#poppee the performer
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Puts them in the same room to see what happens
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v1x-holo · 11 months
Indecisive about it but take that as you will >:}
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lovewired-graphic · 3 months
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bunch of fandom blinkies we made a long while ago
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spooky-narwhal · 5 months
Ah yes, the “male character with a bunny appearance who has violent tendencies” archetype
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silkythewriter · 2 years
“i love you you may as well take my heart it's already full of you!”pt.1
Summary: they were obsessed In absolute love with you, every step,every breath, every inch of skin on your body, they were absolutely memorized by you, you were the most beautiful person they’ve ever laid eyes on. Soon They’ll show you how much they worship love you
Small warning: Yandere’s, toxic relationships, gore, stalking, ect
Small note:I’ve been feeling creatively drained a bit so I’m working on a self project before moving on and working on requests! :>. I hope y’all don’t mind!
Fandom:Any and all
Daily song suggestion:
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They watched silently from afar as they watched your skin lightly glow under the sun, god you were perfect you were an Angel compared to them they didn’t even deserve to be so close to you right now, but they couldn’t help themselves they just had to. They sighed contently as they watched you and your elegance, perfection was the only way they could describe you but at last all good things must come to an end as your friend walked up and started talking to you. Their hands balled into a fist and their eyes furrowed as a frown formed on their face “damnit” they muttered to themselves as your friend blocked their view of you, they would have killed them right there and then but they knew better then to do that after all they wouldn’t want pigs blood on a precious thing like you. Just imagining it made them gag in disgust, they quietly shook off the reaction before backing up into the covers of the shadows and quietly walking over to a new better view. They smiled softly as they heard you giggle, even if they hated that they weren’t the one making you giggle still, they would take what they could at this desperate time they’ve been in, all they wanted was you in their arms and only In their arms the urge to run up to you and tackle you to the ground and never let you go was hard to contain but still they had to mange until their plan came into motion. Just a few more day and they finally might have a chance to be near you and breath your all so lovely scent and to hear that voice they love all so too much.
“Well I’ll be heading off now!” You said to your friend as you gave them a small wave before stepping back and walking off “Bye Y/n!!” They said as they waved behind you, you smiled as you waved back and turned your head to where you were walking to. “I should probably Oder food today.. its way to late to cook now..” you sighed running your fingers through your hair as you thought about the day you had. All day the feeling of eyes watching you was apparent.. yet you could never figure out why.. that uneasy feeling in your stomach didn’t help either it’s like your gut was telling you to run but you didn’t…god you were going to regret that one day when you look back on this moment
A hand found its way to your shoulder as a small tap was made, you jumped slightly from the sudden touch, your skin was covered with goosebumps as a pit formed in your stomach and a ball of saliva formed in your throat which you swallowed nervously as you turned around “hey there! Didn’t mean to scare ya” they chuckled as their eyes scanned over your body “oh no! That’s quite alright, uhm do I know you?” You asked as you tilted your head to the side in confusion, god you were just sickeningly adorable I mean who couldn’t love a face like yours?? “No, you don’t but hopefully you will soon!” They answered happily.. almost to happily something was definitely odd about their character but you quickly shook off the feeling as not to be rude. “Oh?” You said questioningly as you continued walking and watched them quickly walk next to you “I’ve seen you around often!, we live in the same apartment building” they said with a small smile “oh! I’m so sorry.. i must have not noticed you around, it’s been busy these past months” you chuckled nervously as you looked off to the side not sure of what else to say. “That’s alright, I’ve just thought if I see you so often why not get to know you” they said shrugging their shoulders “understandable I guess…” you whispered under your breathe “hm?” They said looking towards you “ah!, nothing, nothing, just talking to myself” you said as you desperately tried thinking of a way to get out of this interaction
You knew it was stupid but the pit in your stomach only grew every second they were around you, you honestly didn’t know why but the uncomfortableness was almost unbearable at this point. Your eyes widen at an idea as a soft smile spread across your face “hey look it was nice talking to you but I gotta go get groceries, thank you so much for the talk though!” You said, if going to the near by dirty grocery store meant getting them off your back you’ll gladly go, fuck take out you’ll just buy a heat up dinner. “Oh well I guess I’m in luck I was heading there too!” They chirped as they smiled to you “oh…. Okay then” you said giving a small fake smile. The feeling of unease just grew and grew the more you walked as your mouth formed a line and your body tensed, maybe you were just being paranoid! Yea..yea! That can explain everything, I mean after all those horror movies you watched yesterday probably had something to do with it
“So what do you do for a living!” They asked eyeing you, they already knew, they already knew everything about you actually but having a chance to talk to you was to hard to give up. “Oh I’m a I/J” you smiled as you kept eyeing the store that you were nearing, maybe you could just sneak off while they weren’t watching and just blend into the crowd of people. “Really? How nice” they said getting even closer to you then needed, you didn’t even notice due to being lost in thought about the plan you’ve created. Finally after an awkward silence you guys stopped at the entrance of the bustling small building, many locals went here even spite of how dirty and old it was, it looked as if it was about to collapse in on itself in any minute hell it still had the old rusty sign from when it was first opened “you first” they said as they walked up and opened the door for you “thank you” you said almost above a whisper
Their un dying smile just grew more, oh this day is gonna be so fun….
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softichill · 4 months
It's still wild to me that Popee the Performer was an actual show. Like it actually aired on kids cartoon channels in the real world. It has all the traits of some analog horror youtube series; recognizable designs, no dialogue, short episodes, aired at random times on kids TV, extremely violent plots & humor (one of which didn't even air for being too violent yet can still be watched in full), creepy 3d animation.....
But no. This was a real show. The original creators are on twitter and they're a middle-aged japanese couple. There's an official manga.
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bun-monchi · 9 months
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This silly Image lives in my brain rent free
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inkstone555 · 6 months
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Dog boys.
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I’m gonna redraw some Screenshots of the show✨✨
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chikinan · 5 months
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Weird dogs I like 👍
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Can you put him in Popee The Performer pretty please? 🥺
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ch33todust3r · 1 year
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Rennn :3
Also a kedamono doodle
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Shout-out to them, theyre the most
Whoever had the idea for this crossover first ily
Reminded of how much i love this clown
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moonlight12086 · 2 months
Every circus deserves a presenter, right?
(if ptp is a circus-)
Well, let me introduce you to our dearest presenter (I think)
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Each drawing apart so you can see it better :))
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Bigger drawing :D. |. Lu small version :33
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Sorry Papi 😭💔. | Hehe, references
Thanks to @supern0vashii and @strange0-0storm for inspiring me to create my own ptp Oc, each time uniting me with the muejejej fandom.
I love you two :3
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anomatedshad · 8 months
Tengo una obsesión con este ship😭💖
No se, quiero dibujar mas de este contenido..
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Mas dibujos :"v
No se dibujar, ayuda
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(Referencia a la pelicula Inside out)
Aqui mas referencias (me gustaria ver dibujos similares a su estilo)
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snxwisr0tting · 2 months
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Huge art dump
7th slide tord was drawn by @tordsiepop
I'll try to be a bit active here but I'm mostly active in Instagram:3
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ofxxk · 10 months
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Yall seen that one funny 3d circus toon on youtube thats crazy
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