#peter david i am stealing something out your house....
You will not know life until you become totally and completely obsessed with something that sucks so much. Until you get super into something and have to live on like scraps because only a small percentage of it is good. This isn't even about Doctor Who, it's worse
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im-captain-egg · 4 years
Harry Potter
Bedroom Eyes (E, 1.4k, Wolfstar) ”You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour now, Sirius,” he said. “Wanna show me what you were thinking about?” Remus asked hoarsely, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
Our Friends Are Idiots (E, 2.8k, Wolfstar) James and Peter think that their best friend is in trouble but Sirius thinks that they're idiots. All he wanted was some sexy time with his hot werewolf boyfriend.
i don’t want to be your friend, i want to kiss your lips (E, 3k, Wolfstar) Remus tried to find the right words. He had played this out in his head a thousand times, had imagined how it would be to finally admit his feelings, to tell Sirius. But now, all the words were gone, his thoughts filled with nothing but Sirius.
i’ll make the moon shine just for you (not rated, wip, Wolfstar)
Punny Little Thing Called Love (T, 1.2k, Wolfstar) Three times Sirius gives Remus a stupid nickname and one time he doesn't.
breaking through the atmosphere (E, 2.1k, Wolfstar) Sirius struggles with being locked-up in 12 Grimmauld Place but Remus is there to take care of him.
sit still, look pretty (E, 1.5k, Wolfstar) Remus is a tease but Sirius doesn’t mind.
tell me about last night (M, 1.9k, Wolfstar) In which Remus Lupin drinks too much and hooks up with Sirius Black, captain of the university’s Polo team and Remus’ long-time crush. Awkwardness ensues the next morning.
waves (E, 6.6k, Wolfstar) Hell breaks loose at 12 Grimmauld Place and an injured Sirius Black seeks refuge at the Potters.
A Purrfect Match (G, 1.6k, Wolfstar) When Remus walked into the shelter that day, he expected to leave with a new furry companion and not meet the love of his life.
bewitched you in the moonlight (T, 4k, Wolfstar) Sirius is absolutely smitten by an adorably awkward Remus dressed as a werewolf.
Lightning in a Bottle (M, 11.1k, Wolfstar) 29-year-old businessman Sirius Black finds himself falling in love with 23-year-old art student Remus Lupin, who turns Sirius' life upside down in a matter of seconds.
Red, White & Royal Annoyance (T, 3k, Wolfstar) A royal wedding, two rivals, a kiss in the garden.
The Big Birthday Cake Catastrophe (T, 1.5k, Wolfstar) Sirius and James attempt to bake a birthday cake for Remus when disaster strikes.
Of Sharks, Manatees, and Master Matchmakers (T, 2.1k, Wolfstar) Remus works at an aquarium where he meets Sirius, a guy with a PhD in marine biology who can talk to sharks and thinks that Remus' lanyard is funky.
Red, White & Royal Blue
Paris Nights / New York Mornings (E, 1.7k, Alex/Henry) Henry is stuck in a hot hotel room in Paris and Alex is more than happy to keep him company.
smoke and mirrors (E, 3.1k, Alex/Henry) Henry owns a blue suit that drives Alex crazy and Henry thinks that the baby blue tie just looks too good around Alex's wrists.
Honey and Lemons (G, 668, Alex/Henry) Henry has a cold. Alex is there to take care of him.
Champagne Bubbles (T, 788, Alex/Henry) When Alex comes home from work, Henry has a surprise date planned for them.
David and the Case of Finding Furever Home (G, 1k, Alex/Henry) It's another normal day at the shelter for Alex until Henry walks in.
Night at the Lake House (T, 599, Alex/Henry) Henry goes skinny dipping. Alex thinks his boyfriend is the most beautiful person in the world.
Shower Curtains (E, 2.5k, Alex/Henry) Taking a shower with Henry is never about getting clean. Never.
you take my breath and steal the things i know (E, 56.4k, Alex/Henry) Alex hates Henry and Henry hates Alex—at least that's what Alex likes to tell himself. It all changes though when Henry comes to the States to film a docu-series with Nora and June, and Alex involuntarily gets to know Henry better, finding his world completely turned on its head by the end of it.
baby, it’s cold outside (T, 2.4k, Alex/Henry) A collection of all my drabbles for the RWRB Winterfest 2020!
dogs that bark don’t bite (T, 415) Alex was a weird kid.
notes from David (G, wip) A compilation of David having thoughts.
I will adore you until eternity (E, 4.3k, Alex/Henry) Alex got Henry two sets of lingerie and Henry is eager to try them on.
completely and perfectly and incandescently happy (G, 254, Alex/Henry) “What endearments am I allowed then?” Henry asks with a smile, cupping Alexander’s face with his hand and brushing his thumb across the sun-kissed skin there.
Tidal Wave (E, 4.8k, Alex/Henry) Rivalling captains Alexander and Henry have been neck to neck for years but their relationship takes a different turn when Henry shows up unexpectedly on the Claremont.
your mouth is a hurricane (E, 3.7, Alex/Henry) Drummers hit it the hardest, they say.
like fireflies (E, 5.7k, Alex/Henry) Alex and Henry see each other again. Featuring dark storage rooms, leather gloves, and a weird fuzzy feeling that simply won't leave Alex alone whenever he's around Henry.
to be kissed by you (T, 1k, Alex/Henry) Alex and Henry meet for a quick rendezvous before attending an official event.
like cherries and wine (T, 640, June/Nora) June meets up with Pez for brunch where she, literally, runs into a cute waitress.
she is my all, she is the one, she is (T, 1k, June/Nora) Nora struggles to find a fitting Valentine's present for her girlfriend.
can i call you tonight? (E, 7.8k, Alex/Henry) Falling in love with someone who lives an ocean away is weird. Especially if you are staying at their house and they stay at yours. or Alex and Henry swap houses and fall in love in the process.
shouting curses at ursa major (T, 1.2k, Alex/Henry) Sometimes, forever doesn't last as long as you might want it to.
Shifting Gears (E, 1.7k, Alex/Henry) Henry and Alex plan on taking a short vacation in Wales when a punctured tire ruins their fun. Or does it?
you’re the beat playing in my heart (E, 6.6k, Alex/Henry) Things between Alex and Henry get weird after Pittsburgh but then Henry invites Alex to London.
what is grief, if not love persevering? (T, 423) As suggested by his therapist, Henry writes a letter to his dad.
rosemary & firewood (T, 1.1k, Alex/Henry) When they brew Amortentia for the first time, Alex discovers something new about himself.
i hope you don't mind that i put down in words how wonderful life is while you're in the world (T, 827, Alex/Henry) "What do you love the most about Henry?" - "Does everything count as an answer? Though even that wouldn't be enough." Some of the things Alex loves about Henry.
spell my name with her tongue, like (uh) (E, 2.5k, June/Nora) Stuck at a state dinner, Nora decides to have some fun with June under the table.
i’ll tell you what i like / my wildflower (E, 2.6k, Alex/Henry) Henry takes Alex on a ride on a motorbike which quickly leads to something more heated once they make it back to the garage.
oh, honey, pray to me between the sheets (E, 2.8k, Alex/Henry) Henry comes home after being away for three weeks and Alex is very eager to welcome him home properly.
if they only knew how you talk to me when it’s just us two (E, 5.3k, Alex/Henry) With Henry being gone for a week to take care of things back home, Alex is left in NYC on his own but when he feels needy, Henry is only a text message away.
when he calls me pretty (E, 2.7k, Alex/Henry) Alex is horny and Henry is happy to help out even if they are an ocean apart.
Cherry Bomb (E, 3.1k, June/Nora) June gets a new lingerie set. Nora is more than happy to admire it.
One Last Stop
sugar & spice (E, 1.5k, August/Jane) August can't sleep. Jane offers to help.
Birthday Boy (E, 2k, Klance) It's Keith's birthday and the boys are a little drunk and horny and utterly in love.
Song of Achilles
he touched my soul, skin to bone (E, 2.3k, Achilles/Patroclus) It’s Achilles’ birthday and Patroclus brought some figs for them to share.
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dalyunministry · 3 years
Pas. Johnraj Lamech
Greetings in the matchless Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Topic: The Birth & Growth of the Church – The First Sermon (Part 3): Imperatives of Salvation.
Rhema Word: Acts 2:38-39 (NKJV) “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
Let’s pray. Our Gracious Loving Father, thank you for giving us an opportunity to meditate your Word today along with your children who have been called to live a holy life Father. I commit everyone who are all meditating this message into your mighty hand Father. Bless them and give them the oneness of Spirit and make their heart as a good land to receive each and every Word which is living and active Lord. Thank You Holy Spirit for helping us to understand the in-depth treasure of Your Word and helping us to live a life as per Your Word Lord. We give all the Glory and Honour to You only Father. We pray in the mighty Name of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
In the last two weeks we have meditated first two parts of the First Sermon ever preached in the new church age, after Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost by Apostle Peter. In the first part we learnt about how the Holy Spirit poured out and how the believers were infilled with the Holy Spirit got excited, experienced God’s presence and expressed joy and rejoiced in what God had done besides the work of God in last days and God’s set purpose and foreknowledge concerning His beloved Son Jesus Christ. In the second part of the sermon we learnt about the detailed proofs of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ covering the prophecy of David, Peter’s testimony, the eye-witnesses of disciples and the exaltation and the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.
Today, we are going to meditate on the Third Part of the First Sermon ever preached in the new church age, after Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost, that is, after the coming of the Holy Spirit as explained in Acts 2:37-40 focussing on the imperatives of salvation.
Apostle Peter preached the first sermon after Pentecost and he focussed on the imperatives of salvation. He makes it clear that what a person must do to be saved. We have come here to the end of Peter’s first sermon that was delivered right after the receiving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. A group of Jews who were in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks came to the room where the disciples and others were gathered when they heard the rush of the wind that accompanied the coming of the Holy Spirit.
What we have here today is what we might call “the invitation”. It is where the drawing of the people comes about. Some people today might say, why do we have an invitation. I believe the invitation is the most important part of the whole sermon. It is the climatic point when the opportunity to, as we might say, do business with God. The invitation is that time when God has been working in your heart and He draws you to Him. It is where we give an opportunity for someone to come and receive Christ, to come and follow in Baptism, to join the church, to make another decision for Christ, to be prayed with and to be prayed for.
Yes, here today we have Peter’s Imperatives of Salvation. An imperative is another word for a command. So you might look at this as the commands or the orders of salvation.
Let us try to understand the following today, with the help of our Holy Spirit:
1] Conviction:
2] The Imperatives of Salvation:
3] The results of Salvation:
4] Assurance of Salvation : God’s promise and God’s personal Call:
5] Separation from this Corrupt world:
1] Conviction:
The Bible says in Acts 2:37 ”When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Yes, the people were convicted and they cried out, “What shall we do?”. Apostle Peter’s sermon, the proclaimed Word, was driven home to the hearts of the people.
The word “cut” (katenugesan) means to convict, sting, sense pain and hurt. Conviction is an emotional movement of the heart. A person senses sorrow over disappointing God. The person’s heart is touched and moved to some degree of brokenness.
That is why, Apostle Paul while writing to Corinthians says in 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 ”Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”
Yes, conviction is being pricked with a tug, a pull, a knowledge, an awareness.
Yes, it is a sense of sin, of doing wrong, of breaking God’s law, of being disobedient.
Yes, it is a sense of failure, of coming short, of not measuring up, of disappointing God.
Yes, it is a sense of needing more and more of the Lord and His righteousness.
Remember, conviction causes people to seek answers, to ask, ”What shall we do?”
When Nathan the prophet went to King David, after David had gone in to Bathsheba, David cried in Psalm 51:1-7 ”Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight— that You may be found just when You speak, and blameless when You judge. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me. Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”
Yes, Peter cried bitterly when he denied Lord Jesus in Matthew 26:74-75 ”Then he (Peter) began to curse and swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So he went out and wept bitterly.”
Just see how the Holy Spirit spoke to the people forcefully through Peter in Acts 2:22-24 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know— Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it.” He further said in Verse 36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” This resulted into conviction as the verse says ”Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Amen.. Hallelujah!!!
2] The Imperatives of Salvation:
The imperatives are of two folds. A person must repent and be baptized.
(i) Repentance:
Repentance is to change; to turn; to change one’s mind; to turn one’s life. It is turning away from sin and turning toward God. Yes, it is a change of mind, a forsaking of sin. It is putting sin out of one’s thoughts and behaviour. Yes, it is resolving never to think or do a thing again. John the Baptist said in Matthew 3:1-2 ”In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”
The change is turning away from lying, stealing, cheating, immorality, cursing, drunkenness, and the other so-called glaring sins of the sinful nature. But the change is also turning away from the silent sins of the spirit such as self-centeredness, selfishness, envy, bitterness, pride, covetousness, anger, evil thoughts, hopelessness, laziness, jealousy and lust.
Please note “Repentance” involves two turns. There is a negative turn away from sin and a positive turn toward God. Yes, it is a turning to God away from sin, whether sins of thought or action.
Paul while addressing Areopagus said about the need for repentance in Acts 17:29-31 ”Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”
(ii) Baptism:
Baptism is the outward sign, the immediate sign of repentance. It is the physical sign that a person is identifying with Christ. It is the immediate sign that a person is to show before the world that he is really repenting and is now going to obey and live for God.
Baptism and repentance are both (a) outward signs, (b) signs that have to do with behaviour and (c) signs that show the world that a person is turning his life over to God.
Please note that repentance is a command to change one’s life whereas baptism is a command, the very first command to follow Christ. Baptism is the first command given to those who are repenting. The person who is really repenting must be baptized. He must give testimony to the world and confess to the world that he is repenting by being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Baptism is not an option. It is as much a command as repentance.
While giving the Great Commission, Jesus commanded His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 ”Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Mark recorded this in Mark 16:15-16 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”
That is why Peter replied boldly in Acts 2:38 “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
While preaching to Cornelius’ Household, Peter ordered the Gentiles who assembled in Cornelius’s place in Acts 10:47-48 “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.”
Now, note a critical point that is often overlooked and neglected. Just because a person changes his life (repents) and is baptized does not mean he is saved. A person can change his life by the power of his own will, by discipline and self-control, by his own effort and works. And he can very simply request to be baptized. Many people have and will continue to do this. Many live what societies calls a good, upright, and moral life and they have been baptized. But there is more to being saved than merely changing one’s life and being baptized. What is it? It is the very basis, the very essential to true salvation, to being truly forgiven and receiving the Holy Spirit: it is the essential of faith, of believing ”in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Please note that true faith – the inward work within the heart, the inward work of really believing in the name of the Lord Jesus is the one absolute essential for being saved.
Now, note another critical point that is also overlooked and neglected. Remember, just because a person says he believes in Jesus does not mean he is saved. A person can say and claim anything, and that person can be baptized. But profession and baptism do not save a person anymore than a changed life and baptism save a person.
There is more to being saved than professing faith and being baptized. What is it? Again, it is the very basis, the very essential to true salvation, to being truly forgiven and receiving the Holy Spirit. Yes, it is the basis, the essential of repenting and of doing the very first act of repentance, being baptized.
There is no faith without true repentance and there is no forgiveness by God without trusting or committing one’s life to God’s dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And the very first act of following Jesus is that of repenting and being baptized. A person who honestly believes in Jesus Christ will do what He said, repent and be baptized.
That is what Peter was saying in this sermon. He did not mention faith, but he was not omitting faith nor eliminating belief in the Lord Jesus as essential to salvation.
Paul stressed the same point in Romans 6:3-4 ”Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
Please note what Paul has said in Romans 6:3-4 : when a person is baptized, he is “baptized into His (Jesus’) death” in the same way he is immersed (identified) into the resurrection of Christ. Baptism is an act by which one identifies with Christ. He counts himself as having died in Christ’s death and as having risen in Christ’s resurrection; as living and moving and having his being in Christ even as Christ lived and moved and had His being in God. Christ’s death and resurrection and life becomes the believer’s death and resurrection and life. The believer treats and judges himself as having been ”crucified with Christ, nevertheless living; yet not himself, but Christ living in Him” (Galatians 2:20).
Please note that the point needs to be stressed and restressed. A person can repent, change is own life and be baptized by his own effort and works without ever trusting Christ, without really believing in Christ. But a person cannot trust, cannot really believe in Christ without repenting and following Christ in the very first act of repentance, that of being baptized. True faith and honest belief always mean that a person repents and is baptized. To believe is to follow Christ and to be baptized.
That is why the author of Hebrews says in Hebrews 5:9-10 ”And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek.”
John the Baptist exalts Jesus in John 3:35-36 ”The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
3] The results of Salvation:
Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38). The results of salvation are twofold, “being forgiven of sins” and “receiving the Holy Spirit”.
(i) Remission – Forgiveness of Sins:
Remission – forgiveness of sins means to send off, to send away – the wrong is cut out, sent off, sent away from the wrongdoer. The sin is separated from the sinner.
There are four main ideas in the Biblical concept of forgiveness:
a) There is the idea of why forgiveness is needed.
Forgiveness is needed because of wrong doing and guilt and the penalty arising from both. Apostle Paul says in Romans 3:23 ”For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” He further says in Romans 6:23 ”For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Apostle Paul while explaining about why “Law cannot save a man from sin” says clearly in Romans 7:7-13 ”What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless the law had said, “You shall not covet.” But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart from the law sin was dead. I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me. Therefore, the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.”
Paul further says in Romans 7:22-24 ”For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Yes, Paul concluded how we can be free from sins in Romans 8:2-4,1 ”For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” (Verse 1) “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
b) There is the idea of a once-for-all forgiveness:
A man is forgiven once-for-all when he receives Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Belief in Jesus Christ, true repentance, is the only condition for being forgiven once-for-all.
While instituting the Lord’s Supper Jesus said in Matthew 26:26-28 “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
That is why Paul said in Ephesians 1:7 ” In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His (God’s) grace.”
Paul further explains in Romans 4:5-8 ”But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.”
c) There is the idea of forgiveness that maintains fellowship with God:
Fellowship exists between God as Father and the believer as His child. When the child does wrong, the fellowship is disturbed and broken. The condition for restoring the fellowship is confessing and forsaking the sin.
Palmist says in Psalm 66:18 ”If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.”
The Bible says in Proverbs 28:13 ”Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
Apostle John says in 1 John 1:7 ”If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
d) There is the idea of a releasing from guilt:
This is one of the differences between a man forgiving another man and God forgiving a man. A man may forgive a person for wronging him, but he can never remove the resentment he himself feels within his own heart. Only God can remove the guilt and assure the removal of resentment. Yes, God does both. God forgives and erases the guilt and resentment. Apostle John says in 1 John 1:9 ”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
God says in Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.”
Prophet Micah says in Micah 7:18 ”Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy.”
God assured in Jeremiah 31:34 ”No more shall every man teach his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” and further says in Jeremiah 33:8 ”I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me.”
4] Assurance of Salvation : God’s promise and God’s personal Call:
Peter said to them boldly in Acts 2:39 ”For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
The assurance of salvation to all is God’s promise: (i) “for you” – to Jews; (ii) “to all who are far off”: the Gentiles – any who are away in distant lands; any who are spiritually away from God, no matter how far away.
But please note the one essential condition: the promise is assured to those whom “the Lord our God will call”.
God has to call because man is dead to God and resists the gospel. Man’s deadness and resistance are seen in the very word “call”. The word “call” has both the idea of initiative and deadness and of constraint and resistance. For example, the calling of a person to simply come involves both actions:
(a) of pulling him to come
(b) of being dead (unaware and not knowing or resisting the fact that one was to come)
Man, self-centered and rebellious towards God, likes to feel independent. Consequently, man is dead to God and resistant to the pulling call and quickening power of God.
The person who comes to Christ is a person who has been called by God, a person who has experienced the divine initiative.
A man – does not act alone and come to Christ.
A man – does not come by his own effort and energy,
A man – does not come by his own works.
A man – does not come by his own mind, thoughts, and will.
A man – does not come by his own labour and good deeds.
A man, a dead spirit, can do nothing spiritually just as a dead body can do nothing physically. If a man with a dead spirit is to come to Christ, he has to be acted upon and drawn by God. Yes, both God and man have a part in salvation. Yes, God calls and He attracts, draws, pulls and tugs at the heart of man to come.
Please note here, when a man senses the call and pull of God, he must act then and there. He must believe and make the decision to follow Christ, even if he is all alone in the depths of a jungle someplace. Why? Because God’s Spirit does not always strive or tug at us. We all know this. We have all felt the call of God before – the tug and movement of His Spirit within our hearts. But we quenched the tug and movement. We rejected the call, and the Spirit of God left us. And the more we reject the tug and call, the less often it comes.
That is why Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 ”Do not quench the Spirit.”
The Bible says in Genesis 6:3 ”And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
Therefore, when the call of the Lord our God comes, we must believe and ”repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ”.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 ”Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Paul says in Romans 10:12 ”For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.”
The Bible says in Revelation 22:17 ”And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”
5] Separation from this Corrupt world:
Peter cried in Acts 2:40 “With many other words he (Peter) warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”
The words “save yourselves” (sothete) mean that a person is to act and do exactly what Peter preached: ”Repent and be baptized”
”Corrupt” (skolias) means crooked or bent out of shape. Men are far from being straight and in the shape intended by God. They are crooked and bent, unrighteous and ungodly, sinful and corrupt.
Apostle Paul while writing to Corinthians says in 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 ”What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
Prophet Isaiah warned in Isaiah 52:11 ”Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the articles of the Lord’s house.”
Apostle Paul again urged in Romans 12:2 ”Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Let us introspect ourselves.
When God speaks to us pointing our sins, are we being pricked with a tug, a pull and asking Lord for “What shall I do?”
Are we having the sense of needing more and more of the Lord and His righteousness?
Are we listening to the voice of Holy Spirit when we are doing wrong or breaking God’s law or being disobedient?
Whether the real change happened in us from the glaring sins of the sinful nature?
Whether the real change happened in us from the silent sins of the spirit such as self-centeredness, selfishness, envy, bitterness, pride, covetousness, anger, evil thoughts, hopelessness, laziness, jealousy and lust?
Having baptized, are we following our Lord Jesus Christ with full heart and full strength?
Do we have the belief in Jesus Christ that we have been forgiven once-for-all?
Are we believing that in Jesus we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of God’s grace?
Are we walking in the light as Jesus is in the light?
Do we have the belief that God as removed the guilt and resentment?
Are we acting immediately without any delay when we sense the call and pull of God and make a decision to follow Christ without quenching the Spirit?
Shall we save ourselves from this corrupt generation?
Shall we be transformed by the renewing of our mind without conforming to the pattern of this world?
Let us Pray: Our Heavenly Gracious Father, we thank you for helping us to understand about “The First Sermon ever preached in the new church age and imperatives of Salvation” today Father. Please give us a heart to listen to You Father when we hear Your call through Your children, give us a heart to long for more and more of the Lord and Your righteousness, help us to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit when we are tempted Father. Father, please release us completely from the glaring sins and the silent sins such as self-centeredness, selfishness, envy, bitterness, pride, covetousness, anger, evil thoughts, hopelessness, laziness, jealousy and lust, Father. Please help us to follow Your beloved Son Jesus Christ whole heartedly and have the belief that we have been forgiven once-for-all Father. Father, please help us to walk in the light besides removing the guilt and resentment and act immediately when we sense the call from You without quenching the Spirit. Please save us from this corrupt generation and transform us by renewing of our mind Father. Please help us to declare boldly about the happenings of the “Last Days” and help us to be prepared to meet Your beloved Son when He comes as Judge, Father. We give all praise, glory and honour to Your Holy Name. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
God bless you all.
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seanofseancha · 4 years
You don’t have to listen to these;
Today, my goal is to encourage us not to listen to these discouragements that the enemy, Satan, continually bombards believers around the world.
Personally, it was months ago when I struggled with most of these discouragements I will write in this blog post. Most of them, I battled and lost, and realized that, they are not to be fought, rather they are to be dealt— no matter how many reasons we throw on them and how many justifications we do for ourselves, our enemy have overthrown kingdoms and empires, so dealing them in and with the Lord is the best way to overcome them.
May it remind you as you read that Jesus said,
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” —John 10:10 ESV
The Bible is very clear, the goal of our enemy is to steal, kill and destroy. The goal of the good Shepherd Jesus is to give us life and that we may have it abundantly. We have interpreted this verse too many times , that it has shifted us to focus only to the purpose of the Good Shepherd— a meaningful and significant life, a life not without problems but with purpose and satisfaction. In such a way, that we missed the goal of our enemy, which is the exact opposite of Jesus, to take the life out of us.
Have you felt that? As if life was taken away from you? A joyless, empty, and pointless life. With no meaning, purpose and significance. That is what the enemy wanted. To take the life God has intended for you and me.
In simple words, here’s what the enemy wants.
“The enemy’s main goal is to discourage you.”
Today, I will share three strategies of how the enemy will try to discourage us, and how knowing them and being vigilant about them through the Holy Spirit and reading God’s word, may guide us to be able to guard our hearts and minds from these life-depriving, joy-stealing and peace-destroying discouragements.
Subtle deceptions
If there’s one thing we need to learn, and I learned the hard way in the short years of my Christian life— your mind is a battlefield. It is won and lost in the mind. That is why guarding your minds is necessary in determining the subtle deceptions.
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?’. And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” —Genesis 3:1-4 ESV
Ever since man’s fall, the enemy’s way is to make us question God. To make us doubt God. To make us believe that God does not take His word and He is hiding something from us. He always tells us, “Did God really said that?” And then deceives us to not believing God. How many times did we believe the enemy with what God has said?
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” —Psalm 139:14 ESV
How have we believed the lie that we aren’t beautiful and handsome and that we must fit the society’s standard to be beautiful and some number of likes to be approved? When God has said, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps 139:14). Why have we believed? Because we have been lied to, and we keep on believing that lie. It has been planted in our minds, a landmine that eveytime we step on basis of our looks and fame, blows us into insecurity and inferiority. Sadly, so subtly, we have been lied.
Deceptions are lies covered with some truth.
They are not easy to notice because they seem right, but altogether wrong. A complete lie you won’t believe, but the truth seasoned with some false information is a strategic way of letting someone believe something. That’s what make it so subtle, deceptions. Unless you know the truth, you will never be able to distinguish what is the lie. You have to know and taste what is real so you can know what’s counterfeit.
The S-Word
Too bad that only a few of us value truth, and how easily we shout we are in pain because of the afflictions these lies bring to us. So knowing that God desires that we may have life and have it abundantly, he personally involved Himself in producing the greatest reminder of all—the Scriptures.
In my own life, I think what deceptions does to a Christian, is to lower his guard. To give up just a little bit his defenses, because there’s seem to be no imminent attack. And when he was already unguarded because he has been deceived, his kingdom was attacked and a great plunder was taken from him. It reminds of the verse about self-control.
“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” —Proverbs 25:28 ESV
God loves you that He desires that you read His word. If ever you have been defeated and overwhelmed with the all the discouragements? Go back to His word. Remind yourself what God has said. Read it, not only when you failed, but so that you may be kept from failing. Love His Word. Marry the Bible. Just as George Muller has said,
“What is the food of the inner man? Not prayer, but the word of God; and . . . not the simple reading of the word of God, so that it only passes through our minds, just as water runs through a pipe, but considering what we read, pondering over it, and applying it to our hearts.”
If you want to be kept from the subtle deceptions of the enemy, then you have to stay with your Bible all-day. Not only scanning it, but thinking about in every moment. I have never seen a Christian so weak, who have so intimate with God’s word. But I have seen how defeated I get when I don’t read His word.
Messy Distractions
Another strategy that the enemy wants us to do is to focus on the wrong things. Just as the mind is where the battle is the lost, where our eyes are gazed is of absolute importance too. Where do you look at? To whom are your gaze fixed on?
For David, his gaze was on the LORD’s;
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. —Psalms 27:4 ESV
Why do you think David’s gaze is in the LORD? Because he learned that,
“he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent, sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the LORD.” —Psalm 27:4-5 ESV
The context of the passage was a terrible time for David, enemies and armies around him to subdue him, too much noise and threats from his enemies to kill him and too much distractions for his life. But all these he has overlooked, why? Because his gaze was on the Lord. Remember when Peter was able to walk in water and then, because he stopped looking at Jesus but focused on the waves that he began to sink? He lost his gaze.
The same way, how our enemies will gives us too much of life’s distraction to lead us to focus on the wrong things or on these distractions.
And here’s the subtle part, sometimes, the enemy’s goal is not so that we may focus on the wrong things, but to simply keep us busy so that we may not do what the God-things are for our lives.
I recall how many times I focus on my own strength and fail to do what God’s will for my life. I confess that sometimes I lose my gaze in the Lord, that I begin to look at myself, at other people. Then I began to pity me, insecurites floats in and I get discouraged to keep on going. Why? Simply because I gazed on the distractions set in this world, instead of looking unto Jesus.
Look unto Jesus
The unknown author of Hebrews encourages us,
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” —Hebrews 12:1-2
The ‘cloud of witnesses’ here does not just specify our fellow believers, but all the saints who have overcame this world through Jesus, those who have departed and lived a godly life through Christ. If they have done it and have persevered, then we could run with endurance too! Look at Jesus, don’t look at yourself, to others and the distractions of this world, look in the finish line! Look at Jesus!
The Disqualifier
No matter how old you are in this Christian life, how many books you have read, and how many conferences you have attended. You will always struggle with sin. Jesus freed us from the penalty of sin, we are justified, and through the Spirit, liberates us from the power of sin over us, and one day in heaven, will be completely liberated from the presence of sin. What a glorious hope and promise!
However, life sometimes kick us the hard way or we kick along the goads. We fail big time, we have been reminded with these regrets, and people got hurt. Then a voice whisper saying, “It’s pointless. I wonder if God has really saved you.”
“How could you do that to someone?”
“Because of what you’ve done, you don’t deserve it anymore.”
“You are disqualified.”
Some time in our lives, we could be legalistic with our standing before the Lord. How easy we put it on ourselves why we are saved when God has clearly said,
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” —Ephesians 2:8-9
With all these discouraging voices in our mind, we begin to disqualify ourselves. We wanted to leave our faith. We have failed God already right? But yes, we have been lied to again. We have began to believe that our salvation is not by grace, but by our works. We get deceived.
That’s why the title of this blog is,
“You don’t have to listen to these”.
Because they are lies, they are not what God wants for us. They are not from God, they are from the enemy who wanted us dead again in our spiritual bankruptcy.
I always had this thought;
“When the enemy disqualifies you, that is because he knew that God has qualified you. Focus on the race. Do not believe him, he only wanted you out of the race.”
You are in the race. You are running a good race, and you have an enemy you can’t defeat apart from God. No matter how much you fight, unless you learn its tricks and how to counter them with the Lord. You will keep falling again and again.
So a final thought. Now that you know all these, and that you don’t have to listen to them.
Then who and what are you to listen? His Word—the Scriptures.
What I told youu, is not a secret. There’s nothing there that makes you overnight an overcomer, but it leads you to be an overcomer in the Lord. A victor and a conqueror.
Jesus said,
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 ESV
The promise is that he overcome the world. Take heart my friend and,
“Read your Bible. Live in it. Marry it. Satisfy yourself in it. Know God and the truth in it. May you consume it just as you consume food and become a part of you. Meditate on it. Take it to your heart. Ultimately, take God at His Word.”
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—All glory to God
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
12. Red-Handed, Pt.1
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Storybrooke. Sheriff’s Station. Present. (Emma and David are sitting in Emma’s office at the station. She hands him a mug of tea.) David: “Thank you. I hope Kathryn’s somewhere warm, not out in the cold.” Emma: “David. I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more here. Your wife is missing. You are in love with another woman. There’s this… Unexplained phone call.” David: “I know, I know. I just… I can’t explain why it says that. I didn’t do anything to my wife.” Emma: “I’m pretty good at spotting a liar. And, honestly, liars have better material. Now, go home.” David: “I can go?” Emma: “We don’t even know if there was a crime yet. So, get some sleep.” David: “Thank you.” (David stands up to leave.) Emma: “And, David? Maybe… Get a lawyer.” Granny’s Diner. (Ruby is flirting with August, who is sitting at one of the tables.) Ruby: “You can’t be serious. A whole year without a roof over your head?” August: “Well, you get used to it. Plus, I had the motorcycle. So, if I didn’t like a place after a while…” (Granny calls for Ruby, but Ruby ignores her.) Granny: “Ruby?” Ruby: “I’ve never even been out of Storybrooke. What was your favourite place?” August: “Nepal. Best people. They have these prayer temples carved into mountains that are overrun with lemurs.” Ruby: “What’s a lemur?” Granny: “Ruby!” Ruby: “Just give me a sec!” August: “They’re little animals. And they have these eyes that reflect light. So, at night, it looks like they glow.” (Granny, again, calls Ruby over to the counter.) Granny: “Ruby! Stop flirting and get over here!”
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Peter knocks on the shutter of Red and Granny’s cottage. Red, imitating the voice of an old woman, calls out from inside.) Red: “Who’s there?” Peter: “Let me in.” Red: “I’m just a poor, old widow. Spare me!” Peter: “Let me in, or I’ll…” Red: “Yes?” Peter: “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow the-” (Red opens the shutters.) Red: (Giggles:) “You’ll huff and puff?” Peter: “I couldn’t think of nothing.” Red: “Oh, so you thought that you’d level the house with the power of your breath? Well, a case could be made…” Peter: “Oh, ho ho-” Red: “Shh! Granny’s in the other room. You know she doesn’t like me opening the shutters.” Peter: “No, she doesn’t like me.” Red: “That’s what I meant.” Peter: “You got to get out of here.” Red: “I know. Anywhere.” Peter: “Well, a blacksmith’s boy can get work all over.” Red: “You’d leave everyone you know? You’d do that for me?” Peter: “I’d do anything for you.” Red: “Peter, watch out. Your air of danger is slipping.” Peter: “Come out – just for a minute.” Red: “It’s already dark. She’d never let me.” (Granny yells for Red. Red tries to go back in, but Peter holds onto her wrist.) Granny: “Red! Where are you? What are you doing?” Red: “Let go.” Peter: “Pay the price. One kiss.” Granny: “Red, get in here!” (Red quickly kisses Peter and shuts the shutters. She goes into the main room, where several men with torches are talking to Granny.) Red: “What’s going on?” Granny: “Nothing that concerns you. Just a bunch of fools trying to get themselves killed over a few dead sheep.” Man: “Wolf took out a dozen last night.” Red: “So, you called me in here to what? Just to keep me in sight?” Man: “Good evening, Red. We’re just forming up a hunting party.” Red: “You’re hunting the wolf? Can I go with them, please? I’ll be safe in a big group.” Granny: “Don’t be ludicrous. You are staying inside and you’re keeping that hood on. You know red repels wolves.” Red: “They’re not wearing red.” Granny: “They’re damn fools, too. There’s only two more nights left in Wolfstime – let it take a few sheep. Now, go home.” (Granny shuts the door in their faces.) Red: “I hope they kill the wolf. Then, we can have lives again.” Granny: “You just want to roam around the woods with that wastrel – Peter.” Red: “He’s not a wastrel. He works hard. He has plans.” Granny: “Oh, I am sure he does. Now, come on. You know what to do.” (Granny and Red prepare the cottage for defense against the wolf. They barricade and lock the doors and windows, as well as barring the fireplace.) Granny: “Now, go to sleep, girl.” Red: “Yes, Granny.” Granny: “I hope I don’t see that boy mooning around here tomorrow. And wear the hood!” Red: “Yes, Granny.” (Red goes into her room, while Granny sits facing the door with a crossbow.) Storybrooke. Granny’s Diner. Present. (At the diner, Ruby finally goes to meet Granny at the counter.) Ruby: “I can’t believe you did that. That was humiliating.” Granny: “I want you to start working Saturday nights.” Ruby: “Come on – we have an agreement about Saturday night.” Granny: “I want to start training you to do the books and the reorders. Business is booming lately, and, with more money comes more paperwork.” Ruby: “Yeah. None of that sounds good.” Granny: “It’s got to be done.” Ruby: “Is this a punishment for talking to that guy?” Granny: “If I wanted to punish you, I’d have better reasons. For one thing, you were late. For another thing, Liza, you dress like a drag queen during Fleet Week.” Ruby: “And you dress like Norman Bates when he dresses like Norman Bates’ mother.” Granny: “Ruby, you’re a grown woman. You can’t keep acting like some kid.” Ruby: “You just want me to act like you until I turn into you. Well, I am not a fossil yet, Granny. I should be out there having adventures with lemurs!” Granny: “Well, as long as you work here, you are going to listen to me.” Ruby: “I didn’t ask to work here.” Granny: “Well, then what’s keeping ya?” Ruby: “Nothing! I quit!” (Ruby storms out of the diner.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Ruby exits her room and finds Granny still guarding the front door.) Red: “Did you get any sleep at all last night?” Granny: “I’ll sleep with the trolls in the afterlife. I’ll get the shutters. You go check if that wolf left the chickens alone.” Red: “Yes, Granny.” Granny: “Wear your hood!” Chicken Coop. (Red is collecting eggs in the chicken coop. When she goes to leave, she hears a noise coming from the corner. Snow White, who is holding two eggs, shows herself.) Snow White: “I’m sorry. I can go.” Red: “Are you… stealing our eggs?” Snow White: “No. … (Holds the eggs out:) Not a lot.” Red: “Hey, hey. It’s… It’s all right.” Snow White: “Thank you. It was just that, um, last night… There was something out there. There was howling, and… I heard it. And it was so cold, so…” Red: “Hey. Come on – come with me. Everyone calls me Red.” Snow White: “I’m Sn- Frosty.” Red: “Frosty? Really?” Snow White: “No. It’s just that someone’s looking for me, so…” Red: “You don’t know or trust me yet. Hey, I-I get it. I just need something to call you.” Snow White: “Uh, Margaret. Oh, no. Uh, Mary.” Red: “Well, then, Mary – come on.” (Snow White follows Red out of the chicken coop and into the forest. They head towards a well.) Red: “I just got to bring in some water before we go in. It’ll just take a second.” Snow White: “What was all that howling?” Red: “It’s Wolfstime. Killer wolf out there. As big as a pony, but a lot more bloodthirsty. It’s been stalking the area pretty regular. It kills cattle and… Hang on. (Red grabs the rope of the bucket in the well:) It sticks sometimes. Could you just… (Snow White helps Red pull up the bucket. When she turns around, she seems shocked by what she sees:) Look. Look at that. Mary, look at the water. (The water in the bucket is red:) Mary. Mary. Mary?” (Red turns around and sees what Snow White is staring at. Behind them in the clearing, there are several bloody bodies.)
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Storybrooke. Main Street. Present. (Mary Margaret runs to catch up with Emma on the street. The two of them walk together.) Mary Margaret: “Is he okay? David?” Emma: “Oh, yeah. He’s a little shaken up, but he’s headed home. He’s fine.” Mary Margaret: “Any word from Kathryn?” Emma: “Nothing new.” Mary Margaret: “Did you check with Boston again?!” Emma: “She’s not there, Mary Margaret.” Mary Margaret: “So, we have no idea what happened to her?” Emma: “All we know, is that she found out about you two, gave you a well-deserved slap, and then disappeared.” Mary Margaret: “Well-deserved? Do you really believe that? Emma: “No. I’m just preparing you for what everyone else is going to think. You two are going to look bad until we figure the truth out.” Mary Margaret: “You mean David? Th-That people are going to think in order to… Be free with me…” Emma: “Some are. And, he’s not doing himself any favours. So, if there’s anything you could think of to pin down his whereabouts that night-” Mary Margaret: “He wasn’t with me. We really are through.” (The two of them come across Ruby, who is waiting at a bus stop, and Dr. Whale, who is talking to her.) Ruby: “Sorry. No, don’t need a ride.” Dr. Whale: “It’s awfully cold out here.” Ruby: “I’m fine – really.” Dr. Whale: “I can carry your bag. Where are you headed?” Mary Margaret: “Dr. Whale?” Dr. Whale: “Mary Margaret. Emma. Hello there.” Mary Margaret: “Hey.” Dr. Whale: “I was just having a talk with Ruby here. But, I should, um…” Emma: “Yeah. Yeah, you should.” Dr. Whale: “Yeah…” (He leaves.) Mary Margaret: “Was he bothering you?” Ruby: “The day I can’t handle a lech is the day I leave town. Which this is, I guess.” Emma: “You’re leaving?” Ruby: “I had a fight with Granny. Quit my job.” Mary Margaret: “You quit? Where are you going?” Ruby: “I don’t know. Away.” Emma: “Yeah, well, buses out of town don’t really happen. And, you might want a destination first.” Mary Margaret: “Hey, if you need a place to figure things out, you could always come home with us.” Emma: “Yeah, uh. Yeah. Just for a little while.” Mary Margaret: “Come on.”
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8th February >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saturday, Fourth Week in Ordinary Time 
Saint Jerome Emilian 
Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin 
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Saturday, Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading
1 Kings 3:4-13
Give your servant an understanding heart to judge your people.
Solomon went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, because that was the most renowned high place. Upon its altar Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings. In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night. God said, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” Solomon answered: “You have shown great favor to your servant, my father David, because he behaved faithfully toward you, with justice and an upright heart; and you have continued this great favor toward him, even today, seating a son of his on his throne. O Lord, my God, you have made me, your servant, king to succeed my father David; but I am a mere youth, not knowing at all how to act. I serve you in the midst of the people whom you have chosen, a people so vast that it cannot be numbered or counted. Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong. For who is able to govern this vast people of yours?”
The Lord was pleased that Solomon made this request. So God said to him: “Because you have asked for this– not for a long life for yourself, nor for riches, nor for the life of your enemies, but for understanding so that you may know what is right– I do as you requested. I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you. In addition, I give you what you have not asked for, such riches and glory that among kings there is not your like.”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
How shall a young man be faultless in his way?
By keeping to your words.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
With all my heart I seek you;
let me not stray from your commands.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Within my heart I treasure your promise,
that I may not sin against you.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach me your statutes.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
With my lips I declare
all the ordinances of your mouth.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
In the way of your decrees I rejoice,
as much as in all riches.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Gospel Acclamation
John 10:27
Alleluia, alleluia.
My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Mark 6:30-34
They were like sheep without a shepherd.
The Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them.
When Jesus disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Jerome Emilian 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Tobit 12:6-13
Prayer and fasting are good: but better than either is almsgiving accompanied by righteousness.
The angel Raphael said to Tobit and his son: “Thank God! Give him the praise and the glory. Before all the living, acknowledge the many good things he has done for you, by blessing and extolling his name in song. Honor and proclaim God’s deeds, and do not be slack in praising him. A king’s secret it is prudent to keep, but the works of God are to be declared and made known. Praise them with due honor. Do good, and evil will not find its way to you. Prayer and fasting are good, but better than either is almsgiving accompanied by righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than abundance with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold; for almsgiving saves one from death and expiates every sin. Those who regularly give alms shall enjoy a full life; but those habitually guilty of sin are their own worst enemies.
“I will now tell you the whole truth; I will conceal nothing at all from you. I have already said to you, ‘A king’s secret it is prudent to keep, but the works of God are to be made known with due honor.’ I can now tell you that when you, Tobit, and Sarah prayed, it was I who presented and read the record of your prayer before the Glory of the Lord; and I did the same thing when you used to bury the dead. When you did not hesitate to get up and leave your dinner in order to go and bury the dead, I was sent to put you to the test.”
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the Lord;
the lowly will hear and be glad.
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Glorify the Lord with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the Lord heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is;
blessed the man who takes refuge in him.
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Fear the Lord, you his holy ones,
for nought is lacking to those who fear him.
The great grow poor and hungry;
but those who seek the Lord want for no good thing.
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 5:3
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are the poor in spirit;
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Mark 10:17-30
Go, sell what you have and give to the poor; then come, follow me.
As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answered him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you shall not defraud; honor your father and your mother.” He replied and said to him, “Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth.” Jesus, looking at him,  loved him and said to him, “You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” At that statement his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God!” The disciples were amazed at his words. So Jesus again said to them in reply, “Children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.” They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, “Then who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For men it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” Peter began to say to him, “We have given up everything and followed you.” Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age: houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.”
Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
1 Corinthians 7:25-35
A virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord.
Brothers and sisters: In regard to virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. So this is what I think best because of the present distress: that it is a good thing for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek a separation. Are you free of a wife? Then do not look for a wife. If you marry, however, you do not sin, nor does an unmarried woman sin if she marries; but such people will experience affliction in their earthly life, and I would like to spare you that.
I tell you, brothers, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away.
I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17
Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
Hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear,
forget your people and your father’s house.
So shall the king desire your beauty;
for he is your lord, and you must worship him.
Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
All glorious is the king’s daughter as she enters;
her raiment is threaded with spun gold.
In embroidered apparel she is borne in to the king;
behind her the virgins of her train are brought to you.
Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
They are borne in with gladness and joy;
they enter the palace of the king.
The place of your fathers your sons shall have;
you shall make them princes through all the land.
Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
This is the wise bridesmaid, whom the Lord found waiting;
at his coming, she went in with him to the wedding feast.
Matthew 25:1-13
Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!
Jesus told his disciples this parable: “The Kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps. Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight, there was a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom!  Come out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise ones replied, ‘No, for there may not be enough for us and you. Go instead to the merchants and buy some for yourselves.’ While they went off to buy it, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast with him. Then the door was locked. Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Genesis 3:9-15, 20
I will put enmity between your offspring and the offspring of the woman.
After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree, the Lord God called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself.” Then he asked, “Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!” The man replied, “The woman whom you put here with me– she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it.” The Lord God then asked the woman, “Why did you do such a thing?” The woman answered, “The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it.”
Then the Lord God said to the serpent:
“Because you have done this, you shall be banned
from all the animals
and from all the wild creatures;
On your belly shall you crawl,
and dirt shall you eat
all the days of your life.
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
He will strike at your head,
while you strike at his heel.”
The man called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living.
Responsorial Psalm
1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd
My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“My heart exults in the Lord,
my horn is exalted in my God.
I have swallowed up my enemies;
I rejoice in my victory.”
My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“The bows of the mighty are broken,
while the tottering gird on strength.
The well-fed hire themselves out for bread,
while the hungry batten on spoil.
The barren wife bears seven sons,
while the mother of many languishes.”
My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“The Lord puts to death and gives life;
he casts down to the nether world;
he raises up again.
The Lord makes poor and makes rich,
he humbles, he also exalts.”
My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“He raises the needy from the dust;
from the dung heap he lifts up the poor,
To seat them with nobles
and make a glorious throne their heritage.”
My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
Gospel Acclamation
see Luke 1:28
Alleluia, alleluia.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women.
Alleluia, alleluia.
see Luke 1:45
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, who believed
that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.
Alleluia, alleluia.
see Luke 2:19
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed is the Virgin Mary who kept the word of God
and pondered it in her heart.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 11:28
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are those who hear the word of God
and observe it.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, holy Virgin Mary, deserving of all praise;
from you rose the sun of justice, Christ our God.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary;
without dying you won the martyr’s crown
beneath the Cross of the Lord.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23
For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Abraham became the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar. Perez became the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab. Amminadab became the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab. Boaz became the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed became the father of Jesse, Jesse the father of David the king.
David became the father of Solomon, whose mother had been the wife of Uriah. Solomon became the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asaph. Asaph became the father of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, Joram the father of Uzziah. Uzziah became the father of Jotham, Jotham the father of Ahaz, Ahaz the father of Hezekiah. Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amos, Amos the father of Josiah. Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the Babylonian exile.
After the Babylonian exile, Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel, Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel the father of Abiud. Abiud became the father of Eliakim, Eliakim the father of Azor, Azor the father of Zadok. Zadok became the father of Achim, Achim the father of Eliud, Eliud the father of Eleazar. Eleazar became the father of Matthan, Matthan the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,
which means “God is with us.”
0 notes
rndyounghowze · 5 years
Broadway Theatre of Pitman Gives US Sanctuary with The Hunchback of Notre Dame in Pitman, NJ
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Broadway Theatre of Pitman really rang a bell with me in their production of Hunchback of Notre Dame. This musical with music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, and book by Peter Parnell was directed by John Stephan and gave us sanctuary for the night.
All Quasimodo ever wanted was one day out in the normal world. But his adopted Father Dom Frollo forbids it. But on the Festival of Fools he ventures out and meets a lovely Gypsy girl named Esmeralda. After seeing the world she opens up for him can he ever venture back in?
Direction and Choreography by John Stephan brought his usual flair for brilliant character work and expansive dance choreography. You can tell that Stephan puts his heart and soul in everything. The dance numbers did not disappoint. You had the huge stage stealing tentpoles that make us celebrate and the small intimate choreography that steals your heart.
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Now for character work I have say that I don't know whether my criticism here is an acting choice, a script problem, or a director choice. I found it a strange choice for Quasimodo to talk in a lisp while speaking to some people and dropping it to sing beautifully or talk to other people. It's not the problem of his angelic singing voice that melts my soul like butter it's the problem that it rings unauthentic for a person with a speech disability to suddenly be able to sing.
Also I don't know why but there seemed to be more questions left unanswered by Quasimodo's disability than not. Such as if he is a bit deaf why can he hear things said behind him? And if he's reading lips why isn't he looking at people's faces? This is most likely a problem that production inherited from the script but characters with disabilities deserve to have that extra work done to provide great representation for the community of a differently abled audience. Oh I understand that realism is out the window in a play where he's talking to gargoyles. However you can't rest on your laurels just looking "infirm" you have to make sure your performance does not seem unauthentic to who the musical says Quasimodo is.
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Other than my questions about Quasimodo (played by Will K. Carey) this guy is what Dana called "scary good" and has a wicked talent about him. He brings a sincerity to the character that I haven't seen in a long time. He makes us immediately feel like this character is someone that we know.
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Although I feel that the villainous character of Frollo became bastardized by the musical adaptation our onstage Frollo (played by CJ Kish) did not disappoint in his performance. Because this new framing had him seeming more misguided than evil he was able to show a good man gone wrong. We are watching a journey of a Godly man turning into a monster.
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Phoebus (played by Justin Boyd) cut a dashing figure in a cape and sword. Dana informed me I should mention that he was very handsome. I will say that we both agree that his voice was as smooth as silk and rich as cream. And his chemistry with Esmeralda was very nice.
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Esmeralda (played by Shannon Q. Harkins) had that instantly approachable quality without seeming too vulnerable. She became my handhold into the musical. Her reactions and views of the world became mine. She gave the character sensuality without making her an object. No matter how other people objectified her she carried the character like a human being.
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I respect anyone who can turn a cartwheel and still sing in tune and Clopin (played by Matthew Robertson) delivers. I especially love his performance in the Court of Miracles number. Instead of a Punchinello type character we get a true leader of the Romani.
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I need to give a special shout out to the Jarema brothers: CJ Jarema and Andrew Jarema. I had a hard time counting all the roles they played in the course of two acts. I do know their hard work tired me out!
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Krystina Hawkinson first wowed Dana and I in "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and we really loved seeing her again last night! We feel we got a really good sense of her range and talent in this show.
The minute I heard that choir I had chills up and down my spine. There are so many things that you can do with a stationary choir that you can't do with an ensemble and this show has both a choir AND an ensemble of storytellers! You can fill the entire house with the magic of the human voice and for a show about a famous Cathedral you have a huge atmosphere to create! Dana and I were divided. She thinks we could have had the choir doing something more than just sitting there. They could have been part of the action more. I believe they were just perfect and I wish that the story teller ensemble had just stayed still and joined the choir. Be sure to go and tell us what you think.
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Then you hear this orchestra under the musical Direction of Jack Hill that sounds as soft as heaven one moment and as firey as gates of hell the next. The orchestra made good use of strings and percussion to sound much bigger than it was.
Set Design by David DeWeil never disappoints! I loved the expansiveness of the set which stood almost as monolithic as the great cathedral herself. However I couldn't help but notice that some of the wagons buckled and swayed as actors walked on them. If they're going to hold the weight of actors then it should support them without the audience thinking about why it's moving on its own. I say this out of love because it's beautiful.
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Lighting Design by Shawn McGovern really kept a dark and dismal atmosphere throughout. I noticed that he played really heavily with light and shadow and rich shades of purple. Probably the best lighting design I've seen at Pitman in a while.
Costume Design by Thom Sirkot played with the ideas of clean and ragged. You could tell what classof society characters were by their clean white robes, their dirty smocks, or their garish colorful dresses. However onstage costume changes at the beginning seemed a little too awkward but that might have been the complex nature of them. I am sure that most nights they work like a charm.
I was so glad to see fight choreography onstage in South Jersey that finally made sense! And this past stage armorer appreciates the work of fight director Rocco Barbera in this show. But it's not without it's problems. If you're going to do dazzling sword work then don't take actors acting at full speed and make them go through fight choreography that runs at half speed. Actually let the swords hit each other. Also make sure the actors are actually moving like they want to hit something. But it was the best sword choreography I've seen in three years. If I wasn't such a stickler I would say it was the best in six.
Of course the stage was graced with hair and wig Design by John Rattacasa. I have to confess that I'm such a fan of Mr. Rattacasa that anytime I see good hair onstage I go "that's an original masterpiece by John"! And I often start bragging about wigs that aren't his. John wigged the entire female ensemble in this show and if you can't tell it's because he's just... that...good! He's my theatre good luck charm for a reason!
Before I go I have a "behind the scenes" moment for you. At intermission an usher came to our row and announced that no one should be using their cellphones. Dana was able to whisper to her that we were reviewing the show and were invited. People often ask us why we don’t just show up to show unannounced and uninvited. This is why.
There are a lot of rules for theatre reviewers and they're all about making sure the venue, the reviewer, and the audience have the best experience ever. Normally we are invited to a press night at BTOP but in this instance it was not possible in which this case means we come in whenever schedules allow. Press nights are important to make sure that reviewers don't hinder someone's fun in the course of their duties. I would love to see press openings standardized all over South Jersey
You have more chances to see this show if you haven't already seen it. Even though it's not a favorite libretto of mine the cast has several ovation worthy moments. It's really worth it.
1 note · View note
Scared of A Heart I Couldn’t Silence
Making of Michelle Jones - Prologue, Chapter 11
Start from the beginning || Series Masterlist || Previous Chapter
After catching Michelle stealing jewels, the new mystery she brings into Peter's life defines his next adventure. There are new dangers coming to NYC and Michelle is playing a bigger part in Spider-Man's mission than Peter ever imagined.
Chapter 11: “Shut up,” she immediately quipped back with a smile. Her eyes looked to something off just below his face. Ned approached, about to greet Michelle. Before he could get a full word out, she took a finger and turned his chin before he could stop her. “Peter, is that-”
“Is that a hickey?!” Ned asked, a little too loud. Michelle started cracking up even louder and suddenly the whole hallway was staring at them.
T/W: none  Beta: Splendid_Splendont  Tags: spideychelle, pan!Peter, demi!Michelle, slow burn
“So Tony Stark hates me,” Michelle started as she entered the tunnel, throwing her backpack to the ground. “That’s not something you get to say every day. I guess I did threaten him with a frying pan, but in my defense I thought I saw a rat.”
“Can we set up traps for this rat situation?” Peter asked.
“Mr. Stark does not hate you,” he insisted. “He said he thinks you’re smart.”
“I am smart. He also hates me,” she told him with a smile. “He even offered me money to tell you I quit.”
“He what?” Peter was surprised. He remembered being sent home early when Tony visited, but it only felt like a coincidence that he and Michelle were left alone.
“Why is he so worried about me?” She pulled up the tracker on one of the screens and Peter came closer.
“You’re a kid,” he answered from right beside her.
“So are you,” she pointed out. He regretted ever telling her how old he was.
“You don’t have superpowers,” he said reaching to tap the screen before getting his hand slapped. “ Hey! ”
“Until you read the manual, these screens are my babies.”
“This is our headquarters!”
“This is my tunnel! I don’t touch your web shooters, you don’t touch my screens,” she asserted. “And for the record, I do have superpowers.” She grinned up at him, despite their squabbling. Michelle was so different now. Everything about her radiated good energy, she was so much happier even on the dullest days.
“Being an asshole doesn’t count,” Peter joked back at her, smiling behind the suit. She didn’t even pretend to be offended, she just kept smiling.
They kept having to break their stares. Peter didn’t know how to address the strange tension but it didn’t seem like Michelle was making any effort. He wondered if she even noticed their behavior or if it all meant nothing to her.
Peter brought her the journal again. He pulled it out of his backpack to show it to her. This time, it had an entry regarding the dream about his parents. He wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about that, but maybe he could share it with Michelle without having to talk about it. She didn’t seem to read the journal anymore if he just left it lying around. So he handed it directly to her this time.
When she started skimming through the pages to get to the new entries, he started speaking to her. He felt too nervous at the idea of her reading it in front of him. “So is your dad still in recovery?”
Michelle shook her head. “No. Strangely enough, he only needed a few days of bed rest. Of course, the ‘wounds’ need to heal but his back is doing fine.” Looking up at him when she found her page, she shook her head a little and shrugged. “There are a few relapses though.”
“They said he’ll feel this pain every once in a while. Like a stabbing pain. They said he’s fine, though, it’s just a side effect. Weird, right?” She didn’t look too concerned. “But at least he’s better. We thought he was going to end up in a wheelchair. He’s been all over the house now. Fixing things, decorating, singing. Spidey, I can’t tell you how happy I am.”
Despite how happy he felt for her, Peter still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
Peter’s hands were full juggling all the materials for the science fair presentation. He’d warned Aunt May ahead of time. He figured when she woke him up earlier than usual that she would be going to his school with him on the subway, giving him an extra hand. Instead, he woke to find Aunt May in the kitchen wearing pajamas and toasting Eggos. He watched her, baffled that she clearly wasn’t helping him.
“There’s a surprise waiting for you outside,” Aunt May said before stuffing Eggo waffles into his mouth. He didn’t know how he was expected to carry all of this so he couldn’t even stop her with his hands full. Hurrying out of the building, he wondered how mad Michelle would be if he accidentally dropped a display onto the subway tracks. Distracted in his worry, he was startled into dropping the board as he passed a parked truck and heard his name.
“HEY, PARKER!” she called out to him. He looked directly up to see Michelle just overhead peering down at him through the window of the truck. Waffles still in his mouth, he couldn’t answer. “This is a great look on you.”
Peter put down one of the bags and pulled out the waffles, chuckling. “What are you doing up there?”
“Get in, loser, we’re going to school,” she answered as if she hadn’t heard him. Opening the truck door, she climbed her way down to help him pick up the bags and the presentation board. “This is my dad’s new truck. His new boss lets him borrow it to drive home in it.”
“I figured I’d give you two little scientists a ride,” David piped in as he walked around the truck. He extended a hand to Peter, like he always did. “It’s good to see you, Peter. How’s May?”
“Asleep again, probably,” Peter joked, shaking his hand.
“Don’t call us little, dad,” Michelle interjected as she put the last of the bags in the truck. She climbed back into the car and extended a hand to help Peter up. Her father spotted him from behind while he climbed onto one  of the wheel covers. David took the presentation board to put it in the back of the truck with the bags.
“Did I tell you you should be a lawyer yet, Peter?” David asked from the back. Peter was about to say yes when he realized he was never meant to overhear the conversation about Michelle’s brother’s lawyer.
“No sir,” Peter grunted out as he pretended hoisting himself into the truck was difficult, but also like it didn’t hurt his still healing graze.
"Dad, it’s not a good joke,” Michelle warned as she reached over and shut the door behind Peter. David climbed into the other side with ease. Michelle seemed to expect it now but Peter was impressed. He really didn’t have much recovery time after the surgery.
“My Michelle is going to be a great lawyer,” David went on as he started the car. Michelle groaned. “Much better than that boy we hired.”
“Yale or Harvard. I’m not picky. She will probably go for Yale for undergrad. They’re bigger on the humanities and Michelle here loves to read. I’m sure you know that, though, Peter.”
“I do.” This was enjoyable. David was such a proud and happy man with a booming voice. Michelle had her face buried in her hands when she wasn’t hiding it behind her phone navigating the bluetooth radio. She found a song she liked and tried to put up the volume to drown out her father’s boasting.
“How about you, Peter? You thinking about college yet?”
“We’re both Freshmen,” Michelle piped in, embarrassed.
“You’ve wanted to go to an Ivy since you were seven. I’m sure Peter at least has an idea of what he wants to do.”
Peter had an answer. He wanted to invent. He would go anywhere that would let him keep inventing. If he went to college at all, that was. Being a superhero didn’t really seem to lend him the time.
But being that Michelle knew all of that about Spider-Man, Peter couldn’t answer truthfully.
“My Stark internship comes with good connections at MIT. If I’m lucky, maybe they will help me apply. I’ve always loved-” Peter pulled out the most obscure major he could think of “-industrial engineering.” He didn’t see Michelle shaking her head until he finished.
“Industrial engineering!” her father called out loudly. “Amazing! I’m an industrial engineer.”
Peter should have stopped himself.
“Dad, you’re drowning out the music,” Michelle complained, clearly trying to rescue Peter.
“I don’t think you can call this music. This is noise.” Michelle groaned. “Hand me the phone.”
In minutes, when her father finally figured out how to work the radio, the music turned into a soft jazz. They were silent for one song, as Michelle and Peter exchanged an awkward smile in traffic. Then the song changed and Michelle’s father stirred excitedly. It was just the piano intro to a song Peter didn’t recognize yet. Michelle immediately rolled her eyes before smiling fondly.
“ Wise men say- ” went the voice on the radio.
“Please don’t sing,” Michelle half-heartedly begged, clearly resigned to her fate.
“You love this song.” Immediately, Michelle’s father boosted the volume and sang along, catching up with the lyrics: “ But I can’t help falling in love with you- Peter, do you know this song?”
“Son, do you know the song?”
“Y-yes,” Peter answered unsure, as though he had to say yes even if it wasn’t true. He faintly recalled the lyrics to the song from a movie Aunt May liked.
“Sing with me,” her father suggested. In that deep voice, it felt more like a command.
“ Some things are meant to be, ” David continued alone. This part Peter knew for sure. Looking at Michelle’s mortified face, Peter realized he was enjoying this.
“ Take my hand, take my whole life, too, ” they both sang loudly as Michelle’s father put the volume up louder and opened the windows. They were in traffic, clearly making a scene. Michelle scoffed before finally joining in.
“ For I can't help falling in love with you. ” The three of them sang along for the whole song before going on to pick songs they all knew so they could sing through the traffic.
Peter was so happy to see this family doing better, the Jones were good people and deserved so much better than what they got.
Peter was stuffing the last of the materials into his locker, waiting for Ned to join him so they could walk to their first class together. He left Michelle back in the parking lot with the presentation board, her father sending him away so he wouldn’t be late for school. Manhattan traffic was nothing to joke about. Despite leaving an hour earlier than usual, they were still almost late.
Still, suddenly she was there at his side, smiling at something.
“I know your secret,” Michelle joked. Peter just stared at her, doing his best to look confused and not horrified. “You don’t really want to be an industrial engineer.” Peter couldn’t even pretend to laugh.
“I’m sorry my dad cornered you like that. We’re Freshmen,” she said, having difficulty coming up with words as she slowed down awkwardly. “I mean, we have a lot of time to think about college. Not everyone spells it out so early. I just don’t want you to feel bad, if that made you feel bad.” Finally, Peter chuckled.
“It didn’t. I’m just not really thinking about college yet.” Michelle nodded. Even despite their differences, she didn’t seem bothered at all by his admittance. “It’s sweet of you to worry about my feelings though,” he mocked quietly.
“Shut up,” she immediately quipped back with a smile. Her eyes looked to something off just below his face. Ned approached, about to greet Michelle. Before he could get a full word out, she took a finger and turned his chin before he could stop her. “Peter, is that-”
“Is that a hickey?!” Ned asked, a little too loud. Michelle started cracking up even louder and suddenly the whole hallway was staring at them.
“Shut up, guys,” he begged, swatting Michelle’s hand away.
“Oh man, I never took Liz for a biter,” Michelle spilled the joke quietly between loud laughs. “That makeup isn’t helping.” Peter really wished sometimes that he would be able to give come back. The makeup was enough to keep it from looking like he was strangled, but it wasn’t like he could say that.
“It was Liz?” Ned whispered too loud.
“I’m not going to lie, I’m impressed,” Michelle joshed, finally composing herself. “Liz is a junior.”
“It wasn’t Liz,” Peter mumbled quietly. Ned looked relieved that he hadn’t missed out on news.
“Secret girlfriend?” Michelle sounded genuinely shocked for once. “Parker, you’re finally interesting,” she quipped, amused as she walked off. It was like she existed just to create chaos and then walk away. The words ‘secret girlfriend’ were enough to launch Ned into a rant about their friendship, while Peter had to figure out just how he was going to excuse the marks.
“Isn’t it time to fire your girlfriend?” Tony asserted like they both knew it was only a temporary job. Peter was in his office, doing his best not to stare at all the displays in the room. There were all these little nuggets of superhero history in the room, standing like trophies in display cases. Tony’s first mask was closest to his desk and Peter wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch it.
“Not my girl-” Peter was never going to win on the girlfriend front with Tony. Still, he tried. “-I am not firing Michelle. And you shouldn’t be offering her money behind my back.” Truth be told, Peter didn’t understand this part. When it came to Tony Stark, there was so much about the man’s behavior that didn’t make any sense.
Peter couldn’t test to be an Avenger. He had to report to Happy if anything came up. Tony was a rich, busy man - a superhero - who often seemed disinterested in Peter’s smaller issues. Peter could understand why, but then Tony turned around and would take interest in the smallest of things going on in Peter’s life.
This Michelle thing, for example, made Peter feel like Tony meant to isolate him into a lonely bubble where no one could really know Spider-Man.
Tony didn’t even defend himself. Instead, he changed the subject.
“Are you going to be okay training with hired help until I get back?” he asked suddenly after a long silence where he fiddled with the paperwork on his desk, scrambling to put it all in a clean pile before covering it, using books like a paperweight.
“Back from where? Are you traveling?” Peter asked, the crack in his voice making it clear the idea panicked him.
“I’m in the city, I just won’t be available for a while. There’s this merger going on. Messy business. I don’t like going into public partnerships. Do me a favor, kid?”
“What?” Kid was becoming his first name when it came to Mr. Stark.
“Listen to me, I’m not trying to get rid of your friend. If you really care about her, I think you know you can’t keep this up. One day, they are going to find her, they will connect her to you, and then she will be in danger. She has a family to think about and people who want her safe. Including me, including you. She’s just a kid, Peter, and she’s not like you. She can’t save herself.”
Peter wanted Tony to be wrong. Michelle was invincible. However, he thought about what would happen if someone like the bank robbers or any other villain of the week tried to hurt her. He would do anything to keep her safe and that meant he was compromised.
“It’s God’s miracle, May, really,” David announced. He’d come over to their apartment to talk to May, and Peter felt a little strange seeing him without Michelle. She was in the decathlon team so she didn’t come with him. He and May were good friends but Peter wasn’t so sure he’d ever really seen him come over before other than the few times after Uncle Ben died.
“I don’t really believe in miracles, David. But this is all so sudden,” she mused, smiling as she unpacked groceries. He was planning on helping her cook dinner. They were celebrating his recovery tonight, Michelle would join them later. Peter had gotten a little suspicious that May and David were flirting last time they spoke, but when he asked about it, May reacted so quickly he dismissed the subject.
According to her, she met David while she and Uncle Ben were married. David and Ben were co-workers and best friends for a long time before David went off to work somewhere else. May and David used to tease Ben all of the time, partners in crime in making the silent man blush. It was part of why he and May got so close after his death. Now they seemed more like best friends, though they had so little in common. May had that magic, she could charm anyone.
“Are we having more company over? I bought extra just in case,” Aunt May noted, pulling out a few extra pork loins for baking when she saw him reach for just one.
“No, no, just the four of us. I told Michelle to invite friends if she wanted but I don’t know if she did.” Peter did his best to just focus on his homework, but it was so easy to eavesdrop with them right there. They went on cooking like he wasn’t in the room.
“What about you? Don’t you have work friends?” Aunt May teased as she always did. 
“New job, new people. I’ll be on my feet with them soon,” he said optimistically. Peter really wanted to stop listening but the man was so mysterious. “It still hurts but they said it would stop soon, that it was a matter of not taking any medication to help with the pain. I threw away all of my old painkillers, and I’m doing everything they’ve said, so I know it’ll all work out fine.” It was so nice to hear David’s optimism. Despite the commanding, deep voice of his that reminded Peter so much of Michelle, their outlooks were drastically different. ”How about you? Get that promotion?” Peter stopped writing. Aunt May noticed and got very quiet, enough to make David turn to him and turn back quickly. “I think the pork is ready to go in,” he said, moving to open the oven door.
After waiting just enough time, Peter picked up his things and moved to his room to give them privacy. He could still hear them from his room, regretfully.
“No news yet,” May confirmed after a while. “But I’m keeping my head up.”
“It’s your turn for a miracle.” 
“Maybe,” she agreed. Peter smiled. “You know, Peter and Michelle are such good friends lately.”
“I’m just happy to see her talking to someone. I was worried for awhile that she didn’t have any friends. And Peter is such a good kid.”
“Yeah.” Peter was still pleased with the conversation. Of course, May threw in a curveball. “Do you think anything’s….going on there?” David’s laugh sounded as awkward as Peter felt.
“Let’s not go too far.” Peter agreed, embarrassed even though they didn’t know he heard. “But he is a good kid. I know you were worried but you’re doing so great with him,” he heard David say.
“I really try,” May replied. She sounded fine until he heard David’s reply.
“What’s wrong?” Peter winced, his mind guessing at her expression.
“I just feel like he’s so in his head sometimes. I don’t know how to help him.” Peter reached over to his phone and started blasting music, wishing his room wasn’t so close to the kitchen.
Once the food was ready, Peter heard footsteps at the door. He was rushing before the doorbell even rang. He wasn’t going to admit he rushed to get there first so he could talk to Michelle, but he was abnormally fast to get the door. The doorbell rang just as he opened the door.
“You’re still doing that,” Michelle noted, recalling the last time he opened the door just as she knocked. Peter was about to make excuses when he saw Ned at the door. They were both wearing their bright yellow decathlon jackets.
“Hey man,” Ned piped up pleasantly. They both looked a little confused. Peter looked surprised enough to confuse him. “Michelle said there was a dinner?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, awkwardly moving to unblock the door. Just as Michelle passed, he stopped her. “Hey, why’d you invite Ned?” he asked curiously. He knew for a fact Michelle didn’t really consider him a friend, even if she was fond of his company. At times, more fond of it than Peter’s company.
“I wanted my dad to think I had more friends,” she answered simply before walking off.
After dinner, Ned and Michelle stayed behind because David was still talking to May. In his room, Ned was still drilling Peter about his secret girlfriend. Amused, Michelle was merely roaming the room with a smirk as she fiddled with his Star Wars figurines. Peter couldn’t really help but watch after her. He was self-conscious about her being in his room. She’d never really been there before. Whenever they studied it was in the living room. With a thought that made him blush, he realized she probably wouldn’t be allowed there if Ned wasn’t there with her.
“Clearly, we’re asking the wrong questions,” Michelle interrupted Ned’s ranting. “Really, we should be asking, how embarrassing is she?” She smirked at Peter, clearly enjoying this. “Peter would be telling us if he wanted to brag, but he doesn’t. He’s not that interesting, so clearly it’s her that has a problem.”
“Maybe she’s embarrassed by him, we are kind of losers,” Ned mused. Michelle frowned slightly. Peter knew she’d be unwilling to pay him the compliment that was clearly sitting on her tongue.
“No, I’m sure she’s embarrassing,” she said, continuing her mocking while pacing the room like it was an interrogation suite. “So Peter, what’s wrong with her? There are right and wrong answers here, so don’t be an ass.”
Peter could not understand how Michelle could be so nice to Spider-Man but so jokingly malicious with Peter. Well, he had an idea, but he wasn’t willing to face facts there.
“ Michelle! We’re leaving, ” David announced through the door. Saved by the bell.
“Any luck with the tracker?” Spider-Man asked Michelle as he stepped into the tunnel.
“They’re still moving,” she answered, reading a file on the screen. “I ordered one of the trackers to come back. I realized it might have some DNA on it that could give us an idea of what these guys are. That is, if we’re sticking to the not-human theory.” She eyed him doubtfully.
“Believe me, Michelle. I know what I saw.”
“Well, I ran it through the lab Tony gave me. It came back positive for genetic mutation. I don’t really know where to go from there so I’ve been researching the labs that are currently working in the area. The tracker has linked them only to Manhattan, which narrows it down.” Peter watched her screen, impressed by how quickly she was getting through the company lists. He briefly saw a name that made his stomach churn with recognition. It was taken off the list by the program. “What happened to Oscorp?”
“They operate in Brooklyn and specialize in a different kind of biochem, mainly on stem cell research and radioactivity. No license for performing experiments with genetic mutation,” she answered thoughtfully. “No connection.”
Peter swallowed. She was right, but he wanted them back on the list for selfish reasons. She was waiting for an answer. “How is your dad doing?” He had to keep up the impression that he wasn’t getting updates anywhere else.
“He’s good. He’s doing the walking, the exercise, the new diet. He’s really taking everything very seriously. I still can’t believe it’s over…..I found the name of the one guy who worked at the bank the Kerrig robbers hit last.”
“Oh?” Peter couldn’t get his mind off of Oscorp. If they were involved, this really was too dangerous for Michelle. She rambled off details about the man, his high-level job with the bank chain they robbed, a lack of connection between the other robbers and the bank chain, how it wasn’t the only bank chain they robbed so it couldn’t be the full motive. They robbed five different chains in total so far, with no expectations of whether they’d go after more. Peter mumbled something about Michelle needing to find out why the man was fired before he hurried off to think.
The next day, David picked Peter up again with Michelle to take them both to school. He had to wake up early and getting to school took longer this way, but Peter didn’t want to refuse when David offered. It was much more fun and a lot less stressful to drive in rather than take the subway into midtown. Besides, Michelle promised to ask her dad to drive the truck a little too close to Flash’s new car. 
The trip was fun, the three of them singing the entire time and not even talking. It’d been awhile since he felt able to just be a carefree kid and the little car rides made him escape the world for a minute. They were taller than every other car on the road, wind blowing through the open windows and rushing into their hair. Nothing could touch them. 
As Peter climbed down, he felt refreshed. David got out to help Michelle out through his side when he suddenly keeled over, calling out at first and then just groaning. Michelle dropped the backpack she had been handing him and hopped out of the truck as Peter rushed to his side. It was only a few seconds until he stopped crunching himself in. He gasped air in before finally standing back up. Despite the fear in her eyes, Michelle looked at Peter like he was the one who needed comforting. Like it was routine.
“It’s just the pains we were talking about, Peter. He’s fine. You’re fine, right?” she asked, her voice small and unsure. Her father nodded, sucking in another breath.
“Sorry you had to see that, Peter,” he lamented. He looked embarrassed. Looking to Michelle, she clearly wasn’t over it. She just watched her father nervously, afraid like she looked on the day before the surgery.
It came to Peter loud and clear then: Michelle was not invincible. Like him, she was just young and brave, but it wasn’t enough to make her untouchable.
He couldn’t keep putting her in danger.
“Oh, Michelle, your backpack,” David said. In the fall, it seemed to have opened and pour out its contents. David was bending over to pick it up when they all saw it. The burner phone, open on the ground next to her pens and books. Michelle and her father exchanged looks, and Peter was too horrified to say anything.
“Peter, I-I’ll meet you inside,” Michelle said in a weak, scared voice, not even looking at him. He couldn’t counter her on that, so he walked into the school wondering just what her father could think she was doing with a burner.
Peter couldn’t find Michelle for the rest of the day. Just when he wondered if she’d missed the school day, she popped up at his locker looking pale.
“Look, about the phone-” Michelle started nervously. Peter could only imagine how that talk went with her father.
“It’s none of my business,” Peter answered immediately, with a supportive smile.
“No, it’s just for-”
“Michelle, it’s fine. You have nothing to explain,” Peter offered her the way out. Sighing, she seemed disappointed she couldn’t explain. Peter appreciated that she wanted to tell the truth but he knew he’d have to act as though he believed her, and she seemed to see right through his lies. She looked around, clearly looking for a change of subject. Their eyes landed on a sign for the Winter Formal.
“So I guess you’re going to that lame winter dance?” she joked.
“Of course not.” He could imagine any number of things he’d rather be doing.
“Not going? What about your girlfriend?” Michelle asked, feigning shock.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Peter muttered, realizing that he blushed every time she mentioned it. It was probably the only reason she still thought it was funny. “Why don’t you believe me?”
“It would explain a lot about you.”
“How so?”
“Well, you're moody and you disappear all the time. Not just during school work, but in the middle of any conversation.” Peter marveled at how easily telling the truth came to Michelle, like nothing she said was meant to bother him. “And if not, then what’s that hickey on your neck?”
“It’s not a hickey.” Peter regretted denying it. Trying to think of an excuse, he settled on hoping the truth wouldn’t lead to any questions. “It’s a bruise.”
Michelle’s smile was gone suddenly. “Please tell me it wasn’t Flash,” she asked carefully, her tone measured and serious. Her expression and body language went into such a change, like she was contemplating a plan of action. Peter stared at her like she was a vision, unreal in how easy it was to get her to care about his problems despite her icy attitude. “Peter?”
Even if his life as Spider-Man was too dangerous for her, he refused to lose her.
“Michelle, do you want to go to the dance with me?” he answered before he could stop himself. If he couldn’t be around her as Spider-Man anymore, he had to make her want to be around Peter .
“What?” she asked, her tone unintelligible. The reaction made him backtrack.
“As friends, I mean. Ned’s going. We could meet him there. Unless you really don't want-”
“Okay,” she mumbled quietly, her expression empty of anything but confusion. She had just a hint of a smile when she turned and walked away.
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owicpub · 5 years
Happy Hellidays
We have many holidays in the west that seem to serve no other purpose than to sell consumer trinkets for the enrichment of companies. This is not the purpose of the holidays, so I set out with a co-author to research the origin and practice of the various holidays. The result was the book Happy Hellidays.
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Here is an excerpt from Happy Hellidays
The Baals of Today
God takes His law seriously, and though He has not directly addressed the consumer culture of the west, the Scriptures offer plenty of advice about how we should interact with the societies in which we find ourselves residing. In this chapter we examine the commands regarding covetousness, contentment, and even learn the Devil’s occupation (at least according to us). Let us examine in detail the Baals of today’s world.
You Shall Not Covet
Attached to the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) is the final proclamation regarding covetousness:
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything else that belongs to your neighbor (verse 17).
Covetousness at its core means desire, specifically such desire leading to temptation to break a variety of God’s moral laws. Covetousness is to see something we want and seek an occasion of illegitimately gaining it. Coveting is not seeing a nice watch, desiring to get one like it, and working toward the goal, saving up to buy it. Notice the specific command is in regard to your neighbor’s wife, or servant, or animal. This means we must not flirt with our neighbor’s wife in the hopes to separate her from her husband unto your own service. Same with the animals. It was not wrong to desire another ox to plow the fields, but to steal our neighbor’s ox was to act on covetous desires, and that is what God condemns. Likewise in our modern world, we ought to live moderately and not let “the Jones’s” new car inflame us to upgrade our own perfectly functioning vehicle.
God knows the emotions which could easily follow covetousness: greed, envy, and even theft or murder. In His command regarding the people, He was safeguarding them against these sins, though many violations were displayed in scripture because the people did not heed His warning. Not long after Moses died the people were destroying Jericho under Joshua’s leadership. The command was easy enough: Destroy everything (Joshua 6:17-18)! But one man, Achan, was unfaithful. He saw gold, silver, and a coat and took them, obeying his covetous thoughts over the command from God. Joshua 7:21 records in his confession: he coveted the items devoted to destruction and took them instead for himself thinking he could hide his actions from God. Had he just wanted them without succumbing to temptation, all would have been well, but following through his act of covetousness led to his death by stoning.
David also succumbed to covetousness as he was walking along the palace roof one night. He looked down and saw a beautiful woman bathing and coveted her. He inquired of his servants who she was, and the answer came back: she was another man’s wife. This was not just some random man, however, David would have known Uriah because he was actually one of David’s thirty-seven mighty men (2 Samuel 23:39)! He had the opportunity to come to his senses, but instead he sent word through his servants to bring her up to him, and as king, she could not refuse. They committed adultery, got pregnant, and then David killed Uriah by sending him to the front of the battle. These sins became not only a stain on David’s character, but also the beginning of the downfall of his very dynasty. All this because David coveted a woman who was not his (2 Samuel 11:2-5).
The New Testament also records an incident worthy of discussion. Simon was a Samaritan sorcerer, probably not unlike many religious charlatans of today. He used his religion to gain money (Acts 8:9-13). When it was reported to the Apostles the Samaritans were being baptized they sent Peter and John to pray for the people and instruct them in the Lord. Simon was among those whom Philip had baptized but when he saw the Holy Spirit descending on people at the mere touch from Peter and John, he showed his true heart when he offered the Apostles money to give him the same power (Acts 8:14-19). Peter saw right through Simon admonishing him to repent, for coveting the power of the Apostles was not trusting God in faith.
The Lord knew what He was doing when he added the commandments against coveting into the Ten Com-mandments. Wickedness is bound up with covetousness whether it be desiring power, wealth, or sexual gratification. God has declared how He will handle those who live a covetous life:
Woe to those who scheme iniquity, Who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes, they do it, For it is in the power of their hands. They covet fields and then seize them, And houses, and take them away. They rob a man and his house, A man and his inheritance.
Therefore thus says the Lord,
“Behold, I am planning against this family a calamity From which you cannot remove your necks; And you will not walk haughtily, For it will be an evil time. (Micah 2:1-3)
Proverbs also warns that covetousness leads us to despair:
The desire of the sluggard puts him to death, For his hands refuse to work; All day long he is craving, While the righteous gives and does not hold back. Proverbs 21:25-26
The problem with covetousness is for many people who get used to acquiring ‘stuff’, the desire is never full. We try to accumulate more and more hoping to find the one purchase truly making us happy, only to find that happiness is fleeting. We will discuss the folly of happiness later in this chapter on the section regarding the thrill of the purchase. For now, suffice it to say gaining material goods does not bring fulfillment, and Jesus Himself talked about such a person desiring wealth:
For what will it profit a man if he gains the world and forfeits his soul (Matthew 16:26)?
Furthermore, the accumulation of possessions will not help to clarify who we are, rather it muddles our own understanding about ourselves.
Polluted by Marketing
Many have speculated on the Devil’s occupation in our modern world. Some Hollywood productions like Devil’s Advocate suggest he is a lawyer because they are into everything. Truly, what business market is not in need of a good lawyer for settling disputes and writing contracts? Others in the same establishment have said through the television program Lucifer that he would run a bar as they are a hub of sin in our culture. This could make sense in light of the sin so often accompanying the flow of alcohol. We suggest neither occupation clearly reflects what the Devil does in his daily work and that is part of his deception. Though sin is certainly present in both those environments, sin is present everywhere in our world, but the Devil is not just about practicing sin, but rather he wants to get other people to practice sin. Let’s look at his Biblical début:
Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings (Genesis 3:1-7).
We see from this scripture the Devil is crafty. That is to say he is smooth in speech, calculated, and speaks to induce behavior in his listeners. He started this dialog by getting Eve to question the only command God gave the two humans. He then gave her a different message informing her she would not die, but instead God was trying to restrict her, but he was trying to make her free. All this caused Eve to question God’s word and do an act she otherwise would not have done. In short, the Devil marketed to Eve a different plan.
The Devil is a marketer, always probing and tempting to engage his subjects in behavior they may not otherwise do. Such is the case of marketers in our world. Their goal is not to inform us of their products, it is to convince us to buy their products. Modern day marketing approaches have demonstrated they will do absolutely everything to get a person to buy their goods whether it is in the subject’s best interest or not. Thus, the Devil is employed in the marketing business.
Some would say the objective of marketing is to inform consumers of new products. We do not believe, however, this is a matter of education, but of subversion. If the purpose of commercials were exclusively to inform, we would have objective, fact-based commercials. But the reality is we see emotional appeals designed to make us discontented. Modern commercials teach us desire for their product as the solution to our woes…for now. They want us to covet the gizmos and gadgets we see so much we will spend every dollar we have in the pursuit of our own happiness or to avoid the social stigma of not having the latest car, phone, or smart device. Neil Postman wrote of commercials in The Disappearance of Childhood[i]:
“The TV commercial does not present products in a form that calls upon analytical skills or what we customarily think of as rational and mature judgment. It is not facts that are offered to the consumer but idols, to which both adults and children can attach themselves with equal devotion and without the burden of logic or verification. It is, therefore, misleading even to call this form of communication “commercials,” since they disdain the rhetoric of business and do their work largely with the symbols and rhetoric of religion.”
Postman continues to describe commercials as modern day parables where the structure consists of sin, a solution, and a vision of heaven for those smart enough to follow the advice of the perfect informants of the proper way. Taken together with our topic on holidays, how could your children possibly have a good Easter or Christmas without new toys and gifts created in the image of popular television characters. It is sad that even cheap knock-off gifts are presented in buying bins designed to match the accepted colors of seasonal events.
Marketing seeks to breed covetousness, which is not enduring. The idea is to convince us our lives are not complete without their new solutions. Like a child anticipating Christmas morning, we flock to stores in droves at the release of a new iPhone or the latest video game franchise expansion giving more of our hard-earned money for the same thing we already have. But the feeling does not last. We have forgotten that in Him we live and breathe and have our being.
The Thrill of the Purchase
Consider again our child during the hours preceding Christmas. The evening of the holy grail of kid-dom is a long and painful night as he anticipates the overindulgence of new toys. Adults get those feelings when the prospect of a new phone, video game, movie, or other trinket seeks our attention. If we have the willpower to fight the feelings we risk going back to purchase the item in the next few days. We justify when we will pay for it, how we will pay for it, and our culture generally goes further into debt on credit cards or making payments to finance large purchases. We do this for the thrill of the purchase, believing that buying trinkets fills the hole in our heart and makes our life complete. This is folly.
He who loves pleasure will become a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not become rich. Proverbs 21:17
Not only will the misguided purchase of products fail to satisfy, but the money we spend on them will lead us wanting for more, failing to meet our retirement goals, and preventing us from helping our neighbors when times become tough. We become slaves to the marketers who seek to extract our funds. We become choked by the goods of the material world, and if we are not careful, we may become counted as those thrown among the thorns:
Others were the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4:18-19).
This is precisely what has been occurring in the western culture of late and the influence is both inside and outside the church. American Christians, in general, have allowed marketing to breed covetousness in our hearts, growing the desire to buy the latest gizmos and gadgets. We spend money that could go to other endeavors on streaming services, monthly payments, and empty stuff, all because we have bought into a cultural idea that having material goods means we are better people, and the belief that having pleasure will give us relaxation. We are being choked by the thorns and if the parable is true, we will become unfruitful…perhaps we have already withered.
We have to learn that wealth and material possessions are fleeting. They are not entirely bad, and like Paul, I (Tom) have lived in abundance and I have lived in poverty; both have their advantages and their pitfalls. Belongings are just things and we have no right to judge our neighbors hearts merely by his possessions, but the question remains ours to answer. Are we placing our trust in things? Are we placing our trust in wealth? Consider what Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 5:10:
He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity.
We leave this section by clarifying we are not against material belongings. Our objection here is how marketing lends to covetousness and tries to tell us our life will be complete when we buy a product or service. The present American model of consumerism gives us idols to worship as people or products and distractions to keep us focused on the world rather than God. It seeks to takes all our money before we can decide how best to use the resources God entrusted to us for His ultimate glory. Truly the thrill of the sale will not last, and the purchase of fleeting merchandise captures those resources from going into Kingdom purposes.
Consumerism and Contentment
We have already looked at a verse from Solomon about riches, but let us examine a few more verses in Ecclesiastes 5:
There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt. When those riches were lost through a bad investment and he had fathered a son, then there was nothing to support him. As he had come naked from his mother’s womb, so will he return as he came. He will take nothing from the fruit of his labor that he can carry in his hand. This also is a grievous evil—exactly as a man is born, thus will he die. So what is the advantage to him who toils for the wind? (13-16)
Consumerism directs us toward consumption, and like evil, consumption is never full. Solomon warns about hording money, because such hording tends to make us covetous. We will take nothing with us out of this world. Jesus illustrates the same principle in Luke 12:16-21:
And He told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man was very productive. And he began reasoning to himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’ So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
Jesus was not saying money and wealth is bad, in fact the scripture uses many examples of wealth being used in positive ways and even calling it a blessing (Luke 6:38). The problem here is the storing up of wealth made this foolish man want to trust in his possessions as his security. It is easy for us to fall into the trap of trusting our wealth and acquisitions. Paul addressed the wealthy people in the church specifically in 1 Timothy 6:17-19:
Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.
The rich were not commanded to give everything to the church, but to use their money to bless the community around them. The ultimate command is to not look to our money as our source of trust or decline, but that we would instead we dwell richly on the power of Christ no matter our financial situation. Paul says in Philippians 4:8:
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
Paul continues the next few verses talking about contentment in whatever situation he finds himself. If we have extra money, praise God that we have some. If we do not have extra money and times are tight, praise God for the power to fight another day. A content person can learn not to worry in the tough times and he does not dwell on his wealth during the times of abundance. Thus, we should all learn not to think of things as a means to our happiness.
The Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) seemed to trust in his possessions. He asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, which Christ first replied to obey the commands. The young man was clearly not content with the answer considering he believed he followed all of those commands from his youth. Like an affluent person who collects stuff, joy escapes this young man, and he still seeks more. Jesus tested him on the first command: sell your possessions and follow Him. The young man demonstrated very clearly he had truly not obeyed even the first of the commands, placing his possessions before his service to God.
God knows our things and affluence do not guide us to happiness, but in contrast, they often lead to our downfall. Moses’s words recorded in Deuteronomy demonstrate just how well God knew his people, and about the future affluence in the land flowing with milk and honey. He had this to say:
Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today; otherwise when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and have lived in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and all that you have multiplies, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Deuteronomy 8:11-14).
We fail to become content when we start focusing on worldly things being thrown at us in marketing. To contrast this point, the Israelites were told to keep the commandments and ordinances passed down through Moses. In the New Testament we find general principles to help us focus on God over riches. The author of Hebrews says to be free from the love of money, contrasting that desire with contentment (Hebrews 13:5). Paul echoes the same sentiment in Philippians 4:11-12:
Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
Paul’s disposition of heart was not dependent on his stuff and circumstances. We need to take this lesson from our heads into our hearts, learning things do not have the power to bring us joy, and that lacking material goods cannot bring us to sorrow. Riches are fleeting, and we are given so many warnings about wealth because of the ease by which money can be lost.
The Balance
Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, That I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God. Proverbs 30:8-9
Agur, son of Jakeh wrote this proverb about neither wanting wealth nor poverty. He acknowledges some wealthy people begin trusting their riches but he also recognizes the multitude of challenges among the impoverished. Both financial states have their own trials and temptations, but neither are holier states than the other. This is a balance we need to keep in mind. It is common in our divided nation to pit wealthy against poor. Many will decry the poor as being merely lazy sluggards. Likewise, those poor and lazy sluggards know for a fact they have been oppressed by evil wealthy people. The proverbs are full of people who fell to ruin for spending more than they had by leveraging credit, and other proverbs tell how sluggards will fall to ruin because sleep was more important than the harvest. But the penning of James 5 gives us examples of ways some wealthy people do indeed oppress the poor.
As we dive into this controversial topic we need to embrace the understanding we cannot determine the state of a person’s heart by the presence or absence of material possessions. It is easy to get envious of a person more materially blessed then us, but that does not mean they have accumulated their wealth maliciously. In short, it is our duty to measure our own hearts, not the hearts of others. Reflect on this portion of scripture from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:19-21):
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
It is our own duty to define our treasure. We all have sentimental belongings and we have material goods that are important to us whether it be time saving devices or just things which bring us joy. That is OK so long as we do not focus on those things to the detriment of Christ in our hearts. Let us examine our own hearts to make sure we are not placing our treasure in material things; rather our focus should be on the Kingdom of Heaven.
The next concept in our balance is one of debt and credit. America has become a debtor’s nation not only on the federal level, but also on a personal level. Credit is so aggressively marketed to us that our youth begin receiving credit card advertisements before graduating high school. In addition, we are trained that we will become homeless bums if we do not attend college, but the costs are so high, we must take out student loans…don’t worry! It will be worth it! In fact, I (Tom) remember my college graduation when the university president was talking about the value of our education. He said, “The average person will leave here with a student loan costing $200 per month for the next ten years. That is a good price to pay.” I actually thought that very moment, “If this education is so valuable, why will it take so long to pay off?” Of course, we need a car, and a car payment is just a way of life, so let’s just buy a car we like and suffer through the payments! As of this writing, the average car payment in America is about $500 per month and the average student loan repayment is way higher than $200 per month! Don’t forget your house. And of course, you need to enjoy your life, so sign up for one (or more) streaming services so you can have movies to watch with your expensive, financed television as you relax from the hard day of work while you are trying to pay off everything!
Contrary to the average American life, the scriptures give us a lot of warnings about debt. Some of the more modern translations are comically accurate in saying, It’s stupid to guarantee someone else’s loan! (Proverbs 17:18, CEV). In keeping with our trend of not jumping versions, here are a few warnings from the NASB Bible about credit: The rich rules over the poor and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave (Proverbs 22:7). Many verses in Proverbs deal specifically with the concept of co-signing, which is promising to pay a loan for another in the event they cannot pay. If your own debts are a problem to you, certainly never take on a pledge to pay for someone else. You will generally end up paying in the end, but you will only be notified when your credit has already been damaged for non-payment of a loan. Consider these Proverbs:
My son, if you have become surety for your neighbor, Have given a pledge for a stranger, If you have been snared with the words of your mouth, Have been caught with the words of your mouth, Do this then, my son, and deliver yourself; Since you have come into the hand of your neighbor, Go, humble yourself, and importune your neighbor. Give no sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids; Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter’s hand And like a bird from the hand of the fowler. Proverbs 6:1-5
If you find yourself as a co-signer of a loan, or even in debt of any kind, do not just let it be because you can ‘make the payments’. Do what you can to remove the debt from your life. Work extra jobs, go without pleasure spending, cut your life back, become a hermit to things of pleasure until you have paid every cent. Trust us that without debt hanging over our heads we will be a lot happier and even more productive in life. Another proverb reminds us that people who hate borrowing money are more secure (Proverbs 11:15). Truly, debt can bind us and it can prevent us from following the path God desires us to walk in.
While debt is a major problem in our world today, it is not the only problem. We have become people who spend without a plan. Often times, spending without a plan is spending on debt, but other times, it is spending money that we do have on things we really do not need or intend to have. This means spending impulsively. Proverbs 21:5 speaks to this:
The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.
We should plan our spending and stick to that plan, but of course, that is contrary to what marketers want. They want to get us emotionally stirred up so we spend money we intended to keep. They want us to stop at the upcoming fast food restaurant, or even worse, with tracking included on mobile phones, to give us ads, texts, and notifications when we are in the vicinity of their stores. All this drives us to become more impulsive, and impulsiveness is counter to the balance by which we should live our lives to the glory of God.
While the Israelites settled easily into the worship of false gods like Baal and Moloch, we in the west are equally susceptible to Baal in the form of consumer marketing. We worship iPhones enough to stand in line for days in anticipation only to sign up for a monthly payment plan on a device worth more than our first car. The devices we seek to buy, or sign up for free service, turn us into the product bought and sold. The companies build up psychological profiles on all of us users and use the data to more effectively target their marketing. But the error is not in their court, they are merely providing temptation. We follow through, extend our credit, justify our payments, and sink lower into the stupor of cool consumer entertainment while the still, small voice of God eludes us. It is better to seek Him first and not get involved with the consumer push for the latest thought-children of executives seeking to merely gain profits.
[i]The Disappearance of Childhood, Neil Postman, 1994, Vintage Books
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go-redgirl · 5 years
The Senate Votes To Approve The Controversial Spending Caps, Debt Ceiling Bill. The Final Passage Vote Was 67-28. This Bill Now Goes To President Trump to sign.
The Senate votes to approve the controversial spending caps, debt ceiling bill. The final passage vote was 67-28. This bill now goes to President Trump to sign.
Steven Jones ​yep! Torrok 01 is a paid Leftist TROLL! Everyone just iggy it. Bye Troll! no one cares anymore about you internet morons.
Ya'akov benAwake ​Citizenship question on census please .
Phil Mueller ​Vote Trump to protect America from socialism
caro sato ​1000 dollars for everyone is a Ponzi scheme
Destiny Menzies ​Yeah because y'all are lining your pockets with it rather then spending the money on what it was meant for!!! Gggggrrrrr wake up people!!!
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​ANTIFA = terrorisme
greywolfe ​TRUMP 2020👍
Rod Bender ​the census aids gerimandering
HK ​Artemis Fow Thank you i was confused 😸
Drill Bit ​torrok 01​, Yea, That*s why he gives his Salary to Charity.
Star Dust ​What did you do with those taxes before Trump became President ? Talk to Obama about high drug prices.. He did that
Merlin Krisp ​Where’s my royals Roy’s 😂😂 JK
andrew richardson ​Balance the G da..mn budget, get your sh..t together CROOKS
John Ortiz ​War famine diseases natural disasters and civil war is coming soon to America. Christians prepare
text kite ​CREEPER, AW MAN
Joey Big Things Poppin ​The kids shouting for Trump is because their parents are part of the 1%. while these children never worked a day in their life ,college paid for lmfao..
Havefunplayguitar ​Baltimore? Send money I need to pay my beach house mortgage
Why are you so Angry? ​Thats what we pay you clowns to do! Do your jobs, or fear, fear our LIBERTY!
torrok 01 ​If you make $50k a year Trump tax cut gave you $570. If you make $1m it gave you $70k. Is that fair? I would rather $1k a month
Annika_green ​@Joey that’s a broad generalization .
awildbill rightous ​HK ,, may the force be with you!👀👌
Happy Voice ​tax cuts for the rich lead to higher deficits and diminishing returns for the country
Travis Jackson ​Our President Trump is making Me proud.
GDPops ​Government shouldn't spend money they don't have. TRY DOING THAT AT HOME
Fuzz Man ​1 state 1 vote
Rebecca Brown ​Trump 2020!
Nothing ​Vote for democrats if you want your cities filled with 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉
Edward Wallace ​Government bad answer to all problems. Marianne Williamson 2020
Mo Hamhead ​If it was up to me there would be zero free stuff for lazy unambitious parasites
nighttr ​I have an idea lets give the super wealthy a tax break,
Danny Hemphill ​the people that make a lot of money pay a lot of taxes idiot
Ramiro Garcia ​RINO'S & DEM'S SUCK.
David Hensley ​shut down the government good do it
Merlin Krisp ​True Danny 👍
richardcvlr5 ​there's creepy joe he's moving kinda slow in the men's room.
IR_Dankenstein ​Will there still be gummy bears? If not, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Drill Bit ​46% of people, don*t pay taxes.
Why are you so Angry? ​Many take pride in the fact that their children are made to work in honorable situations, with the word of god in their hearts, integrity in their minds, and a knowing of behavior. Who made you stupid
torrok 01 ​$1000 a month to everyone stimulates growth better than giving money to the rich
Havefunplayguitar ​I was blocked
abc def ​Joey why u watch fox,no tin foil hats here
Friendly Tourist ​I ❤ Cop Splash 💦🐖🐖
Niobokupletskite ​i say having it in your hand now is better then going out and find it
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​trump 2020 Landslide
HoarderCatG ​Nicole junkermann
Rod Bender ​people that make 12k a year and afford 1k per year taxes dumbocrats
awildbill rightous ​Master Jedi Trump leading the Jedi now! 2020 The lightside will defeat the darkside!🤜
Amy Tyler ​🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Bob A ​Richard he’s in there with booker
Rebecca Brown ​We The People demand Term Limits for congress and grandfather the limits.
Annika_green ​If there’s a crash & the bankers and corps get bailout, I will be upset!!! I think a check one time to WE THE PEOPLE IS FINE
Fuzz Man ​all the money all the billionaires in the world has would not pay for dems dreams
Dan Williams ​if there is more of something, does it increase in value?
Edward Wallace ​So don't spend pay the dog gone debt. Marianne Williamson 2020
Last Days ​What a fool. OH BUT THEY want to give everybody free S___! to put that debt on the backs of his grands
origine online ​Free education Free medical 5 weeks vacation bigger salary thx , try to be more like my friends in europe
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Never watched fox ever.. Alphabet
Happy Voice ​Raise taxes to reduce the deficit and fulfill budget shortfalls, it's not rocket science. Can't tighten the belt much more.
Stephen Rothwell ​maybe the good senators can donate his salary and half his net worth if he loves the kids so much
L Yachty ​TRUMP 2020
​CUT SPENDING....START WITH CONGRESS PORKERS Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. LEARN MORE
Leandro Garcia ​leave here , and go to the CSPAN live stream if you like
window789456123 ​trump 2020
Mo Hamhead ​There's too much parasite and not enough host now
Steven Jones ​do not buy the 1% LIE! That is all it is. LIES! Taxes went to everyone almost. THIS IS A LIE!
Why are you so Angry? ​Get a job, vote the Nanny government OUT of OUR lives! Figure it out, grow up. Most of us do, with or without the perpetually pubescent.
Danny Hemphill ​oh yes. free this free that equals loss of freedom
Blue Wizard ​🏆TRUMP 2020🏆
nighttr ​Trump supporters sure could use the free education
Drill Bit ​The rich make their money just like you do. Have you ever been hired by poor person???
torrok 01 ​Google Andrew Yang and check out his policies
Merlin Krisp ​Shut up 🤐
KritterKracker ​It's called stealing from Peter to pay Paul
De Dowd ​this guy is a Phoney Windbag! All talk and no action as long as his palm is greased with cash. Just watched a press conference in Baltimor and the Feds are cracking down on the drug dealers. Finally!
andrew richardson ​torrok 01, you sir, are an idiot, don;t breed
GDPops ​$22,022,376,894,711.12 National Debt
Kirrsty Locklear ​this dude is full of it our money is being stolen and not spent on the issues and foreign countries ain't paying their bills
Havefunplayguitar ​Why am I being censored?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Eat bacon our leave USA🥓
Amy Tyler ​This is so interesting! NOT!
Nothing ​no such thing as free you will have uneducated taxpayers paying for top earner college graduate degrees
Niobokupletskite ​tax break for the rich is a disinfection for the rip of businesses that surround us
john doe ​ugh...
ascii ​Has anyone mentioned Israel yet?
AA14/MoshDuck ​Amy Tyler: Then why are you here?
Friendly Tourist ​🌚 PAGAN 🌛
IR_Dankenstein ​Word of the day is: Entitlement
Rod Bender ​"healthcare" should not be confused with "health insurance" DUMBOCRATS
Edward Wallace ​No one should be taxed by Government. Marianne Williamson 2020
grabitz ​slow mode
Bill Bush ​n
Star Dust ​why did you let Bush and Obama have all that money ?
Annika_green ​Stop taking too many meds and eat healthy. Again, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
No Regrets ​vote Trump 2020 President Trump 20/20 all the way
Happy Voice ​It's fiscally responsible to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, but middle class as well, before we even talk about changing healthcare or education.
Greig Ballantine ​oh my omar
BayouSef1 ​I don't know what he is talking about. It didn't cost me that much for a 12 year old.
Drill Bit ​Mushroom Williamson, Throw back from Woodstock
Steve Landy ​Trump 2020 ok
torrok 01 ​Trump has done nothing for you. Google Andrew Yang
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Talk deficit yet their spending more than they can print
andrew richardson ​National debt goes up 100 million per hour 24/7
Spiny Norman ​taxation is theft, crime does not pay
DRUNKEN RAMBLE ​We're all gonna get a Skyscraper on 5th Ave one day. It's gonna be Huge!!!!......lololol
David Hensley ​so who is this guy lobbying for big pharma?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Omar antifa leader?
Dawn Gray ​Joe Biden SAID it last night. GOV'T has failed us 40yrs. Joe has BEEN THERE 49 THERE LIES THE PROBLEM. #TermLimits #ForthepeopleBythePeople
Danny Hemphill ​torrok01. your delusional. never gonna happen. IT'S called communism
DFG ​Corey Booker is the whitest person running for president
junior ​Andrew Yang 2020
KritterKracker ​The Superiority of the Republics freedom TRUMPS the inferiority of Congress
Keonte ​Andrew Yang 2020
awildbill rightous ​We clearly need Master Jedi Trump another 4 years ,💯
HK ​Torrok 01 come on man don't be Rude
abc def ​soros antifa and dem leader,fact
Mo Hamhead ​How come the Democrats aren't talking about Mueller any more? It's like he never existed
Ganesh Jayatpal ​🚩🚩🚩
American Patriot 1776 ​Andrew Yang 2020 I agree Keonte
Happy Voice ​Taxes are used to support a government that provides necessary public services, such as a police force, public education, and public infrastructure, "taxation is theft" is simply idiotic.
Roger Clinton ​F Dems
Drill Bit ​Spiny Norman​ It pays for these people. They all rich.
Jenny Ward ​I I bet Nancy Pelosi cart and baby roaches and lice flee from her arse.
Jim Brauer ​YANG 2020 / FREEDOM DIVIDEND / M4A / Humanity First / Abundance Mindset / $1,000 per mo per adult / Solution to POVERTY = CASH in the hands of Parents and Teachers !!! YANG = YES !!! TRICKLE UP
Annika_green ​@American Patriot 1776?Yang?! You want the taxation called VALUE ADDED TAX???
no halo ​President Trump should read that deal again because democrats and republicans agree to it,there has to be a catch,and you can't trust crooked career politicians!
Why are you so Angry? ​No more alms.
L Yachty ​Majority vote TRUMP obviously
OurSavageGaming ​MAGA 2020 🦅🦅🦅
Alan Johnson ​All of them are thieves! If they are talking they are Lying! Drain the swamp!
AnabelleLee100 ​Universal Health Exploitation does not fix Costs. Caps on Medical Charges ONLY Way to Fix Healthcare.
Joey Big Things Poppin ​So Taxation on the American people is a crime
Nothing ​democrats hate all human rights. they are anti free speech, privacy, self defence, due process. I cant think of 1 human right democrats support
Danny Hemphill ​yang is a con man commie
Borng Jak ​ខ្ញុំ
KritterKracker ​Freedom from Congress' Bad Debt
Dawn Gray ​MY Indep VOTE goes to TRUMP2020 #IndependentsForTrump
David Hensley ​and the police force is a arm of corporate America that listens to those who make the laws they are the arm that inforces them
abc def ​deport the whole yang family,enemies of the state
Kodiak ​suddenly Durbin cares about the troops.
OPINION:  Great, great news to hear.  The Senate is doing an outstanding job.  
Lets give them applaus👏
0 notes
owlways-and-forever · 5 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Lily Evans thought her life would be normal. Well, as normal as it can be for a muggle-born witch in England. But when her boyfriend turns out to be the prince of the wizarding world, and tensions begin to rise among factions of wizarding society, Lily must find her way in situations she never anticipated, and try not to lose sight of her identity. Word Count: 2,762 (21,619) Links: ao3 | FFnet | Tumblr: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5
A/N: This might be a shorter chapter, but the good news is that I've decided to add a few chapters, so we're looking at something in the 20ish range ultimately. This chapter is closing in on the end of school, and a lot of things are starting to feel different. Thank you so much for reading this story, and please leave feedback and share it with your friends!
Chapter 6
They were summoned to the Great Hall for dinner, a notice posted in every common room and the library, an announcement made in each class during the last period of the day. They were all to proceed directly to the Great Hall. It was unusual, normally they were free to come and go as it suited them, and sometimes they could take dinner, albeit a simpler fare, in the common room or elsewhere if they were busy. It was only on special occasions that dinner in the Great Hall was compulsory, feast days and the like, and they always knew about those in advance. Never, in their 7 years at Hogwarts, had they been called to dinner like this. It meant the air was full of mystery as dinnertime approached, but the moment the students of Hogwarts stepped into the Great Hall, it became abundantly clear that they were not being summoned for good news.
Black banners hung high in the air, fluttering gently on currents of air. The teachers all stood in front of the long staff table, all of them robed in deep black. A sombre mood hung in the air, thick and heavy and hot enough to choke them all. Lily reached for James’ hand as they moved farther into the Great Hall, dread growing in her stomach. The entire student body moved in silence, taking their seats as quickly as possible. When everyone was seated, Dumbledore finally stepped forward.
“It is with great sorrow that I must tell you all of the passing of one of our own students,” he began, his voice deep and booming, filling the Great Hall. “David Abraham Gudgeon, known to most of you as Davey, did not return from the Hogsmeade trip yesterday. It is believed that Davey used the opportunity to return home to see his family, fearing for their safety. After searching for him, Davey’s body was found in his family’s home, along with the bodies of his mother, father, and younger sister.”
A gasp shuddered through the room at Dumbledore’s words. The older students knew more about the war that was brewing outside of Hogwarts, they knew that it had come dangerously close to them, stealing away family members and pitting students against each other, but this was the first time it had reached inside the walls of Hogwarts, snatching a student away.
“As many of you will know, Davey was a seventh year Hufflepuff, and I have no doubt his classmates will miss him very much,” Dumbledore continued after a pause. “He was kind, and loyal, a gifted Charms student and an advocate for others who were less fortunate. He demonstrated all the virtues of a true Hufflepuff, and for that he will be remembered.”
The students and the professors all bowed their heads in silence, remembering Davey. Lily had known him best through prefect duties, bonding over the muggle things they missed from back home. He had helped her study for her Charms O.W.L, when she had been nervous about it, and she had often joked that he should take over the position of Charms teacher when Flitwick retired. He had promised to help her study for her N.E.W.T.s again this year, but they hadn’t gotten to it yet. She felt an immense sadness wash over her at the thought of missing out on that friendship.
“There has been talk going around,” Dumbledore began again after a respectful amount of time had passed, “for some months now, about the war that is coming. You have heard frightening things, felt the tension growing in the castle. There have been clashes between students in these very halls. We strive to protect you here, as best we can, but this has always been a school based on inclusivity, and that has meant that students from all backgrounds have been welcome here. I urge you all to think about what side you will fight for, because there is one thing to be sure of - there is no staying neutral in this war. I will not… I cannot tell you who to side with. I can only hope that if each of you examines your conscience, you will make the right decision. Remember Davey Gudgeon when you make your choice, remember all who have been taken already in this war, all those yet to come, and choose wisely.”
He strode around the staff table and took his seat in the ornate gold chair reserved for the headmaster, steepling his fingers and watching the crowd of students carefully as the rest of the professors took their seats at the table. Food began to appear on the tables, but no one felt very hungry. The Great Hall was quiet, silent, as everyone sat, pushing food around idly.
Dumbledore was the first to excuse himself, sweeping through a side door, closely followed by the four heads of the houses. Students began filing out soon after, returning to their common rooms to grieve privately - the library and quidditch pitch would be silent tonight.
Lily wrapped her arm around James’ waist as they walked back to Gryffindor Tower. Ahead of them, Sirius and Remus were whispering together, leaning into each other for support, while Dorcas had reached out to Peter. Marlene and Mary had stayed behind to talk to some of their Hufflepuff friends for a little while.
“It’s awful,” Lily whispered as the six of them stepped into the common room.
“It was only a matter of time before it was someone we knew,” Remus replied heavily, almost resigned to what was happening in the world around them. He seemed tired, weary, as if the war was taking a physical toll on him and slowly draining him of life.
“I want to fight!” Sirius swore. He slammed his fist onto a tabletop, making the others jump in surprise.
“We all do,” Lily agreed.
“I wish there was something we could do, right now,” James said, changing the topic slightly. He hated discussing joining the fight, since he knew it wasn’t an option for him.
“Like what?” Sirius spat. “What could we possibly do that would be helpful?”
They were all quiet, knowing that the answer was likely nothing. There was nothing they could do, not until they graduated when they could become soldiers in this fight.
“Emotional wellbeing is important too,” Dorcas whispered, her eyes fixed on the flickering flames in the fireplace like she read something in them.
The words hung in the air, penetrating their minds and taking root there. Sirius scoffed and turned away, pacing across the red persian rug. But the rest of them exchanged glances trying to read each other’s thoughts across the empty spaces.
“What if we planned some kind of service?” James suggested after a long moment. “A memorial or something?”
“How would that help anyone?” Sirius snapped. He turned to look at his best friend and for a brief moment regret flickered across his face.
“It would give us a chance to grieve,” James answered sullenly, as if he had lost all confidence in his words and his idea.
“And it would be a show of support, a public declaration that we’re all against these tyrannical monsters,” Lily added, nudging James encouragingly with her shoulder.
“I could talk to Dumbledore about it,” James offered, “and get permission to put something together, if you guys would be willing to help me.”
“Of course,” Dorcas agreed, and the others all nodded their agreement.
o . o . o
“Mr. Potter, please stay behind,” Professor McGonagall called as the seventh year Gryffindors all began to pack up their things.
James nodded to Sirius and Remus when they offered him an inquisitive look, and they followed Peter through the door. Lily squeezed his hand quickly before ducking out with the rest of the class, and eventually they were all gone, leaving James alone with his Head of House.
“Come with me to the Headmaster’s office,” she said at last, sweeping towards the door.
“Have I done something wrong?” he asked, suddenly nervous. He’d be much better about following the rules lately. Graduation was looming and he was acutely aware that once it arrived, all the details of his school life would likely become public knowledge. He didn’t want to let his family down with stories of how unruly it was.
“Not by my standards,” Professor McGonagall cryptically, her lips pursed as though something were thoroughly annoying her.
James didn’t ask what she meant, and they walked the rest of the way in a tense silence.
King Fleamont stood by the fireplace in Dumbledore’s office, his back to the door, and he did not turn around as James entered the room. James knew that his father was aware of his presence, and he waited for something to be said. As the seconds ticked by, James felt his stomach turning to lead, twisting into heavier and heavier knots.
“Am I to understand that you are organizing a memorial service for a boy by the name of Davey Gudgeon?” the King said at last, his voice icy.
“Yes, Papa,” James answered, trying to brace himself for what was coming.
He watched as his father took a deep breath before exploding. He slammed his fist against the mantle of the fireplace, and several delicate, spindly looking instruments shook in Dumbledore’s bookcase.
“YOU KNOW BETTER, JAMES!” he bellowed, whirling on his son. “THAT BOY DIED IN THE WAR, WE CANNOT TAKE SIDES!”
“PAPA, WE MUST TAKE SIDES!” James yelled in return, stepping farther into the room. “How can we possibly stay neutral? This isn’t just politics, Papa, people are dying!”
“It makes no difference, James, if we want to keep our position, we cannot be involved,” King Fleamont argued, shaking his head. Anger and frustration were rolling off him in waves.
“Oh sod our position!” James shouted, tossing his hands in the air. “This war is a moral battle, we must do what is right, Papa, we must!”
“And would you feel the same if people you care about were not implicated?” the King hissed, stepping close enough to James that he could feel heat radiating off his robes from his time standing near the fire.
“Lily? You think I only care because Lily is muggleborn?” James scoffed, laughing harshly at his father’s words. “You must not know me at all. I will not stand by and ignore what is being done. Our people are being persecuted, Papa, and you are letting it happen. You are just as a responsible as the monsters casting the spells.”
“How dare you,” his father seethed, and for the first time in his life, James thought his father might strike him, but he schooled his features, straightening his spine and staring his son down. “When you are king, you can do as you like, and tear the monarchy to pieces. But for now, you are a prince, and you will do as you are told. Am I clear?”
“I will publicly remain as neutral as I have always done,” James spat, “but I will not give up this memorial. Davey was a friend, and he should not have died, not the way he did. I will plan this memorial and I will attend it. This is the business of James Potter, not the Prince, and believe me, I relish my last few weeks as him.”
“Do you not understand, James? Everything you have done as James will become the Prince’s actions the second you graduate from Hogwarts,” the King replied harshly. “There are not two separate people, just the one, and you must realize that, the sooner the better.”
“I am aware, Papa,” James said, “but it will not change my mind.”
The King turned looking as though he were listening to another voice, and James had no doubt that his mother was whispering in his ear. The two of them had numerous methods of communicating with each other discreetly, which James barely understood. After a moment, he turned his attention back to his son.
“I must go now,” he said, his tone making no secret of his displeasure. “Do not think this conversation is over. You may be sure that your mother has much to say on this topic as well.”
“Good, I can’t wait to have this little chat again,” James replied snidely.
With a final huff, the King stepped into the fireplace, green flames erupting around him and whisking him away back to the Palace.
James stomped out of the Headmaster’s office without another word and marched through the halls in a blind rage. How could his parents be so infuriatingly stuck in the past? How could they not see that this was different? His feet took him toward the Black Lake of their own accord, and he was not at all surprised to see Lily sitting beneath his favourite beech tree when he got there.
“I figured that whatever was going on, you’d need to talk afterward,” she explained, closing her Potions textbook as James sat down next to her. “What happened?”
“My father,” James answered, closing his eyes and clenching his jaw to try to regain some modicum of composure. “He wants me to stop with the memorial, to disassociate myself from it.”
“He thinks it’s too political,” Lily clarified, and James nodded in acknowledgement. She sighed deeply and reached out to take his hand, running her fingers soothingly across his skin. “We knew this would be a fight, James, to have some involvement in what’s going on. It was never going to be easy. But you have to be the kind of prince, the kind of king, that you want to be. You have to be the kind your heart tells you to be.”
“I know,” James sighed, relaxing into her touch. “I guess, on some level I thought that once things got bad enough, my parents would understand. I thought they would see that we couldn’t stay out of this. But my father… he accused me of only caring about the situation because you’re muggle born.”
“Oh James, I’m so sorry,” she consoled, continuing her fingers’ ministrations. “I know that you’re not in it because of me. I know that you care for all the right reasons, and that’s exactly what’s going to make you a great king. You know this is wrong, not because I’m in danger but because it just is.”
“I wish they knew that too,” James said, his eyes drifting across the surface of the lake.
“You can’t make them do what’s right,” Lily replied, squeezing his hand until he looked at her. “All you can do is make sure that you’re doing everything you can, and hope that they come on board eventually.”
“I guess so,” he conceded.
“So did they give you permission to do the memorial?” she asked hesitantly.
“Not exactly,” James explained. “But I said I wouldn’t back down, and he said he had to go, so… I’m still gonna do it.”
“Okay,” Lily said with a smile, and standing with her hand held out for him. “Ready to get back to work then?”
“Lily, I…” he paused for a second. “I don’t know if I can do it?”
“What?” she asked, sinking back to the ground and looking at him intently.
“Have this public image of neutrality and only fight in secret,” James answered. “How do I pretend to the world that I don’t hate these people with every fiber of my being? If I don’t actively disavow them, doesn’t it kind of seem like we condone their actions? Doesn’t it add fuel to the fire?”
“Yes,” she agreed solemnly.
“What do I do?” he asked, his eyes wide and desperate.
“The only thing you can do,” Lily said, reaching out to push back a particularly unruly lock of his hair.
“What’s that?” James pressed.
“The right thing.”
0 notes
dduane · 8 years
Hey DD, in a turn of absolutely terrible luck, I misplaced my passport in Dublin and will be spending a day to a week searching for it/waiting for a replacement. Would you happen to know any great places that you'd recommend I visit while I'm trying to stave off my inevitable panic and horror at my own bad luck? xx
Oh jeez. What a turn of events! Commiseration offered.
Here are some things you might do.
In the city:
Take a morning or afternoon to run around the National Museum branch at Collins Barracks. Plenty of interesting stuff over there. Also: don’t forget the old “main branch” of the Museum in center city on Kildare Street. That’s where the Celtic gold items are. Lean against the cases and droooool like the rest of us.
Go to Trinity College Library and see the Book of Kells. (Also mock George Lucas for stealing its design for the Jedi Library without crediting the original. Naughty George.)
Go visit St. Stephen’s Green and say hi to the ducks. Lunchtime is good for this. Grab a bag lunch from one of the sandwich places down toward the park end of Grafton Street.
Check out Christ Church Cathedral, which is extremely handsome. Visit the tomb of Dean Swift, writer’s writer and satirist of satirists, finally all comfy someplace where (as the tombstone says) “savage indignation can no longer lacerate his heart.” Be there for the choir if you can.
Do a river or harbor or canal tour! Or maybe you’re feeling goofy enough to take one of the Viking Splash Tours. They have vehicles that go in and out of the water, and they take you around the main sights in town, and you get to wear a horned helmet and wave a plastic sword or axe and yell ARRR at people. This strikes me as highly therapeutic. :)
Outside the city:
Get out of town on the DART – take it down to Bray and walk the seafront. Or go up north to Howth or Skerries and soak up the small-fishing-village vibe.
Or: Grab the Luas down to Dundrum and wander around the big shopping centre there – some nice stuff there for windowshopping and some good places to sit for lunch. (If using the Luas, make sure to buy a Leap Card from one of the machines – you’ll save significantly on fares.)
Or: If you feel like going so far north and have the cash for the train, catch the Enterprise up to Belfast (they’ve just refurbished the rolling stock, finally) and check the place out. If you go up there, right across from Great Victoria St. Station is that queen among pubs and National Trust site, the Crown Liquor Saloon. Go see the tile and the mirrors and the mosaics and the rest of the art. They pull a fair pint, too, though some will feel it’s overpriced. – There’s also the new Titanic Quarter, which is worth looking into.
Now having said all that: I am genuinely slow on the uptake today, because the very first thing I should have thought to say to you is: If you’re stuck in Dublin for the next week, you are about to be stuck in the middle of the St Patrick’s Festival. This is, well, a mixed blessing. There will be a million cool things going on. There will also be a LOT of people in town. A LOT. If you have trouble with crowds, you may want to be aware that last year there were something like half a million visitors in for the Parade. Everything gets insanely crowded, and in some places prices will get jacked up, sometimes ridiculously. Keep your eyes open.
Finally: Food in town, and pubs: Gotham Cafe is great (say hi to David and/or Jackie for us): best NY thin crust pizza in the city, and much more. Food’s good up at Porterhouse Central at the top of Grafton Street. Half the time when Peter and I are up in town, we’ll wind up in one of those two places. Also enjoyable: (I’m not going to link to these – Google them, you’ll find them): Monty’s of Kathmandu (in Temple Bar): Yamamori and Yamamori Noodles: The Counter (fabulous modular/build-it-yourself burgers): Pichet (French, super): Chez Max at Dublin Castle (Palace Street: best steak frites in town): The Port House (tapas and sherries etc): Brasserie Sixty6 (bistro stuff): The Exchequer (gastropub and cocktail joint par excellence): Thai Spice (down Talbot Street behind Busaras). Favored pubs: The Oval Bar (off O’Connell Street north of the river): The Brazen Head (oldest in the city – a pub has operated on that site since the 1100s or thereabouts): The Long Hall (”the wizards drink there”): Neary’s, off Grafton Street (note bronze arms sticking out of the wall like something from La Belle et la Bete): Davy Byrnes (aka “The Moral Pub” in James Joyce)(good oysters there, too): McDaid’s (aka “The Morgue”: apparently it was, once) near the Westbury Hotel: Bruxelles, ditto: The Bailey in Duke Street: and a bit new, Mary’s Bar (& Hardware) across from Brown Thomas in Wicklow Street.
…Anyway: enjoy!
137 notes · View notes
thotyssey · 8 years
On Point With: DJ Johnny Dynell
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[Photo by Alex Colby]
It’s impossible to discuss the history of NYC Nightlife without considerable mention of this prolific musician, whose recordings have cemented themselves into the foundation of all dance music. As a club DJ, he has spun in basically every legendary spot the city has boasted since the 1980s, and he’s partied with luminaries ranging from his Ball family House of Xtravaganza to superstars Elton John and Debbie Harry. To this day, he remains one of the most in-demand stars of the scene, spinning such huge events as Night of 1000 Stevies and the Black Party. And hell, he put out a big Vogue record a whole year before Madonna. It’s DJ Johnny Dynell!
Thotyssey: Johnny, thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions! As I'm writing this, I'm listen to your classic 1983 single "Jam Hot," which sounds like it influenced so many dance songs over the decades. Do you feel like you hear pieces of the song in a lot of other stuff? I know Fatboy Slim officially sampled it. Johnny Dynell: “Jam Hot” gets sampled, remixed and covered constantly. I went on iTunes recently to buy it (It was easier for me to pay the 99 cents than to look for it), and I saw that there were like a hundred versions of it. I was shocked. 
A lot of people know the 2010 remix that Tensnake did, but my absolute favorite is a cover version that this great Hip Hop group from Australia called Koolism did. I like it better than mine. It’s so funky. 
But the best is this big fat hairy construction worker in England who sings it in on YouTube. It’s genius!  “Jam Hot” is now a term in the Urban Dictionary. That’s pretty cool.
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[Performing “Jam Hot” at Danceteria in 1983. Photo by Chris Savas]  
You've had such a prolific run as a recording artist and club DJ, going back decades. Had you always suspected you'd have a lifelong career in music? Hell no. I came to New York to go to art school in the late ‘70s. At the time, downtown was a very creative scene. Art, music, fashion, film--everything was connected, and anything was possible. I started playing in No Wave art rock bands, even though I had no musical training whatsoever. That led to DJ’ing and recording. But music was never my original goal. Where's your hometown? I’m from a very small town on the Canadian border. 
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What were your earliest musical influences?
Growing up there was always music playing in our house. My mother especially loved R&B like James Brown, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin. There was always a radio playing. What was it like in your early days of exploring NYC nightlife? What were you seeing? New York was very creative and very exciting in the ‘70s and’ 80s. Originality was crucial. Today, people freely appropriate things from the past and pass them off as their own. When I go on a music site like Beatport, I find it virtually impossible to find a song that is not blatantly stealing from another song. I’m sorry, but putting a new kick drum under “September” by Earth Wind & Fire is not writing a new song! Then I get sick as it goes to number one on Beatport.
 Some people defend this by saying “there’s nothing new under the sun,” but that’s bullshit. Disco was new. Punk was new. Hip Hop, Scratching, Rap, Break Dancing, Voguing… they may have had their roots in something older, but they were all brand new. 
In 1979, I saw Grandmaster Flash in this church basement and I lost my mind. It was totally new! That’s what I’ll always remember about my early days in New York. How fresh and original everything was. Today for example, it’s all about deep house, acid house, etc., and I love it. I loved it 20 years ago. 
How did you join the House of Xtravaganza, one of nightlife’s largest and greatest ball house families? I was first exposed to the Ball House scene at the Paradise Garage and hanging out at The Piers, but I officially became an Xtravaganza in the 80s through my DJ friend David DePino. Angie was my mother, and David Ebony was my father. 
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[Mother Angie Xtravaganza at Nell's] Were you a dancer as well? I am definitely NOT a voguer. In fact, David Ian and Danni Xtravaganza used to make me vogue at TRAX, and everyone would just roll on the floor laughing. Some of my Old School Ganza sisters will STILL try and get me to vogue at parties like Battle Hymn. They just want a good laugh, the bitches. The Madonna Effect dictates that gays raised from the early ‘90s to today know "Vogue" primarily from her single, even though you and Xtravaganza basically invented the dance and the scene--your "Elements of Vogue" was the original anthem!  In the mid ‘80s, I worked with Nick Egan & Malcolm McLaren a bit. I loved the way Malcolm would throw different cultures together, and come up with crazy new hybrids like mixing hip hop with square dancing or opera. After his success with the Duck Rock and Fans albums, he was in LA looking for something new. I called him up and told him to get back to New York and check out the Ball House scene. It was so him! 
At the time, I was trying to help Jennie Livingston get money for her film Paris Is Burning, so I stupidly sent Malcolm some of Jennie’s video footage. Of course, Malcolm immediately sampled it and “Deep In Vogue” was the result. [My wife] Chi Chi wrote the famous lines in the song: Sometimes on a legendary night. Like the closing of the Garage. When the crowd is calling down the spirits. Listen, and you will hear all the houses that walked there before.” 
Around that time, the House Of Field was born. (I actually have duel citizenship. Mother Angie and Father Pat Field allowed me to be a “Field-Xtravaganza” because the two houses were more like sisters than competitors).
 At the very first downtown crossover ball, the now legendary House of Field Ball, Chi Chi and I met London designer Kitty Boots. We talked about doing a Voguing record. Two weeks later David Ian, David DePino, Chi Chi and I were in London recording “Elements Of Vogue”. I wrote the music on the plane and gave Ian a rhyming dictionary to write some lines. He wrote like ten pages, and I just took the best as verses. I will always love the lyrics to “Elements Of Vogue,” they’re so funny. David Ian was an absolute genius. 
"Elements Of Vogue” came out a year before Madonna’s “Vogue”. It’s not as commercial or has sold as well as hers obviously, has but I’ll always love it.
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I noticed that you are credited in the cast of Liquid Sky, one of my all time favorite crazy cult “scene” films from the early ‘80s!
Yeah. I was cut out of most of it (thank God!). Originally it was, like, twice as long. It was ridiculous. They cut out, like, an hour. It's so stupid. 
How did your own DJing career begin?
I started DJing at the Mudd Club. I wasn’t trying to be a DJ; like a lot of things at the time, it was just random and crazy. Justin Strauss and I both started at The Mudd around the same time. Then we went on to DJ at AREA. I played Wednesdays and Fridays and Justin played Thursdays and Saturdays. It’s nice to see that he’s doing so well now, and it's fun to run into each other. We have such a long history.
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[DJing at AREA, photo by Patrick McMullan]
The dancefloors in the era you came up in were mixed: gay and straight and everybody in-between. And you worked the legendary floors, as you’ve said: AM/PM, the Pyramid, the Roxy! It was all about the music and everybody coming together. It's so hard for queer kids today to understand the appeal of that, or how it worked. What would you say it was that made that scene great? Things are so compartmentalized now. Frat boys are in the East Village, hipsters are in Brooklyn, twinks are in Hell’s Kitchen, and they all have their own soundtrack. Back then people mixed more, and the music was more varied. When I look back at the songs that we played at, say, AREA or Danceteria, the variety is astounding. Everything from Talking Heads to First Choice. We played reggae, and songs by Fela. It was much more creative.  Were you consistently recording and writing your own music while you were DJing? Yes. I’ve always had fun putting out quirky records. I’ve been really lucky to have worked with some incredibly talented people. Arthur Baker, Malcolm McLaren, Eric Kupper, Jocelyn Brown, Peter Rauhofer, David Morales and Danny Tenaglia, to name just a few. 
For the past few years, I’ve been working with Pink Martini from Portland. I co-wrote “Una Notte A Napoli” with them. Carlos Santana recently did a cover of it, which is gorgeous. I also did a total ‘70s Disco remix of ABBA's “Fernando.” Pink Martini recorded this (in the original Swedish) with the Von Trapp great grand children. And last November, Pink Martini released their album Je Dis Oui. I co-wrote a song on that called “Segundo.” It’s a classic Cuban son montuno. 
On March 31st, I have a song called “The World of Tomorrow” coming out on the TRAX album I <3 NY. This album was complied by Tyler Stone, and has songs by New York’s hottest House DJs. It benefits Youth Communications, a Chicago based non-profit group that helps teens. 
Spinning vinyl is a skill most newer DJs have never even attempted. Music technology is obviously amazing today, but nothing can replicate that raw vinyl sound. Do you abide by the Old School, that "Real DJs" do vinyl and everybody else is just hitting “Play?” There is this really cool thing that happens sometimes on Monday nights at Bowery Electric in the East Village called Mobile Mondays. DJ legends like Nicky Siano, Tony Smith, Joey Carvello  or Danny Krivitt spin vinyl 7-inch 45s. It’s truly amazing to watch these artists work songs that are, like, two minutes long! They asked me to do it, and I tried and tried and tried to put it off, explaining that I haven’t touched a record needle in 20 years and don't even own vinyl anymore... but finally I said I'd do it. 
I borrowed a few 12-Inch records from Will (Carry Nation) Automagic, and played an hour set. There were all these people crowded around to watch me. But watch me what? I put the needle on the record, then mixed it into another record. That was it. 
That’s when I realized how limiting vinyl is for me now. I’m not Grandmaster Flash, I don’t scratch or put on shows. I just play records. I couldn’t loop or do any of the things that are possible with digital music. Vinyl sounds a lot better, and I really admire the DJs that play it, but for me it’s too limiting. 
Some kids today add “DJ” to their name on Facebook, hit play on their laptop and call themselves DJs. They are not DJs. Susan Morabito and I talked about this one night at Scissor Sundays. We agreed, you don’t have to spin vinyl to be a “Real DJ", you can play with a laptop. It's what you do with the technology that makes you a DJ. How many actual vinyl records do you still have? And what’s your favorite?   I have about 30 records now. Records that are autographed, rare test pressing, or records that have sentimental value... but that’s it. I would say that “You Know How To Love Me” by Phyllis Hymen is my favorite record, but that might be because that’s what I’m listening to right now. You mentioned your wife Chi Chi Valenti, another NYC club legend. How's she doing? This time of year she is always swamped with her “Night Of 1000 Stevies” event at Irving Plaza.  This year will be the 27th. She is also a board member of Howl Arts, which keeps her busy with the Howl Happening Gallery on East First Street and The Actors Fund East Village wing. She works too much.
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[Chi Chi at Night Of 1000 Stevies. Photo by Jeremy Rocklin] You and Chi Chi are well-known for being co-founders of Jackie 60, the legendary early 90's party--and, later, club (that would eventually become Mother). Anybody who lived through 90′s nightlife have tales to tell about Jackie 60. How would you describe what made the scene so special to the uninitiated? Jackie 60 was a community. It was never “Johnny & Chi Chi present...” It was always “Jackie presents,” because, who is Jackie? "We’re all Jackie,” we would answer. 
I think Jackie 60 was special because she was the culmination of a Downtown art/club scene that was quickly coming to an end. From our disco beginnings through punk and new wave, through house music, club kids, drag performance etc., the experiences were all churning around in our brains. Our combined history at The Pyramid, Boy Bar, AREA, Danceteria, The Mine Shaft, Esquelita... all came together every week in the different themes. There was “Phantom Of The Paradise Garage” and “Valley Of The Queens: Secrets Of The Pyramid.” There would be tributes to “The Trucks” or “Lee’s Mardi Gras.” What came out in the 500 themes we did over ten years was really just a reflection of our lives. 
That’s why on the last Tuesday of 1999, even though Jackie was still packed every week, we closed it. At first I didn’t get it, but Chi Chi was very adamant about not bringing Jackie into the 21st century. She saw what the Meat Market was going to become, and wanted no part of it. She wisely knew that Jackie belonged with her legendary 20th century nightclub sisters that had gone on. What is your favorite memory from that period? That’s a tough one. Every week, there were supermodel catfights and scandalous couplings, as well as all the incredible shows on the stage. Performers took gigs at Jackie 60 very seriously, and we pushed them. Michael T in blackface was a rapping “Snoop Truthy Truth” in “Fiddler In Da Hood,” Sherry Vine was Jonbenet Ramsey in “Daddy’s Little Prostitute.” 
We cast Amanda Lepore as Sid Vicious in our production of Sid & Nancy.” Amanda was amazing in drag as a man and gave an Oscar worthy performance. Amanda Lepore is a stunning beauty, but hiring her to just sit on a couch with a bottle of vodka is just a waste of her talents.
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[Debbie Harry, Rob Roth and Paul Alexander in “Revenge Of The Geisha” at Jackie 60. Photo by Paul Brissman. Still from the upcoming movie “The Last Jackie.”]
The big clubs started going down in the 90's due to skyrocketing rents, impossible ordinances, drugs and crime and changing nightlife trends. It's more difficult than ever to keep them going today, as we've seen from the recent closing of XL and the upcoming end of Space Ibiza. Can we--should we--save the big clubs? I’m a firm believer in letting the marketplace decide. If a city is tuned into the Zeitgeist, as New York still is (for better or for worse), she will produce the clubs that she needs. As Michael Musto said, “Each generation gets the clubs that they deserve.” 
I remember going to the opening of the Palladium; it was gigantic. Chi Chi just turned to me and said, “It’s all over.” And it was. 
When I play in some smaller American cities, I notice that a lot of times there are just one or two clubs, and they have usually been there for, like, 40 years doing the same thing week after week. New York, on the other hand, is cutthroat: she is always changing, evolving, killing off the weak, thinning the herd. The small clubs of the 70s turned into the big clubs of the 80s, which turned into the small bottle bars of the 90s. 
Getting it right is a crap shoot. We were involved with Crobar in the 2000s. It was such a beautiful club with an amazing sound system, and basically was perfect... but it couldn’t make it. Even though there were, like, 4,000 people every Friday and Saturday night, it just wasn’t enough. That’s crazy.
What are some of your favorite floors to play in today? I play for a lot of special events like the Elton John Oscar party in Hollywood, and the AMFAR party at the Cannes Film Festival. They are really fun, and they raise a lot of money for AIDS. But playing in clubs is really in my blood. That’s where I’m most at home. 
As far as a favorite dance floor, I’d have to say playing at The Ice Palace on Fire Island is always special. I really get off on the club's history, and being a link in her chain. I think of all the legendary DJs that have played there, and of all the dancers that have passed on. Young gay boys today take it all for granted. They have no idea what it has taken to get to this place. I tell them to Google Michael Fesco, or read Love Saves The Day, by Tim Lawrence.
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[Elton John Oscar Party. Hollywood, 2015.]
How do you think nightlifers have changed today, compared to how they were in the 90s? I know it’s a cliche and I know I sound like some Grumpy Granddad, but a lot of kids today don’t seem to be living in the here and now. 
Last year, I was playing at this club. We had just opened the doors, and there were about ten guys standing at the bar, all of them on their iPhones of course. I’m sure they were all on Grindr or Scruff, and probably sexting the guy standing right next to them. It’s like, if Logan Hardcore was drowning in the Ice Palace pool after one of her afternoon shows, these kids would be Instagramming it with the hashtag #help! or  #loganisdrowning! or  #Someonecall911! Not one of them would think about reaching down and actually pulling poor Logan out of the water! Besides having mad skills, you've clearly lasted as long as you have because you're adaptable. And there's a variety of gigs that you're involved in:
1) FEMME at Drexler's in the East Village. You were just there on March 12th, and maybe you’ll return next month?
I [also] spun there for the opening [two months ago] with Matty Glitterati. It was amazing. The looks were off the hook! The boys were girls, the girls were boys… I gave up trying to figure out what was what and that is EXACTLY what needs to be done today. 2) Daniel Nardicio's Mr. Nude Orleans "pageant" and party in New Orleans on March 19th! New Orleans is a mad fun gay city. And naked people are always fun!  New Orleans is such an amazing city. It’s like the last stop on the L train. Chi Chi and I have an 1880s Double Shotgun house there that we are fixing up. In fact, Daniel Nardicio and Jake Shears have places around the corner from us. It’s nice. 
Daniel has been doing cabaret shows there for a while now. He’s brought Alan Cumming, John Waters, Dina Martina, Lady Bunny, and in April is bringing Diamanda Galas to the Joy Theater. Daniel and I doing “Mr. Nude Orleans” is just a logical step. 
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In events like Mr. Nude Orleans, do nudity and general sexiness ever prove too distracting when you're Djing? 
No, I’m really just about the music. However, I do love the sense of freedom and joy that these parties have. There’s something so primal and tribal about them. The Black Party and Daniel Nardicio’s Underwear Parties both have this fantastic feel of old New York. I think one big reason is that there are no cameras allowed, and people have to check their phones. There are no selfies, no Snapchats, no texting or sexting. People have to actually interact. It’s great!
[Daniel Nardicio’s UNDERWEAR PARTY at The Ice Palace, Fire Island. 2016. Photo by Koitz] 3) Speaking of which: THE BLACK PARTY on April 1st, location TBA! That one, of course, is infamous for being the source for Anything Goes. Have you ever DJ’ed that one before? I think I played in the Lounge a few years ago but no, the Black Party is not a regular gig for me. I was really, REALLY honored to be asked. The Black Party is so legendary; I’m very excited about it. 
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4) And then on May 5th: “Night of 1000 Stevies” at Irving Plaza! Chi Chi is the major creative/planning force behind this event, as you’ve mentioned. "Stevies” is a loooong running party/show that's evolved considerably from just a place where everyone dressed like Stevie Nicks. Can you even describe what it is today?
“Night of 1000 Stevies” has gotten so big, we do it with Live Nation now. People travel from all over the world to come to it. It has sold out Irving Plaza for the past four years, but somehow Chi Chi makes sure it still maintains its underground style and sense of humor. 
And no, Stevie has never been. She loves the night and has supported it, but she is always on tour somewhere when we do it. However, she did say that one day she will come dressed “as Stevie” and no one will know who she is until she walks up on stage and sings “Edge Of Seventeen.” I just love the idea of the real Stevie Nicks dressing up as one of our 1000 Stevies. Life imitating art?
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[Night of 1000 Stevies 2014, by Jeremy Rocklin]
 And I'm sure there's a lot more coming up for you... Pride is already right around the corner!  Besides Pride in New York, I might be doing Pride in New Orleans with Daniel Nardicio. I hope that works out. Finally: You mentioned fellow DJ legend Michael T earlier. I interviewed him recently, and he seemed rather pessimistic about the future of nightlife. What are your thoughts about what lies ahead? I’m a little more optimistic (and a lot prettier) than Michael T. The reason I’ve dropped so many names in this interview is because I'm hoping that kids will Google them. I’m hoping they read Love Saves The Day and Life & Death On The New York Dance Floor by Tim Lawrence. I'm hoping they put down their phones when Logan Hardcore is drowning in the Ice Palace pool and pull the bitch out. I’m hopeful about the future. I think the kids are alright.
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[Hangin’ with the kids on Delancy Street. Photo by Sabrina Haley]
Check here for a list of DJ Johnny Dynell’s scheduled NYC gigs, or his website. He can also be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, iTunes and Soundcloud.
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theliterateape · 5 years
Hope Idiotic | Part 19
By David Himmel
Hope Idiotic is a serialized novel. Catch each new part every week on Monday and Thursday.
“This is the ring I want,” she told him. “This would be perfect.”
He held onto that magazine ad. And when he brought it to Goldman Jewelers, the longtime Bergman family jeweler in Skokie, Lou told the man, “If you can design this, it would be perfect.”
The jeweler, who was only a few years older than Lou, took a look at it. His name was Art Goldman. He was the fourth generation working in the business of making girls squeal with delight when they received their blood diamonds. Getting the Goldman Jewelers business card was a rite of passage. Pop gave it to him. It was yellowed and dog-eared.
“You’ll probably work with Art,” Pop said. “You’ll like him. He’ll take care of you. His grandfather and I were friends from before the war. His great-grandfather sold me your grandmother’s ring. Sold your dad your mom’s ring, too. Mazel tov.”
But there was nothing to celebrate just yet. Lou needed the money for the ring. The standard rule used to be that an engagement ring should cost a man the equivalent of one month’s salary. For Lou, that would have been barely fifty bucks. He called his father and asked if they could meet for lunch to talk about finances.
“How much do you need?” Benjamin asked.
“I was wondering how much I had still in my savings accounts.”
Benjamin shifted in his seat. “That depends. Which accounts?”
“What do you mean which accounts? My savings accounts. The one you opened for me when I was born. And then the one we opened together when I turned eighteen.”
“Well, how much do you need?”
“I only need what I have, Dad. How much is in there?”
Lou never saw his statements. As a kid he couldn’t care less, and as an adult they never crossed his mind since they were mailed to his dad’s house because he was on the accounts as well. This allowed for Benjamin to use Peter to pay Paul. Deposits would be made into various accounts whenever bonds matured or when stock dividends were paid. But money was also taken from accounts to help pay for things like college tuition, cars, home repairs. Abe and Benjamin Bergman never borrowed from the bank, only family. And in a way, they were like a bank. And sometimes a bank doesn’t have all of your money waiting for you in the vault. So when Lou asked for his money, it wasn’t as simple as just withdrawing and closing the account.
“You have about eight thousand dollars of savings,” Benjamin said. “But you don’t need that money for a ring.”
“That’s exactly what I need it for, Dad. Where else am I going to get the money?”
“Tell me how much you need, and we’ll find it.”
“No. I don’t want you loaning me the money. I have it, so let me have it.”
“I’m not going to just give you your savings account so you can blow it on a ring. If you clean out your savings, what will you do if you need it in the future?”
“First of all, I wouldn’t consider buying an engagement ring a blown purchase. Secondly, the point of savings is to use it when you need it. And I need it. Just give me the bank book, and I’ll close it out.”
“I can’t. Well, you can’t.”
“Why? Do you have to be there, too?”
“The full amount isn’t in the account right now.”
“Where is it?”
“I had to use some to help pay off your mother from the divorce.”
“Jesus, Dad!”
“Let me just write you a check. This way you’ll still have your savings for later.”
“But I don’t. You just said it’s not there. And I don’t want to just borrow and steal from one person or another. I already owe Pop and Grams a couple hundred grand for the house. That’s enough for me. Please just find the money and put it back.”
“I think this is foolish.”
“Me spending my own money is foolish? Look, the sooner I get married, the sooner I can stop asking you for my half of the rent each month. Not that I’m marrying her for her money. How long do you need to get it?”
“A week or so.”
THREE WEEKS AFTER FIRST MEETING WITH ART, Lou returned to Goldman Jewelers to put a deposit on the ring and place the order. But when he turned the car off, his hands shook. His chest tightened and felt like his ribs were going to crush his lungs and heart into gut dust. He was sweating and had trouble breathing. He hadn’t felt this way in a while. Not since the Remerol and the therapy sessions began. He looked around the parking lot. No one was watching. He pulled his phone out and called Chuck. But there was no answer. So he called me.
“Hey, man! What’s going on?” I asked.
“I’m about to lose my shit.”
“Why. What’s happening?”
“I just pulled into the parking lot to order Michelle’s ring, and I’m having a panic attack. I can’t breathe. My chest feels like…”
“Okay. Relax. You haven’t bought anything yet, right?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Alright. Here’s what you do. Turn the car back on and drive away. Don’t look back. Just pull out of the parking lot and go home. Or better yet, come back here. Leave all of your shit, don’t say goodbye to anyone, just start the car and drive away. Come back to where you can work and don’t have to get married.”
“I can’t. I have to…”
“You don’t have to do anything but drive away. This is your chance to be free. Be free, Louis!”
As quickly as the panic kicked in, it subsided. Lou took a deep breath. “Alright. Alright. I’m fine. I’ll be okay.”
“Did you leave?”
“No. Not yet. I’m just nervous, that’s all. I’m about to spend a lot of money. That’s all.”
“Exactly. That’s why you shouldn’t.”
“I’ll be fine. I gotta go.”
He adjusted himself in the rearview mirror, took a deep breath and walked into the store. Art, of course, was thrilled to see him. The deposit was a standard $125. The total cost of the ring would be $8,064. It was more than Lou had, but it would be ready in one month.
ALTHOUGH BOTH LOU AND MICHELLE HATED CRUISES AND HAD JUST TAKEN A MEXICAN VACATION, they were preparing to embark on a ten-day cruise to the southern Caribbean in celebration of both Lynn and Barry Kaminski’s 60th birthdays as well as their 35th wedding anniversary. They were married on Valentine’s Day, just two days after their shared birthday. The four of them, Lou, Michelle and her parents, would be traveling aboard the Royal Duchess.
Lou and Michelle loved boats. They loved seeing the world. But cruises had the ability to make a great vacation into just a good vacation. Lou and Michelle liked to spend time in new towns and immerse themselves in the culture. When cruising, the few hours in each port did not allow for that. It was just enough time to buy a shot and a T-shirt at the local Hard Rock Café. But her parents were cruise enthusiasts, Duchess Cruises frequent sailors, and this trip was all about them. Which is exactly why Michelle didn’t give Lou a hard time about having to pay for him. Almost, anyway.
“I love my parents, but I don’t want to go on this cruise anymore than you do,” she said to him. “Money is tight for me right now, too. I’m trying to save for a down payment on a condo. But I’ll pay your way because we can’t not go.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he said. “It’ll be fun. Just kind of a bummer that we have to celebrate Valentine’s Day on a cruise ship with thousands of other people potentially running around with the norovirus on their shit-stained hands. But I know how much this means to your parents.”
“Exactly. And so I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise me that you won’t flip out on this trip like you did in Cabo. Ruining my birthday and our anniversary is one thing; ruining them for my parents is something else entirely.”
“I know. I won’t.”
“Go see your grandfather before we leave if you have to. Do whatever it is you need to do so that you don’t lose your shit. I’m warning you, Lou. Do not.”
This trip was the perfect time for Lou to have the marriage talk with Lynn and Barry. He wasn’t worried about them not giving him their blessing. He just knew that it would mean more to them that he chose their celebration of love as the time to officially proclaim to them his love for their daughter. It would be one big floating fucking love fest.
“What are you guys talking about?” she asked.
“Your poop,” said Lou.
The first night on the ship was Lynn and Barry’s birthdays. Instead of eating in the dining room, Michelle planned and paid for a private in-suite meal with a special chef-selected menu. Lynn and Barry’s suite was one deck below and down a tad farther aft from Lou and Michelle’s. Both had balconies, but the birthday boy and girl’s suite was laid out more conducive to hosting a birthday dinner. Lou pitched in on the planning by decorating their door with photo collages of them he’d assembled before leaving Chicago.
After the private and delicious meal, the foursome made their way to the Crooners Lounge & Bar, where Michelle entered her vocal styling into the ship’s karaoke competition called Duchess Idol. Michelle had a great voice. She’d have told anyone if they had asked her. Not surprisingly, she advanced through the first two stages those first two nights. The third round — and the semifinal — was on Valentine’s Day, Lynn and Barry’s anniversary. It was also formal night aboard the ship, and Lou was in his tuxedo. This was the night he wanted to talk to Lynn and Barry. He just needed to get them away from Michelle long enough to ask. Michelle sang her song, Mary Wells’ “My Guy,” dedicating it to Lou, then headed off to the bathroom.
“I think I accidentally ate a piece of lettuce at dinner,” she said to Lou and her parents as she passed their table on her way out.
Lettuce was a trigger for her IBS. He knew she would be there a while. Lou watched her leave and waited a few moments before beginning, just to make sure she wasn’t coming back for anything.
“Barry, Lynn. Can I talk to you a moment?” He tried to whisper loud enough for them to hear, but not so loud that it disrupted the other performers. He took a deep breath and began. “I’d like to talk to you about Michelle.” The parents looked at each other knowingly. “You know, I love your daughter very much. And though we’ve had some bumpy moments since my moving to Chicago, we have stayed together through all of it. And I think that says something about us. I know that it’s important to Michelle, and to you, that she marry a man who can provide for her and the children they have together. I’m still having a hard time finding work while this recession is going on, but I have plans on becoming a teacher, which will allow me a steady paycheck in a secure environment with plenty of benefits and perks our family can take advantage of. In the meantime, if I have to, I’ll go to work at my dad’s sheet-metal company. What I’m saying is that I’ll do whatever I need to do to make sure that your daughter is always taken care of and happy. I want Michelle, and I to be a family. And while I’ve always felt like a part of your family, I want to make it official — if you’ll have me. I’ve gone ahead and commissioned a ring to be designed especially for Michelle, and I am asking for your blessing to use that ring to propose to her and ask her to be my wife.”
It was a mouthful. A well-rehearsed sales pitch. If only he could have rattled off pitches like that at ProCore.
“I knew this was going to happen on this trip,” Lynn said as she wiped away tears. “You know how much we love you, Lou.”
“Seeing you and Michelle get married… nothing would make us happier,” said Barry who also wiped away tears. “But if you break her heart, I’ll kill you.”
“Of course. Thank you both.” Lou stood and hugged each of them.
“It means a lot that you would talk to us about this tonight. On Valentine’s Day. On our anniversary. It really does mean a lot,” Barry said.
“I’m glad her IBS has such good timing. And just so we’re clear, I did not spike her dinner with lettuce.”
Michelle arrived just then. “What are you guys talking about?” she asked.
“Your poop,” said Lou.
“Come on,” said Barry. “Drinks on me.”
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1282
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
 We left for a trip to the US of A last Friday and returned home last evening. Spent most of our time in South Freeport, Maine (motto: So Free Me, get it?) Freeport has the big L. L. Bean campus of stores which are open 24/7, 364 days of the year. They only close Christmas Day. I did not buy anything there. We also went into Portland where I discovered Casablanca Comics, a clean and spacious store down a few steps from street level. I got a copy of "Is This How You See Me?" by Jaime Hernandez that they fortunately had in stock. It was their last copy. Unfortunately, I fell ill and spent the last 24 hours of our trip in bed back at the motel. I am so happy to be home now.
 The Immortal Hulk #24 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose, Belardino Brabo, Marc Deering & Roberto Poggi (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). We've seen a lot of changes since this book hit the racks and there are plenty more to come. This is a crucial issue and you don't want to miss it.
 Daredevil #12 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Matt tries to rescue a bogus Daredevil from some crooked cops but he's out of shape and practice. His new teacher lends a helping hand. I haven't felt this good about a reunion since Bruce and Selina got back together. Meanwhile Mayor Fisk trying to go legit finds it hard to let go of old habits. How is he going to cover up this impulsive act?
 Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk #1 - Al Ewing (writer) Filipe Andrade (art) Chris O'Halloran (colours) Travis Lanham (letters). Now this is interesting. We get a recap of the most recent goings on in The Immortal Hulk for most of this issue and then the big surprise on the last page raised so many questions in my mind that I feared it would explode. This is a one-shot so I wonder where this new Hulk is going to go. The end doesn't line up with what I just read in The Immortal Hulk #24. I hate when that happens.
 Superman Up In The Sky #4 - Tom King (writer) Andy Kubert (pencils) Sandra Hope (inks) Brad Anderson (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Here's a story that I am reading only because it's so well written and drawn. There's no reference to Action Comics or Superman but I care about what's happening to Clark and Superman in this issue because they've become separated somehow. Meanwhile, the little girl Superman wants to rescue finally shows up again.
 Runaways #25 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Andres Genolet (art) Federico Blee (colours pages 1-9, 13-20) & Matthew Wilson (colours pages 10-12) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). We meet a possible new mentor for the young heroes and it's not who I thought it was based on the cover. Plus it's moving day. These kids are a lot less super hero-y than Young Justice. Maybe that's why I like them so much.
 Fantastic Four #15 - Dan Slott (writer) Paco Medina with Bob Quinn (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Introducing The Unparalleled: Sidearm, Elementa, Kaylo, Kor, Belter, Citadel and Sky, protectors of the planet Spyre. Where are the FF? Don't worry, they show up after the introductions of these new super heroes and their powers and there's a big fight of misunderstanding. Then Reed gets the translators working and off we go with a new adventure. I think that's it's cool that when the FF first appear on the planet that their word balloons have alien lettering to show that the Spyricans can't understand what they're saying but I felt ripped off not being able to read the FF's dialogue. Especially since there was a lot of FF dialogue. Please don't do that.
 Young Justice #9 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Andre Lima Araujo (art pages 2-11, 15-18) John Timms (art pages 1, 12-14, 19-22) Gabriel Eltaeb (colours) Wes Abbott (letters). They're still stuck on Earth-3 fighting evil versions of themselves but this issue also tells the origin story of Keli, the sort of Green Lantern of the team. They're going to be here for a little longer because Red Robin has decided he wants to kick some evil twin ass.
 Spider-Verse #1 - Jed MacKay (writer) Juan Frigeri & Carlos Lopez (art pages 1-4, 16-17) Stacey Lee (art pages 5-6) Arthur Adams & Federico Blee (art pages 7-8) James Harren & Dave Stewart (art pages 9-10) Dike Ruan & Carlos Lopez (art pages 11-12) Sheldon Vella (art pages 13-15) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). So you say you liked the animated feature with Miles, Spider-Gwen and Peter Porker from last year. Well, this comic book is for you. The Web of Life & Destiny is sick and Miles must save it. I'm sure there is going to be lots of action and plenty of villains. I know there's going to be mucho Spider-Folks. If that's your poison then enjoy. Me, not so much.
 DCeased #5 - Tom Taylor (writer) Trevor Hairsine (pencils) Stefano Gaudiano (inks) Rain Beredo (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). This is it folks. The penultimate issue and it looks like all is lost. When the Flash is infected Superman is the only one who can stop him from infecting the remaining survivors. But in doing so, the Man of Steel bends. I don't know how the human race is going to keep from going extinct.
 House of X #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia & David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The Council of Krakoa, the new Mutant Nation, start making laws and sits in judgment of one of their own. Sabretooth is charged with crimes against humans. Read this to find out the verdict and punishment. I really liked the use of the 9-panel grid for the heavily dialogued pages. Now that this mini is finished I anxiously await the next project that Pepe Larraz gets to draw. (Pepe just informed me that it's a one-shot but he couldn't tell me anything more)
 Batman #80 - Tom King (writer) John Romita Jr. (pencils) Klaus Janson (inks) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). They're back in town and ready to rumble. Batman and Catwoman return to take back Gotham City from Bane. I await their reaction to the news of what happened to Alfred. The art disappointed me. It had a boring sameness quality that turned me off. The threat on the final page didn't even move me. I hope this story doesn't end with a whimper.
 Contagion #1 - Ed Brisson (writer) Roge Antonio (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The Thing fighting off infected Moloids on the cover looked interesting and the art inside looked good otherwise I would have passed on this new 5-issue mini. Then I read the first page and went ugh. Someone in the mystical city of K'un-Lun saying to the blindfolded Yu-Ti "there is something you need to see" really bothered me. Then he says "you can see" two pages later. She's blind folded! "I need to show you something" would have been better and the "you can see" wasn't even necessary in that word balloon. Boy, did that burn my britches. I don't know what it is about all these infection type stories on the racks these days like Absolute Carnage and DCeased, but they're not very appealing to me. The Fantastic Four are featured this issue and Iron Fist and Power Man the next. I'm going to let the CDC take care of the rest of this one.
 Lois Lane #4 - Greg Rucka (writer) Mike Perkins (art) Paul Mounts (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). It's therapeutic to read something good after something not so good and boy, is this ever good. I love this depiction of Lois. I'm jealous of Clark now. When a writer makes me care about a character so much that's when I'm happiest reading a comic book. It also helps that I think the art is really good too.
 Ghost-Rider #1 - Ed Brisson (writer) Aaron Kuder (art) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Fans of the Spirit of Vengeance rejoice, Johnny Blaze is back on the racks. Here he's the current King of Hell and he's back on Earth hunting escaped demons. Danny Ketch even makes an appearance. Meanwhile back in Hell, Lilith is fomenting a coup. If those names don't mean anything to you but you like mystical fantasy on the dark and bloody side you might enjoy this. I thought the art was fantastic.
 Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung & Jeff Dekal (art) Tomeu Morey & Jordie Bellaire (colours). There was no list of creator credits so I don't know who lettered this issue. This 2-issue mini was a great way to introduce the new team even though you don't get to see them until the end of this issue. I loved how Rose & Thorn was used and the sneaky way that Booster Gold was snuck into this story. I am so looking forward to the regular Legion book with art by Ryan Sook.
 Future Foundation #3 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Will Robson & Paco Diaz (art) Greg Menzie & Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The word count in this issue is huge. Find out everything you need to know about Rebecca "Rikki" Barnes as her origin story is told as a prelude to the kids getting out of their current predicament. The surprise on the last page will make you gasp.
 Savage Avengers #6 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Kim Jacinto (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Not even in the good old days of Marvel Team-Up would we have seen an adventure with Conan the Barbarian and The Punisher, but here we are. Frank is bringing the remains of his family home while Conan goes off exploring when they part ways. This would be a fitting end to this title but the next issue teaser has a beautiful rendition of Elektra by David Finch so now I can't wait to read it.
 Black Cat #5 - Jed MacKay (writer) Travel Foreman (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). The fight with Blastaar takes up most of this issue and I don't remember what Felicia was trying to steal from the Fantastic Four. I had to read the last issue recap to find that out. I think the heist was a success. Now to see what's next.
 Marvel Comics #1001 - There aren't 1001 writers, artists, colorists and letterers listed on the credits page but way too many to list here. Just turn to the back page to see who did what. I liked reading these one-pagers because I'm a Marvel Maniac and get all of it. If you're not a Marvel fan then you might be scratching your head at some of the references. Maybe it may make you want to seek out the old comic books to read about some of those old timey characters or see where these heroes and villains started from. The Eternity Mask is supposed to be the big deal with this title and I am still curious to find out what the heck that thing is going to be.
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Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/dog-gone-problems-18-month-old-goldendoodle-doesnt-respect-its-14-year-old-owner-momaha-com/
Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
Dog Gone Problems is a weekly advice column by David Codr, a dog behaviorist in Omaha. David answers dog behavior questions sent in by our readers. You can reach him at [email protected].
I have an 18-month-old Goldendoodle who is a very kind and loving dog. My family’s intent is for him to work as a therapy dog. The problem is I am a 14-year-old small girl who this dog doesn’t respect at all. I feel like I have tried everything. My family has hired behaviorists and trainers. I walk him 30 minutes a day — morning and night — and I train him for 10 minutes after each one of those walks. No matter what I do, he doesn’t respect me. However, he respects the rest of my family. All my dad has to do is walk in the room and he will drop whatever he has. It’s the same with my brothers, who are 11- and 16-years-old.
The next issue is that he has possession aggression. He is very fast. He grabs everything and does not let it go (at least for me). For example, he loves socks and will swallow them. Because of this he has had to get two surgeries and has had multiple visits to the vet to induce vomiting. We have buckets with lids and locks, but he can also open doors. When he gets something to chew on and I try to take it away, he growls — a lot. Then when I try to open his jaw, he bites me.
I need help. How can I make him respect me? Is it my fault or the dog’s? 
Wow. It sounds like you have quite a few issues going on. From what you wrote, it appears you are doing some good work already. Maybe we just need to add a little fine tuning. I can share a few tips.
Let’s break your letter down into individual sections so you can focus on one thing at a time.
First, respect for dogs can be confusing. Some of the factors may be related to your age and stature. Size matters to dogs. That said, one of my former apprentices has gone on to become a dog behaviorist and she is just over 5 feet tall. So it’s something you can get past.
While the walks are great, they may not be enough. Your average dog needs an hour of exercise every day, but some dogs may need even more. From what you wrote, I’d guess your dog falls into that category. This video on creative ways to exercise dogs can help you supplement your walks with some easy indoor exercise options.
I’d look for some ways to build in compliance before your dog gets what he wants in your day-to-day life. Petting with a purpose is a wonderful way to help your dog learn to respect you as a leader and help him practice asking for things instead of telling you what to do.
Do you enforce rules with your dog? Dogs often see those who enforce rules as the leader. Enforcing rules gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership in small, subtle ways multiple times a day.
I’d suggest you also start developing a strong leave it command with your dog. Once established, you can pull out high-value items and leave them on the floor when you can supervise and give the dog the leave it command. The more you repeat this, the less the dog will try to take things you want them to leave alone.
Lastly, this video includes a really easy and sneaky way to condition your dog to come to you — even when you don’t call him to come over.
Remember, training and behavior are separate. While training is awesome, I’d suggest you work more on these structural changes and behavior exercises to help your dog learn that listening and respecting you cause good things to happen.
Good luck and remember — everything you do trains your dog. Only sometimes you mean it.
Despite being a senior cat at 10 years old, Baby is full of energy and mischief. Here, she dangles from a bannister in her house in Gretna.
Karen Windle, copy editor
We’re Bruce and Ernie (left). We love sneaking raw bacon off the kitchen counter, lounging around the house naked, er, without our collars and making friends with deer. (The deer *love* to play tag, but for some reason we’re always “it.”) 
Katy Glover, online editor
Buster can put a smile on your face like no one else, including those of neighbors who spot him dragging me along on a walk or run. Unfortunately, this high-energy guy recently has been sidelined by the doggie version of a torn ACL and subsequent knee surgery. He could use a little boost, so I’m nominating him for the OWH Pet Parade.
Julie Anderson, news reporter
At left is Clyde. He’s a dog. He’s 2 ½. He’s deaf. At right is Pieces. He’s a cat. He’s 13. He can hear. They would like very much for you to pick them!
Brad Davis, business editor
If you’re an avid reader of the World-Herald, maybe you’ve heard of Cooper. Features reporter Chris Peters has written about raising Cooper. Here he is on the custom pallet bed his mom built for him.
Chris Peters, features reporter
At left is Daisy. Her best friend is a reindeer, who comes to visit a few weeks each year. She complains a lot to the non-magical beings she lives with, for obvious reasons. At right is Diaz. He’s a handsome  boy who doesn’t care about that. He loves walks and belly rubs, all people, most dogs, one cat, and zero racoons and opossums. 
Rich Mills, copy editor
At the Ducey Farm in Dundee, we have the blackshirt gals who guard the back yard (Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt), and the chickens who help me garden (Brooklyn and Penny). They produce eggs and inspire pillows for the cutest and most fashionable dogs in the world (Phoebe, Gigi and cousin Tyson), who love to bark at the feral cats (Bunny and Butterscotch) who live outside and have matching tails!
Marjie Ducey, reporter
Gator likes eating snackies, expertly posing for pictures, getting floof everywhere and borking (not barking) at neighbor dogs.
Cory Gilinsky, features (and Sarah Jarecki, civilian)
Gracie the border collie and Beau the red heeler like long walks and frequent car rides, especially to drive-thrus that give treats. 
Deb Shanahan, metro desk editor, and Kent Sievers, photographer
Isabel doesn’t enjoy her humans (especially the little ones) a lot, but sometimes likes a good chin scratch. Mostly she enjoys being left alone to sit on top of the piano and watch the birds outside.
Kevin Coffey, music critic
Izzy is 6 months old. She likes to chase her tail (and often catches it), climb up couches (and people), and bother Zake. Zake is 15 years old and unsure of Izzy. After all, Izzy has the high ground.
Zach Tegler, copy desk
Jameson may be named after whiskey, but this five-year-old gal is all sweetness. At first skittish after being rescued from a farm in Oklahoma, now her favorite hobby is stealing hearts — and covers.​
Laurel Foster, online
We say Juni found us after my wife was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. This little Havaton brings our family joy, love and snuggles every day.​
Jeff Robb, news reporter/data geek
Laika is, hands down, the happiest dog at the dog park. She is named after the heroic Russian cosmonaut dog, one of the first animals in space. Ciara loves to pray. When she joins our family in prayer, she sounds like Scooby Doo. She is fiercely loyal and protective.
Susan Szalewski, copy editor and news reporter
Lolo was adopted seven years ago in Louisiana. She’s a mutt, and we think she’s part nutria, otherwise known as a swamp rat.
Hunter Paniagua, digital sports coordinator
Minerva is a very hard worker. Two-year-old “Minnie” likes to spend her time cleaning, inspecting boxes and bird watching. (And looking adorable.)
Brandon Olson, digital content hub editor
Molly, a rat-terrier Chihuahua from NHS, loved everyone she met. She was an excellent high jumper and cuddler and gave us joy for 17 years. She died in April.
Betsie Freeman, features reporter
Nellie is a 10-year-old tabby cat who is more like 5 years old at heart. She enjoys sleeping in fresh, warm laundry, eating, chasing lasers and listening to stories with best friend, 4-year-old Sam.​
Ashlee Coffey, Momaha.com editor
This is Oliver. He has three legs and a bullet permanently lodged in him. (We didn’t put it there). He pretends like he’s surly and tough but deep down he’s very snuggly.
Roseann Moring, political reporter
Eighteen-year-old cat
Loves tuna, SBH and
A fireside nap
Sarah Baker Hansen, features, and Matthew Hansen, columnist
I’m Sasha. I was a stray in Oklahoma (where my ear was somehow torn) before a shelter rescued me & treated my heartworm. I just tested negative for heartworm, yay! I really like to play dead & get belly rubs!
Alia Conley, news reporter
Slugger, owned by the original Pet Parade Petitor in Chief and saved by Big Red Rescue in Omaha, chases his tail faster to his right than to his left. He ate a hole in the blinds to watch his owner come and go.
Steven Elonich, online editor
Toby is a 4-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with a big personality. Given the protective tendencies of his breed, he’s very serious about watching over his property — and his owners. Until he isn’t.
Dave Elsesser, features editor, and RyAnne Elsesser
Toothpick loves biting bare legs, gazing longingly at birds outside and dipping his paw into bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos so he can lick off the Doritos dust (which his owners know is gross and bad but are powerless to stop). ​
Erin Duffy, news reporter
Boston Terriers, Willow, 8, and Dexter, 6, have a closet full of costumes, sweaters, scarves and even some pajamas. They only sit this nicely for photos because there are LOTS of treats involved – but really – they are crazy little puppies!
Tammy Yttri, copy desk chief
Nine years ago, we found Zed roaming the earth (it was a ruff life). He’s a good boy. He likes his toy lobster, pepperonis (which we call pupperonis) and keeping up with his fans at Zedwin.org. 
Graham Archer, digital editor
Hi, my name is Zeus, I an eight-year-old American Eskimo looking to get back in the game. They say I am fixed, but I think my only problem is you aren’t in my life. I love long walks and treats. I want someone to chase squirrels with.  Won’t you paw right?
Chris Machian, photographer
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