#period pain rememdies
diamondsandpebbles · 2 years
in my latest youtube vid, i’m sharing the three natural remedies i use to help combat period cramps.
when it comes to period pain relief, for me, painkillers are pretty much the only way to go. however, in recent months, i’ve turned to some natural remedies to help extend my ibuprofen and paracetamol. this now means i can now go longer before needing to top on medication.
so, what are the three remedies in question? the ohne holy cramp pro-period balm (which helps to melt away cramps while soothing and relaxing me), heath & heather organic rosehip tea (a recent discovery that literally made all my cramps disappear by the time i’d finished my cup), and finally deep breathing (using a box breathing technique i picked up from gong bath, this helps to take my mind away from the pain).
curious to see how these simple things have made the world of difference to my period cramps? be sure to watch until the very end.
i hope you like this video. please don’t forget to like, comment, SUBSCRIBE (turn on your notifications) and share with a friend in need of some period pain relief. and in the meantime, i’ll catch you in the next one!
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dgcatanisiri · 8 months
Considering how much of the discourse around queer representation tends to forego the basic concept of "nuance is a thing," I feel like it's worth bringing up that part of the very real problem in any discussion of queer rep is that everyone wants contradictory things, not just within the community, but even among individuals.
Because the reality genuinely is no one queer character can be representative of everyone under the queer umbrella - I mean, just look at what people consider the baseline of "queerness," the LGBT acronym. Right there, the first two letters are about dynamics that inherently exclude the other - representation for lesbians inherently is different than representation for gay men. Then you start adding bisexuals, who have a different experience than either, and transgender experiences, which cross AND defy the prior categories a lot of the time.
And then you get to individual experiences - what is each person LOOKING FOR in queer representation? Because that's equally messy and contradictory. We look for and need different things at different points in our lives - sure, for the queer person just accepting their queerness, a coming out story will be meaningful. To the queer person who has been out for years, decades even, it's so baseline a story, it might as well be considered remedial representation, or a representational backslide, because isn't there anything ELSE we could be doing with queer characters?
And yet, in most media, we're still at a point of being lucky to get a queer character and a romantic partner for them. So that character can only hit one of the bullet points of queerness. Even though IRL queer people tend to enter into queer friend groups, media still puts things in the "token queer amongst straights" patterns.
So yeah, queer representation as it is will NEVER be good enough, because it can't cover every aspect of representation that we're all looking for. It's not simply a matter of "is this good representation?" but "is this representation that fits my needs as the audience?" and, if it does not, then asking "do I dislike it because it's bad or because of that lack of fit?"
I mean, I might as well bring up one of my go-to examples. I am often upset with the portrayal of Dorian Pavus in Dragon Age Inquisition. Part of that, yes, is because I don't like that characterization - I find the character as presented obnoxious and not the kind of individual I particularly want to spend time around. However, I also take issue with his storyline in the game, because to me, this is a classic "rememdial representation" instance - take away the references of blood magic, this could have come from any number of queer media centered on the baseline concept "my family does not accept my being gay." It feels very much like this is a story that came from a period so much earlier in queer media portrayals.
And I compare that to what a contemporary media managed - Inquisition was released the same year that the show How to Get Away With Murder premiered, and by the end of the first season, they introduced a gay character, Connor, and then gave him a partner, Oliver, who evolved from a one-off into a main character, and that same season also gave Oliver an HIV diagnosis, in large part to show that one) HIV is actually still a thing in this world, and two) unlike where it was during the height of the AIDS crisis, the time when you would get all this media centered around the pain and horror of the disease, and even the trope of the "too good for this sinful Earth" AIDS victim, the character whose death spurs on the improvement of the lives of all the other characters (usually straight)... Oliver gets to SURVIVE. His HIV diagnosis is not where his story ends, and it also ends up not being the whole and extent of his character as a result, which is a big thing in that kind of portrayal.
So where Inquisition comes across as repeating the stock trope of the last several decades of media, How to Get Away With Murder takes that narrative and flips it around, making sure to emphasize that Oliver's story - his life - doesn't end at the diagnosis, but functionally BEGINS.
That's where I'm coming at when I look at Dorian in Inquisition and say that I don't think he makes for good representation - by the end of Inquisition, what it wants you to take away from is "Dorian is gay, and his father didn't accept that." HTGAWM at least goes to Oliver and says that his HIV diagnosis is not all that he is, and he doesn't have a responsibility to die imparting a lesson to straight people, but to live and find happiness.
And yet, I AM fully aware that there are queer people who resonated with the story Dorian got, and, y'know, genuinely, truly, good for them. But I really did just feel pushed out of things by the fact that I've SEEN Dorian's story before, and so often, I can recite it by heart, and I DESPERATELY need something more - I've said that I could see Dorian and Felix, a character who briefly appears when Dorian is introduced, swapped around, and Felix could have, effectively, had the same story that Oliver had, and, again, Inquisition and HTGAWM released in the same year.
That's how I look at the nuances of this messy situation of queer representation - numeric representation is one thing, sure, but there is genuine discussion to have surrounding what that representation is saying with its story and what impact that story then has on its audience. It is not simply a case of "[media] has [rep] and is therefore good" or "[media] has [rep] and is therefore bad." It's entirely centered in the idea of what is it, and what is it trying to say.
Because matters of representation don't just end in numbers, or in one group being seen (and, with the way so many seem to treat things, one group being seen at the expense of others - whether that's the case or not is ANOTHER nuanced debate, worth its own post). They matter in the stories told and how those stories proceed to impact the audience.
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wind0wg0blin · 4 years
If you're taking requests, could you do headcanons for a Yautja with an s/o who has extremely difficult periods?
I got you, Here is what I came up with 
Has absolutely no idea what he is doing but very supportive. 
You need a heating pad? He is on it. You need some alone time? No problem he was just headed out. Want to do something fun to get your mind off of things? Oh he has plenty of ways to distract you dont you worry. 
Big time cuddle buddy. 
He will grumble and pretend he is only doing it for you but his love language is physical so he would never pass down an opprotunity to love up on ya. 
Likes it the most if he gets to lay on you and rest his chin on your chest so he can look down at you or have you on his chest and pin you against him with his arms around your waist. 
Isn’t afraid to get down and dirty if you know what I mean 
After all the best rememdy for menstrual cramps is baby making after all. This way you both win 
Assassin Predator 
Actually knows about human anatomy and is really grossed out by it. Especially when he witnesses the effects first hand. 
Its nothing against you personally but like humans are nasty 
Isn’t really into physical affection or touching in general tbh 
If you are particularly miserable he may pity you with some attention 
Dont even think about doing anything intimate while your like that. 
He cares about you but he isnt willing to get your fluids all over him. 
All over not the greatest for this job but at least you will never worry about someone bothering you while your on your period. 
Cause if theres one thing this state that your in does to him is makes him super over protective around other people. 
The middle man of our previous two. He doesn’t get grossed out but he isnt brave enough to get too close. 
because of this there seems to be a magical never ending supply of femmine products and pain relief items in the house. 
He is very likely to crack jokes before actually helping you with something. 
For example: you asking for a hug and him threatening to squeeze you like a ketchup packet 
High key thinks he is gonna hurt you if he does anything intimate while your on your period so thats a no for him. 
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