eau-the-agony · 2 years
I could cry I'm so happy tumblr shares my phantom of the paradise brainrot
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rinkunokoisuru · 2 years
Happy Holidays
Sorry it’s so late… Happy holiday truce @phantom-phoenixx !
"Dude, I am so ready for Christmas vacation to start. A few weeks with no classes is just what I need."
Danny smirked at Tucker from where he was sitting at his desk, "As if you pay attention in class anyway. You're always messing around on your PDA." "Hey!" Tucker exclaimed as he clutched his device to his chest, "Charlotta helps me take notes, thank you very much."
"Calm down, Tuck. It was just a joke."
"What has you so chipper lately anyway, Danny? I thought you hated the holiday season," Sam looked at him in bemusement from her place on the bedroom floor. Danny looked away in thought for a moment, "I guess after what happened last year with the Ghostwriter, I'm just glad to get some time where I don't have to worry about any random ghost attacks. And that gives me the added bonus of getting to hang out with you guys without dragging you into any ghost stuff."
The trio smiled softly at the idea of getting a break from their ghostly activities. It had been a long time since they had the chance to spend time together without having to expect some ghost or other to show up mid conversation. "Now come on!" cried Sam, " Help me pick which movie we're going to start with."
Sam gestured to the pile of DVDS laying on the floor in front of her. From Nightmerica to Resentment to The Forewarning and everything inbetween, the three teens had gathered as many horror flicks as they could find for a massive marathon of old favorites and movies they hadn't gotten to see due to their extracurricular spirit fighting. Danny and Tucker joined Sam by the mountain of movies and started sifting through it. After a few minutes of calling out titles and vetoing them, Tucker popped up with a realization.
"Snacks! We need snacks!"
"I must have forgotten them in the kitchen," Danny said, "If you're going to use the microwave, keep an eye out for anything my parents might have left behind. They're experimenting with edible ectoplasm again."
"Do I want to know why?"
Danny reached up and rubbed at his neck, eyes briefly darting from side to side, "It's, uh, not important."
"Why couldn't we just do this at Sam's house? She has a giant movie theater!"
Sam scoffed, "With my mother at home? As if she'd left us have a horror movie marathon while she's inviting all her friends over for parties."
Tucker pulled himself and Charlotta up from the floor, "I'll get the microwaved snacks then."
While the techno geek feigned shambling away in disappointment, the goth and the ghost stayed behind to continue looking through movies.
"Hey what about Trinity of Doom?" Danny held up the box featuring the deadly trio of Nightmerica, Terminatra, and Femalien, "I still feel bad that we never got to see it together when it came out."
"Oh, we're definitely going to be watching that one," Sam chuckled, "But are we sure it's the best one to start with?"
Danny shrugged, "I'll add it to the maybe stack then."
"Hey, do you hear something?"
"Sounds like grunting."
Suddenly, Tucker burst into the room, arms laden with all manner of sweet and salty treats, "I got the food."
"Wow," Danny scurried over to take some of the load, "if I'd known you were getting this much stuff I would have helped you bring it up here.
"Hey, it's no problem. Your mom was down there to help me get it all together. She was mumbling something about ranch when I got down there, which was weird, but not anything new for your family."
"Ha, yeah."
"Oh!" Sam held up one of the DVD boxes above her head in triumph, "Given Danny's sudden acceptance of the holiday season, we have got to start with Dead Teacher: Ho-ho-horrible Christmas Vacation."
"That's right, you've never seen that one, have you Danny?" Tucker asked as sat back on the floor and placed all the snacks next to their little group.
Danny thought for a moment, "That's true, I always avoided it because of the whole Christmas thing."
"Well now is the perfect time to watch it!"
With that, Sam scrambled over to the DVD player and popped in the disk. The three teens piled together at the foot of Danny's bed to watch the movie.
Hours later, with their food demolished and several movies marathoned, Danny had started dozing off.
"Man, I really missed hanging out like this," Danny smiled as his eyes drooped, "I love you guys."
Sam and Tucker and shared a glance before wrapping their ghost boy in a hug. They stayed like that for a while, as Danny slept.
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scarlette-foxx · 2 years
Crossover Danuary Week Day 3- spiderman
Based off of this post by @phantom-phoenixx . May do more with this later
Tumblr media
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Reads from this week:
“No time to explain. Get in the car!” and Jazz finding out about Dani by @kawaiijohn
This TUE headcanon by @angelic-ish-phantom
A Paulina/Valerie mending fences fic by @imekitty
Why Clockwork Stops Time When Travelling to Amity mini-fic by @phantom-phoenixx
Summoning (Ectober 30) by @the-random-phan
Writes from this week:
Some older one-shots got transferred to AO3 from FFN yesterday. Prepare to cringe. You want some old DxS slanted fics written as S3 was airing? Here you go:
Saving the Hero 2007 (twist on Sam getting powers)
Icy Thinking 2006 (Involves angst, ice powers and a mallet)
Attempting to get back into writing again - I have maybe 13 prompts that I want to do for the Road to Normal so I'm hoping to get one done soon.
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Aight since i got chronic split brain disease and have shifting focuses here's my other side blogs if anyones interested:
@daylight-is-mine <- trollhunters side blog (genuinely forgot about this one. It'll get a fanart boost soon tho)
@phantom-phoenixx <- danny phantom side blog (probs the most active of the side blogs)
@grandline-phoenix <- one piece side blog, newest one. (Theres like, just a drawing of zoros tits on there and some reblogs)
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skipperlaurens · 7 years
RP Muse Masterlist
I had no idea what a multi-muse account was until after I had made all these blogs...
All of them are OC/AU friendly. This post will change depending on if muses get added or deleted.
Christine Daae: @lottte-daae
Belle: @em-belle-french
Jasmine: @princess-desert-flowr
Aurora: @briar-aurora
Elsa: @snow-qween
Cinderella: @glasss-slipper
Snow White: @sneewittchen
Mulan: @warrior-ballad
Rapunzel: @lost-princesss-punzie
Mal: @pixie-mal
Evie: @evie-qween
Sansa Stark: @stone-dove
Daenerys Targaryen: @mother-of-dargons
Margaery Tyrell: @clever-rose
Myrcella Baratheon: @myrcella-barathister
Arya Stark: @no-one-girl
Doreah: @lys-woman
Ygritte: @wildling-woman
Lyanna Stark: @blu-winter-rose
Nymeria Sand: @nym-sand
Cersei Lannister: @lioness-qween
Hermione Granger: @bright-hermione
Ginny Weasley: @littlest-weasley
Amy Pond: @amelia-waited
Clara Oswin Oswald: @impxssible-clara-oswin
Rose Tyler: @rose-wollf
Rey: @rey-jakku
Leia Organa: @rebellion-leia
Padme Amidala: @political-padme
Jyn Erso: @rxgue-jyn
Diana Prince: @wonder-amazon
Harley Quinn: @harley-quinnnzel
Kara Danvers: @steel-gurl
Dolores Abernathy: @dolores-wyattt
Veronica Lodge: @ronnie-lxdge
Betty Cooper: @betty-next-door
Cheryl Blossom: @river-vixen-hbic
Valerie Brown: @val-sings
Jessica Jones: @defender-jessica
Gwen Stacy: @gwendolyne-maxine
Wanda Maximoff: @scarlet-spellz
Jean Grey: @phoenixx-grey
Mystique: @x-raven-mystique
Natasha Romanoff: @avenger-nat
Buffy Summers: @summer-of-buffy
Inara Serra: @ray-of-lite
Veronica Sawyer: @dead-girl-sawyer
Feel free to follow/message any of them! Let me know if there are any other characters or fandoms you'd like to see me RP. Thanks!
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