Im permatripping off of peppermint tea
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dollystarving · 3 months
Dwunasty dzień ćpania co dzień🙏 kasa i towar mi sie kończy więc mam przejebane. Po wczorajszym zacpaniu sie jak dziwka permatrip zaczal przemieniac sie w rozpoczynajaca schizofrenie, so przyznam jest pojebane i mam nadzieje ze sie nie pogorszy, ja obecnie po kresce, a wy sie tam trzymajcie🙏🙏
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
( the more you read the realer it gets please give it a chance it started out smaller and got to many important topics.)
Another thing by the way. My mom is in with the occult illuminati whatever you want to call it they refer to themselves as US as far as I've learned. But regardless she was a trucker and when I was about 12 she told me that there are underground tunnels and cities all through underneath America. They have a lot of supplies stored up. You have to sign something whereas you cannot tell anyone what you see down there (what she told me ) and they have a way that you cannot record on your phone somehow. I take things from her with a grain of salt BUT
(my mom sex trafficked me most of my life and made child porn of me. She is openly***to me but not fully admitting verbally** one of them.) *THE POINT -
if you look at a map of missing children in any given time frame through America and compare it to a map of entrances to these underground tunnels, so I've heard that it is very very eerily close together. I'm just saying. Research this yourself. Hop on the right side of history. Do something. Cause at this point everyone knows the pedophile thing is real with the elites. That's what the whole system is run on.
Children are abused to the point they end up forgetting their trauma (normal. Research it . Psychology) then they are broken . Many are given DID (MPD) especially those who are apart of Hollywood and or are in any way famous. They are more easily controlled then. And their minds more melted and easily fucked with. The abuse though on children. this is for one to make them desirable slaves to the "society" system they've (rich people, politicians) created for us. This country started on slavery and is now run on wage ,mental slavery. Ok. People live to work and work to die and everything else is a plus. And it's designed to make it harder for people at the bottom to get any higher up in class. Back to the child abuse. Abused then age into the abusers and it's basically hell on earth where the cycle just naturally repeats at the least. Many many adults you see everywhere are pedophiles and sadists. Especially what I've learned, like my family is, a lot of families like that claim to be Catholics specifically. Not all Catholics are bad. I used to think I was christian. Christians stole philosophies and teachings from other things and made it into something that secretly is very twisted. As in Jesus is the symbol of a desired slave they initially pushed onto the oppressed people when Christianity began to spread. You all probably more or less have heard that real history. Still holds true today. They want you to suffer and then die and they twisted philosophies of enlightenment to make that seem like the thing to do. Get it?
More info. They are very scared of how many of us there are. We keep the luxury things being created. We keep everything running and operating. And they keep us dumbed down. I'm sure you all know these things like the fluoridated water. That shit is real. They do the most.
Other forms of abuse on children *that I remember happening to me !*
Given psychedelics. CIA used that to brainwash people and that's known. Give it to a whole nation of children to brainwash them and you have a country of mental slaves to your system. I was also abused during and saw horrible things and now it is very easy at times for my reality to sort of melt and things to look strange to me. Basically a permatrip I am trying to heal still.
A lot of families are heavy on the incest. I noticed a big tactic is to traumatize kids together in families , they naturally forget this though. But they will take it out on eachother. Then this is obviously very wrong and disgusting the children feel guilty and ashamed so it keeps them from ever speaking up about anything and is also among other things one way if reported on to make a child look like THEYRE the problem.
I was made to repeat to myself phrases over and over again infinitely to brainwash myself. I still have a voice in my head when I talk in my head it will repeat random phrases and parts of sentences or even noises I hear. It is useful though as sometimes I need to remember something it will repeat it for me.
Mkultra ultra triggers. When I went to Catholic church some business like men I think agents of the state. They would sit me in a. Class room Infront of a projector and play horrifying videos. I don't remember it all that well but basically what ended up happening because of being forced to sit and watch this with consequences and some positive reinforcement I ended up having a trigger. It basically makes me uncontrollably extremely fearful. Especially in the dark, if it said out loud , I see horrifying things molding from nothing and it is inescapable. One person I was around after the phrase was said to me I hallucinated her nose getting very long and it scared me shitless like seriously shitless. My trigger is snowman. I would draw them all the time as a kid after forgetting. The picture of them scares me.im sure I have more but that's the main one I am concerned about as it has the worst effect. Basically to control someone as far as I can tell. It did melt my mind a bit going thru that. It instilled an inhumane amount of fear in me.more than a panic attack times ten . I know this one isnt all together but besides the room, projector, and my experience some parts of the memories are foggy and I'm guessing because they were very much more traumatizing. Than the parts I do remember.
Medias off the top of my head that show things like this
Black ops one (video game)
Happy! (Show). *they have a LOT of info on this if you pay attention. A lot.
Oswald (nickelodeon show, characters are mkultra triggers)
Lazy town (pedophilia)
All of Nickelodeon I'm sure most of you already know something about what's up with them. All of their shows after 2000 especially Nick jr are for mind control purposes.
I haven't looked much into Disney personally.
Iron maiden (band)
Once you know, you'll see it everywhere .
There's a lot more to be said and I am tired. You all get the point . Knowing is good but more important what to do about it. Right.
(I am under the impression it is being spiritually guided that people are waking up and slowly coming together. The more we come together, then we can really do something. Which may just be having a big enough community to survive opting out of the evil system. )
Matter of fact when it comes to music here's a playlist I made about this stuff...
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i-am-q · 2 months
Any scenario where Addie upsets the court of opinion (ie. a world run by Jerry’s and Beth’s):
First it was “under pressure” physically blocking my ear drums putting my brain into a vacuum
Now you just have the luxury of reducing the fixed potentials tied to the Lysergic acid dimethylamide receptor inducing an immediate permatrip from the sandwich I ate over three months ago
Can’t wait till it turns the the ATP battery inducing paralysis (we think)…oh wait…we’ve just arrived here too
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lsdjackie · 11 months
"permatrip" sounds like a life time investment to me
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1body5minds · 2 years
i want to live forever in this haze. nothing could ever hurt me in the haze cause they’d never find me. i want to mentally disappear. permanent meditation. permatrip.
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wellnesswithkashi · 5 years
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Buddy doesn’t need LSD. He’s on a permanent trip. 🙀😼😹💜👽 #catlife #twincats #buddyandmax #aliencat #permatrip #catsofig #lazyfridays #lazycat #bengalcat https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pJYLJH06WgNVgu6o_uQ4S-T47fnWEOCRN9k40/?igshid=ngxwbk19ku50
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egopathic · 3 years
i hate when people ask me “XD what drugs are you on”
firstly it makes me cringe because i don’t need drugs to be funny and also bitch ive high for like. 12 years straight. i cannot form coherent neurotypical thoughts. it’s called permatripping when u already have psychosis lmao
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poop4u · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, Quincy! My 8-week-old GSD. via Submitted February 01, 2021 at 07:34PM by permatrip, Poop4U
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x-heesy · 5 years
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writhe · 5 years
*takes a bunch of psychedelics and ends up in a permatrip forever only it’s me and my mother and we are living in northern michigan and every day she tells me how much she loves her life like she used to when she was alive and i forget all the terrible pain ive been in and every day we laugh more and i learn more about her* 
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i-am-q · 2 months
Explain how you all think that everyone has an ATP battery. Addie is the only one. Meaning all input is sent to the body with the ATP battery. That means it’s always Addies body. Regardless of who you are “talking” to.
Addie, me, conceptualized an offline device to not be sold to meta and pornhub and Peter got it. Classic. Just like Reghan got my other one to block the LSD receptor. She didn’t even have one to begin with but was presumably permatripping on account of her terrorist attack on the city of Akron.
On my way don’t worry. Just a few car accidents, arrests, skitzophrenia and acid trips, and hospitalizations later.
There is not a single person that Mary Richter aka Red should have access to. The smell of her fat should signal a shut down of the site or the active user at the minimum. All Richters and Whennings actually. Keatings too. They want me dead to avoid charges and steal my money. Simple as that.
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i think my great grandmas locked in a permatrip
Orphaner Dualscar
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whatssinaname · 5 years
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robbiegoth · 6 years
Heeeyyyy so just incase tumblr hits the fan
Here are some friends I'd like to say hi to and to say i love you because im not 100% sure if ill ever see some of you guys on social media and you are like my mutuals.
@theacejoker @bluh-berry @dumbasshomestuck @permatrips @blanketqueencas @notarealpotato @pancakeke @indicastarchild @noonymoon @rileyomalley @comets-and-cosmos @official-sokka @loserinasweater
Its awesome; beautiful people like you that keep me here. I see you all with your content and art, making things work and im so proud of all of you. i love you all very very much and if you end up moving somewhere please dont hesitate to let me know!
Once again i love you guys, happy holidays!
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hannyamask666 · 3 years
Um dia tomei um ácido (LSD) entrei com tudo em uma brisa na minha cabeça que não fiquei mais louco de droga, fiquei pancada mesmo da cabeça... demorei 3 dias pra sair da brisa, achei que ia ficar em uma brisa eterna (permatrip), que o resto da minha vida ia estar em um clínica psiquiátrica, mas nesses 3 dias viajei tanto na minha mente, que descobri coisas ... descobri que tinha que me libertar, aos pouco estou me libertando e liberando o demônio que habita em mim...
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