#personally i think i relate to both james and snape but if i project onto anyone it's lily.
seriousbrat · 5 months
I'd say Jamespiracy and Snrojection (dying at these names btw lol) most definitely go perfectly hand in hand, because after all Snape was the founding father and the creator of Jamespiracy movement and belief system with how he refused to believe that James wasn't involved in the prank and simply wouldn't want him killed despite hating him, with how he believed only the worst of him. Similarly now his fans and followers and Snrojectioners are following his footsteps and would rather believe the absolute worst of him, even when it goes against author's intent or doesn't make sense and even they have a hard time making it make sense lol, but they'd still rather do that than give him an ounce of the benefit of the doubt and accurate source text reading.
lmao!! okay this did make me laugh- I am also a fan and a follower of snape though so I really don't want to generalise, much less hurt anyone's feelings. everyone is free to project/snroject and develop their own interpretations on their own blogs. I follow many snape fans who seem like lovely thoughtful intelligent people and I'm sure that is the majority. I also want to state that from what I've seen snape fans put up with a lot of bullshit and so to me it's understandable that many would be defensive of their favourite character. like lbr marauders fans can be just as guilty of any of this (see below) and we should all be friends about it imo
so in the interest of that I'm going to 1) steer this into entirely nonserious territory 2) generally talk more about the characters than the fans
first, to be absolutely fair I would say there is such a thing as snapespiracy and..... prongjection. Although in the case of prongjection in fandom it's probably more about prongjecting (god) sexual/romantic fantasies onto him because james stans tend to treat him more like the ideal boyfriend from what I've seen rather than actually relating to him but idk. snapespiracy is much as it sounds, basically the belief that snape is the root of all evil and that he was corrupting all the innocent skittles to the dark side/deserved to be bullied because of his evil homophobic ways. ANYWAY:
snape is absolutely the no1 jamespiracy theorist. he is the tinfoil wearing jamespiracy theorist of all time, long after james is dead and you'd think there'd be no spiracy left. can we blame him? not really. but it's true.
conversely, the marauders are all snapespiracy theorists but particularly, in my mind, sirius. but obv also james. they created a failsafe in their map on the off-chance that snape would get it and that's pretty snapespiracy brained if you ask me.
curiously, harry is a diehard prongjector and a snapespiracy theorist who stops prongjecting and becomes a soft snrojector during SWM. He is then an unwitting snrojector throughout HBP because he snrojects hard onto the figure of the half-blood prince, unaware that it's snape. he's also a snapespiracy theorist at the same time though (disproving your theory that it goes hand in hand lol)
other notable snapespiracy theorists: ron, bellatrix other notable prongjectors: sirius but all the marauders. hagrid.
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Sirius as a character suffers from being perceived as a sidekick to others, mainly James and Remus, which is where half of his mischaracterization comes from. In the days of old, it was James. These days, it's Remus.
I agree how he's often treated as a side character to Remus in Wolfstar and to Regulus in Jegulus fics, but tbh I have yet to see a fic where he's more of a side character than James.
I think James suffers from the supporting character syndrome more than any of the "main" characters in the Marauders Era. Partially because he's been written as "Sirius' friend" and "Lily's boyfriend" for years in Wolfstar fics. Which is why I love Jegulus so much, which has the potential to bring out so much out of him and finally focus on him as his own person, and instead....his character has been flattened out even further, it drives me nuts.
Sirius is actually the one who gets the most screen time in canon, so we had more time to perceive him as a real character, rather than an "idea" like James or Regulus.
It's easier to write someone as purely good with "fake" flaws (when I say fake flaws i mean flaws that aren't actually flaws, like being shy (Remus) or being "too kind" whatever the hell that means (James)) when they don't have much of a canon base.
Sirius does, he has had enough time to argue with half of the Order members in the few lines he's been given. So it's easy to latch onto that, like people latch onto the few bad lines Molly had and claim she's a bad mum, or people seeing one scene where Snape hits Ron and Harry w a book and saying "oh he abuses kids".
I think that at the end, it all boils down to people not really being interested in unpacking issues and writing/reading complex characters that do both good and bad, but simply wanting something easy and comfortable to project onto.
Which is okay, not everything has to challenge you. Sometimes you want to self-indulge, I get it.
But if you only read/write and center your content around characters who are like you, you will never grow and you will never understand others. You will have trouble making friends and mending relationships. It's important for personal growth to step out of your comfort zone and relate to someone who is not relatable.
(but thats just my humble opinion)
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miene-blaubeere · 8 years
Van Helsing
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 1,930
Reader Gender: Female
Warnings: None
Summary: The daughter of the infamous Van Helsing family goes to Hogwarts and a certain teenage werewolf takes quite the fancy to her but can it happen.
Notes: I know I’ve gone against common knowledge but oh well .
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Remus' POV:
" So, Remmy boy, when are you going to ask-"
" I'm not going to and you know why Sirius now drop it." I cut him off bluntly as I clenched my jaw from behind my book where I sat on my bed in our dorm. Sirius made it a daily occurrence to ask the same irritating question. 'Remus, when are you going to ask out Y/N Van Helsing?' She was a girl in our year, a Gryffindor too. Dare I say it I had had a crush on her since I first laid eyes on her, seven years ago. Beautiful, smart, funny, need I go on? The only problem was that I couldn't be with her. It just wouldn't work. I mean just take one look at her surname, Van Helsing. It screams trouble for me, notorious, infamous monster/beast hunters. Y/N didn't like telling people about her personal home life, the only things we knew that was certain fact was that she was a half-blood. That was it, she was a big mystery to most.
I was running slightly late to History of magic as I was stuck behind in Transfiguration talking to Professor McGonagall but when I got to Professor Binns' classroom I saw all of the students stood at the back of the room instead of in their seats. I made eye contact with James and Sirius and manoeuvred my way over to them (Peter was in Herbology) " Binns' putting us into pairs for some sort of joint project," James whispered to me. Binns arose from his desk with a rolled up piece of parchment, he unrolled it and began to read off the pairs.
" Black and Snape," groans erupted from both boys as the rest of the class snickered, Binns quickly hushed everyone and told Sirius and Snape to stop complaining and get to a desk before continuing, " Evans and Potter," this time there was the sounds of triumphant cheers coming from James and a very large groan from poor Lily. A few more people were paired up before I heard: " Lupin and Van Helsing." My head snapped up in shock and I noticed Y/N just walking over to an empty desk in silence. I followed behind her and placed my bag down sitting beside her. Neither of us spoke a word as the other people were being sorted into their pairs. I felt rather awkward but Y/N looked as if she wanted to say something. I was about to ask her something when Professor Binns called for our attention. " Okay class, the project I am going to be asking you to do is going to do is going to involve muggle relations with the magical world through time and their knowledge of our whereabouts. A good subject I would recommended you focusing on is the muggle awareness of beasts and monsters. You may begin now in lesson." Binns stopped talking and gestured for us to start working before going to sit at his desk. Y/N went into her bag to get something and I quickly glanced around the room and made eye contact with Sirius who smirked at me wiggling his eyebrows quickly but was then hit by Snape with his book to get his attention. I chuckled slightly under my breath.
" Something funny Lupin?" Y/N's voice asked curiously from beside me.
" N-nothing," I stuttered, she shrugged slightly and then opened up her book. Hastily, I opened mine up to a section on the History of Muggles in Magic. There was a whole page on famous muggles who had been against the magical world. Matthew Hopkins the Witchfinder General, Sebastian Michaelis a grand inquisitor then as my eyes wandered down the page I spotted their name. Van Helsing- an infamous family of hunters. They hunt those that come from the magical realm, that being beings and beasts alike. The are most known for their work with Vampires but also Werewolves and other magical creatures. A less known fact about the Van Helsing family is that they played a role in towns during the 1600's to execute the accused witches. All members of the Van Helsing have been muggles- I stopped reading and looked up at Y/N. She obviously wasn't a muggle, she was one of the best witches in our year. I knew these books hadn't been updated in a while though and I highly doubt they'd let her be singled out in a school book. This passage got me thinking, if the Van Helsing's were so against the magical community then how did they manage to get a half-blood daughter. I had been sat there thinking for so long I didn't notice Professor Binns had dismissed us. I felt someone nudge my shoulder slightly, I looked up quickly and looked around the room noticing Professor Binns had left and I saw Y/N smiling slightly suppressing a laugh. Embarrassedly, I smiled feeling my cheeks heating up.
" You know Remus, if you like we could go to the library later to do some actual writing on this?" Y/N smiled shyly, Merlin she had no idea how much I wanted her to be mine.
" Y-yeah sounds good," I stumbled over my words, she smiled and walked out the classroom. As soon as the door closed I heard people behind me burst into laughter. I would know those two irritating voices anywhere.
" Y-yeah sounds good," James mocked both guys approaching me.
" Shut up James," I huffed,
" Remus, I swear if I have to put up with your sulking and pining I'll do something about it myself." Sirius said with a completely serious face,
" Y-you wouldn't dare!"
" Try me." Sirius countered in a threatening tone, " you have a week before I intervene, make it count."
The week moved along far too quickly for my liking, I had grown closer to Y/N over the week and she was opening up a bit. Even though Y/N and I had finished our project a while ago we still continued to meet up in the library and sit in a secluded area away from the librarian so we could chat. The time was drawing closer to our curfew and the library would be closing up soon. I spotted Sirius sat on a table across the room staring at me. He tapped his wrist even though the idiot didn't own a watch." U-uh so Y/N, I was wondering if perhaps y-you'd like to join me next week for adateatHogsmeade." I stuttered but finished quickly. Y/N giggled slightly. " I'd love to Remus but-" I cut her off with a hurt groan, she laughed a again and continued, " but  we're not here next week Remus, we're going home. However when we come back I would love to." She then stood up gathering her things and leaned down to peck me on the cheek before walking off. I could hear Sirius bounding over to me, his hands grabbed onto my shoulders shaking me slightly.
" I can't believe you actually did it Moony! I'm proud of you!" Sirius squealed like a child at Christmas.
It had been a while since I had last seen Y/N and I couldn't wait to see her again. I looked around the Great Hall from where I was sat with the guys trying to spot Y/N on the Gryffindor table but I couldn't see her. Odd, where could she be? When we got back to the common room I still hadn't seen her at all.
The next morning I arrived fairly early to the Great Hall as I usually did. I watched as people filtered in and out but still no Y/N. Potions was my first lesson with Slughorn and I knew Y/N was in that lesson and she definitely wasn't the kind of person to skip a class. For the first five minutes of the lesson I was wrong but then the door opened and in walked Y/N sinking into her seat at the back. Her skin was a ghostly white colour and her tired state was worryingly apparent. I could tell she was avoiding my eye as I stared at her trying to get her attention. At the end of the lesson once we were dismissed I attempted to catch up with Y/N but she was too quick out the door. This went on for weeks and it was breaking me. I kept seeing her slowly getting worse. She wasn't eating properly and damaging herself in the process and I couldn't do anything. " Lily, could I ask a favour of you?" I asked Lily politely.
" Of course Remus, what is it?" Lily chirped.
" I'd like you to help me get up to the girls' dorms to see Y/N. She's avoiding me and is in a terrible state and I can't just sit back and do nothing!" I started ranting slightly brushing my hand through my hair. Lily looked up at me with a look of admiration on her face.
" You really love her don't you?" She asked quietly, I simply nodded, " of course I'll help Remus, she really hasn't been herself recently."
I made my way up to Y/N's dorm, cautiously I pushed open the door and saw four empty beds. In the fifth however I saw a shaking figure. Quietly, I approached her and sat down on the bed. Her head snapped up instantly, she relaxed slightly when she noticed it was me. " Remus you can't be up here. You need to go." I shook my head.
" Not until you tell me what's going on."
" There's nothing going on Remus."
" Do you really expect me to believe that? Let's narrow it down, why have you been ignoring me?"
" I have to Remus, he'll hurt you otherwise," Y/N sobbed.
" Who?"
" My father!"
" Why?"
" Because he doesn't want me dating a werewolf." Y/N muttered into her pillow.
" How does he-"
" He could smell a werewolf from a mile away Remus. This is why I hadn't tried to talk to you before. Considering we had a project I thought I'd try and risk it, see if he noticed. He did and was harsher than I first thought he'd be." Y/N continued to cry quietly.
" W-wait, you knew? A-all along?"    
" Remus, I'm a Van Helsing I knew from the moment I saw you."
" And you still-" she cut me off saying,
" I've seen worse creatures than you Remus, trust me. My father won't stop hurting me for what I am. I never really get time to myself except from when I'm at Hogwarts." She said dryly. We stayed silent for a while. I was letting this new found information sink in.
" Come with me then." I said confidently.
" What are you talking about Remus?"
" Come and stay with me and my family. They won't mind I'm certain of it."
" I can't Remus, my father would come," Y/N sighed.
" Let him," I challenged, " my father works for the ministry, he has friends in different departments I'm sure we can help you! Please just do it, I love you too much to just let you be hurt." I accidently let slip. I felt my cheeks heat up from my declaration. Y/N slowly sat up looking me straight in the eyes.
" You mean it?"
" Of course." With that we both leaned into one another and shared a sweet kiss,
" I love you too." After that we never looked back.
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