enraged. He doesn't care about himself. He cares about his friends. He cares about his mom. He cares about Nico, and the words he spoke the night he ran away.
I choose the prophecy. It will be about me.
Luke doesn't get to take that away from him. Luke doesn't get to make a child his toy. Luke doesn't get use Nico like this. He's supposed to be happy, and smiling, and living life while Percy fights in his place.
The anger is like a tsunami. Nico gasps before the wave falls, when it crests to its very peak in Percy's chest, a bitter, spiteful, raging thing. He knows what's going to happen before it does. Can feel it just as strong as Percy feels it.
The ground trembles beneath them. Cracks shatter across the dirt. The people holding Percy down choke. Blood bursts from their eyes, their mouths. Everyone backs up. Horror doesn't begin to describe thier faces. Luke startles back, then steadies his sword and snaps words that Percy can't hear over the sound of the tsunami inside him collapsing and drowning everything in its path.
Other people rush forward to stop him. They explode - blood, viscrea, water. Luke grabs Nico by the arm. Percy sees red.
It's not good enough, he thinks. It's not good enough to have him die so quickly. No, no, Luke needs to suffer. He needs to boil from the inside out. Needs to be paralyzed as blood fills his lungs.
He needs to drown.
Someone is screaming Percy's name, but he doesn't know who. Can't hear it under every predatory step he takes forward. All the mess around them puddles together and pulls Luke flat to the ground. He's choking, he's gasping, he's dying.
He's like a fish out of water.
Percy is thrilled.
He places one hand on Nico's shaking shoulder and pulls him to the side, protectively behind him and watches with heavy fascination as Luke bursts. The flood inside him quells. He breathes air and it tastes wrong in his mouth, in his lungs. He exhales and breathes again. Feels better the second and third time. Not quite right, but not bad either.
Nico is still shaking when Percy turns on him. He lowers himself to his height and presses a wet hand to his face.
"It's okay," he promises. "I can protect you this time. I will protect you."
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devils-little-sista · 23 days
This is just me kinda projecting my sleeping habits onto Nico don’t mind me
Nico goes through a cycle of three different periods where he doesn’t sleep at all for a while and then he sleeps 24/7 for a while and then it kinda evens out but it’s backwards like he sleeps for most of the day and is awake all night and if he has things to do during those days he will take naps in between doing things. And the cycle rinses and repeats.
Sometimes there are triggers for these insomnia and depression nap episodes and sometimes Nico has no idea what the trigger was and he thinks maybe it just happens naturally sometimes.
I think it started when he came to camp halfblood in the titans curse. The question is: I’m not sure if it started with full on insomnia or his circadian rythum going topsey turvey. He mention somewhere in TTC that he doesn’t sleep well at camp. Could mean insomnia or turning nocturnal. The trigger was the big change in his life of being a demigod and crushing on Percy and Bianca leaving him and dying. Has an insomnia episode right after he runs away for sure the trigger being Bianca dying.
And in the battle of the labyrinth I think he’s mostly having a big long insomnia episode. Except for that one time he was chillin at that ranch house with the older son of Ares what was his name *reads writing on hand* Eurytion. And Nico came out the house with a giant robe on that was the only time he had slept in battle of the labyrinth he probably slept for like 2 days straight depression nap and then went right back into an insomnia episode. The trigger for this episode: Minos and trying to bring Bianca back and the labyrinth and Minos driving him a little insane
And then in the last Olympian I think he started out going through that backwards circadian rhythm cycle. He’s mostly sleeping during the day and up all night. But he’s got stuff to do during the day now he’s gotta help Percy get the Styx curse in the underworld. He’s very tired throughout the whole visiting May Castellan ordeal. And after the underworld incident he just kinda has to force himself into an insomnia episode so that he can convince Hades and Persephone and Demeter to fight in battle of manhattan.
And for the weeks after where he stays at camp he just takes little cat naps during the day and up all night. Despite him actually trying his hardest to sleep at night and be normal it just doesn’t work he eventually gives up
And then in son of Neptune he’s definitely in the midst of an insomnia episode. Just the way he acts throughout this book is borderline manic (maybe actually manic). He doesn’t sleep at all in Tartarus. When they put him in the jar he has to force himself into depression nap even tho him and his body want sleep deprived manic insomnia episode.
When he gets out of the jar on the Argo 2 I think he has a lot of insomnia he’s very scared to sleep for many reasons. Nightmares and giants and goddesses wanting to send dream messages to him. He wants to ignore them like they’re not there like they’re an annoying email. But he’s not as manic during this episode if he is he doesn’t show it. He’s got no energy for mania. He just barely keeps himself awake for a several days and eventually passes out. For 2-4 days. He wants to lay in the med bay cot he slept in forever he never wants to get up. But eventually he makes himself get up so as not to concern Hazel. Forced himself into another insomnia episode after another.
Then in blood of Olympus he’s wanting to sleep forever but has to force himself awake for this quest. But then right after BoO he spirals on insomnia. Stays up for about 6 and a half days total. There was a lot going on those days and Nico wanted to be awake and aware of everything happening. Collapsed on the 7th morning after Gea is defeated. Sleeps for several days. Only gets up because he got bored and wanted to hang out with Jason.
And I don’t know what comes after that. I don’t remember much of Nico in ToA so idk man. I think this is the end of the line for me now. I’m going to sleep now good night guys.
Oh wait no I forgot about the sword of hades short story. I thinks he was in insomnia episode. Because it happens in the middle of the day and Nico said he had been at a graveyard in New Jersey before Persephone shadow summoned him. And he seems very awake throughout that whole ordeal. And I think after he had a long sleep.
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crush-like-that · 2 months
it’s me again😁
I feel like we were robbed of Nico and Jason content (NOT A SHIP) after Jason died, so any angsty Headcanons of Nico after Jason died?
Nico didn't make friends. He didn't get close to people. For all his life, Nico had Bianca. Then she died. And Nico was alone. Alone. Ironic as it is, the word seems like the sincerest company Nico had ever had.
Then, Nico met Hazel. That was... that was different. He had to protect her, he didn't have a choice. He lost his sister because he let her go. In what world could he let this opportunity slip away? Besides, something greater was at play and Hazel was needed. Nico didn't make friends.
Then there was Reyna. They had to go on a quest together. They had something to accomplish for a greater good. One could hardly call that friendship. They understood each other, in some odd way. Neither of them were looking for friendship, and they could be comfortable with that. The silence that followed them was appreciated, necessary. Nico didn't make friends.
And then, of course, Nico met Jason. Jason, Jason, what word could describe Jason. He was kind, Nico knew that immediately. He liked to hugs his friends when he got excited. He lost his glasses when they were sitting on his head. He loved his sister more than anything in the world. And... he accepted Nico. For everything that he was, the baggage that he carried, the burden that he became, Jason accepted it. Jason welcomed it. He stood there with open arms and he didn't force Nico, but how in the world could Nico turn away from that smile. So Nico started to make friends.
And, gods, you can't ever just make one. With Jason came Piper and Leo, Hazel and Frank, Thalia and Reyna, Percy and Annabeth, and -- now this one was the strangest of all -- Will Solace. Nico had friends. The word scared him, for the first time in a long time, Nico wasn't alone. He was never alone. Percy and Jason refused to sit alone at meal times, so they created the table of the big three. People needed help in the infirmary, so Nico found himself there, warding off death and encouraging the medics to the best of his ability. People wanted to talk, hang out, destress after all the fighting and... they wanted Nico there. When Nico needed to hide from the world, hide from his new friends, he would go to Jason. When Nico needed to complain about that insufferable, stubborn Solace with a mouth worse than a sailor, he would go to Jason. When Nico needed a hug, he would go to Jason. Nico wasn't familiar with the word, but Jason was his best friend. His first friend. Then Jason had to leave to look for Leo. Nico couldn't feel jealous, it was selfish for him to do so. Leo was Jason's best friend. Now, with the confirmation of his life, it only made sense for Jason to want to go. Nico couldn't be jealous, he knew that.
And then Jason was gone. Truly gone. Nico could feel that much. He didn't leave cabin for a full day. Will would be wondering where he was, he knew that, but he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed. Jason was gone. Who could he tell? Percy, Annabeth- they were off at school, trying to keep their lives normal. Reyna, Frank, and Hazel had returned to Camp Jupiter. He couldn't tell them, not without solid proof. It hurt to think about their reactions to their information. And Will... Will understood loss, he'd seen it in his own hands too many times. But Jason was Nico's best friend. His first friend. And Jason was gone. Nico hates death. Ironic, a child of hades hating the very thing that defines him. Nico lost Bianca. He found Jason. And Jason brought Nico back to life. No matter how badly Nico wanted to do the same in return, he couldn't. Jason wouldn't allow it. The confirmation of his death was worse than Nico had imagined. He couldn't think. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't feel. He had thought that he was finished with these emotions after he had come to terms with Bianca's death. But they were there again. Jason was gone. Nico couldn't save him. Nico couldn't bring him back. He wasn't sure how to live.
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My opinions for Riordan verse books that no one asked for but will provide anyways
・Three book long series, first with Luke running away until he finds Thalia, second after they find Annabeth and their travels, third after Thalia dies and their time at camp before Percy, all from Luke's pov, we get more insight on his backstory and how he felt throughout everything outside of Percy's pjo which is where we saw everything. Also maybe we could get some Thalia x Luke before the betrayal..?
・A five book long series with a crossover with mcaga, tkc and pjo/hoo/toa, we already know their are some problems rising and I think some of the interaction (eg. Alex with Nico and Will with Magnus) could be really interesting to see. Also I feel like there could be something involving bringing Jason back as his death felt really unnecessary and sort of... Idk unfinished or something. Another idea I had for this was after maybe the first one or two books Percy in a way becomes Luke, trying to reach him in any way and carrying out his plan of overthrowing the gods however this time not with the help or Kronos but just trying to convince the other demigods to join him and a kind of descent to madness with him being tired of getting used.
・A standalone book, sort of like tsats except it's about Jason's life with Lupa and his time at Camp Jupiter, maybe just a short story but I feel like it could be good.
・Similar to the previous, a story about Reyna and her life before HoO, maybe a split pov with her and her sister because I feel like that story has a lot of potential.
・A book about Leo, set around the same time as tsats, maybe something to do with his dad or with the waystation, probably involving Calypso, Piper and Reyna (maybe him and Cal getting more development (OR A BREAK UP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF APOLLO) and kind of fleshing her out because right now she doesn't have much character imo) maybe he could also try to convince Hazel or Nico (probably Hazel because I feel like he doesn't have enough development with Nico to play this out) to let him see Jason again and him trying to join him.
・A bunch of short stories (like 10ish pages each length) of Rachel's experiences being the Oreacal and just what it's like, maybe also giving her some development with other characters (maybe Nico with them bonding on feeling out of place) and also some story with her family and how her life is.
・A collection of short stories which is basically just fluff because we don't get enough of that (Solangelo, Fierrochase, Percabeth, etc.)
・ Another short story (I'm sorry I warned you) with Annabeth right after the war, about her being mad at Luke, upset about his death, still caring about him and her getting a visit from Hermes, maybe expecting sympathy but just getting blamed for his death, also maybe a flashback of Luke asking her to leave in a nightmare.
・A book just with everyone's reaction to Jason death because I hate myself, not just in the moment but like a few weeks after and what they did and stuff (Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Nico)
・A collection of short stories about minor characters (Kayla, Austin, Connor, Travis, Clarisse, Lavinia, and just like under appreciated characters)
・A book with Reyna and Thalia split pov about them being in the Hunt and maybe a mission and Reyna could find out more about Bianca stuff. They could also maybe secretly get together but keep it hidden to stay in the hunt (or they leave the hunt and join the Amazons with Hylla (Reyna's sister) and they kind of start to bond) Also Hazel could be brought up because she technically stole from them.
・A short story with Nico and Bianca's life in the 1930s/when they're in the Lotus Casino, how they felt, what their life was like, etc.
Obviously a bunch of these short stories would be in one book, comment your suggestions xx
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silverwashi · 1 year
Y’all know what’s fun to think about?
Nico di Angelo dying during one last desperate bid to bring Jason back to life and waking up a god. He’d left camp in a hurry- expecting to be back soon enough that it wouldn’t matter and anyways the situation was time sensitive, except now it’s been months. He shows up back at camp a newly minted god and people are mad.
Percy as per usual feels betrayed. “We looked for you.” “You can’t keep running away when bad stuff happens.” “You’re a god?!”
Will accuses Nico of only remaining human for Jason. Says he can’t believe that Nico would choose godhood over a life with him.
The others are just various states of disappointed. Nico hardly gets a word in as they berate him. He sticks around for a bit hoping things will calm down but they don’t so he vanishes.
By the time the others realize they were being too harsh they’ll learn that Nico’s only gotten better at staying hidden and this time Percy doesn’t have Bianca to tell him this time.
None of them even know Nico died until Apollo rolls around one day.
He’s dressed in all black, driving a hurst and holding a bouquet of flowers.
He thinks he’s funny.
“Where’s Nico? I’ve heard through the grapevine that he’s a god now.”
“So you brought him flowers?”
“Well that’s what people typically do for the dead isn’t it?”
Apollo listens to the bs they spew and then tells them it’s all bs. All of Olympus knows that Hades was gonna turn Nico into a god when he died. Hell Apollo voted for the idea. A surprising amount of them had.
So he goes to visit Hades. Who is annoyed but tells Apollo where he can find Nico, because he doesn’t like to see him upset. And he knows he can’t just go and kill Percy, as much as he’d like to.
So Apollo would find Nico- still dressed in his ridiculous get up. Nico would find him funny. Not that he’d let Apollo know that. And he’d ask how godhood was treating him, and listen as Nico says he feels like he’s mourning a part of himself. And Apollo doesn’t invalidate his feelings or say he’s being ridiculous, he’s just so so supportive.
And then the rest is history 🫶
Bonus points if you imagine Nico spending the first few years driving around with Apollo and slowly coming to terms with everything.
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The Case of Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is an enigma. Leo thinks that she's made up. Hazel and Bianca throw their lot in with her being a goddess. Nico swears it's a coincidence. And so on and so forth. No one knows who - or what - Rachel Elizabeth Dare is. And so they meet to discuss it. (It's a crackfic. Don't take this summary too seriously.)
for best results, read on ao3!
trigger warnings: the COVID-19 pandemic is referenced
[TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF JULY 6TH, 2052 (as estimated), as recorded by Grover Underwood]
ANNABETH CHASE, OWL: That exhausts our list. Are there any other concerns to be made?
LEO VALDEZ, MECH: Yes, Head Councilwoman. I bring the Case of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I believe she is not real and never as been; you must surely be playing a prank on me!
PERCY JACKSON, SEASTAR: Rachel is real! We've all seen her! Except Leo, of course.
OWL: I agree. Rachel is real; she is also immortal.
NICO DI ANGELO, SKELETON: No, it's just a coincidence. I think you're lying about seeing her in the Hadrian period, at least.
HAZEL LEVESQUE, GEMSTONE: I saw what I saw! And it's not just a coincidence! She's got to be a god.
SHADOW: Perhaps even God Himself.
(GEMSTONE, SKELETON's sister, sputters. SKELETON is notably Catholic despite his time travelling. But who are we to judge?)
BIANCA DI ANGELO, SHADOW: She's pretty enough to be a god. I agree with Hazel.
(And there's the third member of our sibling trio. Bianca is not as religious as Nico, and prefers pissing him off, anyway.)
SKELETON, increasingly frustrated: That's only because you like to kiss her.
SHADOW: Guilty as charged, I suppose.
OWL: Wait, guys, we need a spreadsheet. Leo's under 'nonbeliever'-
MECH: Nonbeliever!?
OWL: Shut up. Percy, you're-
SEASTAR: Immortal.
OWL: Great. Me too. Nico is under coincidence, and Hazel and Bianca are under goddess.
GEMSTONE: Well, Nico's wrong. How can there be a bunch of identical people named Rachel Elizabeth Dare? In places no one should be named Rachel Elizabeth Dare, no less!
MECH: I still think you guys are lying!
SKELETON: Shut up, Leo.
MECH: Hey!
GROVER UNDERWOOD, PANCRIER (and your transcriptor): Put me down under fellow unregistered time traveller.
OWL: How can she be an unregistered time traveller? Plus, if she was, she'd stay far away from us registered time travellers?
PANCRIER: Bianca was the first to see her, right? Maybe Rachel developed a crush and decided that the rest of us were safe.
SHADOW: Come on! We're not dating or even remotely involved!
GEMSTONE, dryly: Stop lying. I walked in on you making out with her in a closet!
SKELETON: Can't believe Bianca's cheating on the Rachels with other Rachels.
GEMSTONE: They're the same person! And why are you judging me for dating a god!
MECH: so you are dating. Or is this just a cover-up for the fact that Bianca can't get a date.
GEMSTONE: Shut up!
DREW TANAKA, MIRROR: I've met her. We went shopping for makeup and dresses.
MECH: So she talks to you and not me!?
MIRROR: It's because I'm better than you.
SHADOW: Drew's right.
MECH: I hate you all. Why am I here?
OWL: You couldn't live without us.
SEASTAR: Also, I'm the only person who can surpass your sarcastic genius.
MECH, notably sarcastic: Of course. How will I ever catch up?
PANCRIER: We are part of a dignified organization. We are part of a dignified organization.
PANCRIER: I should quit.
SEASTAR: I'd miss you, though.
PANCRIER: Never mind. I will not quit.
OWL: Shut up, Drew.
MIRROR: Why do I go to these meetings, anyway?
OWL: Because Piper quit.
MIRROR: Piper never had to handle a deadly situation in her life.
OWL: But you're... you.
SHADOW: Enough about my love life. What about Annabeth and Drew's?
OWL and MIRROR, simultaneously: No.
SEASTAR: Perhaps we should not discuss this, dear cousin of mine.
[SHADOW rolls her eyes. GEMSTONE pats her on the back.]
SKELETON: I'm going to the bathroom.
[SKELETON leaves.]
OWL: He's not coming back, is he?
MIRROR: No, of course not. I would leave, too, but you need someone with a head on their shoulders.
PANCRIER: What about me?
MIRROR: You also have a head on your shoulders. But I cannot confine you to this duty alone, hon.
[PANCRIER would like to note that he is the only sane person here.]
MECH: Anyway, back on topic, Festus tells me that he has seen Rachel, but only when I have to leave him behind. Can't believe you guys have manipulated him.
PANCRIER: We haven't. Besides, I think Rachel has powers of prophecy.
OWL: The only power people have is time travel, from experience.
PANCRIER: Yeah but consider. Also, I have my codename for a reason?
OWL: Yeah, it's because you have an extraordinary loud scream.
PANCRIER: Extraordinary is close enough to magic, isn't it?
OWL: Also, prophecy could be explained by the actual time travel.
PANCRIER: What if she's a clone? And she's cloned herself a million times? And that's why she's everywhere?
SEASTAR: Or she could have a way to track us and use it for mischief.
SHADOW: Thus supporting Hazel's and my goddess theory.
MIRROR: Yeah, I buy that.
[OWL jots that down on her table.]
MIRROR: But we should also ask everyone else. Because there's like forty of us.
OWL: Thirty-nine, actually.
MIRROR: I said 'like forty', not actually forty.
OWL: Semantics.
MECH: I still think you guys are pulling a Goncharov.
SEASTAR: Goncharov? I haven't heard of that before.
MECH: A relic of the 2020s, during the COVID-19 pandemic, you know? This blogging site that went kind of archaic - still active though, like a cockroach - found some fake movie label called Goncharov, produced by this Martin guy. Anyway, they went kind of insane.
PANCRIER: Ooh, I did an essay in high school about it.
PANCRIER: You know, early internet stuff. Very interesting.
OWL: Eh, I'm more of a mid-late internet person, before the complete purge of the internet in- you know what? This isn't relevant.
[OWL is getting a little frustrated. Honestly, I don't know how she always sticks to a schedule. Also, OWL notably does not like Rachel Elizabeth Dare.]
SHADOW: We should give Rachel a codename.
GEMSTONE: Seconded.
SEASTAR: Thirded.
MECH: Fourthed.
PANCRIER: That's not a word.
MECH: Neither is pancrier, cry me a river.
SEASTAR: I, for one, propose the codename RED.
MIRROR: That's the stupidest code name I've ever heard.
SEASTAR: Have a better idea?
[MIRROR remains silent.]
GEMSTONE: What about Bianca's True Love? We can call her BTL for short.
SHADOW: First off, I object that nickname. Second off, BTL sounds way too close to BLT.
GEMSTONE: Which is your favourite sandwich.
MIRROR: Actually, I have an idea. ORACLE, for her proposed prophecy powers. And because it sounds cool.
SEASTAR: Wouldn't that be an issue due to the Oracle not being allowed to date?
SHADOW: It will not, because no one's dating the Oracle.
MIRROR: Did that just come up in conversation? You're my best friend, Bianca, and I can't believe that you don't realize she's flirting with you.
SHADOW: She's not flirting with me. I asked, like a normal person.
GEMSTONE: Why did you ask?
OWL: Guys, we can't keep talking about SHADOW's admittedly disastrous love life. Personally, I like ORACLE.
MIRROR: Because it's a good codename.
SEASTAR: All who like ORACLE, say aye?
SEASTAR: All who dislike ORACLE, say nay?
MIRROR: See, this is why you benefit from my genius. Ow!
[SEASTAR has kicked MIRROR's leg under the table. All laugh, except MIRROR.]
OWL, regaining her composure: Meeting adjourned. I am exhausted, and will have a cup of tea.
End transcript.
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nicoseyeliner · 4 months
Deep Dive Into Nicos Internalised Homophobia
You can hold my hand in a crowded place
Just hope that they don't see my face
Car Lights - James Marriott
I feel that this quote fits Nico pretty well as he wants to be openly in a relationship with Will and show him off in public, but he feels that he cannot due to his past. As he grew up in Nzi Italy. This is relevant because the fact that male homosexuality was severely oppressed and shown as wrong when he was growing up. These thoughts would have been drilled into his brain and he would have been constantly told it immoral and wrong.
As much as I love Maria, she was most probably homophobic or not supported. Unless Hades sheltered both of the siblings they would definitely been homophobic at one point.
I also believe this quote represents Nicos internalised homophobia as he would feel like he isn't good enough and probably would be scared to show his face around his family.
In my opinion Nico probably hallucinated when he was in the jar, as tartarus brings out your worst memories and your nightmares, I feel like a lot of these would be nightmares of his friends and family finding out he is gay.
I just did some research and it says the Nzis campaigned against male homosexuality from 1933-1945, Nico was born in 1929, this means he would have been growing up during this time and probably would have been taught in school that is was wrong. Nico was put in The Lotus Casino in 1939. He also grew up in a heavy conservative Catholic household this means most of his family was probably homophobic and openly said bad stuff about that.
In the Percy Jackson wiki about Nico it mentions when he moves to America when the First World War begins. It mentions that he made a friend (Henry Whittaker), they played Mythomagic together and Nico mentions how he thinks Ares is pretty : (see below) Henry quickly said that was weird and stopped play with Nico.
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This was Nicos first proper exposure to homophobia towards him. I believe that's why he kept so quiet about his homosexuality.
Cupids reveal of his crush on Percy made this worse (and in some ways better aswell) in my opinion as Nico saw that it was ok to be gay for the first time, but also he learn how unremorseful some people can be towards homosexuals.
I feel that when Nico was in Tartarus this may have worsened things as when entering he felt useless and no one cared about him.. this would have worsened things because he would have been stuck inside his head and only had his (mostly bad) memories in his brain.
When Nico was in the jar I believe he would have had bad hallucinations about his Grandparents; Bianca and Maria. As well as Hades saying that he would have preferred Bianca to have survived.
Hades saying this about Nico and Bianca would have heavily worsened Nicos already rapidly declining Mental Health, many people mischaracterise Nico that he is ruthless and doesn't care about others. This is completely wrong because he literally almost faded into the shadows to get the Athena Parthanos back to Camp Halfblood. This shows that no matter how many bad memories at camp: Such as finding about Biancas passing and Bianca leaving him to join the hunters, the fact that he risked his life show s how much he has grown to care about the camp.
I personally believe that Nico would struggle a lot with gaining the weight and coming back to a normal weight and normalise not constantly feeling hungry.
I feel Will would also help aswell and be Nicos emotional rock, help him get through everything and be his therapist ( to an extent)
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percyjackson-post · 3 months
PJO Royal Au Pt.3
Back at it again because I still have more character ideas. This is definitely not something that consumes my every waking thought :)
Leo- The son of the royal blacksmith but a talent in his own with his inventions. While he has no rank he often tags along to events as he is close with the royal family. Often strikes out in the game of love but that doesn't mean he's given up hope yet Calypso- The daughter of a disgraced Duke her reputation suffers due to her family's history. Her relationships always seem to fall apart, but maybe that's because she’s looking in the wrong place… Reyna- The daughter of the countries first General with hopes to rise the military ranks herself. She plans to dedicate her life to the military and never wed which she believe would show weakness. Though it is getting harder to ignore the flutter in her heart she feels when she receives a leader from the princess Luke- The elder cousin of Annabeth he sees himself as her protector in the marriage market. He believes her marriage could be the chance he needs to bring himself up in the ranks of society. Bianca- The eldest child of the youngest prince mysterious and tragic early death has severely impacted the royal family. Percy, the only witness to her end has been forbidden to talk about what happened but perhaps the reward for the truth is greater then the risks...
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tinybro · 1 year
ok because @agentsnickers enabled me, jason growing up in camp halfblood:
Thalia doesn't wait for things to get irreparably bad at home. She runs away and brings lil two year old Jason with her, because a kid trying to take care of a toddler on the streets is still somehow a better situation than their home life was. And it definitely gets easier once she falls in with Luke and Annabeth. Luke treats Jason like a little brother and Annabeth is close enough in age to him that they can keep each other occupied while the older kids are dealing with the actual survival shit. And since Jason is a little younger than Annabeth, it means she isn't the baby of the group so that's fun too.
And when Thalia "dies" and gets turned into a tree, her baby brother is left in the care of Camp Halfblood as a full timer along with Annabeth. And he's immediately in the spotlight, even as a toddler – the only known child of one of the Big Three with Thalia gone, so of course he's gotta be the one from the prophecy. But despite that, he's still basically Luke and Annabeth's adopted little brother, and a lot of people end up picking that attitude up from them. It leaves Jason growing up in this weird position as everyone's baby brother at the same time as the son of the king of the gods and future hero. Everyone expects so much from him even as they baby him endlessly, even as they get older and he's not always the youngest kid at camp anymore.
So Jason's never gotten to go on a quest before. And then Percy shows up at camp when Jason's like ten years old, and suddenly Jason's not the only Big Three kid anymore. Not only that, but Percy's older than him, so he's way more likely to be the prophecy kid. It takes some of the pressure off of Jason, and he'd always been quietly frustrated by those expectations so he doesn't mind getting shifted to the backseat some. Luke's betrayal stings way more. That's two older siblings he's lost now. Jason and Annabeth lean on each other a bit through it, but Annabeth isn't the emotional type, and her time is taken up more and more by Percy, the two of them off on one quest or another while Jason's always left behind.
But at least he gets Thalia back after that. They've closed the age gap between them by a few years, but he's still shorter than her and he was still a toddler last she remembered, so it's all to easy to baby him relentlessly.
And not long after that, the di Angelo siblings get brought to camp. Annabeth's just been captured and Thalia's leaving on that whole quest and of course Jason's left behind as always, but this time he's entirely without any of the people he's closest to. He's friendly with everyone in camp, sure, but none as close as the ones he first came to camp with. And while he's floundering, he's this new kid, eager for attention and clearly hurt by being left behind by his older sister suddenly joining the Hunters and leaving on a quest.
And Jason gets that feeling of being left behind and missing his sister all too well. So Jason latches onto Nico immediately. Or maybe Nico latches onto him, and Jason just welcomes it where most of the older campers are a little exhausted by the nerd babble.
The first night after the girls (and Percy) left on their quest, Jason's feeling Thalia's absence in the Zeus cabin pretty keenly, so he sneaks out to go sit by her pine tree like he used to before her revival. And on his way he finds Nico, who'd also snuck out of the Hermes cabin because he was missing Bianca and the Hermes cabin is so crowded and he didn't want any of them to catch him crying. And it's embarrassing to get caught by Jason, but Jason immediately opens up to him about the years Thalia was gone, how sometimes while growing up he was so angry at Zeus for failing to save her, for claiming Jason as his son but never actually meeting him, how many times he'd been left behind, how quickly all the heavy expectations on him had shifted to Percy and how that was simultaneously a relief and a frustration because he'd never wanted it but it still stung to be so easily replaced.
Nico ends up crashing in the much quieter Zeus cabin that night. He's a bit too intimidated by Thalia to touch her bunk without permission, but Jason's happy to share his, and it's still less suffocating than the Hermes cabin.
Jason and Nico are pretty inseparable after that. At least, they are for that short bit of time until everyone gets back from the quest minus Bianca. And then suddenly Nico's vanished after his confrontation with Percy, and that's the last straw for Jason. He stops waiting for someone to give him permission or an official quest. He puts together some supplies and sneaks out of camp to search for Nico on his own.
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