#perfect zygarde
esprei · 6 months
req: more of your future emmet! in france!
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oh... how unfortunate... bonus:
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don't worry, Emmet! I'm sure you'll have a great time :D
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agentc0rn · 6 months
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Arbordrasil = arbor (tree in latin; arbor - garden alcove with trees/vines over the framework) + yggdrasil
Here's a little roughly made concept of the "A mon" based on the fan theories for fun. Tried to emphasize on the "A" motif through its contour. I could not help but give it a hooded figure design because they're cool. Besides that, I'm no good at making stats lol, I'm more into the designing and lore compartment.
If you want to check out more of my works, feel free to visit my kofi!
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clannfearrunt · 8 months
i wish i had a way to retrieve any of my 360+ Anoriths I bred in Alpha Sapphire or the army of contrary + leaf storm + increasingly good IVs Fomantises from Moon but alas i did not remember to nab pokemon bank before the store died
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crossovercharacters · 2 years
Perfect Zygarde
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gardenofgods · 2 years
The shortest day of the year had come to pass, ushering in the official start of winter across the lands and ecosystem of the northern hemisphere. She could feel the breath of the earth, as living things either slumbered or died, ready to be born anew in the spring... as was the natural order of nature.
Terminus Cave was silent, eerily so, as its denizens and inhabitants either fled or burrowed beneath the dirt. In the far reaches of the cave, where bits of sunlight managed to filter their way through decaying earth, sat the balance keeper. Silent and unmoving, like a statue.
A pattern of glowing green hexagons spread across the floor beneath her, lights fading in and out in time with the scales on her face. It was cold, but she hardly felt it. The only awareness that there was that the ecosystem was fine - that it was holding up and that things were normal and balanced. Life and death, slumber and wake, she could feel it all.
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The changing season ushered in dormancy across the earth, and Zygarde was able to take her own, long, and rightful rest.
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extensionallydefined · 3 months
Those who know my taste in Pokemon will know this was a long time coming
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Toxapex ability forms! Let's take a look at each of them.
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For Merciless, I wanted to emphasize the way in which Toxapex is a poisonous predator, and making it spiky seemed like a perfect way to do that. I also added a "vampiric" touch to its "head".
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Limber is a word that confused me, but looking it up in Spanish it's "flexibilidad", so I thought, stretchy!
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Finally, for Regenerator, I thought a cool visual way of conveying the regeneration could be Zygarde-esque scales and color "gradients". I think it looks neat!
As usual, ability forms are @n0rtist 's idea.
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cattiittii · 4 months
While everyone is speculating on what the starters will be in legends ZA I am speculating that we will get a third charcadet evolution. As crazy as it sounds, please hear me out.
Also! This is speculation. This isn’t a leak or anything, this is just a fan separating on a PKMN i really like. If I get this wrong don’t come after me please.
Koraidon is red and represents the past, Miraidon is purple and represents the future. Cyclizar is green and represents the present.
Armarouge has red and represents the future, Ceruledge has purple and represents the past. Where’s the green knight that represents the present? It might be in Kalos.
The focus of Legends ZA is Zygarde, who just so happens to be green.
ZA might have some themes about the past and future, and since the knights represent the opposite theme of their games, a knight that represents the present in a game about the past and future, just makes sense to me.
France, the country Kalos is based on, had numerous famous knights in its history. It wouldn’t be far-fetched for another Charcadet evolution to appear in the region. Kalos and Paldea are also connected, meaning that it’s also not unlikely for Charcadet to be found there.
In X and Y the Royal Family has a castle we can go in, there’s a lot of knight-like PKMN statues around the castle that being Pawniards and bisharps. (but not gallade because gamefreak regretted making gallade)
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In castle, we see these two paintings. Tying us back to the past and future as well as the knight thing going on. Both Armarouge and Ceruledge represent the past and future as well as being very “knight-like” PKMN. I feel like it’s a possibility they could be in the game, as well tying us back to legends ZA possibly taking back in the past and further.
Somebody on twitter pointed this out
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The third missing combat arm is cavalry, which is riding on horseback.
French knights were known for their horse riding; many writings, paintings, and statues portrayed French knights on a horse or with a horse. French knights were called chevaliers, which translates into “horseman”.
Jousting, a competitive sport practiced by knights on horseback, originated in France. Each knight attempts to knock their opponent off their horse with a long lance.
This third evolution might be based on jousting, which is still played to this day despite its medieval origins. A lance would be a perfect mix of it being far away from the opponent but close enough to the opposite. A middle ground from Armarouge’s far distance attacks and Ceruledge’s close combat. 
This also could tie us back to the third evo representing the present because jousting is still played to this day.
While jousting doesn’t require a horse to be played, the armor on the third evo might have some horse elements to it to emphasize the cavalry, and since mega evolution is coming back what’s not to say they’ll make its mega evolution a centaur for this third evo. *shivers*
Armarouge and ceruledge are both perfect examples of shape language in character design. 
Armaoruge is rounder in appearance due to its Pauldrons, it also has rounder eyes, hands, and a brighter color palette. Its armor is smooth and overall has a nicer, friendlier appearance. A Pokemon who would probably hug you..
Ceruledge on the other hand is a menace to society. Its armor and body is full of pointed edges, from its chest, its chin, helmet, ears, eyes, boots and obviously its swords. It has a darker color palette which gives it a menacing appearance. If you were to see this Pokemon in the wild you are probably going to die. Definitely not as huggable as Armarouge.
Armarouge used a lot of circles and rounder shapes for its design, making it seem friendlier and approachable, while Ceruledge uses a lot of edges for it’s design to seem more intimidating. This third charcadet evolution would use squares for its design making it seem strong and reliable.
In character design there are usually 3 shapes you should use when designing a character. Circles, squares and triangles. It’s interesting you see Armarouge uses circles and ceruledge uses triangles. but not having the third one that uses squares.
In character design squares are seen as bold, sturdy and strong. In jousting you sorta have to be sturdy when riding on your horse.
What could this third knight typing be?
Armarouge and Ceruledge’s typings seem to relate if they are in the past or future.
For example Armarouge is a psychic type based on the future. Psychic types pkmn are known for looking into the future, for example gardevoir, delphox and Xatu. What's not to say Armarouge could do the same thing.
Armarouge’s armor also reflects that being more “technologically advanced” and having less armor, which throughout the years armor has been used less and less since guns were invented.
Ceruledge is based on the past and it's typing reflects that as well. Being a ghost type, ghosts are known for being stuck in the past and being vengeful, spiteful of what happened. It also uses more traditional weapons and has more armor, like on its helmet, boots and arms. 
My idea for what this third knight typing might be is either steel or flying type. (Fighting type could work because of typing stuff with psychic and ghost.)
Steel could represent the present because we are in the Iron Age. Steel is strong and sturdy, tying back into the square shape language and the sturdiness required for jousting. Green is also not an outlandish color for a steel type, as we have seen a few examples already. Celesteela, the Brozor line, and Copperajah are all examples. Green calls to mind tarnished metal, which could play into the “old but still standing” theme of jousting. 
For flying type air and wind associated with speed and the color green. (The reason why wind is associated with green is because of grass and trees being blown by them) Horses in media are usually portray with their mains flowing in the wind and are also really fast. If this third evo is going to be more “horse like” *shivers* as well as it being more speed based I think flying type could work. It also work to represent the present because flying is usually portrayed as “being in the moment” like skydiving or a character in media trying/learning to fly.
While I would agree with you, I would like Armarouge and ceruledge to have a bit more time in the spotlight. It seems that Gamefreak has been making new evolutions since gen 8 with their newer Pokemon, for example Applin, Duraludon and Blood Moon Ursaluna. 
Blood moon Ursaluna literally having another form RIGHT AFTER legends arceus.
The idea of a third charcadet evo being “too soon” is out of the question. Gamefreak also seems to make new forms for PKMN that need it or PKMN that was *extremely* like zorua, sneasel etc. The charcadet line is a very popular PKMN, I mean there’s a reason why both Armarouge and ceruledge were the first paldean to be revealed. *ceruledge even had a Pokemon day to itself*
While this is just pure speculation and I could be totally wrong and we never ever get a third evo, I just think we going back to Kalos and the whole green thing and the possibility of the game being based on the past and future just seems like a perfect time to make a third evo that could represent the present. Not doing so just seems like a missed opportunity, at least to me. With Paldea and Kalos being so close to eachother I feel like it’s a possibility. 
We might get a third charcadet evo in legends ZA, the reason why I think this is because of the box legendaries in scarlet and violet as well as cyclizar each represent the past, future and present. I think this third knight will represent the present as well being green much like cyclizar. It will also be green because of legends ZA being green. Since we are going in Kalos again I think making a evo based on a French knight or a French sport just makes sense to me and would be a missed opportunity if they didn’t do that. 
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sinnohanvulpix · 6 months
Sawyer is neurodivergent and you can't change my mind
Last year for Autism Acceptance Day, my good friend @pikatrainer99 and I did a collab post about Goh and our headcanon of being him autistic. Here's a link to that post if you'd like to check it out:
Today, we'd like to talk about Sawyer from Pokemon XY, another character who we both headcanon as autistic, and who means the world to me.
Let's start with his special interest, Pokemon battles. In all of Sawyer's appearances, we can clearly see his desire to learn as much as he can about battling and to grow stronger. He greatly admires strong trainers like Steven Stone and Ash. I mean, just look at how excited he gets when he hears that Ash had won five badges!
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And that's exactly what he does for the rest of the series. He spends so much time studying and training that he manages to catch up to Ash within a just season's worth of episodes! But we'll get to that later.
Before going into detail about his most obvious traits, let's go over some of the traits that we only see for brief moments, starting with his sensory sensitivities. In episode 73, we see him getting visibly overwhelmed when the crowd around him, Ash, and Clemont suddenly starts cheering. We also see him shielding his eyes from Spritzee's Dazzling Gleam attack during his battle with Valerie. Note that he's the only one to react this way to both situations. I don't know about you, but I have yet to meet a single autistic person without some kind of hypersensitivity to noise, bright light, smell, texture, etcetera.
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We also see in the following episode that he sometimes unintentionally gets too close to people when he's excited, not noticing their discomfort. We see this after Ash wins his gym battle with Valerie, and Sawyer is so beyond amazed and eager to learn from him that he momentarily forgets how to act "socially appropriately". Ash and his friends are visibly uncomfortable, but of course, because they're all so kind and supportive, they don't judge him for this 🥺
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We also see in the first episode of XYZ that he's an amazing artist. And I mean, AMAZING! He can literally draw Squishy the Zygarde Core exactly how it looks in its official artwork, despite only having seen it for the first time that day! While not every autistic person has to have a talent like this, it's definitely not uncommon. Growing up, Pika and I both used to draw a lot, and our drawing skills were one of the few things we took pride in because of how much praise we got for it.
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Now let's talk about one of his most adorable traits, which is his habit of saying, "I've gained some EXP!" Clearly he's into video games and enjoys feeling like he's in one, because this is definitely not something you typically hear in real life. This kind of escapism is quite common in autistic people, Pika and I included. In a world that's not built for us, sometimes imagining ourselves in a fictional world that we love can be really comforting and even inspiring in some cases.
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You've probably noticed that Sawyer is holding his notebook in all of the last three screenshots, which is also something I'd like to get into. Not only is his notebook a crucial part of his character, but it's also a security item. Pika and I both have security items of our own, namely our phones and our favourite Pokemon plushies, which helps bring us a lot of much-needed comfort. In episode 75, we see just how panicked Sawyer gets when he temporarily loses his notebook, which quickly leads to him becoming depressed.
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We know that he values his notebook deeply because it contains all he's learned on his journey, as well as an autograph from Steven Stone. But if you look deeper, it becomes clear that it's even more to him than that. He holds his notebook close to his heart, both metaphorically and literally. He hugs it after receiving approval from Ash (which I'll also get to later) Heck, he even attached his Key Stone to it! He cherishes this notebook like it's his baby, and we find that so adorable and relatable!
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Okay, now it's time to get into what's arguably the saddest part of his character: his constant need of approval from others. Pika and I, as well as countless other autistic people, are no strangers to self-doubt, especially in a world where we can't meet a lot of people's expectations. Sawyer likely grew up feeling this way too, which would explain why he's always seeking Ash's approval, since Ash is the one he looks up to the most. Throughout the series, Sawyer's constantly trying desperately to catch up to him. What's even more heartbreaking is that even after he beats Ash, he still needs reassurance from him that he's become strong 🥺
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And to make matters worse, he's constantly masking his frustration whenever he fails to beat Ash. The autistic community is definitely no stranger to masking either.
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It's not until the episode after his Kalos League battle with Ash when we finally see Sawyer breaking down. All those hours of training to catch up to Ash only led to him losing again in their most important battle yet. He was devastated, but he couldn't show that in front of Ash out of fear of being judged. Once he and Sceptile were alone, however, Sawyer was finally able to let out all the built-up frustration. And oh boy, was it emotional to watch...
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But being the resilient trainer he is, Sawyer quickly dried off his tears and reaffirmed his desire to become stronger.
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It takes a lot of strength to bounce back from something like this. I also went through a lot of inner turmoil around the time XYZ was airing. But seeing Sawyer bounce back like this inspired me to keep going, and make it through the rest of that year with Sawyer as my main source of comfort.
Needless to say, I see a lot of myself in Sawyer, and so does Pika. Not only is he relatable, but his story is also a great reminder that no matter how bad things feel in the moment, we can always make it out the other side. This is an important message for a lot of people, especially within the autistic community.
Even after all these years, I still find lots of comfort in Sawyer, and I know that'll last for many more years to come 💚
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howlingday · 7 months
Pokémon au
Kidnapper: All right kid don't try anything or else you're gonna regret it wtf is that?
Zygard core form: meep
Kidnapper: what ever its get rid of i- OH MY ARCEUS
Zygard perfect form: MEEP
I don't have a response to this. This is just funny to me.
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discorainycomputer · 2 months
Pokemon teams: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
I've wanted to do another one of these since my Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in dungeon ones. I'm not expecting this to reach many people, but if you disagree with my picks feel free to tell me so! These were made in a pretty short timeframe and I'll explain my process as i go. There will be spoilers.
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Simon (Young): I wanted Simons first team to be weak, but full of potential. I'm no good at competetive pokemon, but i feel that if you leveled all these pokemon to their max evolutions you'd get a pretty decent team. Anyways moving on to the actual pokemons: The Drilbur line was made for Gurren Lagann. Drilbur is a digger just like Simon, with a signature drill. It also references Boota, its shiny because it looks more like Boota that way. Dreepy was added because i wanted to make a connection with Simons and Kaminas teams. I'll speak more on it in Kaminas section. Nosepass is referencing Lagann. Wishiwashi is symbolising Simons lack of confidence when being alone. Trapinch is a digging pokemon and is a lesser version of Flygon. Zygarde is a tiny weak thing that has great strength when it gathers itself, which is a pretty good way to describe Simon.
Kamina: I wanted Kaminas team to be extremely masculine as this is the idea of himself that he projects. Drakloak is carrying a little Dreepy on its head. This reminded me a lot of Kaminas and Simons relationship, which is why Simon has a Dreepy in his team. Although in reality its really Kamina that is carried by Simons abilities, this is how everyone besides Kamina sees their relationship. The big brother taking care of his younger brother. Krookodile was mostly picked because of its shades and it being a shady pokemon, which fits Kaminas infamous reputation in his village. Darmanitan fits his fiery motivation and is really just a nice pokemon for him. He is very hot headed after all. Golurk is representing Gurren, and also looks quite muscular which fits Kaminas masculine aesthetic. Flygon is here both to act as a bigger and better version of Simons Trapinch, but also here because of its goggles. Finally his last pokemon is Pyukumuku. This is my favourite part of his team because its the pokemon that fits his character the most. Kamina is a person that is nothing on his own. He lies about what he feels, he lies about his fears and doesnt speak about his insecurities. To everyone else he's the perfect leader. In reality, hes a 18 year old putting up the biggest front of all time to make the people in his life feel safe, especially his younger brother Simon. Pyukumuku on its own is a useless pokemon. It cant do any damage, except in certain situations. If you had a team with only a pyukumuku, you would most likely not be able to beat any pokemon game (Dont take this as a challenge). Pyukumuku shines better, when paired with a full team. Not only does this symbolise his status as the leader, but also his personality. In battles, he is never the deciding factor. He may shout the loudest, but the strength always comes from Simon. Kaminas role is making sure Simon believes in himself. He is the support. I see a lot of claims online sometimes saying Kamina is the manliest man, always seemingly because of his traditionally masculine traits. The real reason hes the greatest is the way he supports everyone. I hope after reading this you see why pyukumuku is his perfect pokemon. He is nothing alone, but as a leader, a brother, a friend or anything. He will always support you. (Also i like that Pyukumukus only way to attack is a fist, it fits Kamina). Sorry for the long rant, I'll be moving on now.
Yoko: For Yoko i wanted to make a mix of her status as a sniper, her attitude as a part of the team and her role as a teacher. Clawitzer and Sandaconda reference her status as the sniper, Blaziken is both a nod to her design having fire elements, and her more serious attitude. She can be a bit silly at times, but shes probably the most serious character of the crew. I think Blaziken fits her pretty well. Next up is Mantine, which i know looks a bit weird. Mantine is in a symbiotic relationship with schools of Remoraid. I thought this was a nice way to represent her status as a teacher taking care of the younger generation. The last two i picked mostly because i feel they fit her pretty well. Mawile is mostly because of the ponytail but also because it fits her personality as a teacher, being a mix of very nice/cute and scary. Lastly Tsareena just fits her. I've always felt it was a very, excuse my wording here, girlboss pokemon. Which fits her a lot.
Rossiu: For Rossius team i wanted to get a mix of his role being a wise person, relying on logic but also his status as a former religious person. Carracosta design wise always evoked a very wise feeling for me. It seems like a pokemon you could talk about your feelings to, and give that it could respond, it would give the answers you didnt know you needed. I think Rossiu is the most intelligent character (Except for Leeron which I forgot to make a team for...) and i wanted his team to reflect this. Next up is Sigilyph which is to my knowledge based on ancient angels. At least to me it evokes a very "Be not afraid" kind of feeling. I felt this fit his connection to religion fairly well. Next up is Golett which represents him taking over Gurren after Kaminas death. Gurren however is represented by Golurk, so him just having Golett represents that hes not really cut out for piloting Gurren. I felt Oranguru fit him alot as it seems to be designed to be like a sort of preacher. Not only is this a nice little nod to the leader of his village, I think they look alike, but its design also fits his nihilistic perpective and choices in the later episodes of the series. I wanted to fit into some technology into his team, so I included Klingklang. Lastly I added Duraludon Dynamax. It being a very modern building i felt fit his modern outlook on the world. He builds a democracy and society after the team fumble at building a government. I feel its a nice fit.
Nia: There are a lot of pokemon who share Nias colour palette, and i really love her design. Sylveon is basically her design, filled with ribbons and that colour scheme. I love Nias design, so i wanted to truly represent it. I also feel Primarina fits her a lot, no real substance here. Hatterene both fits her design, and represents her status as a princess. She was locked away which is also in Hatterenes design. Audino represents her empathy, and caring nature. She really is the heart of the team after Kaminas death. And draws the team forward. Mainly drawing Simon out of his depression, simply by treating him as a human being. This is also why I added Wishiwashi. Sharing a pokemon with Simons team. Like mentioned, Nia brought Simon out of his depression, so I felt this was a good way to symbolise her being a main factor in him growing as a person. Lastly I added Nihilego as its a cute design that fits her, but it also represents her being part anti-spiral, as a Ultra Beast is not a pokemon.
Kittan: I awnted to represent Kittans personality and status to the team. Tyrantrum represents him being agressive, sometimes throing tantrums and his King aesthetic. Pangoro represents him being a thug and i also feel it represents the black siblings pretty well. For Golisopod and Mimikyu I wanted to represent his insecurities. Golisopod because Kittan is a person who acts very tough but can be wimpy sometimes. Although this is really just for the start of the season. Mimikyu however is him trying to act like Kamina to be the leader the team needs after Kaminas death. Hes mimicing his behaviours but they dont work. He can never be Kamina, but he tries. For Rhyperior I wanted to represent him getting his own drill. Not Kaminas drill, and not Simons drill either. Its not Excadrills drill, its its own thing. Although the rest of the design doesnt really fit him, i really like this symbolically. Electivire is probably the weakest part of his team, but i feel it fits him visually.
Simon (Adult): I felt Simon deserved to have his team grow since my favourite part of this show is Simon moving past his self hatred to become the best version of his self. To get a bit personal here, I've alwways related to Simon since i first watched the show. I wanted to be like Kamina, and saw myself in Simon. Watching Simon grow up to be as amazing as he is motivates me when I'm at my lowest. Hes a character that always had it in him, but he just couldnt believe in himself. All he needed was someone to tell him that it was okay to believe in himself. And that it was okay to be him. This is something I really love with him. He truly grows up to be himself. Therefore this team is just a fully evolved version of his team when he was younger. He always had it in him, he just had to Believe. There are some nice touches here. Excadrills shiny looks suspiciously like Bootas humanoid form in the show, so I felt it was necessary. He also gets a Dragapult. Kamina only had a Drakloak. Simon surpasses the legend of Kamina while taking up his mantle. Then wwe have Wishiwashis school form. Simon is the person he is because of the people around him. He may not be entirely weak on his own, but Wishiwashi as a pokemon represents the theme of being stronger together very well, and Simon wouldnt be who he is without the people believing in him. Probopass is Lagann again, I've always had a soft spot for this guy, sorry theres not really any better reasoning. I wanted him to keep a Flygon aswell, not only because he gets Kaminas shades, but cooler, but also because i wanted him to have a part of Kaminas team with him. Kamina will always be in his heart, and on his back after all. Lastly I added Zygarde 100%. I usually hate giving legendaries to characters when I make pokemon teams, but this one is too perfect. It is litterally Gurren Lagann. Its the only thing i think of when I see this pokemon and if any character is deserving of a legendary in my eyes, its Simon.
I wanted to do Viral aswell, but i forgot about it and its now 9 am and I havent slept.
Anyway, if you got this far, or got anywhere at all on this post, thanks for reading it. This is my favourite anime of all time, and although some teams could be better I'm satisfied. Again if you are reading, thank you. Have a good day or night wherever you are.
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pincurchinpostulator · 7 months
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On the assumption we're supposed to be pronouncing it "Z to A", would that mean we are returning to a beginning of some sort? The origins of modern Lumiose City? The popular use of Mega Evolution? The (re)discovery of Infinity Energy? Or maybe its plot revolves around fully evolved Pokemon returning to their beginnings?
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The Fletchling in the final shot follows the arc that the Talonflame took in the shot before it. It was probably just visual flair, but I want to entertain the possibility that this is the first hint to the plot of the game. Infinity Energy's connection to evolution was a big theme of Gen 6, and now would be the perfect time to revisit it. Maybe part of the plot involves Pokemon evolution getting messed with somehow?
I'm imagining the problem starts with Pokemon's evolutionary states in flux. Some getting devolved like their energy is being taken away. Others getting engorged with energy, powering them up or causing them to evolve. This sudden change causes a spiked aggression, making Alphas more common. The equivalent to the Noble Pokemon end up mega evolving and becoming enraged due to not having a trainer with a keystone to balance them out.
If Z-A is set in the past once again, this could be when knowledge that mega evolution can be controlled with the help of a trainer is spread. Much like in Legends Arceus, people would be fearful and afraid of these rampant mega evolved Pokemon. The hopes of a city made for Pokemon and people coming to a halt until the protagonist comes in and calms the raging mons with the help of Korrina's ancestors. It would help reconcile the Alola dex entries and Mystery Dungeon with what was established in Gen 6 (which the Gen 6 anime kinda implied was already the case).
We know Zygarde is going to be involved in this, and the chaos following Pokemon's evolutionary states going in flux seems like the sort of ecological disaster it would be concerned about.
(This is assuming that they don't go a completely different direction instead of retreading similar ground obviously. Also, Zygarde getting drained and having to gather its cores would be a good way to have it with you from the beginning, but the Raidons already did that and this is getting waaay too long already.)
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conspire24 · 7 months
Why a Kalos game actually makes sense right now (crack theory)
So, I'm super excited we're getting a Legends game in Kalos featuring Zygarde. As a longtime fan in the XY anime, I always wished Zygarde was done justice in the game side of things, and once Legends Acreus came out, I knew another Legends game would be the perfect way to give Zygarde they're dues.
That said, this was definitely out of left field! Literally everyone was guessing we were going to get a Johto or Unova game this gen, since they're the only two that have yet to be remade in 3D. At first, skipping straight to Kalos makes no sense. But the more I thought of it, the more I've noticed a pattern, a pattern that I will now present as:
The idea is that the region that gets remade is influenced by its age as well as whether or not the region's generation number shares a common denominator (that isn't 1) with the current region's generation number. I know, I'm bringing math into this, but trust me it'll make sense when we go through it.
Let's start simple, the first gen to get remade was Kanto (gen 1) during generation 3. Easy enough, it was the first gen where it made sense to remake past games, and oh look, 3 is a multiple of 1 (though to be fair everything's a multiple of 1).
Then we get to gen 4, where after the sinnoh games, we got a remake of John (gen 2). Oddly enough, 4 is a multiple of 2.
Then there's gen 5. Now, 5 is a prime number, so the only factor 5 has is 1, but gen 1 has already been made available on DS (along with every other gen, so it's not like they could do much anyway).
But then we get to gen 6, followed by the Hoenn remakes (gen 3), and 3 is a multiple of 6. Now, 6 also a multiple of 2 and even shares a common denominator with 4 (that c.d. being 2), but it seems gen 3 takes the precedent because it is the earliest set of games to have been released, since Johto and Sinnoh had games out more recently.
We move to gen 7, and you know, I remember back in 2017 when everyone thought we were gonna get Sinnoh remakes next. But why would we? 7 isn't a multiple of 4, 4 and 7 don't share a common denominator. 7 is a prime number, it isn't a multiple of anything - except for 1. And wouldn't you know it, this is the generation where we got a set of Kanto remakes - and 1 was the only thing that could factor into 7!
As we go to gen 8, suddenly it's apparent what would get remade next. Sinnoh was the region that had been out of circulation the longest, and 4 goes into 8 just fine, meaning now is finally the time to give Sinnoh another spot in the limelight with BDSP and Legends Arceus!
And now, we have reached gen 9, and again I say we all had thought we would get a return to Johto or Unova, but why? I mean, 9 isn't a multiple of 2, or 5. Rather, 9 is a multiple of 3. And you what else is a multiple of 3? 6! And since gen 6 had come out a year before the Hoenn remakes, it seems Kalos was the earliest game to pass the threshold for a modern reimagining.
So, in short, it appears that the region that gets remade or reused next coincides with whether or not the generation number shares a common denominator greater than 1 as well as whether or not the region's last release has been longer than other regions'. If this theory holds water, gen 10 may yield some interesting results, as 10 is a multiple of both 2 and 5. Though, there has been more time since the last new Johto games than there has been since the last new Unova games, so by my logic, Johto would be the next to be remade. Though if you count the Johto VC releases on 3DS, maybe that would mean Unova has spent more time out, so maybe Unova would be next on the docket?
Either way, I just think it's interesting that all the generations' numbers line up this way. Who knows, maybe each generation, GameFreak has been playing a simple numbers game when deciding their remakes.
Well regardless, I'm happy that we're getting another step into Kalos next year, and in a way, maybe the timing makes more sense than we realize. That said, definitely take this theory with a grain of salt. I highly doubt the numbering of generations (which I don't think GameFreak has ever actually acknowledged officially) truly factors into how GameFreak and the Pokemon Company greenlight what projects. But if nothing else, it's fun to notice those kinds of patterns. I'd take this in the same vein as that fire starter zodiac theory from a while back. It's probably not true, but it's funny how well it fits together!
That said, I'm calling it now, a Legends game in Johto is gonna be the game for 2028!
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Confession I’m pretty sure I’m the guy responsible for the 50/50 zygarde and zangoose tie bc I asked a few friends to vote for zangoose while zygarde was in the lead 2 minutes before the poll ended, I didn’t realize it would be the exact number needed for a tie but looking back it turned out pretty perfect considering 50% zygarde form LMAO
This is very funny but it's even more funnier that I managed to forget to answer this for the entirety of round two I'm so sorry and thank you for your service 😭🫡
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radio-ghost-cooks · 7 months
legends za: a theory
okay i know everyone's convinced it's going to be set in the past, but honestly i'm starting to think (read: hope) it's set in the future.
nothing too far in the future, maybe like 8 years tops given how quickly Pokemon society seems to advance. and we're still going to stick to the rebuilding of Lumiose thing, but it's because of Lysandre.
the whole reason Lys used the ultimate weapon was to create a perfect world for his select group of people and Pokemon. imagine Sycamore picking up the idea and proposing improvements to Lumiose to make it prettier, safer, and more ecologically friendly. plus, then we could do something really cool and work with Zygarde instead of against it.
also, look at the announcement trailer! it very much has a theme of past influencing future, with the hand-drawn animation of Lumiose turning into what looks like a polygon render of the city.
so yeah. i'm really hoping we get a game where we work with Zygarde to make Lumiose better
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yummygender · 7 months
‘Pokemon Legands Z-A is set in the past’
‘No, it’s set in the future’
‘It’s gonna be shit anyway because we’re going to be in just one town’
Pokemon Legands Arceus was a test game. This was confirmed.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s concepts are past and future.
Pokemon is known for connecting games together and creating games set a year or so after mainline games.
There’s clear evidence that the layout of the map is based off of the past French enlightenment period as well as slight nods to future tech.
Here’s my theory:
Remember when time-travel was referenced in Legends Arceus? Guess what? I believe that this time, the time traveling will be perfected and we’ll be able to transport through time with a special device.
What the device is? Idk. My idea is that it’s similar to the Arceus phone but with Zygarde instead.
The story? Again, Idk. My theory is that those little wormholes in the Hisuian region have made it to future Kalos and it’s now our job to close the wormholes and fix the timeline, with the help of the legendaries of course.
The time difference? Idk, but I can’t imagine it being too small. Around the French enlightenment period and like 50+ years into the future or something.
I could be 100% wrong but whatever. If I’m right? Well, feel free to blow up my askbox and notifications.
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spacefinch · 10 months
Which of the MSB kids would catch a legendary pokemon?
Hmmm.... good question.
Phoebe's the most likely to catch a legendary by befriending it. I think Zygarde would be a perfect fit for her, since she is passionate about protecting the ecosystem.
Carlos would probably catch either Zekrom or Reshiram-- the Dragon of Ideals and the Dragon of Truth, respectively. Just like Phoebe, he befriends the Legendary Pokemon before catching it.
P.S. Please enjoy this edit.
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