#perv!anyone is a win tbh
thetypingpup · 1 year
being roommates with perv!haechan is making the brain short circuit
he'd feel so ashamed and embarrassed for thinking about you this way, especially when you seemingly have no idea, but he just can't help it. every time you walk around without a bra under your shirt, his eyes just hone in on your nipples. every time he hears you sigh in frustration or whine in annoyance, he can't help the twitch in his cock as he imagines you making more of those pretty sounds. he can't even watch you grab food half the time, because just watching your hands move makes him imagine what your hands would feel like on his cock. his face turns hot whenever his mind wanders, but he just can't help it. you're so pretty and so hot and he just needs you so bad. he doesn't mean to be a pervert, honestly, he just...needs you really bad.
and it's especially bad because he can't have "normal" horny thoughts about you. it's always something extra depraved. it's not enough for him to stare at your boobs for far too long. his hands almost tingle with the urge to reach under your shirt, and his mouth waters with the urge to just wrap his lips around your nipples and suck until you're whining for him. when you lean on his shoulder during movie night, and you sleepily lay against him, his mind drifts to the thought of guiding you to lay on his lap, and guiding his hardening cock into your mouth, just cockwarming with your pretty lips wrapped around his length. he doesn't just want to eat your pussy, he wants to shove his face between your legs (preferably under a skirt like in his depraved dreams), and just sniff between your legs and let you grind against his nose, rubbing your scent all over his face.
fuck he can't get enough of your scent. when it's his turn to do the laundry, he definitely snags a pair of your panties for himself. when he hugs you, his face drops down towards your neck just so he can breathe in whatever fragrance you used that day, even if that fragrance is the aroma of a fresh workout. he doesn't care, he just wants to smell you, and he can honestly get off just on your scent. fuck, there's nothing he'd love more than to just hold you against him, arms wrapped around your waist, and just smell you while he ruts against your leg. he's imagined the way you'd squirm and moan in his arms far too many times, dreamed about pressing his face against your pussy even through your panties just to smell you, and longs to just have you already to fulfil his every indecent fantasy.
he wants you, so fucking bad, and he doesn't know how much longer he can keep sniffing your panties while he gets off, or jerking off to your sighs and groans of frustration when you rant on the phone, until he loses his mind.
don't blame me blame @jenoslutie for putting this filth in my head
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sun-stricken · 7 months
Some ideas for you! Take your pick!
Gray frequents the infirmary the most. In one of my ideas lately, after thinking about iced shell, maybe ice make makes the body a bit more…prone to cracking? Maybe he bruises easy and gets a lot of head wounds. It’s why he’s always in bandages longer. I like the idea of Porlyusica getting sick of him.
Team Natsu/the guild/slayers taking care of him, even when he doesn’t realise it. (Against pervs, against himself, maybe people are a bit racist (with him being not from Fiore).
Gray gets sad sometimes and dissociates.
Gray has night terrors so he has sleeping pills, but on missions he also has caffeine tablets to keep him awake so he doesn’t have terrors around them. Safe to say, they aren’t happy when they find this.
Lucy asks Gray about where he’s from, traditions etc, and the guild realises he might be homesick so they secretly try to learn things for him. (Over the years they’ve picked up swear words (Gray doesn’t realise he’s doing it and they’ve never told him))
Gray’s actually quite touch starved. His body temperature is cold so most people stay away/ don’t touch him (but don’t realise they’re doing it). The only one who can stand is Natsu because of his magic. Maybe it gets worse after becoming a slayer.
…also do you take spicy requests?
you cant just give me all these amazing concepts and tell me to pick☹️ i will do a little for all of them if it kills me
Also yes! i absolutely do take nsfw requests! feel free to ask me anything! im surprised it took so long to ask me that tbh
there is a lot here so vv
* Hes the single reason why the guild infirmary is always having to restock
* Due to Grays multiple usages of iced shell some of his body did turn to ice, most sections of his bones, it looks like a normal bones but it acts like ice, which means hes more likely to break a bone
* unfortunately, its not like a normal broken bone for obvious reasons. itll splinter and have hairline cracks all over the bones before it breaks.
* It takes less time to heal than a normal break, he just has to get it wrapped and limit his usage of his magic so it can ‘heal’ (as in, ice it over again) the breaks and cracks. It takes less time to heal and also less pressure to break, win lose situation tbh
* Which is also why head wounds are especially dangerous for him, skull fractures are more common for him than anyone would like, which is to say any at all
* His external body temperature is low and causes him to bruise like a peach, getting a friendly slap on the back can cause him to bruise for weeks, especially from Erza
* bro hasnt gone a day without a bruise in like ten years
* Hes been dragged to Porlyusica so many times now that anytime she sees him (on the field, in her office, even completely out of context and hes not visibly injured) its like second nature to check him out first
* if she could go a month, or even just two weeks! without seeing him she might consider changing her views on humanity (probably not but its the thought that counts)
* Also Gray has small sections of what people think is frostbite on his hands and feet. It doesnt hurt or limit him at all but theyre there, showed up some time post devil slayer magic
* ALSO! His blood runs slower and is darker due to his low body temperature, causes him only the vaguest of problems but its a thing (this is common in most powerful ice wizards)
* Gray likes to pretend hes good at taking care of himself, but hes not hes really not
* Luckily he has a lot of nosy and protective friends thatll do it for him (in their own ways)
* Natsu literally temperature exploding some guys glass at a bar when he got wayyyy too friendly and handsy with Gray
* they were kicked out but he was really proud of himself
* Rogue drawing shadows towards Gray if he needs to sleep and its too bright, or Sting creating a warm light beam when its dark out and Gray wants to embrace his inner cat and sleep in a sunbeam
* Wendy checking him over first bc she knows hes one of the people who wouldnt ask for help if he was injured
* hes had multiple people physically remove him from fights/training sessions because he was visibly pushing himself way too hard
* Part of the reason Gray learned Fioren so fast was because he was sick of people looking at him like he was stupid for not speaking ‘right’
* he mentioned this to the little slayer group they got goin on and from then on out they were like, hella hyper vigilant with anything that could make him insecure like that again
* It really scared him the first couple times he did it, it still does. He hates losing time
* It started happening during his time with Ur, he cant remember a lot of it, training, blink, fighting, blink, training, blink, training, you get the idea
* It doesnt happen often, and he tried not to think of it past the point of trying to get it to stop
* Its happens often when hes highly stressed but theres no immediate physical threat, his brain doesnt understand whats going on or why its so stressed but knows he doesnt need to physically protect himself yet so it mentally protects him (if that makes sense), usually when hes alone, or when a threat is gone
* he confided in Erza about this once, and now more times than not when he ‘wakes up’ shes there talking to him
* only part he feels is good about it is that it makes him exhausted and lets him sleep easier
* He doesn’t usually dissociate often, not that he has much of a choice, if he did it wouldnt happen at all, but it was a lot worse when he was younger, his memories of early fairy tail are all blurry and he felt like he was on autopilot even when he was ‘awake’
* he hates it
* After his team found out abt his vast array of pharmaceuticals they were so confused and concerned and probably borderline paranoid, because who needs that many medications for one person??
* Gray had been taking sleeping pills at a high enough dose to let him have a dreamless sleep for so long that most over the counter brands dont actually work on him
* but he kept all the old bottle that didnt work just in case he got desperate to sleep and they suddenly magically worked again
* The caffeine tablets were self explanatory after seeing all the sleeping meds, but he also (unwillingly) admitted he takes them on missions so he wouldnt wake them if he had a nightmare, and also for days when they were especially bad so he could go long enough without sleep hed just crash and sleep with no issues. Canr have a nightmare if you dont sleep
* His team was also extremely unimpressed by these explanations
* Erza and Natsu (and also Happy) strong armed him into going to Porlyusica for actual helpful solutions since he refused to go to his actual doctor
* While Lucy and Wendy disposed of the full fucking pharmacy (seriously, he coulda started a business or smth) he had in his bedroom
* For some odd reason he felt lighter and less moody when he was on actual helpful medication and was getting genuine rest
* how strange
* and if his team checks his house for another pharmacy in the making thats nobodies business but theirs
* Also Erza tried to ban Gray from caffeine while on a quest , or at least limit it, but he looked at her like she was absolutely batshit crazy to the point she got embarrassed and had to retract the ban
* But she will tie him to the bed to make him sleep on quests if she has to
* The first time Lucy asked where Gray was from was before Galuna, he ended up giving her a shady answer and redirecting the question to her (reminder, before galuna, before phantom lord) which she ended up also being a bit cagey about so she let it go
* But Lucy is nosy (endearing) by nature, so she asked if he had any different holiday type traditions sometime after Galuna, and to the surprise of, well, literally everyone, he did and gave examples
* which lead down a rabbit hole of the guild fretting a bit abt how to make him comfortable (even though hed been with them for a decade) bc he mentioned he used to be really homesick the first couple years, and sometimes still is
* Most the guild still had no clue where he was from so they were really just running in circles for awhile
* Levy tried to figure it out from the time he accidentally dropped, what she assumed to be colorful curse words, random foreign language bits
* didnt really work but she tried
* so for months he was bombarded with ‘subtle’ questions about his hometown and its culture, which got shut down most the time
* Thats not to say he didnt give them anything, he gave them enough that they were incorporated into existing traditions and holidays they already celebrated
* it was a very sweet gesture that Gray absolutely did not tear up at, so shut up—
* Gray is the most touch starved fool on the planet. ive always loved the idea of him liking touch a lot
* He grew up in a pretty affectionate family, his parents were always around to ruffle his hair, or hug, or hold his hand, or carry him, they were just very physically affectionate and he enjoyed it
* With it made him nauseous, guilty really, because Ur and Lyon were also physically affectionate but it wasnt them, it wasnt his family
* Also it was plain uncomfortable at times, part of learning ice magic was to almost numb himself to cold, but in the beginning numbed him to everything and it became uncomfortable to be touched because it was tingly and it hurt
* Early Fairy Tail he was completely closed off, couldnt stand being touched, didnt want to get cozy and make friends because he planned to leave anyways.
* Ice mages (Fire mages also) temperatures can fluctuate depending on how they feel, for example, if they’re experiencing negative emotions their temperature and the space around them will get colder
* and Gray used to be so angry and upset all the time, and hed just beginning to learn magic so he didnt know how to fix it yet, which caused a lot of discomfort for people.
* People didnt stay around him long because the discomfort of being too cold, and what was he gonna do about it? ask them to come back?? hell no
* So he gained a reputation and people didnt want to disrespect a volatile childs apparent boundaries so they didnt question it
* He was fine with fighting being the only real prolonged touch hed get, totally
* But Natsus got this thing about him that makes him think he can do the impossible, which includes shaking Grays world view and comfort levels
* At some point in their teens Natsu would not let go of the alleged fact that Grays didnt like being touched for some reason, so he did what he does best and pressed the issue
* it ended with Gray being a puddle in his lap while he had a crisis about everything he thought he knew about himself while Natsu celebrated his victory against him
* Its not completely public knowledge but the guild most definitely knows at least a little about how much Gray is touch starved
* he doesnt openly welcome it with open arms but if its happening and he trusts the person hes not gonna say no
* he probably gets a euphoria high from a head pat or smth
* After getting his devil slayer magic is absolutely got worse, having two powerful ice magics, one of which he was still struggling to get the hang of, in one body made it difficult to control the temperature around him, and after long enough people would start shivering if he wasnt careful
* it sucked, totally and completely sucked
* Natsu still remained unbothered and would increase his own temperature to counterbalance Grays, which helped a lot
* he still gets all up in Grays space no matter how much Gray tell him to fuck off, he knows he needs it
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whysamwhy123 · 7 months
6, 8, 15, 21
6) Top 3 stables
In no particular order because I simply cannot do rankings, and cheating a little by allowing stables that are no longer active -
Best Friends (the fact that we're most likely never getting a proper tag or trios title run for these folks 😭) Team Taz (R.I.P. So much potential...) and the Mogal Embassy (purely because of Swerve and Nana)
Honourable mentions - House of Black (would have made the list because of Julia alone, but tbh, I find it hard to care about the rest of 'em when she's not around) and The Acclaimed (100% would have made the top 3 a couple months ago before some idiot booker had the bright idea to make them willingly team up with the Anti-Semitism Gang)
8) What's a dream match of yours?
I got quite a few! Off the top of my head - Hook vs Swerve - No DQ, Jamie Hayter vs Kris Statlander, and Hikaru Shida vs Mariah May. Also, because I'm a perv, Orange Cassidy vs Ricky Starks vs Daniel Garcia vs Swerve in a 4-Way Tuxedo Match, last one not stripped down to their undies wins!
15) Have you met anyone on the roster?
Nope, I'm all the way over here in England, so it's kinda unlikely.
21) Name someone that has improved so much since their debut
I'm gonna say Julia and Skye - I think they were always impressive, like you could see their potential back in the AEW Dark days. But they've grown leaps and bounds since then and it's awesome seeing them kill it in the ring every time now. Julia 100% deserves to be TBS champ, and Skye has been wrestling non-stop great matches for a while now - mad props to both of them!
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savnofilter · 4 years
Kinktober Day 9
Natsuo ➷ Midoriya ➷ Kirishima ➷ Fatgum ➷ Shinso  ➷ Tamaki ➷ Todoroki ➷ Bakugo ➷ Shindo ➷ Giran ➷  Dabi ➷ Shigaraki ➷ All For One 
☠️ warning(s): ⚠️ everything between both parties is consensual. ⚠️ 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒, con/dubcon.
☠️ genre: smut, holiday special.
☠️ words: 260+ [about one minute each].
☠️ read more: kinktober(uary)
☠️ summary: instead of the original fic idea, i swapped it out with somnophilia hcs,,, enjoy.
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Natsuo (x)
wellllll since i dont know much about him i dont feel like he’s really into it. Up to your choices tbh.
feel like once on a blue moon he’ll wake up and decide he wants his dick in you like a thermometer or just finger you until you wake up.
isnt really something you guys discussed, he kinda just admired how beautiful you are.
if hes ever feeling freaky-deaky mayhaps he’ll eat you out,,,
he fucking loves it when you reciprocate his touches, it urges him to continue and tease you more. 
honestly just being able to pleasure you himself is what gets him rock hard, he doesnt even want anything in return he just wants to hear your sighs and moans.
natsuo's first just cause ion feel like it's something he does every day, more like once in a while just to tease you~
to dooont talk about receiving --, hes a sucker for waking up with his pp in your mouth. 🤭
he likes to flex it when it's in, pushing you just a little lower just to hear you gag a bit. 
"Sorry babe, couldn't help myself~"
…. well thats aight with me-
isnt big on full-on making you choke on him but if you wake him with the glawk glawk 3000 he’ll have a brighter day. 
hes a Todoroki so just know he has the gene being a sadistic teaser. 
if you wake him up with cock warming he will literally marry you while he destroys your guts.
he likes somnophilia 11/10. 
Midoriya (x, x)
Midoriya is mostly timid, already having the consent talk between you two but hes still nervous.
oftentimes he just grinds up against you and keeps you close, but sometimes his hands do wander in other places.
when he first starts to experiment, he likes to soft kiss your neck and rubs his hips against you softly.
he might squeeze your breasts here and there to tease you, hands snaking under your shirt to feel your warm skin against his calloused and strong hands.
like headcanon before, Midoriya doesnt like to do penetration until he knows he has your full-on consent.
hes sweet but dont expect him to go full on soft with you lol. 
forbiddddddd Midoriya chooses oral because this boi will go for how long it takes his tongue to get tired. 
and thats not very easy. 
he loves to admire your body so most often he does it out of the,,, love he has. 🥴
and hes a closet perv too. 
if you give it to him -- instant NUT. no cap. 
he'll be like "H-Honey" and then tense up and just nut.
but ofc being the good s/o you are, you still continue because youre a good s/o like that. 
bonus points if you treat him like hes a dirty perv for liking it, also gets on his subside if you really wanna degrade him too. 
some times when hes awake enough he can have the dom energy but most times her cant help but be a pillow prince for you~~
and he doesnt mind either. he enjoys it. there's something down inside him that just helps him sleep at night that you use him for your pleasure and his. 
there's just a whole lot to unwrap here. ;)
Kirishima (x)
to place Kirishima in third being hes the type to stay up like an hour after youve fallen asleep and stick his cock in you so he can feel you grind up against every few times throughout the night. 
gives you a few encouraging thrusts before he does fall asleep just to give your body a bit of a head start. 
wraps his arms around your waist to ensure you cant escape him. 😳
of course since he is like this, somnophilia has been discussed between you two so he's not on full on creep mode. 
sometimes he'll wake you up by just pounding into you at full send. 
likes to tease sensitive parts of your body just to get you to wake up,,, bites marks littered on your skin as well. 
hes careless and the only thing he is really focused on is? hes not sure. he just know he fucking loves doing it with you too. 
best part is when he records and then faps to the footage later-
but what can he do, he likes to cherish every moment you two share ~
oh please wake him up like that. 
he has no qualms if its him in your mouth or you taking him inside you he just wants it. 
when you wake up him like that he honestly feels like maybe there is someone up there. 
is such a moaner. 
he likes it when youre a little rough too, cant help but be a masochist when he wakes up smh. 
if you ride him please let him choke on your fingers -- better yet have your ass face his direction so he can do whatever he wants with your lower parts as well. 
even when you are giving he still wants to reciprocate as well, he loves to have your pleasured whenever you two get busy.
most times when you engage in somnophilia it has to be days when he has off. why? he might just go all day. 
pleasure him, but do it wisely. 🤧
Fat gum (x)
taishiro is the type of guy to like put his dick in your mouth lol. 
not even like get you slicked up or anything, just cock in mouth. 
probably gets you semi undressed before he gropes you like a creep, getting his cock hard before opening your sleeping mouth and slipping his dick into your mouth.
makes you choke on his cock to wake you up, enjoying it when you dont have time to hide your gag reflex and watch as you try and get use to his tip pressing at the back of your throat. 
half of the time, taishiro doesnt even wake you up. he plays with you just to get you wet and stinky.
sometimes he diddles himself and cums on you just to have you confused when you wake up. 
honestly beats Midoriya at being a closet pervert, but does he really try to hide it?
he doesnt really care to receive it. 
sure it's a very nice surprise to wake up to but he prefers it when hes the one playing with you. 
likes it better if youre taking him with one of your lower holes just because he already has enough experience with your mouth wrapped around his cock. 
if riding him manages to wake him up, teasing him wont go on for any longer. he has no choice but to take over and just ran your brains out. 
when hes done flipping the script and you both are satisfied you more out of shape than him, he'll be like,
"Welp, crepe for breakfast?"
Shinso (x)
oral central
i cant think of shinso having his ding-ding be the first thing to tease you when you wake up with fingers and oral. no and's, no but's. 
he doesnt like to rush you up on waking up, more with the smooth process and it isnt really doing it for a reaction.
he just wants to toy with you.
honestly, like fat gum he does it so youre usually in a confused state when you wake up. horny but not knowing why and knowing full-well you didnt have a wet dream either. 
its not until a few more times of him doing it is when you realize it's his doing and that in itself has you in a blushing mess. 
not expecting that from him at all but not complaining. 😳
sometimes you dress just a little provocatively just to inspire him~
if you dont wake him up with his cock in your mouth hes gonna have a bad day. >:(
jk, he respecs wamen. 
deadass do it once and he might just marry you. 
if youre doing a little under par from what you usually do, he'll just have to nudge yah a lil, push you on, use his quirk. 
"Fuck -- just like that kitten~"
he doesnt really care if you wake him up like that, much appreciated but he doesnt really care. 
i mean if you do, just get ready for an early morning of face fucking… just saying. 
Tamaki (x)
yall aint ready for this one. 
some people may say, 'aw tamaki would wake up s/o and just cuddle her to death uwu<3", while yes he will, dont underestimate him.
to think of him in somnophilia is where we break the closet pervert ends. 
hes more of like, i really like my dick and i really like you so i’ll just go on and fuck you awake.
theres on lead up or anything, he’ll full on give you brain or just fuck you as if you are awake, apologising profusely once you do wake up.
“I-I’m s-sorry to wake you like this… I couldn’t help myself…”
he’ll never fully use quirk on you while you sleep though. thats a big nope from him.
when he sexs you up he wants it to be fully him… and only him.
(i mean its his quirk from him -- but you get the point!)
CEO of going till ya numb.
his favorite his sticking his dick into you and rutting into you like a dog in a rut. 
definitely is a groper. cannot and will not convince me otherwise.
he just really loves it when you moan out for him and make cute noises~ its all he needs to start off for a good day.
well, it definitely is a pleasant surprise.
doesnt affect him like he does when he wakes you up but he appreciates your efforts.
most times when hes conscience enough he’ll just take over as if you werent trying to surprise him before.
honestly if youre looking for an early pounding thats the best time and way to get him into action.
since he sees it as teasing he cant help but have to pay you back.
he’ll be straight up clapping dem cheeks and he’ll just be like “you feel so fucking good” with the nicest sounding moan anyone can mumble into your ear.
yeah…. I encourage doing it to him. 
gets him nice and possessive giving you both a good time while he can live out his lil dom fantasies for the day.
//win win.
Todoroki (x, x)
hes like a blushing mess.
if you couldnt see him as a sub before, well get ready for this.
catch him off guard and guarantee youll get a completely different Shouto.
he turns into a full on pillow prince, with no shame. As long as you focus on getting him off he’ll let you do what he wants.
if you especially focus on his soft spots that dont have to do with his nipples or the third leg between his legs that when youll get him puddy under your hands.
well shit, say your name like that and he might make you revert submissive behaviour too.
you treat him like a perfect lil’ prince whenever he does, wanting to pamper him anyways.
on a rare chance could you spark him into flipping the tables but thats more on a random occurrence more than anything.
note to self: sub Sho? surprise him.. ✍️
Bakugo (x, x)
this one is kindaaaa tricky.
now, Katsuki wont do it often. but when he does it, he does it with uhh,,,, passion. if you would like to call it that.
he mimics all the spots you loved to be touched when youre awake just to see how long it takes for your body to wake up and realize that hes playing with you.
calculated in his actions, obviously. hes not some idiot who rushes, everything he does is precise whether or not you know it.
because of this, being able to please you is easy so his clear motive? not very sure….
maybe it's to see you squirm and wake up? mayhaps to see what pure pleasure looks like written over your face. who knows, all you knew is that he always had a smug look on his face when he was able to make you cum by the end of it. 
thats if…. he let you that is.
sort of like Todoroki, you may just get him to be the whole bottom in the term, "power bottom". 
tries to hold in moans and groans but usually fails which makes him sooooo frustrated. 
if he gets too flustered he'll make you stop and give whatever you have him by tenfold. 
brace yourself for a long and bumpy ride, you may have to do it on days he isnt going to work that day because he'll sure rock you out of this world. 
best if done on holidays as well, itll leave you walking a lil awkward for a few days. 
and of course, that isnt okay for being on the job is it?
Shindo (x)
hes this high on the list for a reason.
ongggggggg he’ll tease the ever living shit out of you until he gets bored or decides youve earned it.
damn snarky wont even prep your body or anything, just straight out the cut uses his quirk just to get your senses all riled up. 
does everything on the scale of full on senses to just barely touching you. 
his teasing always wakes you up into a confused state that is wanting to more, shamelessly begging for him to continue.
he carries great pride in taking responsibility in getting you like this. but dont be mistakened! he will not go easier on you just because you woke up. 
you had only just felt the pre-course to the real action~
buckle up, kitten. 
nope. if youre going to take advantage of him, he wants to fully aware. 
… for sadistic reasons more than consensual. 
Giran (x)
this old fucking man. 
likes to sneak in and just feel you up good. 
of course he doesnt want through his back out so yknow- im just kidding. 
giran will go to town if he has to. 
but most times, the old fart just loves to, "make love" to his darling. 
calls you sweet petnames in your ear as you sleep, just so you can dream about you too. 
he knows how to tease and play with you. he can finish the job without even so much as stirring you awake. 
hes studied you long enough and has played with you enough to make you finish as well. 
it's magic honestly, and his best part is leaving you with the mess between your legs and nothing but confusion written all over your face. 
how could he know that's your reaction although he leaves before you can wake up? 
simple. hes always has his ways~
the few rare times he let's you into his humble abode is when you decide to treat him. 
really adament of sucking him off to wake him up just to see his early morning smile. 
him rewarding you with giving you the same treatment or dirty praise is all you need before you leave and act as if you werent sleeping around with a villain recruiter and his #1 sugar baby for that matter. 
when you surprise him in his study is the real kicker. 
youve been under his desk many times to be familiar with the spot and assume the position. 
you usually bring up breakfast or dinner (whichever time you arrive) and wake him up in the good way that motivates him to continue on with his stressful job.
surely, he can never thank you enough. if it wasnt for your efforts, he wouldnt know how to deal with himself~
Dabi (x, x)
✨ rise n shine, dabi's fat cock is here to wake you up. ✨
this asshole -- this asshole. 
has no shame at all. he knows full well what hes doing. 
likes to feel you up and just feel at you sometimes. hes so touch starved that he cant even help it. 
he ranges from teasing you till you wake up to full-on fucking your brains out. 
of course he enjoys it when youre confused but wanting more, your body more than ready to receive his hands. 
at some point, you just like to tease him for it too. usually he catches onto your game and plays accordingly. 
he cant help but feel blessed that someone he loves so very much could enjoy the same interests he does as well. 
just let him know you like it when he feels you up and he'll give it to you anytime you ask~
would not recommend unless you want early-morning-face fucking.
like you wouldnt catch someone wake up from something like that faster than Dabi. 
you may wonder why, it's just his touch starved nature. im telling you, it responds to anything. 
no matter what position, how you do it you will get a positive reaction from him. 
tell me you cant imagine him moaning, "that's it, doll~ swallow my cock like the slut you are~"
this man is just a walking breathing example of what the word simp feels like. 
youre supposed to turn away because hes not the type of guy to fall in love with but most times like this is when you cant help it..
Shigaraki (x, x)
master diddler, yes he is. 
hes the type to not even stick his cock in, just like hump at you like a needy animal and just mark up your neck as if he hasnt had sex in years. 
is the type to use other parts of your body to get off just to avoid pleasuring you as he gets off.
youll wake up to his cum in various spots. between your legs, on your chest and even your armpits. if it has a place where his cock can fit its going there.
he doesnt give a shit if you fuss about it later, “why didn’t you cum inside” headass.
youll have to earn him using you like cocksleeve the proper way.
youre either a heavy sleeper or light because you can wake up as soon as he starts or wake up after hes done.
Either way, as long as he can see the pureness on your expression is all he needs to help his perverse needs.
Shigaraki isnt the person to use you during your sleep without having at least talked it with you.
yeah hes a creep but hes not that weird.
likes to whisper degrading stuff into your ear when you sleep just so you can dream about what hes doing to you, his hands not stopping a moment as he gets off to feeling you up.
just dont expect anything less then degenerate from him 
you have to be a special type of breed to even think about touching him without him being in control.
the thought of you possibly being able to one-up him is a no-no.
he wont allow it.
if he even senses you thinking about it he’ll stir awake and glare at you as if there is no tomorrow.
but say you do manage to catch him off guard, this may be the only times you can really edge a moan out of him of.
so use your time wisely.
All for one (x)
ive said it once, i'll say it again. 
you just have no rights bro. im sorry. 
he wakes him sometimes and just goes, "this bitch deserves a rude awakening today". 
like okay mr fuckface. 
is the one that is always on x games mode, no softness for him at all.  
probably has you wear those kitten/mitten collar things like*cough cough* kakegurui *cough cough* even when youre carrying out errands for him. 
the point is honestly to keep you in place, and you cant help but like it anyways. 
some may dislike being viewed as a pet or anything less but you love it hence why you stay. 
plus, if you could runaway, would you be able to?
nevermind that, you didnt want someone else to replace you so youll stay his obedient bitch for now.. 😌
you wouldnt. you just wouldnt.
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laufire · 3 years
joe is genuinely so disgusting and pathetic like he makes me sick. i mean i’m obviously not surprised he’s popular with fandom because like he’s a straight white male misogynistic stalker who kills people, but like yeah. i do like the show sometimes because i think joe is an interesting deconstruction of a lot of popular tropes, but at the same time i just want joe to fucking die you know? i think the one thing that’s interesting about you is that joe doesn’t have a “the one”, you know. (1/?)
like i think one of the most appealing things to fandom about spike/damon/chuck/ect is that they have ONE woman that they never waver from, even as they treat that woman in objectively horrific, despicable, and abusive ways. whereas joe moves from candace, to beck, to love, to natalie, to marienne and never truly commits himself to anyone. obviously this isn’t a moral statement, joe would be just as vile and monstrous even if he was only obsessed with one woman, but in terms of fandom (2/?)
reaction i’m kinda surprised that doesn’t put more people of of him because it kinda breaks the fantasy of there being ONE special exceptional girl. i honestly feel like the joe trajectory is much more realistic than the spike/damon trajectory, like of course someone like joe would get bored of his obsession and move on to terrorize another woman. so i think that’s interesting. but at the same time, three seasons in, i find the show pretty tiring. like i am fucking sick of watching joe get 3/?
away with everything and never facing any consequences for his atrocities. like i literally just want him to die a horrible death, i want him to fucking suffer, like i don’t know how many more seasons of him winning i can take. 4/4
That is an EXCELLENT point. I only watched the pilot, but if this is how his "romances" progress... yeah, that would make some people normally attuned to the Damons of the world a bit less likely to be into Joe.
Like, it's just not the same rush, you know? Part of the appeal of these kind of characters, for those stans, is the ship. And of the ship's appeal is how the male lead treats the One Special Woman vs. Those Other Worthless Tarts. Because even when he STILL treats the One Special Woman terribly (as they usually do, because it's who they are), most of these men at least start out treating them in a way that's different enough for these fans. And this means that when they are terrible to other women, they actively enjoy it, because it makes their chosen one feel More Special, As Per His Accurate Opinion -since obviously the inherent worth of a woman is decided by HIS standards rme. This is why I don't think some DE shippers simply "ignored" or tried to brush off Damon raping Caroline or Andie. I think it was an enticement for their ship tbh.
With Joe, I'm guessing this could make him less attractive to the people who like the romance part of these characters more than the guy himself. OTOH, others might be so taken by his POV that it influences how they think about the women. Meaning, once Joe decides Candance/Beck/Love/whoever isn't worth it anymore, they will agree with him and blame them for not living up to Joe's expectations.
I can appreciate that the show, even just in the pilot, does seem very self-aware about Joe. Like I said, he really comes across as just some perv, especially in those scenes where he watches Beck through the window ¬¬. But yeah, I can see how THREE season of this douche getting away with being a misogynistic murderous bitchass would get exhausting to watch.
I think it'd make me homicidally furious ngl xDD. There are a couple of characters I've seen around tumblr that make me a bit curious to continue, but I don't know if I can take Joe. I think I'm gonna wait until the show is done and we know if he ever gets his commeupance -which, if he does, I bet it'll feel extremely cathartic after several seasons where he avoids all consequences asdñlfkajsf.
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Win you back
Pairing: Carter Baizen x Bass!reader
Warnings: a little angsty, kinda sad at some parts, bad writing tbh 🤪🥴🙃
AN: I have been working on this for WAYYYYYYYYYY too long for it to suck this much
“Babe I’m here.” You call, walking into the kitchen of your boyfriend’s family’s home.
You walk around the penthouse, looking for him. Finally his mother appears, eyes glued to her phone.
“He’s in his room.” She mutters, walking away before you can even say thank you.
You shrug to yourself, knowing better than to bother her at all. Turning the corner, you make your way over to his room.
It seemed as though you were always there. His parents were used to you just walking in, as was the maid.
“Hey Baby, your mom told me you were in here and-.” You start as you enter the doorway, stopping when you see the mess of his bedroom. His clothes are tossed all over the place, empty hangers fill the closet and the thing that really makes you stop is the duffel bag laying across the bed.
“Oh! Hey y/n...” He says as he walks out of the en-suite, looking surprised to see you.
“Hi... what’s- what’s all this?” You ask, a feeling of unease settling into the pit of your stomach.
“I,” he begins, tossing some of the clothes and other junk into the bag as he speaks. “Am leaving. I’m sick of this place. And of all this stupid glamour.” He finishes, a smile on his face as he finally looks up at you for the first time since you’d gotten there.
“Oh? And where are you off to then?” You ask with a playful smile of your own, hands on your hips.
“Anywhere I want to.” He responds.
You grin, sitting down on the bed. “Sounds like fun. What if I, say, came with you?” You ask, looking over at him hopefully.
“No!” He exclaims, making you jump a little. “Sorry, I just mean no.” He sighs.
“And why not?” You ask with a frown, feeling a little bit hurt.
“Like I said, I want to get away from all of the stupid glamour.” He mutters, looking back at his things.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You demand with a scoff.
He groans, finally looking over at you again.
“I mean, you’re a part of this place.” He blurts, looking away again as your bottom lip starts to tremble.
“W-what?” You ask sadly.
“You’ve faded into all the glamour y/n. You’re exactly like all the spoiled, gossiping rich girls at Constance.” He cries, shaking his head a little.
“Excuse you?” You demand, glaring over at him.
“I need to get away. From you, from this city, from the money hungry people. It’s nothing personal.” He shrugs nonchalantly, as though he hadn’t just single handedly shattered your heart.
You march up to him, slapping him hard across the face.
“I can’t believe I’ve wasted so much time on someone who would talk about me or my friends like that. Go to hell Carter.” You hiss, tears stinging your eyes as you storm out the door, letting it slam harshly behind you.
You quickly walk back to the elevator and press down, not looking back at all.
Stepping off the platform you sigh, looking around you at the familiarities of the old train station. Memories come flooding back, making you remember the pain and suffering you endured while you were last in New York.
Much like Serena, you’d ran away from your problems. You figured bits of your shattered heart could probably still be found around the city, fragments of your past turned to dust by now.
“Hey! You’re finally here!” Serena exclaims excitedly, pulling you in for a tight hug.
You laugh softly, embracing her and her sickeningly sweet perfume before grabbing your suitcase from behind you.
“Hey. It’s great to be back.” You say, looking around almost hopefully.
“He isn’t here.” She says simply.
You sigh, beginning to walk with her quietly.
“I figured he wouldn’t be.” You say softly, a sad smile appearing on your face.
“He’s not even in New York anymore. It’s like he disappeared or something. So I’m sure you won’t see any of him. Definitely not at the ball.” She assures you, squeezing your arm in support.
“Yeah. Probably not.” You hum absentmindedly. You shake your head a bit, blinking yourself out of the past. “Whatever. Where’s my idiot of a big brother anyway?” You ask, forcing a smile to spread across your lips.
“Surprisingly, he’s not at the empire. He’s actually at cotillion rehearsal.” She says with a roll of her eyes, making you giggle a little.
“Oh? I’m shocked.” You laugh as the two of you climb into the back of the car parked outside just for you.
The drive is silent, you looking out the window in thought of the past and Serena on her phone, leaving you be. She knew better than anyone, even your brother, how much you needed space when it came to thinking of him.
“So, who’s your escort to the ball tonight?” You ask, trying to fill the silence.
“Oh, I’m not going. I just didn’t take much interest in it anymore.” She says with a shrug.
“Ah. I’m sure Cece is pleased.” You say teasingly, smiling a bit.
“I haven’t told her yet but I’m sure she’ll understand.” She says and you raise an eyebrow but she merely shrugs.
After dropping your luggage off back at the hotel, the two of you go off to the dance studio where you find the majority of your old schoolmates in the middle of dance practice, twirling and switching partners with ease.
You watch as your brother dances around with the girls who, to no ones surprise, were practically drooling over him along with his best friend.
“Oh great, y/n is back.” Blair says sarcastically as she comes over and pulls you into a hug, making you laugh a bit.
Though Blair could be hostile, she and Serena had become your honourary family over the years which happened to mean you were used to it.
“Hi B. Good to see you too.” You say with a smile, leaning back against the wall.
“Why aren’t you getting your ass out there? I thought you were taking part in cotillion this year.” She asks.
You let out a sigh and push a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Yeah I was. Then... I just don’t feel it anymore I guess.” You say with a shrug and a half smile. She nods a bit, understanding what you mean. She quickly rushes back into the crowd and continues with the dancing, smiling apologetically your way as she glides past.
“So why are you here if you’re not going?” You ask Serena, not taking your eyes off of the couples.
“I’m meeting with grandma and Dan so they can meet.” She explains and you nod, following her through the bodies of dancing teenagers as she goes running over to the boy you’d heard so much about.
“Oh, Dan this is y/n, Chucks little sister. Y/n, this is Dan, my boyfriend and his little sister Jenny.” She introduces with a smile.
Dan waves awkwardly and you nod in greeting, too busy watching the dancers to speak.
As much as you didn’t want to take part in the cotillion, you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the traditions of the whole thing. The dancing was the best part, something magical about moving in sync with everyone else in the room.
Lily enters the room, talking on the phone with one of the many organizers of the event. She lectures them for a moment about how Cece wouldn’t be happy if she didn’t have it exactly her way.
You for one, knew for a fact that that was true.
“Y/n, darling you’re back.” She exclaims as she slips her phone in her bag, hugging you quickly.
“Yeah I figured it was about time and you know there’s no time like the present.” You tell her with a smile and she smiles back warmly.
The two of you chat for a moment but soon Cece arrives and Lily is back to being busy with her planning and with her family.
You stand by your lonesome, swaying to the music as you watch your old friends together, ignoring the nagging feeling of nostalgia tugging at your heart.
When the music stops, your brother comes waltzing over to you with a sly grin.
“Ah so my baby sister finally decides to return to society.” He comments and you roll your eyes, smiling a bit.
“Oh shush. I was away at school, not dead.” You giggle, hugging him tightly. He reluctantly hugs back, knowing you wouldn’t let go unless he did.
To many people, your brother was cold and closed off and a perve. To you, he was a big old softie with a wall around his heart, keeping him closed off to anyone he felt necessary. Still a perve, you knew that much. Just not around you.
“Let’s go runt, you’ll see everyone later.” He says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah yeah. See ya Serena.” You call over your shoulder and she smiles and waves as you walk away.
That night as you sit at the hotel painting another coat of nail polish over your toes, your phone starts ringing. You pick it up, holding it close to your ear and carefully putting down the brush.
“Hello, y/n speaking.” You say, listening for a response.
“Hello darling. It’s Cece.” The woman you remembered so well says sweetly from the other end.
“Oh hi Cece. I’m sorry we didn’t have the chance to catch up earlier.” You say, sitting up a little straighter even though you know she’s not actually in the room with you.
“It’s fine dear, don’t even mention it. I just called to ask if you would consider helping me plan the rest of the cotillion. You always have had an eye for detail, I’d love to have you there as a second opinion.” She asks hopefully.
You look out the large window at the darkened New York sky, pondering your options.
“I’d love to.” You reply, already regretting your decision.
“Oh lovely. The tea that Blair is throwing is tomorrow so you can come with Serena and we’ll discuss it then.” She says.
“Alright, I will be there. Goodnight Cece.” You say back sweetly, not bothering to mouth your confusion to Serena coming to tea. She says a quick goodnight and hangs up the phone.
You sigh, wondering why you decided this was a good idea.
A few hours later, your brother once again comes barging into your room without so much as a knock.
“Chuck, you do realize there’s a door there for a reason right?” You ask him, moving over to make room for him to sit down.
“I’m aware.” He replies.
“Then why didn’t you use it? For all you know I could’ve been changing.” You remind him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Oh please. I have girls around here often enough that you know not to leave the door open when you’re changing in case I have company.” He says with a doubtful eyebrow raised.
“I’ve also been gone for about a year. What if I had forgotten?” You point out.
He rolls his eyes. “I know you. You have a good memory, you don’t forget anything.” He says simply and you shrug, knowing he’s right.
“Alright then. What exactly did you need?” You ask, leaning back into the pile of pillows behind you.
“”I heard you’re helping with cotillion. You sure you can handle that?” He questions, examining your face for any sign of upset.
“I’ll manage thanks. How’d you even know about that so fast?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“A little Waldorf told me.” He says with a smirk.
You make a disgusted expression and smack his arm with a pillow, recoiling a bit.
“That is one of my best friends you’re talking about. And she’s technically your best friends girlfriend. You’re lucky I don’t like drama otherwise I’d have told Nate by now.” You scold seriously.
Chuck scoffs. “You’d betray your own brother like that sis?” He asks, feigning hurt.
You nod. “He’s also one of my best friends. I definitely would.” You say as you pull a blanket over your body.
He laughs a bit, rolling his eyes. “Always the loyal one sis.” He remarks sarcastically before making his way out of your room.
You curl up more, trying to get yourself used to to living in your fathers hotel instead of a quaint dorm room again.
After a few hours of fitful tossing, turning and overthinking, you finally drift off.
“Ah y/n, there you are!” Cece exclaims as you come out of the elevator to Blair’s penthouse.
You’d decided against coming with Serena when she’d told you she was coming with Dan, not feeling like being a miserable third wheel.
“Hi Cece.” You greet with a welcoming smile, pulling your bag over your shoulder a little more.
She gives you a moment, rushing around as you pull off your coat and put it down with your purse and then she comes rushing back, clearly enthralled with the planning.
“Alright dear, I’ve had one of the other volunteers set up a table over here for you to work at. You can also participate in the tea of course, it’s just until everyone else arrives.” She instructs and you nod, taking a seat at the table she pointed out.
You sit there for a good hour, working out the last minute details Cece had no clue what to do with.
By the time you’re finally through everything, the majority of the debutants are sitting in Blair’s living room, listening to Ceces stories in complete fascination.
You recognize the story shes telling and decide it would be a good time to get food, walking over to where you see Dorota standing, ready to help anyone who needed it.
“Hi Dorota!” You say happily, having missed her more than most others. She was always happy to see you over with Blair and Serena when you were young.
“Oh miss y/n! It’s been so long.” She says cheerfully, pouring you a cup of tea.
You gladly take it, chattering a bit with Dorota until she has to get back to work.
You stand in a corner by yourself, not wanting to bother anyone as you try to listen to more stories but your train of thought continues to go back to the time where you were happier than ever on the Upper East Side.
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear the one name you thought you’d never have to hear again.
“Serena darling, this is Carter Baizen. Your escort for tomorrow night.” Cece introduces and you feel your heart practically stop and you swear you hear it’s slow cracking.
How you hadn’t noticed him with her at all before Serena arrived, you had no clue. You didn’t really care either. You just wanted to be able to disappear into the floors and never come back here.
Memories flood through your brain, making you wince a bit as you feel the starts of an incoming headache.
“Y/n are you ok?” Isabelle asks, clearly concerned.
You wave a hand as best you can, feeling like your feet are glued in place.
“Yeah totally fine. Just busy you know?” You offer, forcing yet another smile.
She nods slowly, clearly not completely buying your response but obviously not caring enough to pester you for more of an answer.
Knowing better than her minions ever did, Blair hurries over to you as subtle as possible.
“Oh my god, I cannot believe he’s here.” She murmurs, sneering at his back. “The nerve of that boy. Are you ok?” She asks, turning back to you with a much softer expression.
“Fine. Nothing I can’t handle.” You mutter, staring down at the floor and away from your former love.
“Are you sure? Because I can have him thrown out of here if you want. It’d be more mercy than he deserves but.” She asks, trailing off a bit.
You smile weakly, squeezing Blair’s hand a bit.
“As oddly sweet as that is B, I’m fine. I swear.” You respond. She sighs, clearly bored by the idea of not being allowed to mess with him.
You usher her away, knowing how badly she wants to go mingle and walk over to the food, grabbing something you can shove into your mouth.
“Very classy y/n.” A voice says from behind you and you turn around, looking at him wide eyed with your mouth full. You quickly swallow the food in your mouth, trying not to choke in the process.
“Baizen. I’d say it’s good to see you but I’d be lying.” You mutter, crossing your arms over your chest to keep from figetting too much.
“Ah, the classic Bass hospitality I see.” He notes sarcastically, his overly confident smirk in place.
“I save it just for you.” You retort with an icy smile.
“Ah yes, that’s exactly what I thought.” He replies, popping an appetizer into his mouth.
“Oh because you know me so damn well.” You mutter bitterly, voice dripping with sarcasm.
He rolls his eyes. “Yes actually, I like to think I do.” He says, lowering his voice so only you can hear him.
“Well, you thought wrong but are we really that surprised about that?” You growl, narrowing your eyes in his direction.
“What are you doing here Carter, no one here likes you.” You ask bluntly.
“It seems Cece does. And besides, I was asked.” He replies nonchalantly, taking a teacup filled with something that is definitely not tea.
“Oh please, Cece only asked you because you were once the model son. She just hasn’t seen your true colours yet.” You hiss with a smile still grazing your lips.
He scoffs, watching in amusement as you walk away gracefully, walking over to find Cece.
By the time you find her, Carter has already been talking with her for a while. You scowl at him before plastering on a smile and aiming it in Ceces direction.
“Oh y/n dear, perfect timing! Carter was just about to tell us all about his endeavours!” She says excitedly as she guides you and the other girls over to a seat around the Waldorf coffee table.
Though you try to excuse yourself several times, you’re forced to sit and listen to Carter boast about his travels, making small and nearly unnoticeable digs at Serena every now and then, trying to gauge a reaction from her.
You feel a twinge of hurt, wondering where they could have possibly been travelling together and why it was such a big deal to him.
“I can still kick him out.” Blair singsongs in your ear as she passes by again. You laugh, rolling your eyes a little.
“B, it’s fine.” You assure her for the hundredth time, hoping it’s believable.
She walks off with a shrug and you stand, not sure how much more of his voice you can take.
Excusing yourself, you walk back over to the table and drown your sorrows in tea and the last minute cotillion details.
“Ok so the girls line up on the stairs and wait to be announced-“ Cece begins, pointing out the places as she explains.
“Cece, I’ve seen so many of these since I was a little kid. I know how they go.” You promise, squeezing her hand in reassurance.
“Alright dear, I have to go get ready so I’ll leave you to it, feel free to change in the bathroom over there if you don’t have to time to go home.” She instructs, waving as she walks over to the door.
You finish setting up after a few hours, quickly rushing into the bathroom and changing into the sleek y/f/c dress you’d brought with you, knowing full well you didn’t have time to get back to the hotel and change.
You fix up your hair and apply a layer of lip gloss before walking out, shoving your makeup bag, clothes and anything else you’d brought into your bag and discreetly placing it in the coat room along with everyone else’s things.
Walking out into the ballroom, you find all the girls and their escorts on the stairs. Quickly, you fix them into the order of their names being called and Jenny rushes around you to help Serena with her statement.
“Hey beautiful. What’s wrong?” You hear Carter say as Serena frowns down at the paper in her hands. You feel another twinge of hurt at the name.
“Serena, either fix your statement or live with it but I have to get it back to the announcer so please hurry.” You mutter, rushing past to fix all the others order and such.
You quickly go down the lineup, fixing the ties of the escorts too lazy to do it themselves, cursing yourself for getting involved in the event in the first place.
As you work you way through them, you fill with dread as you reach Carter.
“Need any help?” You hiss icily, glaring at his blue eyes.
“Please?” He asks cockily, grinning a little as you stand on your tiptoes to fix his tie.
“You know y/n, I’d much rather be escorting you, no matter how beautiful Serena may be.” He murmurs, gazing into your own eyes.
You bite your lip to keep from shouting at him, quickly untieing the knot he’d made and delicately redoing it to a satisfactory level.
“Should’ve thought of that before I was dead to you.” You whisper before moving on down the rest of the line.
You can’t help but feel his eyes watch your every move as you lean close to several of the helpless boys to fix their messy tie jobs.
Finally you finish and walk over to stand with Jenny, watching the cotillion.
It goes perfectly until they arrive at Serena’s statement. You cover your face with your hands in horror the more the announcer reads, cringing at the thought of Ceces reaction.
You knew the minute it was read that it was Carters doing and you felt yourself fill with rage once again.
You stand to the side with your arms folded in frustration while you watch the debutantes dance around the ballroom contently.
Once the dancing had begun, everything was back to its initial perfection and you felt yourself not only mentally but also physically relax, letting your shoulders release the tension you’d hardly noticed until then.
Suddenly, a boy you’d never seen before comes up to you, offering a hand and asking you to dance with him.
Not wanting to be rude, you nod, taking his hand in yours and walking over to the dance floor.
He places a hand on your waist, a little too close to your ass for your comfort but you ignore it, not fully caring as you get into the proper position for yourself.
But before you can even start moving, you notice Carter coming towards you from the corner of your eye, looking like an angry and jealous version of himself.
Before you have the chance to stop him or even register what’s happening, Nate stops him dead in his tracks and punches him in the face. The two start fighting to the ground before you pull yourself together, walking over and helping one of the other poor organizers pull them apart from each other.
“What the hell was that?” You growl at Nate.
“He was making a move on Blair.” He mutters back, fighting against your already weak grip.
You heave a sigh, smacking his arm.
“You’re an idiot! He has no interest in Blair. That I am sure of.” You exclaim, trying to drag him away from the party to prevent even more of a scene than he already made.
Ignoring everything else going on around you, you get one of the other escorts to help you drag him up to the entrance.
You run a hand through your hair and leave him there without another word, on your way back up the stairs when you see Serena taking care of Carter in the hallway. You stop where you are, hiding behind a wall.
Listening in, you feel a bunch of twinges of hurt when you hear him tell her that it hurt when she left him alone.
Wiping away a tear and taking a deep breath, you walk over, hands on your hips.
“Serena, you can get back to the party if you’d like. I can handle this.” You suggest, barely looking over at Carter.
“Oh... uh, ok. Sure. Sorry again.” She says to Carter before walking quickly away, her heels clicking on the floor.
“So...” Carter says, holding the ice to his eye.
“I knew someday you’d get socked in the face, I just figured me or my brother would be the one to do it.” You joke, sitting down next to him and grabbing the ice, gently dabbing it on his eye yourself.
“And I would’ve deserved it.” He admits, a ghost of a smile on his face.
You laugh a little, looking down at your lap. “Yes you would have.” You agree, feeling very reminiscent of the moments you’d spent together.
“I missed that laugh.” He says with a slightly bigger smile.
You roll your eyes. “Always the charmer, huh Baizen?” You tease, a soft smile on your lips.
“I suppose so, though, I never seem to charm the girls I really want.” He shrugs.
“Carter... those things you said... they- they hurt. They hurt a lot.” You start, tears in your eyes.
He looks away, a frown on his face.
“Yeah... I realized that after I said them. I regretted everything after I said it. I don’t know what made me decide to.” He sighs, running his hands through his hair.
“You were a total asshole. I’m still kind of glad Nate punched you.” You murmur with a small smile.
He chuckles a little. “Yeah I was. I hope you don’t think I still am.” He says sort of sheepishly.
You laugh a bit, a hand on his shoulder.
“What?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Just remembering Nate socking you in the face.” You continue giggling, a smile taking over his face as you do.
“It isn’t that funny! But I’m glad you think so.” He chuckles.
Meeting his eyes again, you can’t help but let the memories of everything good between you come flooding back. Soon, you can hardly contain yourself, smashing your lips right onto his own in a moment of heat and desperation.
He returns the gesture, kissing you passionately, his hands trailing down your spine and leaving shivers in their place.
As you both pull away breathlessly, your eyes meet again and a glimmer of mischief appears in his.
“Guess that means I’m forgiven?” He asks hopefully, a grin spreading.
You giggle a bit, picking the ice pack back up and resting it back over his eye. “We’ll see about that Baizen.” You tease, but you both know you’re too enthralled with him to ever stay completely mad.
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candieddread · 4 years
Rating Main Story Pokemon Games, with unpopular opinions
Pokemon Blue/Green/Red/Yellow: 2/10 ugly, disgusting. I really only like the music from this gen. I also don’t like Kanto either, it’s just kinda boring. I mean, I get these were the first games, but the were not very good.
Gold/Silver/Crystal: 4/10 Still kinda ugly, but I like how they play around with OHHH GIOVANI!! HE HAS A SON!! COOOOOOL!! And Silver is 100% what a child of Giovani should look and act like. I also love the starter pokemon. But the graphics kill me. Slowly.
Sapphire/Ruby: 7/10 These were released on the exact day of my birth. I love these games for the sentiment. I remember barrowing Sapphire from my best friend at the time and playing all the way through it in a week. Also good music and decent graphics, though the graphics weren’t the best.
Emerald: 7/10 SOOO FUCKING GOOOD. Story. Interesting. Graphics. Improved. Epic change of events. Epic. Literally Ruby and Sapphire but slightly improved (points reduced)
Leaf Green/Fire Red: 2/10 Never cared to play them. Again, I hate Kanto.
Diamond/Pearl: 6/10 My first Pokemon games, and that’s why it gets a 6 instead of a 5. Music slaps, and I mean,,,the trainer battles are okay. But everything is so fucking SLOW dawg. 
Platinum: 7/10 Diamond/Pearl but slightly improved also Garatina is epic
Soul Silver/Heart Gold:7/10  Take everything I like about Gold/Silver and make it better. It’s so much prettier and they’ve improved and updated some designs. Also the music on the DS sound card fucking SLAPS
Black/White: 9/10 I really like these games. They’re nice to look at, have animated sprites, music slaps, cute protags. There are somethings wrong, like Alder and his boring ass, but seriously one of my favorite games. Also they’ve made the protags canonically older, big plus. Also the Ghetsis theme, I’m sorry but that’s the best villian theme I’ve ever heard in a Pokemon game. It actual fits the characters
Black2/White2: 10/10 Perfect games (to me), Additon of Pokemon from other regions, along with their own unique set of pokemon native to the region. Also, again the protags are cute and the rival has a good goal. He’s not even a rival really, he’s more of a friend. And honestly, I like those more. Like, yeah he cares about winning and tries his best to kick your ass, BUT (big but) he also supports you and has a noble goal of trying to get his sisters purrloin back. Also they updated the sprites and they look even better than Black/White’s sprites. I also like how the protags are still much older than everyone else. 
X/Y: 8/10 I actually really like these games. While yes, they’re not the best, they’re actually really enjoyable. I think the whole character customization looks good, I like the style of the human models, and the music is pretty good. The evil team sucks, the elite four? Not the greatest. I also have a lot of memories playing this game because of how much I loved Chesnaught and Sylveon. Not the worst region in my opinion. Also these are my favorite 3DS era games. I also kind of head canon that all of the main characters are around 15 or 16
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire: 7/10 the exact same thing with some different details than the originals. Not bad, and I like the redesigns of the protags (they needed them. BADLY). 
Sun/Moon: 6/10 Decent games. I like the Hawaii theme. Also I like the evil teams and I also like the majoirty of the pokemon from these games. They’re just kinda boring tbh
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon: 7/10 I actually like these MUCH better than the originals. They’ve added a lot of things that I liked, a lot. Also I like how the starters save you from some rando Yungoose. Very cute.
Let’s Go Pikachu/Let’s Go Eevee: 5/10, cute games mean’t to be played souly because they’re easy and fun to play. I like them, but ehhh. Also I like how they updated the guy outside of the grass gym and made him drink respect women juice instead of having him be a dirty perv.
Sword/Shield: 8/10 They’re fun. They’re easy, but they’re fun. I like all the starters, the characters are cute and the music slaps. Also I don’t care what anyone says about Inteleon, I like ‘em. He’s a funky tall lizard and I like ‘em.
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May I request HCs for Chuuya, Tachihara, Mori and Dazai with an s/o who's an idol (similar to AKB48) (my love live ass needs this tbh I'm so sorry)
I don’t know that much about idols and the surrounding stuff but I did my best♡
Nakahara Chuuya
Forget any dance coach or any of your other group members; your best practice happens when Chuuya’s the one guiding you through routines. Even if he doesn’t know the ins-and-outs of your dances, if you’re uncomfortable with a move, he zeroes in on that immediately. “You’re doing great,” he assures when you ask for advice, “but you need to work on these bits here.” If he can wrap his head around how the move’s supposed to go, Chuuya does it, walking you through the motions. If not, he simply makes a mental list of what you need to work on with your dance coach. Consulting him is the perfect solution when your routines need a bit of fine-tuning.
Fuck group transportation; Chuuya ensures that when you’re on the road, you’re kicking it in one of the most spacious limos or private jets money can buy. Naturally, if you want to travel with the other members, he lets you, but in case you just need your own space he ensures privacy is always an option. Chuuya makes sure your personal transportation is always well-stocked with everything from your favorite foods to entertainment systems with a built in wifi hotspot to a few changes of clothes. Chuuya knows first hand how much road trips can suck, and he’ll be damned if you’re anything less than in the lap of luxury. 
Since your busy schedules mean that you’re away from each other a lot, Chuuya ensures every date you have is absolutely private. No matter how many strings he has to pull to make sure you’re not mobbed by paparazzi the second you pull up to his house, he’ll do it; no one’s going to risk the Mafia’s wrath just to catch a blurry picture of you. Often, he rents out an entire building if you want to have a date there; the last thing you need is crazed fans ruining the moment by screaming “Oh my god it’s ______!!!” just as Chuuya’s leaning in for a kiss.
Tachihara Michizou
No matter how embarrassing a piece of merchandise might be, Tachihara unashamedly buys it. He has every single officially licensed t-shirt, poster, key chain, album, etc. that exists scattered somewhere around his house (for a while he considered putting it all together to make a shrine for his awesome idol girlfriend but then rightly decided that was bordering on serial killer territory and decided not to). He has some random merchandise from promotions your group did for different companies, too; his favorite is the shower curtain with you on it. “This way you can take showers with me even when you’re away,” he points out. No matter how embarrassed you are he refuses to change it.
Despite the fact that being so public with your relationship isn’t a great idea, especially considering he’s in the Port Mafia, Tachihara shamelessly uses your relationship to gain a gigantic following on social media. Don’t trust him when he’s aiming his phone camera at you for a ‘cute selfie’ or ‘candid shot for his phone lock screen’ because the image is probably going to end up on Instagram with some cheesy caption about how you’re his whole world. Anyone that posts a negative comment immediately gets blocked; depending on how bad his mood is, they may or may not end getting shot in the kneecap in a back alley.
Tachihara knows every single bodyguard that’s ever worked within a two mile radius of you. Somehow he got it into his head that all security guards are raging creepy pervs and they’re just lying in wait to steal away his precious love; naturally, the logical response was to start stalking all of them ‘just in case’. He’s actually straight up punched a few because he thought they were staring at your chest. Regardless if Tachihara’s gotten in a fist fight with them or not, he’s got beef with every last one of your bodyguards. 
Mori Ougai
One of Mori’s favorite things about the whole situation is your cuteness; sure, he knows a lot of makeup and contact lenses and not even remotely practical clothing go into creating the perfect, adorable idol persona, but he can still appreciate your look. Some of his favorite pictures of you are images of you performing onstage, dancing in all your glamorous glory; he has a few photos of you in one your idol outfits framed in his office.
Not long after Mori brings Elise to see one of your concerts, the girl develops a bit of an obsession with the idol scene, something Mori’s endlessly pleased about. Of course, you’re her favorite idol (Mori wouldn’t have it any other way, of course). Elise’s passion for you absolutely melts his heart; naturally, he ends up feeding it a bit too much. Before long, replicas of your performing gear line her closet and she has way more than a reasonable amount of your merchandise. When you ask Mori why he’s letting her go a bit wild when it comes to adoring you, he simply puts on a sweet smile and shrugs; it’s almost like he’s using her as an outlet to show how much he adores you.
Appearing as your lover in the public eye is an absolutely horrible idea; who knows how many people would be hunting you and your group members down if they knew you crawled in bed next to Mori every night? Even if he can’t publicly show off you relationship, he certainly does it in private. Mori often subtly (and not-so-subtly) references your idol status while chatting with his subordinates or in meetings. He’s endlessly proud of your talent and fame, and he’s not afraid to sing your praises at every opportunity.
Dazai Osamu
Without exception, Dazai shows up to every single performance sporting a T-shirt with your name on it under his coat and a gigantic sign reading ‘________ is the best one’, followed by a ton of exclamation points and scribbled hearts. He claims a spot in the front row (he’s your boyfriend after all; scoring prime tickets is a breeze) and screams how much he loves you the whole time, usually in the most high-pitched, annoying voice he can manage. Dazai claims to be mocking your crazed superfans if you call him out on his wild behavior, but honestly, he might just be one. If it bothers you, he’ll tone it down a few notches; he still brings the sign every time, though.
After downing a few shots before coming to one of your performances Dazai decided that throwing a pair of panties onstage would be a hilarious way to imitate the fanatics. The only underwear he could find was yours, though. Naturally, noticing your favorite panties hurtling at your ankles while you’re finishing up a song isn’t the best way to end a show. You never did find that underwear again, after that.
This is the same performance that he ripped his shirt off and begged you to sign his chest. The only reason he wasn’t escorted out is because the security guards recognized him as your boyfriend.
Dazai always scores backstage passes and chills with you and the rest of the group before and after performances. He always brings your favorite snack—not too much, of course, he doesn’t want your stomach upset onstage— and cuddles with you to calm your nerves. Sometimes, if you have enough time before you have to go on stage, he sneaks an Xbox in and lets you kick his ass in a few games (of course he claims you’re cheating when you win) to squash the stage fright.
One of Dazai’s favorite pastimes is trolling shady people from social media. If he’s bored, the first place he turns to is Instagram comments. Anyone that posts a hateful comment immediately becomes victim to Dazai’s ire; he messes with them mercilessly, commenting on all their photos, their friend’s photos, especially their significant other’s photos, until they’re on the verge of deleting their account. Once in awhile he loves to leave completely inappropriate comments on your posts, just to see if you use the official page to respond.
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