uollb · 9 months
How to Study Law?
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Studying law is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires dedication, critical thinking, and a systematic approach. Whether you are a law student navigating through the rigours of legal education or a professional seeking to expand your legal knowledge, mastering the art of studying law is crucial for success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of effective law study techniques.
Establish a Solid Foundation Before delving into the complexities of legal doctrines, ensure you have a strong foundation. Familiarize yourself with the basic legal concepts, the structure of legal systems, and the hierarchy of laws. A solid understanding of the fundamentals will provide a framework for more advanced studies.
Create a Structured Study Plan Develop a realistic and organised study plan. Allocate specific time slots for reading, researching, writing, and reviewing. A well-structured study plan ensures that you cover a diverse range of legal subjects and allows for consistent progress.
Active Reading Strategies Legal texts can be dense and intricate. Adopt active reading strategies such as highlighting key concepts, taking concise notes, and asking questions while reading. Actively engaging with the material enhances comprehension and retention.
Case Briefing When studying cases, create concise case briefs that summarise the key facts, issues, holdings, and reasoning. Case briefing not only aids in understanding individual cases but also helps recognise legal principles and patterns across cases.
Utilise Study Aids Explore legal study aids like casebooks, hornbooks, and online resources to gain additional perspectives on the subjects you are studying. These aids often provide clear explanations, summaries, and hypothetical scenarios to reinforce your understanding.
Participate Actively in Class Actively participate in class discussions and engage with your peers and professors. Participation not only reinforces your understanding of legal concepts but also exposes you to different perspectives and approaches to legal issues.
Develop Legal Research Skills Cultivate strong legal research skills using databases, libraries, and online resources. Understanding how to find relevant cases, statutes, and secondary sources is crucial for effective legal analysis and argumentation.
Effective Note-Taking Cultivate effective note-taking skills during lectures, seminars, and while reading. Organise your notes by topic and create outlines to condense information and facilitate review.
Practice Legal Writing Legal writing is a fundamental skill. Practice drafting legal memos, briefs, and essays to enhance your ability to articulate legal arguments clearly and persuasively.
Regular Review and Revision Regularly review your notes and materials to reinforce your understanding. Periodically revisit earlier topics to ensure retention. Make revisions based on feedback from professors or peers.
Stay Informed Keep abreast of legal developments, changes in legislation, and landmark cases. This not only enhances your legal knowledge but also helps you contextualise and apply legal principles in real-world situations.
Balance and Self-Care Maintain a healthy balance between study and personal life. Adequate rest and self-care are essential for sustaining focus and productivity in your studies.
Mastering the art of studying law is a dynamic process that requires dedication, discipline, and continuous improvement. By incorporating these effective study techniques into your routine, you can navigate the complexities of legal education, develop a deep understanding of legal principles, and position yourself for success in your legal career. Remember, the journey of studying law is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to excel in the ever-evolving field of law.
Check out UOLLB for more study tips.
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pacosemnoticias · 3 months
Ama suspeita de maus-tratos com termo de identidade e residência em Mafra
Uma ama, de 67 anos, suspeita de maus-tratos a uma criança de 15 meses em Mafra, no distrito de Lisboa, ficou sujeita a termo de identidade e residência, segundo a Procuradoria-Geral Distrital de Lisboa (PGDL).
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A vítima, uma criança de 15 meses de idade, foi, segundo uma nota publicada na terça-feira na página da Internet a PGDL, "alvo de diversas sevícias físicas e psicológicas" enquanto esteve sob o cuidado e responsabilidade da ama.
Em dia 28 de maio, a arguida, ficou sujeita às medidas de coação de obrigação de permanência na habitação e proibição de contactos com crianças até aos seis anos de idade por se encontrar "fortemente indiciada da prática de crime de maus-tratos a menor".
A mulher de 67 anos tomava conta de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três meses e os cinco anos de idade, atividade que exercia de forma informal na sua residência.
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hudsonmckenzie · 6 months
Determining insolvency in UK’s firms
Simply expressed, insolvency is the state in which a company cannot afford to pay its debts. This is mostly controlled by the Insolvency Act of 1986 in England and Wales. The procedure that comes next is strictly regulated and frequently covered at law schools across the United Kingdom (for instance, it comprises a significant portion of the Company module on the PGDL law conversion program. We…
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amseehafen · 1 year
Auslauf Seeschiff SOLENTBANK Frachter seabound cargo seaship Emden PGDL ...
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c4mpbutch · 2 years
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Today = EU law mock exam in the library (with a break to run home for a therapy appointment). Had our last lecture & seminar yesterday of the entire Masters degree which is pretty wild, so now it’s just EU exam in June and then working on my dissertation until October(!). The finish line is somewhat in sight. 
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pgdlrishihood · 2 years
He thinks leadership is an essential skill to go ahead in any profession and believes that Rishihood University will do a great job in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Apply Now:https://rishihood.edu.in/pgdl-apply-now/
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uollb · 7 months
Why Should You Study Law?
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Studying law is a pursuit that offers a vast array of benefits and opportunities, appealing to individuals with diverse interests and career goals. This discipline is not only about understanding legal codes and procedures but also about gaining insights into the workings of society and the principles of justice. Here are several compelling reasons why you should consider studying law.
Diverse Career Opportunities A law degree opens up a plethora of career paths beyond the traditional role of a lawyer. Graduates can pursue careers in sectors such as politics, international relations, the media, and business. Legal knowledge is invaluable in roles that require regulatory compliance, negotiation skills, and an understanding of ethical considerations, making law graduates highly sought after in various fields.
Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills Studying law sharpens your ability to think critically, analyse complex information, and construct coherent arguments. These skills are not only essential in legal practice but are also highly valued in many other professions. Law students learn to approach problems from multiple perspectives, a skill that is applicable in everyday decision-making and in addressing complex societal issues.
Understanding of Rights and Responsibilities A profound understanding of the law provides individuals with a clear sense of their rights and responsibilities within society. This knowledge empowers people to advocate for themselves and others, navigate legal systems more effectively, and engage in informed debates about legal and ethical issues. It fosters a sense of accountability and the importance of upholding justice in various aspects of life.
Contribution to Social Justice For those passionate about making a difference, studying law offers the tools to fight inequality, protect the environment, and uphold human rights. Lawyers play a crucial role in shaping laws and policies, representing marginalised groups, and ensuring that justice is accessible to all. This career path offers the opportunity to contribute positively to society and support the rule of law.
Intellectual Challenge Law is a dynamic field that continuously evolves to address new challenges and societal changes. Studying law involves engaging with complex texts, interpreting legislation, and understanding the implications of legal decisions. This intellectual rigour makes for a stimulating educational experience that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world.
Global Perspective The increasingly interconnected nature of our world means that legal professionals must understand both domestic and international laws. Studying law can provide a global perspective, offering insights into how different legal systems operate and the role of international law in governing relations between states. This knowledge is particularly valuable in careers related to international business, diplomacy, and global justice initiatives.
Financial Rewards Although financial gain should not be the sole reason for pursuing a career in law, it is undeniable that legal professionals often command high salaries. This reflects the level of expertise required, the responsibilities involved, and the impact of their work. For many, the financial rewards provide a tangible measure of their hard-earned success.
The decision to study law is a commitment to understanding the foundations upon which societies are built. It offers a unique combination of intellectual challenge, societal impact, and career versatility. Whether your passion lies in advocacy, policy-making, or the intricacies of legal theory, a law degree provides a solid foundation for a rewarding and impactful career.
Check out UOLLB for more study tips.
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Whatsapp -> https://bit.ly/2OvfHPo (+919624864163) _A timeless beauty crafted with bright color, adorn these Elegant Rayon Women's Kurtis & Kurta Sets . Be confident with your awesomeness!_ Catalog Name: *Myhra Adorable Rayon Printed Kurtis & Kurta Sets* Fabric: Rayon Sleeves: Variable (Message Us for Product Details) Size: Variable (Message Us for Product Details) Length: Variable (Message Us for Product Details) Type: Stitched Description: Variable (Message Us for Product Details) Work: Printed/ Foil Printed Designs: 14 Easy Returns Available In Case Of Any Issue *Proof of Safe Delivery! Click to know on Safety Standards of Delivery Partners- https://bit.ly/30lPKZF https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvj4e-pGDL/?igshid=yg74oj0oxxmt
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pacosemnoticias · 8 months
Suspeito de crimes violentos contra compatriotas na Mouraria em prisão preventiva
Um suspeito de pertencer a um grupo que usava “extrema violência” para controlar e extorquir lojistas bengali na zona da Mouraria, em Lisboa, foi detido no Reino Unido e extraditado para Portugal, tendo ficado em prisão preventiva.
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A página da Internet da Procuradoria-Geral Distrital de Lisboa (PGRL) adianta que este homem está “indiciado pela prática de cinco crimes de homicídio qualificado na forma tentada, dois de ofensa à integridade física qualificados, outros dois crimes de ameaça agravada, um de coação agravada na forma tentada, um de dano e cinco crimes de furto qualificado”.
Segundo a PGDL, em causa está um inquérito que teve origem numa certidão extraída de um processo cuja acusação foi deduzida em março de 2022 e que, “presentemente, se encontra em julgamento”.
O arguido, já ouvido em primeiro interrogatório judicial e sujeito à medida de coação mais gravosa, “integrava um grupo que usava de violência extrema para exercer influência na zona da Mouraria e controlar os lojistas bengali que ali estabeleciam negócio”, acrescenta a PGDL.
No âmbito deste inquérito mais recente devido à extração de certidão, foi igualmente extraditado de França um outro arguido que também se encontra sujeito a prisão preventiva.
A investigação, que se encontra a cargo da Polícia Judiciária (PJ), é dirigida pelo Departamento de Investigação e Ação Penal (DIAP) de Lisboa.
Segundo dados avançados pela comunicação social, os crimes que constavam do processo inicial, que se encontra atualmente em julgamento, ocorreram entre 2019 e 2020 na Mouraria contra lojistas da comunidade bengali, a quem, através da violência, extorquiam dinheiro, atuando numa espécie de esquema mafioso e organizado.
Após uma operação da PJ em 2021 e que pôs fim ao esquema, três imigrantes do Bangladesh foram acusados pelo Ministério Público de uma vaga de crimes graves sobre compatriotas seus, “gerando o terror” na comunidade, em Lisboa.
Estes arguidos em julgamento respondem por cinco crimes de homicídio tentado (contra a mesma vítima), dois de ofensas qualificadas, dois de ameaça, um de coação tentada, cinco de furto qualificado, um de dano e dois de posse de arma.
O arguido agora extraditado e sujeito a prisão preventiva é da mesma nacionalidade.
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hudsonmckenzie · 7 months
Determining insolvency in UK’s firms
Simply expressed, insolvency is the state in which a company cannot afford to pay its debts. This is mostly controlled by the Insolvency Act of 1986 in England and Wales. The procedure that comes next is strictly regulated and frequently covered at law schools across the United Kingdom (for instance, it comprises a significant portion of the Company module on the PGDL law conversion program. We…
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amseehafen · 1 year
Frachtschiff SOLENTBANK cargo seaship Emden PGDL IMO 9361744 BJ 2007 fri...
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kazukimishiro · 5 years
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‪2019.5.31 タワーレコード名古屋パルコ西館1Fイベントスペース‬ ‪『幻』発売記念インストアライブ‬ ‪またここでインストアをやらせてもらえて、よかったです。‬ ‪スタッフの皆様には本当に感謝しています。‬ ‪改めて、どうもありがとうございました◎‬ ‪(1枚目:肉の存在感がすごい)‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/ByM_1v-pgdL/?igshid=14etxun4ooj5
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ah17hh · 4 years
Der arme Kerl wollte doch nur in den Urlaub via /r/de
Der arme Kerl wollte doch nur in den Urlaub https://youtu.be/PGdl-hTcp0o Submitted August 17, 2020 at 01:14PM by flaxseedconspiracy via reddit https://ift.tt/2Q3DlDv
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maritimecyprus · 5 years
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The first version of the inaugural ‘Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea‘ is today published by Human Rights at Sea after the initial drafting session was held in Switzerland on 20-21 March 2019 at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva.
The Declaration was first announced to students in Malta on 4 April at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) during the second Human Rights and the Law of the Sea workshop held in co-ordination with the Stockton Centre for International Law; and today will be briefed at the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden during the Empowering Women in the Maritime Community conference by the charity’s Iranian researcher, Sayedeh Hajar Hejazi.
The principal aim of the Declaration is to raise global awareness of the abuse of human rights at sea and to mobilise a concerted international effort to put an end to it.
It recognizes established International Human Rights Law and International Maritime Law, highlights the applicable legal assumptions, and reflects the emerging development and customary use of the increased cross-over of the two bodies of law.
The concept of human rights at sea rests on  four fundamental principles:
Human rights apply at sea to exactly the same degree and extent that they do on land.
All persons at sea, without any distinction, enjoy human rights at sea.
There are no maritime specific rules allowing derogation from human rights standards.
All human rights established under treaty and customary international law must be respected at sea.
The core drafting team comprises:  Professor Anna Petrig, LL.M. (Harvard), University of Basel, Switzerland, Professor Irini Papanicolopulu, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Professor Steven Haines, Greenwich University, United Kingdom and David Hammond Esq. BSc (Hons), PgDL, Human Rights at Sea, United Kingdom. It is supported by Elisabeth Mavropoulou LL.M. (Westminster), Sayedeh Hajar Hejazi LL.M. (Symbiosis India).
The first drafting round was supported with input and observers from multiple UN agencies, leading human rights lawyers, international and civil society organisations.
The second drafting session will be held in Geneva in May.
Click below to download the Geneva Declaration:
  Source: Human rights at sea
First Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea published (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The first version of the inaugural ‘Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea…
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hudsonespie · 5 years
First Geneva Declaration Aims To Raise Global Awareness Of The Abuse Of Human Rights At Sea
The first version of the inaugural ‘Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea‘ is published on 5th April 2019 by Human Rights at Sea after the initial drafting session was held in Switzerland on 20-21 March 2019 at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. The Declaration was first announced to students in Malta on 4 April at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) during the second Human Rights and the Law of the Sea workshop held in coordination with the Stockton Centre for International Law; and will be briefed at the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden during the Empowering Women in the Maritime Community conference by the charity’s Iranian researcher, Sayedeh Hajar Hejazi.
Image Credits: humanrightsatsea.org
The principal aim of the Declaration is to raise global awareness of the abuse of human rights at sea and to mobilise a concerted international effort to put an end to it.
It recognises established International Human Rights Law and International Maritime Law, highlights the applicable legal assumptions, and reflects the emerging development and customary use of the increased cross-over of the two bodies of law.
The concept of human rights at sea rests on four fundamental principles: 1. Human rights apply at sea to exactly the same degree and extent that they do on land. 2. All persons at sea, without any distinction, enjoy human rights at sea. 3. There are no maritime specific rules allowing derogation from human rights standards. 4. All human rights established under treaty and customary international law must be respected at sea.
The core drafting team comprises Professor Anna Petrig, LL.M. (Harvard), University of Basel, Switzerland, Professor Irini Papanicolopulu, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Professor Steven Haines, Greenwich University, United Kingdom and David Hammond Esq. BSc (Hons), PgDL, Human Rights at Sea, United Kingdom. It is supported by Elisabeth Mavropoulou LL.M. (Westminster), Sayedeh Hajar Hejazi LL.M. (Symbiosis India).
The first drafting round was supported with input and observers from multiple UN agencies, leading human rights lawyers, international and civil society organisations.
The second drafting session will be held in Geneva in May.
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uollb · 9 months
How to Become First-Class Law Student
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Becoming a first-class law student requires a combination of academic excellence, effective study habits, and a strategic approach to your legal education. Here are some key tips to help you achieve top-tier performance in law school:
Understand the Grading System Familiarise yourself with your law school's grading system. Different schools may have varied grading criteria, such as curves or specific requirements for achieving first-class honours. Understanding the grading system is crucial for setting realistic goals.
Attend Classes Regularly Actively attend and participate in class. Professors often provide valuable insights, clarify complex concepts, and highlight essential points that may not be apparent from reading textbooks alone.
Read Strategically Law school involves extensive reading. Learn to read strategically by identifying key concepts, understanding the structure of legal arguments, and focusing on relevant details. Practice active reading techniques to enhance comprehension.
Effective Note-Taking Develop effective note-taking skills during lectures. Organise your notes by topic, use headings and subheadings, and create concise summaries. This will facilitate better understanding and make reviewing easier.
Create a Detailed Study Schedule Develop a well-organised study schedule that covers all your courses. Allocate specific time slots for reading, researching, writing, and reviewing. Consistency and discipline in adhering to your schedule are essential.
Prioritise Assignments Prioritise assignments based on their importance and deadlines. Proactively manage your time to avoid last-minute rushes. Early completion of assignments allows for revisions and improvements.
Participate Actively in Class Discussions Engage in class discussions and express your thoughts clearly. Participation not only reinforces your understanding but also demonstrates your engagement and critical thinking skills to professors.
Seek Clarification If you encounter challenging concepts or have questions, do not hesitate to seek clarification from professors or classmates. Developing a thorough understanding of the material is crucial for success.
Utilise Study Groups Form or join study groups with classmates. Discussing legal concepts with peers can provide different perspectives, enhance your understanding, and promote collaborative learning.
Practice Legal Writing Legal writing is a significant component of law school. Practice writing legal memos, briefs, and essays. Seek feedback from professors and continuously refine your writing skills.
Stay Organised Maintain an organised system for your notes, materials, and assignments. This helps you quickly locate information when needed and reduces stress during busy periods.
Attend Review Sessions and Workshops Take advantage of review sessions and workshops offered by the law school. These sessions often provide additional insights, exam strategies, and opportunities to clarify doubts.
Utilise Resources Make effective use of library resources, online databases, and legal research tools. Familiarise yourself with available resources to strengthen your research skills.
Review and Revise Regularly Regularly review your notes and materials to reinforce your understanding. Periodically revisit earlier topics to ensure retention. Make revisions based on feedback from professors or peers.
Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance Strive for a balance between your academic and personal life. Taking care of your well-being is crucial for sustained focus and productivity.
Becoming a first-class law student requires dedication, discipline, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Combine these tips with a genuine passion for the law, and you'll be well on your way to achieving academic excellence in law school.
Check out UOLLB for more study tips.
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