#perfect match x trr
alj4890 · 1 year
It's Time to Say Goodbye
(Maxwell Beaumont x OC) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Perfect Match crossover drabble * taken from my TRR/PM/RCD series, And Then I Met You*
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: a kiss goodbye
May 2023 Choices Monthly Challenge: last goodbye | weddings | crying
Rating G for angsty fluff
A/N I know. I could have done a romantic story or two about a happy couple kissing each other goodbye on the way to work or something. But I feel angsty today 😂 Anyone who has read this series knows my OC had to watch Maxwell, the man she believed was the love of her life, marry someone else in the first chapter. Though the series continues happily for her with a new love, I thought I should go back to that first chapter and show how that wedding ended. It's a cold, rainy day here in my neck of the woods thanks to a tropical storm blowing through. The mood is set. I'm in my favorite worn out yoga pants and completely comfortable in my heated recliner. Time to get angsty 🤣
@hopelessromantic1352 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @kingliam2019 @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceschallenge-may2023 @jerzwriter @harleybeaumont
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St Orella's Ballroom...
Amanda sat alone once more at the bridal party's table. She watched as all her friends and invited guests danced and celebrated Maxwell and Nadia united in matrimony. Laughter and conversations were a distant hum in the background of the music.
She'd always loved this part of a party. At balls and such, she would escape in the midst of it to watch from a distance. It was as if she was an outsider, looking in at a world she'd always been a part of yet at the same time wasn't. It gave her time to reflect back on the people she'd met and her own interactions with them.
Right now, she wasn't thinking about the numerous wedding guests. She was trying to figure herself out.
Amanda didn't really know what she wanted anymore. She knew what was expected of her as a duchess of Cordonia, but it wasn't enough. She supposed that was why she gave in to her late uncle's urges and wrote her first novel. To her surprise, it became a best seller.
Though that new part of her life was exciting, she wanted more. Perhaps not fame, but something different from the life she was leading. More of what exactly she wasn't necessarily sure, and yet the desire was there making her feel restless for some needed changes. She loved her life, her friends, but surely this wasn't all she was destined for...was it?
Her attention settled once more on Maxwell. Olivia was probably right. She should have told him that she was in love with him instead of waiting to see if he might feel the same and actually do something about it. At least then she wouldn't be left feeling so depressed over what might have been.
I could have been depressed over him still choosing to be with Nadia Park.
Outside, she appeared to be the thrilled, delighted to be hosting his wedding, best friend. Inside, she was left with thoughts of what life might have looked like if she had told him.
Given how quickly Maxwell fell in love and proposed to New York's famed artist, Amanda assumed he would have done the same with her if he had felt anything for her. He was impulsive yet always knew what was right for himself. Marriage to the love of his life wasn't even something to hesitate a single thought over.
She admired him for that. While she was left second guessing over everything she did in life, he never once looked back or worried over his decisions.
She sighed then finished off her champagne. One of her servants set a fresh glass down. Amanda wondered if she should drink her sadness away.
"Hey!" Maxwell bounded over to her, leaping over a few chairs in the process. "What are you doing sitting over here by yourself?"
Unable to stop herself from smiling whenever he was near, Amanda shrugged. "Just my usual."
"Uh uh. Nope. Not on my watch." He took both her hands and pulled her out of her chair. "It's my wedding reception!"
"No!" Amanda playfully gasped. "You got married?!"
"I know right?" His grin popped up again. "Come on. We need to dance."
"Wait!" Amanda struggled as he pulled her onto the dancefloor. "Max! I don't have my shoes on."
"So what? When has that ever stopped us before." He bent over and slipped his shoes off. "Now neither of us have shoes on."
She burst out laughing as he did a few slides across the dance floor. He smiled at her and held his hand out.
"Come on. You know I can't let this night end without a dance with you."
Amanda's heart ached. He was always saying something endearing like that. She knew he meant it which hurt even more. He just didn't mean it the way she'd always hoped he would.
She took his hand, twirling in his arms, and settled for this being her only chance to be near him one last time.
Though she knew they would dance together in the future, nothing would come close to this being the ultimate nail in the coffin where she kept her feelings buried.
In this moment, she allowed herself one last daydream of it being their wedding reception. Instead of the pink gown Nadia had made for her as Maxwell's best woman, she could pretend that it was a white dress. She could imagine that he would pull her close to his body, whisper how happy she'd made him, and then how much he was looking forward to their life together. There would have been the playful flirting and innuendos of what would happen once they left.
Everything that she'd once hoped would happen would have to be imagined right now, within the length of this one song.
And then it had to be forgotten forever.
She couldn't live the rest of her life secretly longing for a happily married man. And like she told Olivia, surely somewhere in this world there was a man who was her own perfect match. Though Maxwell seemed to be him, he sadly never saw her as anything other than a friend.
Please let there be someone who will see me as a desirable woman, she pleaded to the heavens. Just one man. That's all I ask. That he sees me, truly sees me, and falls madly in love with me.
Someone who can make me realize that love is more than what I feel for Maxwell.
"You are way too serious right now." Maxwell muttered near her ear.
"Sorry!" She automatically replied.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." She forced a smile. "I suppose I feel a little melancholy."
"Why?" He gently shook her. "It's the happiest day of my life!"
She somehow kept her smile firmly in place. "I know. I suppose I am wishing my own happily ever after would come along."
"It will!" He squeezed her hand. "You are way too special to be single forever."
"You think so?"
"I know it." He winked at her. "Trust me. Some guy is going to come along, see you, and sweep you off your feet just like you deserve."
"I hope so." Her smile softened. "And I am thrilled you found someone truly worthy of you to love."
"Nadia's the best, isn't she?" His blue eyes found his bride.
When he caught her eye, he blew her a kiss.
Amanda nodded. "Yes, Nadia really is the best."
She meant it. If she had to lose the love of her life, at least it was to a woman who truly adored Maxwell as he deserved.
Still though...
It was killing her.
"Your grace?" Her butler, Hudson, tapped her shoulder. "Forgive me for interrupting, but the car is here."
"Thank you." Amanda looked up at Maxwell. "That's your cue, Groom."
"Honeymoon time?" He asked, his face lighting up once again.
She nodded, smiling once more. "You better grab your bride and get out of here."
He squeezed her in a tight hug then set off across the dance floor to do just that with Nadia.
"Wait!" Amanda snatched up his shoes and chased after him. "You forgot something!"
Maxwell chuckled as he took them from her. "I guess I do need those, huh?"
"They might come in handy." She teased.
"Or footy." He grinned when she groaned with an eye roll.
"I'll have everyone outside ready to send you off." Amanda promised. "Go get changed."
"Right!" He hurried off once more, stole Nadia away from her friend, Damien, and dashed upstairs.
Once the wedding guests were lined up along the main entrance to St Orella, Hudson opened the door for newly wedded couple.
The pair had nothing but smiles shining as they stopped here and there to hug and kiss loved ones. Good natured jokes and well wishes were shouted out making Maxwell and Nadia laugh as they hurried on towards the waiting town car.
Amanda stood close to it. She clutched the jacket her butler had given her earlier closer around her bare shoulders. It wasn't really cold outside, yet she felt chilled from what was about to happen. Tears were already threatening to spill out as she watched them. When they got to her, Nadia embraced her in a tight hug.
"Thank you so much for hosting our wedding! You made my dream a reality."
Amanda could only nod, hugging her back.
Nadia slipped into the car leaving Maxwell as the last to speak to her.
His excited smile softened as he looked at the woman he'd been friends with his entire life fight back her tears.
He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her.
Amanda closed her eyes, breathing in his splash of cologne, and never wanted to be let go.
"How will I ever be able to thank you for this?" He whispered. "You went above and beyond to make this day special for me."
She laughed while shaking her head, tears spilling down her cheeks.
"You don't have to worry about that." She managed to say.
Amanda knew she needed to say a joke of some sort if they were to ever part.
"You helped keep me upright every time I was clumsy. Hosting your wedding seemed like the right form of pay back."
He laughed, kissing her cheek.
"I can live with that." He told her smiling.
"Me too." She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.
"Bye, I'll see you soon." He told her on his way into the car.
"Goodbye." She mumbled.
Amanda stood there alone. She watched the car until it disappeared in the darkness. Her head dropped as more tears fell.
After all these years of loving Maxwell Beaumont, it was finally time for the next chapter of her life to begin.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Picktober Challenge: Falling for you
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Picktober theme(s)- 
Flufftober: Sharing Clothes and Holding Hands,
Falltober: Pumpkin and Cider
Fanfiction (Choices The Royal Romance/ The Royal Heir & Perfect Match Fandoms)- Fictober prompt: I’m doing it, shut up.
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Books: The Royal Romance 1-3 to Royal Heir and Perfect Match.
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: NS*W 🍋. Additionally, mention of miscarriage.
Pairing: Liam Rys x Jessica Garcia (MC), former. Damien Nazzaro x Jessica Garcia
Agent Phoenix Forged in Fire Series premise: This is a canon-divergent series set after TRR 3 Tariq is never found. Liam’s duty to his country forces him into marriage. Jessica and Liam enter into a Cordonian arrangement. Both of them wanted to have a life together. However, various obstacles prevent him from a divorce and having the life they both want together. With dreams of a future crushed, Jessica leaves Cordonia. Despite a five-year absence, they are still heartbroken and unable to forget each other and the life they once shared. When Jessica’s career path takes an expected turn, her duty to her country pushes her to Cordonia, back into the society that burned her, and back into Liam’s sights. Will she rise from the ashes or once again go down in flames? Catch up here
A/N: This is my submission for the Choices Monthly Challenge: Picktober and Fictober.
*This is a oneshot that is a part of the main story, and events will occur in a later chapters and stories in between* in the meantime here is a companion piece to give you some background on the meaning of Koi in Liam and Jessica's life.
Chapter Summary: Jessica and Damien's friends-with-benefits relationship gets complicated.
Song Inspiration: Toothbrush - Dnce
Word count: 4,500 *, please excuse typos and grammatical errors*
Reading time: 10 Minutes
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Damien Nazario apartment
Jessica jumped up from the couch and shouted, “Fuck yes! Thank you, Aaron Judge.”
Damien dug his head into the arm of his sofa and said, “Can we turn this off?”
“Why? Because the M-E-T-S are losing?” Jessica jeered.
“I just think I’m disgusted with my team at this point,” Damien mumbled while eyeing the tv remote.
“Damien, you are a sore loser.”
 Damien rolled his eyes. “Please don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Jessica said, knowing full well she was being obnoxious.
“You don’t have to rub it in.” 
“The fuck I do. All day long, you were talking sooooo much shit; look at this score. We have four more innings.”
Damien snapped back, “Tone it down, okay.”
Jessica rolled her eyes. “Such a baby,” 
Damien crossed his arms and huffed, “Just stop.”
 “Are you gonna make me, Sir…” Jessica said with a cheeky smile.
20 minutes later…
“Fuck” Damien murmured in a deep seductive tone; she moaned as Damien smacked her ass. She spread her legs, quickly aligning herself with him. Both of them are so hungry for each other. She was dripping while she slowly sank onto him, gasping as she felt him enter her inch by inch. She gave her body time to adjust to his length and thickness before she moved her hips in a figure-eight motion, arching her back in pleasure.
Damien reacted similarly, groaning her name as she got fully seated in his lap. Jessica began to rock her hips back and forth, moans mixing through the air as they were stimulated.
Damien held her hips, thrusting into her with determination. “Mmmm.” Jessica moaned, her head tilting back as Damien reached up to tangle his fingers into her hair again and tug. She squeezed her eyes shut as Damien’s thrusts up into her became rougher, his free hand reaching down to rub circles onto her clit, making her body taut and her pants of breath faster. Jessica could feel herself get close, her first orgasm of many barrelling toward her. She cried out as it hit her, the sound of her ass hitting his thighs becoming clearer and clearer. She heard him moan her name out in bliss.
Jessica stopped on top for a few seconds as she combed her hair with her hand before she laid her head on Damien’s chest and mumbled, “God, that was so fucken good.” They both gave a slight chuckle. Jessica lifted her wrist to look at her father’s watch and said, “So fucken late or so fucken early.”  
Jessica rolled off Damien’s side, gently brushing the hair away from her face while he whispered, “Preciosa, stay.”
Jessica pursed her lips. “I don’t know if that ruins our friends-with-benefits situation.”
“Worry when you’re leaving a toothbrush. You don’t have to work tomorrow. If it makes you feel better, just get some rest, and you can leave without waking me up.” Jessica responded by cuddling a little closer, allowing herself to relax; their two bodies were tangled in each other’s arms.
 “I’m gonna just close my eyes for a bit.” She murmured. 
Damien twirled Jessica’s hair and watched her eyes get heavy under his touch. When he was sure she had fallen asleep, he kissed her forehead and whispered, ‘Me Estoy Enamorado de ti (I’m falling for you).”
10 am …
Jessica and Damien both woke up at the sound of loud knocking. Damien wiped his eyes. “What the fuck?”
“What’s happening?” Jessica said, half asleep.
“Sssh baby, go back to bed,” Damien said without thinking as he rushed to put his pants on to answer the door.
Jessica looked at Damien, puzzled, and whispered, ‘Shhh baby go back to bed?’ to herself, silently cursing for oversleeping and confusing their arrangement.
Damien closed the bedroom door behind him and answered the persistent knocking at his door. A woman said, “Ángel, ¿Cómo estás hijo? (Angel, how are you doing, son?)
Damien said in shock, “¿Mamá? ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? (Mom? what are you doing here?) 
“Well, we wanted to surprise you.” Another woman answered with a sassy tone.
“We came to visit Hope and her wife. We are gonna go pumpkin picking. We know you hate that stuff, so we thought we could force you if we showed up unannounced.”
Meanwhile, in Damien’s bedroom…
Jessica covered herself in Damien’s comforter. ‘I want to die. Maybe they’ll leave, and I could just pretend I wasn’t here. Yeah, no sweat. They won’t know I’m here. Crisis averted.’ Jessica silently thought, plotting her escape.
“Dames, since when do you carry around a Marc Jacobs tote?”
“Goddamn, is this the fucken Nazrio family reunion?” Jessica hissed as she got off the bed and started frantically looking for her clothes.
“Is she still here?” Another voice whispered.
“Yea, she is still here. Shirts on the floor.”
“Hope, come on.”
“Oh Dios mío. Perdóname hijo. Te estás protegiendo, ¿Verdad? (Oh my God. Sorry son. You’re protecting yourself right?”
‘Fuck my life hard.’ Jessica cursed at herself in her head.
“You didn’t tell us you were seeing anyone.”
“Is it serious?”
“¡Lucilla cállate!” Damien snapped. 
“Bring her out; let’s meet her.” 
“She can come with us pumpkin picking.” Lucilla chimed in
“Okay… Okay… can I just talk to her? I’m sure she hears all your loud mouths.”
Damien walked into the bedroom, and a pillow was thrown in his face as soon as he entered. He could see the panic and worry on her face.
“Your whole family is in the living room; they want me to go pumpkin picking with them,” Jessica said in a harsh, whispered tone.
“Preciosa, I’m sorry I obviously didn’t know.”
“Cool it with the pet names! Where are my panties?”
“Ohhh, nice bra.” Isabela teased from behind the door. Damien opened the door jar and collected Jessica’s bra.
“Just shoot me. Put me out of my misery.”
“Come on; it’s not that bad.” Damien mused as he held out Jessica’s bra. Jessica snatched it and put it on.
“Yeah, this is bad,” Damien smirked. 
“Gee, thanks,” Jessica said as she rolled her eyes.
Damien went into his closet and handed Jessica a shirt. Jessica looked at the shirt and looked at Damien with an annoyed expression. “Really? A Mets jersey.”
“You want me to go back out there and get your shirt off the floor or what?”
“I want to throw up.”
Damien gave a cringe as Jessica put on the Mets Jersey and said, “So I will just tell her we are dating like a couple saying we are just seeing each other will lead to other questions. The usual ones about settling down.” 
Jessica roughly adjusted the jersey in disgust and hissed, “You can’t be serious. We’re not an item, Damien!” 
He shhed her with his hand while speaking low and said, “I know that, but they don’t. Please, Preciosa. I will never hear the end of it.” 
“That’s not my problem.” 
Damien looked ready to get on his knees and beg as he gave a pleading stare and said, “Please, Jessica! Just one day of playing the part and pretending. I’m not asking you to go to trader joes or some shit couples do on a Saturday morning; I just want a day of pumpkin picking and you pretending we’re together.” 
Jessica stared for a long moment before they heard one of his sisters through the door, “Are you coming out or not? Come on and bring her out!”
Damien gave Jessica a pleading look and sighed heavily while pinching her nose bridge. “Fuck…Okay, one day. One day of pretending, and that’s it.” 
Damien released a relieved sigh and smiled before Jessica adjusted herself, and Damien opened the door to greet them. Jessica came face to face with an older woman and four younger women with curious stares her way.
Damien put his arm around Jessica while introducing her as Jessica plastered a fake smile on her face. "Mamá, Hope, Isabela, Carina, Lucilla; this is Jessica Garcia." He gestured to Jessica before gesturing to each sister and his Mother. “Jessica, this is my Mamá, My older sister Hope and my younger sisters Isabela, Carina, and Lucilla.” 
Jessica was bombarded by both Spanish and English as everyone seemed to talk simultaneously to introduce themselves and ask questions about her. Damien held up a hand and said, “Guys, I’m sure we can talk plenty on the car ride.” 
The one sister Isabela gestured to Damien’s Jersey Jessica wore, “Oh, you’re a Mets fan!” 
Jessica forced a smile even though she thought, ‘Fucking Hell.’ 
Twin farms Orchards, Freehold, New Jersey 
Jessica inwardly cringed when Damien held her hand while walking through the grass to the rows of Pumpkins lining the field. She gave him a sideways glare as he leaned down and whispered, “Preciosa, couples hold hands.” 
Jessica hissed, “Yeah, but we’re not a couple.” 
“One day, Jessica. Please. “ 
Jessica rolled her eyes as Damien’s sisters ran ahead of them. As she whispered to him, “I’m doing it, shut up.” 
Damien gave her a smile with a nod and whispered, “Just…Try to enjoy the day pretending we’re together. After today, we can return to our strictly friends-with-benefits arrangement. I promise…Please, Jessica?” His dark eyes held an intense gaze she had seen so many times in her past with eyes as blue as the Mediterranean Sea.
She stared at Damien a moment and thought to herself, ‘Stop it. That life is behind you now, and it’s not like you’re betraying anything or anyone here. This is just a casual little outing with his family. You’re just doing a friend a favor.’ She reminded herself as she huffed and looked away while Damien squeezed her hand lightly.
Jessica couldn’t help inwardly smiling as she felt his hand in hers, but this time it wasn’t a momentary touch; it lingered, and she enjoyed the feeling. A slight warmth bloomed in her chest as his fingers interlaced her own. She almost felt guilty for enjoying it, even if her brain told her she shouldn’t.
The feeling was cut short by Hope saying, “Hurry up, lovebirds! We need Damien for the heavy lifting.” 
Damien smiled and retorted, “So that’s why you called me out of bed to go with you all, and here I thought you missed me.” 
Damien looked at Jessica right when his sisters and Mother looked over, and Jessica forced a smile even though all she could think of was, ‘Great. I’m spending my Autumn Sunday in a fucken Mets Jersey with a guy that is strictly friends with benefits, and his family thinks we’re a fucken couple madly in love or some shit…Perfect.’ 
Jessica sighed to herself when Damien pulled them both towards the pumpkin patch. 
Isabela said, “What? Hope, that pumpkin is downright sad. It’s tiny!… Now, that one, on the other hand.” 
Damien’s face sagged when he saw the large misshapen pumpkin Isabela pointed at, and Jessica couldn’t help but lightly chuckle as Damien gawked.
“You can’t seriously expect me to carry that thing the whole time, right?” He argued.
Lucilla walked over to their brother with her own pumpkin in hand, “Isabela, it’s not even round. It’s so ugly.” 
“So? It’s getting carved anyway.” 
Carina gestured towards a row of medium-sized pumpkins and exclaimed, “Uh, who cares about the size and roundness when those aren’t even that orange, and they have bad spots on them.” 
Jessica and Damien watched the sisters talking over each other in minor disagreements as Damien gave Jessica a sideways look and mumbled, “On second thought, if you wanted to bail, I’m sure I can come up with an excuse.” 
Their Mom chimed in, lecturing them in Spanish as Hope replied, “Sorry, Mamá, we’ll just pick one each. So it doesn’t matter who picks what.” Hope gave while shooting a mild glare to her three younger sisters, who all collectively nodded or shrugged and went off looking for their perfect pumpkins.
"Preciosa, which one?" He asked while scanning the pumpkin patch. 
Jessica shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me.”
Damien sighed, “Come on, Jessica. Try to act like this isn’t killing you to be here, for my sake.” 
Jessica blinked at that and said, “I never said it was. I guess I’m just rusty.” 
Damien ran a hand over his temple with a cringe. “I know, I know. I didn’t plan this exactly, but I want to make a decent impression, so I’m not hounded with questions.” 
“You mean more than what was already asked? Carina asked me how our first date was, and Isabela asked if I planned on coming to Thanksgiving, and Hope and Lucilla wanted to know every detail imaginable.” 
Damien gave an apologetic look, “Sorry for dragging you into this mess.” 
Jessica eyed him for a moment. The way he looked at her and had her insides twist a bit. She released an annoyed breath through her nose before glancing at the pumpkins. 
She thought, ‘The least I can do is try. It’s one day. ‘ 
“Okay.” She mumbled before walking over to a pumpkin. She bent down to pick it up and examine it. Her hand ran over the smooth surface before nodding. “This one.” 
Damien looked slightly surprised, “You sure?” 
Jessica nodded at the modestly sized pumpkin and said, “Positive.” Before she handed it to Damien, who smiled relieved and took it. 
“Thanks for not picking the biggest pumpkin in this field for me to carry all day.” 
Jessica gave a cheeky smirk. She looked around with a hum and said, “Hmm…Actually, maybe that one way over there?” She pointed to a much bigger pumpkin on the other side of the field.
Damien rolled his head back with a groan even if Jessica could clearly see a smirk; he tried to hide, “Oh God, please don’t start acting like my sisters. You already see what I have to fucken deal with.” 
Jessica let out a huff-like chuckle, “Save it. I grew up with two overprotective older brothers. I don’t want to hear shit.” 
They both walked together, giving the same witty banter and snide remarks they always did with each other, and Jessica couldn’t help thinking, ‘This really isn’t so bad. Damien’s a nice guy, his family is nice, and so far, his sisters and Mom haven’t been bad to me, and it’s a good pumpkin patch… It’s really kind of…Easy to pretend.’ She thought with a slight frown at her mixed emotions as she and Damien walked side by side. 
Jessica paused when she saw the Apple Orchard a ways away on the other side of the field. Red apples hung from the faraway trees as a few people with buckets picked them. She stopped in her tracks to stare as a slow sinking feeling dropped in her stomach at all the memories an apple orchard could bring back.
A particular memory of her and the Crowned Prince sneaking off into the Applewood Manors Apple orchard for one of their ‘in-between’ moments. Laughing as he chased her before he caught her, kissing her deeply in secret while Jessica swore she would spend the rest of her life with him.
Damien instantly noticed her expression and stopped alongside her. “Jessica, is something wrong?” 
Jessica shook herself and said, “No, just watching….” 
Damien eyed her as she forced herself to look away. Analyzing her as she had on her poker face. 
Suddenly, they were interrupted when Lucilla walked over to them and said, “Dames, Mamá, and Carina need help with their pumpkins… Jessica, if you want, we can go to the shop together and snag some cider and donuts for everyone. “ 
Jessica didn’t get to answer as Lucilla grabbed her hand, all while Jessica gave Damien a sideways glance as she was practically dragged away. 
Damien nodded, “Sure thing. That’s my job here, apparently, Pumpkin carrier…Try not to keep Jes- my Girl, too long.” He gave Jessica a slight cringing smile as he left.
"No promises, Dames." 
Jessica gave Lucilla a look as she let go of her hand, “... You’re gonna interrogate me, aren’t you?” 
Lucilla shrugged, “It’s not an interrogation, just…Just Girl talk. About things about my brother.” 
Jessica released an exasperated sigh as all she thought in her head, ‘Fuck my life.’ 
A short while later, Jessica and Lucilla had cider in their hands as they sat on a bench. Lucilla wasted no time asking, “So, how long have you known my brother?” 
“Long enough. A year.” 
“And we never heard about you because?” 
Jessica shrugged, “We were friends first. I actually never expected…This, but here we are.” Jessica laughed slightly, trying to come off as genuine as possible.
“And uh, how did…This happen? Like, was it endless crushing on one of your parts, or did you both just randomly decide?...” She asked while trailing off. 
Jessica shrugged, “I think it just kind of happened. A snarky remark here, a dig there, and before you know it, we hit it off.” Jessica gave a small smile. “I guess it was our way of flirting.” 
Lucilla watched Jessica intently as Jessica sipped her cider and asked her, “So, do you know everything about Damien?” 
“Um, yeah. I’m pretty sure I do.” 
“Do you? Because my brother plays this cynical tough guy act to protect himself. “ 
Lucilla continued, “He’s had a lot of heartbreak. He won’t tell us, but this one woman he claimed was only a ‘colleague’ on the force messed him up pretty badly. The minute she ‘left’ work and was gone from his life or whatever, he became bitter and depressed. We couldn’t even say Alana’s name without him getting the biggest frown on his face and looking like a kicked puppy. There was Kai Parks; she had led him on for months. Now she is getting married. Dames has never really found his ‘Perfect Match.’ He’s become such a pessimist about relationships. 
Jessica opened her mouth slightly to form the words. “I…I didn’t know.” 
“Yeah, well, that’s Dames. He hides everything because he doesn’t want to burden people.” She sighed and swirled her cider in her cup. “I just want to ensure he’s not dealing with another heartbreak.” 
“No, I would never do that to your brother Lucilla.” 
She gave Jessica a skeptical stare. “Yeah? Then can you actually see a future with my brother? He doesn’t need a fling; he needs a woman who will love him as much as he loves her. Long term.” 
Jessica sighed and sat her cider down to turn to Lucilla on the bench. “Listen, Lucilla. I get it. I have two brothers of my own and my own issues with the women they’ve dated. I don’t know where this is going with Damien and me, but we’re just testing the waters now. But I can tell you I have no intentions of hurting him.” 
“Then what do you love about him?” 
She sat back to stare at Jessica and replied, “I want some proof. Do you really give a shit about him, or are you just stringing him along?” 
Jessica groaned internally and thought, ‘God, I’m getting grilled by a teenage.’
Jessica cleared her throat and muttered, “Well, he’s… He’s actually the most annoying jerk but in an endearing way. He’s competitive, and we clash, but we also get along just as much…Um, He’s family oriented; I can tell that already … He’s kind and passionate…Responsible… He’s protective and puts others before himself… He’d be a great Dad if he wanted that.” The more she spoke, the more her voice trailed off as her mind wandered. 
Lucilla had a smile slowly stretched across her face as she said, “...I believe you.” She patted Jessica’s knee, “And I think he’s in love with you too. It’s why I grilled you so much just now, just to be sure he’s not going to get burned.” 
“Uh...You think so?” Jessica cautiously asked, taken aback and blinking at Lucilla.
Lucilla exclaimed, “Of course! Have you seen the way he looks at you? Every time we looked at you two, you were both laughing at something, and he had this dumb, goofy smile every time he looked at you. Trust me; a sister knows when her brother’s in love…Right?” Lucilla nudged her a bit.
Jessica felt a strange mix of emotions she couldn’t quite place as she slowly nodded. She cleared her throat and changed the subject, “So if the interrogation is over, I think we should get these donuts for everyone before we eat them all.” 
 “Or we could tell them they ran out and talk some more….” 
“I think the cinnamon sugar dust is a dead giveaway,” Jessica muttered as she wiped some dust off Damien’s Mets Jersey. “Besides, I told you everything so far. You want my social security number, too, in case?” Jessica chuckled.
Lucilla laughed and said, “Fine. Besides, I think that Damien’s like a prized possession you’re wearing. He’d instantly know you got something on it, and then the secret donuts would be a giveaway, and I know Isabela she’ll complain till we go back and get her some, and then Dames would cry all day that his prized shirt is ruined or some shit like that. “Lucilla gave an eye roll. “I mean, you’re a Mets fan too, obviously.” 
Jessica had to hide the grimace as she forced it out. “Uh yeah. I totally love that team…Just love them.” She lied as Lucilla got up with the bag of donuts, and they walked back.
Lucilla smiled at her and said, “Well, he must love you to let you wear his prized Jersey.” 
‘More like he thought it would be hilarious.’ Jessica thought. 
Lucilla continued, “I like you so far.” 
Jessica raised a brow, “Well, I like you too. So did I pass the test?” 
Lucilla laughed, “Yeah, I think Dames finally got someone.” She gave Jessica a smile, and Jessica gave a smile back.
‘You made it. You’ve been questioned; you did the cute couple thing like holding hands; you picked the stupid pumpkin together and lied through your teeth that you liked that shitty team…After this, you can just stop and go back to the arrangement you both have. No feelings, no romance, no future together. ‘Jessica reasoned with herself as she walked behind Lucilla.
They made it back to everyone as Lucilla handed out donuts and cider. Damien came up to Jessica with a donut in hand, and she couldn’t help noticing how he looked at her, whether it was just realizing it or paranoia from Lucilla.
He asked, “So, did you get to state your case to the judge, or were you thrown the book?” 
“I got my ass handed to me by a teenager.”
“Good. But hold that thought because the jury is still deciding the verdict.” He mumbled as both their gazes landed on Lucilla, whispering something to her sister Hope as they both not so subtly glanced at Jessica.
Jessica softly groaned. “Fucken great.” 
“No, I actually think they like you. I mean, they haven’t said one insult to you all day. For my sisters, that’s saying something.” 
Jessica gave a slight smirk as Damien bit into a donut and had sugar on the side of his mouth. Jessica pointed. “You have some on your cheek.” 
Damien raised his brows and swiped his hand over but missed it twice. She finally sighed and said, “Oh jeezus, here. “As she wiped his cheek with her thumb. 
Even after she got it, her touch unintentionally lingered. Both of them stared at each other as Jessica pulled away, and Carina said, “No, no! Hold that pose!” 
Jessica froze as she saw Carina trying to take a picture. Damien quickly wrapped his arm around the small of her back as Jessica smiled while turning towards Damien.
Carina scoffed, “Come on, be more romantic than that!” 
Jessica glanced at Damien before leaning up and hissing in his ear, “You owe me. Big.” 
Damien cringed and said, “I know, fuck, I know.” Before he leaned down to hold Jessica close and plant a kiss on her cheek while Jessica gave a big smile for the camera. Years earlier, gaining experience from posing for royal media paid off as she effortlessly made it look natural.
“Perfect! God, you’re so photogenic, Jessica. Where did you learn to pose like you’re on a red carpet?” 
Damien released her as Jessica shrugged, “Just practice, I guess.” 
Jessica started walking with everyone who all talked amongst each other, including her in the conversation here and there, before a body of water caught her eye. Some benches and a stone Koi pond were among the red and orange trees.
She felt her heart tightening at the sight of the koi fish swimming around and a couple with their little boy watching the fish.
Damien noticed first as he asked, “Hey, Preciosa?” 
She walked towards the pond away from the group as Damien looked concerned and asked again, “Jessica?” 
“I’ll just be a moment.” Jessica softly gave as she watched the koi fish. 
Damien stopped to watch her from afar as his sisters walked over to the koi pond. The only one behind was Damien’s Mom, who stood beside him watching the beautiful Koi pond, and Jessica.
Damien watched Jessica as she looked curiously at the Koi pond. He was falling for her hard, and there was just a softness about her when she fed the fish. His sisters were quite taken with her, with remarks here and there to Damien throughout the day about how she seemed to fit into their idea of who Damien should be with.  
“Ángel, I want to talk to you about this girl.” 
“Si Mamá dime (Yes, mom, talk to me).” Damien scrunched up his nose and listened to his Mother.
“I’m not a fool; this girl isn’t your girlfriend.”
Damien blinked at that as he looked down at his Mother and asked, “How do you know?”
“You look at her like you want her to be yours.”
“That obvious?” Damien gave a sigh.
“Si Hijo. What makes her special to you?”
“Mamá, when I’m with her, the nightmares go away. She makes me smile and laugh, and I can tell her anything, and she won’t judge me. I’m falling in love with her. I don’t know when it happened, but it’s happening.” 
Damien looked over at Jessica, laughing with Lucilla about something as Lucilla pointed at the water. “I want more with her; I’m just afraid to ask.”
“I like her. I like her for you a lot. She is hilarious, and you can tell she is very bright. Hope likes her a lot too, and she is hard to win over.”
“Wow, Hope doesn’t like anyone.” Damien chuckled.
“This girl, is she a family girl?”
“Yea, she has two brothers she is very close to. They are cops; one is Captain, the other a Lieutenant. I actually know the older brother.”
“What about her parents?” 
“They passed away. Her father was a detective, and her Mother was a Social Worker.  
“I see she knows what it’s like for you and your work.”
“She is a cop too. Don’t worry; she is nothing like Alana.” 
“Oh, that I can tell. Alana cared about herself. If she were like Alana, she wouldn’t be here.”
“Mamá, what do I do?”
“Sometimes you have to be willing to lose.”
Damien gazed at Jessica as she turned to give him a soft smile from the koi pond. His Mother’s words rang out in his head as they both stared at one another. Jessica’s smile slowly faded as she stared back, some unspoken conversation going on as they both struggled with what they wanted and what they allowed past the walls they built up.
Damien calmly walked over to her as she returned to looking at the koi fish with his sisters. Damien looked down at the fish as he stood beside her.
“They’re pretty, aren’t they?” Jessica finally said as Damien hummed in agreement.
They watched a bit longer before Jessica released a long sigh. Thinking to herself about her unspoken past. Of the child she lost, they nicknamed Koi, of the life she could have had with Liam.
Jessica frowned slightly as she thought, ‘Look at you, Jessica. You have a great guy standing next to you with a family that already accepts you. You have the opportunity for something here that you didn’t have in Cordonia if you just let it go and move on.’ 
Jessica sucked in a breath with a tight-lipped smile and thought, ‘I already said my goodbyes to Liam but not to you, Koi. I’ll never stop loving you or who you could have been, but I think I need to start learning to try and find some happiness in all of this.’ She almost felt tears in her eyes, but she closed them and held onto the sad smile on her face before walking away from the pond.
Damien watched her intently, a frown in place as he studied her. He followed her as his sisters and Mother started walking, pumpkins in hand, to pay and call it a day.
“...are you alright?” Damien asked.
Jessica nodded and replied, “Yeah, I think so.” 
She and Damien hung back as he spoke in low tones, “Thanks again for this.”
“No, it was…It was fun. I actually enjoyed today with your family.” 
Damien released a hearty chuckle, “Oh, don’t deny it. You secretly love my team.” 
“Yeah, I did…But you owe me for wearing a stupid Mets Jersey in public, and now Carina has it on camera.” 
“Is that why your team ate shit last night?” 
Damien lowered his head to whisper as he slung an arm around her as they walked, “Remember what else happened last night?” 
Jessica smirked, “Remind me again later…You do owe, after all…SIR” 
“All night if you need.” He promised as they walked side by side, Jessica leaning into him for the first time openly in public as Damien smiled to himself and held her close. 
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georgiesgirl1223 · 1 year
Multi fandom writing
Pixelberry Choices
The Royal Romance
8 Ball, Corner Pocket - Drake x MC
Marry Me - Drake x MC
Blood Bound
Two's Love, Four's a Crowd - Adrian x MC x Jax x Adam
Perfect Match
Driving Dangerously - Damien x MC
Peeping Damien - Damien x MC
Eyes Forward - Damien x MC
Harry Potter
Unearthed Secrets - Professor Lupin x Reader
Tom Hiddleston
Sangria - Tom Hiddleston x Named female reader
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CFWC F/AotW Jan 7 - 13, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Complete BOLAS list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Crimes F!MC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms
Hello, Goodbye - Jimmy Rose ✒️ by @inlocusmads
Hello, Goodby - Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms
kindness and other things you can expect from your boss 🎨| Trystan Thorne x F!MC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd for @inlocusmads
Sebastyan Thorne Case File🎨by @lilyoffandoms
Second Language (Series) ✒️ | Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads Chapter 2
The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm ✒️| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
ACOR MC 🎨 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Beckett Harrington Fanart 🎨 by @artbyalz
Shreya Mistry Fanart🎨Ⓜ️ by @ayayapap
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @hydn-jpg for @cadybear420
Immortal Desires NB!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma
No Second Chances ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Lincoln Aquino (McQuoid) x M!MC - @linkysmommy
Noah x MC Fanart 🎨 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Spirit, Stay Gentle (1/2) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Lincoln McQuoid x M!MC - @abelflints
His Barbie, Her Ken ✒️🔹| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Nik Ryder x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @artbyalz for @ladylamrian
Complete Open Heart list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Hayden Young x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @somewillwin for @rosepetals1
Post Christmas Bliss 🎨🔹| Thomas Hunt x F!OC - by @wisejazz (C: @theartoflovingthomashunt)
Complete TRR list - Week of Jan 7 - 13
Jeff Duffy x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Twenty-Five ✒️🔹| Troy Hassan, F!MC - @jerzwriter
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bebepac · 2 years
The Galentine’s Day Queens
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First off thank you @peonierose for sending me a Valentine’s Day pic, that got this idea rolling. I was planning to write on one of the gaggle of series I should be trying to finish but up popped this little one shot.  This really wouldn’t have happened if you haven’t sent that ask to me, so thank you. :)
It crosses TRR x Open Heart  as it features Casey Valentine as a friend to Riley Brooks the TRR Character. 
I used the quote from @choicesflashfics prompt 2: I thought that if I acted like it didn’t matter, than it wouldn’t.”  which will appear in bold.  
This also can be a submission for @choices-february2023​ prompt for Day 13 Galentine’s Day. 
The Book:  TRR x Open Heart Pairings:  None:  All characters are single Word Count: 997 Warnings and Ratings: None:  minus the curse words in the mood board.  LOL Summary:  Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines.
Original Post: 02/13/23 at 3:01PM EST.
“I thought that if I acted like it didn’t matter that it wouldn’t.” 
“Of course it matters, Von left.  He left the both of us high and dry.  Well not exactly dry, we’ve been covering his portion of the rent for months.”
“I didn’t think he’d really leave, or was serious, I mean just going to California without a plan? He has no money, no job, no place to live?”
“I know.”  
“I need more stability in my life than what he attempted to provide, if you can even call it that.  Things weren’t great between us for quite some time.”  
“It’s true.”  
Riley wiped away the tears from her eyes and took a long sip from her drink.
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“I don’t even know why I’m crying right now.”  
“It’s because it’s the end of your romantic relationship with him.  But it’s also the beginning of whatever else is out there for you, and something great is out there for you. Hell for all of us.  But we won’t find it sitting inside this apartment, eating chips and queso all night.”    
Riley leaned in and rested her weight on Daniel; he always had a way of making her feel better.  
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“Get dressed.”  
“What? I thought we were staying in tonight?”  
“Um what?  Not on Galentine’s Day, we’ve got reservations.  Put on something nice, and I’m talking top shelf nice. The girls are meeting us there.”  
“Who all is going?”  
“You’ll see when we get there.”  
Riley pulled out the outfit in the back of her closet that she had found at a small shop that  because of a small tear in the fabric, they were selling at a steal.  She had decided to fix it, and it was clearly a smart idea.  A dress that would have cost thousands, she got for a hundred, and now she was wearing it looking like a million dollars.
It’s a pity, she didn’t meet Him that night.  But we all know a woman that “looks like a million dollars” wasn't the thing that would get His attention.  He was looking for more.
“Is it too much Daniel?”
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Daniel himself was wearing a very nice fitted suit.  
“Wow, you look handsome!”
“And you’re beautiful, and we look perfect for where we’re going tonight. Our rideshare will be here in ten.”  
On the ride over he watched Riley.  For the first time in a few weeks after Von had left, she looked excited.
“Just so you know, I’ve been saving for this night for a while.  I’ve put in the reservations almost six months ago.  You’re not paying a dime.  We won’t let you.  It’s something special for you, because of the person you are and you’re always looking out and caring for everyone else, but yourself.”
“It’s true.”  
“This already sounds like too much.”
“Think of it as a belated birthday, friendsgiving, and just because, all combined into one.”
They pulled to a stop, stepping out of the vehicle she gasped, slapping Daniel on the arm, causing him to feign pain but he laughed out loud.
“We’re eating at the Manhatta!!!”  
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“Hell yes we are!”  Mia screamed, giving Riley a hug.
“You know we’re going to totally have to act like we’re part of the upper crust for the evening right?”  Casey chuckled.
“Whilst getting out of our rideshare that the hubcaps don’t even match.”  
“Hey now, at least we all had ‘drivers’ for the evening.”  Riley joined in the joking around.
“Exactly, now ladies shall we go?”  
Linked arm in arm they walked inside.  
Daniel, as if he wasn’t already  a gentleman, started by pulling out all the chairs for the ladies in his company.  
Once menus and first wine samples were passed out, Casey glanced around the restaurant. It  was quite the scene, couples as far as the eye could see, and then them.  
“I feel like people keep looking at us.”
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“Do you blame them? Whereas most of these men here only have one beautiful woman to gaze upon, I have three lovely ladies here for my optical delight.  Girl, they’re just jealous, and trying to figure us out what’s going on over here. But you know, as the saying goes, there are three places you can stay for free?”
“In your own lane!”  Riley giggled.
“Over there,” Mia chimed in.
“And out of my business.” Casey finished up.
Dinner was the most amazing appetizers and dishes they had ever tasted, and everyone cleaned their plates.  
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Before dessert was delivered, four boxes were given to  Daniel to which he smiled and glanced around the table at his friends.
He gently clinked his glass, to silence the others at the table.
“We had all decided months ago that we would come out tonight and celebrate our wonderful friend  Riley, who is always there for us,  and is always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on if we need it, or a swift kick in the pants  and give us tough love.  We all know you’ve been a little down lately, and want you to know we’re here for you and appreciate you, for all that you are and who you are as a person.  You can take this however you want to take this because in every sense of the words, it is true.  You will find what you’re looking for, but more importantly, it will be more than just that, it will be exactly what you need.”  
Riley’s eyes glistened with tears.
“Thank you, Daniel.”  
“We all will. It’s what we deserve.” Riley pulled her friends into a group hug. 
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“But until then….”  Daniel placed a box in front of each person at the table.  “We’re The Galentine’s Day Queens. Put on your crowns.”
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Each person put on their crown.
“I don’t know about you ladies, but I feel like dancing the night away.”  
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That’s exactly what The Galentine’s Day Queens did.
Daniel was also right about his declaration as six months later, Riley ran into Liam Rys, ACTUALLY, on the streets of New York City, and her life was forever changed.
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karahalloway · 11 months
Sleepless in New York: Epilogue - Into The Night
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Series: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: What if Drake met Harper on the first night of Prince Christian’s New York bachelor party? A stand-alone AU written from Drake's POV.
Masterlist: Sleepless in New York
Chapter Summary: On the long-dreaded night of the Masquerade Ball, Drake has a revelation...
Word Count: 4,600
Rating/Warnings: M (angst, way too many f-bombs, drinking, references to drug-use, fluffy fluff fluff)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: This is my slightly belated submission for @choicesprompts Flufftober 2023 event I got this out as fast as I could! The prompt that this fits is '31 - You don’t know me and I promise I’m not a creepy stalker but...' and possibly this one:
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A/N2: I have no clue how many people actually listen to the chapter theme songs for these fics, but if you have time, I highly encourage you to listen to this one! I dredged it from the depths of my Middle School memories because I realised that it was perfect for this chapter (in my head, if Sleepless were a movie/TV show, this is the song that would play as the end credits song).
Epilogue - Into The Night
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"You okay?"
I shoot a scoff across the room. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"You could," Chris concedes, meeting my eye through the full-length mirror as he adjusts a cuff. "But I am not the one who has been staring into that whiskey glass for the past ten minutes."
"Speak for yourself," I reply, quickly draining what's left of my drink. "You've been eyeing up your reflection for the past fifteen."
"I just want to make a good first impression, is all..." he admits while obsessing over the gold aiguillette draped across his jacket.
"Isn't that what the job of the so-called ladies?" I ask dryly, dropping the now empty glass back onto the bar cart.
"I am certain they will be pulling out all the stops," he sighs, smoothing his already immaculate hair down. "But, given the occasion, it is only fair that I reciprocate."
"Well, short of emergency Botox, I think you've more than crossed that T."
Chris snaps his head around in bewilderment. "Pardon me?"
I shrug apathetically. "You're fast approaching thirty, buddy. And those crow's feet aren't doing you any favours."
He quirks a brow at me. "I think you'll find that they are laugh lines..."
"Now you're just splitting grey hairs, old man..."
Chris bursts out laughing. "Speak for yourself, Drake! You were born three months before me!"
"True," I concede. "But unlike you, I ain't got no wrinkles."
His mouth pulls into a knowing smirk. "Only because you hide them under all that unkept facial hair!"
"You should try it sometime," I riposte, running my hand suggestively over the bristles on my jaw.
Chris shakes his head with a wry grin. "I must've done something very wrong at some point for you to be my best friend..."
I spread my arms. "Hey. I'm just here to keep you humble."
Chris scoffs. "Yes. By reminding me that I'm fast approaching middle age..."
"It took your mind off the Ball, didn't it?"
"Yes," he concedes after a pause. "I suppose it did."
"Not just a hat rack, my friend," I grin with a tap on my temple. "But seriously. You look great. Warts and all."
A wan smile ghosts his lips. "Thanks, mate. You don't look too shabby yourself."
I glance down at the black tux that I'm wearing. "Yeah. Well... Given the occasion, I figured I should make some kind of effort as well."
"You know you don't have to dress up on my account... I know how much you dislike donning evening wear."
"Tell that to the prick who put 'black tie' on the invite..."
Chris chuckles. "That would be my father."
"Figures..." I say with a roll of my eyes. "He's got more dinner jackets than you can shake a stick at."
"A necessity when you are a king, I'm afraid..." Chris reminds me. "But at least it isn't a white tie 'do."
"Oh, sweet Jesus..." I groan, remembering the last royal event that I had to subject myself to in a bow tie and matching waistcoat. "I was sweating like a priest in a brothel strapped up in that monkey suit."
"It certainly did not help that the air conditioning system had been broken..."
"In the middle of a heatwave..." I add. "With five hundred people packed into a room."
"Yes, that Venice trip certainly was memorable."
"For all the wrong reasons," I grunt sourly. "I somehow managed to get food poisoning as well."
"I remember," nods Chris sympathetically. "But at least you missed the terrible opera."
"Honestly, I would've traded that hellhole of a night for an entire week's worth of bad arias..." I grumble. "I definitely got the short end of the stick in that trade."
"You only say that because you do not know what it is to sit through four hours of off-key yodelling," Chris says with grimace.
"No," I admit solemnly. "Because I always bring earplugs."
Chris' eyes widen. "And you never thought to share them?"
"Doesn't really work if you only block one ear..."
Chris rewards my factual clap-back with a shove. "You are a sod, you know that right?"
"Thought that was old news," I reply with a grin, dodging out of the way.
"And yet you nevertheless continue to raise the bar..."
"Hey," I wink as I reverse my way back to the bar cart. "I have high standards."
Chris shakes his head with a wry grin. "You're impossible."
"Thought I was a sod," I quip over my shoulder as I refill both our glasses.
"An impossible sod," accedes Chris wryly as he slips on his monogrammed Breitling.
"Just so we're clear..." I smirk as I retrace my steps to offer him one of the tumblers.
"Thanks," he acknowledges, taking the heavy crystal. "What shall we toast to?"
I think for a second. "How 'bout blind, dumb luck?"
Chris lifts a brow. "That's a new one."
"Seems to be in short supply of late," I tell him, raising my glass.
"Very true," he agrees. "To Lady Luck, then! May she bestow her golden smile upon us once again!"
"'Cause we could all do with a fuckin' break," I add dryly, clinking my glass against his.
Chris brings the gin to his mouth with a laugh. "Did we not just have one?"
"Not all of us," I remind him, throwing my refill back.
"Well, we'll need to make sure you take some time in lieu, then."
"I'll be fine," I assure him. "I'll just chalk it up as overtime."
Chris chuckles. "At the rate you're going, you'll soon have more overtime on the books than regular time."
"Yeah, well..." I shrug. "Shit needs doing. But I'm planning on dropping off the grid for a couple of weeks once the Bash is behind us."
"Take a whole month," Chris advises, clapping a hand onto my shoulder. "You will have more than earned it by then."
I scoff. "I can't just—"
He firms up his grip. "I insist."
Lifting my gaze, I find his clear, emerald eyes locking me down.
I huff out a low breath. "Fine. I'll think about it."
"That is the best I'm going to get out of you, isn't it?"
"Yep," I tell him with a slap on his arm. "Now, hop to it, Cinderella — your ball awaits."
"Yes, I suppose we best get on," he concedes, depositing his empty glass on a side table. "Would be rude to turn up late for my own party..."
Turning on his heel, he strides determinedly towards the door of his suite. The footman stationed by the wall quickly grabs the latch and pulls the door back.
"Here we go..." I mutter under my breath as I drop my tumbler off as well and follow after him.
This is it. The start of the slow, downward skid towards the inevitable. The beginning of the end.
Because tonight's ball kicks off not just the months-long circus that is the social season, but the countdown to Chris' coronation as well.
As despite all the official interviews and press releases, it's no secret within the Palace that Constantine is living on borrowed time. His pancreatic cancer had been diagnosed too late, and even with vigorous treatment, it had spread. And even based on the most optimistic outlook, chances are good that he won't make it to Christmas.
Which is why New York — by necessity — had been such a whirlwind tour. Because any day could end up being the old bastard's last, and Chris has to be ready to step up to the plate at a moment's notice. Not that he isn't already running the country in all but name... It just isn't official yet.
But that's why the race to find the next Queen is exactly that — a high-stakes time-trial where the clock is against everyone.
Especially Chris.
Because if Constantine's condition takes a sudden turn for the worse, Chris may not get the luxury of choice. As some dumbass had had the bright idea a few centuries ago to enact a law that states that Cordonian monarchs must be married or engaged at the time of their coronation. Which means that Chris' hand could end up being forced by circumstances — and selfish interests — outside his control.
So, we better pray that he finds someone, and fast. Or that the doctors are wrong. Ideally both.
Otherwise, we're gonna be up the proverbial creek without a paddle, hurtling down the rapids of a constitutional crisis that could very literally tear the kingdom apart.
"Well... This is it," declares Chris as we arrive at the doors of the ballroom.
"Yep," I agree over the soft hubbub of gossip and classical music that's seeping out into the ante-room we're standing in. "Last chance to cut and a run."
"I am honestly considering it," he admits with a shaky laugh as the footmen prepare to open the double-height doors.
"Hey," I say, stepping in front of him. "If you need a time out—"
He shakes his head. "I'll be fine."
"You sure?" I ask, fixing him with a critical eye as I wave at the staff to hold their horses.
"Yes," he nods determinedly. "Just... Just some last-minute nerves, is all."
"Understandable," I concede. "There are only about a dozen girls on the other side of that door waiting to throw themselves at you."
He eyes the barrier uneasily. "I suppose I should feel flattered..."
"...but you're seriously thinking about jumping off the balcony."
He bites out a strangled laugh. "Is it that obvious?"
"You never could beat me at poker."
"Shit..." he mutters, running an agitated hand down his face.
"Hey," I say, clamping my hands onto his shoulders to make him look at me. "It's a fucked up situation. I get it. Your dad's got one foot in the grave, you're trying to run a country, and the last thing you want to do is play Royal Bachelor in front of all these tossers. But you need a Queen. And the season's your best bet at finding one."
"But how will I know which is the one?"
"You won't," I admit. "Until you do."
Christ knows Gale struck me like white lightning out of the blue...
His lips curve into a ghost of a smile. "Blind, dumb luck..."
"Blind, dumb luck," I confirm, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Chris heaves a low exhale. "Here's to chance, then."
"Knock 'em dead, buddy," I say with a grin as I step back.
Chris lines himself up in front of the entranceway again. The footmen reach for the handles as the herald takes his position.
I give everyone the go.
The double doors swing open, and the herald clears his voice.
The music and the hubbub come to an abrupt halt as every neck in the room cranes around with unfettered interest.
"Preeesenting His Royal Highness, the Duke of Applewood!"
Chris squares his shoulders and lifts his head. And just like that, the man disappears and in his place stands the Prince — cool, composed, collected — any wayward reservations masked behind the diplomatic smile he's been practising since the age of three.
The crowd parts...
...and with one final inhale, Chris steps over the threshold and the doors close behind him.
A breath that I didn't realise I'd been holding explodes out of me.
Phase 1 — check.
Now to try and get through the remainder of the ball without any front-page scandals, culinary clusterfucks, or assassination attempts upsetting the carefully staged high-society apple cart.
Because I hadn't been joking earlier when I'd said we could all do with a fuckin' break. The media storm kicked up by Leo's abdication was still raging in full force through the pages of the tabloids, and it's only gonna be a matter of time before the paps get wind of Constantine's condition.
Which is why it's so critical that tonight's event goes off without a hitch. As the royal family — Chris especially — is in desperate need of a publicity uplift before the coronation... and the funeral.
And it's my job to quarterback while Bastien coordinates from the command centre.
So, I need to be especially on it tonight. As we can't afford any cock-ups.
Spinning on my heel, I make my way towards the closest side-door as I activate the hidden mic clipped to my jacket. "Falcon has flown, over."
"Confirmed," comes the crackled sound of Bastien's voice over the comms. "Blue Team — do you have eyes on Falcon?"
"We have eyes on Falcon, over," affirms Marquez.
"Walker, you're clear to take up secondary position, over."
"Roger that, over."
I feel my shoulders relax slightly as I reach the end of the service corridor.
So far, so good.
Just need to stay focused for the next six-or-so hours, and make sure that nothing goes sideways.
Opening the white-washed door in front of me, I slip into the ballroom near the back of the royal dais. Clicking the latch closed softly behind me, I catch sight of Constantine.
He's dressed to the nines in full royal regalia, patent oxfords polished to within an inch of their life. But the carefully coordinated window dressing can't hide the fact that the old man is a shadow of his former self.
His cheeks are sunken, his greying hair is sparse, and despite the carefully applied make-up, his skin lacks the usual vigour of health.
But I gotta hand it to the man. Despite his failing health, he's out here tonight. Putting on a united front for the sake of the kingdom — for the sake of his son — to make sure that the royal show goes on. Even if it fucking kills him.
Because that's the price of duty.
And regardless of his other failings — of which there are many — you have to respect him for that, if nothing else.
He spots me out of the corner of his periphery. "Drake..."
"Sir," I acknowledge with a respectful nod, coming to a stop.
"I trust everything is under control?"
He eyes me for a moment before leaning back into his upholstered chair. "Let's ensure that it stays that way."
Knowing a dismissal when I hear one, I resume my path around the perimeter, scanning the crowd as I walk, always keeping at least one eye on Chris.
Because Constantine's direction had been clear.
Don't fuck up.
Not that I plan to.
I learnt my lesson the hard way in New York about taking my eyes off the ball. And like hell am I gonna—
"Managed to find a new shirt, I see..."
I freeze. No fuckin' way.
I must've imagined it. A trick of the space... A wayward echo... An auditory illusion.
But if that's true, then who the hell is standing behind me? Eyes locked onto my back like a laser-sight? Their familiar scent tickling my nose?
Camomile with a hint of honey.
I shake my head, trying to rejig my senses.
It doesn't work.
Which leaves me with just one option.
Steeling myself, I turn slowly around, part of me convinced that I've well and truly lost the plot, part of me 'bout ready to believe in miracles.
Because that voice... Here? That's just not possible. Unless there was something in that whiskey and I'm tripping major ballsacks right now.
Wouldn't be the first time Max pulled a stunt like that...
But as I complete the about-face, it quickly becomes clear that I ain't just obviously high — I've lost my motherfuckin' mind completely.
That, or a bomb has just gone off in the ballroom and I'm now stood at the Gates of Heaven, about to receive final judgement.
Because I can think of no other scenario that would explain why she's here, in front of me, wrapped in a shimmering, floor-length white dress that clings to her curves like wisps of a dream, a coy smile playing at her lips.
"But I guess you can't show up at a place like this in cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans, huh?"
The soft lilt of her voice slices through me like a boot knife. "Harp—"
I make the mistake of catching her eye.
And whatever semblance of rationale thought I may have had left dissolves instantly in the sparkle of her hazel-green gaze.
The crowd... The Schubert... The entire fucking kingdom crashes into inconsequence as I feel my already tenuous grip on reality slip, leaving me stranded on the twilight edge of reason, struggling for breath.
I have no clue how long I stand there, rooted to the spot like a vegetate stoner as I try — and fail — to make sense of what the actual fuck is happening.
Because this shit? It sure as hell ain't real.
The sound of her voice finally unglitches my brain.
I blink.
But she's still there. Staring at me. Like an unabating hallucination with a bad sense of humour.
With concerted effort, I force myself to choke out the only salient question. "The hell are you doing here?"
"Looking for you."
"You left your jackets behind and—"
My jaw drops. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Who — in their right mind — chases someone halfway around the world? Because of a goddamn jacket?
Nobody. That's who.
The girl's obviously crazy.
Her smile falters slightly. "I thought I'd surprise you..."
"Yeah. Well, I hate surprises," I cut in acerbically, still trying to process this shitshow.
"Yes," she snips, hazel eyes hardening. "That much is becoming clear!"
"What the fuck did you expect, Gale?" I hit back. "That I'd just—?"
"I don't know what I was expecting!" she snaps, the force of her annoyance propelling her forward as she flings an arm out. "But it sure as hell wasn't this!"
"Well, that makes two of us," I bite out, suddenly finding myself nose-to-nose with her. "Because I would've expected a fucking heads-up!"
Her eyes narrow. "Do you know how many Drake Walkers there are online?"
I feel my jaw clench. "What the hell does that—?"
"Over a hundred!" she shouts into my face... loud enough for a few nearby aristos to turn their heads. "And none of them are you!"
I grab her by the arm. "So, you just decide to jump on a plane and—?"
"Yes! Because it's not like I had your number, either, Walker," she continues forcefully, jabbing me in the chest. "Because you just left and—"
"You fucking think I don't know that!" I yell back, the inherent accusation of her words ripping away the last vestiges of my sanity.
Several more heads to turn.
But I don't give a shit.
Because I can't seem to think straight around this girl on the best of days. Let alone when she springs herself on me like some damn jack-in-the-box — for the third fuckin' time just as many days — leaving me slap-faced and scrambling, and then accuses me of being an asshole?
Like fuck am I gonna act rational...
...also, why the hell does she have to look so damn good in that dress?
She's glaring up at me, chest heaving. "This was obviously a bad idea..."
I scoff humourlessly, her face inches from mine. "No fucking shit."
Her body tenses... but in the next instant the fight goes out of her just as fast as it ignited. Dropping her gaze, she mutters, "Glad we got that cleared up..."
There's something in her tone that I can't quite place.
But my burnt-out brain is too slow at cottoning on, and before I have a chance to figure it out, she's spun out of my grasp and I'm left holding nothing but air...
...but by the time I look up, she's already turned and vanished into the crush.
That obviously came out wrong.
But what the fuck had she been thinking? For me to just throw my hat over the moon like some star-struck moron? To sweep her off her feet and kiss her like we were in a goddamn rom-com?
I catch sight of the flash of her honey-caramel hair halfway across the room.
That's exactly what I should've done.
Ignoring every single warning light going off in my head — she's not been vetted, she didn't have an invite, how the fuck did she even find me? — I throw myself after her.
Because as pissed off as I am that she was able to get the jump on me like she did — someone's sure as shit getting fired for that — I can't deny the fact that I'm still a complete and utter fool for her.
And the thought of her walking out on me — like I'd walked out on her — hits worse than a bullet to the gut.
"Harper!" I shout, pushing through the crowd of beady-eyed onlookers to try and get to her, much to their undisguised disgust.
"Oi, watch it, you!"
"C'est intolérable!"
"Do you know who I am!"
But if she hears me over the growing furore, she doesn't stop.
"For fuck's sake..." I grunt under my breath as I momentarily lose sight of her in the sea of heads.
This girl's going to be the death of me.
But if I'm going to have any chance of catching her, I know I need a change of strategy.
Spinning on my heel, I cut a hard and fast path back to the edge of the ballroom, spilling more than a few fancy drinks in the process as I knock aristos out of the way like bowling pins.
Heedless of the chaos left in my wake, I burst out onto the periphery of the crush. Throwing myself into a sprint back towards the tail end of the room, I bump off anyone stupid enough to get in my way.
I'm not losing her again.
Rushing past the raised dais, I see Constantine turn his head in my direction...
...but I've blown past him before he has a chance to open his mouth.
Sliding to a haphazard stop in front of the wall, I pause for just long enough to wrench the hidden door open before hurling myself down the service corridor.
Rushing past doors and junctions on my left and right, I pull up a mental blueprint of the Palace, trying to extrapolate her most likely position based on her speed and prior trajectory, and cross-reference that against how fast I'm going to determine the best option for an interception.
There. The main foyer.
Skidding around a corner, I double-time it down the narrow passageways, praying and hoping that I've been able to make up for time lost in the ballroom.
Arriving at the exit point, I throw myself against the door — nearly dislocating my shoulder in the process — and crash back out into the Palace-proper...
...but I can't see her anywhere.
"Fuck!" I cuss, running an agitated hand through my hair as I spin around.
Maybe I miscalculated. Maybe she's already gone. Maybe—
I collide bodily with someone speeding around the corner from the opposite direction, their head smacking into my jaw.
Agony shoots through my mouth as the unexpected impact causes me to bite down on my tongue.
But the sharp sting of the pain doesn't stop my body from reacting. If anything, it kicks my training into gear. Moving more on instinct than anything else, I execute a targeted sidestep to realign my centre as my hand snaps out to grab the other person by the arm to stop them from falling backwards.
Using their weight as a fulcrum, I redirect the force of our momentum into a spin to bring both of us to a stop next to the wall.
"You okay?" I ask, peering down at the panting, hot mess in my arms.
Gale snaps her head up so fast she nearly breaks my nose as well. "How the hell did you get in front of me?"
"Trade secret," I tell her.
She lays into me. On the exact same spot she hit me last night.
"Christ!" I exclaim, reeling back. "What the hell was that—?"
"For being an asshole!" she decries, hitting me again.
"Asshole?" I scoff. "You fucking ran into me!"
"Well, maybe I wouldn't have done if you hadn't been such a jerk, Walker!" she shouts, smacking me again.
"What do you want, then?" I demand, catching her wrist. "A goddamn apology?"
Her eyes blaze. "It would be a damn good st—"
Fuck it.
Giving her wrist a hard tug, I use the inherent resistance in her arm to yank her forward. And before she has a chance to object, I've crashed my lips against hers.
I hear her suck in a sharp breath of surprise before her body suddenly softens, melting against mine with a sigh as she gives into me.
The scent of her wildflower perfume subsumes me as she throws an arm around my neck, and I'm — at long last — home.
Because it's not until this moment that I realise how much I fucking missed her. Even though I barely know her, and I have no clue how... or even if we can make this — whatever this is — work, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was a monumental idiot for not going back to find her in New York...
...for the fact that I walked out on her in the first place.
Because this girl? She's unlike anything I've ever seen before.
The sheer fact that she's here — despite all the myriad-and-one ways in which I've screwed up with her — proves that.
And I'll be damned if I'll find another like her.
"Harper... I'm sorry," I pant between kisses, reaching up to cup her face in my palms. "For being an asshole... for being a jerk... for getting you fired... for hurting you... for—"
"I'm sorry, too..." she gasps, gripping my hair as my lips skate down her neck. "I didn't mean to... freak you out... like that... and I should've—"
"How did you even get here?" I ask, spinning her around to press her up against the wall behind me.
"Leo," she moans, arching up towards me as I drop a hand down to her ass, pulling her back into me. "He came to the apartment and—"
I scoff as I capture her mouth again. "Un-fuckin'-real..."
I'm gonna murder the bastard.
Because if this is his batshit way of saying 'thank you' for me being here for Chris instead of him, then he's definitely more than one brick shy of a load.
As regardless of whatever kind of happy reunion he'd cooked up in his mind, there's only one possible outcome to this royal SNAFU — me losing my job. Because there's no way in hell that Bast will be able to overlook the fact that I deserted my post to chase after a girl.
As unlike last time, there are a good two-dozen witnesses who can throw me under the bus. And they'll do so with impunity, given half a chance. Because one of those witnesses is Constantine. And no way is he gonna let such a flagrant dereliction of duty fly. Especially not after the very clear command he gave me.
Plus, it's not like I can justify my behaviour with any kind of rational argument. Or swear on a stack of Bibles that I won't do it again.
I'd tried that in New York.
It hadn't worked.
But as I glance down at Gale's flushed face, one thing is crystal clear.
I'll deal with that shit in the morning...
~ Fin ~
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A/N: This is it! We have arrived at the end! 🤗 Thank you so much for bearing with me over the course of this fic, which has been 2 long years in the making! Hopefully, the journey was worth it! There will be some Extras in the near future (art, a bonus chapter), but no ETA on any of these yet (too many other WIPs I want/need to finish). Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, reblog, comment, emote, and generally encourage me through this project! I - for one! - have certainly grown to love Drake more as a result! 🥰 Hope you have too!
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
Sleepless in New York only
Picture Credits: Harper - Cordonia - Drake - Constantine - Kiss - Christian
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Although it would not count as an improvement, I think TRR wouldn't be a multi LI book but rather a Single LI with Liam and Lena
I honestly think a bunch of the older books would be single LI books if they were released today. TRR is the biggest, most definite one.
Some others:
-The Crown & The Flame (they really pushed Kenna X Dom throughout all three books)
-Rules of Engagement
-Perfect Match
-Big Sky Country
-Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
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Masterlist Week 2
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Immortal Desires
Indigo Night | Cassius Harlow x NB!MC; NB!OC - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart
Abundance | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
After Dark Part Two: Satisfaction Guaranteed | Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Death Stare | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @headoverheelsforramsey
No One Else... Part 1 of 2 | Tobias Carrick x F!MC; Ethan Ramsey; Sienna Trinh - @jerzwriter
Not the Right Person | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Aurora Emery - @lucy-268
Sadie's Self Care Sunday #22 | F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Jackie Varma; Aurora Emery; Kyra Santana; Esme Ortega - @peonyblossom
Simple Pleasures | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
The Unexpected Valentine | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Bryce Lahela; Jackie Varma; Elijah Greene - @liaromancewriter
Unhealthy Snack | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
Valentine Memories | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Alan Ramsey - @liaromancewriter
Perfect Match
Noot Noot | Sloane Washington; F!Hayden Young; F!MC - @lizzybeth1986
Crossover: The Royal Romance x Open Heart
The Galentine’s Day Queens | TRR F!MC; OH F!MC; TRR F!OC; TRR M!OC - @bebepac
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
Good gracious... We knew it was too good to be true to think that maybe our tags were working correctly this week! NEWSFLASH: they're not. Ugh, our apologies if you got a tag for the 9/20 post... again. Who wants to yell it with us? You ready? *clears throat*
On to better things...
Check out this AMAZING ✨NEW✨ playlist! I can vouch that this group of songs will get you up and grooving to your chores! Give it a listen!
And the best part: several of these fanfictions have ALREADY BEEN RELEASED! They are linked below (look for the 📖), so go give these creators some love! Read, like, comment and reblog!
Thanks for another fabulous MMM! We'll see y'all again SOOOOOON!
📖 “Don’t Let the Light Go Out” - Panic! At The Disco; Don’t Let the Light Go Out (OPH; Tobias Carrick x MC)
📖 School Days, The Adorkable Liam Rys (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“Take Me There” - Blackstreet, Mya, Mace, Blinky Blink “Gangsta’s Paradise” - Coolio, LV
“Toothbrush” - DNCE;  Falling for you, one-shot (Forged in Fire AU) [TRR/Perfect Match; Damien x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
“ME!” - Taylor Swift ft. Brendan Urie; Needle in a Haystack, one-shot (Prince Charming AU Pencil Chronicles) [TRR/TRH; Liam x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
“Angel by the Wings” - Sia; Dying young, part 1 (OPH; no pairing)
“Footprints” - Sia; What dreams may come, part 1 [TRR; Liam Rys x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
📖 “Shine a Light” - BANNERS; Irreplaceable, Chapter 21: I’m Only Looking for a Little Peace (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
📖 “Beige” - Yoke Lore;  Irreplaceable,  Chapter 22: Do You Wonder if Every Stupid Little Thing Has Led Us to This? (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
📖 “Night Changes” - One Direction; When in Rome: Changes (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
Tags (please let us know if you'd like to be added/removed)
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @phoenixrising308 @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
This is long, go get a drink and a snack!!
Legend (for those not in this fandom):
MC=Main Character/you
TRR=The Royal Romance
TRH=The Royal Heir (Sequel books)
Not that anyone cares, but I've been playing Choices on my phone for like a year. It was like my comfort game when my mom was passing away. Not every book in Choices is something I would support or read for myself, but The Royal Romance, Distant Shores and Perfect Match are a few of my favorites. I'm sure I'd write them a bit differently and I won't get into the hows or whys here, but I would.
I got suuuuper into The Royal Romance, so here's headcanons for my game and random crap, just because it's a niche fandom and no one talks about it except for like here and Reddit. (I only lurk on Reddit.)
I don't think the early character designs are THAT bad. (Saw a post really bashing into them once.) One that could use some work is Maxwell's. Oh, and the actual blonde Liam the book wants you to use is ewww (to me anyway). Yeah, I'd change him up A LOT! I believe this was one of Choices first books they put out, so that explains it.
Liam is named Vincent for me, and since I adore hot Asian men, I picked that face. ((Purrs)). Gonna get a button of him off Pixelberry's tiny TRR selection in their store sometime. Maybe that cuters corgi phone case if it fits mine or my future phone.
Naturally, I got to the point of madness and started using Taylor Kitsch's voice in my head for Drake, since he looks like him. (My first thought in my first play was "LOL, he looks like Gambit!") So, looks like Gambit, acts like a more romantic verison of Wolverine and loves his whiskey. Vincent has him one upped for being a Prince/King. Drake and I's daughter will be named Morgan. Simple, but fitting as Drake is no frills and I've always loved that name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_OmNBXes3k
I felt bad for Vincent, so instead of doing my usual "take 30,000 years to pick a name" rigamaroll, I let him choose Elanor for our daughter. Maxwell's baby is named Baylana, because that's actually my top pick if I ever had a girl. (It's pretty to me, can be shortened to Bay and nicknamed Bayleaf, like the Pokemon...or the spice.)
I don't know where my brain pulled Vincent's voice, but it reminds me of a gentler, softer sounding Cyclops from X-Men:Evo, but not exact. If I ever hear it anywhere specific, I'll let you know. (1) X-Men: Evolution Jean and Scott favorite moments - YouTube
Since Maxwell starts off the immature, fun one, I got it in my head he should sound like Iceman from X-Men Evo. I think it fits. https://youtu.be/wtoQjM8eX3A?t=79
Hana's voice is another one pulled from some obscure part of my brain. It's pleasant sounding, but not from any specific character. Closest would be a sweeter sounding 90s Sailor Mars, probably after SMR, because she didn't do that whole "grr-ing" shrill (??) noise with her voice that the earlier one did. And voice file not found!
Bertrand sounds like a smarter, slightly deeper version of Nigel Thornberry, who was voiced by the awesome Tim Curry. Gen Z, go look that crap up about The Wild Thornberry's, it's great! I just saw him and thought "butler"! Hence the voice. (I know he's NOT a butler, but he looks like one.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr-CFZCphjM
It was soooo stupid, but with Vincent's baby in TRH book 2, I picked the Mexican/other looking baby because I thought it was the cutest. Looks TOTALLY out of place in the pictures with the family together, so in my headcanon, she's lighter. Probably should've just gone with the Asian looking baby, but I wanted her to look more like me, because the book didn't already have enough narcissism. (Kidding!) Edit: Bahahaha! I'm not the only one who said "That one single white brown-haired baby we get is ugly, I'm picking this one!" (3) Pinterest (But really, picked her for my Maxwell route and she looks TONS better smiling!)
My heart lies with Vincent and his stability, even if he is a bit bland and straightforward with a fun/smexy side, but my hormones want Drake, as explained above. Maxwell is the bestie who I really thought was super sweet in my first play-through, but I probably wouldn't go for usually (in fiction or real life because I've almost never fallen for the funny, goofy guy), but I gave him a shot. He's the personality of the three and has a lovely character arc.
Hana is great, a good friend, but I would've given her more character flaws besides "my parents controlled me and I had no friends before you guys, so I'm insecure in my decisions and have low self-esteem/self-confidence." All the characters could use more flaws, but I guess that's why they're games and not a TV series or something. At least they're fleshed out, fully realized (whatever that means) and mostly well-written. MC is a bit naive or something though.
Savannah should've been less bland in personality. (again, an issue.) There's literally nothing that makes her stand out. It's reeeeally hard to see why she fell head over heels for Bertrand. I know the book explains why, but...I don't see it? IDK, maybe she would've looked better as an auburn brunette or another redhead besides Olivia. Maybe more like this? Look-Alike Face Models/Women - 2018 | Choices: Stories You Play Wiki | Fandom
Also, this is Savannah: Savannah Walker | Choices: Stories You Play Wiki | Fandom
Likewise, it's hard to see why Bertrand falls for her because of her personality. She's a bit fiery and outspoken, and she's a nice girl, but that's about it. What the heck? Missed the mark with her. She could've been Drake's complete opposite; Tough looking but shy and introverted. (Or would that be beautiful, but tough on the inside? Crap. Well, you get it.) Just SOMETHING INTERESTING!!
Olivia is awesome, like, super awesome, but sure goes on about smiting her enemies a lot for someone who's never canonically killed someone. Not that I want a bunch of gore and violence, but a bit more drama like she accidentally killed but got off on a technicality or it was never proven. Edit OR...or something lighter. Don't know why I went so dark, sorry. Maybe she accidentally stabbed a few awful people or something in her mis-spent youth, lolz.
*Shrugs* Like, if you're gonna make your character all...light violent (she talks about having knives all the time, but never stabs anyone, thankfully)...at least give us some kind of thing to chew on to finalize her mystique, her personality, give it some weight. Make her satisfying for us so it makes more sense. Committ to how you made her, Pixelberry! Hope this makes sense. Also, as much as I love Hana, I'd trade her straight across for Olivia as the there-all-the-time best friend. She doesn't quite avoid or subvert the action-girl trope, but at least she's equally feminine. That's not always the case.
VARIED BODY TYPES ALREADY!! I knoowwww the art is hard enough to create with just skin/hair colors alone, as I draw for a hobby, never mind objects and those killer, stellar animated backgrounds, but they already re-use characters to make it easier. I'm a sad panda that TRR (and all other books) can look mostly like me, but don't have my body type. I would DIE HAPPY if Drake/some other man were drooling over me as me and not skinny-minnie-Mary-Sue-esque-Main-Character-body-number-five!! (No offense to skinny or average weight people, but we don't all look that perfect.) Come to that, more skin types and vitiligo like Disney Dream Light Valley graciously put out would be awesome. They wouldn't have to give us moles and whatever, but some more variation would be beyond lovely!! Dear gawds, could you imagine seeing even side characters with vitiligo in a Choices game?!?!
Edit: I'm not saying EVERY book should be re-tooled to have chubby/really skinny MCs, but maybe just a handful of books that are popular or proven to have done well. Then go on to do that for newer books. If you're gonna have 5 faces and one body type and give all this time and attention to the details, just go whole hog and put the body types in there too! Giving us even one big girl and one waif-like one would be a major improvement. I can play as a girl two sizes bigger than I actually am, no complaints. We're just not all shaped the same and by now, Choices should really try and reflect that, even if it's a small change in one or two books to start.
I wish the VIP weren't the price it is, but I find it's worth it and it's painful waiting for more keys.
WHEN ARE WE GETTING A MERMAID BOOK?! THAT IS NOT 17+ glorifying abuse or whatever...stuff? (Not my cup of tea, thank you.)
I just want more fantasy books, dagnabit!!
My stupid dipstick self thought my Drake route for TRH couldn't POSSIBLY be that far along even though every book saves your stopping point if you leave, so I restarted the book. I AM AN IDIOT!!...But I'm not complaining too much because it's a bit nice doing the book all over again with my other favorite fictional hubby. ^_~
If there's TRR fan fiction, I probably need to find it. I want more of this series.
Okay, getting all these feelings out was kind of tiring. And it's only Thursday. 0_o Hope you enjoyed reading this insanity.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
The Greatest Show
This Is Me
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A new series- all chapters are based on each song from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont- this chapter also includes a Perfect Match/TRR crossover
Warnings: Swearing, sarcasm 😉, smut
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@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816
Amber ran to her room, wanting to ignore Madeleines malicious attitude- she couldn’t help but wonder if they were lies. When her mother moved away once she reached 18, she often spoke about people in Cordonia- one being the Beaumont’s but the other being Jackson, now known as Jackson Walker- Drakes father.
“Do you miss Cordonia?”
“I miss our family especially Barthelemy. I was also close to a handsome man called Jackson- he was the main kings guard. He was very nice- supportive with anyone, a family man. I heard that he tragically died leaving behind his wife and two children. Amber. I will never stop you from seeing your family. I know the Beaumont’s come here, but if you ever want to go back- that is your choice.”
“No thank you. If the other nobles are like Bertrand, my ass is staying right here in New York.”
Picking up the landline in her room, she dialled the number that she had memorised over the years.
“Amber! How are you?”
“I need to come home soon. I need answers about my life. Answers about my father.”
“Because I think I’ve slept my brother. Please. I’ll let you know when I’m returning.”
Hanging up she laid back in bed, her mind running overtime. Hearing the knocking at the door- the familiar voices, she remained silent. Ignoring them, she felt rude- but right now she just wanted to be on her own.
Waking up the next morning Amber wanted to believe that last night was just some awful nightmare - seeing the sunshine through the window, she decided to make herself a cup of coffee and sit on the balcony. Opening the doors, she felt that cool Lythikos air. Sparking up the cigarette, she took a long drag.
“Morning. So you’re a social smoker too?”
“Jesus Drake! What are you doing up? Yes I am, when the occasion calls for it - just don’t tell Bertrand.”
“Well that’s what people tend to do in the morning- get up. Hmm, I can’t promise that I won’t tell him.” Turning around to finally face him, she admired his body. Noticing her gawking, and the ash falling off her cig in slow motion- he needed to gain her attention.
“Amber! You’re going to inform Bertrand that you smoke yourself if you burn yourself.”
Shit. Standing up, he walked over to the edge of his balcony.
“Are you okay? We all came up to see you, but you must have been asleep.”
“I’m fine.” Providing him with a half hearted smile, she looked down towards the floor not wanting to elaborate the conversation. “Amber there’s something you should know.”
“Drake, I already know.”
“I don’t think you do. I’m coming over to your room.”
“I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it or Madeleine. Just go and put some clothes on you’re making me feel cold.” Drake walked back into his room, she was feeling relieved but also slightly disappointed. Before she knew it, he was climbing over the ledge.
“Drake! You’re going to break your neck!”
“Are you going to let me in if I knock on your door?”
“Well then, I guess I’m risking breaking my neck.” Amber stood up wondering if he was bluffing, her heart was jumping out of her chest. What would the news headlines be?
Secret love child has affair with her half brother, then is the reasoning behind his sudden death.
Winking at her as he landed on her balcony, she felt as if she could breathe again.
“See. No broken neck. But if I did break it it would be your fault.”
“Oh really? I told you that I didn’t want to talk.”
“Stop being stubborn. Madeleine lied. Your father isn’t who you think he is, but he isn’t my father.”
“How do you know that?”
“Your Uncle Barthelemy is your father. Maxwell hasn’t told Bertrand yet.”
“What? I need to go.”
“Maxwell isn’t here, if that’s where you was going. He’s gone back to Ramsford.”
“I’m so sorry. Barthelemy should have been honest with everyone.”
“That’s not the problem....” Drake looked at her puzzled. “If Bertrand and Maxwell suddenly die, Ramsford is mine. Oh god. I can’t be noble. I can’t be a Duchess.” Drake burst out laughing, she reminded him so much of him.
“It’s not funny Drake!”
“Sorry but it is. Maxwell is like an alley cat- he has a hundred lives, I wouldn’t worry too much. Besides you’d be the most beautiful Duchess in Cordonia.” Shit, I want him. Now that he’s told me the truth. We’re not related. Phew! Stop gawking at him Amber.
“I think Olivia would disagree. At least my title would be higher than miss broken nose barbie.”
“Olivia is going to be Queen, she won’t care about the Duchess status any longer. You need to get ready, we’re all due out on the ice in an hour.”
“Great.” She said with a lack of enthusiasm.
“What’s up can’t you skate?”
“Babe, I’d skate circles around you. I’m like a professional figure skater. Don’t believe me you’ll have to come and watch.”
“Any other talents you’d like to confess?”
“Plenty. Apart from showering.”
“Well it’s not hard to have a shower.”
“But I may need some help scrubbing my back.”
“You’ll have to ask someone else. You told me to get dressed remember.”
“That’s a shame. See ya around Drake.” Walking into the bathroom, she purposely left the door open. Drake gulped as he saw her naked, natural instinct led him to follow her.
“Is the water warm enough?”
“Not quite. I thought you was going.”
“I thought you needed help, scrubbing your back.”
“I do. But I think you’re slightly overdressed Mr Walker.” Stepping into the shower, the water was cascading down Ambers body. Feeling his eyes watching her, she wondered what he was thinking. Washing her hair, her eyes closed as she rinsed off the shampoo, before rubbing the shower gel over her body in a seductive manner. Opening her eyes, she turned to see Drake slip off his clothes, and boxers before joining her. Taking the shower gel, he rubbed it in to her back- feeling his erection against her she sighed. Turning to face him, the droplets that did nothing but accentuate his strong frame, glistened down his arms and trickle down his chest. Placing her hands around his neck, she kissed him on the lips. It started as an innocent gentle kiss, before becoming passionate. Their lips melted into one- his tongue slid across her bottom lip, her mouth opened slightly- giving him permission to enter it into her mouth. Their tongues battled against each other as if their life depended on it. His arms gripped around her waist tighter, as he pressed her against the wall. Feeling his hard cock in between her parted legs, she knew she couldn’t hold off any longer. Drake placed kisses along every inch of her body, before sucking and licking one nipple, whilst his other hand squeezed her bottom. “Oh Drake...” hearing her moan his name, he lightly traced her entrance with his fingers before inserting them. His fingers moved rhythmically inside her whilst his thumb circled her clit. Increasing his speed as he pumped her, she couldn’t contain the pleasure. “Enjoying that baby?” “Yes, but it’s your turn now.” Before he knew it, Amber removed his fingers from her, bending down she grabbed his dick and guided it towards her mouth. A moan escaped his lips immediately, leaning himself against the wall, he closed his eyes. “Amber, you.... you’re amazing baby.” Fluttering her eyelashes, she traced her tongue along his long length. Her lips formed a tight grip around the tip of him, taking him deeper with each movement. Drake tangled his calloused hands in her hair, before encouraging her to stop. “I want you Amber, you’re so beautiful.” “I’m all yours handsome.” Guiding his cock towards her entrance; he kissed her. “Turn around, and bend over.” Amber did as he said, before thrusting into her in one movement. Feeling her walls tighten against him, he loved feeling her. Placing his palms flat against the shower wall for extra support, he increased his speed, he loved their instant connection- eventually spilling his hot seed into her. Removing his penis- Amber stood up, turning to face him. They both smiled at each other, holding each other whilst their eyes locked. Sharing one last kiss, they both got out of the shower. Drake towel dried Amber.
“You’re a bad influence, you know that Beaumont?”
“It’s Smith- Beaumont.” She winked at him whilst smirking.
“Whatever, beautiful. Come on, you’ve delayed us enough.”
“Ditto!” Placing a kiss on his cheek, Drake had never felt more happy than this moment in time.
Drake arrived at the frozen lake, usually he wasn’t interested in this activity when they came to Lythikos- however he couldn’t prevent looking at Amber skating. She wasn’t lying when she said she could skate.
“Pick ya jaw up Walker.”
“She told me she could skate, I thought she was lying. She’s really good.”
“Is this the first time in Lythikos that you may actually join in? I mean you’re smiling. I don’t think that any of us have seen you smile this much.” Liam joined in winding the situation up.
“I smile.”
“Barely. Why don’t you go to her for some lessons?”
“No it’s fine. I’m enjoying watching someone outshine Olivia. Besides I’ve spent time with her today.”
“When?” Leo and Liam both asked in unison.
“Just before we came here. I jumped onto her balcony. We talked....”
“And.....” Leo was eager for some new court gossip.
“We had a shower.”
“You mean you had sex in the shower. Jesus Drake. What is this girl doing to you? You’re like a whole new man.”
“Oh this is interesting.”
“What do you want?” The men all snapped at Madeleine. Kiara shortly following behind.
“Both commoners sleeping together, sounds about right. I wonder what would happen if this news was to leak? How could you do that to Kiki, Drake?” Leo noticed Kiara’s face drop, he could see the heartache she was going through. He knew Drake had been honest with her, not leading her on in any way, but Madeleine wasn’t helping the situation.
“How’s the nose? Because I’ll gladly finish Ambers job off!” Leo snapped at his ex fiancée, he hated her with a passion.
“Oh darling. You love me really. You did choose me after all, before you decided to go awol. If your brother had any sense he would pick me too.”
“Heh you wish Countess. I’m going to join Olivia and Amber. You coming Li? Drake?”
They all gathered on the lake, Olivia was annoyed with Amber- secretly wishing she could skate like she did.
“So you weren’t lying then.” Drake said, as he skated up towards her- placing his arms around her waist.
“Why would I lie about that? What is she doing here?”
“Just ignore her. She’s already started. She overheard me talking to Liam and Leo. They all know we’ve slept together. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t want to know how she responded. She’s horrible. I hate her. Leo had a lucky escape.”
“That he did. I wanted to ask you before, what did Olivia leave us for a surprise?” Smirking at him, she knew his eyes would widen.
“How about you come to my room when we get back to the palace later? And you’ll see. We can Netflix and chill.” Drake laughed, knowing that he was the one who explained to her what that phrase meant. Feeling his cock get harder thinking about it, he couldn’t wait to leave Lythikos.
“It’s a date! I’ll bring whiskey too. Amber, I... I’m starting to fa....”
“Bonjour! Lady Amber I’m impressed with your skating skills. Fantastique.”
“Thank you Lady Kiara.. I can teach you if you’d like?” Drake shot her a look, Amber responded by shrugging her shoulders.
“Merci, but I don’t think I’d be able to do it. If Lady Hana Lee had of joined the social season you’d both be in competition.”
“Maybe. Myself and my best friend Riley always go skating back home. Daniel our other friend always falls over. It’s funny. But the offers still there Lady Kiara. Drake, I’ll see you later. I’m going to talk to princes.” Don’t you dare fucking leave me Amber! Walking away, she laughed at Drake feeling awkward.
“How many times have you slept with her? What does she have that I don’t?”
“For a start she doesn’t constantly speak in a different language all the time. We’ve slept together more than once Kiara, not that it’s any of your business. You need to move on. I’m not interested, I’ve always been honest with you.”
“When she goes back to New York, Maybe you could think about us?” Drake shook his head. “Goodbye Kiara, I’ll see you back at the palace.”
Everyone arrived back at the palace, they were all exhausted after ice skating and skiing. Much to Ambers disappointment, an impromptu ball had been arranged by King Constantine before his favourite event took place the following morning- The Royal regatta.
Drake knocked on Ambers door an hour before the ball was due to take place.
“Hey. You look handsome in your suit.”
“Why aren’t you dressed? I’m surprised Maxwell hasn’t dragged you down to the boutique yet.”
“I’ve got plenty of dresses. He’s still at Ramsford with Bertrand anyway. I want to show you something. Come in.” Drake walked in as Amber locked the door, she asked him to sit on the bed whilst she got dressed in the bathroom.
“Drake Walker? Are you ready?”
“Ready for what? Whatever you’ll wear you’ll look gorgeous.”
“Close your eyes.” Drake did as she asked, hearing her near him- he was intrigued as to why she asked him to do it.
“Open them.”
“Holy shit!” Amber was wearing a silky baby doll lingerie, the bralette showing off her assets- whilst the loose fitting skirt provided easy access for roaming hands.
“What do you think? Liv is one kinky bitch isn’t she?”
“You are going to have to take that off, because if not we aren’t going to make it to the ball.”
“Well we have just under an hour. I’m yours if you want me.”
“You’re killing me here Amber! I can’t resist you.”
“Don’t then. What did you want to say before Kiara interrupted us by the way?”
“I’m starting to fall for you. And you wearing this... god. I’m starting to like Olivia. Come here.” Amber straddled him, feeling his erection rub against her.
“Shall I put Netflix on?” She winked at him. “I’m starting to fall for you too.”
After sleeping with each other again, they both quickly got dressed for the ball. “Would you like to be announced into the ballroom together? Fuck what anyone thinks.”
“I’d love to.” Linking arms, they both walked towards the ballroom. God I’m one lucky bastard having her in my arms.
Sir Drake Walker, Lady Amber Smith-Beaumont
Bastien stood in the corner, people watching. Noticing Drake and Amber together, his usual stern expression changed into a soft smile. Jackson always spoke fondly of Ambers mom to him, and Bastien knew that Jackson would approve of the blossoming romance between the two of them. He was knocked out of his people watching trance, when another guard tapped him on the shoulder.
“Sorry to disturb you, but someone is here demanding to see you and Lady Amber. “
“Is it important? Have you done a security check on this person?”
“No. They said you know of them.”
“Okay, take my place.” Bastien walked out of the ballroom, noticing the man he shook his head smiling.
“What are you doing here?”
“Bast, long time no see. I’m here on business. I need to see Amber Smith- Beaumont.”
Drake left Amber, to go and talk to the men. Kissing her on the cheek, she blushed. “Sneak into my room later, bring that sexy underwear.” “Of course Sir Walker. Only for your eyes.”
Amber spoke to Olivia, before being interrupted by the three witches.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the court whore!” Madeleine snapped, Olivia jumped- becoming panic stricken, paranoid that Maddy was referring to her.
“What do you want? I’ll accept all of your insults Countess. So do carry on. When the sharpest words wanna cut me down. I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. I am brave, I am bruised. I am who I'm meant to be, this is me. I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies. This is me.”
“You think you’re so clever don’t you amber. We don’t want you here. None of us. You’ll soon break down. You need to hide away. Runaway. You don’t belong here. You’re just a freak. A love child.”
“Technically I do belong here! I’m a Beaumont. I’ll be heir to Ramsford if anything happens to my brothers.”
“You’re a slut, like your mother was!” Madeleine screamed, gaining attention from all the guests.
“Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. My mother may have been a ‘slut’, but you don’t know her. Or my father for that matter. You do know they married each other right? Oh no silly me, you didn’t know that gossip did you Maddy?”
“Madeleine leave her alone now!”
“Suddenly the Duchess pipes up, shall we spill your little secret whilst we are at it? You’re both sluts. Neither of you will be queen.” Olivia’s heart began to race ten to the dozen.
“Madeleine enough!” Regina interrupted the women, providing sorrow in her eyes towards Amber and Olivia.
“You are making a scene. Carry on and I will escort you out!”
“Don’t worry your Majesty. I’m leaving anyway. Come on girls.” Amber turned to face Liv, smirking. “High five to my fellow ‘slut’ Olivia.”
“Shut up! She’s just jealous Amber, ignore her.”
“Lady Amber, May I have a word in private please?” Bastien escorted Amber out of the ballroom. Liam, Leo and Drake followed- wondering what was happening.
“Amber, it’s so nice to finally meet you. You are a very hard woman to find.”
“Who are you?”
“I am a private detective. A friend of yours from New York is very concerned about your whereabouts. As far as I can see, you are doing just fine and this has been a waste a time.”
“Who is this friend? What is your name?” Assuming it was Daniel who was concerned about her- she felt guilty not communicating with him before throwing her SIM card away. Beginning to panic, Bastien placed a comforting arm on her shoulder- providing reassurance that she was safe.
“Brett is worried about you. My name is Nazario. Damien Nazario.” Amber began to panic with the mention of his name. Damien noticed fear form in her eyes, she had forgotten all about Brett whilst she was with Drake- now she was wondering if she was in danger.
“Amber. I knew he was full of bullshit when he hired me. I did my research using your surname, and it led me here. Let’s call this a vacation rather than work.”
“He’s going to come after me isn’t he?”
“Not if I can help it. I’ll say I couldn’t find you. I don’t care about the pay packet. I spoke to your friends Daniel and Riley. They confirmed my suspicions about him. From what I’ve heard, he’s an abuser. My dear old friend Bast says you are safe here, you have got family and friends here.”
“As well as enemies. Are Daniel and Riley okay? He hasn’t hurt them has he?”
“No. Riley was very helpful. She is a wonderful young lady. A true friend. She said if he touched her she would and I quote ‘knock him out’. They are worried about you too, maybe give them a call. Riley explained to me how she would travel the world looking for you.”
“Is everything okay?” Liam finally spoke after the men watched the interaction from a distance.
“Ah Prince Liam, it’s so nice to see you again. Not that you knew I was following you in New York.” Damien said, before laughing with Bastien. “When Leo abdicated, the two of you visited the states and refused for Bastien to accompany you, he contacted me to follow the two of you.”
“So you were the mysterious person following us around. I guess it was father who did this to us, and you wonder why I abdicated Li.”
“Yes, the apparent goody two shoes prince had your bad influence rubbed on to him Leo.” Damien smirked.
“What do you mean? He was with me the whole time?”
“That’s what you think. He stayed in New York for a few days, staying in a hotel, sneaking out on dates with a commoner. They even went to the Statue of Liberty late at night. I knew the two of you could never be together Liam, but I could see you cared for each other. The way you both looked at each other, you could have been more secretive if you ask me.”
“Woah Li, you sly dog. What was her name?” Liam remained silent thinking about the one who got away. Ever since he was younger, he knew he had to marry someone with some nobility. But his time in New York, he had fallen in love with the stranger. Leaving her made his heart sink, deep down he did love Olivia too. Once the contact with the stranger abruptly stopped, he had grown to the fact that Olivia would be his Queen. Keeping to the promises- the Million Dreams, that he had originally made with the Duchess.
“Can I borrow someone’s phone please? To ring my friends.” Amber interrupted, Drake held onto to waist and offered her his phone.
“Do you even know their numbers?”
“Yes, they are my best friends. My only friends.” Drake smiled as she dialled the first number. Amber couldn’t hear properly due to the bad line- putting it on loud speaker, she hoped that they would answer.
“Hey babe.”
“Amber! Where the hell are you? Brett is looking for you! He’s hired a private detective, I saw him at Liberty the other day, with a blonde in his arms. I was ready to kill him....”
“Brooks calm down. I don’t care about him. I split up with him the other day.”
“You did what? Well why the hell has he hired a private detective?”
“Riley, I honestly don’t know?” Brooks, Riley. It’s her, she’s friends with Amber. Shit.
Riley was covering for her friends Daniel and Amber at work. Amber was in hospital after suffering abuse from her boyfriend- again. Daniel had a date. He practically begged Riley to cover for him, practically crying. Agreeing to do the shift, she was grateful that the bar was quiet. Sat on the bar, scrutinising through her social media- she jumped as the doors open. The man with the piercing blue eyes walked over towards her, she smiled softly at him as she jumped off the bar.
“Hi, what can I get ya?” Liam couldn’t focus, his mouth was open but the words didn’t want to escape from his mouth.
“Hello? Are you okay?” Riley waved her hands in front of the stranger.
“Hello. Sorry. Could I have a scotch please?”
“Sure. Coming up.” She paused. “So you’re not from around here.”
“No. I live in a small Mediterranean country. I was visiting with my brother who has moved away. I told him I was going home, but I’ve fallen in love with the city. I’m not ready to go home just yet there’s so much more to see. I did want to visit the Statue of Liberty”
“I see. Well once you visit New York, you do fall in love with it. Unless your a New Yorker born and bred. It gets a bit tedious after a while. I can show you around if you want? Take you to see her?”
“You’d do that for me? You don’t know me.”
“My friends have ditched me. Well one has. The other one is in hospital yet again, her boyfriends an arsehole. I have no other plans. My names Riley. But at times my friends call me by my surname Brooks.”
“Nice to meet you. My names Liam. Liam Rhys.” As promised Riley called in some favours, and took him to the Statue of Liberty after she had closed up the bar.
“So what do you think?”
“Magnificent. I’ve heard that art has a meaning because of what it makes the viewer feel.....” Riley was in awe of how Liam spoke so freely. “And right now, looking at this view with you, I feel like anything is possible. Thank you for this moment, Riley. This feeling.. this means so much more to me than you could ever know.”
“Liam.....” Riley locked eyes with his, matching baby blues. Liam pulled her closer to him, tilting her chin upwards he gently kissed her on the lips.
Coming out of his trance, he noticed Amber was still on the phone to Riley. Not knowing what had got in to him, he snatched the phone out of her hand.
“Who the fuck is this? Put Amber back on.”
“It’s me, Liam.”
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alj4890 · 2 years
Do you have any fics in the works? Tell us about them!
Looking forward to any other writer's upcoming fics? Tell us about them too!
🤦🏻‍♀️ yep. My WIP folder has over seventy ideas/fics/pieces of series/and tons of pic prompts. I've had weeks of writer's block with only an occasional flicker of inspiration 😑
I'm trying to finish up some of those but my brain is not cooperating. The headaches aren't helping either 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Fics/series in the works:
Two Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda series called Worth the Wait and Stepping Forward. Both are angsty so far 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if I can ever get the wording right it will have happy endings 🤣 I'm also attempting to continue my Regency Era RCD AU series, None But You, in the process.
A few Thomas Hunt drabbles also are mixed in that folder 😂
A TRR Olivia series where Liam abdicates to be with Riley thus making our favorite duchess the Queen of Cordonia.
Part two to L-O-V-E
Requests for Liam x Riley and Maxwell Beaumont x OC*Sherry Alcantar that I promise I'm working on. And a couple for my While We're Young AU of characters that were requested months ago. Yes, there will be more glimpses into a couple of princes and their particular ladies and Jackson x Nicky.
An Open Hearts series called Mixed Signals (my first ever 😂) with my F!MC. Chris deals with feelings for Tobias, Ethan, and Bryce. It would start after the attack in Book 2. Though honestly I'm thinking of scrapping all of it to just write the actual storyline I've had in my mind with all the Tobias Carrick x Chris Valentine drabbles I'm working on 🤦🏻‍♀️ Definitely a happier storyline for those two, LOL!
A Perfect Match drabble with Damien and Nadia.
And my first ever Laws of Attraction drabble for my M!MC x Aislinn Tanaka 🤞 Hopefully it will turn out okay. I got inspired when I decided to restart the series and go a Male MC route 😂
And as always, I'm behind on reading fics from everyone I follow. Life keeps getting in the way of me being able to binge and when I do find time to open Tumblr up, I try and focus on that blasted Drafts folder.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Mood Music Monday - Entry #2
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“Toothbrush” - Dnce; Falling for you, {TRR?/Perfect Match Damien x Jessica Garcia (MC)} *Forged in fire A.U* One Shot
“ME!” - Taylor Swift; Needle in a Haystack, One Shot {TRR/TRH; Liam X Jessica Garcia (MC)} *Prince Charming A/U Pencil Chronicles
“Angel by the wings” -Sia; Dying young; (part 1): (Open Heart) no paring ) Mini-Series.
“Footprints” -Sia; What dreams may come (part 1) One-shot (TRR) Liam Rys x Jessica Garcia Mini-Series
0 notes
missameliep · 2 years
Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Thank you so much for tagging me @princess-geek ☺️🌹
I loved it because it gave me the chance to re-read some of my fics and think about how much I still like them, and I also hated because my undecided brain cannot make choices like that! 😂😂😂
The solution to my dilemma: I cheated and picked more than five. So, under the cut is my Top7 in no particular order:
1. The Pursuit of Happiness (Desire and Decorum / Prince Hamid x MC)
Summary: After the death of her father, the heiress of Edgewater must choose between her duties to her family and the pursuit of her happiness. Which path will she choose? 
2. Rainy Days - Part 1 (TRR / Liam x MC)
This series will forever be a favorite. It was my first time writing after a tremendously long hiatus, my first fanfic ever and the first time I wrote for Prince Hamid. I couldn't pick a particular chapter because so many are special. I still love many aspects of Chapter Sixteen: You were meant for me, because of Prince Hamid and Lady Elizabeth's reunion and the scene in the library 😏; and Chapter Twenty: Make you feel my love (Part 1) because it was amazing to write the begining of their happily ever after despite my first attempt of writing smut almost causing me an ulcer lol 😂
Summary: Three days after the bombing at the Palace, Riley Brooks reminisces about the events that brought her to Cordonia and takes the opportunity to comfort Liam in the aftermath of the attack.
3. Heart in a Cage (Blades of Light and Shadow / Tyril Starfury x Arwen (F!Elf MC)
It was my first attempt writing for Liam and I still enjoy this fic very much, specially the beginning, the reminiscence and Riley and Liam talking at the end about his feelings, something definitely missing in canon.
Summary: After being injured during a sparring session, Arwen learns the other elf from the group might find her company more than tolerable.
4. Run To You (Desire and Decorum / Prince Hamid x MC)
I love writing Arwen and Tyril and I love slow burn, it's all I have to say 🤭
Summary: Will Prince Hamid successfully claim every one of Lady Elizabeth’s first dances as he promised when they met? (The scenes take place between chapter 6 and 7 from Book 1). 
5. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Or Maybe Not) (Perfect Match / Damien Nazario x MC)
This is my favorite pairing to write and in this fic we see them before the beginning of TPoH and how their relationship is developing, and it's just funny and fluffy, all about love and hope but peppered by some more serious issues, and I like how it turned out...
Summary: The Parks’ cousins love the holiday season and everything about it, a sentiment Damien Nazario does not share. At all. Could four years being dragged into their very merry traditions be enough to change this?
6. Netflix and Cafuné (Desire and Decorum Modern AU! - Prince Hamid x OC)
I love the holidays and people's excitement about it (and the Park cousins are definitely that kind of people) and I love how Damien's grumpiness works here.
Summary: Hamid is having a bad day and refuses to talk about it. Elizabeth will do her best to cheer him up, which includes Netflix, brigadeiro and cafuné.
This Modern AU! is one of my favorite things ever to write and I love this one-shot. It has many elements that make Hamid and Elizabeth the perfect match despite being such different individuals.
7. Is This Love? - Part 3 (Desire and Decorum)
Summary: Elizabeth’s first passion was presented to her in an old house, twelve years before her feet meandered through the gardens of Edgewater. / After her mother fell ill, Elizabeth and Briar talk about life and love while enjoying a day of rest at Grovershire. / Years later, Mary’s words come back to Elizabeth, when she ponders if first impressions are truly deceiving.
The miniseries dedicated to my dear friend @princess-geek is one of the stories I'm proud to have written, and this part is particularly my favorite because of Briar and Elizabeth and the descriptions.
I'm tagging a few writers if they would like to do their recs too: @lorirwritesfanfic @retvenkos @lilyoffandoms @noesapphic @musicallisto @julia-highstorms
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Throwback Fics #142
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Open Heart
Away in D.C. | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
Drunk | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @starrystarrytrouble
A Not So Chance Encounter | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
A Place to Call Home | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2
Runaway | Bryce Lahela x F!OC; Keiki Lahela - @storyofmychoices
Seduction at the Opera | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
The Royal Romance
The Softer Side of Neville Vancouer | Neville Vancouer - @katedrakeohd
Crossover: The Royal Romance x Perfect Match
Just the Way You Are; If You Lived | Liam Rys x MC; TRR MC x M!OC; M!Hayden Young x MC - @bebepac
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bebepac · 4 years
How We Met (Happy Birthday Jess!)
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This is a very special birthday edition of Just The Way you Are.   To catch up on this story line, please click:  Just the Way You Are Masterlist
This time last year we didn’t know each other.  Did not know I would have written so much content, and met so many different people.  One of the being @phoenixrising308​​​ , who I started talking to several months ago on a zoom call.   Then she messaged me on tumblr, and the rest is history.  
I hope you have a happy birthday!  Thank you for being my friend.
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I know on the fandom people use the characters of the person they are writing the birthday fic for.  That’s something I’ve never felt comfortable with is using other people’s characters, so I always gift them my own when a write a fic.  So I really hope you enjoy this Jess.
Original Post Date:  3/8/21 6:02AM
Summary:  Nico and Riley meet for the the first time and go on a “date.”
Warnings:  One almost curse word.  This is seriously fluff.  
Word Count: 1838
The Book:  TRR x Perfect Match
Pairing:  TRR MC x M! OC (Riley x Nico) 
Riley Brooks belongs to Pixelberry, all others are my own characters to help us tell our story.
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Sir Fluffs A Lot is back for this.  We all know he likes big fluffs and he cannot lie.
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He walked in seeing a  beautiful woman getting a drink from the staff vending machine.  But she wasn’t staff.  At least he didn't think she was.
He hadn’t seen her around before, but he’d only been working there a few weeks.  
She was trying to get a Dr. Pepper from the machine.   She was wearing hip hugging jeans and a cut off NYPD t-shirt, and her wild curly hair was pulled up into a ponytail.   Pink sunglasses held back her flyways from her chaotic hair.
“You see there’s a trick to this machine.”  
“Oh is it now?  Because every other one on the face of the planet, you put your money in and press the button, and it gives you what you ask for, unless the little red light is on.”  
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She smirked at him.  She had a little bit of sarcastic sass. He already liked her.  
“Do you trust me?”  
“I don’t know you.”  
“Well let’s change that. My friends call me Nico KH.”  
“What does the KH stand for?
“My last name.  Karahalios.”  
“So Nico Karahalios,  about that drink….”  
Nico grabbed his heart.
“That hurts girl, are you trying to tell me, we won’t be friends?  You’re not going to tell me your name?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t date cops.”  
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“I didn’t ask you out.”
“That was a little cutthroat Nico.”  
“I feel like you can handle it. Why don’t you date cops?”
“Long story. I’m Riley.”  
“See Riley the trick to this machine is, if you want Dr. Pepper you need to hit the Sprite.”  
“Nuh, uh…”  
“It is, watch.”  
Nico walked up to the machine and hit the button for Sprite, and out popped the Dr. Pepper she wanted.  He picked up the bottle holding it out for her to take.
“I told you.”  
He watched her walk away.  He told himself if she was interested she’d glance back one last time before she hit the door to leave.  Look back… look back…. He willed her.
Riley right before she turned the handle on the door to leave, she glanced in Nico’s direction.  
He smiled at her.  She smiled back shaking her head at him.
She walked out of the lounge.
"Nico KH don't even think about it." Greene laughed.
"She's cute, and funny."
"Get her out of your head man.  Forget you ever saw her.You know Brooks upstairs  in IA?"
"I think I met him once."
"That's his daughter. So get that out your head man, she's off limits. She doesn't date cops. Neither of them do."
"Brooks has identical twin daughters.”  
Nico's eyes widened. 
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"There are two of them?!? That look just….like her?"
"Nope and THAT is never going to happen Nico."
Nico laughed.
"I mean a man can dream.”
Their paths didn’t cross again for over a month.
*^*^*^*^*^* Prospect Park *^*^*^*^*^*
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“You’re going to love it,  the tire swing is soooo cool!!!!”
“Can I swing on it by myself?”  
“We’ll see, then after, we’ll get some lunch.”  
“Okay. Even though the slices are bigger than you are.”
“They are not!”  
“They are sooooo!!!!”
Nico ruffled Nic’s hair pulling him closer to him,
As they got closer to the swing, they saw her sitting under the tree with a blanket, reading a book.   She had a little cooler with her as well.  It looked like she had planned to be there for a bit.  
“Nico right?”  
Yes, and this is Nic,  we thought it was too beautiful a day to be in the house.   We thought we’d come to the tire swing, and well looks like you had the same idea too.  Well sort of.  And who’s that little guy?”
Riley had a little corgi puppy curled up in her lap.  He woke, looking at the two strangers.  
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“His name is Chance.”  
“Can I pet him?”
Chance jumped down from Riley’s lap and bounded over to Nico, and rolled over around his feet.
Both Nico and Nic petted the puppy.  
“He’s adorable.”  
“He’s supposed to be an attack dog.”  
Nico laughed.  “Corgis are not attack dogs.”  
“I know that NOW.”  
Nico laughed even harder.
“I’ll move to the other side so you two and get to the swing.”
“Are you sure?”  
“Is it your first time on the swing Nic?”
Nic nodded.
“I’m sure Nico.  She started gathering her things.  Nico and Nic helped her, and set her stuff up on the other side of the tree.  
As Riley got settled she could hear Nico talking to Nic.  He seemed like a very attentive father.  Riley found herself watching him with Nic,  Nic was truly his mini me.  He even walked the  same as Nico did.  
She watched Nico get in the tire swing first, and  pull Nic into his arms.
She watched them glide out over the lake both Nico and Nic were laughing.  
Riley and Chance both stood there watching.  
“Can I go by myself?”  
“You have to hold on tight Nic, you can’t let go.”  
“I won’t.”  
“Are you really going to let him do it?”  
“The water’s warm.  Worse come to worse he can swim.”
Nico gave Nic a firm push and he squealed in delight as he sailed out over the lake.
“You look like you want to give it a go too Riley.  Go next.”  
“No that’s okay.”
“It’s fun.  You’ll be glad you did. Girl, let that beautiful hair down and have some fun already.”
“Can I hold your puppy?”  
“Sure Nic.”  
He picked up Chance, and he licked his face.  
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 He was such a cute little boy.  Nico held the tire while Riley hopped in.
He gave Riley a hard push and watched her swing and scream happily. 
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  When the swing slowed, he helped her get out.  
“You were right, that was fun.”  
“Daddy, I’m hungry.”  
“I have sandwiches, nothing fancy.”  
“I’m sure you just brought enough for yourself.”  
“I brought three, chips, apple slices, and drinks.”  
“Why did you bring all this food, are you planning on moving into the park?”  
“I mean I brought enough for me and Chance.”  
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“You’re NOT going to feed that puppy that food!!!!”
He raised his eyebrow at her.
“Okay already! All the sandwiches are for me, I like to eat Dam….arnit… but I’ll share. One of them is peanut butter and jelly.”  
“That’s my favorite!”  Nic exclaimed.
“Then that sammich is yours.”  
They walked over to the table. Nico carried the cooler.  
“This is so nice of you Riley, to share your food with us.”  
He watched as Riley got the sandwiches out of the cooler.  
“Is he allergic to anything?”  
“Nope.  Neither am I.”
She made Nic’s plate first.  Sliced his sandwich in half and then thirds.
“Coool!!!!  I have six little sandwiches!!!!”  
She put some apples and chips on his plate.
“What do you say?”  
“Thank you Riley.”  
“You’re welcome.”  
“Did you want turkey or roast beef, Nico?”  
“Which is your favorite?”  
“Um meat.”
Nico laughed.  
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“Noted.  Do you mind if I take the turkey then?”
“That’s perfectly fine.  Do you want apples and chips too for your plate?”  
“Yes, thank you for sharing with us.”  
“Yes Nic?”  
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Nico tried not to smile, his voice was firm, but his eyes were amused.
“Nic, I told you about doing that.  You can’t ask every girl you think is pretty, if she has a boyfriend.”
Though not going to lie.... this is one time he desperately wanted to know the answer.  Nic was so getting ice cream tonight as a treat if she answered the question.
“No Nic I don’t.  But thank you for your interest,  I usually date boys that are a little bit taller.”  
“Like my Daddy?”  
Nico choked on his drink.
“Nicolai, eat your food.”  
"Yes Papa."
His eyes met Riley's, and she was blushing.  After they all had lunch they talked more and went for multiple rounds on the tire swing.  
Riley’s stomach growled loudly.
“Still hungry?”  
"Didn't we establish a little bit ago my plan was to eat all three of those sandwiches? Dude, just one sandwich was a drop in the bucket."
Nico laughed.  "My mother would love you."
"Why is that?"
"She loves people with healthy appetites. She cooks every meal like she's cooking for a small army."
"My mother and yours would get along famously. She is the same way."
“Daddy you said we could get pizza.  Can Riley get pizza with us too?”  
“They’re not going to let me bring Chance inside.”
“We could get it to go.”
Riley shook her head, looking at the two of them.  Both looked at her with big brown eyes.
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 Even Chance was in on it too.  All of them staring at her with big sad eyes.  Riley was completely outnumbered.
“I have a great Disney DVD collection if you guys want to come over, to watch something kid friendly."
Both smiled at her.  
Nico ordered a large meat lovers pie, as Riley was a fan of meat, as she so eloquently put it.  They headed back to Riley’s apartment.  
After everyone had stuffed their faces full of pizza, Riley turned on a movie of Nic's choice.
With his full tummy, Nic had fallen asleep on the couch cuddled up with Chance. 
Nico helped Riley with the dishes in the kitchen.  
“I really enjoyed tonight.  So did Nic,  I think Chance is his new best friend.  I’d like to do it again sometime.  Maybe just me and you?”
“I don’t date cops Nico.  I’m sure you know by now who my father is.”  
“Yes, but I don’t understand why you don't date cops.  Your father is a good man and very well respected in the field.”  
“Because of my mother, and when he used to be on patrol, the way she worried about him.  My father was one of the lucky ones that came home after 9/11. I don’t want to worry about someone the way she constantly worried about him over the years.”
“But he’s not that kind of cop anymore and I’m not either.  Riley, anything can happen at any time.  Reconsider.”
He stepped closer to her.  “I know you feel it between us too.”
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The next few words Nico said Riley didn’t understand.
“The attraction between us Riley, it’s so strong, it’s almost intoxicating.”
“What language is that?”  
“Greek.  We moved to America when I was eight.”  
“Who’s we?”
“My sisters, my mother, and I.”  
“So English is not your first language?”
“No, it is not. Reconsider Riley.  I am more than my job.   I’m a man, a single father, and I'm interested in you."
"What happened to Nic's mother?"
"She decided, that she really didn't want children.  When Nic was three days old, she signed away her parental rights to me.  Nic is my child, and mine alone. I get it. I'm a package deal. Buy one, and get a pocket sized mini for free."
Riley laughed.  
"He's a sweet boy."
“So is his father. Give me a chance to prove it to you.” 
"I see it in your eyes when you look at me. You're attracted to me Riley, like I am to you."
Riley nodded.  
He pulled Riley closer to him; his grip tight and secure around her.   Riley gasped just before he kissed her.  
“Will you have dinner with me?”  
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We’ll see how tagging the comments works on this.  Y’all let a sistah know. 
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