#person: bizza
letterstosestrilles · 2 years
Dear Tyko,
For once, I think one of my letters is going to put you in a good mood, which I’m delighted about, and hope you are too. Especially after the most recent spate, which I know you’re still recovering from.
After all our recent adventures, and knowing what we need strength for coming up, we all decided that we want to see pretty much everyone we care about, at least everyone we can arrange a convenient meeting with. We started, after some deliberation, with Bizza, spending a day catching up with him on Sumula Station and eating so many crepes I felt full to bursting. He’s doing well these days, and the business very well. He even said he’s gone on a date or two, nothing serious, but just testing it out, after how his last relationship ended, and I’m delighted for him.
Next, we went on to Honione. Maliah’s been back a time or two, on the rare occasions we’ve been apart, to say hello and get her bow tuned up, but I’ve always taken the opportunity to visit you on Sestrilles, or deal with some other business. Well, this time we both wanted to go, but I was the major impetus, because I’d been messaging with Sserit and Lian, now that I know Resurrection and have the means to gift such things to my friends. Do you even remember them? Sserit was the ghost who helped us in the adventure in HASAI, and Lian is her girlfriend, and they’ve been sharing a body since then, which they’re mostly fine with but is inconvenient at work, from what I gather.
Anyway, I offered the Resurrection, and after some discussion, they took me up on it, and we went through the bureaucratic process to get Sserit’s body exhumed and then let her move on for a few minutes so I could summon her from the proper place, which I did.
I cast Raise Dead during my service at Mishakal’s temple a few times, and Resurrection once, but I’d been warned in the literature at the temple that the longer someone’s been dead, the harder Resurrection is—not that it will fail, with consent, but Sserit could barely get out of bed for days and I felt, I suspect, not unlike Gaizka felt after they turned a black hole inside out, though thankfully without the dizziness. But I couldn’t so much as cast a Prestidigitation until I’d had a full night’s sleep, and I spent most of the rest of our visit in a hotel room quietly watching movies with a cool cloth pressed to my forehead. Still, though, it’s worth it to have watched the two of them get to hug each other and hold on, and then to see them holding hands several times (and just as many times see them give each other breathing space, especially at work, where they can go back to working on their separate projects more easily).
Once I was feeling better, I did get to tour around HASAI again, much more cheerful full of people and not in the midst of crisis. Fariya was excited to see my gloves, and everyone else was happy to talk about their research, and Maliah got her bow checked and was glad about it.
(I know, I told you this letter would put you in a good mood. Bear with me.)
From there, we moved on to Rugira Prime. First, a visit to Ekresh Veshteth, because I wanted to hear how the aliens in the Twilight of Cinders were getting along and wanted to compare notes on the demiplane Teleport variant Gaizka taught me as opposed to the pocket dimension access spell he cast to get us to the Twilight of Cinders. My variant doesn’t, alas, work to get us there, but he was happy enough to talk about spell particulars and then to tell me that the explorations in the pocket dimension are going slowly but well. All the aliens seem to have been picked up, Aji included, and no new ones have crashed, now that they aren’t being shot out of the sky. They remain something of a mystery, but maybe I’ll go back sometime, climb through that hole in the sky and go meet them properly. It’s nice to dream about, anyway.
Then it was Mashoy, which is at least a little cooler at this time of year than it was the last time I visited. Maliah and I spent a good amount of time visiting our friends at the Court of Flowers (who were all pleased to see her so much more sure of herself and happier than the last time we visited). We had dinner with Pika and her family, and they’re all doing well, taking care of themselves and each other just as we could have wished when she retired. I stopped by Midat’s shop, and we had a lovely long chat about her latest innovations and my gloves, since I didn’t even have Niko’s fabric the last time I came. Not to mention PA! They don’t have its model commonly in Mashoy, and she was delighted with the modifications I’ve made on it, and had some suggestions for interfaces for the arms I want to give it the next time I have time to devote to it.
But more than anyone else, I was in Mashoy to see Brennu, for two reasons.
The first, as I think I’ve told you, was to give him some water from the Deeping Wellemere, when the spell he was under left some remnants that make it hard for him to do what he wants to. He does look a lot better, not least because he doesn’t have a black eye this time, and asked me several questions about the water. I’d written to Ektarika and then when she didn’t have the answers to Cerunwe, asking about whether the water would do anything about mental effects of spellwork. Cerunwe though that anything chronic might be helped, but certainly not reversed.
Brennu also had questions about the longevity I mentioned, though I’m afraid I wasn’t much help there, saying that my best guess is that taking it frequently would be more likely to give him extra years, or taking it when aging was the biggest thing the water could find to fix. He said, wryly, that perhaps I should punch him again so we could see how fast the water would heal something on a regular mortal, and only laughed at me a little when I did a bad job of containing my horror.
In the end, he chose to take it, a sip at a time, and we talked until I was sure there wouldn’t be any immediate aftereffects (Maliah had come along as support and just because it seemed ridiculous that they hadn’t met, and I told him about her quest to keep Squirt, and she did deflect a bit to talk about how wonderful Squirt is, but did let me talk at least some about her heroics), and then I told him to eat a big meal and get some rest to let the water do its work and left him to take my advice with a promise to visit the next day.
And the next day, he said he didn’t have a headache, apparently rare, but that he suspected any effects would be felt more over the next few days as he tried and either succeeded or failed to do things he wanted to. And I, well.
I’d asked Maliah if it was wrong to ask him on a date, when we arrived in Mashoy, because I’d met him under such desperate circumstances and saved him, and since I’d come to help him more, and to act as a healer, no less. And she said that as long as he knew he could say no without anything changing, it was fine, so I plucked up my courage and I did it, I asked him to dinner and he said yes and didn’t even laugh at me when I immediately said he should probably choose the restaurant since I didn’t eat out much when I was in town.
And I’m so glad, Tyko. We’ve been writing ever since, and something about the way we met means that there haven’t ever really been that many things we can’t talk about. He’s always been honest about how he’s feeling, his experiences and what he feels responsibility for and a thousand other things, and so in return I tell him about the harder parts of my journeys in a way that really only you and Maliah hear, and oftentimes in different ways. We talk about books, and the instrument he’s learning, and about resurrection and the trials he had to testify at, and it’s so good to have someone outside of all of this, and outside my family too, who I know so deeply, and am known by so deeply.
Of course, as soon as he accepted, I was struck by a fit of terror, because, well. You know how I date—I date strangers, and if it ends, of course it’s sad, because I’d hardly have dated them if I didn’t like them, but I’m not missing a key piece of my life. But if I date Brennu and do something stupid and lose him someday, I don’t know if we’ll be able to be close in quite the same way we have been, and losing that is terrifying. Maliah, who finds first impressions much harder than lasting ones, the reverse of my feelings on the matter, was baffled and tried her best to comfort me, but I was very bad at being comforted until I actually went on the date.
By mutual agreement, we tried to keep that first date light, talk about all the things we skipped to talk about all the deep dark things in our heads. Brennu had picked a fairly nice restaurant (I was very glad I had an outfit I commissioned in the Feywild) and asked for a private room in the back, so we wouldn’t be bothered by press or other people interested in him appearing in public and me returning to town. We talked about his cousins, who he’s close to in the way I am to you, and about you and Alion and Tiriel and the children on Nosirion-1. I told him stories from before I met him that we’d missed out on, and he replied with the same, and we only talked a little bit about stars and what I’m doing next and all the baggage we’re going to have to work out.
I’m leaving Mashoy in just a few days, sending Niko off to a temple retreat and Maliah to visit Marsa and her mothers, going to Kirim and then to see you myself, but we’ve gone on a few more dates and talked more seriously about things again, the kind of things we talk about in our letters and the danger I’m in from what’s coming next. We’ve also made it clear that neither of us is particularly light or casual about this, but that we’re going to take it very slowly indeed, given what I have coming up and all the much easier baggage of living in different places and not quite knowing the shape our lives are going to take.
When I’m done dealing with Onver, though, and reassured everyone I’m still alive and dealt with the very immediate aftermath, we have a plan to meet somewhere quiet and private to talk a lot more, and I’m already looking forward to it.
There. Resurrection aside, isn’t this letter worth it? I’ll look forward to your teasing in a week or so in person, and will take it happily as long as I get to meet Lindanas again, and maybe even this book group you can’t stop talking about.
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scarletooyoroi · 8 months
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"....." No words.
"Did that person.. Just try alchemizing this boneless bizza?" Is that why there was some rampaging piece made of hellish dreams, cheese and pepperoni invading Mondstadt?
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mynameisgibberish · 6 years
Lol the entire joke that there’s no “p” sound in Arabic went over my head until I watched the boot
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smooth--criminal · 6 years
tagged by @slyshai
Age: 21
Birthplace: Ohio, USA
Current time: 8:54pm
Drink you last had: Water
Easiest person to talk to: my friend Sara
Favorite song: thAT IS A GOOD QUESTION-
Grossest memory: when I first joined tumblr I saw a gif of a gorilla eating its nose stuff and I had successfully repressed that now I'm disgusted
Horror: I'm finding it difficult to think of a time I've been justifiably genuinely terrified. Uhh. Once I visited a haunted bridge and a demon started throwing rocks and growled??
In Love: O YES. To my poor, poor fiancé.
Jealous of People: I am inherently jealous of everyone on the basis of the not being me
Kill one person: M E
Middle name: I technically don't have a legal middle name but the one my dad gave me after that fact o my birth was Marukasa.
Number of siblings: I have one lil bro
One wish: To p e r i s h lmai
Person last called: Probably my mom? I don't go out of my way to call others.
Question always asked: “How far can I put this off? ”
Song you last sang: -wheeze- uh some hamilton song probably I cannot recall
Time you woke up: 12:20pm I think?
Underwear color: White with purple and blue stripes!
Vacation destination: Italy pls
Worst habit: Peeling dead skin
X-ray: My ankles are fucked
Your favorite food: bizza
Zodiac sign: Sagitarius/Capricorn!
I tag whoever wants to do this honestly it's okay just steal it
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sin-abon · 6 years
tag meme thign
i was tagged by @imagines-forthe-soul so uhhhh here yall go
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
age: almost 19
birthplace: uhhh southeast usa
current time: 1143
drink you last had: dr bepper ,,,
easiest person to talk to: myself tbh
grossest memory: uhhhh being Born
hogwarts house: every quiz ive taken says slytherin so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
in love: with myself tbh
jealous of people: uhhh since they can go outside & i'm a hermit until i get a license ya
killed someone: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
love at first sight or walk by again: depends on who we're talking about
middle name: confidential
number of siblings: 3, all older
one wish: to not be anxious whenever i think of dad tbh
question you are asked the most: stuff about requests? it really depends on who we're talking about.
song you last sung: car radio cause it just came on nero's stream
time you woke: somewhere between 7-8
underwear color: dark blue
vacation destination: hell tbh
worst habit: i uhh trim my nails with my teeth & fall asleep during streams
x-rays: i have never broken a bone but i had to get an xray of my teeth once?
your favorite food: uhhh bizza cause it's good
and uhhh tags ,,,
@ anyone that wants to do this? tagging people makes me anxious unless it's like ,,, a direct response- but i mean tag me if yall want me to see yalls responses? i'd love to learn about yall!
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livornopress · 3 years
Vaccaro (Lega): “100mila euro per finanziare eventi seguiti da poche persone"
Vaccaro (Lega): “100mila euro per finanziare eventi seguiti da poche persone" “Dal Comune una vetrina celebrativa che calpesta le vere emergenze della città”
Costanza Vaccaro, consigliere Lega Livorno 8 ottobre 2021 Costanza Vaccaro: “Prima sono andati a diritto per riaprire inutilmente alle corse l’ippodromo, con un insensato investimento scaturito da una bizza del sindaco. Adesso hanno sprecato altri centomila euro per finanziare un progetto culturale che di fatto è stato una vetrina celebrativa disertata dal grande pubblico. Stiamo parlando di…
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kediripromo · 3 years
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Reposted from @pizzahut.indonesia Udah gak nguras isi kantong, bizza dapet banyak pula, itu lah #FUNT4STICBOX! Lebih hemat karena cuma dengan 100rb aja, kamu bizza dapet 4 Pan Personal Pizza! Khusus Takeaway ya, SoBiz! #PizzaHut #PizzaHutIndonesia #PizzaHutRestoran #EmangPalingBizza #kediripromo #promokediri #hambapromo #cashbackkediri @kediripromo #giladiskonkediri #hambadiskon #mantapmantap ______________________________________________________ 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 : @hambapromo @makanmantapmantap ______________________________________________________ Yuk! download aplikasi " 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼 " 1 aplikasi, 1x klik ribuan promo bisa diakses... 🔻🔻🔻 Link download aplikasi 𝙝𝙩𝙩𝙥𝙨://𝙬𝙬𝙬.𝙠𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙤.𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 ______________________________________________________ Katalog Promo UpToDate24jam 𝙝𝙩𝙩𝙥𝙨://𝙬𝙬𝙬.𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙤.𝙘𝙤𝙢 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS8d2QAFE39/?utm_medium=tumblr
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askpizzadwight · 6 years
what's your onion on piineapple on bizza?
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“You don’t know how many people have asked me this and it drives me nuts okay? It’s-- It’s good in small amounts, it gives a slice of pizza a sweet kick that some people find appealing. I personally don’t like it but-- but I can understand why others would.”
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theladyragnell · 7 years
Top five non-English language songs? Aaaand how about... top 5 conversations/interactions you've had with an NPC in a D&D game?
Songs not in English:
1. That Georgian language song that I sent you that time, whose title I suppose I shall never know.
2. She Llong Honnick Mee - Barrule (Manx)
3. La cour des Miracles - Notre Dame de Paris (French--I love the whole musical but this one has such a good rhythm to it)
4. Der Holle Rache - Mozart (interpreted by Edda Moser) (German) (The #goals aria of every high soprano’s often-dashed dreams.)
5. Laal Ishq - Hari Subedi(Hindi) (I have never actually seen this movie but this song is incredible.)
(Played in hard mode by not repeating languages and by trying to keep people in their native languages as much as possible. I’ve been listening to a lot of Christopher Tin lately, but he writes in a bunch of languages so I decided he might not count. Worth a listen, though!)
NPC conversations:
1. Any conversation I’ve ever had with the baby tieflings.
2. Valira cheerfully trying to bullshit Seath when we were dragged back to his castle and tried to run away and got caught (and then succeeding on that religion roll).
3. Elyn almost inserting that nerd to death for hurting Bizza.
4. I got Nothing Useful Back from A Certain Person but putting conversations with Yahootie about Souls And Sacrifice on here for what they could have been and also because I am seeing through the lenses of post-canonical shipception.
5. Elyn and Maliah’s drunk conversation during Elyn And Maliah’s Excellent Adventure.
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letterstosestrilles · 4 years
Dear Tyko,
It's been a fairly quiet few days—or rather, we've done plenty, but not much of it has involved adventuring. We stayed most of the rest of the way through the Downtime Festival on Iriossis, where I got into another jam or two, we ate a lot of festival food, and had dinner with Kereza, who I mentioned last time, our friend from last year's Challenge of Champions. We had a nice chat about what we've all been up to, and she's seen Wylcey a few times since last year, but not many—still, it's nice to have people all over to run into and catch up with.
We didn't have anything else lined up, so Maliah and I chatted about what we want to do next, since we can take a paying job instead of doing favors for friends (our party funds are holding up just fine, but still, next time we need healing potions we'll be grateful for the extra). She ended up scouring the adventuring pages for us, with me hanging over her shoulder, and we found three jobs that look like they could use an experienced party helping out. Not that dealing with mimic infestations and rogue shield guardians isn't valuable, but there are more people who can handle those.
These three jobs are scattered all over, and they've all got their own pulls, so it took us a while to decide which one we want to start with. (Obviously if someone else wants to take them on, I wish them the best, but they've all been sitting around for a bit, so depending on how long each one takes, we're likely to be able to do a bit of traveling around.) The first Maliah found is a matter of people disappearing from a town called Caystone on Nulbarak, where I've never been—there are some other odd happenings in the town, but the disappearances are numerous and consistent, and no one's been able to track them yet. The next is in the Underdark on Zarakib, residents of a village being killed by some still-unknown creature, and their bodies when found described as “dessicated,” which isn't nerve-wracking at all. And the last is a city where objects of historical and cultural significance are being stolen, and there's an arcane signature nobody has had any luck tracking.
Since nobody's died of stolen goods yet, we reluctantly marked that job for last in our heads and debated between the other two. I do admit that my desire to not go wandering through dark tunnels might have had me pulling harder to start with the job on Nulbarak, but it does seem to be the logical choice, too—the disappearances are consistent, whereas the attacks on Zarakib seem to be a lot of waiting and then a terrible attack, which means we might be twiddling our thumbs for three weeks, so we decided to stop the disappearances first, though I'm going to feel horribly guilty if there's another attack while we take care of that. Still, I'm hoping that people disappeared aren't necessarily people dead, and that we might be able to find at least some of them alive and, if not well, able to be healed.
So it's Nulbarak first, and Zarakib after if the timing works out and Nulbarak doesn't wring us out too much, and then we'll see if we're up for hunting a thief, since we're so good at that kind of thing.
Nulbarak isn't really in the way of many places we've been, but there are connections through Sumula Station, so when we got tired of the festival, we came here, to a busy day on the station—it can't hurt to visit Bizza while we're on our way to a job, after all, and we haven't seen him since after Hangi Syr, so it was nice for the chance to catch up. We looked into transportation first—there's a ship going direct in a couple of days, but it's a ten-day trip, and even if Teleportation Circle is a lot more expensive, nobody's likely to disappear in the time it takes us to spend a bit of time with a friend, take a circle over, and then a hopper over to the next planet, since easiest connection here is to a nearby planet and not to Nulbarak itself.
We hadn't told Bizza we were coming, since it was a last-minute choice to come, but he was delighted to see us, and we had crepes and a quick catch-up, and then went to grab a room for the night so he could finish out his day without being too distracted and went out for drinks. Rather a lot of them, in fact, the only reason I'm up and writing to you anytime before station noon is the true blessing of Lesser Restoration, which I also visited on Maliah and Bizza.
We talked about a lot, all three of us—about the good and bad parts of our adventures, and Bizza's ex's trial finally finished and judgment came down firmly on Bizza's side, as it should, so we talked some about that too, and how he is. (Still recovering, and not near ready to date again, but that's all only to be expected.) We talked about Marsa a good deal, and about finding Bizza a ship's captain too, since he's a fan of interestingly designed spaceships and we had a nice chat about the Procyon blueprints.
Somehow, we got into Maliah accusing herself of not being good with people, and we drunkenly chased that around for most of an hour, I think, and only got ourselves stuck in a mire, because Maliah thinks that being good with people means being like me, whereas I can't stop thinking about all the people on this journey who we're only friends with because Maliah saw something deeper in them, and they in her, and took me along with her. Athan and Kian, who liked her and wanted her to explore the way she wanted to and matchmade us a little, and who still mentor her so much. Bizza, because she was the one who noticed he was tired and got the information out of him about that. Half the Court of Flowers, who all adored her and would happily have kept her if she'd showed even the slightest hint of being interested in actually being a courtesan. Devon, who loves and trusts her so deeply. All the shop proprietors and waiters and museum docents who she's so unfailingly polite and kind to, who remember her and are friendly and pleased to see her when we happen to return to the same place.
I don't know. I don't think either of us left that conversation content, because I hate that she thinks poorly of herself and I think I was missing her point through the drinks. Because she would agree when I said that she doesn't have to be, and she doesn't really want to be, but it still upsets her to think she isn't. But in the end, I think she thinks that “people skills” only really means “getting what you want from strangers,” since she kept excusing all of that as people who already had reason to like her, and people who felt sorry for her (though I did point out that there are worse things than being pitied if you want to manipulate people, though she wasn't wild about that either, which is fair because I was too drunk to explain any of that properly). And I am good at that—I was on a ship, in a new port every month, for most of a decade, and before that, I was frequently with new foster parents or caseworkers of shuffled off to new people in the bureaucracy when I asked questions about the Procyon. I still feel like I'm faking more often than not, but I've definitely had practice. (I did not tell her that clearly I'm fallible, since if I were always good at people skills, I would have known what to do to help her through a conversation that must have been upsetting her, because I don't think it would have helped, but I am certainly feeling it.)
I did at least remind her that she's very good at noticing what people are thinking, what they're hiding or just omitting, because of how observant she is, and I think she was forced to concede that much.
We both have a horrible tendency to feel useless when we're not doing something directly drawing on our skills, I think. I'm quick to call myself stupid when I misread a wilderness sign, and she's quick to think she's not charming or likeable just because she stumbles over her words with a stranger or doesn't know what question to ask. I suppose it's something we both need to work on, and one of the reasons we're both in therapy.
At least I think Bizza and I did get her to agree to maybe talk to someone in Caystone without me, to prove to herself that she can learn what she needs to alone, even if it's not her favorite thing to do. I'm not going to push her, or teach her unless she asks me specifically for lessons, since that never ends well for anyone, but her shyness seems to frustrate her, so I hope she can try, if she'd like to.
And I think we're leaving for Nulbarak in the next day, so I'll let you know how the journey goes, and write you as we start unraveling their mystery. Hope all is well on Sestrilles!
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sovinly · 7 years
I want #1 for All Of Them please!
Oh gosh, you are a DELIGHT
Phi: Tiptoe - Imagine Dragons
This has always struck me as a Phi song? She just has this quiet, head-down determination to succeed and do better, be better, that no one saw coming - not Crestmaker, not Seath. I think that juxtaposition of cautious tiptoe and hope/determination is very Phi.
* Bonus Phi/Terry song: Be My Luck - Oysterband - So, like, they didn’t meet in a bar, but the whole aesthetic of this song, that folksy, worn-in sound, that in-between space that turns into an invitation of something more, really just feels like them. If they had met in a bar? Would totally have been like this.
Mero: Health to the Company - Blackmore’s Night
One of the things that’s great about this song is that it’s really versatile in tone? And like, it can absolutely be cheerful, which is part of why it works for Mero, who believes in people and that people can be better when they work for one another, she is also haunted by the losses she’s had and fearful of losing people in the future. Also, she’s a bard, leading songs like this is definitely in her wheelhouse.
Okay, this is long, so here is a cut, and all the NPC songs are below!
Adilet: Freedom of Falling - VÉRITÉ
I am now departing radically from the literal lyrics, because the feel of this song and the refrain seems to suit for me. It’s just that, for someone as generally upbeat as Adilet, and as much as they appreciate the changeability of a non-physical form, they have a lot of conflicted feelings about existence. There’s a great contradiction in the idea of falling and freedom, and that people don’t seem to generally get close to them. Like, they have some friends! But I am now emotions about this AI who, living on a station, naturally has limited interaction with the physical world.
Athan: The Weight of Love - Snow Patrol
Okay, have to tread a little carefully around stuff because player knowledge. I don’t think it’s spoilers, but I don’t want anyone to feel spoiled. But Athan is the sort of restless person who knows what he wants, and what he wants is what he has now, an inn and information on his own terms. He traveled half the galaxy to get it. There was freedom in going to Mir, and absolutely the weight of love, because he is so in love with his husband. And now I am emotions about them.
Kian: Falling Apart - Michael Schulte
I mean, looking at the lyrics, I guess there’s room to interpret this as a mournful song, but in this context, I’m interpreting it more as finding oneself in falling apart, and in recognizing the triumph and the loss of history simultaneously. The instrumentals are so gentle, and for me it’s about quietly being in love and finding freedom and goals, because being in love (even this utterly, peacefully so) isn’t enough. But helping people is, making a life is. And it’s also... the loss of a home, the difficulty of adapting to disability which is difficult even when not stigmatized.
* Bonus Athan/Kian song: Your Love Could Start a War - The Unlikely Candidates - Space imagery! Fierce devotion! Love as a revelation and a revolution! Entirely how they feel about one another, and a large part of what brought them to move to the outskirts of space together. (I realize this makes this sound like there’s potential for homophobia in their background? There is not, no space homophobia, that is not a thing.)
Lorraine: Storm Song - Phildel
I feel like this one is a little more self explanatory, considering Lorraine’s drive to make sure her children are safe and, uh, I feel like a storm is an excellent metaphor for my favorite adventuring party. But also, Lorraine has so much anger and regret at how things happened, and so much determination to make things right, to strike swiftly and silently and completely. But the softness, the delicacy of the vocals is... very fitting for a woman who is so reserved and quiet and steel down to her core.
Niko: Edge of Seventeen - The Wind and the Wave
In my continual reinterpreting songs that are supposed to be romantic (which is like all of them, WHY), Niko’s whole thing about loneliness and being lost and searching fits in very well with this? Like, she’s a paladin searching not just for redemption, but also a better understanding of herself and her craft. She’s trying so hard and so quietly! And though it’s not quite the right brand of folksy, the light, airy sounds of the refrain resonate with her whole windsoul genasi self.
Devon: Thistle & Weeds - Mumford and Sons
The relatively bare instrumentation and subdued vocals here for most of the track work well, I think, for Devon and his relative lack of familiarity with music and the world in general? And also there’s the fact that Devon has been utterly torn up and thrown over for the sake of greed, and also that he very cautiously cultivates growth and resilience. I don’t know that it’s a full-arc Devon song, but I think it’s definitely a where-Devon-is-now song.
Loren: Until the Forest Knows - Jhameel
Everything about this song feels Loren so well, I think. There’s a sort of brassy brightness to the music itself, and the affectionate tone of the speaker is super appropriate. Also, just, that it’s about hope and growing out of fear and into yourself, especially considering how huge of an impact seeing the forests of Nosirion-1 and Alorvin’s grown buildings has had on her. It’s just a sweet, thoughtful song for a sweet, thoughtful, anxious girl.
Ren: Spirit Cold - Tall Heights
It’s a little weird to me that this song feels so much like Ren, because their musical style is so utterly different than this. Like, I feel like they would not be about this song until they did a substantially different sounding cover of it. It’s a little too hipster and not quite folk enough for them. But the lyrics and the feel of it, struggling to maintain a sense of self in radically altered circumstances, is very much their preoccupation. They’re both a very independent person and also very attached to their twin, and new life circumstances and adjusting to pain and recovering from trauma is… a lot.
Seb: Heavy - Birdtalkers
I tend to think of Seb and Ren’s prevailing philosophy as “This Too Shall Pass,” but Seb particularly, I think, values trying to shed pain and to search for healing. It’s part of why he’s a cleric (and a cleric of Mishakal, Our Lady of Universal Space Healthcare, specifically), because he seeks healing in healing and helping others. He’s an easygoing and cheery guy, but there’s a weight and pain and responsibility equal to Ren’s on his shoulders, and I feel like the subtext (and the overt text) of this song fits very well with the way that he tries to cope and survive.
* Bonus! Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) - Fall Out Boy is definitely a Ren-and-Seb theme. One, they were definitely both pop-punk teenagers, this is a Fact of the Universe, and two, the anger-despair-defiance of hanging on and surviving is also a thing.
Aluarashi, That Which Deepest Is: Haru no Umi/The Sea in Spring - Michio Miyagi
This was a tough one? But I like this arrangement because it’s varied and almost playful at parts, which struck me as very much the side of Aluarashi you got to see navigating their cave (and speaking to them). I’d say this is still too reductive, but since it’s spring’s sea, I guess that does imply that there’s three other seasons too. XD
Bizza: Sleeping Sickness - City and Color
Like I said earlier, I was going back and forth here, but I’ll talk about this too. It works so well in both a metaphorical and a literal sense. It’s plaintive and tired and honestly, there’s a bare honesty of exhaustion that’s very Bizza too. He continues to both need and deserve a very good nap.
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feywildatheart · 7 years
So, I’m writing you a letter, and I hope you won’t frown at me for doing so, but I think it’ll come as no surprise to you that I’m not as good at talking as Elyn is, say. (And you can say that that’s saying something mean about myself and now I have to give you a list of eleven things tomorrow, but I’ll fight you on that, I don’t think it’s true. I don’t think it’s mean to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. I’m better at jumping and climbing and things than Elyn is, and Elyn’s better at talking to people than I am, it’s just the truth. It isn’t mean to be honest with yourself.)
I’m getting off the point already. The thing is— The thing is, I’m…kind of young? I mean, you’re all grown up and have been for a bit and you’ve done all these cool things before we even met on The Hammer of Antas, and that’s great. It’s really awesome, actually. But I…haven’t? I mean, I think I said, coming to Mir was the first time I left home, and before that I was just growing up in the Feywild and moving around with my moms. I don’t have impressive and slightly-scary friends who can swan on down and just completely dismantle the lives of people who deserve it, or anything like that, and I haven’t really done all that much that’s worth telling? I mean, I’ve written my moms lots of long letters about the things we’ve done together, but that’s not what I mean. I mean before that, in the Feywild, with my moms.
So I don’t know how long you’re going to make me keep making these lists, but ten every day is going to add up fast? And I haven’t really done that many things that are worth putting on a list? And so I don’t think it’s my fault if eventually I stop being able to come up with things to put on it. It’s not my fault I’m young and just leaving home and haven’t had all sorts of cool adventures already like you have. And I guess I could start just giving you lists that say things like ‘I have pretty hair’ but it’s not true. I mean, it is, I got it from Darna and I think it looks lovely in the sunlight, the first time we visited Homai and I got to see it in proper sunlight instead of the Feywild’s twilight, Cylla laughed at me and Darna had to practically pry the mirror out of my hands because I couldn’t stop twisting about and watching the way the light played off of it. But my point— my point is I could give you a list of ‘I like my hair, and my nose, and that freckle on my chin, and the third knuckle on my left ring finger’, but it would still be a kind of a lie, because I don’t actually think any of that…matters?
Also, the thing is. You started giving me these assignments to come up with things I like about myself, and I’m not even sure why? I do like myself pretty well, most of the time? The conversation we were having when you decided this was a thing I needed to do wasn’t about me not liking myself, it was about— Well, you and Elyn. Because, well, look, it’s not like I don’t know that the reason the two of you joined the Silver Tree with me was because Athan said you had to, to get the information you wanted. And Elyn and I get along well enough, but you, um… don’t talk to me? Or didn’t talk to me, you’ve been very talkative ever since your friend showed up on Mir and I think it might be giving me an ulcer, frankly.
Sorry, that was mean. I didn’t mean to be mean. But the thing is, I sort of lied this morning when I said you didn’t scare me at all. I definitely lied. There, you can have that as number-one on your list of nice things about myself: I am really terrible at lying and even when I try I don’t last very long before I give up and admit the truth, because it’s just too stressful.
Anyway. My point. Right. So, you didn’t really choose to choose to join me in the Silver Tree, not of your entirely own free will, at least, and you’ve got important things going on, I know, I wouldn’t ever try to say you don’t, or that your priorities should be other than they are. And you pretty much never talk — talked — to me aside from when I, like, dragged you into teaching me how to talk to Squirt, so it’s not as though you’d want to stick around for the scintillating conversation I provided. So I think that’s all the more reason that it was entirely justified and reasonable for me to not be sure whether you’d want to stay with us — well, with me — once you’d satisfied the terms of your agreement and gotten the information you needed from Athan? That’s not me not liking myself, that’s just me not being the sort of horrible person who assumes that everyone else in the galaxy must think I’m the best thing around? I don’t think it’s mean to acknowledge that there’s no possible way that every single person in the galaxy is going to want to spend time with me.
(Also I think if that were true, I’d go screaming back to the Feywild and never show my face in civilized space again. That sounds awful.)
So, I mean, I guess you can say that number two is this: I don’t have an inflated ego or a warped sense of self. I’ve got a very reasonable head on my shoulders, and I won’t apologize for that. So if you’re worried that I don’t like myself, you needn’t be. And if it’s that I’m not sure if you like me… I mean, I don’t think me making a list of nice things about myself is going to be the thing to fix that.
And you know what, for another thing. I don’t actually think you’re right. (Oh gods, I might throw up. I haven’t even sent this and I feel like I’ve eaten a bowl full of off-season dirwa-fish.) (There’s number three for you: I do things that are important, even when they’re scary and make me feel nauseous.) (And number four: I don’t let other people’s disagreement sway my opinions. Not even when they’re people I like and hope like me back and who are more than a little scary and are friends with people who can just walk into a space station and destroy someone’s life.) (Oh gods.) You said trying didn’t matter, only doing, and I think you’re wrong. I think it’s important to try, even if we don’t know if we’ll succeed. If we only ever did things we knew we could do, then we’d never do anything new, would we? I’d have never left home and I’d have never joined the Silver Tree or talked to an elk-spirit or stood in front of a deity. I didn’t know I could do any of those things, and the only way I found out is by trying. I tried to shoot that awful hag and I missed a few times — should I not have tried at all, those times, since I didn’t actually manage to do it? Did it not matter that I was trying to fight in defense of my friends, and in defense of a good man who was suffering? If I’d never managed to land a shot, would it have been the same as if I’d stood to the side and not drawn my bow at all? I don’t think it would have. I think intent matters. I think sometimes people fail, but it’s important that they try. And, you know, I like that I think that, so there’s number five for you, too.
Anyway, I’ll still keep making your lists if you think it’s important, but don’t scowl at me when they inevitably turn into lists of inanities. It’s not my fault I haven’t lived much yet, or had the opportunity to do much worth congratulating myself about. I’m trying, it’s why I’m here. It’s why I left home in the first place. And here, just to satisfy you:
6. I killed that awful hag and spared Bizza from suffering from her nightmare’s anymore.
7. I sort of got us free crepes for the rest of our stay on Sumula Station? Don’t tell me that doesn’t count, I know you’re happy about that.
9. I have good taste in friends. You don’t get to argue with me on that, either. You are, and I do.
10. I do have nice hair, so there.
All right, I’m going to send this before I lose my nerve, or throw up that very nice supper all over my LICD and destroy it completely. You seem dead-set on reassuring me that you do like me, even if you’re going about it in a bit of a backwards way, and I hope you still feel that way once you’ve read all this.
Oh gods, I really am going to throw up. Talking is the worst.
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Thanks to the person who took it upon themselves to submit the entire script from the Boneless Bizza fanfiction but we won’t be posting it. It gave me a laugh though.
- Mod Noodler
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mugpromosi-blog · 6 years
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astralkepeire · 7 years
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Bizza person Rose!
just a fun lil doodle, I swear my coloring is much better when I spend more than a half hur on it.
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edgywitches · 7 years
hello i was tagged for the ask meme by @lovelylangst !!! i tag anyone who wants to do it, but i encourage my active followers and friends to do this!!
- asked questions-
1. Are you a Peppermint chocolate or a Potato chip chocolate?
2. Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu, Free, or My hero Academia?
3. Gay or nah? (If nah, please state orientation)
4. Okay so I have a question, do any of y’all ever stay up for like hours at a time just questioning why we think hairless animals are ugly when WE (humans) are hairless animals? How ugly do our dogs think we are? Do they like us for our personality because physically we must be attractive to them? I Just?
5. Are you a Keith, a Lance, or a Meme?
a meme. definitely a meme. out of those choices
6. Victor Nikiforov singing Ra ra Rasputin and Yuuri recording it, or Yurio blasting MCR and singing it?
i cant hear over the flames??? i think im in hell
7. Three AM phone calls or nah?
no. thats illegal
8. Do you ever ponder how fucked up racism is, because in the south its a bunch of really blatant obvious easy to call out shit, but everywhere else its so much harder to call out, and most people think racism is only in the south and thats a fucked up mentality because in reality its everywhere in the US and we really need to do something about it but we dont? Because I do.
YES YES, and you ever know an adult like a teacher whos like “i dont see colour” but support blue live matter. also theres a teacher at school that laughs at horrible racist jokes when students tell them. and honestly in the south thats like ‘not even that racist’ by most peoples standards. but its hard to point some racism out
9. Ever had a crush on your friend but couldn’t do anything about it because they’re so cool and your not? (Me rn honestly)
boneless bizza
10. Strawberries or Banana
potassium is great but strawberries tend to taste so much better
11. Are you a MEME?
- my super hot questions -
1. are you in hell? cause i am
2. boneless bizza. do you agree?
3. do you workout both at day and night out of spite because i am on my five minute break and i got some things to lift soon because someone called me weak and ill never see them again but fuck them ill beat them the fuck up like if you agree?
4. do you overuse words like ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’?
5. do you like one or more of the following: bean burritos, bean cheese lettuce burritos, tomato soup, ‘everything’ bagels, fried eggs, boiled eggs (whether thats soft or medium), protein shakes, tacos, baked beans, queso, tomato soup with boiled vegetables inside, kellog cereal, cracker barrel mac n cheese, egg sandwiches, peanut butter n jelly, fruit parfait, grilled cheese, muscle milk, because if you like any of that thats just some of my favourites and we are already friends
6. you agree that periods and swim shouldn't be allowed to mix oh send me to HELL?
7. butch lesbians are great dont you agree???
8. do any of these questions make sense?
9. what are your best kins?
10. whats the most fashionable item in your closet?
11. do you think trump will make it through all 4 years of his presidency without dying or being impeached because i do not.
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