#permanent records roadhouse
sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Shannon Lay Interview: The Volume Meets the Medium
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Upon listening to “Angeles”, the Elliott Smith interpretation that opens Shannon Lay’s first covers album Covers Vol. 1 (Sub Pop), you’re struck by something familiar, yet different: her voice. Whether singing original songs, Karen Dalton on 2019′s August, or Syd Barrett on 2021′s Geist, Lay’s voice has always taken on an expressive whisper. You know--kind of like Elliott Smith. But on “Angeles”, she goes full force, unobscured by the haze of her past material. It’s the first song on the first album released since Lay’s taken voice lessons, taking advantage of a living situation and time in her career when she can sing out loud without bothering a roommate, with the confidence and good habits she’s developed over years of writing and performing.
Covers Vol. 1 is, in many ways, different than your traditional covers album. The artists included on it feel like an extension of Lay’s world, from the gentle caress of Nick Drake or Arthur Russell to the Bay Area scuzz of Ty Segall and OCS. (Lay’s spent a lot of time in Ty Segall’s Freedom Band.) Artists like Sibylle Baier and Jackson C. Frank are newfound loves, whereas Smith, Drake, Segall, and OCS are longtime influences. For an artist who wears her influences loudly and proudly while having still developed a unique artistic voice, a covers album is almost the perfect embodiment of Shannon Lay.
When I spoke again with Lay over the phone a couple months ago as she was about to embark on an opening tour for Whitney, she talked about why she likes not just recording covers, but playing them for an audience. “It’s such a great unifier, especially for an audience that doesn’t know you,” she said. “‘You like this? I like this, too!’” Lay plays Friday at the South Pasadena Masonic Lodge, Saturday at the Sebastiani Theater in Sonoma, and in July at the Permanent Records Roadhouse in L.A. Whether it’s a celebration of the release of Covers Vol. 1, Geist, her whole discography, or music in general, you can be sure to hear her as the messenger of some songs she didn’t necessarily write, embedded in the folk tradition.
Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: Both times we’ve spoken, you’ve talked about how much you like doing covers. You’ve included covers on your otherwise-original albums. What made you want to do a full covers album?
Shannon Lay: I think I had just amassed enough. I had so many under my belt that I loved playing live over the years, and it felt good to release something indicative of how I’ve been playing live lately, which is solo with this nylon string guitar, stripped-down, campfire style. It seemed appropriate.
SILY: Are there a couple tying threads among the range of artists you cover on here?
SL: I really wanted to be transparent about my influences, considering the fact that people who like my music would probably love these other artists, too. It felt like a nice way to let people in to the way I make music and open them up to the things I like, too. If you like me, you’ll definitely like Nick Drake and Elliott Smith.
SILY: It’s certainly a mix of eras. I was excited to see a couple modern day Bay Area luminaries in Ty Segall and OCS. How did those bands influence you as much as, say, Nick Drake and Sybille Baier?
SL: To have real-world experience with people I revere so much has been amazing. Ty and [OCS’] John [Dwyer] have been so supportive ever since I started playing music. It’s been super cool having them as a source of inspiration and support. I love them as people, but I absolutely love their music, so I had to pay tribute to those two guys. They’ve been so impactful on my life, musically and personally.
SILY: On your past couple records, your singing style seems more whispered and subdued, layered and affected. On here, especially on the Elliott Smith and Jackson C. Frank covers, you’re not obscuring your voice at all, which I found especially interesting on the Elliott Smith track, because that’s his singing style. Can you talk about how you adapted your vocal performance for these covers?
SL: I’ve been learning a lot about my voice. I’ve always loved to sing, but I think I grew up singing in these environments where I was living with someone, or roommates, and I didn’t want to bother anyone. I was always quite shy with my singing. Recently, I’ve had the ability to have my own space and explore what it’s like to go full-voice. Also, the way I’ve been tuning my guitar, which I got from Sybille Baier, is tuned down to C-standard. My voice fits so cozily in that zone. I started taking vocal lessons last year. It just blew the doors open, and I was able to find a much more powerful place to sing from. This record is the first place I’ve recorded that progress. Feeling it, and hearing how it hits the tape, particularly on the “Angeles” cover, was so delicious. I get why people love it: It’s this stunning compression that happens when you get that volume that meets that medium.
It’s been so cool. A lot of times, when you play an instrument or sing, you feel like you max out what you’re able to learn about it. I don’t think that’s true for anything. I feel like you can always learn more about what you love doing. With singing, it’s been really cool to expand the possibilities of it. I also want to sing for the rest of my life, so [it’s about] finding healthy habits and a new love for it. It’s stunning. I love it!
SILY: It’ll be cool to hear how you take this new approach into your original songs.
SL: Totally, especially if you see me live lately. It’s the new ingredient in the mix, which has been really fun in a simplified setting. It really maximizes the potential of how dynamic the vocals can be. It’s a really cool instrument, and it’s built into all of us.
SILY: Can you pinpoint your exact relationships to all of these songs, like when you first heard them or fell in love with them? Are there any that are newer to you?
SL: Sybille Baier is pretty new. I only discovered her in the last 4-5 years. Jackson C. Frank was also a pretty new love. The two of them have a lot in common. There’s a beautiful poetic melancholy to the way they make music, and two people I’d love to create a platform to lift them up on. They’re lesser known within this list of people.
The Jackson C. Frank song, I had never heard a cover done by a woman. I wanted to sing it from a female perspective. I thought it was interesting the way it took shape and became a little bit more wistful. I intentionally cut a verse that talked about giving up and not trying anymore. [laughs] I don’t agree with that. There’s something about heartbreak that propels you forward. It’s not about giving up, it’s about overcoming that moment. I liked bringing a more hopeful perspective to a very sad song.
SILY: The last time we talked, you said you always have a Sybille Baier track in your back pocket to cover at any moment. Why’d you choose this specific song?
SL: I wanted to pick songs that hadn’t been covered very much. [“I Lost Something In The Hills”] has some of my favorite lines I’ve ever heard in music. The whole arc of it feels like a coming-of-age story. Understanding yourself in an accepting light and that you’re kind of a weirdo, and these “strong and strange moods,” as she says. I can highly relate.
SILY: It’s a microcosm for the whole record, a curation of songs as a sort of mixtape, but you just happen to be the one singing.
SL: Yes! I love that.
SILY: “I’m Set Free” is a fun one because everyone says Lou Reed’s voice is deadpan, but your cover sort of reveals the song’s melody.
SL: [laughs] Totally. It’s a trip, man. I love transforming that song. The original has a washy thing about it, and I wanted to bring it down to Earth. The lyrics are so beautiful, and the message is, “I’m leaving the story behind,” having a clear perspective of a situation and it being up to you how to feel about things.
SILY: The Ty Segall cover is from Sleeper, his first “folk” record, but OCS have never gone through that folk phase to the extent Ty has. They’ve always maintained a certain level of noise, and "I Am Slow” specifically has a lot of weird instrumentation. How did you find adopting it to a folk song?
SL: That one was funny. With all the covers I’ve done, it falls into place so naturally, and that one just spilled out one day. I had to check with John on the lyrics because I wasn’t exactly sure what he was saying. [laughs] I got to play a few songs with OCS when they released their last record, which is one of the most stunning pieces of music, and I got to sing that song with Brigid Dawson. Every time I listen to OCS and play that song, I feel like I’m paying tribute to San Francisco. It just boils down the vibe of the [city], like a love note to the Bay Area.
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SILY: What’s the story behind the cover art of this record?
SL: I do love a pun, so I wanted me under covers on the cover of the covers record. [laughs] It was a really fun shoot. My partner Kai MacKnight shot it on 16mm and grabbed stills, so it had this stunning texture about it. I was actually laying underneath a picnic table, and he was on top of the picnic table to get the shot. I love how it came out. It’s ethereal and ambiguous.
SILY: The title of this album has “Vol. 1″ in it. Do you have other covers set to record and release?
SL: I don’t, but I wanted to establish this never-ending journey. I really appreciate music and sharing music. I love bringing my perspective to songs. I want Vol. 2 to be all duets. I’m going to amass a bunch of duets for that one and see where it goes from there, and eventually release a sick-ass box set. [laughs]
SILY: Are you working on any original material?
SL: I’ve been sporadically writing ever since I released Geist. I want to figure out what that wants to be. I’ve also been writing with other people. I have a few things on the stove simmering, and I want to see what they turn into. I feel it on the horizon.
SILY: Anything else next for you?
SL: Just enjoying the ride. I’ve been doing ceramics!
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading you’ve dug?
SL: I just finished Poker Face, which I absolutely loved. It gives me X-Files vibes, which is such a nice thing to have in modern television.
I’ve just been listening to Elliott Smith for like the last year. I can’t stop. [laughs] And Pavement. A modern artist I’d like to hype is Allegra Krieger. She’s fantastic, an East Coast gal who makes the most incredible folk music you’ve ever heard. Her last album Precious Thing has been on repeat. It brought me to tears the first time I’ve heard it.
SILY: Did you see a Pavement reunion show?
SL: I did. It was in-credible. They gave the people what they wanted.
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xxenbypunkxx · 1 year
Fred Armisen at Permanent Records Roadhouse in Los Angeles, California (December 30, 2022)
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tonysamcomedy · 2 days
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My happy place.
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methodman13 · 5 months
Ringing in the New Year with Jagged Baptist Club, Ramonda Hammer and UHGG: A Night at Permanent Records Roadhouse
Ringing in the New Year with Jagged Baptist Club, Ramonda Hammer and UHGG: A Night at Permanent Records Roadhouse
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jdsoundbite · 5 months
West Coast Shows Next Weekend
I’m looking forward to visiting California next weekend to play a few shows backed my pals Eli and Andrew from the band LAKE. Nic Hessler opens the LA show on Saturday, January 13th at Permanent Records Roadhouse. Suver opens the Oakland show on Sunday, January 14th at Thee Stork Club in Oakland. We will be playing most of the songs from our new album Love in the Time of Capital, as well as one…
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slovenlyrecordings · 1 year
Super-psyched to be bringing Tube Alloys (Los Angeles, CA) to DEBAUCH-a-ReNO 2023 - the Sticker Guy! 30th Anniversary bash!
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longlistshort · 1 year
Supercrush- Trophy
This song is from Supercrush’s 2022 EP Melody Maker.
They are playing in Los Angeles on Sunday, 1/22/23 at Permanent Records Roadhouse with Pile of Love, PHONY, Cosmic Joke, and Kora Puckett.
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picturethisshow · 2 years
#tbt to before we knew how masking works.  This Sunday 6/26 6:30pm Brandie Posey and Mike L. Mayfield and the whole #LA gang is back for more live animated fun at Permanent Records Roadhouse!!  
Save $5 by getting tickets before Sunday! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/picture-this-live-animated-comedy-los-angeles-tickets-359161901917
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a collection of funny things that should have been in Supernatural because i said so;
At least three episodes of all the hunters that have the whole system with Sam at the bunker but it’s like a police show comedy [i’ve only seen like three total episodes of Brooklyn 99 and four seasons of Psych but i think it’d be great]
Dean gets to follow his dream (like what Michael trapped him in) and take after Ellen and the roadhouse, whether it be by using that giant ass bunker as a bar or he just buys one, or even builds one [with magic or his hands]
Hunter doctors- like official, legal doctors. basically so that way if anything possibly supernatural is going on- you can see a doctor who knows about that type of stuff and can hopefully help it [like a witches curse, or how Bobby Dean and Sam had the carvings on their ribs] and they don’t make you pay if your a hunter for obvious hunters-don’t-get-payed-reasons
and obviously garth and some other people starts a whole monster healing underground medical aid/er (also probably at the bunker or smth)
a section of the bunker turns into this child-teen room where anybody under like 20 goes and can stay permanently. so like if a parent was killed on a hunt, they show up and are taken care of, they can learn more stuff, practice, and maybe have a shot at a semi-normal, at least no hunting, life [Jody and Donna help out there a lot]
there’s also adult rooms, obviously, same gig
game night at the Dean-Cave, lots of tournaments and anger
movie nights [for any hunter that wants to come] with a huge projector screen that they bring out to the main area with the stairs and whatnot, they’ll move tables, build a whole ass fort and watch shit
jack defeats god but instead of him disappearing it’s a complex jack-sorta-splits-in-two thing where his current conscious still runs things as ‘god’ but the ‘other half’ is essentially him but physically and mentally a four year old (like completely- not what Jack had before as a mix of 4 years old and 20 years old, just pure 4 year old) and it’s pure chaos
dean tries to redo everything with Jack (because he was a dick majority of the time) and obviously Cas and Sam were alrwady Dad Material TM
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jody, Donna, Eileen, Charlie [both worlds because she didn’t die in my mind] Kevin [also not dead] and some others will hold classes for different things
Dean: Cooking (and lots of fighting) Occasionally does cool ‘home-made’ things, like his EMF that was made out of a Walkman, stuff like that. Teaches Latin and the different warding stuff
Sam: Healthy balance in life- both mentally and food wise. Also teaches lore and how to defend yourself, but mainly tries to get people to know how to lead a normal life, to enjoy things. Also teachers Latin [and backwards exorcisms if you need the demon]
Castiel: Lots of fighting techniques, but he also does a lot of history [not hunter-history, just like. normal history, but parts that have never been recorded since he’s seen a looooot] Teaches about free will and choosing your own path- not one that you were raised into or something of the sort [like hunting] he’s one of those teachers who get way off topic and he starts talking about Dean and everything [the ‘students’ place bets on when he’ll confess]
Jody & Donna + The Kids: [Jody & Donna] Teach how to stay out of trouble, fighting methods, but mainly how to lead a good, death-less life and be happy. they also teach you about police-loopholes and such so if they do stick with hunting they don’t get thrown in jail and such. Teaches healing and first aid. [The Kids] teach, again, fighting techniques, tracking stuff, running away from stuff, lots of medical stuff, Patience and Kaia teach others how to control their ability’s [with Gabriel]
Eileen: Teaches ASL and teaches how to use your other senses if you couldn’t use one [or technically how to sorta focus and zone in on the other senses] Also lots of lore and fighting techniques.
Charlie: Teacher how to hack into ‘un-hackable’ things, create fake credit or debit cards, fake IDs, etc. She holds role play and games like DnD all the time
Kevin: Teaches confidence and such, how to not let people take advantage of you [cough cough Dean was not so nice to him whilst translating] How to stand up for yourself and not be a doormat. Also teaches school stuff if anybody was interested
Rowena: Witchcraft, obviously. She does a lot of the warding stuff than the others because she knows a lot more about everything. Occasionally teaches how to seduce your way into information (or magic
Gabriel: How to trick people and such into getting them to do what you want them to. Probably some tips on going underground/undercover. If a kid has powers he helps them entirely
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midi-wizard · 1 year
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Opening for Crisis Actress and The Wash on May 20th at the Permanent Records Roadhouse
Hope to see you there!
Poster by me
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lilyxgoth · 1 year
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permanent records roadhouse. los angeles. 11.9.22
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nakedcomedy · 1 year
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FRIDAY 7/7 7pm PST
Since the start of The Pandemmy™, Naomi Ekperigin & Andy Beckerman have barely left their modest Los Feliz apartment, but something so EXTRAORDINARY, so MONUMENTAL is trumping their agoraphobia... that's right, it's the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF COUPLES THERAPY! Join them OUTSIDE at Permanent Records Roadhouse (or ONLINE from wherever you are) for a SAFE and HILARIOUS time as Naomi, Andy and a panel of their funniest friends kiki and answer YOUR advice questions! Open your hearts, loosen your butts and come with questions about love, life and everything in-between! Featuring special guests Laci Mosley, Nori Reed, Shantira Jackson & more!
🗓️ Mark your calendars and get your live AND livestream tickets now! 🎟️:
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buckgooter · 1 year
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It's gonna be a happy birthday bash for Terry Turtle on 4/4!!! Ghost Brain album release show in Brooklyn @ourwickedlady !!! I'll be jamming Ghost Brain for my set w/ a very special guest on some songs and we've got rad bands @parlorwalls , @abunchofdeadpeople , and Sin Barrerás (members of @stuy______ ) rockin the bill, too!!!!  Also DJ @iamapureadult ! INSANE!!! Click to snag tickets.
Thank you so much to @neveragain420 for setting this banger up!!! And to @primieval for the poster!
Below are a pile of confirmed dates with some additions and subtractions from the previously posted poster! More to come! Get on out and tell your friends!!!
3/3/23 - Harrisonburg, VA @ The Golden Pony*
3/9/23 - New York, NY @ Secret Location in Chinatown w/ Bambara, Chronic
3/17/23 - Asheville, NC @ Static Age
3/18/23 - Roanoke, VA @ Flying Panther
3/31/23 - Reading, PA @ Gnome Hutch
4/1/23 - Boston, MA @ O’Briens
4/3/23 - Saratoga Springs, NY @ Desperate Annie’s
4/4/23 - Brooklyn, NY @ Our Wicked Lady
4/7/23 - Richmond, VA @ Bandito’s
4/14/23 - Denver, CO @ GLOB*
4/15/23 - Albany, CA @ Ivy Room*^
4/16/23 - San Francisco, CA @ Thrillhouse*^
4/18/23 - San Pedro, CA @ The Sardine*^
4/19/23 - Los Angeles, CA @ Permanent Records Roadhouse*^
4/21/23 - Phoenix, AZ @ The Lost Leaf*^
4/22/23 - Miami, AZ @ Miami Loco Arts Festival*^
* - Duo Shows^ - Tour w/ Kilynn Lunsford
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chrisryanspeaks · 1 month
Lightheaded's Debut Album 'Combustible Gems': A Fresh Take on Classic Pop
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Lightheaded is a standout pop group. Their music is rich with melodious tunes and harmonious arrangements that strike a balance between sweet and poignant, both familiar and innovative. Their sound is characterized by the delightful blend of Sara Abdlebarry's dynamic and artful lead guitar on a Gretsch, complemented by the bell-like tones of Stephen Stec's Rickenbacker, all grounded by Cynthia Rickenbach’s Hofner Violin bass, reminiscent of the bass tones on Michel Polnareff's debut album. Cynthia and Stephen craft pop songs with a timeless appeal, drawing from a deep appreciation of classic influences. Cynthia's attire often includes a Gene Clark T-shirt, signaling her admiration for Dusty Springfield, The Aislers Set, and Joan Jett. Stephen, on the other hand, is heavily influenced by Big Star, The Clientele, and The Go-Betweens. Their music, much like that of The Aislers Set and Belle & Sebastian, presents a rich tapestry of pop history and top-tier rock and roll. Their first album, Combustible Gems, explores their musical identity through intricate melodies and chords, producing exceptionally captivating music. The debut single "Dawn Hush Lullaby" blends electric folk-pop with a waltz-like start, transitioning into a vibe akin to Greenwich Village pop, reminiscent of a Norma Tanega song. "Moments Notice" is an irresistibly rhythmic track that starts with a Motown or The Jam feel before Sara's mesmerizing guitar riff elevates it into a sublime pop realm. "Hugging Horizons" could be described as the sound of young New Jersey, a soulful track that ventures into innovative pop territories. The album concludes with "Because of You," which features a Johnny Marr-style guitar and lush strings, capturing a tone that is sophisticated yet earnest, and endearingly sincere. Check out “Bright Happy Girls” below: TOUR DATES May 24 Somerville, MA - Union Tavern w/Little Oso May 25 Providence, RI - Lost Bag w/Little Oso May 26 Brooklyn, NY - 18th Ward w/Little Oso May 28 Asbury Park, NJ - Johnny & June's w/Little Oso May 29 Philadelphia, PA - Abyssinia w/Little Oso May 31 Brooklyn, NY - Market Hotel w/Heavenly Jun 06 Oakland, CA - Oakland Weekender at Thee Stork Club Jun 08 Los Angeles, CA - Permanent Records Roadhouse w/Uni Boys & The Smashing Times Jun 14 NYC, NY - The Broadway w/The Umbrellas & The Smashing Times Jul 19 Brighton, UK - Rossi Bar w/Mt Misery Jul 20 Cardiff, UK - The Moon w/Mt Misery Jul 21 Oxford, UK - Tap Social w/Mt Misery Jul 22 Leeds, UK - Royal Park Cellars w/Mt Misery Jul 23 Sheffield, UK - The Delicious Clam w/Mt Misery Jul 24 London, UK - SLR Showcase at The Lexington w/Birdie & Tony Molina Jul 25 Manchester, UK - Gulliver's w/Mt Misery Jul 26 Glasgow, UK - Glas-Goes Pop! festival Jul 28 Glasgow, UK - Monorail Music Read the full article
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methodman13 · 5 months
Discovering UGHH: A Fresh Force in Punk and Garage Rock
Discovering UGHH: A Fresh Force in Punk and Garage Rock
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audiofuzz · 1 month
Lightheaded's Debut Album 'Combustible Gems': A Fresh Take on Classic Pop
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Lightheaded is a standout pop group. Their music is rich with melodious tunes and harmonious arrangements that strike a balance between sweet and poignant, both familiar and innovative. Their sound is characterized by the delightful blend of Sara Abdlebarry's dynamic and artful lead guitar on a Gretsch, complemented by the bell-like tones of Stephen Stec's Rickenbacker, all grounded by Cynthia Rickenbach’s Hofner Violin bass, reminiscent of the bass tones on Michel Polnareff's debut album. Cynthia and Stephen craft pop songs with a timeless appeal, drawing from a deep appreciation of classic influences. Cynthia's attire often includes a Gene Clark T-shirt, signaling her admiration for Dusty Springfield, The Aislers Set, and Joan Jett. Stephen, on the other hand, is heavily influenced by Big Star, The Clientele, and The Go-Betweens. Their music, much like that of The Aislers Set and Belle & Sebastian, presents a rich tapestry of pop history and top-tier rock and roll. Their first album, Combustible Gems, explores their musical identity through intricate melodies and chords, producing exceptionally captivating music. The debut single "Dawn Hush Lullaby" blends electric folk-pop with a waltz-like start, transitioning into a vibe akin to Greenwich Village pop, reminiscent of a Norma Tanega song. "Moments Notice" is an irresistibly rhythmic track that starts with a Motown or The Jam feel before Sara's mesmerizing guitar riff elevates it into a sublime pop realm. "Hugging Horizons" could be described as the sound of young New Jersey, a soulful track that ventures into innovative pop territories. The album concludes with "Because of You," which features a Johnny Marr-style guitar and lush strings, capturing a tone that is sophisticated yet earnest, and endearingly sincere. Check out “Bright Happy Girls” below: TOUR DATES May 24 Somerville, MA - Union Tavern w/Little Oso May 25 Providence, RI - Lost Bag w/Little Oso May 26 Brooklyn, NY - 18th Ward w/Little Oso May 28 Asbury Park, NJ - Johnny & June's w/Little Oso May 29 Philadelphia, PA - Abyssinia w/Little Oso May 31 Brooklyn, NY - Market Hotel w/Heavenly Jun 06 Oakland, CA - Oakland Weekender at Thee Stork Club Jun 08 Los Angeles, CA - Permanent Records Roadhouse w/Uni Boys & The Smashing Times Jun 14 NYC, NY - The Broadway w/The Umbrellas & The Smashing Times Jul 19 Brighton, UK - Rossi Bar w/Mt Misery Jul 20 Cardiff, UK - The Moon w/Mt Misery Jul 21 Oxford, UK - Tap Social w/Mt Misery Jul 22 Leeds, UK - Royal Park Cellars w/Mt Misery Jul 23 Sheffield, UK - The Delicious Clam w/Mt Misery Jul 24 London, UK - SLR Showcase at The Lexington w/Birdie & Tony Molina Jul 25 Manchester, UK - Gulliver's w/Mt Misery Jul 26 Glasgow, UK - Glas-Goes Pop! festival Jul 28 Glasgow, UK - Monorail Music Read the full article
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