#personalised night lights for kids
knkkrafts · 2 years
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Personalised Christmas Countdown Led Light
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Dustin learned how to make friendship bracelets during camp and teaches Eddie one night when he’s restless and needs something to occupy his mind and his hands
Eddie LOVES it, he learns complicated patterns, how to add beads and charms and different ways to tie them. Before long everyone has a personalised bracelet with a charm specific to them or their name. Hellfire have ones to match their T-shirts. Robin and Nancy may or may not have swapped theirs so that they can carry something of each other all the time
Steve point blank refuses to take his off no matter what and is always playing with it. Every time Eddie sees him do this his heart squeezes so intensely he can’t help but stop whatever he’s doing and wrap Steve up in his arms, trying to stop the butterflies swirling in his tummy.
Steve tries making bracelets so he can share this with Eddie and Dustin but he just can’t get it, it’s too fiddly and he’s had a hand tremor ever since the first trip to the upside down. So he joins a knitting group. And you know what? He LOVES it.
They group is mainly retired mothers and grandmothers but Steve has enough of a connection when they all start talking about their kids and he can vent and gush about his own group of teenagers.
The ladies adore Steve and hearing about his adopted family. They especially love hearing about Steve’s partner and seeing how his face lights up talking about them. They see Steve getting picked up one week by a loud van pulling into the drive of the building and out climbs a long haired boy that makes Steve grin like he’s been given the moon and the stars. From then on the knitting group make an effort to talk about how ‘okay’ they are with ‘the gays’. Steve blushes but appreciates it none the less.
By the time Christmas rolls around Steve is knitting and crocheting up a storm and all the kids, Robin, Nancy and Eddie get handmade projects that he’s been working on for months. He downplays his abilities but everything he’s made is really good. Like really good. Steve is just happy he has an extra way to take care of his family.
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valve3nthusiast · 5 months
hi burnt ice anon here. can't say that i'm a mind reader lmao but this isn't the first time that my writing has managed to hit someone right in the kink~ so i'll take your response as the highest of compliments <3
anyways i really like yours and mold friend's merformer stuff so i'm gonna throw my hat into the ring with a bit of megamagrod (think that's their ship name) enjoy~
so rodimus and magnus are the captain and sic of the lost light, which i feel would be a research vessel investigating a series of shipwrecks caused a certain merformer out in the middle of the arctic circle
and oh boy do they find the merformer when they get there. he's massive, like half the size of their ship massive and immediately rodimus is down bad, because the intelligence of the big guy, who he soon learns is named megatron, is just so intriguing to a young intrepid researcher like himself. magnus is more concerned about his captain's/lover's new fascination with the merformer because megatron has drowned like six ships and there have been no survivors.
but after a late night conversation on an iceberg with megatron, magnus too, finds himself down bad. they actually learn that megatron was only attacking ships who were trying to hunt him down and that he has a really big interest in human literature
cue really sweet and fluffy courting between all parties involved and rodimus being a really fucking horny size queen and drooling over how massive megatron's spike is.
perhaps merformers like megatron have something to the conjunx rites and he spends his spare time making really intricate and very personalised gifts for magnus and rodimus
i feel like magnus would probably be the one to carry any eggs tho (bc rodimus is too small) but honestly i like the idea of the three of them adopting a child instead of eggpreg, maybe cause megatron's massive size (even for someone of his species) has caused some problems involving his fertility. or maybe there are eggs invovled, but bc of cross species stuff, they don't actually hatch and megatron reallys wants kids so they adopt instead
this is less horny and more gushing about sweet merformers fluff but i think those three would be so kinky, especially with how big megatron is and how much of a size queen rodimus is. but i really like your merformers stuff and i wanted to contribute in some way (hope this one's okay since it's less kinky
-burnt ice
This is simply so banger. Despite being called burnt ice, anon, you only drop fire into my inbox
Rodimus is living his best mermaidfucker life... "Ah yeah this is my wrathful sea god mermaid boyfriend <3 his spike is so big I feel it in my throat every time he fucks my valve <3"
If they do adopt a kid... I think they should go full circle, and have it be a merpup who was orphaned by mermaid hunters...
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ujimoo · 2 years
Things I think of when I think of: SKZ
notes: these are things I think of when I think of the members of stray kids. these are my own opinions. some of these things may also be a bit obvious, but anyway.
permanent tag list: @plutominho @jooniesrose @soobin-chois
skz | seventeen
Bang Chan:
sharing headphones, late-night studio sessions, songs written about you, random kisses just because, hot coffee, homemade food (as well as him cooking and feeding you if you went to a KBBQ restaurant), voice notes, a stuffed animal named after him, a photo album just of you, random ‘i love you’ messages through the day, looking at each other from across the room with smiles of comfort.
cats, flirty banter, sassy text messages, tsundere, peak grumpy sunshine trope, shows his love in action more than words, glaring at anyone who tries to mess with you, overly sweet nicknames just to try and annoy you, cooking for you, him acting as if cuddling you is such hard work but he actually loves it (he needs it to survive), pillow talk.
gym sessions, piggyback rides, hand-holding, his arm around your waist, feeding each other, baby/babe - doesn't call you by your name ever, pouting when you don't pay enough attention to him, follows you around because he can, brings you to the studio again because he can, random notes in his phone about you and the things you like, having you as his lock screen.
fairy lights, paint on every piece of clothing you guys own, wearing his shirts, matching items, painting/drawing you, trying to be cute to him but it ends with him judging you, flowers just all over the place, picnic dates, couple lock screens, a meme folder full of bad photos you’ve taken of each other, dramatic 2am texts of how he needs attention and you haven’t given him enough.
bad pick-up lines, oversized jumpers/hoodies, personalised ringtone/alarm tone, matching pfps, watching your name weekly, trying to watch a new series and getting halfway through before you go back to what you normally watch, low-key couple pictures, getting him to look at you as you record him with filters, him calling you his favourite person, playlists made for each other.
fuzzy polaroids, gaming whilst sitting in his lap, feeding him, midnight adventures to the store for snacks, cheek kisses, back hugs, cuddle sessions, entwined pinkie fingers, drawing lines that connect his freckles, good morning/good night texts, (along with jisung) matching pfps - bonus points if it's anime themed, pillow talk and long sweet kisses, my sunflower/my sunshine.
pranks, doing anything to make each other laugh, taking bad photos of the members to use as memes (also sends them to felix too), puppy filters, random 'i thought of something and I think you'd like it' texts, spraying his perfume onto your things before he goes away on tour (also buying a bottle when the smell goes away), him calling you baby regardless of if you’re younger or not.
knowing glances across the room, blushing cheeks, teasing from the other members, candid shots, being his personal photographer, cute couple photos, comparing hand sizes, encouraging messages throughout the day, will only accept you babying him, but even then only in private. babe/love pet names. cooking for him and his members. showing love in other ways instead of saying it a lot.
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beedlemania · 3 months
I feel like Davy struggled a lot with sucking his thumb as a kid and when he’s regressed, he falls back into those habits. Mike would notice this and while he’s sleepy and won’t put up too much of a protest, switch Davy’s thumb for a pacifier. He had the pacifier because it was recommended for teeth grinding, with which Davy also struggles. Do you think he’d ever adjust to a pacifier and how would the other guys encourage him?
I think he’d DESPISE it at the start. He’d put up a really fight against it because “I’m not a baby!” And “it’s humiliating!” Davy wasn’t allowed a pacifier as a kid because his parents were worried about his teeth so he was weaned off them pretty soon so to him they’re just for baby babies. He’d get really offended when Mike first suggests it or first presents him with one.
Davy always sucks his thumb when he think no one will notice. He waits until the lights go out at night and if there’s people around he’s ready to pretend he was just biting his nail. But Mike tries again with the pacifier when Davy’s almost fully asleep and he’ll carefully switch his thumb for the pacifier and Davy will take to it immediately.
It would fall out of his mouth at some point during the night (that boy is a mouth breather through and through) so for the first few nights he wont even realise he’s been using it and he’ll be all smug that Mike was wrong and he doesn’t need one. Then one morning he’ll wake up with it still in his mouth and he’ll get all embarrassed because it actually is nice. Then he’ll hide it under his pillow and use it secretly (even though the others gave it to him so they know he’s using it).
After consciously using it for a few nights he’ll start to miss it during the day so he’ll sneak off to his bedroom to have a little pacifier break. I imagine someone, probably Peter, walks in on this happening at some point and starts cooing about how cute he is and Davy will get all frazzled and try to hide it but it’s too late. Then when he realises the reactions not bad and no ones making fun of him he’ll start using it around the pad more often.
To encourage Davy more, Micky will probably buy one without any design on it and decorate it himself. He’ll put the Union Jack or the English flag on it or a pair of maracas and Davy’s name on it to personalise it. One way to Davy’s heart is through accessories.
The thing about Davy is, he’d lose it constantly. He’ll be in a rush to say something/get a joke out and it’ll fall out of his mouth and he wont notice until he’s moved on and then panic because it’s not there. Or he’ll leave it down somewhere and not remember where. Mike bought a few so there’s always a few emergency ones on the go but Mike eventually gets him one of those things to clip it to his shirt. The only probably with that is sometimes he’ll forget it’s there and walk outside and not realise. But everyone else in their close vicinity knows about him and thinks it’s cute because they’re used to seeing him constantly suck his thumb bite his nails.
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forever-valentine14 · 2 years
Kyoutani who is just fucking scary all around. His look? Leather jacket, fang-like teeth, motorcycle. His location and where you can find him? Red light district, bar, disheveled apartments. His job? Hitman.
It is worth mentioning that kyo’s favourite way of killing someone is more suited to his personality. Small hand guns don’t do, not even poison. He is more of a brutal killer, opting for a simple yet highly nuanced tool, a personalised scythe. They do say that when serial killers let you see their faces that means they wont have plans of letting you see daylight again. Kyo lived by those principles, feeling every kill with passion and pride.He is dedicated and a 5-star rate hitman. Nothing gets pass him. Whatever problem you throw, he will face with efficiency to solve. Everyone knows that when kyo enters into an operation, failure is not an option.
The problem he has right now though is not a matter of killing or getting someone to talk but rather how to tie pig tails for his baby girl. Scary Scythe hitman! Kyo has the sweetest and prettiest daughter. She is about 7 years old and her mom is supposedly Kyo’s favourite woman at the red light district, though he doesn’t let her know that.
This little girl is so protective of her father in her daycare when all the other kids tell her that her dad is scary, she denies it and tells them he just dresses like that for work.
This baby came into kyo’s life when she was just about 2 years old, left by her mother to kyo’s handlers. Ever since then the amount of kills that kyo does during the day has decreased considering he has to take care of the house and his child. Kyo changed for her so much that he even started cooking for her and learning more children food to cook. He is a good cook, and takes just as much pride wielding a knife when he cuts her up the veggies for her bento as his pride for cutting someone’s head off.
He got her matching leather jackets and teaches her all sorts of things like how to tie her shoe laces, how to make get to the places they frequent such as supermarkets and parks. He even teaches her the importance if using the non-sharp scissors so she wont cut herself. Out of all the blood he has spilled, the small blood from his daughter’s booboo is the one that makes him understand pain.
Kyoutani barely hires baby sitters as he hates when people get up on his business but there have been times where he had to ask his handlers- Ehem Uncle Hajime Ehem and Uncle Tooru to take care of hisgirl. This is only when its a high stakes job during the day. He never told his daughter his work though, opting to lie and just say that he is into helping farmers harvest goods by the country side. Though this was really a ploy to let her understand why he has a bunch of scythes in his closet. To even go along with this, he’d buy fresh produce every 2 weeks. Kyo was not just a Dad, a feared hitman, and a great cook but also a now loved member of the farmer’s community by the close country side.
He first thought it was unnecessary but kyo was happy they were around, they taught him what veggies worked best for kid’s tummies, the importance of just thoroughly washing the veggies, and how to prepare the best long lasting dishes. He even got so good at this that he can now pickle some as side-dishes. He got so involved that there were times he would help, this is the only way he even felt like he was part of society again.
Most people would think of this as why keep the child at all? Well kyo found his daughter to look a lot more like him than her mom. She had soft features except her eyes, they were his alright. He remembered all the years of his life where his parents were mostly absent and though they loved him greatly, they weren’t around very long. He didn’t want to see his own child go through the same, the empty apartment and the deadly quiet nights when he had to tuck himself in. There was no way, he’d be the same.
So here he was, tying her pigtails to send her off to school. He had tied her hair gently and added the pastel coloured clips in her hair. “Buba, Pwerty (Pretty)?” she consults to her father, waddling towards the mirror. “Very pretty, flower~” If anyone from his job saw him like this they wont be able to recognise him with his yellow waist apron and fuzzy monster slippers when he brings his precious gem to her school. “Be good, yeah? Make daddy proud-“ “And beat up any bullies!” She interrupts. “Flower, we talked about this. No fighting, just tell teacher, okay?” All while he tells her off she nods and runs to her school’s doors.
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local-starry-catboi · 20 days
Kid Pirates hcs #3
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  More Kid Pirates hcs 1 | 2 | 3 | 4.1 - 4.2 | 5 | 6 | 7
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  Kid Pirates OC bios — Light | Blaze | Calista | Kira | Eun | Grunge
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  Manda — @silvernyxchariot ; Solace — @ramdeviltart ; Osiris — @/idonthaveacluewhatsgoingonhere
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Hcs under the cut for length ✨️
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  One day it started that two of the biggest morons of the crew (Mohawk and Kira) decided it would be fun to superglue a glass of pickles shut and go around asking the others for help with opening it. Time after time, they did that to each new member the Kid Pirates have recruited. Any older member knows about the unsolvable jar myster by now, but new crewmates don't. So, they only become more distressed in most cases upon being unable to open a simple glass jar in the presence of the others while they're laughing their asses off, and more often than not also got their photo taken while struggling. Osiris was the only one who smashed it, causing the boys to have to make a new one, and leaving them in utter shock because not even Kid decided to smash it (or rather, he could be stopped before he'd have done it).
Inspiration comes from @/kinkywitch's tiktok.
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  Kira crochets and sews personalised emotional support blankets for his crewmates. For Disc J, he made one in the shape of a vinyl disc, Osiris requested one that looks like an opossum, Mosh asked him for a rock, and Quincy asked him for a checkerboard, for example (there are more, of course). Even "brutal" pirates like them need some softness in their life when they're stressed and mentally exhausted.
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  Some of them have distinctive laughter styles, like Killer's "fafafa" (ファファファ). Eun's style is "upupupupu" (ウププププ) and Light's "nyihihi" (ニィヒヒ) whereas
Bubblegum's is "bubbububu" (ブッブブブ). Lastly, Quincy's is a typical "ohohoho" (オホホホ) [due to their royalty-inspired design], and Dive's is definitely "teehee" ( テエヘエ). Disc has a rather gremlin kind of laughter style: "kekeke" (ケケケ).
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  The crew has video game nights - or would have, if they were in a modern setting. Some of them most likely even would stream, especially if it's a game a vast number of them would like to play/watch the others play, or just if they want to earn some money on the side. Something Mohawk and Kira are known for, though, is being the most chaotic duo amongst the group. In the link attached in the credits behind, Mohawk would be Mysta (orange), and Kira would be Shxtou (purple), for the sake of exemplifying (cr.: @/fuyasumeragi). Aside from the common horror (Until Dawn, Little Hope, Phasmophobia/Demonologist, Mortuary Assistant, Biohazard/Resident Evil) sessions - where some of the spectator's may or may not be clinging to who- and whatever is next to them whilst still trying to keep up "how totally not scared they are" - they of course do have their days where they're playing games from other genres. Their favourites could be stated as Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Assassin's Creed, Pokémon, Smash Bros, or any other kind of beat-'em-up. Those are, of course, just a selected few, based on what the majority of them COULD enjoy playing around the others on an overly stressful day to calm down, but their own personal tastes could differ.
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  They do give each other animal shaped/themed items, among others, for birthdays, Christmas, or just as little presents in general. Not all of them are super practical, some are just silly little things. For instance, Killer has gotten his hands on a frog-themed tea set for Solace. Emma once received a shark tea dispenser. Boogie was gifted a zombie bottle opener. Some of the members of the crew have gotten each other little toothbrush holders for their shared bathrooms, for example, in the shape of crabs or elephants. Kid once bought a pair of black cat-shapes candles. Wire is really fond of a bear shaped bean bag he was gifted a good while ago as it makes resting at least somewhat more comfortably easier for him. Osiris received a peculiar opossum themed umbrella that looked normal as long as it was closed, but more like a screaming one when opened.
🌹ꦽꦼ̷  As probably none of them has been a professional hairdresser prior to joining the crew, there have been selected a few members who are tasked with thing such as doing haircuts and dying hair whenever there's a touch-up needed. Heat is in charge when it comes to dying the others' hair (he's skilled in that, next to tattooing his crewmates) aside from Hip (she does a far better job), whilst Killer and Light help put with the snip-snip. It has taken them quite a while to figure out which constellations work the best for each of them, but it has led to horrible mistakes and failures, also known as ugly colour blots, bald spots, misshapen cuts and possibly injuries as well before they all collectively agreed on those four. Mosh would have loved to do either, if not both, but he is too tall to perform either service comfortable for both sides.
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petluxe157 · 1 month
Pet Luxe Boutique & Spa –Pet Shop & Grooming service
Contact a friendly Pets First agent whenever you need them, day or night. You can end up saving both time and money by using this method. Remembering this will ensure that they will thoroughly enjoy shopping dog grooming course If you don't see immediate savings, don't write off the component's long-term value. Before you retire, make sure you've thought of everything. You can expect spotless rooms, delectable meals, and impeccable amenities if you go with a first-rate service provider. Another option would be to provide them with a sturdy board. In order to keep clean hands, you and Fido should take turns washing them. Pets First has all the supplies you'll need for this task. You can trust this business to provide reasonable prices for top-notch pet care. By sticking with this service, you've made a huge mistake. Rest assured, your trust in our service will be restored once we've rectified the issue. When it gets warmer outside, you can start taking your pet on walks while cleaning its fur. Embrace the chances that present themselves. This will have no negative consequences.
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There will be an abundance of opportunities for you if you are good at seizing them. Rest assured, our spa staff will take care of your cherished pet. The those that really dove into their work achieved remarkable results. Trust the spa personnel to provide outstanding service. You need not be concerned about this promise. We can say this with confidence now that we've resolved your concerns. I mean, come on! You should always give your pet plenty of space to roam and unwind. Breathe deeply to bring yourself to the here and now. Please don't hesitate to contact us whenever you have questions about redeeming this pet grooming discount code. If you're not sure what your pet like when it comes to grooming, we provide personalised services to assist you figure it out. You may wind up saving a tonne of money if everything goes according to plan. Why? To get the campaign rolling earlier than planned, take advantage of our limited-time offer. On the other hand, you could do nothing at all. Because nothing has changed on that front, you can relax. We landed ourselves in this embarrassing situation because our previous plan did not account for the actual cost of honesty services. The results of your decisions are completely out of your control. Our wide range of pet care services is the main reason for this issue. Remember this so you can act more sensibly. This is extremely important in light of recent events. 
All it takes to unwind when the mood strikes is a short horseback ride. We have a large, welcoming indoor space in addition to an outside play area. I implore you to read this if you hold a negative view of kennels. We are writing to formally request that you take action regarding our pet boarding issue, which is rapidly becoming out of hand. If we desire this change to occur, we must maintain our luminous presence. We will have achieved our goal of becoming the market leaders regardless of the outcome. Our dreams can finally come true now. Every ounce of our being is going into this because of how important it is. When you're not looking, Fido can run amok in the garden grooming services I am completely unprepared when it comes to this specific matter. Nothing will change; everything will stay the same. Analysing the reasoning and assumptions that underpinned them occupies a significant portion of the book. The journey will undoubtedly remain etched in the kids' minds indelibly. My assertions from this semester do not necessitate any additional research. The reply is hard to make sense of. Our ability to reach more people will be greatly enhanced by this technique. The outcome of the operation will determine their fate. This is just one example of how decisions made here can have a significant impact. I assure you this is in no way an all-inclusive list. 
We will continue searching for your beloved canines until we receive a response from you. With this agreement in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your children are protected. Healthcare, social security, and special needs children all have far more serious issues. Our clients may rest assured that we will provide them with first-rate help for whatever size or complexity of project. To satisfy their extensive set of demands, multiple plans are presently under development. There is no going back once our hearts are involved. Your pets will receive first-rate care from our veterinary technicians while you're away. Right now, more than ever, it's beneficial to focus on the here and now and to keep things simple. Put your personal happiness first at this very moment. 
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shopelectronics · 6 months
The Evolution of Home Entertainment- Embracing the Latest Tech Trends 
Modernising devices alone won't be enough in the ever-changing home entertainment market; we also need to establish a setting that allows technology to be easily incorporated into our day-to-day activities. Jumbo Electronics, with its dedication to quality and innovation, is at the forefront of delivering personalised and immersive home entertainment to your doorstep. 
 Virtual Reality at Home: An Overview of Immersive Entertainment's Future 
The development of virtual reality (VR) is among the most exciting new areas of home entertainment. Cutting-edge VR offerings bring the cinema, gaming, and exploration experiences to the comfort of your living room. Dive into a world where you're not just a spectator but an active participant, thanks to Jumbo Electronics' range of VR solutions. 
 Home Theatre Setup: Modern Entertainment Systems 
The modern home theatre setup has become a cornerstone of the home entertainment experience. Jumbo Electronics recognizes the importance of creating an audio-visual sanctuary within your living space. Jumbo's home theatre solutions redefine media consumption with the cutting-edge sound systems, sharp displays, and clever integration capabilities. Family get-togethers, movie nights, and gaming sessions all have a new meaning with these cutting-edge systems. 
 Home Improvement: Smart Living Room 
Your living room is more than just a room; it's a vibrant centre where technology improves every facet of your way of life. A variety of smart home appliances are available from Jumbo Electronics that easily work with your living room to make it a responsive and intelligent area. From bright lighting and thermostats to voice-activated assistants, Jumbo's innovative living solutions redefine home improvement, making your living space as stylish as possible. 
 The Impact of Technology on Home Entertainment 
One cannot overestimate the influence of technology on home entertainment as it develops further. Our ability to access a vast library of content has been transformed by digital streaming services. Jumbo Electronics, recognizing the significance of this shift, offers a range of appliances catering to the digital age's demands. Smart home integration takes this further, learning and adapting to your preferences, ensuring a personalized entertainment experience. 
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 Home Entertainment List 
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The evolution of home entertainment is not just about devices; it's about creating an immersive and intelligent environment. With its commitment to innovation and quality, Jumbo Electronics stands as a beacon in this transformative journey. Embrace the latest trends, explore innovative appliances, and redefine your home entertainment experience with Jumbo Electronics. Elevate your space and enhance your lifestyle – welcome to the future of home entertainment. 
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knkkrafts · 2 years
10 Best Personalized Gifts Ideas For Your Baby
Having a baby means that you probably have a lot of new things to buy for your little angel. However, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t need another shirt, onesie, or blanket. 
Instead, you are looking for something special and personal that your child can keep in their memories for the rest of their life. So, what kind of gifts are we talking about? Here is the list of top 10 K&K Krafts personalized gifts ideas for your baby:
1. Personalised Led Night Light
You can never have enough lighting in your home, especially if you have young children. A great way to add extra lights to your space is with night lights. Personalised night lights for kids are an easy way to brighten up any room and can help keep the kids safe at night.
2. Personalised acrylic Keyring
What makes this design truly unique is that it’s personalised. You can choose to engrave any name or monogram or even a message on the acrylic keyring. This would make a great gift for a child or even yourself.
3. Water Bottle
One of the best ways to encourage healthy habits in your kids is to get them involved in the process. By getting them involved, you make it more likely that they will stick with whatever program you’re trying to encourage. One great way to do this is by getting them a personalized water bottle.
4. Baby announcement Plaque
Personalised bany name plaques are a fun way to share the exciting news of your new arrival with family and friends. With hundreds of designs to choose from, you can create the perfect design that celebrates your new arrival in style.
5. Personalised Bag Tags
Kids love to have their bags, but often they don't have a matching bag tag. Customised bag tags are a great way to give kids ways to identify their belongings and show them that you care about them.
6. Personalised Kids Door Plaque
One of the best gifts you can give to your child is a personalized door plaque. This will serve as a permanent reminder of their name and your love for them, while also creating a special connection between you and your little one.
7. Personalised Bamboo Comb
It’s no secret that kids tend to be messy and hard to keep track of. A bamboo comb is a great way to keep your child’s hair tidy, and it can also be used as a hands-on learning experience for them. You can get it from personalised gifts Australia online shop.
8. Personalised Christmas Deco
Personalised Christmas deco is the perfect way to personalise your Christmas tree and make it more festive and fun for your little ones. You can create lanterns, stars, snowflakes, and other decorations for the tree with their name or special message on it.
9. Pen Holder
A personalized pen holder is a great way to keep your child’s desk tidy and save space. It also helps build their self-confidence because they know that their possessions are important to them.
10. Personalised Cake Topper
Personalised cake topper is an ideal cake decoration idea for a kid's birthday party. It can be used to create a fun and decorative cake that will be remembered by the kids forever. Just like custom made night lights for kids, you can also personalise a cake topper.
0 notes
hannahlacey · 1 year
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rk-ocs · 1 year
The closest I will get to personal
I'm feeling frustrated. Because the further you are from a "standard, normal, male", the more expenses are tacked on to your living expenses. 
I thought as a… lets call it Example, lets add up the extra expenses I add to my life as a neruo-divergent female who wears contacts. 
This pricing will happen at WalMart, and will not include the initial price, of contacts, or pills 
First, the obvious as female. 
Go into a my average canadian walmart, and the price range for me, varies between $4.98, and $11. 98, depending of course on flow, brand, and length. 
But, of course, we are unlikely to be buying one box. After all, different days, have different flow lengths. 
Lets say, we are low on everything, and get some always ultra thin. Those people are always skipping around happily in the commercials, and commercials exist to convince you to buy things. 
So, for a box of Always Infinity flex form overnights we shell out $11.98. This box has 38 pads. For the heavy days, and nights. 
Now lets get a 40 pad box of regular's for $7.77, and a 40 pad box of superlongs for $7.77, for light flow days. 
Unless I've done my math wrong, we've just spent about $30 on pads. And this is not the last time a woman will buy pads. It depends on flow, but lets estimate you need to buy pads every three months. 
Thats, roughly rounding up, $130 a year. 
We're not counting other things we need, related to periods either. Me, I like to have female multivitamins, for my time of the month, and pads don't always cover everywhere you like, so something to clean up the bloodstains is good to have on hand too. 
Lets take a break from female, to talk about contacts. Or glasses. 
First there's the cost for glasses or contacts, which is personalised, and depends on brand, style, and type. You will have to get new ones, at some point. The fact that we have to pay to see does make me angry, but I'm not going to go into specifics about glasses or contacts cost price's, as thats not what I would get at walmart.  
Instead I'm going to talk about upkeep, and contact solution. 
Walmarts cheapest for two is Re nu for $13.97 for 355 ml bottles.
Then Opti free express two for 335ml, for $14.97
Followed by Bausch lomb at $15.97 for 2 bottles of 335 ml. 
Next is Biotrue, $16.97, for 2 300 ml bottles for $16.97
Last is Opti free pure moist at 2 for 360 ml bottles at $21.47
For the Pads, we went for a more commercial brand higher type. Lets go for one of the lower ones, renu, because their small 60ml bottle for $5.23, comes with a case, making it great for travel. 
Let's say we go through a bottle every three months. Then in a year, we would buy $56 in a year. Not counting cases or contacts. Or the possibility of buying specialized ones with more than 3% hydrogen peroxide, as those tend to be less casual. 
Wandering around the cheapest is kids bras for $10.97. Most expensive, but wire free is $27.97, for woman. 
Lets say, I wanted no wire, and wanted at least seven comfortable pairs of comfortable Bras to last me a week with no wires, or laces like a sane person. Or I really like this brand, or have back needs. Lets also assume they have seven in the size I need, and I don't feel like shopping for different ones. Oh, presumably, I will pick up more, and diffrent varietied ones at that, but I feel like picking these ones right now, and not picking seven diffrent types. 
Round it to 28. 
By my rough math it comes to $198. 
The bras should last awile though. 
Between these bras and the pads, being a female has cost me aproximatly $330 more then being a dude would have been. 
Wearing contacts , by the guesstimate for solution, tallys it up to $386. Not counting actuall lenses or cases. 
Lenses is at least 200
Probably $225
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customledsblog · 2 years
Website : https://www.customled.com.au/
Shop LED night lights online. Choose from over 400 LED night lights or get your personalised for kids, babies or toddlers. Afterpay Available. Fast Australia-wide Shipping. 3D Illusion Night Lamps.
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Hi mom I'm going to spend three weeks in France in a few months and I was wondering what things I should know so I don't upset anyone lol thanks for all you do
Hello dear,
We are attached to politeness. Say hello when you start a conversation with anyone (including salespeople), enter any type of professional place (bakery, small store, waiting room) and to the bus driver. Walking up to a stranger and immediately asking a question is extremely rude and we will be rude back (which explains our reputation - tourists were unknowingly crass first).
When talking to strangers/salespeople: the right question is something like Bonjour (pause until they make eye contact and say it back), excusez-moi de vous déranger, je ne trouve pas le sucre/je cherche la rue Victor Hugo/---, est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider? (...). Merci beaucoup, bonne journée, au revoir.
If you don't speak French, learn how to pronounce Bonjour, excusez-moi de vous déranger, est-ce que vous parlez anglais? (and after a possible no: C'est pas grave, merci quand même, au revoir) so you don't look like a donkey.
Blend in. Don't be loud, respect people's space (and escalator/pavement laws), avoid intrusive questions, bashing the country + money talk. No PJs at the store. You are trying to befriend cats; "my way or the highway" is not going to work.
Use the right pronouns. Level 1: say Vous to any professional, older strangers (including people's relatives, who will say Tu back), and Tu to friends, their friends, any kid or teen. Level 2: most likely say Tu to people your age, unless their energy calls for something else. Level 3: say Tu in non-formal places (bar, tattoo parlour) regardless of age. Cheat code: avoid making a choice by saying things like Comment ça va? instead of Comment tu vas?
Random tourist advice:
In cafés/restaurants: we don't really tip, cooks aren't used to personalised orders, and waiters will leave you alone (no refills, small talk, pet names) unless you lift your hand, make eye contact and mouth "Excusez-moi". You can pay with cash or a debit card but I wouldn't recommend checks.
Other cities are fine but if you are using public transportation in Paris, take notes or download la RATP's app beforehand: you'll often need to take two or three subways to get somewhere and there is no info inside the station.
Travel light and pick trusty trainers, cobblestone doesn't like heels. Watch your step. Men pee outside a lot and people don't pick up dog poo.
Be aware of pickpockets. Zip your pockets, keep your bag on the side or the front, avoid flaunting luxury items or looking/dressing/acting like a professional tourist, and for the love of God, don't go to the Champs Elysées at night.
Catcalling and street harassment are unfortunately common. Feel free to hook up, condoms shouldn't be a problem but don't expect to find a husband, your typical French Tinder match isn't looking for love.
If you're into skincare, pharmacies are your wet dream.
If you want to travel, take a TGV (very fast train, to book preferably weeks to months before) to get to other cities in 1-5h. London via the Eurostar is 2h30 away and many capitals are a 2h cheap flight away. Going to Disneyland takes about an hour from downtown Paris to Marne-La-Vallée.
If you need medical assistance, call the 112 (European emergency number) or the 18 (fire brigade, good eggs) and the police, the 17 (take forever to answer).
At the moment, there's a weird thing happening in France where young people (mostly girls) get spiked with needles in nightclubs. Keep yourself safe.
Many museums are free/stores offer discounts if you're under 25 and you get a free ride on a bateau-mouche if your birthday is the same week.
Carry an umbrella and sunglasses regardless of the season.
More: restaurant guide, why won't the French let me practice my French, list of Parisian museums + Planétarium + movie theatres.
Hope this helps! x
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llyncooljones · 2 years
stag pyjamas, stag-do vibes - twelve days of rowaelin.
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ao3 || masterlist || twelve days of rowaelin '21 masterlist
prompt: holiday traditions
word count: 1472
trigger warnings: language, innuendo, other things possibly.
tag list: @live-the-fangirl-life @rowaelinismyotp @rowanaelin @fireheartwhitethorn4ever @themoonthestarsthesuriel @autumnbabylon
the living room, midday.
Aelin and Rowan both severely lacked in childhood Christmas memories, both of their parents had died too soon for any Christmas traditions to stick beyond what foster families and group homes had done for them.
Neither of them had had a Christmas in the same house two years in a row since they were younger than five until they had moved in together.
There had been something about slowly building a collection of Christmas tree decorations, about seeing the old, sparse tinsel on your tree and knowing it was on your tree the first Christmas you had with someone. Something beautifully fulfilling about being able to climb up into the loft and pull down boxes and boxes and know the contents of each one, and know that they’ll go back into the loft in the new year, heavier and heavier each time Christmas passes through their household.
Seeing their star on the top of the tree and remembering that they had bought it from the supermarket and added glitter and gold paint and a set of small, battery-operated fairy lights to it the first Christmas they had ever had together.
About their children’s faces as they stand in the middle of a shop and pick out their decorations that they get to add to their collection that year. Seeing their faces light up as they find the perfect one. Seeing their little eyes sparkle marvellously as they place it on the tree and get a little sad and downturned when they pull it off the branch and place it in the box. And then light up once more when they realise, they get to put it on the branch again next Christmas.
And it fills both Aelin’s and Rowan’s hearts to know that even though they have no family traditions from their parents and their own childhoods, their children will always have the traditions that their family have introduced.
Fills their hearts to know that their children have good memories of Christmas, and will have a safe home, and a good life.
Like they never did.
So they introduced a new thing each year. Or they tried to.
This year they are doing so, they are adding a new tradition for their little family to take part in.
Matching, family Christmas pyjamas.
They had seemed like a good idea, sat in front of her laptop at ten at night. They had been cute and idealistic on the picture-perfect (and ultimately fake) family in the product photos. They had seemed to be an absolute steal, a bargain if Aelin had ever seen one: cheap as paper and most definitely not paper.
One hundred per cent cotton and made in Terrasen. That meant no slavery involved, and it also meant that all the people involved in the process of getting them to her family would be paid appropriately.
Cute. They had been so, so cute on her illuminated laptop screen. The trousers are covered in a pattern of stag heads, decorated with baubles, tinsel, and fairy lights. All on a green background. What more could a Terrasen citizen want from a set of Christmas pyjamas. The top was an enlarged set of antlers, decorated in much of the same fashion. Except you could personalise a few of the baubles. Change the colour, add names, maybe a birthstone here, an important date there.
It was fucking ideal.
The answer to all Her questions.
What present she could give the kids on Christmas Eve?
What could the family wear for their Christmas card photo?
What could cheer her up on this cold and empty night while her husband worked long, long shifts?
So in her tired, slightly drunk state she had ordered the pyjamas, personalised them, checked all the family’s sizes, and had watched as the money flew from her bank account and into the shop’s bank account.
The thing to remember, is that she was tired, and alone, and a little bit drunk, and missing her husband, and sick of being called ‘mummy’.
She wasn’t fully in control of all her faculties, had no clue what she was doing.
And it has never been so apparent as it is right now.
Sat around their Christmas tree, watching with wide (horrified) eyes as her children open their Christmas Eve present at the same time, showing her error over and over and over to her poor, poor husband and her idiot, idiot self.
Her eldest, Ariden, is the first to open the perfectly packaged present. Ripping through the tape and the paper and the ribbon, ignoring the gift tag altogether. Shredding the plastic wrapping and pulling the pyjamas from it. Holding them up in the air.
Next comes her youngest, Oren, his pudgy little toddler fingers ripping the paper with surprising dexterity. He grabs his set with eager hands and a happy, toothless grin. His eyes sparkling and his toes twitching in little toddler delight. It was enough to make Aelin want to turn to her husband and ask for another.
Then is the beloved middle child, Felon. His careful treatment of the wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and gift tag leave him scrambling for the Christmas pyjamas his siblings are already holding. His scarily strong nails had torn through the paper like they were claws and he was a domesticated lion. Unnerving, to say the least.
Their faces are blissfully happy, smiling mouths, giggling eyes, flushed cheeks, raised eyebrows. Everything a mother needs to see to know her children are happy with whatever is in their grasp or in their sight.
She is laughing and giggling along with them, opening her present with the same reckless abandon as her eldest and youngest children. All while her husband sits behind her, opening his own present above her head like the fucking giant he is. Aelin wants to lean her head back, so her lips can kiss his, but stops herself from doing so. Preventing their ears from being assaulted with the angry, disgusted, and horrified noises their brattish children like to make when Rowan and Aelin show any sort of love or affection for one another.
It's only when she opens her own present and takes her pyjamas out that she realises what mistake she had made.
She had ordered different pyjamas.
These ones aren’t covered in stags and baubles and multi-coloured lights and silver tinsel.
These ones are, yes, covered in stags, and yes, baubles, and yes, multi-coloured lights, and yes, silver tinsel.
That isn’t the issue.
Not even close.
The baubles are odd little things, shaped a little funny, odd colours and patterns. Until you look a little closer, take it all in. Then, then you realise that the funny shapes are penises and vaginas and tits and arseholes. And the odd colours are just for kicks, to make the most certainly adult recipient laugh a little harder when they do look that little bit closer and do realise.
And it isn’t as though the penises and vaginas and tits and arseholes are all the same. No, of course not. Because that would be too unfunny, and too silly.
You’ve got thin penises, thick penises, long penises, short penises, big balls, small balls, low hanging balls, high hanging balls, fat cockheads, skinny cockheads, cleanshaven pubes, short pubes, long pubes, blond pubes, brown pubes, black pubes. You’ve got all manner of combinations.
You’ve got pale-skinned vaginas, dark-skinned vaginas, wide vaginas, narrow vaginas, skinny vaginas, fat vaginas, pale pink vaginas, dark pink vaginas, pierced vaginas, unpierced vaginas, spread open vaginas, unspread vaginas, waxed vaginas, hairy vaginas. So many fucking vaginas, so many colours.
Aelin doesn’t want to start on the tits and arseholes, it’s simply horrifying. If it weren’t in front of her children, and she weren’t over thirty years old, and she were still in college, it would be fucking hilarious, she would be rolling on the floor laughing and then running to put them on in the bathroom.
But she does have children, and she is over thirty years old, and she isn’t still in college, so it isn’t hilarious. It’s rather fucking humiliating, horrifying, it also feels a bit like a parenting failure. The kind of ones you’ll laugh about with your kids in a few years, but a failure, nonetheless.
She isn’t too horrified, certain she can take the pyjamas from her children’s hands before they register the images printed in the cotton.
Not until her itty-bitty, teeny-tiny, toddler giggles in that wildly cute way toddlers do, before shrieking out, “Looks like daddy’s dangly bits!” Then, the whole world turns to shit. Spectacularly.
And it’s safe to say that Christmas pyjamas don’t become a tradition.
But telling the story of the pyjamas Aelin bought with penises and vaginas and tits and arseholes on them most definitely does become a tradition.
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knkkrafts · 2 years
Cute Elephant Led Night Light - KnK Krafts
Our cute elephant Uv printed led night light is a great addition to any child's room. It provides a soft, soothing glow by day and a multi-coloured light show by night. This led night light is made with the newest UV printing technology, printed on a clear acrylic material which is with high transparency.
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