#pess aa
perrigoaway · 30 days
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Testing out some random stuff :] imagine getting ditched in favor of a dog (Phoenix Wright)
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I kinda liked the sketch more, I've never really drawn a borzoi.. I've noticed it's the most popular breed headcanon for Pess which I like, but I'm also open to hearing others' ideas! I just like him having a doggy in general tbh, you know the like "character who seems like they'd be a cat lover is a notorious DOG lover"? Plus, it always makes for fun ideas on how he'd be as a pet owner :D
I thought for a while like "would he even allow her on the bed?" But also I think maybe even he falls for puppy eyes every once in a while. Maybe it bugs Phoenix when the dog is chosen over him which makes Miles want to do it more out of sheer pettiness haha
Maybe I'll post more sketchy stuff while I get used to my new stylus 👍
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laquilasse · 6 months
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Pess the star the best girl!!!
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nowwheresmynut · 3 months
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Missing Pess
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tripletorney · 2 months
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(Ghost Trick Spoilers)
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yellowistheraddest · 2 years
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pess is the silliest, most hyperactive dog and you cant change my mind
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cassiferlynnart · 7 months
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@garykings said: on my knees asking for miles edgeworth in a soft pink for huevember
used this as an excuse to finish some edgey sketches
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71eh · 2 years
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sorry pess
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lusiaarts · 2 years
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Narumitsu Week Day 3: Free Day
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ashe-hallows · 9 months
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AA Doodles - Day 1 - Rainy Day
im gonna try doing little drawings for the AA Doodles prompt list throughout the month, have the best edgeworth
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clown-bear · 2 years
thats Pess. btw
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Pess- Miles centric
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Recovery date: July 5th, 2020
Description: AA pets
Notes: Content warning for death of a pet. An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 1 055
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Pess jumped around excitedly by the door as Miles struggled to pull his shoes on. It didn’t normally take too much effort, but Pess kept jumping on him. Gregory laughed as he picked Pess up so Miles could finish putting his shoes on.
It was a late summer afternoon, and Miles was getting ready to take Pess out on her afternoon walk. He was also going to meet Larry and Phoenix at the park for a bit. Pess stilled as Miles bent down to hook her leash on the collar. As soon as he stood back up though, she was back to jumping and pawing at the door.
“Alright, just be back by dinner,” Gregory said as Miles opened the door, Pess bolted outside almost dragging Miles down.
“I will father!” He called as he stumbled after Pess.
“Can’t I hold the leash?” Franziska whined.
It was a somewhat chilly day in late december, and Miles and Franziska were walking Pess. She’d asked him every five minutes since he announced he was taking Pess for a walk, and each time the answer was no. This time, he didn’t even bother to verbally answer her and just glared. But she looked genuinely sad about not being able to walk Pess, so Miles caved.
“Once we get to the park, away from the road. But don’t blame me if you fall over,” he snickered.
“Hah! No dog will best the great Franziska Von Karma,” she had cheered.
The minute the leash was wrapped around Franziska’s small hand, Pess took off and Franziska ate snow.
Miles sat quietly in the vet’s waiting area, cradling Pess in his arms. He had always known this day would come, and he told himself when it did, he wouldn’t cry. But whether it was the event itself, or everything that had preceded it, he felt his eyes sting. First he was accused of murder, then it was the anniversery of his father’s death, and he found out that the man who raised him had been gaslighting him for years. Now, he sat in a small vet clinic, waiting to be called.
Despite knowing the answer, he had invited Franziska to join him. Of course she had declined, but he could hear a slight strain in her voice as she did so. She was probably in a similar boat to him, in her own way. Her father, the man she looked up to, was convicted of murder and forging evidence. And now she received word that the dog she loved just as much as Miles, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, was being put down.
“Mr. Edgeworth,” the secretary called.
As he stood up and made his way to the room, he heard pess wiper, and felt her nuzzle against him. He looked down at her and felt tears form.
“It’s okay, it’ll be over soon,” he whispered, hugging her to his chest.
“Papa!” Trucy yelled, jumping on him. “Happy Birthday!”
“Oof! Trucy you are much too big to be doing that,” he rubbed his eyes and reached for his glasses, “but thank you.”
“Come on, daddy’s waiting down stairs with your gift,” she giggled.
Trucy had always treated him as part of her family, she’d been ecstatic when Phoenix and him announced their engagement. That had been not long after Phoenix had settled back down with his badge a year or so ago. It would be his first birthday as an official part of the Wright-Edgeworth family, and he had no doubt that Phoenix had something planned.
“Alright, I’m coming.” He pulled himself out of bed and Trucy grabbed his wrist to drag him downstairs.
Upon entering the dining room, he found Phoenix sitting at the table with a few stacks of pancakes in the center. It was surprisingly normal, and knowing Phoenix, it may not be a good thing. So, he approached the table wearily, and him and Trucy took a seat. They served themselves, and Phoenix began to talk.
“Okay do you want your planned present first, or your surprise I need your approval present first?” Phoenix asked, Miles stopped halfway bringing his fork to his mouth and glared at him as Trucy began giggling.
“Let’s start with the planned one. I may have to kill you after the other one,” the other two laughed.
“Fair enough. Trucy, would you do the honors?” She nodded so hard that Miles worried her head would come off. Then she whistles and he could hear the scampering of little clawed feet.
In charged a little pomeranian puppy, she looked exactly like Pess. Miles felt his eyes burn as he bent down to pick her up.
“What are you going to name her?” Trucy asked, giggling at the soft look on her papa’s face. She’d only seen that look directed at her, her daddy, and occasionally Franziska.
“Awww, like your first dog,” Phoenix cooed, Miles glared at him. “Now about that other thing…”
“Don’t ruin the moment Wright,” he scowled.
“Well I mean it’s kind of important. So, Athena was dealing with a case…”
“Dear god, stop talking.”
“And it turns out the husband murdered his wife…”
“Which is totally cliche!”
“Please stop.”
“And they recently had a baby… So I kind of offered to talk to-”
“How many more children do we need?!” Trucy burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Well, they’re all grown up, Trcuy’s going off to college soon. Plus everyone else has their own family, Athena has Simon, Trucy and Polly have their mom, etc.” Miles groaned. “This child would be ours, besides it’s us or Apollo. He refuses to let the child go in the system.”
“How does Mr. Justice plan to- You know what I don’t care. Fine, I’ll consider it, when can I meet them.”
“It’s a boy, and Athena’s bringing him over this evening for your birthday diner. Her and Simmon have been babysitting.”
“Dear god,” he groaned, hugging the puppy closer to his chest. “I am getting to old for this.”
“I’m getting a baby brother!”
“Maybe,” Miles reminded her.
“Oh please,” Trucy huffed, walking over to give him a hug. “You’ll say yes, you always do when it comes to us!”
He sighed, looking over to Phoenix who was watching him with a fond look. “I suppose I do.”
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nowwheresmynut · 4 months
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What a wonderful lovely childhood for at least one of them.
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notcatherinemorland · 2 years
i have a lot of thoughts on rise from the ashes trial so far but it is SO much funnier. to me specifically. if wrigh/tworth are already in a maladapted ill-advised emotionally enmeshed friends with benefits situation whilst they’re killstealing each other’s objections and setting each other up for professional humiliation.
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year
Howw about Edgeworth and his sheltie Pess? I wannaaa see Edgeworth being comforted by his therapjy dog :)
(for requests)
by therapy dog you did mean a dog that puts him to physical therapy
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musashi · 3 months
For the alignment chart:
Phoenix viewing maya and pearl as surrogate family to the point he'll lie to authorities about it
The charter jet edgeworth took during 3-5 getting called halfway through its return flight and told it needs to pick up franziska then head back
Pess being a borzoi
Ema hating maya bc she believes spirit channeling is a hoax
Alternatively, ema being completely unfazed by Maya's channeling because mia had done it in front of her & lana when she was little
Mia being spiritually powerful enough that those flashes of her Phoenix occasionally gets are basically her spirit yelling through the void
Franziska knowing insults other than fool but still using it constantly bc it's her favorite
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i generally cannot stand the way the ace attorney fandom does "found family" and slots everyone in nuclear family dynamics / insinuates that shipping things like narumayo is somehow on par with shipping incest. THAT SAID i do think phoenix would break any fucking law for maya and pearl. i think phoenix would quite literally do anything for either of them. his devotion knows absolutely no bounds and this has always been the case. whether one views him as family to them or not, he would fucking upend the very earth below his feet for them, and that is all that matters to me when examining their relationship.
i think the more likely thing is the prosecutor sibs own multiple jets and i think if we looked at timestamps we could prove this one false. that said, it's so fucking funny that i don't care.
borzois are bougie ass dogs. i've always seen pess as some kind of collie but i do like the borzoi headcanon.
i only know trilogy ema so i am going in with half the information but i fully 100% believe that channelling is a STEM in the AA world. also, like, there's tons of legal precedent in the AA world for channeling to be A Thing, so while there ARE skeptics, i don't think ema would be one. i think even if lana was in tune to misty's whole thing, one word about That Sham Verdict From DL6 would get Mia to be like (: actually (: ghost perjury i think (: and lana would come to trust mia more than The System.
see above
i 100% believe this is canon. maya says that mia was incredibly spiritually powerful and mia herself states that she's literally able to hold audience with the dead (without losing consciousness, presumably?) i am of the belief that in ace attorney, spiritual power is tied to strong emotion, and i think Mia's resolve to finish what she started and keep her loved ones safe means she can pierce the veil in small increments without needing a vessel. we know this is all corporeal because other characters react to her ghost.
franziska uses stronger insults in canon constantly. she is incredibly eloquent, even when not speaking in her first language. we can definitely assume that fool is just her favourite word, probably because it is so versatile and easy to play with! also i think she's autistic and vocal stimming.
[send me a headcanon! or many!]
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glamangel3766 · 9 months
Edgeworth's dog Pess is one of the most breed-confused dogs I have ever seen in works of fiction
Howdy AA fans. I'm back with another round of "I'm New To Ace Attorney And I Have Questions" and this one has been a doozy folks. I'd like to call the fandom to the witness stand to clarify the breed of Pess, the dog owned by Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, because Capcom provides no information on the matter. I first ran across the existence of Pess while browsing fanfiction, as one does when they have a new obsession to hyper-fixate on, and was overjoyed to discover that our burgundy boi was a dog person despite having a cat's personality. It pairs well with my head-cannon of Phoenix being a cat person despite having a dog's personality. (checking another box on the list of my favorite ship tropes/dynamics) At first, the lovely creature was said to be a Borzoi with a very light-blonde coat in the fanfic that I first came across this precious fluff ball. Then a later fanfic claimed Pess was a B&W border collie. As I continued binging fanfic due to my lack of having a life, Pess would occasionally show up in them with the dog breed constantly interchanging. When I googled it, all I got were websites and pictures of Missle. I have a bowl of pudding for a brain and lack the mental capacity to handle confusion. My head hurt too much from thinking thoughts. So that brings me to the main questions that I ask you, AA fandom- Is Pess a Borzoi or a Border Collie? Was it ever stated in canon? Does not even Capcom know the answer to this? If no one knows, then can we as a fanbase just compromise and say Pess is a Border-Collie/Borzoi mix? Dogs are important to me and I need answers! Your Honor, The prosecution never rests.
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HERE'S A PICTURE OF A BORZOI-COLLIE MIX (If Google didn't lie to me again)
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