#personally im a hc him as transfem kinda guy
divinecreation · 2 years
Characters that are so androgynous that you could either headcanon them as transmasc or transfem and have it work either way are the best type of character and that's why Mello is my favorite
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vaniliens · 2 months
Trans fairy tail characters go
- Levi. Most nonbinary person to nonbinary.
- being transmasc would fix erza I think. Or maybe just a he/him lesbian. Give erza testosterone she needs it
- as I said gajeel is nonbinary in a masc way. I don't this Metallica gave a single fuck about gender so gajeel didn't know what it was until he showed up in civilization. Uses he/him but could not care less. All pronouns kind of guy.
- Natsu is a similar but because igneel was a guy Natsu wanted to be to, and he wants to be just like his dad
- I feel like Fried (Freed? It's been like 4 years since the fairy tail hyperfixation) is bigender
- speaking of laxus' crew the knight guy with the souls. Agender. His name escapes me.
- gray is transmasc I make the rules. He and Lyon are both transmasc. They saw each other on galuna Island and mutually understood each other through their twisted siblingesque relationship that they were both men now but they all had bigger problems to content with
- I could see laxus as transfem. But so deeply in the closet it would be physically impossible for him to leave or externalize it. Because it's laxus
I hope you have a lovely day
THANK YOU FOR THESE HEAD CANONS I LOVE THESE SM??? TRANSFEM LAXUS WHOS SO DEEP IN THE CLOSET,,,, SO TRUE,,,, Transmasc Gray & Agender/NB Natsu my beloved headcanons too 😭😭‼️‼️ The dragon slayers would not know a thing about gender‼️‼️‼️‼️ And bickslow wouldnt care about gender either!!! Auauagh these are so good your mind is just 🎇🎇🎇
Here's a list of Everyone else i think might be trans too btw;
TRANSFEM/MASC / BIGENDER / NB LESBIAN JUVIA‼️‼️ I feel like she started E a little before Phantom Lord arc started but also, i feel like she could be transmasc but be as deep into the closet as Laxus is because of her heteronormative view 😭 Like her thinking shes definitely a woman because she "loves" Gray for being her savior (Cough. Its not a crush it was just admiration but she didnt know because- Cough. And she thought only women and men can be in love (Probably Bora's fault 🙄🙄🙄 but also she could've just read a lot of cishet love stories)) I imagine she'd only recognize how shes transmasc around the time she starts shipping Gray with Lyon when she thought "Oh gay people are fine actually" (& thus her lesbian / wlw awakening begins & she learns about how everyone else in the guild is queer & some trans) But i have no clue whether she recognizes it almost immediately or later on in her life once she detaches herself from Gray for once!!! SORRY FOR RAMBLING ABOUT THIS I have very complicated thoughts about Juvia & how shes been written & amatonormativity and stuff 😭🫶 shes a silly girl...
As ive mentioned before, Transfem Jellal 😌😌 I kinda only hc it because one of mutuals do too and i thought she was so right for that BUT ALSO!!! I feel like for Jellal he'd be too busy hating himself & trying to atone to realize or like. deal with it properly. "I could be a he/him transfem but im still a sinner so i dont have time to think about that rn" style!! Also maybe a few undertones of toxic masculinity seeping in (He has to be A Man and Man Up to face his punishments and to better himself or whatever)
Also Ultear & Meredy are trans too. but in what way you ask? I dunno,,,, they could be all be bigender and i wouldn't have bat an eye,,,,,,
TRANSFEM. BISCA. I like to think she found out she was transfem like pretty early on back when she was still living in Alvarez but kept herself closeted because she didnt have time to deal with it,,, until she moved to Fiore and went under her "Mulan Rouge" alias to start doing crime 👍 did her own DIY HRT until she joined FT when she finally had a legitimate source of income.
Maybe alzack is trans too that way they could be t4t 🫶
T4T Elfever my beloved. Theres just no way they're cishet im sorry. They're too manly and too womanly to be cis. No cis person could ever be as masc 24/7 as elfman and as femme 24/7 as evergreen. Also the way Elfman refers to her as a 'woman' even though he usually calls EVERYONE a 'man'???
Nonbinary / transfem lisanna my beloved <333 im leaning more into agender though because i truly dont think she cares about gender that much especially after she came back to earthland BUT AT THE SAME TIME I know how much she likes her skirts and dresses
Agender Zeref in the "I dont care" and "I dont have time for this" and the "I Hate myself too much" way / style BABEYYYYY!!! This guys too full of issues to care about his pronouns but even if he did he would not give himself the freedom to think about it too much. Cmon hes been living for 400 years and God told him personally that hes not allowed to enjoy life.
I think thats all for now 😭 I think the entire FT guild is queer in some way like c'mon the themes in the story and everything just kinda makes that obvious in a way whether or not Mashima intended it 😭😭😭 ANYWAYS, AGAIN!! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!
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proxythe · 2 months
Any headcanons for the sees members?
Also plus piercing/ lgbt hcs as well 🫣
yessuh let me think … u gotta stay with me here bc i’m so bad at just thinking of regular headcanons
- im ngl ive been big into aki being a glasses wearer lately … like he seriously needs them but never wears them. just stubborn and blind as hell
- this is a popular one but i feel like i haven’t said it in a while: minato & kotone being twins. they obviously look nothing alike canonically but i try to give them very similar features when i draw them (like their nose and mouth) as well as a little beauty mark by their lip
- i love aigis wearing kotone’s clothes. i usually draw this represented by aigis wearing pink to imply its not her own clothes (cuz we all know she normally loves a blue outfit) but i think it’s super cute to imagine. oh & in general i like to give aigis a lot of baggy casual clothes instead of her usual dresses and whatnot. i just like to picture all of sees fashion senses rubbing off on her in different ways
- yukari is scared of ghosts but not horror movies, while junpei doesn’t believe in ghosts but horror movies scare him. im not sure at all if horror is ever brought up honestly i can’t remember but i always thought it would be funny that yukari is so jumpy about ghosts but she’s unimpressed with horror movies, while junpei teases her about ghosts but then a horror movie will have him up scared for a week. trust, he stays denying it scared him
to not make this long as hell, i’ll stop there and get to the rest of ur ask… cutting it bc i always feel like a long ass post will look so cluttered
for my lgbt hcs i kinda fluctuate but its fine:
minato/kotone: bisexual … basically canon for kotone, but i see it for minato as well. i’m pretty open to any kotone gender hc, i personally never thought about it for her. minato tho i think i mainly enjoy nonbinary or transfem minato 😭 but it still is the same that im pretty open to any gender hcs for him as well
yukari: lesbian. immediate answer. i’ve brought this up before feels like forever ago but i am a transmasc yukari enjoyer. it sucks because when i thought about it the first time i remember i had a really big explanation for it that had me hype as hell but now i can’t remember and i just passively enjoy it LOL
junpei: he’s all over the place. i think the cishet ally junpei is really funny just bc it makes me laugh when the whole lgbt friend group just has the one straight guy BUT i also enjoy junmina in every sense so i think i dabble in a little bisexual junpei sometimes …
fuuka: she kinda just gives me unlabeled vibes in sexuality. i had an initial sexuality hc for her but junfuuka started growing on me so i changed it in my head … but i really really love trans girl fuuka i think it’s one of my fav hcs for her <3
akihiko: i feel like i view him gay but i also refer to him as bisexual when i think it’s funny LMFAOOO one thing i keep consistent is that i think he’s trans. basically canon to me. i know the boobs and gorgeous face combo throw some people off but i never imagined he’d want to cut them off so i don’t depict that
mitsuru: lesbian & trans woman. i think oomfs have made transmasc mitsuru grow on me too but i personally mainly view her as a trans woman. also basically canon to me. it’s another one that just comes so naturally that i forget it’s not true
shinji: i don’t imagine he would really care about labels. i think he’d fall in line with being a guy, he/him, whatever but like deep down i don’t think he’d really give af. same with sexuality. he likes who he likes i don’t think he’d make a big deal of it. his gender and sexuality is summed up to “i got bigger things to worry about than this”
LMFAOOO sorry long ass section but for piercings i think it’ll be shorter STAY WITH ME!!!!!!! tbh i think most would just be a normal ass ear piercing so i’m sorry in advance …
- first off… i can see yukari and mitsuru with regular ear piercings. yukari maybe a cunty belly button piercing but i think only like post canon/p4au yukari would get it tbh
- mitsuru with a nose piercing maybe … i honestly can’t imagine mitsuru would ever have many besides the regular ear ones but i can see her with like a stud… i feel like it’s one of those piercings a person would never realize she had unless they looked really close at her face. it’s on her emo bang side so it gets covered
- i can actually imagine junpei with some normal ass ear piercings. but that’s as far as he’d go bc i think the piercing gun/needle would make him cry a lil bit
- kotone seems like she’d do ears as well 😭 if im leaning into a Way more emo minato then i can actually see him with a few like ears/lips/etc. but regular him i don’t think he’d do any … im so sorry omg
- i draw/imagine shinji without any but ive seen people depict him with a tongue piercing before. i lowkey fw it. it’s hidden so i think he’d like something like that … otherwise i can’t imagine him with much
i’m sorry from the bottom of my heart for the lackluster piercing hcs bc i also enjoy piercings a lot visually but realistically i felt like sees wouldn’t really do much 😭😭 they’re too boring !!!
anyways this was long as hell but super fun so thank you for asking !!! i love going to my mind place
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mamadarama · 2 months
hey sorry im bringing up an ask thats about a week old but re: rinne amagi transmasc thing:
the whole "going against your family's expectations/leaving your home and becoming who you want" could be read as trans metaphor (so could his old more fake persona of "good guy idol" vs his current "fuck you i do what i want attitude" come to think of it)
when it comes to rinne calling niki wife, its not funny if nikis transmasc and rinne isn't it just feels kinda mean tbh. however trans dude calling cis guy wife is funny (better yet: niki transfem/nb egg. rinne is chipping away at that shell more every day)
i like the idea of both amagis being transmasc, fic i havent posted yet but follows this general plot with little amagi bros: "hey im a boy now" "woah thas so poggers,,, i wish i could do that" "Boy Do I Have News For You"
its actually not a hc ive seen that much compared to other trans hcs, fics with trans rinne are few and far between. and i think there should be more
yeah i can sorta see where youre coming from . i hc niki as transmasc agender and rinne as cis*. theres nothing wrong with using feminine terms for a transmasc person as long as theyre comfortable with it. i think niki is fine with it but only if its rinne, because he knows rinne doesnt see him as a girl and is using it as a term of endearment rather than a method of degrading him. so its something of a pet name for them rather than a word that means something . as for fanfics i wouldnt know cuz i only read doujinshi (i hate reading anything without pictures)
* hes cis by definition but his relationship with his gender is more complicated than this. a better term might be "cis+" if that makes any sense. i hc a lot of characters this way
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neolxzr · 1 year
shu for the ask game :0❓(my question mark key wont work)
Sexuality Headcanon: hes attracted to whatever mika is idk
Gender Headcanon: im very fond of genderfluid or agender shu but i also find him interesting when hes like. cis but gnc. he can be just some guy who wears full victorian gowns if he wants methinks. i like transfem shu as well but its not really my personal hc? but i think its neat. alllsoooo i tend to use he/she for her :]
A ship I have with said character: SHUMIKA. i dont necessarily consider myself a monoshipper but in my mind i can barely picture him with anyone else. like they just have a Thing going on and it feels just slightly off to me to ship him with other people?? big fan of narushumika though
A BROTP I have with said character: ALL OF THE ECCENTRICS theyre so beloved and dear to me,,,,,,,,,,,those r his best friends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i especially really like his friendship with kanata i think theyre sweet
also also nazuna because i want them to properly be friends again. that one 8th anniv interaction between them was such good crumbs i need more
A NOTP I have with said character: its not necessarily a notp but im not very fond of romantic shunazu because i think its funnier when shu is just Like That to him even though he was not in love with him
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᶦ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ʳᶦⁿⁿᵉˢʰᵘ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᶦᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᶦᵗˢ ᶠᵘⁿⁿʸ ᵇᵘᵗ ᶦ ᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵉᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ᵈᵃᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵍᵉⁿᵘᶦⁿᵉˡʸ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ
A random headcanon: his casual outfits are Not Canon to me. i choose to ignore them because they are bland and he makes his own clothes he does not dress like that!!!! make him fancier!!!!! i think he wears a lot of hats and big earrings. also i think he carries a parasol. both open when its really sunny and closed kinda like a cane
General Opinion over said character: im so mentally ill about this guy its kind of a problem. hes just like me fr and i mean that in a concerning kind of way. i love her though
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dykerica · 1 year
Could you please elaborate on either your transfem or lesbian Ethan Morgan headcanons? I love them!
(also these became more like serious gender things rather than silly goofy ones so if you want those instead hmu)
first! i hc ethan as autistic + lesbian basically 100% of the time, and i switch between transfem + transmasc depending on how i'm feeling tbh
for both of the gender hcs i stay with ethan never feeling a big connection with his birth gender growing up and also not really understanding the insanity surrounding feminine vs masculine gender roles / stereotypes / actions etc (this is where the autism hc gets relevance). so i think child ethan was extremely gender apathetic which leads to a "more masc" presentation in general because people tend to view neutral = masculine when it comes to things about gender.
i do think (going the transfem route) ethan realizing she's a girl/girl adjacent is like kinda chill almost? its probably a realization that happens closer to highschool if not during her freshman year, because while i don't think ethan would ever be presenting super feminine i do think she's always admired it / loved it from afar basically. i do think eventually it just kinda clicks for her, lots of relief about like no longer feeling the need to be a Macho Man but also some like "am i not girl enough bcus of all my stereotypical nerdy guy interests?" this is when ethan is introduced to the existence of the magic the gathering -> trans girl pipeline and it's def a process but i think the fact she's never really understood why certain things are gendered makes it a bit easier. she's a girl and she likes girls <3
i don't really see ethan ever presenting super feminine, like she'll grow her hair out and go on E but she's not really wearing skirts and dresses around town UNLESS she's playing dressup with jane bcus jane got SO EXCITED to play dressup with her big sister that ethan just couldn't say no. also i don't know if there's like an already existing widely spread transfem ethan name hc (?) but im fond of eve personally.
FOR THE TRANSMASC LESBIAN HC: i think ethan being aware he's transmasc is something on the outskirts of his mind since childhood, especially once Jane is born and there's a very stark difference between their behaviors as "little girls". However i don't think ethan was ever like "oh yeah im not a girl im a MAN" which leads to this weird like "okay im not a man but im super comfortable presenting more masculine and im not really a girl either but i still feel slightly connected to "girlhood" despite never really doing it quote unquote right". this is when ethan discovers the amazing concept of BUTCH LESBIANS, so he changes his name / pronouns and goes on T. like he's very girlboy, boygirl even, girl who is a boy who is a girl who is a lesbian. his first crush was on Thorn from the hexgirls, also Daphne, also Gwen from TDI. Benny and ethan have to promise each other to never like the same girl ever again bcus they almost killed each other in middle school over who got to ask her to a dance. Anyway boydyke lesbian Ethan is a grey area but its also very important to me i love him very much <3
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dykeyote · 2 years
Hey if you're still doing curious anons (I'm not an anon but shh,,) I'd really be interested with some transfem Jedidiah hcs!! I love her SM and there isn't enough abt her,,,
i headcanon her as transfem bigender nonbinary with she/he pronouns!! shes still an egg in season one though i dont think shes realized yet. and if she has she definitely hasnt told anyone i think he would talk to sydney first and......... well . shes not telling him much of anything now is he
i think the reason shes an egg for so long is partially because of christian influenced internalized homophobia but is ALSO becaude sydney is basically the only trans person she knows for a really long time and his relationship to his gender is VERY diff to hers not just that hes transmasc and shes transfem but just the way they Approach their respective transness . plus i think because shes been sheltered so mcuh for so long his grasp on the nuances of being nonbinary is Limited so because she Knows she doesnt want to be a 100% binary woman and he knows she doesnt want to be like fully androgynous no gendered pronouns whatsoever she kinda doesnt process that theres a midway between the two . so shes like ya ok i know what being trans is like and its Not Like This so the way i geel about being a man or lack thereof is just Cis Guy Things ): sigh . he will not be introspective about why hes sad about that
i think yvonne and sydney both dress him up in fem clothes a lot jusg to experiment . yvonnes usually just fucking about and having fun the emphasis is usually more on Punk than Feminine but i think sydney like . doesnt know hes Trans . but knows her well enough rhat he can recognize jeddys emotions and has gathered she at Least wants to be a little more gnc than he is . so hes like :O!!!! jeddy you know whats be fun . if i did your makeup and put you in this dress i got for you . cmon . jeddys forcedly reluctant about it but she always gives in the second sydney seems like hes genuinely going to stop pushing the point 
SEE . and i think what makes her egg crack is that i also hc Juniper to be transfem too and jeddy canonically sees herself in them a lot for better or for worse . so i think her coming out makes jeddy be like . Huhhhhh. which she promptly compartmentalizes and refuses to talk about
i do think she eventually comes out to sydney and she weirdly expects him to be angry about it or to tell her shes wrong?? like that hes just trying to copy sydney and that hes Obviously just a guy i mean hes been Fine being a guy for over two decades whats the issue now obviously hes just being dramatic . and then sydneys like (: its really nice that you trust me with that and im proud of you and gives her a hug and hes like .......???????????????? what the fuck
i think she still Generally sticks with the same general aesthetic as she did before after she properly socially transitions like she still wears a lot of neutrals she likes fairly prim very simple and professional clothing the only major change is that she starts wearing more dresses and skirts and adding some more accessories and wearing makeup and a lot of that isnt Just transitioning and is also the fact that the gender euphoria dressing feminine gives her more of a motivation to take care of herself and put herself together a bit and wear clothes she likes and feels comfortable in as opposed to just whatever she shoves on . but her general vibe stays the same 
HOWEVER!!!!!! back to the earlier hc i think she can also be VERY easily talked into dressing up all goth and fun and loud to match with sydney and yvonne and he gets VERY invested in it . its a fun break from the norm for her 
sydney asks if she wants to be his girlfriend instead of his boyfriend and jeddys like oh!! uh i havent thought about that . no boyfriends fine i think . but then spends the next week in a half gendery half lovestruck lil fantasy spiral going <3333 sydneys girlfriend sydneys GIRLFRIEND im sydneys girlfriend sydneys girl sydneys girlfriend <3333333 in her brain and so shes like ,,,, can i change my mind . theyre t4t and their mutual transness accentuates their love!! diversity win
i think she has like . one or two xenogenders that sydney showed her and she expected them to not be her thing but was like wait thats kinda cool . shes too awkward for neopronouns but maybe someday …… someday sydney will warm her up to it 
i think her coming out socially is a side effect of him becoming more comfortable with other people (: this is the overarching theme of my transfem jeddy hc i think as she learns to accept himself more and open herself up to other people that exact same progression follows with ehr gender i think trans jeddy is really compelling and good actually 
in conclusion!!!! shes trans and i love her so mcuh despite her being the worst 
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nymphacae · 2 years
A LEGEND in the Rymin fic community loves my fics?? I’m gonna cry /lh /gen
Also might I ask what your headcanons for the silly lil guys are? It’s always interesting to hear how other people interpret these lovable music dweebs.
ahhh i have a LOT of headcanons and it feels like a lot of them vary based on which AU/story i'm working with, hc's are a lot like trying on clothes at thrift stores for me — sometimes you just wanna try a new one out for size and think 'hm!' @ the mirror, it's what makes community engagement so much fun imo !
but i will ATTEMPT to narrow down some of the constants i find when working with rymin and ones that aren't, yknow, confined to specific AUs — although i'm sure if you're familiar with paper trails, you know some of these already lmao
HE LOVES REPTILES. You HAVE to know this about me by now but i push ryan lizard propaganda like my life DEPENDS on it!!! He loves bearded dragons in particular – his favorite girl is named Spitfire and she’s a proud lesbian (min in the bg telling ryan to stop pushing a sexuality on her, but he’s ignored). But he loves snakes too, and spiders and lizards…I imagine he names them all after musicians for funsies, spitfire just happened to break that code for me bc i liked the name too much lol
Second thing people probably know about me is how hard i push anti-beatles ryan akagi bc it’s true
He picked up a habit of smoking on the road and he’s since then quit – going cold turkey after getting abducted by a train will tend to break that habit
His sibling’s names, in order, are Alexa, Miya, Ethan, and Eikoh. Both his sisters kinda had to mother him; though he’s closest to Miya (who’s an interior design/textiles major, also engaged) bc Alexa had a severe case of eldest daughter syndrome and it made her pretty snippy – she also fled the nest the second she could and only really calls to yell into the receiver about her job and secret girlfriend
Ryan’s a Schrodinger’s Gender situation for me, so it fluctuates often just based on what story i’m telling. In the AUs/stories where he’s transmasc, ryan names himself after a homeless guy named Ryan who’d sit outside his family’s local supermarket and play a sick riff. One day baby ryan spotted him throw a banana peel at a police officer was chasing him (for dignity’s sake, he always tells friends he was just inspired by ryan roxie, the guitarist)
(also in these AUs, he has insanely intense cycles due to the cursed cocktail of anemia/endometriosis, which leads to minor complications when he’s on the road and can’t afford T/birth control anymore. It’s a whole Thing, he had to be hospitalized for it at age 13 and the doctors basically shrugged, as doctors do. I’ve wanted to explore this caveat before but never found the time, oh well)
also shoutout to prism who engraved 'pt ryan transfem' into my brain you were so real for that
his specific mental diagnosis is also a roulette wheel based on what story im working with, shrug. idk who said that min is adhd in an autistic way and ryan is autistic in an adhd way, but whoever said that changed my life so ty and you're right!! i also lean towards him having/on the watchlist for forming bpd - looking back on pt i believe he showed signs of bipolar disorder
Tulip and Ryan are bffs. I’m not budging on this. They make friendship bracelets and play mario kart and sing karaoke and ryan does her hair bc lake won’t do Femme Things™ with her anymore and they love each other SO Much
Ryan’s acespec; I touch on this whenever I can, but this plays a Big role in his relationship with the music industry. Sex Drugs And Rock N’ Roll is a subculture he could never fit into for a plethora of reasons, and it was another way he felt isolated while going solo due to all the aggressive expectations. He’s sex-POSITIVE, bc it’s important to me to shed the stupid ‘asexuals are all sex-repulsed puritans’ agenda i see being spread sometimes. He thinks it’s fun, and with the right person it is!
He's the one who gets carsick/boatsick and is terrified of flying
He's really into boozy cocktails but he'll pretend he isn’t — he likes tequila and vodka which is funny bc i picture his favorite drink to be like a hurricane or sex on the beach
He's lost a lot of friends by reviewing their mixtapes
He really gets into making pastries and desserts farther down the line! Depending on the timeline this could be a hobby encouraged by a therapist or just an interest he picks up naturally, with min always finding comfort in food and cooking himself
His mom’s name is Soo-yeon and his dad is Tae-hyun. He visits Jeju-si in the summer since his mom has two sisters living there
Min loves helping his mom around the kitchen/folding laundry. His parents have a huge garden out back with flowers and some veggies, and he likes harvesting from there when his mom lets him (she’s very picky about who touches her flowers!)
Plants are min’s comfort item; they’re basically to him what reptiles are to ryan! He’d cover the entire van/flat with them if he could, he loves succulents in particular and he likes to sing to them
He’s a HUGE dog person!! Whenever he’d come visit the Akagi’s he’d make an IMMEDIATE beeline for the family dog; however when his mom bought a Pomeranian to cure her empty nest syndrome, he despises it (for comedic purposes he only addresses his mother's dog as The Dog)
He leans more on the side of whiskey in drinks; he also likes gin. His taste in alcohol is definitely WAY stronger than ryan’s, less diluted with flavors, but both have the same level of tolerance. he enjoys a good sazerac
He’s a dark chocolate kinda guy
He won the spelling bee in grade four
Once he travels with Ryan and becomes more comfortable with his identity, I think he'd experiment with gender and appearance. while i enjoy seeing gender hc's for My Lads, for me and my writing it's nice to work with a min-gi who embarks on a gender journey and comes back deciding he likes being a cis guy just fine. not that this affects him playing with makeup or clothes lol, also if he were to wear skirts at all they'd be long and loose
Wherever I can apply it, Simon and Min are always gonna be roommates who are stuck in a perpetual loop of basically reenacting that always sunny ‘mac and dennis move to the suburbs’ episode
He looks up to Grace a lot; she’s kinda The Mentor Friend who intimidates you just enough for you to get your shit together, and outside of Kez he'd consider Jesse his closest friend
He loves cooking! He likes making hearty meals for his friends, and he especially enjoys teaching them how to cook if they’re curious
Big ol ADHD mess over here, an icon
He’s the one that most comfortable with his identity, which is very funny to me seeing how he’s the one that casually accepts ‘queer’ as his label while Ryan keeps picking terms out of a hat and then furiously stomping on the slip of paper lmao. Mins just chillin, he likes who he is and he’s not about to challenge that 🤷‍♀️
-ryan's got the cold hands and min's got the warm hands
-they’re both qpps with kez bc it’s important
-min's the one who chugs down coffee like it's water, and ryan likes fancy coffees, but he's more of a tea person lmao (lots of sugar though)
-they both have bad tattoos
-in modern era, they’d do the neurodivergent Thing of assigning everyone they know pokemon teams – they’d be HUGE pokemon fans and would trade cards/art all the time (to discuss their pokemon teams with me would initiate an entirely different conversation……..)
-i've gotten into Agree To Disagree disputes with mutuals over this but i stand by 'min's the one with the 13-in-1 wash and ryan has 12 different hair care products' bc Neurodivergence(tm)
-they both smoke weed and will ruthlessly roast your spotify playlists
I’m hosting a friend rn so uhhh hopefully this suffices
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somuch-4-stardust · 2 years
okay <3 today we r talking abt headcanons i hate!!! umm none of these have any basis i just dont like them i think they r wrong <3 obviously i dont hate people who enjoy these hc do whatever u want have fun etc etc etc i am not attacking u specifically
starting off w one of my least favorites. cwilbur is NOT transfem!! he is intesex and transmasc (source: me)!!!. all the minors in the server are NOT friends u cant just push cpurpled into a group w benchtrio bc they r all minors??????? (<- im totally about to do exactly that in a sec when i talk abt hc i do like. the real reason is i think cpurpled and cranboo would hate each other ^-^) ctommy DOES have wings BUT they r gold and if u say anything else ur WRONG!!! ctommy was not nine during the first lmanburg war!! cranboo and ctechno are not that close (<- this is actually kinda canon i do not care tho let me be in denial) ctommy is not the token straight please stop saying hes the token straight if he heard you he would be sad (<- on that topic. transfem ctommy is acceptable. i have to put it here bc im not putting it in the 'my fav hc' category but i think it needs to be said) ckarl and cghostbur are not as stupid as u guys make them out. ctechno is not the middle child he is not the middle child U R WRONG!! ctommy also was not focused on saving lmanburg bc 'omg city where ppl live im a hero' and more 'thats. my house bro also i dont want to die' hes not as selfless as u think!! hes also stupid like ctommy is genuinely just an idiot
and now. for loving <3 cpurpled and ctommy are qpps and they live together in cpurpleds ufo which is definitely totally not blown up. ctommy listens to saint bernard by lincoln too much. ctubbo and ctommy are not on speaking terms and honestly it hasnt upset either of them. ctechno is in that stage of trans where he like doesnt mind he/him prns and doesnt care enough to change prns. csbi totally is real and also includes hannah and niki and sally is married to niki and yes sally is a fish niki is like. a mermaid or whatever but sally is literally just a salmon. ctechno and cwilbur and ctommy and cniki and channah and probably csally are all autistic. cpurpled is autistic too but denies it bc 'really is it a big deal any way' ummm cquackity has a touch of the tism too mayhaps. oh and cslime is autistic. anyways back to cpurpled. he is a transman and also refuses to dye his hair purple bc hes an asshole and also he has abandonment issues bc i mean look at him. cniki is the coolest transfemme ever. ctommy is a pretty girl but hes a boy. cghostbur and lmanburg and alivebur and revivedbur and stuff all have different pronouns. they all listen to los campesinos actually los camp is always playing on the server and if for some reason not a single person was thinking abt los camp the whole place would blow up boom boom. ctommy is missing a limb or too (part of his hand, his foot, a little bit of the back of his head/skull, his ear) ctechno gives people he likes gold. like a lot of gold like his family just ended up w huge ass collections of gold jewelry. ctommy uses only neos but doesnt care enough to correct ppl cuz like ITS ALOT OF WORK U KNOW ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. cdream isnt transphobic but also did misgender ctommy on purpose in exile. ctommy had raccoon ears and tail which was. quite the combo w the wings. in the csbi family the order, eldest to youngest was: kristin, phil (<- obviously. they r old haha point and laugh) techno, wilbur, niki, hannah, tommy. cpurpled does kill people in cold blood and he isnt bothered by it for the most part. calyssa is transmasc. ctommy bites people. cbbh is evil but also dad shaped. ctommy is scared of swimming.
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