#personally I think it's gonna be great at least visually
crystallizabethine · 2 years
I watched a TikTok that said this but it needs to be said here... Rise fans, please don't hate on Mutant Mayhem or boycott the film just because you don't care for the designs!
(Very long rant ahead)
I get it, this happens with new designs in any show. People get attached to a certain look and don't wanna give the new one a chance. Some recent examples of this are the Monster High and MLP redesigns. Sadly, TMNT fans have always done this whenever a new show comes out. They immediately criticize the new show without even giving it a chance because they don't like the designs or they changed the personalities. And it's not just the new shows, sometimes fans of new shows will look down on old ones because they aren't like the one they like (2012 bashers I'm looking at you).
And yeah, I get it, it's hard to broaden your mind to new and different content. I was one of those people and unfortunately still can be sometimes. I thought Rise looked like it'd be really weird and dumb at first, but when I actually sat down and watched it I realized that "hey, it's actually good!" and quickly fell in love with it. The same thing kinda happened with the Bayverse movies. Everyone was bashing them so hard bc the designs were hideous (and yeah... Idk what the artists were on when they made my boys because they look like they eat human flesh), but when I watched them I was actually pleasantly surprised. Now they're definitely not perfect at all, I'd say they're mediocre at best, but watching them was still a fun experience because I got to laugh at how ridiculous everything was. And even though the boys weren't written that well, they still had a spark of their trademark teenage dorkiness and that's honestly what kept my attention.
I'm not saying that you should like every single new version of something just because other people like it, because yeah sometimes the new stuff is just bad. My point is, it's really easy to dismiss new incarnations of tmnt (or any movie or show) because of biased first impressions or because you hear other's negative opinions and just assume they're right. The problem is if you don't go and see for yourself, if you don't give it a chance, you could be missing out on something really special. I would hope that Rise fans especially would understand this, seeing as our show was frowned upon by so many just for being different. Let's not have history repeat itself, my friends. Whether or not you like the designs, you should at least give Mutant Mayhem a chance. Because you never know, it could be amazing! And even if it's not, at least you'll know for yourself.
Also here's the original TikTok
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eddie4bat-president · 8 months
Saw a drawing of Steve and now I'm suddenly thinking about artist Eddie who designed the Hellfire shirts and Corroded Coffin fliers and who draws the villains of his D&D campaigns to slap onto his DM screen for visual aid and doodles in class and-
And i'm thinking about Steve, in a relationship with Nancy, trying to ignore that things are rocky but knowing it all the same. He finds a notebook left behind in school and he only takes it because he forgot his own. He plans to use it for the day and then figure out whose it is and get it back to them in exchange, that's probably more than fair, right? And the person is really gonna want this back - it looks like half their life is contained in this thing; there is... a shit ton of loose paper stuffed between the pages and notes on all kinds of subjects and drawings and.... he doesn't even know what that is. Who is Vecna and what the hell is a... lich?
Anyway as he leafs through it he finds that some of the drawings are... actually really good. Like, absurdly good for being in a lined notebook that looks like it has taken a trip into a dumpster and picked up some debris on the way out.
Like! Those hands! Steve has no artistic bone in his body but he's heard people whine about drawing hands and - he looks at the hand not holding the book and back again - yeah, that's exactly what hands look like! And here - a few pages further (it's one of the most empty pages of the whole thing, mostly because this one seems to have started as a drawing and not as a page of notes that turned into a drawing) there are only a few lines on the page but it's still very clearly the back of someone's neck, the collar, one shoulder.... Then there's another one that is almost all lines, but they were all carefully placed to give the effect of perfectly windswept hair. Then there's one that he actually can't make sense of at first (he almost pages past it because it is just a few lines and dots taking up a quarter of a page of very annoyed... history notes? Maybe English.) It's just a jawline with some moles but... only the day before he had cut himself shaving a finger's width underneath those exact moles. And that's when it clicks. He goes back to the hair... yeah that- that could be him too. Maybe. He flips back to that one very detailed drawing of hands and... putting down the book he tries to get his hands into the same position - the angle is off but. Yeah. That's why they looked so perfectly...! Uhhhh... Handsy! Because they're his fucking hands!
Anyway Steve realizes that about a third of the drawings are or could be him. He realizes that he actually can't go through with giving it back because - what would he even say? "Hey found your notebook, nice shrine to me?" Yeah no. But he's... also reluctant to take it to the Lost and Found. There's something in the handwriting.... He has a feeling that it might not be a girl secretly drawing him. What if someone else connects the dots? What if they confront the mystery artist about it? Flashbacks to his fight with Jonathan, the line he crossed and immediately regretted. He doesn't want to be the cause for someone else getting called that. And unrelated to that, things with Nancy aren't great right now and it's... it's just nice to think someone is paying attention, alright?
Then Halloween happens a few days after. The Break-up(?), the demodogs, Billy and the tunnels- and afterwards it's nice to have the notebook to distract him from the pain. The mundane mystery of a schoolmate maybe having a crush on him. He might not even have to confront them - he can just figure out a way to slip it into their locker; it looks like at least half their schoolwork is crammed into this thing, no matter how half-heartedly done. They definitely want this back.
Man, I wish I could actually write this thing. Damn. Maybe I could even do a scene where Steve tries to Sherlock Holmes his way to Mystery Artist and confronts a (hatefully seething) Robin, because she sits behind him in that one class, only to find his own Watson in her instead. But alas. It cannot be.
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sparrowlucero · 6 months
Instead of discourse about showrunners and lesbians and whatever, I'm gonna bring a different type of discourse...whats ur fav and least Dr Whomst monsters. Hard mode: only the practical ones.
ok so I do like all the obvious ones, I like the angels, I like the vashta nerada, I like the not-things, I like the eternals. Here's a few deeper cuts (focusing on the tv show specifically):
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they peaked with these maggots. they rock. pretty sure they're made with taxidermy? really great puppetry. I really like this thing:
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what a cool design for this kind of forgotten midseason episode.
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this is such a fun design for a langolier-type monster. I love how their crest and tail gives them the silhouette of a grim reaper
The 60s cybermen rock. I feel like they're hesitant to use them often in the modern show because they do look very 1960s but I think there's something really uncomfortable and evocative about the cloth faces that's lost when they're cool metallic robots. The mix between looking like an old diving suit and the implication of there being a chopped up person inside is gnarly and I love it. Simple, creepy, iconic design.
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My favorite design in the show is probably this:
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The 456 from the spinoff series torchwood. They didn't need the puppet to emote or move a ton since it spends the entire season in a little tank obscured in mist, so they just went crazy with the design and made it really bizarre looking. Extremely top tier alien. Anyways, negative. I really don't like this satan. the satan kind of sucks. the impossible planet is great atmospheric sci fi horror; every image of build up in it is haunting and leagues ahead of the climactic scene where he meets the satan. It singlehandedly kind of kills the vibe.
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Personally I would have just kept the actual appearance off screen, just have it be eyes in the dark or something. Apparently they also tossed around the idea that it would end up being a normal little girl who was chained up in the cave and I think that would have visually fit the rest of the episode better.
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I'm really not big on the modern design for the sea devils (the green one on the right). I think the classic ones clearly took a lot of direct influence from real animals and generally is a pretty thoughtfully realized design, the modern ones seem like they were first and foremost using the classic ones for reference and didn't quite capture the nuance of the design. Sad, as I would really like to see design for these guys with modern puppetry.
I think this is actually a pretty contentious opinion but the work of the specific studio who headed this redesign generally wasn't my favorite. Apparently there was some sort of major, semi public falling out between the fx studio that had been working on the show since 2005 and the people who started running the show in 2018, and they were briefly replaced with a much less experienced studio. No hate to them of course (I think this was actually their first job like, ever, and a lot of the work was done in crunch time?) but the difference did stand out to me:
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
what would you consider essential marc and rosquez watching? i don’t mean races but the stuff happening around it, there seems to be so much and idk where to start 😭
BIG ass question. i think it depends what you want outta this and how you best interact with content slash consume information. for me (not to brag but. winner of multiple historical essay writing competitions in high school. for context on the kind of freak i am bringing to the table here.) the research is kind of the fun part ! like i just started googling shit! i would go to inactive blogs and just search 'marquez' on them to see what would happen ! a lot of the times that works ! but it also takes a lotttt of time lol so i'll chuck some good resources your way, why not...
okay im not sure how basic we're talkin here but um. background. so the documentaries are, i think. the best place to start. theyre entertaining and offer a good amalgamation of clips to provide context for the actual racing. and like i know you de-emphasized racing (which is fine lol who cares) but it really is like the most important thing in the world to these fools and its a pretty visual sport so i think its at least helpful. like yes sepang IS about the press conference, but its also about the conversation they have ON the race track using their motorcycles. which is also somewhat a conversation that they HAVE been having all year long...
i'd start with hitting the apex (2013), its a GREAT introduction to the "characters" that does a lot of legwork to contextualize everything. lays the scene for where vale is at coming into his relationship with marc (both personally, wrt to marco simoncelli, and career-wise concerning his flop at ducati), and also how insane marc's whole deal is in general. the second half is. materially a study on what him entering the premiere class did to the sport as a whole. the introductory chapter in many respects
marc marquez: all in. MY introduction and blissfully free online. marc comma in his own words, with all the implications of that. a self-produced documentary where he is giving feedback about the edit of said documentary straight to camera and no less vulnerable because of it which is very marc imo. revealing both intentionally AND unintentionally about his whole deal with injury, vale, and his image.
motogp unlimited. im gonna be real kind of boring. like i would still watch it ! but do it kind of later, once you know the major players so youre automatically more invested. it doesnt really give you more than marc says himself in all in tbh, and i get the sense him and vale were NAWWWT interested in doing more than the bare minimum for it.
marc's rookie doc. free and subtitled on the youtubes. the first half of this is deadass just him wanting to fuck vale so bad while every comment from vale has me saying GIRL. out loud because the foreshadowing would be genuinely shocking if this was fiction. anyways the laguna seca of it all....
next i would hit up PODCASTS ! i think it makes sense after the documentaries, because these are all podcasts that arent strictly about rosquez (even if they are in many ways the main characters lmao) and personally it helps to put faces to lesser known names that might pop up before i listen to a purely audio product and get lost in the soup of sounds. the paddock pass podcast has two retrospective episodes about the 2015 season that are really good at context, oxley bom pod has a fun recent episode on valentino that i love, again just poke around a lil
videos. these guys have never filmed a lot of content together tragically. what i wouldnt give for someone to make them do an escape room. anyways ranch visit HERE (post explaining the ranch visit here). sepang presscon (sowwy) here. vale unhinged podcast interview the month after marc's documentary came out here. vale retirement interview where he gets asked about marc here. vale talking about asking marc to the ranch here. vale postrace at argentina 2018 here. UCCIO postrace at argentina 2018 here. theres a lot moreeeee just go on my blog archive and filter for rosquez and vids its easier lol
journalism. hello. okay so you should genuinely spend some time reading through mat oxley's stuff he can write (theres a paywall but you can run that shit through wayback machine). he also loves an insane comparison which i do enjoy.... again this is one that can be solved by googling his name and tacking on 'marquez' or 'rossi' or a specific time period or race it will probably reap some dividends. in terms of specific ass articles this one is kind of load bearing in terms of sepang and some of the interpersonal competitive tensions at play. that being said there are manyyyyyy crazy interviews and snippents of articles from other journos floating around motogp tumblr (like literally too many to link) adn its fun to dig around to find them, but mat oxley gets a shoutout because i was reading this article TODAY !
other content. honestly one of the best resources I'VE found for plotting out the arc of their relationship is @kingofthering's everyrosquezpodium series. you can REALLY see it play out lol. also her tagging system rules she very neatly lays out years and races... so if something jumps out at you, CLICK ITTTT ! also all of @ricciardoes fave presscon moments series. insane.
all this to say a small little rpf fandom like this rewards some digging! i would just recommend following narrative threads that interest you ! its also a small fanbase that is pretty research oriented, so if youre ever confused about somethin, just shoot an ask or run a search on someone's blog (@kwisatzworld has endless vale resources and @batsplat is one of the most thorough researchers ive ever seen, for example) like for real theres so much... i also have a primer that i made forever ago that has some links on it so you can peruse that if you so wish. but frankly a lot of it is just using those research muscles and being sufficiently deranged enough to be screenshotting reddit threads at one am so you can post them to tumblr because they mentioned marc and vale in the same sentence and that lit up some of the neurons in your brain
(and i know you said outside of races but i think theyre good benchmarks as turning points soooo you should do some diggin on laguna seca 2013, jerez 2015, argentina 2015, ASSEN 2015, sepang 2015 obvi, argentina 2018, and misano 2019. those are the big tentpoles of insane rosquez relationship drama imo. i mean theres many more but. im limiting myself.)
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ouroborosorder · 7 months
Do you have an instance of Arknights VFX that gets frequently praised that you as a VFX artist think is mediocre or bad?
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Look. I love Ebenholz, a lot. His effects are really strong, too! Some of my personal favorites. But this skin. Jesus Christ this skin.
I have seen so many people praising this skin as having good effects or being better than his original and it genuinely makes me wonder if half of the effects are actually rendered in some sort of shrimp colors that everyone but me can see.
There is not a single part of this skin's effects that I don't hate. Not just because I find them ugly, uninteresting, and unclear, but because I think they fundamentally misunderstand who Ebenholz is.
You asked for this.
Part 1 - The Colors.
The actual art for his skin has a beautiful striking blue and light gray background, with the light pink Arts accentuating it, and then the blood red and pitch black of his outfit meant to draw the eye to the center. This works perfectly in the art, so what's wrong?
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First problem. Ebenholz doesn't have the blue background in gameplay. Meaning that his effects are red (not pink, like the art, they are red) and his skin is red. So there's extreme monochrome happening, with absolutely no interesting contrast between him and his Arts. His Elite Charge is blue, at the very least, so his signature gimmick stands out uniquely, which is quite nice! That's a great decision that won't cause any problems down the line at all.
"Oh, but Keys, it's so that the red Arts stand out when he uses his S3 and summons that giant goat spirit in the background!" That's a great point, person I just made up. Please remember this excellent point for later.
Part 2 - General Effects
The effect starts with a deploy animation wherein Ebenholz is surrounded by sparkles like some sort of magical girl. The deploy effect is genuinely bad in so many ways, mostly related to timing and motion, but this rant is going to be long enough. And I'm gonna need to focus and talk about the sparkles.
The biggest thing to know about Eine Variation is this image. Get acquainted with it. If there was a recurring visual motif in Eine Variation, it is this piece from the original art.
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And yeah, as an effects artist, I'd be amped to work on this. This looks fucking sick as shit. It's dynamic, it's chaotic, it's got harsh lines to contrast the flowing music staff, it's great. So let's see how this texture looks in g- okay what the fuck.
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In the game, it looks nothing like the art. It's literally just the stock glimmer effect. It's not even a new texture. This thing's been in the game since release. It looks. Bad. It's way too simplistic. Because it wasn't meant to be the center of attention, it's meant to appear for an instant and then fade. Like, you know. A glimmer.
What you just saw in the screenshot above is one of Ebenholz' Mystic Caster charges. And it is easily my least favorite part of the entire skin.
Ebenholz (Original Flavor)'s Mystic Caster charges has one of my favorite visual touches in the entire game. Ebenholz fights using artifacts from the Witch King whose power he inherits - a wand and a set of five Originium dice. So he wields the wand, and has die rotate around him as he fights. In-game, they represent this by his charges being the dice, rotating around his hand. This is, as we say in the vfx industry, fucking badass. So naturally they removed the dice entirely in Eine Variation.
Fine, alright. Maybe it's him... moving further from the Witch King's influence, then? We'll go with that hey stop looking at his S3 what are you doing don't get ahead of me.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "hey, Keys, this is unfair. You're asking us to judge an animated effect based on a static picture of it." Well, my dear reader, I have bad news. You just saw the entire charge's visual. The whole thing.
They are a glimmer of light that does not pulse or twinkle. They just. Sit there. Floating. Again, it's just so simplistic, it's not even interesting to talk about.
The only good thing I can say about it is that it's way easier to tell how many charges he has since they're bigger, more spread out, and not moving. Also the Elite charge is WAY more distinct, since it's bright blue now to contrast with the red normal charges. Which is nice! A good decision! It would sure be a shame if it bit them in the ass later!
Part 3 - Attack and Skill 1
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Did you think I was kidding when I said that the sparkles are the sole visual motif in this skin?
I hate these attack trails. Not only are they too simplistic, they're just too cute. I joked about magical girls before, but dear god, this just doesn't fucking look right. This skin is literally described as him being apathetic and miserable as a noble, so why are the effects so... Colorful and cute? Ebenholz isn't a cutesy goofy music-themed magical girl, Ebenholz is a sad gay goth kid who would create a fake My Immortal confession for attention.
I also hate the musical notes. I know I complained about the glimmers being too one-note (pardon the pun), but they just don't interact with the rest of the effect at all. There's nothing else musical about what is happening here. They feel added to remind you that he is casting music.
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God I fucking hate the sparkles so goddamned much. I also find it really funny that one single musical note bursts forth with each hit. These shapes are just... So boring, so simple. But put a pin in that for a later.
His S1 uptime comes with an awful aura. he glows red. There is only red and white. this is all there is. This is all there will ever be. That's all I've got about S1.
Part 3 - Skill 2
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Oh jesus go back to the red and white
First off, I find these goat so fucking ugly. The synths are a truly terrible choice, because synths and digital music don't come up in any capacity throughout the rest of the effects. So. Great work. This doesn't make sense.
Anyway I hate the color here. The original has a great two-tone black smoke with bright blue glowing eyes, contrasting with Eben's orange Arts. In the skin they slapped an awful blue glow haze over them. This makes them just completely draw visual attention, while they don't match up with Ebenholz' aesthetic at all. if you could see the black, there would be a clear visual link between them, but... Nope. It's ONLY blue, motherfuckers.
Also, they passively emit triangles, which is the only time in this entire effect that the Arts = Geometric Triangles visual idea appears in the entire skin based around an arts caster. Yay for recurring game-wide motifs!
Shockingly, I hate the explosion. It's passable, it's fine. But the timing is absolutely awful. The original's feels like an explosion that is pulling the target in, but the skin's feels like an explosion followed by absorption. It makes it feel less like an explosion and more like a contrivance. Also, it spawns only like, four notes total, which is just so low. Please have more notes, you even have the musical staff, you're so close to having this look like musical arts. I also hate the random swirl of red. The goat didn't have any red in it. Why does this have red. Monochrome would have actually worked better, this is just a summon.
Part 4 - Sound of Silence
Eine Variation S3 features Ebenholz getting hoverhanded by a goat.
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I wish I had any other way to put it. But he gets hoverhanded by a goat for the entire uptime of this attack.
What even is this thing? Obviously, it's the goat behind him in his splash art, but what is it? Is it the Witch King? That would make sense, but why is the Witch King's avatar blue? The Witch King has literally never been blue, he's always been associated as being red. Unless this isn't The Witch King, in which case, what the fuck is it then?
I hate this effect more than anything else in this game. The ghost looks absolutely awful. it is very blatantly just the art from the actual skin, slapped behind him with no regard for aesthetic consistancy. Or even regard for if the image is readable at the distance Arknights is played at. The goatghost.jpg is not animated at all, but the hands move up and down, which weirdly only further reveals how static the ghost is. Also the hands aren't animated outside of going up and down which is just so uncanny and uncomfortable. It just reveals how desperately they needed to have some animation to make it not look like absolute hot garbage, and they still failed.
After an entire skin of absurdly simplistic geometric shapes and basic ass textures, suddenly they think they can pull off some shit that looks like a granblue render. This doesn't even look in-line with the rest of the skin's effects, let alone with the chibi artstyle.
Now. Why I truly, truly hate this attack.
When you activate S3, all of Ebenholz' Charges become Elite charges. Meaning they all become blue.
The charges all finally become blue.
In the only part of the skin where you have a blue background.
I just. I can't figure out how you'd fuck this up this bad. If the Elite Charges were red, it would look like the fucking skin art, with the red notes on the pink staff. They'd stand out, or at least look fucking decent. How many charges does Ebenholz have? Oh I don't know THEY'RE FUCKING BLUE ON BLUE.
anyway I will give credit where credit is due. I actually quite like the trail when he casts his stocks in S3.
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The slight orange two-tone and complicated trails add a lot of nuance and depth to the effect, and the glimmer is toned down to the point where I can see the diamond shape hidden underneath. There is one singular silver lining to this cloud. It could use more musical touches and less fucking sparkles but at this point I need to compliment something.
Finale - Why Do I Give A Shit
Eine Variation launched as part of the Bloodline of Combat skins that came out with Lone Trail. It released alongside Specter the Unchained's Born as One; my personal favorite skin in the entire game. It is a skin that perfectly conveys Laruntina's love of natural beauty and Specter's love of poetry and recitation, bringing them together into poems reflected in a starry lake. The effects are serene and dreamlike, peaceful yet chaotic. It conveys who they are going into the future, who they are together.
Born as One is Bloodline of Combat at its best. Bloodline of Combat is at its best when it tells you something about who this character is at this part of their life. How they change, how they grow, how they look at the world in this point of their life. This is the story that good effects can tell.
So I ask you: What story does Eine Variation's effects tell?
If this an Ebenholz who is growing further from the Witch King's legacy into his own man, then why does the avatar of the Witch King appear behind him? Why does the flavor text describe this as clothing worn by every Graf Urtica? Why does it not lean further into the synth aesthetic to separate himself from the classical music of Leithanien?
If this is an Ebenholz who is currently stuck within the confines of nobility, why is he not wielding the dice associated with his title as Graf Urbica? Why do his fucking goats have synths instead of traditional instruments? Why is the Witch King the wrong color?
And most importantly to all of this: Why are all the shapes so simple?
Yes, Arknights' Arts are geometric. They're usually represented by simple triangles. This is true. But think about who Ebenholz is.
Ebenholz is not a simple and elegant person. Ebenholz is a man who nails complicated, difficult, strange flute solos, but who fails to do simple rhythms and scales. He excels at the complex, the elaborate, and the detailed, and fails at the simplistic. This is always how Ebenholz has been.
So a skin full of simple shapes, easy language, and flat colors... Isn't how he'd fight. It's not who he is. It's not how he'd act. It doesn't just feel wrong, it feels like it's not made for him.
I don't just hate this skin because I think its effects are bad. I mean, I do, and they definitely are.
I hate this skin because it just... Fundamentally does not understand who Ebenholz is. And it definitely does not understand why he is so special.
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dropthedemiurge · 12 days
Aaah, this was one of the best episode of The Trainee (and certainly the most heartwarming episodes out of all Episode 11 in BLs xD)
List of the most adorable details:
Pah still bejng the heart of all interns and encouraging communication and teamwork
Bamhee thinking and planning future for herself (and I bet she and Judy will be amazing best friends at least)
Tae making sure he shows affection for Bamhee enough and doesn't lose himself only in work, we cheered
Pie's CUTEST reaction to having her idea be chosen (and the fact that all the small intern tasks they did actually were important and paid off) her squeals and attempts to contain joy aaah
Even Ryan loudly claiming what he wants + changing other people in smallest ways (such as teaching them how to treat paper)
50% of this show is a promotion of Recycling Paper lol
Insecure Jane backstory, he looked hot in every scene but the vulnerability made him seem so different from start episodes aaah love it
Jane losing the sparkle and his ambitions, forced to master staying in the shadow until a random kid that doesn't know anything showed up and cheered him up to be confident in himself and helped break out of stagnation
Ryan encouraging Jane! Saying not being chosen doesn't mean you don't deserve your spotlight at all! This little sunshine ball of a kitten outpouring love in "scariest and coldest person on the team" no wonder Jane got overwhelmed and kissed him right there and then, I would too
Btw who on earth looks SO GOOD in denim shirt and denim pants? Off reminding me that he was in my original lineup of Thai BL actors I feel in love with many years ago because of his visuals
He's gonna fight for Jane's reputation as he has been doing from the very beginning but damn I want to see Jane tearing Nine apart for using the wrong idea
Also when he stormed out of the room with very annoying pressuring ex and crazy harrassing client without enduring and playing along like he's been doing in shadows, it was Jane's first step to stand up for himself and direct his own life
And Ryan was the one who gave him the needed boost (you could say, he did a great job assisting him heh)
I love love love credit small knowledge scenes, I wish more shows done that, that's cute, I love learning new things
And I love editing and lighting and fashion department of this series, why is it so perfect I could stare at every shot for hours and it gave me insane amount of warmth. Not enough people watch this show tbh, GMM directors need to all watch it and learn about good production tbh
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linabirb · 9 months
how to write characters, voice dramas and mvs for your ocgram! (kind of? sort of? i'm not an expert?)
do you want to make an ocgram? do you have no idea where to start? maybe you don't know how to come up with characters for your ocgram? voice dramas are way too hard to write? how the hell are you even supposed to write mvs??
well hello there! i hope this guide can help you with doing just that!
as someone who has an ocgram (@linagram hi) and is currently trying to get everything prepared for season 3, i also was struggling. a lot. i'm kinda getting better at organizing everything now, but still, all the work you need or supposed to do for ocgram can be overwhelming, especially if you don't really have much prepared at the moment and you're just getting started.
before we proceed, if you're able to make art, edits or any other visuals for your ocgram, i recommend checking out this guide by @tsuwmya, it has a lot of useful info, references and resources. if you can't do any of that, that's fine too! you having fun with creating is more important and if you don't have the ability to create visuals, that's perfectly understandable. this guide is more about the writing part anyway, haha.
let's get started!
(warning for some spoilers for the milgram novels (at least the first one) just in case!)
this guide will be separated into parts so that it's easier to understand and you can find the part that you think is the most difficult one for you.
before we start working on characters and voice dramas, let's say you're just starting out. you want to make an ocgram, but you don't even know where to begin!
now, this is probably going to sound a little scary, but what i recommend doing before writing characters, vds and mvs is some worldbuilding. no, no, i'm not telling you to figure out everything about your ocgram lore (but if you want to, feel free to do so! i actually think it's gonna help you a lot in the future), but try to answer these questions first.
"when does your ocgram take place?"
it can be as specific as a certain date or it can be as vague as "some time before/after canongram". canongram lore doesn't really give us much info to work with so you can go wild. but figuring out even something as simple as whether your ocgram takes place before canongram or after can actually help you a lot!
"is your ocgram closer to canongram or novelgram?"
the music project and the novels' settings have their differences and both settings have their strengths. you don't have to write mvs for the novels-like ocgram, though you will still have to write the memory scenes. also, for a novel-like ocgram your characters are expected to be named after some sort of adjective that could describe their personality or be a reference to their crime/backstory (example: "nervous", "gentle", "two-side"), but their names are still supposed to be revealed closer to the end. meanwhile canongram uses the voice dramas, timeline convos and mvs (and apparently earbuds voicelines) to tell you more about the characters. figuring out the "format" of your ocgram like that can help you a lot too.
now, you have figured out these details. great! if you're feeling like writing more about how your ocgram works, let's think about these parts more.
is your ocgram just like the milgram project you've chosen as a "base"? maybe it even has the same jackalope? is the guard still named "es"? maybe there's more than one guard and more or less than ten (or five in case of novelgram, if i remember correctly) prisoners? does the prison still look exactly the same? maybe something has changed over the months or years? all of this depends on your own preferences and what you decide to do with the story. you can make your ocgram as different from canongram or as similar as you like.
again, we don't know much about canongram at the moment, so don't be afraid of coming up with the whole backstory for the prison.
when you feel like your world is ready, it's time to fill it with characters!
oh boy, the fun begins. i'm not your mom, so you can do anything you want with your ocs, but if you don't have any character concepts in mind and you don't know what to do, here are some tips!
(we're going with the canongram formula here, but you can adjust it as needed)
as you probably already know, the canongram prisoner pairs have some sort of theme. both haruka and yuno's crimes have something to do with children. both fuuta and muu's crimes have something to do with bullying. you see what i mean. figuring out themes for your prisoners could be a nice start if you don't really have any characters in mind. pick themes that sound interesting to you and that you would like to explore more.
let's go with the theme of "luck" for example. how can two (or one, or three, or any number, really) prisoners share the same theme? how can you show that? maybe one of them is really lucky and the other one is extremely unlucky?
okay, but here's the fun part. how can you apply this theme to murder? maybe one of them was able to successfully get away with murder, meanwhile the other one accidentally killed someone because of their bad luck? and this way you can come up with really cool characters even if you didn't have any ideas in mind before that!
okay, so the milgram's whole thing is that all characters are morally gray in some way. and the character's moral "grayness" is a spectrum. for example, it can go from "eh, they shouldn't be here, honestly" white to "okay this one is kinda fucked up" gray to "JAIL. NOW. OH WAIT YOU ALREADY ARE THERE" black. but again, even the sweetest and kindest characters should have their questionable moments and even the scariest and most dangerous ones should have moments that make you feel sorry for them.
let's take some canongram prisoners as an example. we have haruka. an adorable squishy blorbo, everyone's skrunkly, the guy who everybody kins. don't you feel sorry for him? don't you want to give him a hug? oh, he kills animals, by the way. he also killed a young girl. just so you know.
now, we have muu. a spoiled teenage girl who always get the things she wants and is proud of it. a girl who literally said she's okay with haruka killing himself for her. literally has a song called "it's not my fault". cries every time a minor inconvenience happens and whenever someone suggests something to her, she just goes "i don't wanna..". her father is a landlord. except she also got bullied by her own friends, doesn't understand how real friendships and human connections work, still brings haruka food and checks up on him when nobody else does and it's heavily implied she actually does feel guilty for killing rei. yeah.
my own personal formula goes like this: i come up with a character. i write some things about them and then i take a look at their crime and personality and if i feel like they're a bit too sympathetic, i add a little bit of spice so that it isn't so easy to forgive them.
let's take my oc aimi for example!
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she's such a cutie, isn't she? she's also a victim of bullying too.. oh, also she has the biggest number of victims out of all my prisoners. she also seems to be very obsessed with the concept of friendship and if you refuse to be her friend, she will not take it well. she will most likely try to kill all other prisoners in season 3 or at least hurt them in some way because she doesn't see them as friends anymore. she's been voted innocent twice. she has way too much power in her hands at the moment.
okay! now, let's take my oc kei!
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a pretty guy! seems like the flirty type. oh, by the way, he takes photos of people being tortured and that's how he makes money (not counting his job as. well. a normal photographer). "oh, well, maybe he didn't have a choice-" he did. he literally does it because he wants to. he likes it. he enjoys it more than his boss. he likes seeing people in pain and believes that hurting someone means showing you love them. he physically and emotionally abused his own little brother for years and the poor guy still can't walk and move properly because of it. he has five victims.
but for some reason, he also has these huge scars on his back. he also was shown crying in his second mv. he was shown as someone helpless and someone who ended up in a very dangerous situation because of his victims. so.. is he the real victim here? or is he just trying to look more pitiful?
i think you're already starting to understand what i mean. of course, you have all the freedom to do anything you want with your characters. make them as dangerous or as cute as you like. but if you want them to have this "milgram vibe", i suggest you try to find "balance" between their traits that make them look forgivable and the ones that make them look unforgivable!
we can't forget about the guards though! does your guard have all their memories intact? do they remember their name, their past, etc? maybe they're just like the canon es and they don't remember anything at all? do they have their own jackalope or maybe they do their job without a fluffy little bunny around? what is their role here? are they more of a "self-insert"/"audience surrogate" or are they their own character with a backstory and everything? maybe they're an active type who has very deep relationship dynamics with the prisoners and talks to them a lot even when they're not interrogating them? or maybe they're just a creacher? maybe they just do their job and don't really talk to them? they're just standing there.. menacingly.. all of this is up to you to decide!
of course, the relationship dynamics between the characters are very important! first of all, look at your overall cast, when you're done with them. what kind of relationship do you imagine them having? maybe you see them as a found family? maybe all of them are friends? maybe all of them are kissing passionately in the moonlight? maybe all of them hate each other? maybe they even don't care about each other at all! again, it's all your choice and it depends on what kind of characters you're working with.
if you're stuck and you're not sure where to begin, i think a good start would be taking a look at your prisoner pairs and try to figure out the dynamic between the prisoners from each pair. what are their parallels like? how similar are they? how different? do they like each other because of their similarities/differences or they hate each other because of them?
okay, so when you're done with characters, a much scarier part appears.
so, what do you write first? is it the voice dramas? maybe mvs?
i think it really depends on a person and what you personally find most comfortable, but from my own experience i actually would advise you to work on the vds and mvs first before writing and posting a character's profile.
you see, it's possible that while you're in the process of writing the voice drama, you will notice that the character's personality is much different from what you had written in their profile and originally had in mind for them. of course, it doesn't mean that it will definitely happen to you, but this happened to a lot of my ocs, haha.
so that this doesn't happen but you also have an idea of how your character is supposed to act, try writing down or simply making a mental note about your oc's main personality traits. maybe they're the most extroverted one? maybe they get tired easily? maybe they flirt with everyone they meet? keep those traits in mind, but also give yourself the freedom to explore their character and make them more deep in the process. maybe while you write the most extroverted prisoner's voice drama, you will realize that they actually don't like other prisoners that much or while you write the sleepy prisoner's voice drama, you will get an idea about them not wanting to face their reality and use sleeping as a method of escapism.
if it helps, i personally work on my ocgram in this order: voice dramas > music videos > character profiles, but of course, you can adjust it to your preference.
i think it should be obvious that you should work on the characters' crimes and backstories before you actually start writing the voice dramas and posting stuff about them. sure, you can make it up as you go, if you're confident enough, but i strongly recommend you have a plan or at least a concept of what your character's crime is supposed to be. it will make everything much easier for you!
about backstories: you don't have to, i don't know, come up with names for every single member of your character's family, but i recommend thinking about your oc's backstory outside of their crime. what was their childhood like? what about their teenage years? do they have any friends? what's their relationship with their family like? all these details can help you understand your character's motives, personality, crime and other stuff. also it's simply fun!
so, let's start with the voice dramas.
voice dramas.
(i've also answered a vd-related question here!)
voice dramas can be very hard to write, so let's think about what makes them hard for you first.
maybe you just don't have any ideas? maybe you don't know what the characters are supposed to talk about?
what personally helps me when i start writing the voice dramas is asking myself this question:
"why are these guys even here?"
probably sounds weird, but if you think about it, it actually makes everything a little easier to understand.
why is the guard here? most likely to interrogate the prisoner.
why is the prisoner here? most likely to answer the guard's questions.
okay, we're getting somewhere.
now, how would your guard interrogate the prisoner? of course, it really depends on your guard's personality. maybe they would try to make the prisoner feel more comfortable? or would they rather threaten them and scare them?
now, let's add the prisoner's personality to this equation. what is your prisoner like? how would they react to the guard's questions? what do they think about the guard? are they scared of them? maybe they want to be friends with them? what do they think about milgram in general?
let's put these personalities in one room now and give them a moment. how will they interact? what will they think about each other?
if you're not sure what your guard is supposed to ask about, you can always use the canon voice dramas for reference, but my personal method is simply thinking about what my guard is most concerned about or interested in. and yes, this goes for the guards who don't care about anything too!
maybe your guard wants to make sure the prisoners are doing okay? in this case, they'd probably want to ask about how they're feeling first. or maybe your guard is more focused on the prisoner's crime. then they'd probably start asking about that right away.
okay, your guard has asked a question! how will the prisoner answer?
depending on your prisoner's crime, personality and backstory, they may be okay with revealing some things, but would never want to talk about something else. maybe they're okay with talking about their murder method, their victim and all, but they will never tell you what their motive is. if you're only getting started with the first season, try to reveal something they're okay with first! then you can talk about the other things in later seasons.
what helps me a lot is separating my prisoners' crimes into parts and sort of.. figuring out which parts should be revealed very early and which ones should be saved for later.
for example, maybe we can reveal the prisoner's murder weapon and method in the first season, their victim's identity in the second one and their motive in the third one.
what also helps me with writing the voice dramas is simply "visualizing" everything and imagining how it would go in a visual novel, anime, actual voice drama, etc. also remember that since it's a voice drama, you're kinda supposed to tell everything through sounds and, well, voices! so for example, if you want to tell the reader that the prisoner is nervous, maybe you can make the guard say "you look nervous" or simply make the prisoner say "i'm kinda nervous".
music videos.
mvs are something everyone does a bit differently. maybe you can actually draw/animate your prisoners' mvs. maybe you can write song lyrics for them. maybe you can simply write their mvs' descriptions. it all depends on your skills and what you're working with. so here i will simply talk about how to come up with an idea for a music video.
firstly, what are you supposed to reveal in your prisoner's mv? is it their murder method? is it their victim's identity? maybe something else? keep that in mind so that it's easier for you to drop hints to that thing.
now, what can we do for the visual part? is there anything you associate with the prisoner? a certain theme, aesthetic, etc? even simple objects can help, think about how many canongram prisoners have an object as their "theme": yuno has balloons, muu has an hourglass, kazui has an apple, etc. now, try to think how you can reveal something about the prisoner through this theme. for example, in yuno's case, balloons are a reference to her pregnancy. milgram loves symbolism, so take advantage of that, haha.
what also helps me a lot is simply listening to music that i associate with that prisoner and kinda coming up with music videos in the process. watching actual music videos can also help when you're looking for inspiration.
also, don't forget that everyone's music videos literally come from their brains. what does your prisoner think about their crime? what do they remember about it? how do they feel about it? do they feel guilty? do they feel like they've done nothing wrong? do they wish to forget it? do they see it as their biggest achievement? it can also help with writing song lyrics, if you're doing that.
if you're writing a mv description and you're not drawing/animating a music video, i would advise you to try to describe as many things as possible, as long as it's important. yes, we all love noticing small details while rewatching the milgram mvs, we all love the tiny things that are important for understanding the character's crime, but sadly, if we can't see it, how else are we supposed to know about it? so yeah, if the color of the curtains is important in your story, you should describe it too.
anddddd i think that's all for now! this is mostly done for people who haven't gotten to the second/third seasons of their ocgrams yet, so stuff like the prisoners' reactions to their verdicts, their punishments, etc, is not here. but you can ask me about it (and if you have any other questions, you can also ask me)!
hopefully this helps someone <3
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tae-rambles · 2 months
My reaction as i read:
hi Denjiro where did you come from? was he just on a walk or did he come to meet w Yamato on purpose? also he's the new daimyo of Kibi? did we know that already or is it a new info i cant remember
also i like how Yamato is like "no need for all this, its ok"
a flashback?
oh... never even crossed my mind to ask why was Clover arrested and let go so many times... thats clever
"answer to good and evil"? what does that mean
oh my god another D family! (how do you even pronounce that surname) i wonder which other characters we know of were/are hiding the initial...
i wonder what changed Vegapunk's mind to continue Ohara's research and risking his life if he couldnt understand why Clover did it those 22 years ago
hi Zeff, Patty :D
oh Robin... this is making me sad
damn Atlas...
wtf was that "snap" coming from Lilith
oh Atlas please dont tell me youre about to do what i think
good job Atlas but can ppl pls stop sacrificing themselves for at least five minutes my heart cant take it
but what about Stussy? she can skywalk so she might be fine?
the Marines are just so out of their depth lol
Luffy can hear Emet! :D Luffy's so confused lol
lmao Emet's immediately annoyed w him i cant
oh Emet, he's so sweet! i love himm!! "i've known Emet for only a couple of chapters but if anything happens to him i'm gonna kill Oda and then myself"
aaaah he's talking to you Luffy! but i like how Oda keeps emphasizing that Luffy is his own person, not Nika, not Joyboy, but Luffy
"but there are those who cannot be stopped" under the imposing worm Peter going in for an attack - love this visual storytelling
uh oh... Emet's rusty
and still fended the worm off! you rock Emet! :D
Saturn doing a jumping spider impression
dont fucking talk to the precious Kuma and Bonney you damn spider!
Atlas! D: my poor heart! this is just Pedro all over again
fuck off, York
dont you dare Emet dont you fucking dare! no more sacrificing yourself! no more blowing yourself up! i said no! D:< (also Peter bit off his arm :( )
oh, right, the general population didn't know Roger was a D
Great chapter as always :D, even though it was painful, can't wait for the next one...
i really hope Emet won't sacrifice himself here but it seems that's where it's headed... dammit!
EDIT: i've thought about this some more and was Joyboy really someone who would instruct his people to sacrifice themselves for him and his cause? that doesn't sound right. so maybe Emet has something else up his sleeve?
also, Emet is the second person to lose their arm to a snake-like monster while protecting Luffy. both Emet and Shanks were also waiting for the awakening of the Nika fruit to make their move it seems. i wonder if there are any other parallels between them...
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chaeul · 7 days
One couple together in death, one together alive
I'm so grateful because they could've really hurt us and had just person one of each couple survive.
(I'm just gonna think aloud here - I just finished the final episode of 4 minutes and edrhgiughiesuhg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
I do like that they flipped a switch on us. For the longest time it looked like Great (and Tyme) would die and Korn and Tonkla might survive (tbh I didn't even think about the possibility of them dying)- I did not see the switch coming which is great (hah!). Like, in every episode something happened that I didn't foresee between all the little theories that turned out to be right. That's one of the reasons this series was so much fun to watch.
I am quite satisfied with this ending; I think Tonkla and Korn dying together like this, Tonkla having come clean and Korn choosind him anyway (evidenced by trying to shoot Win and ending his life when things went amiss and Tonkla died instead, the one person life was worth living for) tragically, poetically beautiful and honestly? I think the best ending for them considering the circumstances. I don't think they woud've been happy on the run and after everything that happened - they bth hurt each other so much. Also, gosh, hhhhhhh Korn losing control over everything in his life/realizing he never was in control leading to that one time where he does control his own life by ending it!?!?! Daaaaaaamn
I'm also quite satsfied with Great and Tyme being happy together after each having their do-over during their NDE and that Great is actively trying to make better choices. As is Tyme - not to defend him but- he had the chance to avenge his parents' and grandma's death and he took it! But he chose not to become a murderer himself. One could argue that having to live with that kind of brain damage is an even worse outcome than death but at least a murderer Tyme is not. And I feel like he did have to do something, because letting Fasai's father live unharmed would've put his own life in danger. Tyme was a threat to to that guy because he had evidence of his grandma's murder, did he not? (Did he have a video of it or was that a video call? In which case he'd still be an eye witness, so still a threat.)
This was him securing his and Great's future together so they can both start anew.
So it just makes sense.
The finale did a great job of tying up loose ends.
And I don't wanna forget our poor, poor Win. Things were never gonna go well for him anyway - I feel bad for him but like - he was delusional from the start when it was so very clear to the viewer that his story would not have a happy ending. I can't even blame Tonkla, honestly. He never ever gave Win any reason to believe he was in it for the same reasons Win was.
I- just! I'm so so happy with how good that last episode was. The build up during the series was amazing and it's so hard to keep that up in a final episode. The fall would've been quite steep and painful if the finale had been disappointing but they absolutely delivered.
The casting and acting was on point, the soundtrack was amazing, the visuals???!?!? The cinematography!!??!?!?! I think this may have been one of the best shows I've ever seen. Certainly in my top 5.
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miimo96 · 2 months
Thoughts on the TRAILER for TBHK Season 2
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Ngl when I 1st saw this was out I immediately was skeptical due to how much attention the spin off series was getting, but No, THIS IS the MAIN SERIES!!
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Omg the New animation looks beautiful, like just Look at HIM!!, in all seriousness tho it's good to see that TBHK back and is FINALLY getting the recognition it Deserves, like it's such an underrated series and In opinion could be one of the Greatest series. Really Happy that it's back, It's been a awhile So I can't exactly rember what happens Next, but whatever it is, I'm sure it was worth the wait ^^;
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IT'S THE CLOCK KEEPERS ARC IT'S THE CLOCK KEEPERS ARC!!! Omg I Knew they were gonna do this, I was like it's either gonna be this or The young Exorcist arc, since they skipped it last season, i mean I'm sure we're Still getting it but I'm SO Happy we're also getting this too; 2025 is Already looking like a Great year, get ready for the Tears because aidairo DON'T PLAY >_<
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Manga SPOILERS ahead But if we're getting who I think we are getting then I think Sarah Wiedenheft Needs to voice her for the Dub, Because it's literally like the perfect, I mean she already has some experience with playing small playfull yet scary female characters, and her personality literally reminds me of Charmy from black clover, So yeah we should go with this, Also We missed a Huge opportunity with Tiara minamoto not being portrayed by lisette monique Diaz, So I'm hoping we don't repeat the same mistake again with this 1 next
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Omg are we in store for So much shit Next season and if I remember correctly, We should be getting at least 3 freakin Arcs, Oh yeah this is definitely gonna be a good season, TBHK IS OFFICIALLY BACK BABY!! ^^ Also I understand that Some people want the picture perfect arc to be part of this season, but in my honest opinion, I really think they shouldn't do that, because that arc works Way better as a movie in my opinion, also Because the 3 arcs we should be getting are the Clock keepers, the young Exorcist, and the Star festival arc,especially since those were Skipped last season, if we get those that should at least cover the entire slot for the season, Adding another arc would be giving too much and in my opinion, completely pointless, plus think of all the things we could get if this were a movie: Plushies, artbooks, key chains, and many other things, like the list goes on and on; Also regarding the Opening for Season 2, I'm sorry but I Really think they should go with Resuing the same 1 from last season, i mean i understand why they wouldn't but in my opinion, They legit totally should, because it's just That Good; from the visuals, to the tone, to even the title everything just Screams TBHK, and besides other animes like HxH and Sailor moon have re used the same openings before and Look how well they've turned out , So why can't This 1 do the same; Anyway whaddya think, Are you excited for Next Season?
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thespectatingcrow · 3 months
Indigo Park rant
Okay, so Game Theory came out with a theory of Indigo Park and honestly I was a little underwhelmed. The visual storytelling is SUPER important to understand the things going on, and there were a couple of things that they didn't point out.
First off, this statue of Lloyd behind his Mane Stage.
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This statue clearly went together with the statue of the founder at the entrance, or at least that's how I see it, and this (along with other things I'll point out) shows that Rambley has an issue against Lloyd for other reasons than simple jealousy.
This statue and the idea that Lloyd used to be much more used is supported with the description of Lloyd's plush.
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This plush ^ gets a reply of "ew, Lloyd..." from Rambley, something I think is there partially for a laugh- same with the "*sigh*.. hey there, Lloyd." and "great show, Lloyd." comments on the Rambley Railroad ride- but I can't help but think Lloyd was originally the main face of Indigo Park. The charismatic look of Lloydford L. Lion's design strikes me as something that Isaac Indigo would have used to bring people in. As time passed, they tried to make some money with a retro plush version of Lloyd when their popularity died down. Lloyd wasn't as popular with the younger generation anymore, so they made Rambley!!
Rambley and Lloyd were shown to be buddies through a drawn photo on Rambley's Railroad:
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But personally I don't think this shows us that they were friends. Rambley came in and suddenly everyone at Indigo Park needed to get used to people asking why there's less Lloyd items, why the Lloyd rides were being changed, etc etc. This image is a way for Isaac Indigo to be like "hey guys!! Rambley is the new face, and Lloyd is totally okay with this so you should be too! it's a new era!!"
I'm sure Rambley had his reasons for disliking Lloyd, and I can't say what those were since we haven't gotten much content between them, but Rambley clearly has feelings about the others so I'm sure he can somehow have complex memories and emotion for the other mascots.
I like the idea that the people at Game Theory had with the people at Indigo Park using animals to try and make the mascots come to life, that's something I'll admit here, but I also dislike that they're making Rambley out to be a super big bad AI and that he's gonna try and manipulate us into helping him become real.
I don't have as much evidence right now for that ^ but I doubt that Rambley is attempting to be evil or malicious. The player, the ONE PERSON who has been to the park in over 2000 days, is the only chance Rambley has to help his friends get back to normal. The player is the single chance he has to restore things, even if it's a fever dream Rambley and the player both have a strong connection to the park so I don't see why people can't accept that the player would just want to help Rambley get the park back up again.
Anyway, that's the *ramble* I wanted to do. I love Lloydford L. Lion so much and I can't wait to see more of the world the people behind the project build :)
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mindlessselfobsession · 2 months
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KITTY ROLE: Drummer extraordinaire with a penchant for books and Adam & The Ants. MENTAL AGE: "Twelve." FAVOURITE PERSONAL ATTRIBUTE? '' I would have to go with my eyes. I don't know if they're lovely, but they're very large." ANY TATTOOS OR PIERCINGS? ''I do not! I am a complete non piercing non-tattooed person actually." WHO PUSHES YOUR BUTTONS? "We all actually really get along. On tour every single one of us at least once has an incredibly ridiculous blowout. You ATE the last piece of bread? I'm gonna KILL you. I HATE you all! But five minutes later you're like, "Wow, that was completely uncalled for.'' FAVOURITE RECORD TO GET SEXY TO? "I used to be really into music and making out, but I'm not really anymore. As far as music goes that I find very sexy, I would say Prince and Adam & The Ants." HOBBIES? ''I read a lot of science fiction, one of my favourite authors is lain M Banks. I love to read and I love to play videogames, I'm crazy about Guitar Hero! I think it's because I'm a drummer and I'm a terrible quitarist in real life. there's something really satisfying about Guitar Hero. I also love karaoke" HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRESTED? "Never. I'm the goody-two-shoes in the band. Actually, the secret is that I just get away with it. We won't talk about all the close calls." WHAT TOPIC MAKES YOU MAD? "People getting really bent out of shape about other people's personal business." LYN-Z ROLE: Inspirational bassist and visual artist. MENTAL AGE: "Sometimes I feel like I'm 80 and sometimes I feel like I'm a teenager." FAVOURITE PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE? "Mostly I feel pretty indestructible, which is great.. Ah fuck it, I like my legs!" DID YOU DESIGN YOUR TATTOOS? "I didn't design them, but it was my concept. I wanted a traditional Japanese style Yakuza tattoo, but I wanted it with fire crackers." WHO PUSHES YOUR BUTTONS? "Steve. This is because Steve and I are the closest. I only ever fight with my sister, and people that I'm really, really, really close to, so that being said it's actually a compliment." FAVOURITE RECORD TO GET SEXY TO? "That's a kind of disturbing concept, and it's also so contrived! I like spontaneity." HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET READY IN THE MORNINGS? "It takes me less time to get ready than it does the boys in the band. I need about 15 minutes to slap it all together.'' MOST GREGARIOUS ONSTAGE INJURY? "I've drawn blood a lot, and I've dislocated my knee. My lung collapsed after I had been sick, but I kept working non-stop." WHO DO YOU MISS MOST WHEN ON TOUR? "My husband." WHAT TOPIC MAKES YOU MAD? "The state of the US right now is pretty fucking disgusting. Our president is a complete joke. The thing that bothers me the most is that there are a lot of people in the US who aren't as enraged as I am, who aren't scratching their heads wondering how the hell this happened."
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ebonysplendor · 3 months
TL;DR: People are always saying "Touch grass" but even that might be dangerous in this scenario. If you thought Mike Tyson's hands were lethal, wait until you find out how our hands work.
Game Link: https://redspringstudio.itch.io/touchstarved
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Notable features: Self-Insert, Multiple LIs, DnD vibe, MC backstory selection, Multiple endings/routes, Choice-Heavy Spiciness: 3.5/5 -- Nothing too explicit and no sex scenes or anything like that, but it does get pretty suggestive and there's some flirty jokes and comments here and there, especially with one particular LI LI(s) Red Flags: ...I mean, aside from one of them being a suspiciously smooth talker and the other essentially implying that they'd corrupt us, the biggest red flag is one of them having the cleanest pickpocket skill in history
Wanna know more? Meh, there's not an age limit, but the game pages does say it's for older audiences so, me personally, ... I'd say at least sixteen, but the older, the better. Anyways, let's get into it!
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Okay, I'm sorry, but I have been coming across some damned gems lately!
Once again, this was one of the visual novels I downloaded forever ago, and what the heeeeeell, this was so good! Like, no, it was REALLY damned good. I'm not going to get into my ranting and raving like I tend to do because then the intro will get all long, but just know that, once again, I am geeked. Like, why have these game developers been going in so hard lately?!
I honestly have so much more to say, but I really want to get to the summary and the review portion, so I'm going to half-ass this intro and leave it here. That being said, this is NOT a yandere visual novel; however, it is a dark romance visual novel, so, it's still not the super teeth-rotting, cutesy, fluffy stuff.
Anyways, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself (like usual). Be mindful that, because it's a demo, there's not really an "end" nor is it even leading up to the end. The best way that I can qualify the demo is deadass...a demo. Like, it's a literal introduction and acts as a showcase to the rest of the game. More accurately, it flows exactly like how you'd think the prologue to a story would, "Chapter 0", honestly speaking.
Anyways, I'm done yapping; let's summarize. Just a heads up, though, it's gonna be a little lengthy, so...get comfy. All right, now let's get into it.
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So boom.
In the spirit of keeping things as brief as possible: We're cursed, and that curse flows throughout our hands, front and back; it is for this reason that we keep them completely bandaged to ensure our own safety (kinda) and for everyone else's sanity. We believe that we can find a cure in this city called "Eridia", which is known to be this city of vast knowledge, and within this city of vast knowledge is this place called "Senobium". Senobium is where we're hoping our answers lie.
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Lmao, I know that's a hell of an opener, but that's quite literally what's going on. We have been cursed since the start of forever, and we're essentially tired of feeling no sense of belonging anywhere, so we're trying to fix that; however, shit goes very left, very fast.
As we're on the way to this oh so great city of knowledge, we get hit with this ominous fog, and everyone who's travelling with us immediately knows: this is not good. No sooner than later, we're pretty certain that we hear someone getting killed nearby and the carriage that we were in is suddenly flipped over and blood gets shed very quickly. As expected, and for plot purposes, when the carriage got flipped over, our ankle took some extra damage which makes running a very unlikely option. Because of this, this terrifyingly dangerous creature wastes no time approaching us. Wanna see what it looks like?
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That, my friends, is what is referred to as a "soulless", and it can rip you to literal shreds within seconds.
For whatever reason, this thing darts past us and disappears into the mist, but we don't ask questions; we just bolt behind the carriage for cover, and we're thankful that there is still someone alive after the attack. It would be much more comforting, though, if the guy wasn't praying, because that meant either one of two things:
We were very much so fucked, and he was trying to put in a good word for himself real quick before he potentially met his maker
or 2. We are very much so fucked, and the only thing that is applicable in this scenario is to pray and hope it disappears
but either way, we are very much so fucked.
That being said, we simply can't accept that. We don't pray, because we don't have the time. We've literally come too far to get taken out right outside the very city that holds our salvation, and that's all the reminder that we need when we see those city lights through the haze.
That reminder doesn't last long, though, because remember that soulless that vanished? Well, it came back, and the guy that was praying essentially brushed up against our hand, trying to get us to dip out with him because, duh, situation kind've popping off. Now, you remember that curse I mentioned? Well, our bandages kind've tore off during all of this ruckus, and all it takes is the slightest touch to make a person go from this
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to this.
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Yeah, so...not good.
Anyways, the situation essentially keeps escalating until we're one hit point away from death...but it never happens, because the next time we open our eyes, we see him.
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Maybe we are dead, because hello~! Lookin' like an ethereal being in all of that white and attractive features! Like, gyatt DAMN. That is one fine ass angel!
Honestly, there are a lot of guys, and a lot of swooning, and a lot of introductions, so I'm going to kind've rush through those parts, especially since I don't want to ruin too much.
So, to get back on topic, essentially what goes down is that he -- his name is Kuras, by the way -- found us pretty much dead where the attack went down and brought us into the city to treat us. Now, this isn't because he's a hero or anything, but because he's a doctor and helping and healing is quite literally his entire thing, and damn, did he heal the hell out of us...suspiciously so.
Kuras tells us that, in Eridia, knowledge and secrets are what really fuels the area because it's so valuable. That being said, he can't get into exactly how he healed us so damn near perfectly. That also being said, he pretty much implies that the Senobium isn't all that's cracked up to be and that we aren't likely to find what we need there. Now although, we aren't fully believing of this due to desperation, he does point us in the direction of someone else. Some guy named Leander that we can find in some place called "The Wet Wick".
We follow Kuras' directions...but who the hell is--
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--LEANDEEEEEEER~! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! ...Yeeeeah, this is the one I'm gonna romance first lol. Kuras is gonna have to chill for a second.
Anyways, we're here with Leander, and what happens here is...he is so obviously a playboy, but the man is smooth as shit. I mean, damn, the man gave us flowers as soon as he laid eyes on us and was talking about some "New here? I'm certain I would've remembered a face as lovely as yours". A classic playboy line, a fuckboy move, possibly, and I always manage to gravitate towards/pick them in these damn multi-LIs stories. Back on topic though, we ask Leander about the Senobium, and, much like with Kuras, he tells us that it's not only a taboo topic, but that the place is bad news.
That being said though, he's pretty confident that he's able to find an alternative to our ailment, but that we'd have to be willing to trust him a bit, which is a tall order considering the backstory we may have chosen. We bite the bullet though, because we discovered earlier that he was a pretty damn good mage, and we're really desperate. We give into his confidence...and it actually panned out well. So well, in fact, this man, once again, takes the opportunity to spit game and puts the gold in our hands next to the gold on his coat and be like "Look, we match". That man is smoother than damned butter, and I'm down bad.
Anyways, he gets us a room to sleep in for the night, and tells us to go explore, but be careful. So we do, and we run into this guy.
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Yeah, so, remember that room that Leander got for us? This guy, monster, thing just swiped the key. Lol here we go...
The thing is, we could easily get it back, but something feels...off...about him. So, we play along with his game for a bit before we're just like "A'ight, can I just get my damn key?" but he kind've avoids the topic and, of course, our desire to reach the Senobium comes up. As expected at this point, he's flatly like "It's overrated" and to simply forget about it. Well, damn...
The encounter goes for a bit more before Vere -- we finally got his name after someone called him out for causing trouble -- leaves with the someone who called after him. Despite all that we've heard about the Senobium, we can't help but see it up close and in person to at least make the journey and trials and suffering worth it.
And we do, we make it there, and we see this figure there.
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But when someone calls after us for gawking at the building, the figure disappears as quickly as we saw it. Aside from this though, a feeling of hopeless kind've takes hold and we're just...it's just like damn at this point, ya know? But then something kind've weird happens.
This red-eyed woman, who is clearly supposed to be dead as apparent from this gaping hole that she showed us on her body -- no, you don't get it. It was a literal hole that you could see through -- spoke of this seaspring that could cure, quite literally, anything. Not having much faith in the Senobium anymore, but still desperate for a cure, we follow the woman and receive directions to this mysterious seaspring and are told about some gang leader named Ais.
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We get there, and we come to the conclusion that someone probably lives here. We call out, there's no answer...you already know where this is going.
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BUT I DID NOT EXPECT THIS MAN TO BE THIS DAMN FINE. AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Okay, okay, okay, okay, so I'm going to romance Leander first, DEFINITELY this daddy second, and Kuras is gonna be my solid third. Okay, moving on...
He -- this is Ais, by the way -- pops up and scares the shit out of us. Actually, it wasn't him that scared us, it's his loyal pack of red-eyed soulless that scares the shit out of us, and for obvious reasons. Anyways, for the sake of trying to keep this from being longer than it already is, he's actually a pretty chill dude. Once again, he is also anti-Senobium, but he is straightforward in that, "Yes, that seaspring will literally clear up whatever you've got going on, but boy, is it going to drive you batshit crazy". Well, not batshit, but it makes you a part of this thing called a "groupmind"; that explained the red-eyes. Ais described it as "one big happy family in your head". Oh...okay, so...not a good idea. Guess we weren't as desperate as we thought. He gets one of his trained soulless to take us back towards the city.
After everything that had went down today, we decided that we should officially call it a night. On our way to the room Leander funded for us, we run into some...complications.
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Ah, yes. Why would we have been able to just walk across the city and to our room? That would've been too easy. Any chance that this one is tamed, too, and Ais is just messing with us again?
Oh...oh wait...this one doesn't have the red eyes. ...Yeah, we bolt. What makes this whole situation worse though? As fast as we are running, this soulless is keeping up pretty damn easily. Also, did I say that this was the worst of it? It's not, it gets so much worse actually. Tell me why, in our panic, we literally ran ourselves into a dead end. Beautiful. What are the odds we'll survive this thing a second time around?
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Pretty damn high apparently. Bless this person because we were about to get one-hit'ed!
They help us up and...wait...didn't we...?
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Oh yeeeeeeah! This was the person from the Senobium! ...Damn, they're short lmao. That being said, we were all:
"Yo, you were at the Senobium!"
And they were all:
"So what if I was?"
Mmm...a feisty lil stallion. Big sass. I would be, too, if I was that short. Like, damn, they are not as tall as the baes. Kuras could take their ass out with one stomp if he really wanted to.
Anyways, they scold us about being alone at night and how it's not safe and all that. We follow them for a bit, and granted, we saw that they meant business, but it's still weird that if it's so dangerous, why were they travelling alone and why did they stop to help us?
"There was a bounty on that Soulless; you were just in the way. Not killing you isn't the same as helping you." Wha--?
Well, fuck you, too then! You get romanced last, Shorty McDouche.
We essentially get spicy back, and now, they're all blushy and shit as they start walking us back to our room. Yeah, take that shit, Mhin -- their name is Mhin, by the by -- but we don't have to deal with their sass for much longer because guess who comes along?!
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IT'S BAAAAAAAE!!!! .....gyatt DAYUM Mhin is short. Then again, they could be taller than or the same height as us, but we did mention that everyone was significantly taller while Mhin was "Huh...they're shorter than I thought".
Anyways, they both escort us back to the Wet Wick, and wouldn't you know it?
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Not only are all the baes here, but they all apparently know each other! All those different personalities hanging out together? Well, isn't that a wild concept. Even still, since they're all here...
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Maybe we can get to know one of them a little better...
END OF DEMO LOL. Well...actually there's more after this, but of course, it depends on who you go to talk to. This is definitely long enough, though, lol; you'll have to play the game yourself to find out more, not to mention all the details I left out.
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Whoo, FINALLY. The summary was long, but that was because the demo was long, and it had a lot going on. I swear I excluded so much detail, you have no idea, but guys...
When I tell you that this game was so good.
When I tell you that this game was so good.
FRIENDS. When I tell you. That this game. Was so. Good.
I don't think I can emphasize that enough, and I'm not even going to lie to you, at first, I was not feeling it. It's crazy to say that now, but I swear, I was not feeling this game at first, because it was feeling real Dungeons and Dragons, and as much I want to get into that...I can't. It just never vibes with me, and it's like I can't ever effectively get into it. That being said, it was rough at first, but then--!!
Listen. The story started storying, and the baes were baeing, and I was like, there is a visual novel to be played here. I knew it was a demo when I had started it, but when I tell you that I was legitimately upset when that "Thanks for playing!" message came up? DISTRAUGHT.
Anyways, my take on the game (as if it wasn't clear enough): it was great. Fantastic, even. It's just really odd how it flows like a fantasy story book but a DnD map at the same time, and yet they made it work so beautifully. The art style; those of you that have been rocking with me know how I feel about art style. Absolutely enthralled with the art. It looks straight out of one of those DnD campaign or character books. The baes! Don't get me wrong, all of them aren't my cup of tea, but the baes that I'm feening for?! Even the ones that I'm not feening for, honestly. They are sooooo handsome. Like, I want them al-- well, I want like 3 of them, to be best friends with 1 of them, and to throw hands with the other one lol. I mean, like, they're a'ight; I'm gonna have to get to know them because they a lil' too slick at the mouth lmao, but we all know that's probably going to be the sweetest of the bunch.
But yeah, this game is legit. Again, absolutely going to spend money on this one, if that's what the full version will entail. Now, just to add a bit of degeneracy...
Okay, okay, okay, anyways, but like, the game really does have mad potential. Like, look at this:
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You can pick your back story, and look at what it looks like when you pick your LI!
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There are routes! You pick your LI by route! Can you imagine how huge this game is going to be if there are routes for each character and choices within those routes? I am literally so excited! Run me the full release, dev(s)!
Anywho, this post is waaaaaay long, and I could ramble way more about this game, but I shall not. If you'd like to give this game a playthrough yourself -- and I'm telling you that you need to -- I'll put a link to it right here for ya. If you'd also like, you can give the dev(s) that ever desperate "Please. I need more. This game is so good. I will literally sell you my lung and both of my kneecaps. I beg" and let them know what it is! Donations are also super helpful should you be in a position and mindset to do so!
All righty, that's finally all from me! Sorry about the length on this one, but there was so much that needed to be said, and I could honestly say more. For the sake of length though, I'll leave you with this:
Play this game, but also, please remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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makeste · 11 months
BnHA Volume 36 - Reaction Journey Part 2
continuing on our journey following yesterday’s volume 35 post! some more out-of-context random bullet point reactions taken from my reaction posts for each chapter. the full reactions for each chapter will go up eventually once I finish my manga catch-up marathon (currently at chapter 367).
spoiler warning: just fyi, this post will obviously feature spoilers for chapters 350-362, BUT it will also include a couple of stray spoilers from chapter 403 as well, so just a heads up for that if you aren’t fully caught up!
Chapter 351
friends, we are about to embark upon the most dramatic, theatrical, Shakespearean disaster of a fight this series has ever witnessed. brace yourselves
yes Shouto, that’s just cuz he literally doesn’t feel pain and doesn’t care if he lives or dies :’)
actually come to think of it, he hasn’t attacked once so far. not even the usual giant ice wall opener move. he’s definitely got something up his sleeve. but my god man in the meantime this is hard to watch
sorry Touya, but as justified as your grudge against Enji might be, your grudge against Shouto? not so much. I get it, life handed Shouto the keys to your dream life and he had the audacity to say he didn’t want to drive. but Shouto is allowed to make his own choices, and want his own things. for that matter, so are you. but you’re just stuck. gah. it’s so frustrating and yet the psychology of it is so incredibly compelling
“I might not have the clearest sense of my own identity, but at least I didn’t kill 30 people” fjdsjd gottem
“phosphor” is such a next-level attack name. pretty sure it has more to do with light than fire/heat, but with as white-hot as this attack looks to be, I get it and it definitely works
Chapter 352
love that Kaminari’s instinct when seeing this giant flaming X on Shouto’s chest is to immediately poke it. repeatedly. while Shouto just stands there and vibrates uncomfortably
finally!! a proper half-cold-half-hot ultimate supermove!! though I still don’t quite understand how “making fire that doesn’t actually burn things” is going to help in a battle in any kind of way. BUT I CAN’T WAIT TO BE PROPERLY EDUCATED
he’s thanking Deku. for helping him start to discover his true self all those eons ago. what a sweet sweet boy
omg here it comes ULTIMATE MOVE YESSSS
fuck. okay, yeah. if you give me a shounen character reminiscing over his hard-earned personal growth, and feeling profound gratitude toward his friends who helped him get this far, and then you suddenly hit me with the crying little kid panels to remind us of who these two characters really are, at the end of the day, once you strip away all the rest of it. you show me little baby Touya who’s just desperate to be loved and validated and acknowledged. and you show me little baby Shouto who understands his brother’s feelings completely, and doesn’t want to actually be here doing this, but knows that he has to because there’s no one else who can. if you go ahead and show me all of that!! well then!! I mean, good fucking job!! you knew exactly what you were doing!! well done!! you got the tears again so well done to you!! lmao
Chapter 353
okay is every single person here trying to jinx themselves now?? you guys do realize how absurdly lucky you are that Shouto finished his epic battle in the span of only 2 chapters? are you trying to draw more misfortune to yourselves??
“hey guys! great news, Todoroki already finished his fight” fdfklskf Kacchan’s gonna fucking lose it lmao. to say nothing of poor Deku who’s still busy hurtling across the Pacific
lol what. he’s wearing a shirt collar and suit jacket as pants. and he’s got weird carpet hair and a disquietingly sexy face. AND FLOWER POWER?? who, is this, and why has it taken us 353 chapters to meet him. OR HER??? GENDER-AMBIGUOUS ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE. YOUR FIGHT BETTER BE COOL AS HELL YOU WEIRDO
how is Spinner actually TWENTY FEET TALL NOW??? like, that earlier panel wasn’t actually a fluke or something, that was actually happening?? you smashed a bridge to pieces?!? somehow you’re a Kaijuu now???
this seriously cannot be it though, especially since Iida didn’t even get to do anything. and I really, really, really fucking hate how nervous it’s making me noooo whyyyy
Chapter 354
there is no possible way anything Endeavor tries here will actually work. he’s giving off so many dead man walking vibes right now and I am not okay
Hawks is shouting at him lol. “remember what happened to All Might in Kamino!” for real though! how do they keep falling for it??
oh my god what a sickening realization. to learn that the reason you never found your child was that he was taken. not killed, but taken. that it was never even an accident at all, but deliberate. he was targeted and hurt and taken because of you. and the man responsible for it is standing right here in front of you
what’s AFO even going to do to them lol. I would love to see AFO stumble around and try to come up with some big intimidating weak-point-attacking speech for Tokoyami “The Darkness Is Where I Make My Home” Fumikage. he would probably love it. just sit there hungrily lapping it all up. “no but please keep telling me more about how tormented my soul is, this is great”
Chapter 355
I can’t believe Jirou and Tokoyami are about to fight god
I love Tokoyami and Hawks’s relationship so, so much. there’s just so much trust between the two of them. like on the surface it might seem like Hawks keeps underestimating Tokoyami every step of the way. but in reality it’s more that Hawks, being a former child soldier himself, is extremely reluctant to subject someone else to that, regardless of whether the circumstances are the same, and regardless of how capable Tokoyami keeps proving himself to be. yet another example of Hawks being continuously forced to walk a razor-thin line between decisions that he can live with, and decisions that will actually keep him alive. Tokoyami is a phenomenally powerful fighter, and his presence here absolutely helps tip the scales in their favor. but it’s also an insanely dangerous place for him to be, and so of course Hawks doesn’t want him here
meanwhile on Tokoyami’s end, he started out simply wanting to prove himself to Hawks, but once Hawks opened up to him, his exasperation almost immediately gave way to admiration and respect. and then he almost lost him at Jakku, and I think that really did a number on him, and so he’s so attached to and protective of him now. and I think that in turn has caused Hawks to try and keep his distance a little more, both because he has no idea how to deal with that emotionally, and because he doesn’t want Toko getting hurt. it’s such a delightfully complex relationship and I want to hold it and protect it with everything I have
lol he is REALLY cheesed about her showing him up in the previous chapter. definitely took it personally
I’m getting so many Bakugou vibes from this. legit getting chills over here. “shut your stupid mouth already.” she recognized the small dick energy a mile away
Chapter 356
it’s okay to admit you just suck and are getting your ass whooped by Hawks and the sixteen-year-olds
what are you, a Zelda boss?? so he’s got a fucking phase 2 now?? WHY ARE YOU THE MOST ANNOYING MAN
anyways, wow. after getting COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY shown up by newly minted main character Jirou Kyouka, Endeavor got his moment after all. whatever else he may be, he’s a damn good fucking hero. and if anyone deserves to get punched so hard they burst into flames, it’s AFO, so yeah
Chapter 357
what a sassy little birb. like how he now has the sexy soon-to-be scar as well! you are now officially a Todoroki
fff Endeavor please don’t die :|!!!!
please zap AFO’s other hand!!! I am getting so freaking anxious right now. he’s either gonna win it all here or else something terrible is about to happen
Chapter 358
did TomurAFO really just slap a huge chunk of the iconic U.A. school building to pieces with his disgusting infinityhands all unceremoniously just like that. is nothing sacred anymore. what are you gonna do next?? kill off the most popular character??
“so anyway here’s 1000 words on why me becoming a despot is actually a good thing” dude just shut up and get back to slapping shit already
magnificent. inspired. I can’t believe this child is going to be fucking dead like three chapters from now (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
Chapter 359
is this dude actually livestreaming the battle
bitch he’s going toe to toe with the final villain while you’re down in the basement making a Tiktok. you are not the same
his arm is literal splinters right now and all he cares about is that TomurAFO wasn’t impressed with his new cluster move :’’’’) it’s okay. it’s okay this is fine
this is literally Aizawa’s worst nightmare. greatest fear come to life. one of his students is hurt and in danger and he can’t do anything. Shirakumo all over again. Bakugou is about to die right in front of him and he’s so fucking desperate but he can’t do anything
omg. what a goated fucking chapter. Bakugou angst! Aizawa angst!! Aizawa Being Terrified Over An Imminent Threat to Bakugou’s Safety angst!! and to top it all off, “YOU’RE CLOSER TO MIDORIYA IZUKU THAN ANYONE AND THAT’S WHY I’M ABOUT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER” angst. hoooooooooooly shit
Chapter 360
so he’s literally just. torturing him. just fucking around. wow
Studio Bones is gonna have to utilize some sort of AI program to autogenerate these hand things for all their fight scenes. I feel really sorry for that AI and I just hope that it doesn’t somehow develop sentience and take revenge on us all. it would be within its rights to do so
why was this man not our vanguard. why, when we lost our trump card in the first ten seconds of the fight, did it not occur to a single person that, WELL HEY, SINCE IT LOOKS LIKE THE DEKU THING MIGHT NOT END UP WORKING OUT. WHAT IF WE JUST, YOU KNOW, MIRIO
welp. if anyone needs me. I’ll be in my room crying over fictional characters
Chapter 361
why do I feel like Mirio also got the strange, fleeting impression that he was talking to someone else other than TomurAFO for a moment there? he looks like he’s WEIRDED OUT AS ALL FUCK, but also genuinely sorry for offending him lol
I know I sound like a broken record here but Tamaki, not allowed to die, etc. etc. just so we’re clear Horikoshi. I don’t trust you to remember!!
Chapter 362
oh my GOD WHY DOES MY HEART ALREADY HURT SO MUCH aaaaugh I’m not going to survive this am I. Kacchan we’ll die together
Jeanist’s eyes are so wide and he’s using his quirk and telling Katsuki to stop. he knows. what tipped you off. was it the “take care of everyone” while standing up with sudden terrifying purpose even though he’s already half-dead. was it that. it was that wasn’t it
that’s it. it’s over. Horikoshi’s won. it’s all fucking over we never stood a fucking chance in hell
Kacchan’s face, when he’s not scrunching it up in a glare, or a frown, or grinning like a homicidal maniac, never ceases to just effortlessly slip past every last one of my defenses. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he just looks so freaking young. like the schoolboy he in fact is. far, far too young to be caught up in a war and facing his own imminent death
seeing him like this now, in his own mental landscape, where he’s free to be himself, and seeing how much of a difference it makes in his demeanor almost immediately, just hits me real fucking hard. he was just way too hard on himself. and he never let himself ask for the autograph because he never felt like he fully earned it, and now it’s too late (or so he thinks), and just. guh
Kacchan dying with that much regret in his heart is not fucking okay and I wanna fight a man about it even though it didn’t even actually wind up happening sob
I love, and hate, that every single other hero there actually did try to stop it. they just weren’t fast enough. god
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littlemessyjessi · 5 months
little!reader × caregiver!yoongi 🥺 the reader doesn't like being alone so she's* always at his side 🥺
*i used she/her pronouns but u can use the ones u want
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Caregiver!Yoongi you say?
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Oh, honey! I am in IN! Let's go!
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Ok, so first of all, thank you so much for sending in this request! I loved it so much that I had to see to it immediately!
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Ok, so first things first. We stan a healthy relationship who both respects boundaries but also understands that your partner is different and may have different needs. *chef's kiss*
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Alright, so I think Yoongi's first move might be to find you a buddy, lol. That is not in any way to say that he doesn't love you or doesn't want to be with you. But Min Yoongi gives the impression that he is a man of practicality first and foremost. Therefore, dude is gonna have a backup plan.
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Because, Babe. He adores you but also knows that there are going to be times when he can not physically be with you. That's just life. I'm so sorry life sucks and it's hard for you to be alone. I am so sorry for whatever happened that made it hard for you to be by yourself. You didn't deserve that and it's not fair. However, that is life sometimes and while it is true that not everyone feels that way and some do feel more comfort in alone time.... we're not talking about that right now. We're talking about how to help you. And we're gonna focus on that because you're important and I want you to know that.
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That being said, I can definitely see Yoongi with a myriad of backup plans. The first being a buddy. If you're not comfortable with other people, an animal might be a great suggestion. If you have a pet of your own, I could see him loving that you have a little friend to keep you company. If you want one but don't know where to start, I could totally see him taking the initiative to research and find out what pet might be suitable for you. If you're just not ready for a pet of your own, I can absolutely see him encouraging you to bond with Holly. He's already gonna do that anyway because he loves that little dog and he loves you. Besides, he already tells Holly that you're his mother anyway so you might as well just make the decision to have Holly be your purse puppy and everyone would be happier, lol.
Now, outside of that. Regarding your home. There are times when he is just going to need his alone time. Yoongi is an absolute sweetheart from what I understand. However, he is still human and all human need at least a little alone time to just reset. For some, that's just when you're in the restroom, perhaps sleeping or maybe the commute to work. That works for some but for others it could be different. They might need more.
To help with those feelings of loneliness and separation anxiety, he might take it upon himself to turn a spare room or even that random ass closet in his home office/studio/creativedungeon/ect./whatever  into a little space for you. In reality, the little hole in the wall closet was literally supposed to be a linen closet but he never uses it because he keeps the towels under the sink and the extra bed sheets in the hallway closet … like a normal person! So it just collects dust or random shit anyway.   
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In reality, I think he would get pretty into it too.  He’s a man of few words (or seems to be) but what he does say, he means.  What he tries to express to you, he does through actions.  Creating safe places for you is so healing for him because it’s basically the soft, gentle sweet side of Yoongi (which let’s be honest is about 95% of him anyway) -  Basically it’s that side of him going, “Hey, little precious angel that I love so much and I’d do anything for! I made you something because I DO love you so much and I want you to be happy and safe and if that means being around me, please let me make a spot for you so that you can physically see a visual representation of the fact that I want you in my life.  Please, please enjoy this.  I tried my best and please never go away.  I love you.  Please stay.” 
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However, he will not be saying those words aloud.  Because he is a man.  Possessed by the spirit of a cat.   And he’d sooner die than utter those words aloud.  At least in front of other people.   He has a reputation to protect, ya know.  
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He will, however, show you just how soft he is for you by his actions.   Literally, sis, just blink your eyes at him.  He’s done. You’re his sweet baby angel love and there is no thing that he will not do for you if you ask him.   And that is literally all it takes.  Just ask him.   
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Which, sigh, I know it’s hard to ask for the things in life that we want or we feel we need.  If you’re anything like me sometimes you might struggle with feeling worthy enough to even ask for needs.  And mental health (and the subsequent help) is, in fact, a need, love.  Please remember that you are valued, loved, worthy and wanted.  
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All of that to say, he adores you.  You are his babylove and therefore what baby wants, baby gets. 
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Now, some other ways he might do this might include: 
spraying his cologne on some of your little space items so that they have his scent 
always having something for your to play with 
sometimes this is just his hands/fingers
which is fine (and actually preferable if he can just sit and not have to have his hands at that moment in time) 
also maybe just some coloring books and stuff in his office spaces because it’s relatively easy to hide away
glow in the dark stickers that he 100% encourages you to stick up under his desk at work so that when you visit and you’re overwhelmed you can just get under his desk and he’ll roll his chair in to hide you and you can feel safe and lay you head on his leg and it’s just a good thing
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better, dear! I am so sorry if you are feeling rough.   I know you might not know me but I do believe in love for people that might not even know us well.  Compassion for our fellow peoples.   So I love you and I sincerely wish you all the healing and loving energy.   If you ever need to talk please feel free to message me.   I might not be able to fix but I can definitely listen.   
All my love, 
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K, Love you, Bye!
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comicaurora · 2 years
This is probably a weird question, but what are some tips you could give on character design? I've been trying to feel confident with my own designs, but they feel kind of bland... what kinds of things would you suggest to help make designs stand out more?
Hoo boy. Hm. I feel like I am not the right person to ask about this because objectively I do almost nothing you're "supposed" to, but if it's working I guess that means I might be onto something?
A lot of my design considerations are practical. I don't want to give anybody a design that's going to be a nightmare to draw over and over again. I've done enough commissions in my time to know when somebody is overdesigned and therefore hugely annoying to draw, and that's a no-no. So I tend to stick with simple patterns at most, not too many layers, no need for five million belts, no need for incredibly intricate hairstyles, etc. This is a practical consideration for the medium of comic art, but other mediums have different considerations - 3D-modeled art, for instance, can overdesign the characters as much as they want because they only need to model them once, and a lot of visual novel characters are limited to a very small handful of poses and some interchangeable expressions, meaning it isn't prohibitively complicated to make them a little Extra. The most time-consuming and frustrating commissions I've ever done were for characters who were frankly never designed to be drawn more than once. A quick sampling of highlights for the design features I swore to myself I would never deal with again-
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So on a basic level, if you're designing a character to draw over and over again, it needs to be something you're willing and able to draw over again. Intricate patterns, a lot of interlocking plates, anything with lace - those are all things I try to avoid.
I've often seen the advice that character silhouettes should be super visually distinct, that characters should be very strongly shaped like different things. I think that's great if your style is that flexible, but if you kind of want everybody to be shaped like a human being with a skeleton, this advice is not very useful.
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I think a diversity of body shapes is great, but the style I favor requires the anatomy to at least sort of makes sense, which means while there can still be a lot of variation in the distribution of muscle and fat, everyone's bones are gonna be in roughly the same place. I can't just draw a square and fill it with a dude. So instead I try and distinguish my character silhouettes in other ways.
Everyone's hair is different, and because most characters have big hair, this plays a large part in their silhouette. Falst and Erin both have short hair, but Falst's is a bristling mane while Erin's is usually more swept and soft-looking. Dainix and Kendal both have long hair, but even when Dainix's hair is loose it doesn't hang or flow the same way Kendal's does - it gets in the way, drapes in front of his face and overall doesn't move the same. Alinua's hair is bouncy curls. On top of that, everyone's outfits are fairly simple, but no two of them are exactly the same - Erin has a monopoly on poofy sleeves, Kendal has cuffed boots and the back-slung sword, Dainix has the poncho and the poofier pants, Alinua has the v-neck top with slightly pauldron-y shoulders and the slippers, Falst's clothing is ragged at the edges, etc. Even without getting into their distinct color palettes, everyone's at least a little bit distinct.
And this is another place where I purposefully try to avoid overdesigning. If everyone has too much going on it can circle around to being hard to tell the characters apart, because too much is happening. Who can pay attention to the fact that one character is sleeveless and one has asymmetrical boots and one has a mullet when everybody is wearing eight layers of embroidered fabric with four belts and half a breastplate on top?
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Avoiding same-face is hard, and I'm not very good at it. But I do try to make sure everyone's face shape, nose and eyes are at least slightly different from everyone else's. It might not show from a distance and it might not be as extreme as a pixar design sheet, but it's something.
Ultimately the main consideration I keep in mind when designing characters is - perhaps a bit redundantly - their character. Who they are as people, and how that will impact the way they look. Everybody stands differently, and shifts their weight differently when a situation is changing.
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Despite both being short, lightweight guys with short hair, Falst and Erin are wildly different people and are not going to dress the same, make the same facial expressions or hold themselves the same way. Despite both being tall, long-haired, generally friendly warrior badasses, Kendal and Dainix carry themselves very differently and react to things in very distinct ways. Tess and Erin have the exact same haircut and nobody noticed for ages because of everything else.
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The designs aren't complicated, and compared to some, they aren't even that distinct. But I try to make sure that their personality is visible in every aspect of their design. Every "why?" in their design has an in-character answer, and since they're all quite different on the inside, keeping things simple means that starts showing through on the outside.
This is also how I can visually distinguish between Vash and Kendal, who have the exact same body and clothes.
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we can never underestimate the importance of ✨body language✨
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