slimylittlemaggot · 8 months
If this gets 10,000 notes, then I'll go to therapy.
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yourgoldennotebook · 1 month
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are you not entertained?
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jedi-enthusiast · 29 days
Leftists in like 2016-2021: I can’t believe people are denying that the civil war was about slavery! And trying to say that COVID wasn’t real or was exaggerated! People died!
Leftists now: The Holocaust didn’t happen and if it did then those dirty Jews Zionists just exaggerated the whole thing!
Leftists in like 2016-2021: Yeah, let’s all punch Nazis! Fuck those white supremacist assholes!
Leftists now: Well, actually, maybe the Nazis were right about the Jews—I mean, they wouldn’t have committed a genocide against them if they didn’t do anything to deserve it, because we all know hatred and bigotry are totally logical.
Leftists in like 2016-2021: “One bad cop” is a product of a flawed and bigoted system, and that means the system needs to change! And if there’s a Nazi in your group and they’re not being kicked out, then you’re all Nazis!
Leftists now: One Nazi in our protest doesn’t mean that we’re all being bigoted, even though we’re spouting the same shit they are. Also, we’re just gonna ignore the fact that Nazis are trying to recruit people from our group because we’re being so antisemitic.
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faithisland · 5 months
now that transmascs are the fun exclusionist target I get to see every twenty posts something like "disgusting how trans men come on here and act like women oppress men, misandry isn't real! what a victim complex, men amiright" knowing full well what OP actually means is that is that they have an unnuanced understanding of feminism and oppression and believe that the identity "man" somehow completely overrides oppression and never adds to it.
but I have no way to know if Trusted Mutual believes that or just didn't understand the dogwhistles ...
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doortotomorrow · 1 month
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cooper howard » eavesdropping on the meeting
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v1x-holo · 8 months
Indecisive about it but take that as you will >:}
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Purple Pikmin Winning the Emperor's Cup, by me
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
browsing through Pokemon fan discussions is so strange because people will insist that every time that "[update] will fix/improve the game" and then it doesn't happen and then people buy it and are disappointed and then they go "well [update] will fix/improve the game" and it's like buddy you're Charlie Brown and GameFreak is Lucy with the football
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starleska · 5 months
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so those of us who've been writing for and discussing the Toymaker have found it a little tricky at times to discern the Toymaker's characteristics, given how often he changes up his accent, appearance, and temperament!! so, we developed a very silly solution 🙈💖 what's more fun that arbitrary categorisation? these are the different 'facets' of the Toymaker we've noticed - or rather, the characters he plays - and the shorthand names we use for him!! each name corresponds to a particular presentation of the Toymaker, largely tied to changes in voice, appearance and personality. there are moments where these distinct characters bleed into one another! we have:
1920s German Toymaker: the playful, teasing, pseudo-German speaking Toymaker who sells Charles Bannerjee Stooky Bill, and who menacingly juggles at the Doctor and Donna. this is the Toymaker at his personal best: fully invested in his character and thriving in a toy-themed performance. 🧸
French Cabaret Toymaker: the charming, lipsticked, French-accented dancer who accosts the Doctor on the street and sways amid the mayhem of The Giggle. this is a Toymaker who revels in chaos and destruction, and who is equal parts stunning and disquieting 🕺
Marionettist Toymaker: the frightening and severe puppeteer who grows to an impossible size, pulls marionette-Charles' strings and speaks in rhyme. this Toymaker feels the most similar to the original Celestial Toymaker played by Michael Gough! although superficially similar to other Toymakers, his hair is noticeably different and his demeanour is far more sinister 🧵
Showman Toymaker: the volatile ringmaster whose emotions shift on a dime, and who seems equally torn between performance, play, and injustice. this Toymaker is marked in contrast to Marionettist and 1920s German due to the occasional appearance of his American accent, and the apparent sincerity with which he delivers his show for Donna. 🎪
British Card Dealer Toymaker: the cool, calculating cardician whose respect for the game overshadows any desire for drama. much like with Showman, little glimpses of the Toymaker's other characters peek out here, but this Toymaker has a marked seriousness about him that's only knocked by his excitement upon gaining an advantage or winning. 👑
Band Leader Toymaker: the impossible menace with a distinctly feral energy. this Toymaker is a sadist: causing wanton pain, destruction and murder and loving every moment of it. Spice Up Your Life indeed 🌹
WWI Pilot Toymaker: the furious child who refuses to lose. this Toymaker is one who has grown frustrated with those around him who won't play his games, and these frustrations make him unable to maintain his previous playful persona: instead, we see lashings of anger coupled with violence, and the notable sadism of Band Leader 👨‍✈️
(Bonus) Flat Toymaker: the loser, and the lost little boy. i will admit, this was originally because i wanted an even set 😂💖 however, there's an intriguing moment of vulnerability from the Toymaker here, when he begs the Doctor for mercy. for a moment, we get a look into that 'vastness that will never cease' beneath all of the Toymaker's pomp and frills, and we see how truly frightened he is 🎁
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californiannostalgia · 11 months
the barbie movie contains both the human need to 1) be a funny silly musical gremlin and 2) listen to our own thoughts and feelings without undermining ourselves as we navigate a world that makes absolutely no fucking sense
it's also about living as a woman because holy fuck isn't this shit messed up (the oppenheimer movie is proof of this)
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 5 months
🐟 Fishuary 2024 Day Two: Salmonid 🐟
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The humble (and hungry) rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss! I wanted to draw one as I will be conducting research on rainbow trout during this year, no doubt I will get very familiar with them :]
I also have a version without the thick outline. I don't usually do it (because usually I draw linelessly), which way looks better?
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jjunieworld · 7 days
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HES SO FUCKING SEXY WHATTTT like i need him so bad THE LAST PICTURE????/?:?????.?
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wewerebornsextuplets · 2 months
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Hear the storm, it dances outside Somethin' set free is runnin' through the night
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iseia · 1 month
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Jackson and Holt, once again.my
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ghostorbz · 7 months
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Get crossovered, loser
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macksartblock · 1 month
I’ve made a kiddads post assigning them things that I did/happened to me growing up. Now I’m doing that with the dads and my father’s experiences.
Darryl: In high school, he snuck out to attend a party - at a barn, in the middle of nowhere - with the rest of his football buddies. He did not have a good time and left not even two hours in. Frank didn’t even question him on his whereabouts, he woke up his parents and flat out confessed upon returning home.
Glenn: He was out at a bar with the GCT the night before his wedding. He’d only had one drink and walked outside to call a cab when he fainted and hit his nose off the edge of the curb. No one could figure out why he fainted and, sporadically, he still does. His nose is broken in all of his wedding pictures.
(Bonus: he once fainted in front of a cop after there was a noise complaint. Morgan came down to see Glenn flat on the ground and a mortified cop at their door. Glenn does not remember this at all.)
Ron: Early on in his relationship with Samantha, he took Terry Jr out on a “stepfather-son bonding day”. All they did was sit in a cafe, staring at each other in silence as Terry Jr had a milkshake and Ron had coffee. Ron did not like it and started stealing some of Terry’s milkshake with a spoon. This was the closest they’d ever been before the Forgotten Realms.
Henry: My father is simply too put together. He’s never had an experience like Henry in his life.
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